
The Mane Six goes Disney

by The Cat Charmer

Chapter 3: Alice in Wonderland

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Alice in Wonderland

One day, the mane six are having lunch together and were talking about what their new adventure might be.

When Applejack brings in the gooseberry pie she made for her friends, all she heard was a lot of chatter. "All right, y'all. Here's some delicious gooseberry pie." she said as she puts them on the table. "Thanks, Applejack. It's weird that you made us gooseberry pie instead of apple pie." said Twilight as she took a slice and puts it on her plate. "Well, ever since we met Snow White, I couldn't stop thinking about her. Fluttershy taught me how to make gooseberry pie and I kinda did good on it. I didn't burn it or anything." Applejack explained.

Rarity took a slice of gooseberry pie and takes a bite. "Mmm. This is delicious. I've never had gooseberry pie before." she said as she keeps eating it. Pinkie Pie sniffs at the pie and gobbles it up with one big gulp. "Pinkie! You're supposed to share it with us!" Rainbow Dash yelled. Pinkie belched loud and said, "Sorry. You know how much I love sweets." Applejack laughed and said, "You know Pinkie. She loves to eat sweets and there's nothing to stop her from it."


Suddenly, the Book of Disney starts to glow again. This time, not from the sun, but a sign that it's ready for the mane six to start their new adventure.

"Say, is the Book of Disney glowing again? It can't be from the sun, is it?" Rarity asked. "I don't know, Rarity. Let's find out." said Twilight as she gets off of her chair and heads to the main throne room. The girls followed her.

When they got there, the Book of Disney was really bright and opened itself to the next chapter. The next story is Alice in Wonderland. Twilight begins to read the introduction in order to be sucked in.

"There is a little girl named Alice. She loves to use her imagination and wishes to have her own world where everything is nonsense. One day, she saw a white rabbit in a waist coat and begins to follow him. When she goes to the rabbit hole, she ends up in a place called Wonderland. Things were so weird that it's unexplainable. When Alive wants to go home and asks the Queen of Hearts to help her, she gets captured and throws her in the dungeon. Now, it's up to you to save Alice and bring her back home."

"Wait. Alice gets kidnapped? I don't remember that." said Rainbow Dash.

But all of the sudden, the huge bubble came out from the book and sucked all of the girls in again.


When they got dropped off by the bubble, they looked around to see if they're in Wonderland or not.

"Wait a minute. This isn't Wonderland." said Twilight. "Yeah. Where are all of the weirdness and the wonders?" Pinkie asked. "I think we're in the wrong story." said Rainbow Dash. "Are you sure, Rainbow Dash? Maybe we should find some clues to prove we're in Wonderland." said Fluttershy. "She's right. Maybe we should find the white rabbit and follow him. That way we'll find Alice in a licitly split." said Applejack. "That's a great idea, Applejack. But, where is the white rabbit? I don't think we should find him in an ordinary place like this." said Rarity.

The girls kept thinking and thinking about where the white rabbit might be. Pinkie went to the river to drink some water, but she suddenly saw the white rabbit walking by. She spits out her water and yells, "Girls! Girls! I found him!" "Found who?" asked Twilight. "THE WHITE RABBIT! He went this way! Come on!" Pinkie yelled as she went after the rabbit. "Pinkie, wait up!" Rainbow Dash yelled as she and her friends follows the rabbit.

"I'm late. I'm late! For a very important date! No time to say hello. Goodbye! I'm late! I'm late! I'm late!" the white rabbit said as he keeps running. "Mr. Rabbit. Can you tell us where you're heading? My friends and I are curious to know!" Twilight asked. "No no no no no! I'm overdue! I'm over in the stew! No time to say goodbye! Hello! I'm late! I'm late! I'm late!" he said as he goes into the rabbit hole.

The mane six stopped their tracks and took a peek inside. "Oh my. Is this where Wonderland is?" Fluttershy asked. "I don't know. There's only one way to find out." Applejack replied as she gets into the rabbit hole and crawls in. "Come on, girls. If you want to follow the white rabbit, you have to go into this hole."

