
The Mane Six goes Disney

by The Cat Charmer

Chapter 27: The Haunted Mansion

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The Haunted Mansion

One day at Twilight's castle, they are looking at the map to see if everything's okay. "Hmm, it looks like everything's fine. No sign or anything." said Twilight. "I guess Princess Celestia did take care of everything while we were dealing with the Book of Disney." said Rarity. "Also, we don't have to deal with ugly monsters here." said Fluttershy. "I know that, we're just checking on the map in case anyone needs us." said Twilight.

Suddenly, their cutie marks begin to glow. Then, they go into the map and land on a place on the map, which means they are destined to go there. "Huh? Hey, it looks like something is going on there. And we're going to figure it out." said Rainbow Dash. "I don't know why though, but we're checking it out. Who's with me?" said Twilight. The girls agreed with her. "I wonder where the map is leading us." said Applejack.

So, they went to the train station with their stuff and heads onto the place where the map wants them to go.


When the train stopped their destination, the mane six got off the train and follows the map.

"Ok, girls. I think we're not to far from our destination." said Twilight. "I hope it's something fun and exciting." said Pinkie. "Maybe we can fight a bad guy, because it would be so awesome." said Rainbow Dash. "Who knows. Let's find out and see." said Rarity.

When they got there, the map led the mane six to an old mansion. "A mansion? The map led us to a mansion?" Applejack asked. "Is there something going on in there?" Pinkie asked. "Well, that's why we're here. No one said anything about this place, not even Princess Celestia." said Rainbow Dash. "It does need some decoration. I'm surprised whoever lives here is not selling it." said Rarity. "It looks spooky. Even the backyard looks scary." said Fluttershy.

Listening to what Fluttershy said, the mane six looked at the backyard and it turns out to be a cemetery. "Ok, that's nice. A graveyard full of dead people in a backyard. I have a felling the person is rich enough to have this all by himself." said Rarity sarcastically. "Whoever lives here must like dead things." said Pinkie. "Maybe that's why we we're sent here. Because of someone living here and might need our help." said Twilight.

Then all of the sudden, it begins to rain. "Aw man. The Pegasi didn't tell us its going to rain today." Rainbow Dash complained. "Let's get inside so we won't get sick." said Applejack. They immediately went to the entrance door to stay dry and Twilight knocks on the door. The door opens unexpectedly without anyone opening it. "It opened. I don't see anyone doing it." said Fluttershy. "I guess we should go inside then." said Twilight as she and her friends go into the mansion. The door closes behind them without anyone closing it.

"Ok, this place is giving me the creeps already." said Applejack. "You're not the only one." said Fluttershy. The mansion looks really nice, except it's covered with spider webs it's darker. "Hello? Hello? Is anyone here? We're here to help." Twilight called. No one answered. "I don't see anyone." said Rainbow Dash. "Good, now lets get outta here." said Fluttershy as she was about to leave, but the door stayed shut. "What's going on? Why isn't the door opening?" she cried.

Then, they saw a tall old man walking through the hallway. He was in front of the mane six and said, "Miss Rarity?" Rarity looked at him in confusion and said, "Yes, I am Rarity." "My name is Ramsley." he introduced. "Uh, nice to meet you Ramsley. I'm Twilight Sparkle and thses are my freinds. Fluttershy, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, and Rainbow Dash. I can tell you just met Rarity." Twilight introduced. "We were not expecting others." said Ramsley, gesturing Rarity's freinds. "Well, I go on adventures with them. What would I do without them?" said Rarity. "Very well then. Master Gracey is waiting for you in the dining room." said Ramsley. "That would be nice. I'm sure he'll tell us what the hay is going on here." said Applejack.

Ramsley leads the mane six to the dining room where Master Gracey is waiting for them.


When they got there, they saw Master Gracey looking at the window.

"Master Gracey, your visitors have arrived." said Ramsley. Gracey turned around and saw the mane six. "Ah, I was expecting you. Welcome to my home. Please, have a seat. Especially you, Miss Rarity." he said. "Uh, how'd you know my name? Even Ramsley knows my name." Rarity asked. "Something fishy is going on here." said Twilight. "Don't worry, we'll figure it out once we sit down and talk with him." said Applejack.

