
The Mane Six goes Disney

by The Cat Charmer

Chapter 4: Peter Pan

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Peter Pan

One night, the girls were sleeping except for Rainbow Dash and Applejack. They were too busy playing pirates with each other.

"Give it up, Captain Dash. Your pirate days are over!" said Applejack as she sword fights Rainbow Dash with fake swords made of wood. "Is that so, Commander Apple? Well, we'll see about that when you walk the plank." said Rainbow Dash. Applejack gasped and said, "No. There's gotta be another way." "Oh, there's no other way to surrender, Commander Apple. You will get eaten by the crocodile." said Rainbow Dash as she points her sword at the commander. "Oh yeah? That's what you think!" Applejack said as she smacks Rainbow Dash's sword and fakes stabs her. Rainbow Dash fake yells in pain and pretends to be dead.

Applejack cheered for her victory and said, "Take that, Rainbow Dash. I finally beat you this time." Rainbow Dash got up and said, "Yeah, you win this round, Applejack. But next time, I'm going to beat you when we play pirates." Applejack laughed and said, "You wish."


Then all of the sudden, they see a glowing bright light coming from outside. Applejack opened the door to see what's going on. "It's the Book of Disney again." she said. "But, what's it doing glowing in the middle of the night?" Rainbow Dash asked. "Who knows. We gotta tell every pony that we have another adventure." said Applejack as she knocks on every door and waking her friends up.

Twilight opens her door and asks, "Rainbow Dash? Applejack? Why are you waking me up?" "The Book of Disney is glowing again!" Applejack explained as she and Rainbow Dash ran towards the throne room. "In the middle of the night? That's strange. Oh, well. Better see what's going on." said Twilight as she tells her other friends to follow her to the throne room.

When everyone gets there, they were yawning and stretching their legs.

"Can the Book of Disney give us some more sleep? I was having a nice dream about a Prince." Rarity complained. "Oh my. Even the book was much louder than you two playing." said Fluttershy. "I wonder who are we going to see next. It better not be another screaming Queen. Boy, the Queen of Hearts was so mean. She doesn't even play right." said Pinkie. "Well, since Applejack and I were playing pirates, maybe we're having an adventure with pirates. That'll be cool." said Rainbow Dash. "Well, there's only one way to find out." Twilight said as she went closer to the book.

When she opens the book to the third chapter and discovers the next story she's going to be into. The next story is Peter Pan. Twilight begins to read,

"One night in London, lived three children named Wendy, John and Michael. Since Wendy is the oldest, her father wants her to have her own room and thinks she's too old to be in a nursery. When the parents are out for a party, a boy named Peter Pan went to the room in order to find his shadow. When he did, he accidentally wakes up Wendy. She told him that she's growing up tomorrow, Peter immediately takes her and her brothers to his home called Neverland. A place where you never grow up. He takes them to his hideout where they meet the Lost Boys and Tinker Bell. Wendy, John, and Michael were taken home by Peter after a nice day with him. Now, it's your turn to have an adventure with Peter Pan and help him defeat the villainous Captain Hook."

After Twilight is done reading, the girls get sucked into the Book of Disney.


When they got there, the mane six landed on a huge cloud where they can see the view of Neverland.

"Woo, have to say this. That was the softest landing I've ever felt." Applejack commented as she enjoys the feeling of the cloud. "Yeah. It's like the clouds I sit on in Equestria." said Rainbow Dash. "Hey, girls. Do you know where we are?" Fluttershy asked.

They all looked at the island not far from here and it is beautiful. "Oh my Celestia. This must be Neverland. I never knew how beautiful this place is." said Twilight in awe. "I know. Look at this. Hey, there's a mermaid lagoon. And over there is an indians village. Also, there's a skull island and a pirate ship?" said Pinkie as she looks around the island. "Pirate ship? Did you just say pirate ship?" Rainbow Dash asked. Pinkie nodded yes. "Uh oh. If there's a pirate ship over there and the Book of Disney told us that we must help Peter defeat Captain Hook and he's a pirate. It must mean that pirate ship belongs to..." said Applejack before the pirates shot a cannon ball right at them.