"Applejack, wait for us!" said Twilight as she crawls into the rabbit hole. The rest followed her on at a time, but ends up getting squeezed into each other anyway. "Ouch! Rainbow Dash! That was my tail!" Rarity complained. "I'm sorry, Rarity. But, your horn is in the way and I'm afraid I'll get accidentally stabbed by that thing!" Rainbow Dash yelled. "Every pony, move over! I'm getting squeezed to death here!" Pinkie screamed.

But before they can get some space, the girls accidentally pushes Applejack to the end of the line and she falls. "APPLEJACK!" they all cried out. Rainbow Dash quickly got out of the tight squeeze and flew down to save Applejack. "Hang on, Applejack! I'm coming!" she said as she caught her friend by the tail. Applejack stopped falling and hangs on to her hat. "Thanks, Rainbow!" she said. "No problem. Whenever you need help, I'm always right here to help." said Rainbow Dash.

Twilight flew down with them to see if they're ok. "Are you ok, Applejack?" she asked. "I'm fine. Thanks to Rainbow Dash here. I think it's best if we fly down there slowly. Why don't you get the others?" Applejack replied. "Good idea." said Twilight.

She flew up with her friends and takes Pinkie with her. "What are you doing?" she asked. "Just to make things easier going down." Twilight explained. "Fluttershy. You do the sane thing too." "Oh. I'm not sure I'm gonna do this right." said Fluttershy. "Just do it already, Fluttershy! We need to catch up!" Rarity yelled. "Ok. Eep." Fluttershy squeaked as she takes Rarity down where her friends are waiting. "See? That wasn't so bad." said Twilight.

Slowly and softly, they all flew down and it got pretty dark quick. Pinkie Pie sees a lamp next to her and turns it on. Then, the whole place was in light. It looks like a nice looking house with books, furniture, a grandfather clock, a fireplace, lamps, flower vases, picture frames, and rugs. The lights were changing colors as the girls went deeper and deeper into the hole. "Uh, is it just me or is it that this place looks weird?" Rainbow Dash asked. "I agree with you, Rainbow. This is weird. I've never seen anything like this." Twilight said in agreement.

Finally, the mane six reached the bottom safe and sound without a scratch. "That was an interesting flight. Weird and creepy, but intresting." Rarity commented. "Yeah. But, where's the rabbit?" Fluttershy asked.

Suddenly, they hear a loud clang coming from the white rabbit. "THERE HE IS!" Pinkie yelled as she chased after him. "Oh dear." the white rabbit said as he begins to make a run for it. Pinkie chased him till she crashes to the door. She shakes her head from her dizziness and asked herself, "What the?"

The girls went to her and Twilight asked, "You okay?" "Yeah. I just got blocked by this door." said Pinkie. Twilight uses her magic to open the door. But, there was another door. Then another one. Each door gets smaller as the last door opened to a different room. They got in one at a time and looked at the room in curiosity.


"This place is getting weirder and weirder by the second!" said Rainbow Dash. They hear a door slam and the curtains closing. "What was that?" Applejack asked. "It came from there! Let's check it out!" said Rarity as she uses her magic to open the curtains and open the door.

But, she didn't expect it to talk. "D'ow!" the door yelled in pain. Rarity screamed and went to her friends. "What happened?" Twilight asked. "The door! The door just talked to me!" Rarity screamed. "Indeed, I did." said the door. The girls gasped at him. "What? Don't stare at me like I'm a ghost. You should see that one. She's as pale as a ghost." The door was gesturing Rarity and made fun of her appearance. "I am not pale! It's my fur color. You should keep your comments to yourself." Rarity scolded.

