
The Mane Six goes Disney

by The Cat Charmer

Chapter 28: Aladdin

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At Sugarcube Corner, Pinkie Pie is trying to learn from magic tricks an old fashioned way. "Okey dokey, now I got the perfect stuff to do magic tricks. I wonder if Twilight will like it. After all, she does do a lot of magic." Pinkie said to herself.

Speaking of Twilight, she just came in and checked to see if Pinkie needs some help for a party. "Hey Pinkie, what's with all of the magic stuff?" she asked. "Oh, just doing this for a party. They like magic tricks." said Pinkie.

Suddenly, the Book of Disney is calling them. "It's the Book of Disney!" Pinkie shouted as she and Twilight ran to the castle to see what their new adventure. Once everyone is in the throne room, Twilight opened the book to the next chapter. The next story is Aladdin. She begins to read,

"Once upon a time, lived a street rat named Aladdin. He was very poor and had to steal in order to survive. Someday, he dreams of living in the palace so he won't have any problems at all. At the palace, there was a beautiful Princess Jasmine. She was coming of age where she has to marry a prince by her next birthday. The problem is she doesn't like any of the princes who want to marry her and wants to marry for love. So, she decides to run away from her home and started to like the village outside the palace walls. When she helped a young boy getting an apple, the man selling apples tried to chop her arm off, but was saved by Aladdin. Once she's saved, she starts to like him. Aladdin felt the same way, right when he first saw her. When they had a romantic moment, it was interrupted when the palace guards arrived and captured Aladdin. Jasmine pleaded to let him go, but they didn't listen. To save him, she revealed her identity to show the guards to save him. The guards told her that they have orders from the royal advisor, Jafar. Angry, Jasmine yelled at him for kidnapping Aladdin. Jafar lied to her that they already sentenced him and killed him. He does so because he knows that Aladdin is the only person that can get into the Cave of Wonders."

Once she's done reading, she and the mane six got sucked into the Book of Disney.


They ended up inside the Cave of Wonders where they are surrounded by a lot of treasure.

"Oh my Celestia! Look at all of this treasure! I want them all!" Rarity shouted. "Now, don't get too excited, sugarcube. I have a feeling there's a warning here somewhere." said Applejack. "Applejack's right. We have to be careful in this place. Just in case, don't touch anything." said Twilight. "But the gems look like candy." Pinkie complained. "So, what are we supposed to do here? Is Aladdin here?" Fluttershy asked. "Yeah, we should go find him." said Rainbow Dash.

While talking, they hear a young man's voice not too far from them. "Shh. Did you hear that?" Rainbow Dash asked. "Hear what, Rainbow?" Applejack asked. "I'm hearing somebody behind us." said Rainbow Dash as she turns around and saw Aladdin along with a magic carpet. Aladdin gasped as he saw the mane six. The mane six screamed at him for sneaking up on them. "Who are you?!" Pinkie shouted. "Hey, it's okay. I'm friendly. I won't hurt you. My name is Aladdin and I've been sent by an old beggar to find a magic lamp. Who are you guys?" Aladdin introduced. "I'm Twilight Sparkle and these are my friends. Applejack, Fluttershy, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Rainbow Dash." Twilight introduced.

"So, you said you're looking for a magic lamp?" Rainbow Dash asked. "Yes, have you girls seen it?" Aladdin asked. "No, we just got here. What do mean a magic lamp?" Twilight asked. "I thought about that too. I'm just here just to help an old man find it. And that's why I have this carpet here. He knows it is." Aladdin explained.

Carpet leads the mane six and Aladdin to where the lamp is.


When they got there, the lamp was at the very top and is the only thing that can be touched.

"Is that where the lamp is? All the way up there?" Applejack asked. "I think so. You girls wait here, I'll get the lamp." said Aladdin as he begins to climb up the hill until the very top to get the lamp. "Don't worry, Al. Well stay put." said Twilight. "This could take a while." said Rainbow Dash.

While waiting for Aladdin to get the lamp, Rarity got distracted by a huge red ruby held by a monkey statute. "Oh my. That is the most beautiful ruby I have ever seen! I must have it!" she muttered as she got closer to the ruby to take it. Pinkie turned around and saw her getting close to it. "Rarity, no! You can't touch anything!" she shouted. "I'm sorry, but I must have this ruby. I MUST!" Rarity shouted as she immediately grabs the ruby just as Aladdin gets the lamp.

"YOU HAVE TOUCHED THE FORBIDDEN TREASURE! NOW, YOULL NEVER SEE THE LIGHT OF DAY!" the Cave of Wonders roared as everything turns to lava, including the ruby. "Rarity, what did you do?" Twilight shouted. "I touched a ruby. I didn't mean it, something was forcing me to have it as my own." Rarity explained. "Ok, now may be the perfect time to get outta here." said Applejack.

They saw Aladdin slipping through the hill and was about to fall into the lava, but Carpet was there to catch him. The mane six followed him right away. "Hey, you got the lamp?" Rainbow Dash asked. "Yeah, now let's get outta here!" Aladdin shouted back as they raced to the exit of the cave. Fluttershy turns around to see the lava and shouted, "It's getting closer!" "Come on, let's move!" Aladdin shouted. "Is this the perfect time to panic?" Rarity asked in fear. "Let me think. YES!" Pinkie shouted.

Once they passed through the lava and survived the falling rocks, they were getting close to the exit where Jafar was waiting for them. But, a falling rock lands on Carpet, causing Aladdin to hang onto the edge of the entrance. Rainbow Dash got exhausted by the heat which makes her pass out, making her and Applejack to fall. "Uh oh, I kinda forgot Rainbow Dash couldn't stand the heat." she muttered as she pats on her friends head.

