
The Mane Six goes Disney

by The Cat Charmer

Chapter 6: Beauty and the Beast

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Beauty and the Beast

On a nice morning in Ponyville, Twilight is going to the bookstore to buy the new book that just cane out. Her friends are buying other things in town.

When she got in, she was greeted by the librarian. "Ah, Twilight. Good to see you again." she said. "Good morning. I've heard there's a new book that just came out today." said Twilight. "Well, here it is. I put it right here in my desk just so anyone can see it." the librarian said as she picks up the book and gives it to Twilight.

"How to Train Your Dragon." she read. "Keep it." said the librarian. "What?" Twilight asked. "I said, keep it. It's yours." said the librarian. "Really? But, am I supposed to pay for it?" Twilight asked. "No no. Since you're a bookworm like myself, you get it for free." the librarian explained. "Why, thank you. Thank you so much." Twilight said as she leaves the bookstore and heads out to meet up with her freinds.

Applejack is getting some sugar and cinnamon at the bakery with Pinkie Pie. "Alright, that's all I need for some tasty apple pastries. You getting something, Pinkie?" she said. "I'm always looking into sweets. Say, since you're making apple pastries tonight, why don't we decorate them with sprinkles and icing?" said Pinkie. "No, that doesn't follow the recipe. Besides, it does have decoration on the pastries. Cinnamon. Plus, it'll make it taste better. You can get some sprinkles and icing if you want to for another night." Applejack explained. So, Pinkie bought the sprinkles and icing she wants to buy.


When the girls got back to their castle, they hear that same noise coming from the Book of Disney.

"Hey, is that the sound of the Book of Disney I hear?" Rainbow Dash asked. "I hear it too, Rainbow Dash. Come on, girls." said Twilight as she leads her friends to the throne room.

When they got there, they saw the Book of Disney glow very brightly. Twilight went close to it and opened the next chapter. The next story is Beauty and the Beast. Twilight began to read,

"Once upon a time, lived a Prince who was spoiled, selfish, and unkind. One winters night, an old beggar woman came to the castle and asked for shelter. She offered him a single rose as a gift. But, by her appearance and the rose, he turned her away. The woman warned him not to be deceived by appearances. But when he dismissed her again, the woman's ugliness melted away and transformed into a beautiful enchantress. The Prince tried to apologize, but was too late. The enchantress saw that he has no good in his heart or has any lack of kindness. As punishment, she transformed into a hideous beast and cast a powerful spell on the castle. She did give him an enchanted mirror so he can see the outside world. Also, she gave him the rose that will only bloom on his twenty first year. If he could learn to love another and will get love in return, the spell will be broken. If not when the last petal falls, he'll remain a beast forever. But, who could ever love a beast?

At a village, there lived a beautiful young woman named Belle. People in her village think she's weird because she reads books all day. But, a rude and so called towns hero named Gaston wants to marry her, but she refuses because of his behavior. One day, her father was away to show the world his invention and she's on her own. When she was at the field after rejecting Gaston's hand on marriage, her horse appeared and saw her father missing. So, she went to the castle where he was held prisoner. He was getting sick because of the cold. The beast saw her and she begs for her fathers release. But, she has to take his place. The beast offered her request and releases her father, without saying goodbye. Now, Belle is living on the castle and lost everything. You must help them fall in love with each other and break the spell."

Once Twilight's done reading, the girls get sucked into the book by the bubble.


The bubble puts them in a dark and creepy castle.

The girls looked around in curiosity to see if we're in the right place. "Oh my Celestia. Where are we?" Applejack asked. "I don't think I like this place. It's so scary and someone scary is living here." said Fluttershy.

"Well, the book did say that the beast is really hideous and the spell he had make this place look dreadful." said Rarity. "Does the beast know we're here? I hope not." said Pinkie. "He wont. This isn't the perfect time to encounter the Beast just yet, Pinkie. Maybe we should find Belle first." said Twilight. Her friends agreed with her on that.