"Okay, enough. Can you open the door for us so we can follow the white rabbit? He's leading us to a girl named Alice." Twilight asked politely. "You can see him through my keyhole. See for yourself." the door said as he opens his mouth for her. Pinkie looked inside as well and sees the rabbit. "There he is. And he's not far." she said. "That's very cool that you could do that. But, we really need to get in." said Twilight as she was about to touch the handle, but the door turned away. "Not yet. You must try this bottle and read the directions." he said as a little bottle on a table magically appears.

Applejack picks it up from the table and read, "Drink me. What's that supposed to mean? It better not be poison or doesn't have an awful taste." "Beg your pardon?" the door asked in concern. "I'm just giving advice to my friends. Perhaps I should give it a taste first. Just to test it." said Applejack as she takes a sip of the bottle. She pecked her lips and didn't feel anything at all. "It's fine. Here Twilight. Taste it for yourself. Tastes like custard." Twilight sniffed it and took a sip. "I don't know. It tastes like cherry pie. Try it and see if I'm right." she said as she gives the bottle to Rarity. She immediately takes a sip and said, "Ooh, I haven't eaten anything since Applejack's gooseberry pie. And it kinda tastes like one. Wanna taste, Fluttershy?" "Oh, ok. Hope it won't do any damage to me." said Fluttershy as she takes a sip of it. "Tastes like gumdrops." "Gumdrops?! I love gumdrops! Can I have some?" Pinkie asked. "Sure, but be careful Pinkie. Who knows what could happen." said Fluttershy as she gives her friend the bottle. Pinkie gave the bottle one big gulp, and was disappointed that it didn't taste like gumdrops. "Hey, this doesn't taste like gumdrops. It tastes like a triple chocolate cake with raspberry icing. Even better." said Pinkie. "Try this Rainbow Dash. I wonder what kind of flavor you'll get." "Okay. But, I don't trust that doorknob over here." said Rainbow Dash as she takes a sip out of it and somehow likes it. "Hey, this is good. Tastes like apple cider." she said.

Then suddenly, the girls began to shrink and are getting smaller and smaller until they're the size of Thumbilina. "Whoa, what just happened? The room just got bigger!" Pinkie said out loud. "Is this some type of trick?" asked Rainbow Dash. "No, I didn't trick you at all. The bottle you six drank made you small so you can fit in my door." the door explained. "That's amazing! And look, we're just the right size to get in." said Twilight as she was about to use her magic to open the door, but he stopped her. "Oh, one more thing, wingicorn. I forgot to tell you this. I'm locked." he said laughing. "Oh, come on. We shrunk ourselves by accident just to get through and now you're saying you're locked?!" Twilight growled. "You should've told us sooner!" Rainbow Dash yelled as she smacks him in the knob.

"Lose that temper, will ya Buttercup?" the door asked sarcastically. Rainbow Dash huffed at him. "Now now. Take it easy, Rainbow. I know this guy is giving us a hard time, but we have to do this so we can get in." Applejack comforted her friend by holding her down.

"Do you have a key since you're locked?" Fluttershy asked. "Of course I have a key. It's up there. Why don't you get it if you can." the door answered. The key popped up on the table like the bottle was. "Oh dear." Fluttershy groaned as she flies up to get the key. She tried to lift it, but due to her size, it's too heavy for her. She panted as she tries to lift the key up high, but accidentally dropped it back on the table. "Rats." she muttered.

"Well, that's disappointing. Maybe I should let someone else get the key. How about you, pink fuzz ball?" the door asked Pinkie. "Me? You want me to get the key? But, I don't have any wings for have a horn. But, I'll do it." Pinkie accepted. "Excellent. Now, before you do anything. I want to have one of these." the door said as a little box appeared in front of Pinkie. She opened it up and saw cookies that each of them says 'Eat me'. "Eat me! Cookies want to get eaten. I should make these when I get back home." said Pinkie as she eats the whole cookie in one gulp.