Once they all say down, Gracey wouldn't stop staring at Rarity. "So, what do you think of this mansion?" Gracey asked. "I think it's lovely. But, why do you want to sell it?" Rarity asked. "Too many memories in my history. It runs in my family." Gracey explained. Pinkie wasn't paying attention to the conversation, she was too busy eating a cupcake. "So, Master Gracey. Is there any problems happening here lately?" Twilight asked. "Well, let me ask you this. Do you believe in ghosts?" Gracey asked. "No, I don't. Why? Do you have any ghost problems?" Twilight asked.

Ramsley watches the rain from the window flooding the roads. "The storm has flooded the road." he said. "Beg your pardon?" Applejack asked. "The storm has flooded the river. I believe there will be no leaving tonight." said Ramsley. "What? You want us to stay here for tonight." Fluttershy asked in fear. "Calm down, it's just one night." said Rainbow Dash. "Yes, it would be nice if you girls stay here for the night. Ramsley will show you the rooms." said Gracey.

So Ramsley takes the mane six to their rooms. They stared at the portraits and the way it's really dark in the hallways. "It's really spooky here." said Pinkie. "Let's hope we won't stay here for too long." said Rarity. Ramsley opens the guest bedroom door for Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy. "I believe the winged ponies will be comfortable in this room." he said. Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy went into the room and closed the door.

Then, he opens a different door for Pinkie and Applejack. "I believe the earth ponies will comfortable in this room." he said. "Wish us luck." said Applejack as she and Pinkie went to the room and closed the door. The only ponies left are Twilight and Rarity. "I wonder what our room will look like." said Rarity. Ramsley opens the door for the two and said, "I believe you two will be comfortable here." Twilight and Rarity went into the room and closed it shut.

Rarity sighed in relief.


Later on, it's still raining out and the girls could not sleep.

"Do you have this weird feeling about this place, Twilight?" Rarity asked. "Of course I do. Ramsley and Gracey know everthing about you and asked me if I believe in ghosts." said Twilight. "Does that mean there are ghosts here?" Rarity asked. "I don't know. Lets hope not. I'm mostly worried about you, Rarity. They might be planning about something with you." said Twilight. "Oh, I hope not. And I have to say, Gracey was looking at me strangely." said Rarity. "Ok, let's just calm down and rest for tomorrow morning. Then, we'll figure something out." said Twilight. "Good idea. I'll be at the bathroom if you need me. I could really use a shower." said Rarity as she goes to the bathroom.

While Twilight was about to sit down, Ramsley showed up from nowhere and scares her. Twilight screamed and said, "Ramsley, you scared me. Don't do that." "The master would like to have a word with you." said Ramsley. "Really? Right now? Ok, let's see what he wants. Hey, Rarity. I'm going to talk to Master Gracey, I'll be back in a minute." said Twilight.

She follows Ramsley to the library.


Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash were wondering in the bedroom without getting any sleep.

"Do you think the raining will stop soon?" Fluttershy asked. "How should I know? I'm not the weatherman." said Rainbow Dash. "Let's hope so. I really don't like this place." said Fluttershy. "I know, I'm not crazy about it either. But, I promise we'll get outta here by morning." Rainbow Dash promised. Fluttershy smiled.

Rainbow Dash was exploring some things while Fluttershy is in the bathroom. She discovers a music box with two lovers dancing in a ballroom. "Wow." she muttered. But then, something blue and bright was behind her. Fluttershy saw it and screamed, "RAINBOW DASH!" Rainbow Dash turned around and screamed as well. "What is that thing?" she shouted. She went to Fluttershy and the ball is still there. "It looks like a ghost ball." said Fluttershy.

The ghost ball looks at the two and wants them to follow it. "What's it doing?" Fluttershy asked. "It looks like it wants us to follow it." said Rainbow Dash. The ghost ball leaves the room and still wants the two to follow it. "Hey, it does want us to follow it." said Rainbow Dash. "Wait. What if it's a trap?" Fluttershy asked. "Please. Since when does this place have traps? Come on, it might be a clue why we're here." said Rainbow Dash as she follows the ghost ball. "Oh, ok." said Fluttershy as she nervously follows her friend.