The girls screamed and ducked their heads. "Look out!" Twilight shouted. The cannon ball went passed them and into the clouds. The girls peeked up to see what happened. "What was that? It wasn't the pirates, is it?" Rarity asked. "It's not just any pirate, Rarity. It's..." Applejack tried to explain, but she hears Captain Hook yelling,

"Blast! We missed them! Keep firing at them, you fools! They'll be perfect bait for Peter Pan and this time we'll capture him for sure! Now, keep firing! I can tell they're ponies and they are mighty cute. Oh, I know Peter Pan likes things that are cute and cuddly."

"CAPTAIN HOOK!" the girls yelled as another cannon ball shoots at them. "We gotta get outta here!" Applejack yelled. "Is there a good place to hide? Please tell me you do." Fluttershy cried. "We better make a good getaway and fast." said Twilight. "Don't worry, Twilight. I'll distract Captain Hook while you guys go into hiding. I'll catch up with you." said Rainbow Dash. "Perfect. Come on, girls. Let's get outta here!" Twilight shouted as she leads her friends to Neverland.

Rainbow Dash watched Captain Hook below and is ready to do her stuff. She whistled out loud and shouted out, "Hey, Captain Hook! You want me so badly?! Well, I'm right here! Come and get me! Here! Here!" The cannon balls shoot at her one on one, but they keep missing her. That's because she uses her cool moves to get out of their way. She gave him a raspberry and yells, "Ha! Is that the best you got?! Well, sorry Captain Loser. I'm outta here! Hope we get to play again some other time!" And then flies away.

Captain Hook watches her leave and growls in frustration. "That pony is just like Peter Pan. Very mischievous, smart, and quite athletic. She should be the real bait for him since they are alike." he said. "Um, what about the Indian princess Tiger Lily sir?" asked Mr. Smee. Captain Hook thought about it and said, "Good thinking, Mr. Smee. We'll capture the princess and use her as bait to capture Peter Pan and the ponies. Oh, that plan will do the trick. Don't you think, Mr. Smee?" "Oh, yes captain. That plan will so the trick. So, when do we start doing it?" Mr. Smee asked.

"Right now." Captain Hook grinned.


The girls flew fast as they can get away from Captain Hook.

When they were about to land, Applejack got hit by a tree branch and falls down. "AHHHHHHHHH!" she screamed. "APPLEJACK!" the girls yelled as they were about to save their friend. As Applejack keeps falling into the pointy rocks, someone with human arms caught her into his arms.

The person who saved her was Peter Pan himself.

Applejack noticed that she got rescued and asked herself, "What in the hay just happened?" She looked up and saw Peter Pan holding her. "Are you okay, pony? That was quite a fall." he asked. "I'm fine. By the way, my names not pony. Its Applejack. And thanks for saving me." said Applejack. "No problem. My name is Peter Pan. I'm sure you heard of me in stories, right." Peter introduced. Applejack could not believe it. The boy who saved her from falling is Peter Pan? "You're Peter Pan? No way. That's so cool. My friends and I were looking for you." said Applejack.

While talking, the girls made it to the ground and rushed towards Applejack. "Are you okay, Applejack?" Twilight asked. "Good heavens, you gave us one heck of a scare." Fluttershy said. "How did you fall off of Fluttershy?" Pinkie asked. "I was worried a cannon ball from Captain Hook made you fall." said Rarity. Rainbow Dash flew down safely and asked, "Hey girls, what's going on? Who is that holding Applejack?" "Don't worry, girls. I'm fine. I just got knocked over by a tree branch and fell off. But, thanks to Peter Pan here, I'm okay." Applejack explained.

The girls had their jaws open. "Is it really? How could it be?" Twilight asked. "Surprised? Your friend, Applejack told me that you guys are looking for me." said Peter. "Why yes. Thats true. You see, the Book of Disney told us that we should help you defeat Captain Hook. We encountered him right when we got here and tried to kill us." Twilight explained. "Oh! Oh! And I also heard he's after us and Peter. He wants to capture all of us!" Pinkie yelled.