After that, she grew twice her size as before and her hoof blocked the door's face. He was muttering something on her foot. "What did you say?" Pinkie asked. "I said you took this a long way." the door said laughing. Pinkie didn't like the joke at all. Her friends notice that her feeling just got hurt by the door. "That's not funny. That's the worst joke I've ever heard in my life. Now, I can't get back to my normal size and be with my friends. Why did you made me do this?!" Pinkie yelled as she begins to cry and her tears turn into puddles. "Are you okay, Pinkie?" Rarity asked. "Pinkie, stop crying. It's okay. You're gonna fix you." said Twilight.

But, Pinkie didn't listen. She's still crying and more tears came out of her eyes. Her tears made the room became flooded and her friends tried to get something to hang on to. "Quick, girls. Get to the bottle and let Pinkie drink it." said Rainbow Dash as she and her friends swam to the bottle. "Pinkie! The bottle! Drink the bottle!" Applejack yelled. Pinkie hears her and picks it up. Then, she takes a sip and immediately shrinks into the same size as her friends. "You alright, dear?" Pinkie sniffed and said, "Oh my. I haven't cried that much since I don't know, years ago." said Pinkie.

The water causes the door to drink it all and swallows the mane six inside. "Well, we're not going to that doorknob again." said Rainbow Dash.


When the girls see the view of an ocean, they see a dodo bird singing and smoking a pipe. "Ahoy! Land ho! Head this way." the dodo said. "Righty ho, dodo." the bird replied. "Dodo?" Fluttershy asked. "I thought those birds were extinct." said Twilight.

"Let's get his help. Hey! Yoo hoo! Mr. Dodo. Can you help us outta here? Please?" Applejack called. But, the dodo didn't answer them back. Instead, he kept going. "Okay, time for plan b. "said Rainbow Dash as she gets out of the bottle and pulls Pinkie Pie out. "Every pony, hang on to each other. Twilight, Fluttershy. Help me out." she ordered. They all got out of the bottle as it began to sink. "Good thinking, Rainbow Dash." said Twiloght as she has Applejack on her back. "Thanks. Now, let's head to shore and find that rabbit." said Rainbow Dash and she leads the way to the shore.

When they got there, they landed near a forest where they spotted the white rabbit near the beach. "There's the rabbit again!" Fluttershy yelled. "He better not run away from us this time." said Applejack as she and the girls chase after him again.


When they reached to the forest, the rabbit is gone. "Mr. Rabbit. Oh, Mr. Rabbit. Where are you?" Twilight called.

"Shoot, we lost him again. And we don't know where we are." said Rarity. "We'll find someone who knows this place and will show us directions." said Twilight.

While the girls were too busy looking for someone, Pinkie saw two flags coming from a bush. "What is that?" she asked herself. The little flags turn out to be two round shaped boys with names on their tags. "Yikes! I've never seen you guys before. Hmm. Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum." she said as she read their name tags.

They bumped to each other and made honk noises. "Who're you talking to? Me?" Tweedle Dee asked. "No. She was talking to me." Tweedle Dum said as he makes honk noises with his twin.

Twilight and her friends hear honking noises and saw Pinkie talking to the weird boys who made the sound. "Pinkie, what in the name of is making that noise?" she asked. "Oh, Twilight. I would like to introduce you to Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum. My new friends." Pinkie introduced. "Guys, I want you to meet my best friends in the while world. Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Rarity. I'm Pinkie Pie."

"How do you do? We shake hands. How do you do? We shake hands. That's manners." they both said as they each gave the mane six handshakes. "Well, that's very polite of you two. We better get going." said Rarity. "Where are you six going?" Tweedle Dum asked. "We're following the white rabbit." Fluttershy explained. "Why?" Tweedle Dee asked. "Because we're curious if he's leading us to Alice." Twilight explained as she uses her magic to get the two idiots out of her way.

"Oh, they're all curious. Tsk tsk tsk. The oysters were curious, too. Oh, those poor things." they both said, acting sad. Rainbow Dash walked up to them and asked, "What about the oysters? Did something happen to them?" "Oh, no. You don't want to hear that story because all of you are curious on where the white rabbit is going." said Tweedle Dee as he and his twin were walking away.