They followed it until they stopped in a basement. "Uh, why'd you bring us here?" Rainbow Dash asked. Fluttershy notices a portrait of a beautiful young woman who looks exactly like Rarity. "Rarity?" she asked herself. Rainbow Dash looks at the portrait too and said, "She looks just like her. Is that the reason why Gracey and Ramsley are obsessed with her?" "I don't know." Fluttershy replied.

Then all of the sudden, a grumpy old man named Ezra walked in and shouted, "Hey, what are you doing? You're not supposed to be here! You're being trespassers!" "Oh, I'm sorry. We're just curious who this woman is. She looks like our friend." Fluttershy explained. "That's none of your concern!" Ezra shouted. "Her name is Elizabeth. Does anyone want a cookie?" a maiden named Emma said. "Elizabeth?" Fluttershy asked. Then, they hear Ramsley coming. "Quick, hide!" Emma shouted as she pushes Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy behind a trunk.

Ramsley arrived in the basement and asked the two servants, "Where are the other ponies?" "Ponies? What ponies?" Emma asked. "The ponies Miss Rarity was not supposed to bring, especially that smart allic alicorn!" Ramsley explained. "No, I haven't seen them." Ezra answered. Ramsley gave them a look and walked away.

Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy had a bad feeling about this.


Back at the bedroom where Pinkie and Applejack are staying in, they are more concerned than anyone about the mansion.

"Something is going on, and I want to know what." said Applejack. "I agree. But, how are we going to find out what's going on?" Pinkie asked. "We'll explore, of course. Ask anyone some questions, look at things that are familiar, find some clues, and tell Twilight everything about it." Applejack explained. "Yeah, good idea. But, don't let Ramsley know. He's quite suspicious about us." said Pinkie. "That's right, he's been giving me the creeps ever since we got here." said Applejack. "Come on, Applejack. Let's go." said Pinkie.

So, the two earth ponies sneak out of their bedroom without anyone watching. "All clear." Pinkie whispered. Applejack looked back and forth and tiptoed through the hallway. "See anything?" she whispered. "Not a single one. I can't see in the dark." Pinkie whispered back. "Well, let's go to one of the rooms here. I say we head to that one first." said Applejack. Pinkie nods in agreement. They both opened the door and realized they're in the library.

They're not the only one who's in here. Twilight was there, waiting for Master Gracey to show up. When she hears the door open, she turned around and saw Applejack and Pinkie Pie. "Applejack? Pinkie? What are you two doing here in the middle of the night?" she asked. "Twilight? Is that you, sugarcube?" Applejack asked. "Yes, I was waiting for Master Gracey to show up. Ramsley told me he wants to see me." Twilight explained. "Really? We're here to figure out what's going on here by finding some clues." said Pinkie. "Hmm, we can find some clues here. Come on, let's look around." said Twilight.

The three ponies looked around the library to find some clues about what happened back then. While looking, Pinkie was playing with the stuff on the desk until she accidentally opens a secret passage way. "Pinkie, what did you do?" Twilight asked. "I did nothing." said Pinkie. "Hold on a second. We can look through there to check it out." said Applejack. "Good idea. Let's go, girls." said Twilight as she and her friends went to the secret passage.

But when the enter, the door automatically slams shut. "Wait. No no no no! Ramsley! Ramsley!" Twilight shouted as she tries to open the door, but it won't open. "Now what? We're trapped here." Pinkie asked. "It looks like we need to find a way out. Come on." said Twilight as she lits up her horn with her magic and leads the way. "Oh, let's just hope it won't be so dark and creepy." said Applejack.

They've been wondering through the darkness as pictures turn into hideous things and statues watching them. "Please let there be a door." Twilight muttered. Luckily, they found a door and hear a woman's voice. Applejack opened it and saw a woman inside a glowing green ball. "Do you think she'll tell us what's going on here?" Pinkie asked. "I don't know. Let's ask her." said Applejack.

They walked up to her and Twilight asked, "Excuse me, do you know where we are?" "I am Madame Leota. Whom do you seek?" the lady introduced. "We seek." Applejack replied before she was interrupting by Madame Leota. "SILENCE! If you want to seek, one of you must sing a song about ghosts." she said. "Well, Pinkie can sing a song for you." said Twilight. "What? Why me?" Pinkie asked. "If you don't, she won't tell us what's going on." said Twilight.