Peter gave the girls a concerned look on his face and said, "So, you guys came here because of some book telling you that I need help defeating Captain Hook? Well, I never had any help defeating him since we had many fights on each other. One time, I chopped off his hand and fed it to the crocodile. That's why he has a hook to replace it. The on,y person who helps me is Tinker Bell."

"Who's Tinker Bell?" Fluttershy asked. "She's my best friend and is a fairy. Don't worry, she's really friendly, but gets jealous when I'm with other girls like you. At least you six are ponies instead of human beings. That'll make her happy." Peter explained. "Come on out, Tink. I want you to meet our new friends."

After he called her, Tinker Bell appears and flies down to him. The girls gasped in awe at her appearance. "Oh my. She's lovely." said Fluttershy. Tinker Bell hears her say that and went to her. "It's very nice to meet you, Tinker Bell. I've never met a fairy before in my life." Tinker Bell landed on her nose and looks at her in concern. But, ended up liking her because she's not like Wendy who has a crush on Peter. "I think she likes me." said Fluttershy. "She likes everyone. Oh, that reminds me. You didn't tell me your names. Other than Applejack who I just rescued." Peter said as he puts Applejack down.

"Oh, that's right. Allow us to introduce ourselves. Hello, I'm Twilight Sparkle and these are my friends, Rarity, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie Pie. I already know you met Applejack." Twilight introduced. "Nice to meet you all. Now, since you guys just got here. How about a nice tour to Neverland?" Peter asked. The girls agreed with him on that.

"A tour to Neverland? Wouldn't that be wonderful." Twilight said. "I know, right. Heard there's a mermaid lagoon there. Should we head there first?" said Pinkie. "Thats a wonderful idea, Pinkie. I would love to see those beautiful mermaids with their gorgeous hair and sparkling eyes." said Rarity. "They're as beautiful as fairies." said Fluttershy. Tinker Bell blushes. "I agree. Everything's beautiful in Neverland. Just like our hometown." said Applejack. "So, Peter. Can you take us to see the mermaids?" Rainbow Dash asked. "Well, if that's what you six wanted to go first. Yeah." said Peter.

The girls cheered on that until Peter says, "But first. Some of you need to fly." "But, we don't know how to fly. I don't have any wings like Twilight or Rainbow Dash does." said Pinkie. "That's okay. You don't need any wings to fly. Because I got pixie dust for you to help you fly. Just think of the happiest things and then you fly. Try it for yourself." Peter explained as he shakes Tinker Bell to get pixie dust out of her. It sprinkles on Pinkie, Rarity, and Applejack. "You sure this will work?" Rainbow Dash watched. "Just watch." said Peter.

Then suddenly, they begin to fly. "Oh my goodness. I'm flying. Without a hot air balloon or riding on someone's back." said Rarity. "Wee! This is fun!" Pinkie shouted. "Whoa. This is so cool. I'm flying solo like a pegasus." said Applejack. The rest watches happily.

"Oh, wow. That pixie dust really helps." said Twilight. "Come on, girls. Let's go see the mermaids." said Peter as he leads the mane six to mermaid lagoon. "You can fly without pixie dust? That's so cool!" said Rainbow Dash.


When they got there, they watch the mermaids playing, splashing water at each other, brushing their hair, and bathing.

"Wow. Look at that. It's so beautiful." Twilight commented. "I love this place already. But, do you think the mermaids will like us?" Rarity asked nervously. "Oh, don't worry. They'll like you. I just have to introduce them to you first." said Peter as he flies towards the mermaids.

He flies down towards the mermaids and whistles at them to get their attention. "It's Peter!" a mermaid said. "Hello Peter!" the rest said at the same time. Peter lands on a rock and said, "Hi, girls. It's good to see you all." "What were you doing, Peter?" a black-haired mermaid asked. "Aren't you going to tell us a story, Peter?" a blonde mermaid asked.