They were exploring the castle a little bit and were curious to find out where Belle is. Once they were in the hallway, Rainbow Dash hears someone crying in one of the rooms. She moved her ear closer to the door and the person crying was a girl. "Hey, girls. You might wanna check out this room over here. I hear a girl crying." she said. "Is it Belle?" Twilight asked. "I don't know, let's find out." said Rainbow Dash.

Twilight knocks on the door gently and hears someone getting it. The person who opened the door was Belle who was crying. She gasped at the sight of the mane six. "Ponies? I must be dreaming." she said. "Well, you're not. We're real. And we are here to help." said Twilight. "Oh, theres no need to help me. All of my dreams and freedom are ruined." said Belle. "And that's why we're here. Helping you and the Beast." said Twilight as she and the girls went inside the bedroom.

"What about the Beast? He's nothing but a cold blooded monster with no heart." said Belle. "Don't worry. You'll be fine once you get to know him. All he needs is a second chance and he'll be a better person in no time." said Fluttershy. "That's very kind of you, but I don't know any of your names." said Belle.

"Oh, why do I always forget that? Allow us to introduce ourselves. My name is Twilight Sparkle and these are my friends. Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Rainbow Dash." Twilight introduced. "Nice to meet you. I'm Belle. Thanks for comforting me after a terrible day. I'm sure you'll help me get to know the Beast." Belle introduced. "Don't worry, Belle. Once you and the Beast get to know each other, you'll be the best lovers on the planet." Applejack promised.

Then, the girls see the door open and is revealed to be a moving clock named Cogsworth. "What the heck is that thing?" Rarity asked. "I believe that's a clock." said Rainbow Dash. Cogsworth clears his throat and said, "Dinner is served." Belle said nothing and turned away.

Twilight went up to her and asked, "Belle, what's wrong? Don't you want to go to dinner? It'll really help you get to know the Beast." "I'm sorry, Twilight. I'm not in the mood right now. I just need to get to know this place and get over on how I feel." Belle explained. "I understand that Belle. Maybe you should calm down a little bit and spend some time with us." said Twilight. Belle nods in agreement and said, "Okay."

Applejack hears the conversation and went up to Cogsworth. "Sorry to disappoint you, but Belle doesn't feel like going to dinner. You can tell the Beast that when you head back." she said. Cogsworth shakes in fright and heads back to the hallway. "Hmm, he looks nervous." Applejack said. "Probably because you scared him, Applejack." said Rainbow Dash. "I did not. He's nervous about something, that's what." said Applejack.

A few moments later, the girls hear huge banging on the door. It was the Beast full of anger because a Belle didn't come to dinner like he asked her to. "Please don't tell me that's the Beast." Twilight whispered. "Yep, that's him." Fluttershy whispered.

"I THOUGHT I TOLD YOU TO COME TO DINNER!" he roared. "I'm not coming!" Belle yelled back. "YOU COME OUT OF THERE OR ILL BREAK DOWN THE DOOR!" Beast yelled. "Gee, no wonder why you don't want to go to dinner with him." said Rarity. "WHO WAS THAT? I HEARD ANOTHER VOICE! DONT MAKE ME COME IN THERE!" Beast yelled. "They're just my friends. By the way, I still don't want to go!" Belle yelled.

"Please?" Beast asked politely, but in an unpleasant voice. "No thank you!" Belle yelled. "Hey, he's trying to be nice." Rarity scolded. "I don't know about that, Rarity. He's just doing that just to see her." said Rainbow Dash. "It would give me great pleasure to come to dinner with me." said Beast, getting impatient.

"The answer is no!" Belle yelled. "You can't stay in there!" Beast yelled. "Yes I can!" Belle yelled. "Fine! Go ahead and STAAAAAAARRRVE!" Beast roared as he ran to his room. The girls were covering their ears by Beast's roar. "Gosh, that was loud. Can he just keep it down?" Pinkie complained. "What's even better is that he need to control that temper of his. Otherwise, he'll scare us to death." said Fluttershy.

"I'm sorry you girls have to witness that. I just don't want anything to do with him." said Belle. "It's okay, Belle. I know how you feel. It takes a while to get to know someone you just met." said Twilight.