Pinkie takes a deep breath and begins to sing,

(When the crypt doors creak, and the tombstones quake

Spooks come out for a swinging wake

Happy haunts materialize

And begin to vocalize

Grim Grinning Ghosts come out to socialize

Now don't close your eyes and don't try to hide

Or a silly spook may sit by your side

Shrouded in a daft disguise

They pretend to terrorize

Grim Grinning Ghosts come out to socialize

As the moon climbs high o'er the dead oak tree

Spooks arrive for the midnight spree

Creepy creeps with eerie eyes

Start to shriek and harmonize

Grim Grinning Ghosts come out to socialize

When you hear the knell of a requiem bell

Weird glows gleam where spirits dwell

Restless bones etherialize

Rise as spooks of every size


If you would like to join our jamboree

There's a simple rule that's compulsory

Mortals pay a token fee

Rest in peace, the haunting's free

So hurry back we would like your company)

After she's done singing, Madame Leota lifts them up with her magic and begins to spin them around. The girls screamed in terror. "Make it stop! Make it stop!" Applejack pleaded. Then, she drops them.


The girls screamed as they ran as fast as they can. Luckily, they found a door and hid behind it.

"Twilight? Pinkie? Applejack?" Rainbow Dash asked. "Fluttershy! Rainbow Dash! Thank goodness, you're safe." said Twilight. "We've been safe all this time. Figuring out what's going on, and we have a lot to explain." said Fluttershy. "So, we're not getting outta here?" Pinkie asked. "We can't just leave! Rarity's in trouble." said Rainbow Dash. "What kind of trouble?" Twilight asked.

Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy showed their friends the portrait of Elizabeth who looks like Rarity. "Hey, that girl looks exactly like Rarity. Except she's human." said Applejack. "We figured out that Ramsley is going to use her to break the curse." said Fluttershy. "Wait, there's a curse going on here?" Twilight asked. "Yes, this young woman is Elizabeth and Mastsr Gracey fell in love with her. But, she poisoned herself. Because if this, Master Gracey hung himself and the curse has been lifted. It might freak you out, but everyone here are ghosts." Fluttershy explained. "Ghosts?!" Pinkie shrieked. "Who told you that?" Applejack asked. "These two." said Fluttershy, gesturing Emma and Ezra.

"If you want to help break the curse, you have to see Madame Leota." said Emma. "Oh no, there's no way we're going back there. She forced me to sing a song about ghosts and spun us around with her evil laugh." said Pinkie. "Maybe we should try again. This time, we'll get better luck." said Twilight. They went back to Madame Leota to find out what happened to Elizabeth.

"Oh, Madame Leota. Is this true? Has Elizabeth come back to us?" Emma asked. "It is true." Madame Leota replied. "So, aren't you going to tell us what happened to her?" Rainbow Dash asked. "You have to find the truth for yourself. The truth will set you free." said Madame Leota. "How are we going to find the truth by ourselves?" Applejack asked. "Enter the tomb and find the key. The key is in the center tomb." said Madame Leota. "So, you're saying you want us to go to a scary cemetery to find a key?" Fluttershy asked. "We'll find it." said Rainbow Dash. "Yeah, but how are we going to get there?" Twilight asked.

"Well, there's always my way." said Ezra.


His idea was to use his carriage and take the mane six to the graveyard.

The graveyard was filled with 999 ghosts and each of them are doing different things. "Girls, I see dead people." said Fluttershy. "We all see them. And I have to say, they're quite creepy." said Applejack. "How come they're not in heaven like they're supposed to?" Twilight asked. "When they died, they can't go to the light. Now, they're trapped thanks to the curse." Emma explained. "Wow, that's terrible. I wonder who started this whole thing." said Rainbow Dash.

As they drove through the graveyard, the carriage stops and the mane six got off. "Well let you know we're ready to go." said Twilight. "Take some time." said Ezra. "Let's hope we won't get lost." said Pinkie. "Don't worry, we'll find that tomb in two seconds flat." Rainbow Dash promised.