"Well, I'm not here to tell you girls a story. But, I got some friends I want you to meet. Alright, girls. Come on out!" Peter called the mane six. Rarity took a deep breath and said, "Here goes nothing." They all flew down where Peter and the mermaids are. "Mermaids, I would like you meet my new pony friends. Twilight Sparkle, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy." Peter introduced.

"Hi there, mermaids. It's very nice to meet you." said Twilight. Instead of getting a hello back, one of the mermaids dunks water on her head. Twilight growled at them for what they did.

"Say, do you know to swim?" a red haired mermaid asked. "You bet I do. I swim all the time. Watch this!" said Pinkie as she jumps into the water. The red haired mermaid was surprised at this, but she dunks her into the deep water below. Pinkie panicked on what she was doing and got out of the water. "What are trying to do? Drown me?" she yelled.

Two mermaids were surrounding Fluttershy, trying to drown her and she didn't like it. They grabbed her on each hoof and moved her side to side. "Oh, please. Make it stop! Make it stop!" Rainbow Dash see this and defends her friend from them. The mermaids groaned at her as they ruined their 'fun'. "What are you two doing to my friend?!" she yelled. "Nothing. We were only trying to drown her." a red haired with a ponytail mermaid said. Rainbow Dash growled at them and gave them dust. "There! That's what you get for being bullies." she said as she and Fluttershy fly away from them.

Peter walked up to them and asked, "Hey, what seems to be the problem? I saw you yelling at the mermaids." "They were pulling Fluttershy and tried to drown her! I think we should go now!" Rainbow Dash explained. "I agree, Rainbow Dash. One of them tried to drown me, too." said Pinkie. "I can tell they're very rude." said Rarity. "Peter, have to say this. We better get going and see what Captain Hook is up to." said Applejack.

After Applejack mentioned him, the mermaids quickly dived into the water to hide. "What are they scared of?" Pinkie asked. "The mermaids are very scared of Captain Hook. Whether they see him or someone mentioning him, they immediately hide in fear." Peter explained.

"Well, it's a good thing we don't." said Rainbow Dash.


The mane six and Peter went to the beach to find Captain Hook. Luckily, they found him with Mr. Smee and an Indian princess tied up.

"He captured Tiger Lily." Peter whispered. "Who?" Twilight asked. "That girl you just saw is the chiefs daughter, Tiger Lily. They must've captured her just to find me and using her as bait." Peter explained. "I can tell he's after us too." Fluttershy whispered. "That's right. I forgot about that. Now, we just need to figure out how to save Tiger Lily without getting kidnapped." said Peter.

Everyone thought about that for a moment.

They tracked Captain Hook to an island called Skull Island where he is threatening Tiger Lily to tell him where Peter Pan is.

"Alright, princess. You better tell us where Peter Pan is or else you'll be thrown to the crocodile. Also, you better tell me where those ponies are too. I really want them!" he said. Tiger Lily said nothing. She sit remained silent. This made Captain Hook furious and said. "Well, I guess we should do something else to make you talk."

"There they are. What do we do now, Peter?" Twilight asked. "I know what to do. We'll make scary noises that'll scare away Hook and Mr. Smee. Then, we'll snatch Tiger Lily from the boat and take her back to her village." Peter whispered. "Sounds good to me." said Applejack. "Let's do it!" said Rainbow Dash.

Peter clears his throat and echoes the word, "Beware!" many times just to scare off the pirates. Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy made wind sounds with their winds.

"Did you hear that, Smee?" Captain Hook asked. "It sounds like a ghost, sir. A very scary one." Mr. Smee replied. "Stand by Smee while I take a good look around." said Captain Hook as he searches for the 'ghost'.

"He's coming. We better do something." Rarity whispered. "Time for plan b." said Peter as he uses his hat to make his voice sound like Captain Hook. "Mr. Smee. Take the princess back to her people." "Oh, why yes sir. Right away sir." said Mr. Smee as he rows the boat and heads out of Skull Island. Captain Hook saw him and stops the boat. "And where do you think you're going, Mr. Smee?" he asked. "Taking the princess back. Just like you said." said Mr. Smee. "Well, here are my new orders for you. STAY IN THERE UNTIL SHE TALKS!" Captain Hook yelled as he pushes Mr. Smee back to Skull Island.