"Well, we have some time to hear the story about the oysters." said Rainbow Dash. The Tweedles were so happy that they sat all of the girls down on a log as they begin their their story.

"The story of the curious oysters or the Walrus and the Carpenter. The Walrus and the Carpenter were walking on the beach, getting sand in their shoes. The Walrus was getting hungry, so he sent the Carpenter to find something in the ocean. The Carpenter saw a dozen of oysters and tells his boss that he found them. The Walrus was pleased about this and went into the water to talk to the oysters. He told them that he is inviting them to do a little walking. The little oysters were happy about it, but their mother told them to stay here. But, the Walrus shuts her clam and leads the little oysters to the beach. Meanwhile, the Carpenter was making a little shack for them to eat. When they got there, the Walrus looked at the menu and saw the oysters are the special meals for the day. The Carpenter was too busy to notice what's going on because he was cutting up some bread and oil dip. When he got back, he saw the Walrus hiccuping and wiping his face. The Carpenter was curious on where the oysters are. But when he lifted up the menu, he saw only oyster clams. It means they've been eaten. Every one. The Carpenter was so furious at the Walrus that he chased him till nighttime. And that's the story of The Walrus and the Carpenter. The End."

When they finished their story, the girls were in shock about what happened to the oysters. "That was a very sad story." Twilight commented. "Ha, it is." Tweedle Dum said. "It's not to a pony, but to an oyster. That's a different story." Applejack said. "We know. Want to hear another one about Old Father William?" Tweedle Dum asked.

"We loved to, but can't because we have to go." said Twilight as she and her friends were about to leave. "Alright, fine. We'll tell the story by ourselves." they both said as they danced and honked at each other.

And the girls are off to find the white rabbit.


Somehow, they ended up finding a nice looking house with a nice yard and plants. "Ooh, that's a pretty looking house. "said Rarity. "Now, I wonder who lives here." said Twilight. "Well, there's only one way to find out." said Rainbow Dash as she was about to open the gate, but she stopped.

She stopped because someone calling, "Mary Ann! Oh, where is that girl? She could be anywhere by now. Mary Ann! MARY ANN!" It was the white rabbit. "The white rabbit." Fluttershy muttered. The rabbit ran downstairs and went outside to find this Mary Ann.

He went up to Rarity and said to her loudly, "Why, Mary Ann. What are you doing out here?" "Mary Ann? I'm not Mary Ann. I'm Rarity. I think you got the wrong person." Rarity tried to explain, but the rabbit wouldn't listen. "Look, I'm late. I'm late. Get me my white pair of gloves at once! Do you hear?" he yelled as he blows his horn at her. "Okay. Okay. I'll go and find those gloves." said Rarity.

She went inside the house and into his bedroom to find his gloves. "Hmm. Does have a drawer that has gloves inside them. If he does, where could it be?" she asked herself. She finds a box and has cookies in them. Rarity takes one and takes a bite out of it. "MMm. Don't mind if I do." she said as she eats the cookie.

While she's looking for gloves, she unexpectedly grows really humongous like Pinkie did earlier. "Oh no. What's happening to me? Girls, help!" she cried out as she gets bigger and bigger until she gets stuck in the house. "RARITY!" the girls yelled as they witness her growing into a giant. "Ahhhh! Help. Monster! Help! Assitance!" the rabbit yelled as he ran to get help, but Rainbow Dash stopped him and takes him back to the house.

"Oh no you don't. You have the help right here!" she said as she puts him down roughly. "Next time, put me down gently." the rabbit muttered. "Rarity, are you okay? How did you get so big all go the sudden?" Twilight asked in panic. "I ate one the rabbit's cookies and now I'm this." Rarity answered. "You did? Did the cookies say 'eat me' on it?" Pinkie asked. Rarity thought for a moment and said, "Yes. Oh dear."