While looking for the tomb, they were encountered by four singing statue heads. "Do you think they know where it is?" Fluttershy asked. "I don't know, let's find out." said Applejack as she walked towards the heads to ask them questions. "Excuse me, do you know where the tomb is?" Twilight asked. But, they didn't listen. They were too busy singing to themselves. "Why are we asking these guys to know where the tomb is? All they think about is singing!" Rainbow Dash asked impatiently. Pinkie looked around and immediately saw the tomb. "Girls, there it is!" she shouted. Twilight and the others saw it and said, "Way to go, Pinkie Pie."

They walked towards the tomb and were concerned what the sign says. Twilight reads the sign because she knows Latin. "It's a warning. We have to be very careful once we go in." she said. "Um, Twilight. Is it okay if I stay here, just to watch over?" Fluttershy asked nervously. "I've got an idea. Fluttershy will stay here just in case something goes wrong, the rest of us will go in and find the key." said Applejack. "Yeah, I like that idea. Let's do it." said Rainbow Dash. "Come on, girls. Let's get in there.

So, they went into the tomb without Fluttershy to find the key. When they got there, they weren't sure which one has the key. "So, how do we find this key? I know it's in one of those tombs." said Applejack. "It must be that one." said Twilight as she points out the tomb in the center. "Maybe that's it. Man, how'd you find it so quickly?" Pinkie asked. "It was right there, Pinkie!" said Rainbow Dash.

Twilight uses her magic to open the tomb with the help of Applejack. Once it's open, they saw a corpse with a key on its chest. "Augh, sick! That's just, ugh!" said Rainbow Dash. "Let's get take the key and get outta here." said Twilight as she uses her magic to take the key from the corpse. She successfully pulls it out and hands it to Applejack. "Nice! Now, let's get outta here." she said.

But before they leave, the corpse rises from the dead and starts chasing them. The girls screamed in fright as they ran as fast as they can. Then, more corpses begin to rise and followed them. Twilight zaps them with her magic and uses a shield to keep them away from the girls. "I guess that's what the warning was telling us about." said Pinkie. They ran to the door with Fluttershy waiting for them. "Hurry, girls! This way!" she shouted.

They got out right before the door closes. "Phew, that was close." said Applejack. "Let's be grateful were safe and we have the key." said Twilight. Applejack pulls the key out of her hat and gave it to Twilight. "Alright, now let's go back to Madame Leota and she'll tell us where the key belongs to." said Twilight.


When they got back to Madame Leota and showed her the key.

"Ok, we go the key. Where does it go to?" Twilight asked. "Trunk." Madame Leota answered. "What? A trunk? Not some door?" Rainbow Dash asked. "No, not door. Trunk." said Madame Leota. "That's it! We've been through a graveyard filled with ghosts, got attacked by the living dead, and now you're telling us this key goes to a trunk?! You're coming with us!" said Twilight as she picks her up with her magic. "What are you doing? Put me down! This is very bad luck! This is very bad luck!" Madame Leota shouted.

They forced her to where the trunk is, which is at the basement. "Is that it?" Rainbow Dash asked. "That's it." said Madame Leota. Applejack has the key and unlocks the trunk with it. Once she opens it, all she sees was junk. "How do we find the truth? All I see is junk." Applejack asked. "Find the thing that's red." said Madame Leota. Applejack dug through the stuff until she found a red letter. "Hey, it's a letter." she said. "Well, read what it says." said Pinkie. Applejack opens the letter and reads,

"My dearest on,

I do. I will marry you and forever be with you. We'll be together forever.

Forever yours,


"She didn't kill herself?" Fluttershy asked. "She wants to be with him." said Rainbow Dash. "This letter has the truth all along. But, who's been hiding it for so many years?" Twilight asked. "Well done, you found out the truth." said Ramsley as he showed up out of nowhere. The mane six gasped in horror as he appeared. "Ramsley? You've been hiding the truth?" Twilight asked. "Yes, and you don't know that I was the one who took her life." said Ramsley. "You did this? You're the one who poisoned Elizabeth? Why?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"She would've ruined everything. The master would've lose the house and everything he owns all because of that girl. I had to get rid of her, for his own sake." Ramsley explained. The mane six were shocked at this. "How could you? At least Rarity isn't dealing with this since Elizabeth looks like her." said Twilight. "Oh, she already has. She's getting ready for her wedding." said Ramsley. "Why you! Wait till Master Gracey finds out what happened." Rainbow Dash shouted. "I'm afraid it won't happen." said Ramsley as he traps Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie by tying them up and chains and gagged them upside down.