Later on when everything turns quiet, the girls and Belle are starting to get hungry. So, they decided to head to the kitchen so they can have something to eat.

When they got to the kitchen, they saw a living clock, a candelabra, a teapot, and a teacup cleaning up. "Unbelievable." Applejack muttered. "I've never seen living objects before. It's so unique." Twilight whispered. "That's impossible." Belle whispered. Pinkie immediately went into the kitchen to say hi to the living objects. "Pinkie, wait!" Twilight yelled as she and her friends went straight in.

Cogsworth sees them and said, "Splendid to see you, my dear. And also your friends who just got here." "Hey there, Mr. Clock. Sorry to interrupt, but me and my friends are getting hungry." said Twilight. "My name is not Mr. Clock. It's Cogsworth." Cogsworth introduced as a candelabra appeared in front of them. "This is Lumiere."

"Ashsonte, mademoiselles. How are you on this fine evening?" he asked. "Starving." said Applejack. "Recovering from the beast's anger management." said Fluttershy. A teapot named Mrs. Potts came into them and said, "I'm glad you all are hungry. We'll start your meals in no time." "Thank you. Say, you guys are a lot nicer than the Beast." said Rainbow Dash. "That's because we're servants. It's our job to be nicer than our master." said Lumiere as he leads the girls to their tables.

"Not there! What will the master say?" Cogsworth asked in panic as he accidentally falls into a bowl of pudding.

The dinner they had was delicious. The girls loved the food, the drinks, and even a little show Lumiere put on with his tricks and singing.

"Bravo. That was wonderful!" said Belle. "That was the best dinner ever! The dessert was the best part!" said Pinkie. "Ahh, that feels good after having a nice meal in your tummy." said Applejack as she rubs her belly. "Do you guys do this often?" Rarity asked. "Well, not when the masters around." Lumiere answered. "So, now that the Beast is gone, can we have a tour to the castle?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"That's not a bad idea. Why don't we do that? Then, it's off to bed." said Cogsworth.


During the tour, Belle and Twilight are curious about the dark room upstairs while the others follow Lumiere and Cogsworth.

"What's up there?" Belle asked. "I don't know. Let's find out and see. It'll be interesting." said Twilight. The girls noticed this and Rarity asked, "Where are you guys going?" "Just looking at this room upstairs. By the looks of it, it looks pretty creepy." Twilight answered. "Really? Cool, let's check it out!" said Rainbow Dash as she follows them to the room.

But before the girls unleashed their curiosity, Lumiere and Cogsworth blocked their path. "Hey! We're trying to see what's up there! Now, can you please move aside?" Applejack. "No can do, mademoiselles. This is the most private room of the castle. Only the Beast can go in there. He calls it the West Wing." Lumiere explained. "Oh, so that's the West Wing?" Belle asked in curiosity. "Is that what it's called? It should've been called Spooky Beast Room." said Pinkie. "That does not make any sense at all." said Fluttershy.

"Can we just move on to the next part of the castle? We don't want the master to lose his temper again." said Cogsworth. That gave Belle an idea. "Well, do you guys have a library?" she asked. "A library? Well, why don't you say so? Let's go." Lumiere said as he and Cogsworth went to the hallway in order to head to the library.

When the two leave, Belle and the mane six sneaks upstairs to check out the West Wing. There it's very dark and everything around is ripped or destroyed. "Goodness. Who would want to live in a place like this?" Rarity asked. "I can tell Beast like to break things." Pinkie said. "Now, why would Beast ban us from coming here? Is he keeping something important?" Twilight asked. "You know, Twilight? I'm thinking the same thing." said Belle as she opens the door.

The room was a lot more worse than the hallway. It's got more curtains that are shredded, the bed was wrecked, and there was a picture of a young man that was scratched.

Belle was curious at the picture. She took a good look at it and looked into his eyes. "What is it?" Twilight asked. "Say, that guy has the same eyes the Beast does. It must be what he looks like before he was cursed." said Applejack. "Hmm, I don't know who he is." said Belle.