"Ooh. That didn't do so well." said Fluttershy. "Don't worry. I'll held Captain Hook off while you guys save Tiger Lily." said Applejack as she gets out of her hiding spot. "I'm coming to, Applejack!" Rainbow Dash shouted as she follows her.

They both stood in front of Captain Hook like guards. "What the? Oh, wait a minute. You two are the ponies I had encountered earlier today. Where are the others?" said Captain Hook. "They're in there, alright. Ruining your nice plan to capture us." said Applejack. "That's right. For many years, I've been after this Peter Pan for what he did to my hand. Now, I'm finally gonna get him and all of you." Captain Hook explained. "Oh no, you don't!" Rainbow Dash yelled as she was about to attack, but hears a booming sound. "Oh no. What happened?" Applejack asked. "Let's check it out." said Rainbow Dash as she follows her friend. While she runs, Captain Hook picks her wing and takes one of her feathers.

In there, Mr. Smee is using his gun to shoot Peter and the other ponies. Twilight shoots her magic at him, turning him into a goose. Mr. Smee quacked, but turns back eventually. Captain Hook gasped and said, "It's Peter Pan!" "Hang on, girls. I got this." said Peter as he brings his dagger and fights him.

"Fluttershy, you have to take Tiger Lily back to her village. Tinker Bell will come with you for safety." Twilight ordered. "I'm on it. Come on, Tinker Bell." said Fluttershy as she picks up Tiger Lily and flies off with Tinker Bell.

While Peter and Hook were fighting, the girls hear a tick tock noise coming from underwater. "Um, what's that noise?" Pinkie asked. "Yeah, I hear it too. But, where's it coming from?" Rarity asked. "It sounds like a clock to me." said Applejack. "Whatever it is, it's coming from underwater." said Rainbow Dash as she watches the figure making the noise rising up from the water. The girls gasped at this. "It's a crocodile! Peter!" Twilight yelled.

Peter looked at the crocodile and asked Hook, "Say, Captain. Did you hear something?" Captain Hook hears it too and got scared to death. Peter pushed him into the water and gets swallowed whole. "SMEEEEE!" Captain Hook yelled as he tries to escape from the crocodile. "I'm coming, captain. I'm coming!" Mr. Smee yelled. "Yeah, you better hurry!" Rainbow Dash yelled as she shoves his boat out of the island. "SMEEEEEEE!" Captain Hook yelled as he was being chased by the crocodile.

They all looked at the running away as Peter let's out a crow. "Alright, we defeated him!" Twilight said. "Well, not yet. We need to make sure he's really out of Neverland. He maybe still after us." Peter warned. "Oh, right. It's getting late, anyway. We better head back and rest." said Twilight.


Meanwhile, Fluttershy and Tinker Bell are heading back from the Indian village, but they got kidnapped by Captain Hook and Mr. Smee who escaped from the crocodile. He takes them to his ship where he asks questions for them.

"Alright then, pony. I finally got you and your little fairy friend. Now, I have to get the rest of your friends and Peter Pan. Tell me where they are." Captain Hook said. "I don't know where they are. Maybe they went back home or something." Fluttershy lied. "Oh, my dear. I know you're lying. You better tell me the truth or else." Captain Hook warned. "Or else what?" Fluttershy asked. "I'll feed you and the fairy to the crocodile." he said. Fluttershy screamed and Tinker Bell immediately went to his map to save her.

She tinkles to get his attention. "Oh, you know where they are?" Captain Hook asked. Tinker Bell nodded yes and made tracks to the map with ink. She made an x as a sign of where the destination is. "Yes. That's where he is. Excellent work, Ms. Bell." said Captain Hook as he locks her in a glass cage. Tinker Bell bangs on it as she wants out. "I don't think so. You stay here with your pony friend while I get your other friends." said Captain Hook as he leaves the room to set sail.