Aladdin tried his best to hang on while the others try to help him. "I'll go get Rainbow and Applejack." said Twilight as she flew down to help them. "Help me up!" Aladdin shouted. "Throw me the lamp!" Jafar shouted. "I can't hold on! Give me your hand!" Aladdin shouted. "Please, sir!" Fluttershy pleaded. "First give me the lamp!" Jafar demanded. Rarity uses her magic to give Jafar the lamp so that way Aladdin wouldn't have to reach. Once Jafar has the hold of it, he shouted, "Yes! At last!"

He saw Rarity, Pinkie, and Fluttershy helping Aladdin, so he pushed them both back to the cave excpet for Pinkie. Jafar grabs his hand as Aladdin asks, "What are you doing?" "Giving your reward. Your eternal reward." said Jafar as he raises his dagger to kill him. But, Pinkie stepped in by biting his hand and attacking him. This causes him to let go of Aladdin and falls into the cave. "Why you little!" Jafar growled as he grabs Pinkie and throws her into the cave along with her friends.

They all screamed as they fell and the Cave of Wonders begins to crumble. Aladdin gets hit by one of the rocks and Carpet catches him. The mane six were safe from the rocks, but trapped by Jafar. The Cave of Wonders is completely gone once again. Jafar laughs evilly as he finally has the lamp. "It's mine, it's all mine." he said as he takes off his disguise gets into his pocket to take out the lamp, but it wasn't there. The lamp was gone.

"Where is it? No. NOOOO!" he shouted.


Inside the cave, everyone was knocked unconscious except for Pinkie.

"Whoa, what was that all about? That man just threw us back into the cave and tried to kill Aladdin. Well, at least we're all safe." she said to herself as she saw all of her friends knocked out. She went to Aladdin first and shook him gently. "Aladdin? Aladdin, wake up. Are you alright?" she asked. Aladdin begins to wake up and sees Pinkie in front of him. "Pinkie? What happened? Oh, my head." he said as he gets up and holds his head. The others begin to wake up as well. "Guys! You're okay too!" Pinkie shouted. "What happened? And why am I so thirsty?" Rainbow Dash asked. "I was thinking of the same thing." said Fluttershy.

Applejack looked up into the ceiling and saw no way out. "Uh, guys. I have a feeling we're trapped." she said. "Trapped? How could we be trapped?" Twilight asked. "That old man. We were about get out, but he threw us back in!" Rarity shouted. "That two face son of a jackal! Whoever he was, he's long gone with that lamp." Aladdin shouted. "Now what? We can't just sit here and wait for someone to come." said Fluttershy.

Pinkie felt something weird in her mane which causes her to itch. She kept itching until a golden item fell out of her mane. That item was the magic lamp. "Hold on, is that?" Rainbow Dash asked. "The magic lamp! Pinkie, how did you get it form the old man?" Aladdin asked as he picked it up. "I don't know. All I know that it was stuck in my mane." Pinkie explained. "Hmm, he must've got it in there by accident." said Twilight. "Hey, Aladdin. Are you sure that the lamp will help us get out of here?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"I don't know. It's hard to find out." said Aladdin as he pats the lamp. Suddenly, the lamp starts moving and was making explosive noises. The mane six and Carpet hides behind a rock for safety. Then, a huge chunk of blue came out of the lamp and it was revealed to be a Genie. The mane six were in shock and Pinkie got excited about him the most.

"Oi! Ten thousand years would give you such a crick in the neck! WHOA! It is so good to be outta there!" he shouted. "Wow! What are you? You're ginormous!" Pinkie shouted. "Why thank you! I can be in any size I want to. I can be big, I can be small, I can be tall, I can be short, I can be skinny, I can be fat, I can be any size I want!" Genie explained as he changes shapes from any kinds of sizes. "That is amazing!" Rainbow Dash shouted.

"By the way, what's your name?" Genie asked. "Aladdin." said Aladdin. "Aladdin! Hello, Aladdin! Nice to have you on the show. May I call you Al or just Din? Or how about Laddy?" said Genie as he turns into a dog. "Wow, I must've hit my head harder than I thought." said Aladdin. "So, who are you?" Twilight asked.

"Who am I? Who am I?! Well, I am the GENIE OF THE LAMP!" Genie introduced. "Wow, a real genie. Hey, does that mean you can grant wishes?" Rainbow Dash asked. "That's right. Al is the only one I can grant wishes for because he's my master." Genie explained. "Hold on. I'm your master?" Aladdin asked. "That's right. He can be taught." said Genie. "So, you're saying he can wish whatever he wants?" Rarity asked. "Uh, no. Actually, there are a few rules we have to go through." said Genie as he counts his many fingers wth his magic. "Like what?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Let's see. Rule number 1, I can't kill anybody. Don't ask. Rule number 2, I can't make people fall in love with each other. I'm not that Shakespeare fairy that sprays love potion in your eyes and force you to love some weirdo you hardly know. Rule number 3, I can't bring people back from the dead." Genie explained. "Can you wish for more wishes?" Twilight asked. "No. You only get three wishes. That's it. Three! Uno, does, tres." said Genie. "Cool." said Applejack.

"Hm, I don't know girls. He can't make people fall in love, bring them back from the dead. If he has all the magic in the world, it would be nice if he can help us get out of this cave." said Aladdin. Before he can walk away, Genie stomps his foot in front of him. "Excuse me? Are you lookin' at me? Did you rub my lamp? Did you wake me up? Did you bring me here? And all of a sudden, you're walkin' out on me?! I don't think so! Not right now! YOU'RE GETTIN' YOUR WISHES, SO SIT DOWN!" he shouted. Aladdin immediately sits on Carpet along with the mane six.