Then, something bright caught their eye. It was a magic rose that's losing it's petals. "A rose? Is that what he's keeping from us? It's very beautiful." said Fluttershy as she went closer to it. "Oh my, it is beautiful. I wonder if the petals are soft." said Rarity as she uses her magic to lift the vase and put it down gently. Belle looked at it too and was about to touch it.

Suddenly, Beast got in front of them and growled at them. He puts the vase back where it was. Belle and the mane six were horrified at him. "Why did you come here?" he asked in anger. "Bu. We were just curious." Twilight tried to explain. "I warned you to not come here!" Beast growled. "We're sorry. We didn't know that the rose is very important to you." Rarity said. "Do you realize what you could've done?!" Beast roared as he destroys a nearby table. "Get out!" He destroys more things and roars at Belle's face.

"GET OUT!" Beast roared as the mane six and Belle ran out of the room in fear.


Frightened, Belle got her cloak as Twilight opens the door for her.

"Where are you going?" Lumiere asked. "Promise or no promise. I can't stay here any minute!" Bell shouted as she leaves the castle and into the snowy forest. "I hope you guys are ashamed of yourselves for having a master that roars at everyone!" Rainbow Dash yelled as she and her friends follow Belle out of the castle.

They ran as fast as they can to get away from the castle. "Why would the Book of Disney sent us to a terrible place?" said Applejack.

Suddenly, they hear howling and growling coming from the hills. The sounds came from hungry wolves that are hunting for food. "WOLVES!" Pinkie screamed. The girls turned around and saw them running towards them. "Run for it, girls!" Twilight yelled as everyone runs for their lives. She zaps one in the chest. The rest just keeps going.

Belle grabs a huge stick and whacks the wolf, but it chews it to bits. Rainbow Dash helps her by kicking it in the face. Applejack kicks three wolves at once. Twilight keeps zapping them. Rarity smacks one. Fluttershy hides from them, but Pinkie saves her by kicking them.

When they kept running from the wolves, they ended up trapped by a tree. The wolves keep getting closer to them as they're about to eat them. Belle screamed as she covers herself from them. As one wolf was about to attack her, it was grabbed by the Beast and he roars at it. The girls were in shock as they saw Beast coming to their rescue.

"Beast?" Fluttershy asked. Beast covered the girls like he's protecting them and attacks very wolf around. One scratched him and the other one bites him. But that didn't stop him there, he keeps attacking them until they give up and run off. After they leave, Beast stares at them and then collapses into the snow.

Belle was about to leave, but Fluttershy stopped her. "Wait, we can't leave him here. He saved us." she said. Belle understood on what she said.

So, the mane six and Belle takes the wounded Beast back to the castle to get him healed.


Back at the castle, Belle and Twilight were healing the Beast's wound on his arm.

Beast was licking his wound, which is not good for him. "No, don't do that." said Belle. The Beast growled at her for that. The objects and the girls were standing back. The Beast tries to avoid the hot wash cloth that's helping him because he doesn't want to be healed by a woman. "Just hold still!" said Belle as she pressed the cloth into his wound.

Beast roared in pain as the cloth was pressed into his wound. The mane six and the objects hid from him in fear. "THAT HURT!" he roared at Belle's face. "If you would've hold still, it wouldn't hurt much." Belle scolded. "If you hadn't ran away, this wouldn't happen." Beast said, gesturing his wound. "If you hadn't frightened me, I wouldn't run away." said Belle. "Well, you shouldn't have been to the West Wing." said the Beast. "Well, you should learn to control your temper!" Belle yelled. The mane six could not believe on what Belle just said.

"Well, she's right. You do need to control that temper. It's scaring everyone and it might be scaring you. You need to learn how people feel when you do stuff like that. Do you understand?" Fluttershy explained. Beast was moved by her words and stayed silent.

"Now, hold still. This might sting a little." said Belle as she pressed the cloth into the wound again. Beast groaned in pain. "By the way, thank you. For saving my life." said Belle. Beast was surprised on what she said to him. "Your welcome." he said softly.