"Oh, Tinker Bell. What are we gonna do? I know you didn't to do it. But, you did it to save me. I guess its too late to warn my friends. They are know that we're missing." said Fluttershy.


That night, the girls and Peter went into the tree and waits for Fluttershy to come back. Peter was asleep while the girls were thinking.

Twilight walked back and forth in frustration. "Gosh, where are they?" she asked. "Oh, I just wish there was some pony to go with her to the Indian village and she'll be alright." said Rarity. "Well, we can't just sit there. We gotta find Fluttershy and Tinker Bell. I have a feeling they've been kidnapped by Captain Hook." said Applejack. The girls gasped on what she said. "I think you're right, Applejack. Captain Hook's been on our hooves since we got here. We just have to find him and defeat him." said Twilight. The girls agreed on that and went outside of the hideout.

But when they got outside though, Twilight saw Fluttershy and the rest of her friends tied up and surrounded by pirates. She screamed, but her mouth was covered by a pirate behind her. "Alright men, take them away." Captain Hook ordered. The pirates take the mane six back to their ship.

Captain Hook and Mr. Smee placed a bomb inside the hideout disguised as a present. "Alright, Smee. This is it. This will finally get rid of Peter Pan once and for all." Hook whispered as he puts the bomb in there.


The next morning, the mane six were tied up to a pole while Captain Hook is forcing them to join him and his crew.

"Ok, my dears. I would like all of you to join our crew. That's why I've been after you ever since you got here. But, if you don't join me and my crew, you'll walk the plank. The choice is up to you. So, what do you say?" Would you like to join me?" Captain Hook asked.

"NEVER!" Twilight yelled. "For what you've been doing to Peter for years? No! The answer is no!" Rainbow Dash yelled. "I would never join with a terrible crew who likes to do bad things!" Applejack yelled. "By the way, you guys smell like you haven't bathed in days." Rarity complained. "You guys are too mean to be around!" Pinkie said. "I'm never going to forgive for making Tinker Bell telling you where Peter is." said Fluttershy.

Captain Hook bursted red and yells, "THATS IT! I SHOULD'VE KILLED YOU ALL IN THE FIRST PLACE!" The girls gasped at this. "But, first. I going to kill Peter Pan before you." "What do you mean by that?" Fluttershy asked. "Well last night, I placed a bomb in his hideout and will explode when he opens it. The bomb will explode at six o clock and it's almost time to. When it does, Peter will be blasted out of Neverland forever." Captain Hook explained. The girls gasped at this.

"No! You wouldn't!" Rainbow Dash yelled. "Oh, yes I did." said Captain Hook. "Oh yeah? We'll see about that!" Rainbow Dash yelled as she flew fast to get to Peter. "Well, I guess she'll be blown up as well." said Captain Hook as he watches his pocket watch.


Rainbow Dash flies faster than ever before until she finally reaches her destination.

She flew down in the hideout and shouts, "Peter, stop! Don't open the present!" Peter saw her and said, "There you are, Rainbow Dash. I've been looking for you and your friends. By the way, thanks for the gift."

"Peter, listen to me. I didn't give you the present. And it's not just any present. ITS A BOMB!" Rainbow Dash yelled. "A bomb? Don't be ridiculous. How can a bomb be in a present?" asked Peter as he opens the gift.

Suddenly, the present began to shake and was ready to explode. Rainbow Dash gets it away from Peter and it explodes. The explosion causes smoke everywhere and destroys everything. Peter coughed and got up. "Man, it was a bomb." He looked around and didn't see Rainbow Dash anywhere.

"Rainbow? Rainbow Dash? Where are you? Are you okay? I'm sorry I didn't listen to you about the bomb!" he called. Rainbow Dash slowly wakes up and hears Peter's voice. "Peter? Is that you?" she asked in a weak voice. Peter hears her voice and spots her covered in dirt. "Rainbow Dash! Thank goodness you're okay! Don't worry, I'll get you out of here. Don't you worry." he said as he digs her out and holds her in his arms.