"The exits are here here here here here, anywhere. Keep your hands and legs on the carpet at all times. Because we're outta here!" said Genie as he flew Carpet and the rest out of the cave for good.


They landed in the oasis so they can relax for a bit.

"Thank you for your ride at the magic carpet. Don't get off till the carpet stops. Goodbye now. Goodbye. Goodbye." said Genie as he dresses up as a airplane employee. "Ok, we're here. Say, this place looks nice." said Rainbow Dash. "I'll say." said Applejack. "So, Aladdin. What have you been thinking about?" Twilight asked. "Hmm, just the wishes I might grant in the future." Aladdin replied.

"I don't think so. You are down to one, boy!" said Genie as he points his big finger at him. "I don't know about that. You did it yourself, I didn't wish to get out of the cave." said Aladdin. Genie has his jaw open, then turns into a sheep. "Alright you baaaad boy, but no more freebies." he said. Pinkie, Applejack, and Fluttershy were snickering at Genie's sheep talk. Genie turns back into himself.

"Ok, ok. So, about my three wishes. What do you wish for?" Aladdin asked. "Me? No ones asked me that before." said Genie. "Really? That's so sad." Fluttershy asked. "Well, what is your wish?" Rainbow Dash asked. "Can't tell you, it's stupid." said Genie. "Don't say that. Anything you wish for is perfect." said Pinkie. Genie takes a deep breath and replies to them, "Freedom." "You're a prisoner?" Aladdin asked. "Every genie is, including me. You always appear every time the master needs you. I go, POOF! What do you need? POOF! What do you need? If I don't have a master, I can go around the world. Plus, I'm sick and tired of being in this lamp. Itty bitty little space in there." Genie explained.

"Oh, Genie. That's awful. I guess you hate being a genie." said Twilight. "No, I love for being who I am. Its just that I hate being treated as a slave instead of a companion." said Genie. "Tell you what. Once I get you my third wish, I'll use it to set you free." Aladdin promised. "You wouldn't." said Genie as he turns into Pinocchio and his nose begins to grow. "I'm serious." said Aladdin. "So, do you Pinkie Promise?" Pinkie asked. "Yes, Pinkie. I Pinkie Promise Genie to set him free on my third wish." said Aladdin. "Yay!" Pinkie cheered.

"Ok, now we got that out of the way. Let's talk about your first wish. Thinking about it?" Applejack asked. "Well, there's this girl." said Aladdin. "Wrong! I can't people fall in love, remember." said Genie. "But Genie, she's special. She has this personality, she's smart, and fun, and." said Aladdin. "Pretty?" Rarity guessed. "BEAUTIFUL! She's got these eyes, and the hair, and her smile." Aladdin sighed. "Ooh, looks like we got a lover boy." Rainbow Dash teased. "Yeah, but she's a princess and I'm just a street rat." said Aladdin. "Princess? You're in love with a princess?" Twilight asked. "Yep. I'm in love with Princess Jasmine. Beautiful name, isn't it?" said Aladdin. "I'll say. She's named after a flower that smells so sweet. Did you know that?" said Applejack.

"Say, Genie. Can you make Aladdin a prince?" Twilight asked. "Hmm, let's see. Here's an ocean one. Nope. Ah, here it is. To make a prince. Now, say the magic words." said Genie as he reads a How to book. "Genie, I wish for you to make me a prince!" said Aladdin. "Alright! Woo! Woo! Woo!" Genie cheered. "Excellent! Now, we have to make you very handsome in order to impress Princess Jasmine." said Rarity. "And I know just the outfit." said Genie as he turns Aladdin's rags into a prince outfit. Rarity gasped in shock and said, "That is amazing. It looks so good on you." "Cool. Now, we can go see Jasmine." said Twilight.

"Hold on a minute. We still have plans to make because we are going to make Al a star!" said Genie as he uses his magic to create a parade for Aladdin.


Once they arrive in Agrabah, the mane six and Genie gave everyone a show to present Prince Ali Ababwa.

"Make way! Make way for Prince Ali!" Pinkie shouted as she dances around the town with her genie like outfit on. Everyone watched as Aladdin makes an appearance on top of an elephant with Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy presenting him. "He faced a hundred bad guys with swords, boy you're gonna love this guy!" Genie shouted.

While the parade is going, Jafar and the Sultan are watching it. The Sultan seems to like it, however Jafar doesn't because he wants to marry Jasmine so he can become one. Speaking of Jasmine, she's watching the parade too. But, she scoffs at the prince because she thought he was going to be like the others who want to marry her just for her beauty.

Sultan immediately went to the door to open it, but Jafar wouldn't let him. The door bursted open as everyone in the parade goes in, including the mane six and Aladdin. Aladdin went towards the Sultan to introduce himself. "Splendid, that was absolutely marvelous." he said as he claps for the performance. "Your majesty, I would like to ask your daughter's hand in marriage." said Aladdin. "He's better than any prince in the world! She will love him in ten seconds flat!" said Rainbow Dash. "That's wonderful. Can you show me what you can do? How about your nice flying carpet?" Sultan asked. "What about me? I'm way faster than a flying carpet." Rainbow Dash asked. "Sorry, my dear. I'm afraid I'm too heavy for you. I might hurt your back." said Sultan. Rainbow Dash thought about what he said and backed away behind Aladdin.