The next day, Belle and the mane six are playing in the snow while Beast watches them. Since he never felt this way before, he decided to surprise her and the mane six.

He lead the girls to a special room. "Ooh, where are you taking us, Beast?" Pinkie asked. " I can't tell you. It's a surprise." Beast answered. "Oh boy! I love surprises!" Pinkie shouted. "Alright, girls. I want you all to close your eyes and no peeking." said Beast. The mane six and Belle close their eyes like Beast told them to.

Beast opens the door and leads them in. Then, he opens the curtains to get sunlight. "Now, can we open them?" Belle asked. "Alright. Now." said Beast. The girls and Belle opened their eyes and saw the most beautiful place in the castle.

The room was a library with thousands of books. "I can't believe it. I've never seen that many books in my life." said Belle. "Do you like it?" Beast asked. "It's wonderful." said Belle. "I really like the design of this place." said Rarity. "It could take me hours to finish every book on the shelf." said Rainbow Dash. "Then, it's yours." Beast said.

"Thank you. Thank you very much." said Belle.

So, Belle and Beast were spending some time together like playing in the snow, feeding the birds, reading books to each other, talking about things, and more.


Now, it's the perfect time for Belle and Beast to have a perfect date.

Rarity and Fluttershy helped out Belle with her ball gown while Applejack and Rainbow Dash help out the Beast get ready with his nice suit. Twilight and Pinkie sets up the ballroom to make sparkle and make it just right.

When they're ready for their date, everything was as perfect as it was planned. Rarity and Fluttershy presents Belle with a beautiful yellow ball gown. Rainbow Dash and Applejack presents Beast with a nice blue and yellow suit. They smiled at each other and bowed to each other.

The couple had a nice dinner together and it worked perfectly. Then, they went to the ball room to dance. The mane six watched them dance and enjoyed it a lot. Twilight begins to sing,

(Tale as old as time

True as it can be

Barely even friends

Then somebody bends


Just a little change

Small to say the least

Both a little scared

Neither one prepared

Beauty and the Beast

Ever just the same

Ever a surprise

Ever as before

Ever just as sure

As the sun will rise

Tale as old as time

Tune as old as song

Bittersweet and strange

Finding you can change

Learning you were wrong

Certain as the sun

Rising in the east

Tale as old as time

Song as old as rhyme

Beauty and the Beast

Tale as old as time

Song as old as rhyme

Beauty and the Beast)

As Twilight sings, Belle and Beast dances throughout the entire ballroom. They danced till they went outside to talk.

"Wow, that's so romantic. By the way, you're a very good singer." said Fluttershy. "Thank you. I'll bet it really helps with the romance." said Twilight. The mane six watch Belle and Beast talking to each other. They see her looking sad and Beast trying to cheer her up by taking her somewhere. The girls followed them.

When they got there, they saw Belle looking in a mirror and said, "Papa! He's sick. He may be dying." Beast had no choice but to set her free. "Then, you may go to him." he said. The mane six gasped on what he said. "What did you say?" Belle asked. "I release you. You're no longer my prisoner." Beast said. "Thank you for understanding how much he needs me." Belle said. "Take the mirror with you. So you can remember me." said Beast as he stroked her hair. Belle stroked his cheek and smiles at him before she leaves.

The mane six caught up to her and Twilight asked, "What happened back there?" "My father is sick and he's letting me go so I can get to him." Belle explained sadly. "That's terrible. We gotta get to your papa ASAP." said Applejack.


So, the mane six and Belle went to the forest in order to find Belle's father, Maurice.

They found him lying in the ground unconscious. His skin was pale white from his sickness. Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy pick him up and takes him to his cottage.

When he wakes up, he saw his beautiful daughter once again. "Belle?" he said in a weak voice. "It's alright, papa. I'm home." said Belle as she puts a cloth on his face. "I thought I would never see you again." Maurice said as he hugs her. "I missed you so much." said Belle as she hugs him back.