"My poor house and my furniture and all of my stuff are getting ruined." the rabbit complained. "Now now, Mr. Rabbit. Let's just calm down and take deep breaths. My friends and I are here to take care of this mess." said Fluttershy. "Any pony got ideas?" asked Applejack. "I got it! Why don't I go into the chimney and pull Rarity out of there?" said Rainbow Dash. "That sounds good. They it and see how it goes." said Twilight.

Rainbow Dash flew to the house and into the chimney. But, when she got inside though, the ashes from the chimney got into the house and is causing Rarity to sneeze. "AHHHH CHOOOO!" Her sneeze causes Rainbow Dash to pop out of the chimney and falls to the ground. "Oh. Ok, any other ideas?" she asked as she dusted off the ashes.

The girls keep thinking about that until they hear Pinkie chewing on something. She was chewing on a carrot from the rabbit's garden. Once she's chewing, she suddenly shrinks to a bug size. "Oh my goodness, Pinkie. How'd you get so small?" Twilight asked. "All I did was chewing on this carrot." Pinkie explained.

This gave Twilight an idea. "That's it. Rarity, you need to eat a carrot." she said. "What for?" Rarity asked. "It'll make you shrink and will help you get out of that house. Pinkie just gave us an example." Twilight explained. She flies to the garden and tries to pick up the carrot, but the rabbit stopped her. "Oh no you don't. This is my property and you can't have it." he said as he guards his carrots. " I'm sorry. My friend needs it more than you do." said Twilight as she uses her magic to lift one of the carrots and gives it to Rarity, but the rabbit grabs it and hangs onto it.

Rarity used her magic to take the carrot to her and shakes it so the rabbit can let go. "Please, Mr. Rabbit. I need to eat this." she said. "Oh no you don't. Barbarian." said the rabbit. But, Rarity took a huge bite of the carrot and immediately shrunk into a bug size. The rabbit falls to the ground after Rarity let's go of him.

He got up and looks at his clock. "Ah! I'm late!" he yelled as he immediately left the house and makes a run for it. "Hey, come back here!" Rainbow Dash yelled. "Oh, that's just great! We came all this way to talk to the white rabbit and now he just left all because he's late for something. Let's hope it's not wasting time for us to find Alice." Applejack complained. "Well, I think it's best to forget about the rabbit and let's pay attention to find Alice." said Fluttershy. "Good idea, Fluttershy. Now, where are Pinkie and Rarity?" Twilight asked.

They are at the footsteps to the house. "Oh no. I am now the size of a bug. Why did this happen to me?" Rarity cried. "Well, look at me. I'm really tiny too." said Pinkie. "You too okay?" Applejack asked. "No. I feel miserable." Rarity complained. "Don't worry, Rarity. I'm sure we'll find a cure for you and Pinkie so you can be big again." said Twilight as she picks them up and puts them on her mane.

"So, where do we find the cure? Don't you have a growing spell?" Rainbow Dash asked. "Well, no. I'm not supposed to have that kind of spells." Twilight answered. "Hey, why don't we look for a cure somewhere in the garden?" Fluttershy asked. "Good idea. Since this place is full of weird stuff, why don't find a weird looking plant that could help us?" Applejack suggested. "Perfect. Now, let's get going." said Twilight.


The girls searched and searched for the cure, but found nothing.

"There's gotta be some cure around here. I just know it." said Applejack. "Maybe the cure is like a mushroom, or a polka dotted flower, or how about a striped pear?" Pinkie guessed. "We don't know what the cure the cure looks like, Pinkie. Let's just find someone who knows." said Rarity.

But then, they hear someone singing and sees weird looking smoke shapes. "What in the hay is that?" Applejack asked. "Must be a voodoo witch doctor." Rainbow Dash guessed. "Well, there's only one way to find out." said Twilight as she follows the voice and the smoke. The girls followed her.