"Certainly, your majesty. Just hop on board." said Aladdin as he leads the Sultan to Carpet so he can have a nice ride. Jafar stops him by stepping his staff into the carpet and said, "Sire, I'm afraid this carpet ride will cause you major harm." "Oh, nonsense Jafar. This would be fun." said Sultan as he kicks Jafar's staff and zooms out because of carpet. He was flying everywhere. Rainbow Dash tried to follow him, but accidentally gets hit and crashes into a wall. "Oh, my back." she muttered.

Jafar became jealous of Aladdin because he wants to marry Jasmine and will harm anyone who gets in his way. "So, tell me Abooboo." said Jafar. "Ababwa." Aladdin corrected. "Yes, whatever. What did you say you were from?" Jafar asked. "He's from a magical land full of happiness and wishes to make this place as happy as possible." Pinkie explained. "Uh, yes. Where I'm from is exactly like that. Thank you very much, Pinkie Pie." said Aladdin as he pats her head.

Once Sultan has landed safely, Carpet felt really dizzy and Fluttershy has to catch him. Rainbow Dash got up with her back all better surprisingly. "Whoa, that was weird. First, my back was hurting like crazy, and now I'm good as new." she said. "Well, I did warn you." said Sultan.

"So, when are we going to see Princess Jasmine?" Applejack asked. "Well, she sure will like you all." said Sultan. "And I'm gonna marry her." said Aladdin. "I don't think so!" Jafar yelled. "Why not? He's a prince, and you're just an old dustball." said Twilight. Jafar growled at her. While everyone was fighting, Jasmine entered the room to see what going on. She got really mad because they're all talking about her and what she's going to do in the future.

"How dare you?! All of you! Standing around to control my future! I am not a prize to be won!" Jasmine yelled as she storms out of the room. The mane six were shocked about what happened. "Wow. That was some headstrong princess." said Fluttershy. "Nah, she's just aware of the princes she's gonna meet. Who knows, some of them can be pretty brutal. For example, Prince Hans of the Southern Isles." said Applejack. "Don't even mention him again." said Rarity. "Come, let us have a nice chat in the dining room." said Sultan as he leads the mane six and Aladdin to the dining room.

"It's time to say goodbye to Prince Abooboo." Jafar growled.


Later that night, Aladdin and the mane six are figuring out how to impress Jasmine.

"What am I gonna do? How am I going to impress her?" Aladdin asked himself. "Have you met her before?" Twilight asked. "Yes, I have. I'm never going to forget that moment." said Aladdin. "Did she love you by then?" Fluttershy asked. "I'm sure did. She felt bad for me when I told her about my life. And I felt bad for her when she told me her life. We both felt trapped. But, now we don't anymore since we met each other." Aladdin explained. "Aw, that's so sweet." said Rarity. "Yeah, but how am I going to make her love me again?" Aladdin asked.

"Alright, Sparky. Here's the deal, shoot straight through. Do you got it?" Genie said as he pretends to be Jack Nicholson. "What do you mean by that?" Rainbow Dash asked. "Tell her the TRUTH!" Genie yelled. "No way! If Jasmine finds out I'm some street rat, she'd laugh at me." said Aladdin. "Al, the thing is you have be yourself. That's why she loves you." said Genie. "Genies right, just be yourself. Whether a prince or a street rat." said Pinkie. "Yeah, you're right. I have to be cool, delegate. How do I look?" said Aladdin, "Like a prince." said Genie. "Extremely sexy." said Rarity sarcastically.

"Ok, wish me luck." said Aladdin as he flies Carpet to Jasmine's balcony. "We better get up there just in case." said Twilight as she, Pinkie, and Genie follow him.


At the balcony, there was Jasmine and her pet tiger Rajah moping about why men want to marry her for such selfish reasons like her beauty and taking her father's throne.

She hears someone calling her name outside her balcony. She got concerned about it and asked, "Who's there?" "It's me, Prince Ali Ababwa." said Aladdin as he climbs up on the balcony. "I do not want to see you." said Jasmine angrily. "Wait, please princess." Aladdin pleaded. "Just leave me alone!" Jasmine yelled. Rajah growls at Aladdin by telling him to back off. "Uh, good kitty." said Aladdin.

Meanwhile, Twilight and Pinkie are watching him failing to impress Jasmine. "So, how's it going over there?" Genie asked. "Not so good." Pinkie replied. "He's gonna get himself killed." said Twilight. "I have an idea." said Genie as he turns into a bee in order to talk to Aladdin.

"Come on, good kitty. Take off and go." said Aladdin as he takes off his hat to shoo away Rajah. Jasmine immediately recognized him and asked, "Wait, do I know you?" "No, why'd you ask?" Aladdin asked. "You look like the boy I met in the marketplace." Jasmine replied. Aladdin stammered at the answer because he doesn't know what to say. That's where Genie comes in. "Dont talk about you, talk about her. The hair, the eyes, fun, smart, pick a feature." he said. Aladdin cleared his throat and said, "Princess Jasmine, you're," "Wonderful, magnificent, punctual." said Genie. "Punctual!" Aladdin said out loud. "Punctual?" Jasmine asked in confusion. "Uh, beautiful." Aladdin corrected.

Jasmine laughed and said, "I'm rich too, you know." "Yeah." said Aladdin. "The daughter of the Sultan." said Jasmine as she got closer to Aladdin. "I know." he said. "A fine young prince to marry." said Jasmine as she got much closer to him which causes him to touch the edge of the balcony. "Uh, yeah. A prince like me." Aladdin said nervously. Twilight and Pinkie were watching and noticed something was not right. "What is she doing?" Pinkie asked. "I don't know, but I have a feeling she's trying to get rid of him." Twilight replied. "I'll stop it." said Pinkie as she climbs up the balcony and lands in front of Aladdin and Jasmine.