"How is he, Belle?" Twilight asked as she and her friends enter the room. "Oh my word. Talking ponies with colors? I must be dreaming." said Maurice as he puts his hand on his head. "No, you're not. We are real. And we helped Belle get to know the Beast." Rainbow Dash explained. "The beast? Did he do something terrible to you? How did you escape?" Maurice asked. "He didn't do anything bad. He changed. He let me go just so I can help you." Belle explained.

"It's true, sir. We were with her this whole time." Twilight said. "Yeah, including the time Beast changed his personality!" Pinkie said. "Because of this, he is now a nice gentleman." Fluttershy said. "He saved us from hungry wolves. That's how he changed." Rainbow Dash said. "We also helped them get to know each other and fall in love." said Rarity. "Yup. Everything we just said is absolutely true." Applejack said.


Then all of the sudden, they all hear knocking on the door.

Belle went to get it and it's revealed to be a man. "May I help you?" she asked. "I'm looking for your father. Don't worry. We'll take good care of him." the man said. Belle saw a carriage for people who have mental issues and asked in anger, "You think my father is crazy?!"

The mane six went outside and Twilight asked, "What's going on?" "Who is this and where did all these people come from?" Applejack asked. Maurice went out to see what's going on and the two men grabbed him to take him away. "What are you doing? Let go of him!" Rainbow Dash yelled.

There was a man who was near them. He is very muscular and handsome too. His name is Gaston. The one who tries to get Belle to be his wife. "Poor Belle. Having to suffer watching her father being sent away." he said. "Who are you?" Twilight asked. "I'm Gaston and I'm here to take Belle as my bride." "What?" Belle asked in anger.

"Say one little word and you'll be mine forever." Gaston said as he wrapped his arm around her. "Never!" Belle yelled. "Have it your way!" said Gaston. "That's right. You can't have her. She already has someone she truly loves and you can't have her because of it! By the way, you're too muscular and too bitter for her taste." said Rarity.

Rainbow Dash and Applejack were trying to rescue Maurice from going to a mental hospital. Belle had no choice but to tell the truth and show them that he's right. "My father'a not crazy! I'll prove it to you! Show me the beast!" she said as she uses the mirror Beast gave her and Beast showed up on the mirror. The crowd gasped at the sight of this. It made Gaston having another plan to get to Belle.

"Shes as crazy as the old man. I say we kill the Beast!" he yelled as she snatches the mirror from Belle and the mob cheered for him. "No, we won't you do this!" Twilight yelled as she tried to take the mirror from him, but Gaston picks her up and throws her into the basement. "You are nothing but a monster!" Belle yelled. "You're not with us, you're against us!" said Gaston as he grabs her wrist and throws her into the basement with Twilight.

Then, he throws Maurice and the girls with them and locks the door. "Let us out!" Rainbow Dash yelled. They saw Gaston leading the mob to the Beast's castle in order to kill him.


Everyone tried everything to get out, but nothing worked. Well, almost nothing.

"Oh, this is hopeless. This is all my fault. We'll never get to him soon. I should've warned him." said Belle. "Well, don't worry. I'm sure we'll think of something." said Maurice. Then, Twilight had an idea.

"Stand back." she said. They all stood back like she told them to. Twilight uses her magic to destroy the door in front of her. "Woo hoo! Way to go, Twilight!" Pinkie said. "Thank you for releasing us." said Belle. "Now, let's get to Beast ASAP." said Twilight as she and friends take Belle and Maurice to the castle.


When they got there, they saw the objects fighting with the mob. But, theres no sign of Gaston anywhere.

Twilight gets suspicious about this and searches to find him. The rest helped out the objects fight off the mob.

Applejack saw Lumiere getting melted by a huge torch of fire. She rushed towards the person holding the torch and kicked far away from here. "Lumiere. Are you alright?" she asked. "Applejack. Thanks for saving me." Lumiere said as he gaves her two kisses on each cheek.

After that, they defeated the mob as they cowardly went home in shame.


Twilight finally finds Gaston beating up Beast on the roof.