The singing came from a blue caterpillar smoking a pipe. When Pinkie and Rarity hit off of Twilight to see him, he stopped singing and looks at them in concern. "Who? Are? You?" he asked slowly. "Oh, please sir. I am Rarity and this is Pinkie Pie and we need your help to find a cure." said Rarity. "Why?" the caterpiller asked. "Because we want to big again like our friends." Pinkie explained. "Oh, I see. Well, the on,y cure I can give you two is that mushroom over there. One side can make you big. The other side makes you small." the caterpillar explained as he suddenly disappeared with his smoke pipe.

"What? Where'd he go?" Rainbow Dash asked. "What did the caterpillar say to you two?" Twilight asked. "He said one side can make us big and the other one makes us small. But, we don't know which is which." Rarity explained as she takes two pieces of mushroom, one from each side.

"Allow me to demonstrate. I'll see if which side makes you big. How about the left side first." said Applejack. Rarity gave her the piece on the left. "Ok. Here goes." said Applejack as she takes a bite out of the mushroom. She puckered her lips and said, "Nothing's happening."

Suddenly, Applejack began to grow and grow until she's taller than the trees. "Uh oh." she muttered. But, she didn't know she has a mother bird with her eggs on her head. "A serpent! Help! Help! Serpent! Serpent!" she screamed. "I'm not a serpent. I'm just a pony." Applejack tried to explain, but the mother bird didn't listen. "A pony? A pony? If you're a pony, do you eat eggs?" she asked. "Well, not really. But, I use them for ingredients like apple pie." Applejack answered. "Ha! I knew it! Serpent! Serpent! SERPENT!" the mother bird screamed. "Oh, for Celestia's sake! Some pony give me the other side of the mushroom!" Applejack yelled as she covers her ears from the bird's screaming.

Twilight grabbed the right side of the mushroom and throws it into Applejack's hoof. Applejack saw it and bites it. Then, she immediately shrunk into the same size of Rarity and Pinkie. The mother bird went back to her nest with her eggs and scolded at Applejack. "Goodness gracious." Applejack muttered.

"Well, I guess the left side makes us bigger." said Rarity as she was about to take a bite, but Applejack stopped her. "Hold on. I think it's best if you guys lick it instead of biting it." she suggested. Rarity and Pinkie agreed with her as they both lick the mushroom. And then, they went back to their normal size. "That's better." said Rarity. "Yay! I'm back to my normal size!" Pinkie yelled. Applejack licked the mushroom and joined the group. "Woo. That was harsh." she said.

"Great. Now, let's go and find Alice." said Twilight as she leads her friends to a forest.


While there, all they see is weird signs that makes them confused on where to go.

"These signs are so hard to read. I don't know where to go because of this." Rainbow Dash complained. "I agree. And there's no one around to ask for directions." said Twilight.

Then all of the sudden, they hear someone singing a riddle. "Did you guys hear that?" Fluttershy asked. "Yeah, I hear it too. But, where's it comin from?" Applejack asked. "I don't see anyone. They must be playing hide and seek." said Pinkie.

Twilight was busy looking at her friends when she accidentally bumps into a striped pink cat. "Lose something?' he asked. Twilight screamed and backed away. "A cat that talks!" she yelled. "Of course I'm a cat and I can talk. Why, am I Cheshire Cat. And I can tell you six mini horses are lost. Where are you heading?" the cat said.

"Well, my friends and I are rescuing a girl named Alice. We heard she was taken by the Queen of Hearts. Can you show us the way?" Twilight asked. The Cheshire Cat thought about that and said, "I know where it is. But, I can't show you the way. I see you have unicorn magic. Why don't you use that instead? It'll be quicker and easier." That gave Twilight an idea. "That's it. Thank you, Cheshire Cat. I should've thought about that earlier." she said.

Twilight used her magic around her and her friends to reach their destination.


After that, they found themselves at a nice garden filled with heart shaped plants and red roses.