"Pinkie, what are you doing here?" Aladdin asked. "Uh, helping you out." Pinkie replied nervously. "Aw, who's this?" Jasmine asked. "This is my friend, Pinkie Pie." Aladdin introduced. "She's adorable." said Jasmine. Twilight came out as well and said, "Hello, Princess Jasmine." "There's two of them?" Jasmine asked in glee. "Well, there's six of us. The rest are watching us from above." Twilight explained. "And what's your name?" Jasmine asked. "I'm Twilight Sparkle." Twilight introduced. "So, can I see your friends? I would really like to meet them." Jasmine asked.

"Sure. Hang on a sec." said Twilight as she flew down to tell her friends that Jasmine wants to see them. "So, what's happening up there?" Applejack asked. "Jasmine wants to see you all. Come on." said Twilight as she leads her friends to the balcony. Once they arrived, Jasmine was in awe. "Jasmine, these are the rest of my friends. Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Rainbow Dash." Twilight introduced. "It's very nice to meet you all." said Jasmine. "And guess what we have for you and Ali." said Rainbow Dash as she introduces her to Carpet. "Is that a magic carpet?" Jasmine asked.

"Yeah, want to go on a ride?" Aladdin asked. "What?" Jasmine asked. "We can get out of the palace and see the world." said Aladdin. "Is it safe?" Jasmine asked. "Yeah, if you trust me." said Aladdin. Jasmine looks at him and asked, "What did you say?" "Do you trust me?" Aladdin asked as he offers her his hand. "Say yes." said Rainbow Dash. "Yes." said Jasmin as she takes Aladdin's hand and got in the carpet.

Then, they fly off. The mane six flies with them.


They traveled the world in a single night and the mane six watch Aladdin and Jasmine start falling for each other.

They rested in China where fireworks were lit for a festival. "It's all so magical." said Jasmine. "It sure is. I think I can see Mulan down there." said Rainbow Dash as she looks at the crowd. "It's a shame Abu had to miss this." said Jasmine. "Nah, he hates fireworks." said Aladdin as he accidentally blow up his cover. "Al! Shhh!" Pinkie shouted as she covers Aladdins mouth. "I knew it. You are the boy I met in the marketplace. Why did you lie to me?" Jasmine asked as she takes away Aladdin's hat. "Jasmine, I'm sorry!" Aladdin shouted.

"Way to go, Aladdin. You blew it up." Rarity muttered. "Who are you? Tell me the truth!" Jasmine demanded. "I'll tell you the truth. He's just like you, sick and tired of being in his castle 24/7. So, he likes disguising himself as a peasant to get out of palace life. His parents don't know a thing on what has he been doing." Pinkie explained. "Is this true?" Jasmine asked. "Yeah, it's true. Pinkie knows everything about me. It's strange, isn't it?" said Aladdin. "Not that strange." Jasmine replied. The mane six sighed in relief.

The trip was finally over and it's time for Jasmine to go home. They dropped her off at the balcony, but have to do one more thing first. "Goodnight, my handsome prince." said Jasmine. "Sleep well, princess." said Aladdin as leaned forward to kiss her. Pinkie pushes him closer to finally kiss. Once their lips finally touched, Jasmine went to her room so she can get a goodnight sleep.

"Yes!" Aladdin cheered as he finally relaxed on Carpet. "Congratulations, you won Jasmine's heart. Now what?" said Fluttershy. "I don't know yet, Fluttershy. But, I know that things are turning out just fine." said Aladdin. "Yeah, but you almost ruined the moment." said Rarity. "I know, I'm sorry. At least she still likes me." said Aladdin. "Like I said before, she still loves whether you're a prince or a street rat." said Pinkie. "Yeah, I guess you're right." said Aladdin.

Suddenly, guards came in and grabbed Aladdin and the mane six. They chained and gagged them with really heavy balls that can sink into the ocean. One guard tied Carpet into a tree and the rest were held by the others. In the shadows was Jafar, looking at them in sinister. "Now, it's time to finish Prince Abooboo. Make sure he's never found." he ordered. "Why you!" Aladdin shouted in gag.

Before they can do anything, they knocked out Aladdin and threw him into the ocean. As for the mane six, they hung them beside the cliff. Don't worry, not by their necks.


The girls trip to set themselves free, but Pinkie is the only one who got herself ungagged.

"ALADDIN! NOOO!" she cried. She then noticed Genie's lamp is stuck in her mane, so she rubs it with her tounge to get his attantion. When Genie popped out, it looks like he was drying himself with really long red hair. "Oh, hey Pinkie. Like my new hairdo?" he said. "Genie, we need your help! Well, Aladdin needs your help more than me!" Pinkie shouted. "What's wrong? Where is he?" Genie asked. "In the ocean. Please, you have to save him." said Pinkie. "But, I have to grant someone's wish." said Genie. "Fine, I wish for you to save Aladdin's life." said Pinkie. "Alrighty then!" said Genie as he puts the mane six back on top unchained before he goes in to save Aladdin.

Genie dives in and immediatley saw Aladdin drowning. He swam down and scooped him up. "There, that was easy. Now, let's get you back to shore!" he said as he zooms out of the water and puts Aladdin to safety. He puts him down as he coughs out all of the water. "Aladdin! You're okay!" Pinkie shouted as she hugs him tight. "Don't you scare me like that." said Genie. "Thanks, Genie. We would've still be hanging if it weren't for you." said Twilight.

"Aw, guys. It was nothing. Come on, let's head home." said Genie as he flew them back to the palace.