"Thanks for saving me, Rainbow Dash. Now, we gotta save your friends." said Peter as he flies out of the hideout and heads to Captain Hook's ship.


Meanwhile, a pirate is tying up Twilight's wings so she wouldn't escape by flying.

"Why are you doing this?" she asked. "Well, that's what you get for refusing to join your crew. Now, you must walk the plank to pay your consequences." said Captain Hook as he drags her to the plank while her friends beg him to let her go. "Silence! You'll get your turn right after her!" he yelled.

Once Twilight is on the plank, she walks to the end and jumps into the water below. But, there's no splash. Captain Hook waited for the sound to come, but nothing. "Sir, I don't hear any splash." said Mr. Smee. "Yes, I know. But, why? She didn't escape, didn't she?" Captain Hook asked.

Underneath, there was Peter holding Twilight with Tinker Bell and Rainbow Dash who had just been released. "Thank you, Peter." Twilight whispered. They all flew up the pole and gets ready to attack. The girls watch their shadow figures go up.

Peter unleashed his mighty crow as he appears from a sail by cutting it with his knife. "Guess again, Hook. There's no way you can defeat me! And don't you ever try to kill my friends again!" he yelled. "You're lucky Twilight and I survived your traps!" Rainbow Dash yelled. "Now, you're going to pay the price!" Twilight yelled as she charges at the pirates. Rainbow Dash released her friends with a pirate dagger and they joined the fight.

While they're fighting the pirates, Peter is fighting Captain Hook solo and is on top. "There's no way you can defeat me Peter Pan. You'll fly away like a coward!" said Captain Hook as he climbs the ladder to get to his enemy. "Nobody calls Pan a coward. I'll not fly and will fight with one arm behind my back." said Peter as Captain Hook fights him. "You mean, you won't fly?" he asked.

After the pirates were defeated, the mane six watches Peter Pan fighting with Captain Hook. When they hear Peter won't fly, Rainbow Dash yelled, "Fly, Peter! Fly!" "No, I gave my word." said Peter. "And I won't let you do this!" said Rainbow Dash as she grabs the pirate flag and ties up Hook with it." "Nice work!" Peter said as he gave her a knuckle bump and grabs Captain Hook's sword.

"No. No. Please, don't kill me. I'll do anything. I'll do anything you say." Captain Hook pleaded. Peter points the sword at him and said, "Well, alright. But, say you're a codfish!" Captain Hook gulped and said, "I'm a codfish." "LOUDER!" Rainbow Dash yelled.

"IM A CODFISH!" Captain Hook shouted out. The girls cheered and chanted, "Hooray! Hook is a codfish! A codfish! A codfish! A codfish!" "And don't ever return." said Peter as he let's out a mighty crow.

Captain Hook finally has a chance to kill Peter, but he got out of the way and Rainbow Dash pushed him into the water where the crocodile is waiting for him. "SMEEEE!" he yelled as got swallowed by the crocodile, but escaped. He keeps swimming and swimming as he tries to get away. "SMEEEEEEEEEE!" Hook yelled in fright as he keeps getting chased by the crocodile.


Peter Pan and the mane six celebrate their victory by taking Hook's ship.

"We did it! Wasn't that fun?" Pinkie asked. "It sure was, Pinkie. But, we have to leave now." said Twilight. "Already?" Pinkie asked. "If you guys want to go home, you can. Thanks for helping me defeat Captain Hook. Now, that I will never see him again thanks to you. I'm gonna miss you all." said Peter.

"We'll miss you too, Peter. I promise we wont forget each other." said Twilight as she uses her magic to transport her and her friends to head back home.


When they got home, it was still nighttime and still the same time they left.

"Hey, it's still nighttime? That's weird." said Rarity. "That was an amazing adventure. Don't you think!" Applejack asked. The girls agreed with her on that.

Next Chapter: The Little Mermaid Estimated time remaining: 14 Hours, 5 Minutes
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