"Is this where the Queen of Hearts is?" Pinkie asked in curiosity. "Looks like it, since everything is hearts." Applejack said. "You're right, girls. This must be the right place. We'll see if the Queen of Hearts is really here." said Twilight.

When they see an opening, they see the Queen of Hearts with her card like guards executing a card. Behind her, was Alice in a gold cage. Rarity gasped and asked, "Is that Alice? In that golden cage?" "And is that the Queen of Hearts?" Rainbow Dash asked. "It's them alright. We have to find a way to get to them without losing our heads." Twilight said.

So, the girls hatched a plan and did it fast. They all walked up to the Queen of Hearts and stood on front of her in pride. She noticed them and asked loudly, "AND WHO ARE THEY?" "We are the Mane Six and we're here to rescue this girl from her prison." Twilight explained. "And we demand you to release her immediately!" Rainbow Dash yelled.

The Queen of Hearts thought about it and yelled, "NEVER! NEVER AND EVER! OFF WITH THEIR HEADS!" But before the guards could reach them, Twilight used her magic to swipe them out. "That was a stupid decision. I know a better way to handle this. How about a challenge?" Twilight suggested. "Twilight, what are you doing? This isn't a good idea." said Fluttershy. "DO YOU PLAY CROQUET?" The Queen of Hearts asked. But before Twilight could answer, Pinkie went to her and yelled, "Croquet?! Oh, I love croquet! Lets play! Lets play!" "LET THE GAME BEGIN!" The Queen of Hearts yelled as the crowds cheer for her. The girls glared at Pinkie for that as she blushes nervously.

The girls and Alice watch Pinkie and the Queen of Hearts compete each other at the game of croquet. The Queen of Hearts gets her flamingo and a hedgehog. Pinkie did the same thing. They stared at each other like they both wanted to win.

"Ready?" Pinkie asked. "GET READY TO LOSE YOUR HEAD!" The Queen of Hearts said as she hits the ball, but misses. The hedgehog ball immediately rolled to the tunnels and made it safely. The crowds cheered for that, except for Pinkie. "Hey, that's cheating!" she yelled. The audience gasped at her for saying that. The Queen of Hearts turned around and yelled, "WHAT WAS THAT?!" Pinkie shakes in fear and said, "Nothing. I just said it to myself." The Queen of Hearts gave her a strict look and turned around.

Before Pinkie can hit the hedgehog ball, the Cheshire Cat appeared out of nowhere and was on The Queen of Hearts' butt. "Hello there. Having a good time?" he asked. "Not at all." Pinkie answered. "Perhaps, I can help you with that. You know, we can make her really angry." The Cheshire Cat said as he puts the flamingo underneath the Queen of Hearts' dress. "Uh, I'm not sure we're supposed to do that. She will take my head!" Pinkie warned.

But, it was too late. The flamingo pulled her dress and she flipped over. Pinkie and her friends gasped at this. The Queen of Hearts was turning red and turns to Pinkie. "SOMEONES HEAD WILL ROLL FOR THIS! YOURS! OFF WITH HER HEAD!" she screamed as she and the guards chase after her. Pinkie screamed and ran towards her friends. "Games over. Let's get outta here!" she yelled as she released Alice from her cage and they all ran for their lives.


When they all ran as fast as they can, the girls suddenly disappeared without Alice.

And then, they are back home. The girls moaned as they get up and were concerned what happened to Alice. "Wheres Alice? She was here with us not too long ago." Rainbow Dash asked in panic. Twilight immediately checked on the Book of Disney to see what happened to her.

She sighed in relief and said, "No need to worry about her, girls. She was just dreaming. All this time." "Wait? All this time? It was just a dream?" Rainbow Dash asked. "Yes. Even we were in her head. She doesn't know we're real." Twilight answered. "Well, that explains why Wonderland is so weird." said Applejack.

Next Chapter: Peter Pan Estimated time remaining: 14 Hours, 29 Minutes
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