Meanwhile, Jasmine is combing her hair while humming to herself. "Jasmine." the Sultan called. "Oh, father. I had the most wonderful time. I'm so happy." said Jasmine. "You should be, Jasmine. I have chosen a husband for you." said the Sultan. "What?" Jasmine asked in confusion. "You will wed Jafar." said Saltan as Jafar enters the room. Jasmine gasped in horror. "You're speechless, I see." said Jafar. "I will never marry you. Father, I choose Prince Ali." said Jasmine. "Prince Ali left." Jafar lied.

"Guess again, Jafar!" Twilight yelled. The mane six and Aladdin were right there, alive. "Prince Ali! Girls!" Jasmine shouted in glee. Jafar gasped as he realized they escaped his trap. "How in the?" Iago asked. "Tell them the truth, Jafar. You tried to have me and my friends killed." said Aladdin. "What? How disgraceful. Don't worry, sore. He's obviously lying." said Jafar as he puts his snake staff into the Sultans eyes, hypnotizing him. "Obviously lying." Sultan imitated. Twilight realized that Jafar is making Sultan do all this.

"Father! What's wrong with you?!" Jasmine shouted. "I know what's wrong!" Twilight shouted as she grabbed Jafar's staff from him and smashed it to pieces. This makes the Sultan go back to normal. "Oh my." He muttered. "Your highness. Jafar has been controlling you with this." said Aladdin. "What? Jafar? You traitor!" Sultan shouted as everyone else corners Jafar and Iago. "Now, let me explain." said Jafar. "You're gonna get it, partner." said Applejack. "Guards! Guards!" Sultan shouted.

Jafar noticed that there was the magic lamp inside Pinkie's mane and was about to get it, but the guards seized him. "This is not done yet, boy!" he shouted as he disappeared suddenly. "Find him. Search everywhere!" Sultan ordered. "Aw man, he got away!" Rainbow Dash complained. "At least we're safe. We'll get him next time." said Twilight. "But, we have to be careful just in case he comes back." Fluttershy warned.

Aladdin checked on Jasmine to make sure she's alright, in fact she was. Sultan saw the couple holding hands and looking onto each other's eyes. "Is this true? My daughter has fall in love with a suitor?" he asked. Jasmine nodded yes. "Haha! Praise Ala! Because of that, you will become Sultan. We'll have a celebration for you tomorrow too." said Sultan.

Evryone was happy about the news, excpet for Aladdin because he wasn't expecting the Sultan part.


The next day, Aladdin was saddened when he has to become Sultan all because he was in love with Jasmine.

"Huzzah! Hail to the hero!" Genie shouted as he turns himself into a one man band. "Congratulations, Aladdin. You got what you want. What's your next big thing?" Twilight asked. Aladdin didn't answer, instead he fell into the bed. "Aladdin, is something wrong?" Fluttershy asked. "You look depressed. Have you eaten anything this morning?" Applejack asked. "So, when are you going to free Genie?" Pinkie asked.

"Guys, I can't. I'm forced to become Sultan, which I didn't expect at all. I can't blame you on all of this. The sad news is I can't let Genie free." Aladdin explained sadly. Pinkie gasped in horror and shouted, "But, you Pinkie Promised!" "I know, I did. I'm sorry I broke it." said Aladdin. "Ok, fine. I'll be right here in this lamp. Now if you'll excuse me, master." said Genie in disappointment as he went into the lamp in Pinkie's mane. "Genie, I'm sorry." said Aladdin. Pinkie smacked him and yelled, "Don't touch him! I can't believe you! YOU PINKIE PROMISED!" Then, she ran off.

"Pinkie!" Aladdin shouted. "Don't worry, she always acts like that when someone breaks her Pinkie Promise." said Rainbow Dash. "Well, you have to do what's best now. You have to tell Jasmine the truth." said Applejack. Aladdin sighed in sadness and said, "Yeah, you're right. I have to tell Jasmine the truth. Whether I'm a street rat or a prince, she will still love me." "Well, let's go talk to her." said Rainbow Dash. So, they left in order to talk to Jasmine.

Meanwhile, Pinkie was trying to calm herself by looking at the pink flamingos. But, she doesn't know that something knocked her out. That figure was Iago who kidnapped her and the lamp for Jafar to see.


The celebration has begun and everyone is very excited, including Jasmine.

"Ok, Aladdin. Better go tell her the truth now. She's right there." said Rainbow Dash. "I will. Jasmine, there's something I have to tell you." said Aladdin. "Ali, you're here. Everyone is excited to see you." said Jasmine as she leads Aladdin to the stage and pushes him out there. "Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you my daughter's future husband. Prince Ali Ababwa." Sultan announced as Aladdin came out of the curtains nervously. "Oh boy." he muttered.

Meanwhile, Jafar and Iago were watching from above as they have Pinkie and the lamp in their clutches. "Oh, look. They're so happy about their love." said Iago sarcastically. "Leave that lamp alone! It doesn't belong to you! That genie who's in there is a free man!" Pinkie shouted as she tries to get out from her ropes. "You silly pony. The fun has just begun." said Jafar as he rubs the lamp and Genie came out.

"Alright, Al. You want to deal with my problems, fine. I don't think you're him." he said as he looks at Jafar. "Genie! Get out of here!" Pinkie shouted. "Pinkie? Why are you tied up?" Genie asked. "He kidnapped us! We have to." said Pinkie before Iago gags her. "Listen, you! You better let go of her before I call for help!" Genie warned. Jafar grabs him by the beard and pressed his foot on his face to the ground. "There will be none of that! I'm your new master now!" he yelled. "Yeah, bring it on!" Iago shouted.