"Whats the matter, Beast? Too kind and gentle to fight back?" Gaston said. Twilight immediately used her magic to lift Gaston away from Beast and sent him on the other side of the castle. Beast saw her and smiled happily.

"Twilight. You came back." he said. "I had to. My friends and I just found out you were in trouble." Twilight explained. "That's great. Thank you. But, where's Belle? Is she still with her father?" Beast asked. "Actually, she's with us. She wants to see you." said Twilight.

But, before they can do anything, Gaston appeared out of nowhere and grabs Twilight. "Let me go!" she said. "If you want your friend back, you have to go through me." said Gaston. Beast scratched him as he lets go of Twilight and fights him.

He grabs him by the neck and was about to drop him to his doom. "Let me go. Please, I'll do anything. Anything!" Gaston pleaded. Beast brought him to his face and whispered, "Get out." Then, he drops him. "Way to go, Beast." Twilight said.

"Beast!" Belles shouted from the balcony. Beast turns around and said, "Belle." Twilight flew up to her and sees her friends with Belle. "Thank Celestia you found him ok." Applejack said. Beast climbed to the roves to reach Belle and held her hand. "You came back." he said. Belle nuzzles his paw.

But suddenly, Gaston appeared and stabbed Beast in the back. Beast roared in pain as he almost falls off the balcony. Twilight catches him with her magic as Pinkie and Rainbow Dash help him up. As for Gaston, he lost his balance and falls to his death.

The girls brought Beast back to the balcony and lays him down. "You came back." he said. "Of course I came back. How could I? Oh, this is all my fault. If only I got here soon." said Belle. "It's better. It's better this way." said Beast. "Beast, don't say stuff like that. You'll be alright. You'll see. We just have to fix you up and you'll be good as new." said Twilight.

Beast reaches his paw to Belle's face and said, "At least I get to see you. One last time. And thank you girls for helping have the love of my life." Then, he closes his eyes and is now more. The mane six gasped at this and starts to shed tears. "No. No. Please. Please don't leave me." Belle cried as she sobs into his chest. "I love you."

Rarity saw the rose losing it's last petal. "Oh no. We're too late. The last petal fell and nothing happened." she said.


While mourning for the Beast, bright lights surrounded him and lifted him up in the air.

Belle noticed this and stood back. The mane six watched in awe as something is happening to Beast. His paws turn into hands and feet. His face turns into the face of a man.

After the transformation is done, he was settled down gently to the ground. Then, he started to wake up. He stood up and noticed he has hands now. He turns around and sees the mane six and Belle. "Beast? Is that you?" Twilight asked. "Yes, Twilight. It's me. This is my human form. My real name is Prince Adam." he answered.

He went up to Belle and takes her hands. Belle looks at him in the eye and said, "It is you." Then, he leaned in and kissed her on the lips. Their kiss causes the while castle to restore as the spell is finally broken.

Lumiere, Cogsworth, and Mrs. Potts all turn back into humans. "Alright. We broke the spell." Rainbow Dash shouted in glee. "Thanks to you, girls. I've never felt this better in my life." said Adam. "Your welcome, Adam. I'm glad you and Belle are together. That means you're going to live happily ever after with her." said Twilight. "And that's what I'm gonna do." said Adam.

"Well, that the spell is broken. I guess we have to head on to our next adventure." said Rainbow Dash. "You're leaving already? Okay then. I'm going to miss you, girls. And thank you for everything you did to us." said Belle as she hugs each of them.

"Bye, Belle! Bye, Adam! Bye, Lumiere! Bye, Cogsworth! Bye, Mrs. Potts!" the girls said as they disappeared. "Bye, girls!" Belle and Adam said.


When they got back home, they were dropped to the ground.

"Oh my. That was even more romantic than Ariel and Eric." said Rarity. "Well, they're still as cool as Belle and Adam." said Rainbow Dash. "The main reason why is because he changed his heart for her." said Fluttershy.

Next Chapter: Cinderella Estimated time remaining: 13 Hours, 6 Minutes
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