"Genie! My first wish is for you to make me a sultan!" Jafar ordered. Genie had no choice but to grant his wish. His wish causes mayhem in Agrabah. The clouds turned into dark color and the wind is getting stronger. "What the hay is going on here?" Applejack asked. "Where's Pinkie? I haven't seen her since we left." Rainbow Dash asked. "I don't know. Probably hiding somewhere." Aladdin answered.

Suddenly, Sultan begins to float and his clothes were torn off except for his underwear. His clothes were transported to Jafar because of his wish to become sultan. "Jafar! I should've known!" Twilight shouted. "Well, it looks like you can't stop me now! By the way, I kidnapped your pink friend because she's been hiding the lamp from me." said Jafar as he brought in Pinkie tied and gagged. "Pinkie! Let her go, Jafar!" Rainbow Dash commanded in anger. "Fine, you can have her. But, I still own the genie." said Jafar as he commands Genie to move the palace to the top hill.

Genie appears really big and uses his muscles to lift up the palace from the ground, causing everyone to run in horror. "Genie! Stop!" Aladdin shouted. "Sorry, kid. I got a new master now." said Genie as he puts the palace at the hill. "We have to stop this mayhem!" Rarity shouted. Rainbow Dash unties Pinkie and ungags her. "Thank you so much, Dashie. I can't believe Jafar is forcing Genie to do much horrible things." said Pinkie. "It's alright, Pinkie. We need to stop him before he hurts any of us." said Rainbow Dash.

"Now, you'll all bow to me!" Jafar demanded. "We will never bow to you!" Jasmine shouted. "And you can't make us!" Twilight shouted. "Then, if you don't bow before the sultan. You will bow for a sorcerer. Genie! My second wish. I wish to be the most powerful sorcerer in the world!" Jafar demanded. Genie closed his eyes as he grants his wish forcefully. "Genie, no!" Aladdin shouted. But, it was too late. Jafar has already been turned into a powerful sorcerer, much to everyone's horror. "Now, where were we? Ah, yes. Bowing to me, I presume!" said Jafar as he forcefully makes everyone bow to him. Twilight came up to him and zaps him with her magic, but he defended himself with his own magic. She kept going until Jafar casted a new spell on her by zapping her in the chest, then forces her to bow to him.

Jafar went to Jasmine and said, "Oh, princess. There's someone dying to see you." "Jafar! Get your hands off of her!" Aladdin shouted as he charged at him, but Jafar forced him to bow to him. "So, this Prince Ali, handsome as he. But, this is not who he is. This is who he is, nothing but a street rat!" said Jafar as he turns Aladdin into his normal self before he was a prince. Jasmine was in shock and asked, "Ali?" "Or should we say, Aladdin?" Iago asked. "Jasmine, I'm sorry. I didn't mean for this to happen." said Aladdin. "No, you can't do this! Don't hurt them!" Pinkie shouted.

But, Jafar has already sent Aladdin and the mane six to the tower and sent them away, excpet for Pinkie. "NOOOO!" she shouted. "So long, ex Prince Ali!" Jafar laughed. "Bring them back! Now!" Pinkie demanded. "Oh, I'm afraid you won't see them again. As for you, you will be nothing but a depressed pony who will never find love." said Jafar as he casts a spell on her, causing her mane to go flat and her cutie mark missing. "Oh no. My friends are gone, I'm not going to see them anymore. I'm forever alone." said Pinkie as she sheds a tear in her eyes.

Jafar laughed evilly as his plan finally worked and is now ruler of Agrabah.


The tower lands on a snowy place far away from Agrabah. The mane six and Aladdin were freezing cold.

"Pinkie! Pinkie!" Twilight called. "Jafar must've held her captive! I saw him." Rainbow Dash shouted. "Now what? We have to get back to Agrabah!" said Rarity. "You're right. But, it's gonna have to take a while to get there." said Applejack. "I'm sorry, girls. This is all my fault, if only I had told the truth sooner." said Aladdin. "I never blamed you at all, Aladdin. Jafar has been after us all along." said Fluttershy. "We have to find Carpet, he's the only one who can get us out of here." said Rainbow Dash.

They began searching for Carpet until Aladdin accidentally stepped on him, who turns out to be stuck in the tower. "Carpet!" Twilight called. "He's stuck. We have to get him outta there." said Rarity. Then, Aladdin had an idea. "Girls, start digging!" he said as he starts digging the snow in order to free Carpet. Once everyone dug him out, the tower begins to roll. Aladdin and the mane six went underneath the hold so they won't get crushed. The tower falls off the cliff and everyone is safe. "Yeah, alright!" Rainbow Dash shouted.

Carpet is finally free and let's Aladdin ride on him. "Agrabah, here we come!" Aladdin shouted as he and the others went straight to the palace to stop Jafar.


Back in Agrabah, Jafar has tortured everyone in the palace like turning the Sultan into a fool, Jasmine turns into his slave, and Pinkie is forced to be in depression.

"Stop this! Jafar, leave him alone!" Jasmine pleaded as she saw her father being forced to eat bird crackers by Iago. "Oh, please. All I care about is you. A beautiful flower like yourself should probably be with a powerful being. What do you say, my dear? Rule by my side?" said Jafar. "Never!" Jasmine shouted as she threw a glass of wine at him. Jafar growled at her and shouted, "I'll teach you some respect!" He threatens to hit her, but stopped when he came up with an idea. "Please, don't hurt her." Pinkie pleaded as the depression worsens her. "Quiet! Genie, I decided to make my final wish. I wish for Princess Jasmine to fall desperately in love with me." Jafar ordered. Jasmine gasped. "Uh, master. I'm afraid I can't do that. It's possibly one of the things I can't do." said Genie.

Meanwhile, the mane six and Aladdin sneak into the palace to save everyone. But, first they have to get the lamp. Pinkie saw them from above, so did Jasmine. In order for Jafar not to see him, she pretends to flirt with him. "Jafar, I never realize how incredibly handsome you are." she said. "That's better. Now, pussycat. Tell me more about myself." said Jafar. Pinkie sneaks towards her friends to greet them. "Guys, you're here. I thought I would never see you again." she whispered. "We missed you too, Pinkie. Can you help us get the lamp back?" Aladdin asked. "Yes. But, the problem is Jafar made me depressed." said Pinkie as she shows everyone her cutie mark is gone. The mane six gasped silently.

Twilight sneaks in front of the throne and uses her magic to take the lamp silently. Iago watches them and tries to warn Jafar, but Applejack kidnaps him. While flirting with Jasmine, Jafar saw the mane six trying to steal the lamp along with Aladdin. "How many times do I have to kill you all?!" he shouted. Jasmine tried to stop him, but she got thrown to the ground. Aladdin attacks him and shouts to Jasmine, "Get the lamp!" Jasmine did try to, but Jafar traps her in a huge hourglass. "Jasmine!" Pinkie shouted as she witnessed her getting drowned by sand. "I got it!" Twilight shouted. Jafar saw her and turns her into a statue. "Twilight!" Pinkie shouted. Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy try to get it, but Jafar puts both of their wings together so they won't get the lamp. "Hey, what is this?!" Rainbow Dash shouted. Applejack and Rarity got trapped into a huge diamond. Now, the only people who can get the lamp are Aladdin and Pinkie.

Jafar puts swords around it and catches it. "I'm starting to get warmed up!" he said as he sets them on fire. "Are you afraid to fight, you cowardly snake!" Aladdin shouted. "A snake am I? Then, I'll be a snake." said Jafar as he turns into a huge snake. Pinkie gasped in horror. Jafar then attacks them, but Aladdin defends himself and Pinkie by slashing his sword at him. Then, he tries to get Jasmine out of the hourglass. "Jasmine, hang on!" he shouted. Jafar caught both of them and said, "You little fools. You thought you can defeat the most powerful being on earth. Without the genie, you're nothing."

That gave Aladdin an idea. "The genie is more powerful than you are. He gave you your powers, he can take it away. Face it, Jafar. You're still second best." he shouted. "Al, what are you doing? Why are you putting me into this?' Genie asked nervously. "You're right, I still need more power. Slave, I've made my third wish. I wish to be an all powerful genie." said Jafar as he slithers towards Genie. Genie sighed and said, "Alright, your wish is my command. Way to go, Al." He closes his eyes and turns Jafar into a genie.

Aladdin and Pinkie were free and have the chance to save Jasmine. Aladdin breaks the glass and picks up Jasmine. "Is she okay?" Pinkie asked. Jasmine woke up and saw Jafar as a powerful genie. "What have you done?" she asked. "Trust me!" said Aladdin as he saw a black lamp and went towards it. "Hey, Jafar! Haven't you forgotten something? You want to be a genie? You got it!" Pinkie shouted. "What?" Jafar asked as he has golden cuffs on him and got sucked into the lamp. Iago tries to get out, but he got sucked in as well.

"Itty bitty little space." said Pinkie. "Al! Pinkie! You two are my heroes!" Genie shouted as he hugs both of them. Because of Jafar being gone, his spells are broken. Everyone is back to normal, including Pinkie who has her mane back to curls and her cutie mark is back. "Yippee! I'm me again! I've never been so happy in my entire life!" she shouted.

Agrabah is safe once again.


Genie tosses the lamp away from Agrabah and into the far away desert.

Aladdin went to Jasmine and said, "Jasmine, I'm sorry I lied to you about being a prince." "I know why you did." said Jasmine." "See? I told you she still loves you." said Pinkie. "She's right. Whether you're a prince or a street rat, I will always love you." said Jasmine. "You know, I can make you a prince again." said Genie. "But, what about your freedom? You've been dreaming about it." Applejack asked. "Yes, but I want Aladdin to fall for the right girl and he already has." said Genie.

"Jamsine, I do love you. But, I gotta stop pretending to be something I'm not." said Aladdin. "What are you saying?" Twilight asked. "Genie, I wish for your freedom." said Aladdin. "One Prince Charming coming right up. What?" Genie asked in confusion. "Genie, you're free." said Aladdin. Then, Genie is transforming into a free genie by not having gold cuffs anymore and no longer needs the lamp. "I'm free. I'm free. I can't believe it! I'm finally free! I'm off to see the world!" he shouted. He saw everyone smile at him. "Genie, I'm gonna miss you." said Pinkie. "We all will." said Aladdin. "Me too. No matter what anybody says, you'll always be a prince to me." said Genie as he hugs both the mane six and Aladdin.

"Ok, girls. I think we have to go too." said Twilight. "You're leaving? Ok, I'm gonna miss you as much as Genie." said Aladdin. "Thank you for everything, girls. Especially you, Pinkie." said Jasmine. "I'll miss you too, Jasmine." said Pinkie.

"Bue, Aladdin. Bye, Jasmine. Bye, Genie. Bye, Sultan!" the girls shouted as they disappeared. "Bye, girls!" everyone said.


Once the Book of Disney dropped them off, Pinkie was in tears of joy.

"Pinkie, are you okay?" Twilight asked. "Yes, that was the best adventure I have ever had." Pinkie replied.





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