"Girls! Ramsley, you let them go right now!" Twilight shouted as she attacks him with her magic, but can't since he's a ghost. Ramsley grabs her by the throat and lifts her in the air. "Now for the last time. Goodnight, Miss Sparkle." he said as he throws her out of the window and gets back to business.

Twilight screamed as she fell and lands hard. She tried to get up, but was knocked out.


In the bedroom, Rarity is done with her shower and is curious where Twilight is.

"Well, that was refreshing. Want to have one next, Twilight? Twilight?" she asked. She looked at everywhere in the room, but could not find her. "Hmm, maybe she went to the library." said Rarity as she leaves the room and looks for Twilight. "Twilight? Twilight?" she called out.

She went to the library to find her, but finds Master Gracey instead. "Hello, dear." he said. "Oh, Master Gracey. I didn't see you there. Have you seen my friend?" Rarity asked. "No, I have not. I want to talk to you, Elizabeth." said Master Gracey. Rarity was confused at the fact he called her Elizabeth. "What? My names not Elizabeth. Its Rarity." she said. "Why did you leave me? Why did you kill yourself? We were supposed to be together forever, like you said!" Master Gracey asked. "What are you talking about? You're scaring me. Leave me alone!" Rarity asked in fear as she ran away from Gracey and went back to her room.

Master Gracey went after her and knocks on the door. "Elizabeth, please come out!" he pleaded. "I'm not Elizabeth! Please, leave me alone! You got the wrong girl!" Rarity shouted. Master Gracey walked away and talked to Ramsley. "She won't come out, she thinks she's not Elizabeth." he said. "Don't worry, you will marry her tonight and the spell will be broken. I'll have the servants have her ready." said Ramsley.

So, Rarity is forced to wear a wedding dress and marry Master Gracey. She was crying on the inside.


Outside the mansion, Twilight begins to wake up from being thrown out the window.

"Ugh, what happened? Wait, Rarity is still in danger! I have to save her, also my friends too. That stupid map sent us here, would've been nicer if Princess Celestia deals with this instead of me." she said to herself. She tries to find a way in, but the windows are closed and it's too powerful to break through. "Oh, so that's how you want to play huh? Well, deal with this!" Twilight shouted as she unleashed a massive zap at the wall, completely destroyed. Now, she can get in and save her friends from Ramsley's schemes.

She looked everywhere to find them, luckily she did in the hallway guarded by Knights. "Hang on, guys! I'm coming!" she shouted as she makes her way to them, but was stopped by the Knights. Twilight zapped them all at once and even did some kicks. She then zaps the chains to release her friends. They got the chains off of them and ungagged themselves. "Twilight! Boy, am I glad to see you." said Applejack. "How'd you get in here without Ramsley noticing?" Fluttershy asked. "Just zapped the wall and looking for you. It was pretty easy." said Twilight.

"Hey, Twilight. Did you know that Rarity is getting married right now?" Rainbow Dash asked. "She what? Oh my Celestia, we've got to get her out of there now!" Twilight shouted. "I agree. I don't want Rarity to marry a dead guy." said Pinkie.

So, they are off to save Rarity from getting married.


Rarity was nervous and knows she can't do anything about it thanks to Ramsley.

He gave her a drink, but she doesn't realize he poisoned it. She drinks it for the wedding with her magic. "And now." said Ramsley before he was interrupted by the mane six who bursted the door open. "Stop right there, Ramsley!" Rainbow Dash shouted. "Girls!" Rarity shouted as she ran towards her friends and hugged them. "Master Gracey, we have a lot to talk about." said Twilight. "No, I understand what you're about to do. You're going to take Elizabeth away from me!" Gracey shouted as he pulls out his sword.

"No, you don't understand! This is not Elizabeth, her name is Rarity and she represents the element of generosity." Twilight explained as she takes a sword from a knight and defended herself with it. "You have no idea how much I love her!" Gracey shouted as he fights her in a sword duel. "Yes, I know you do. But, there's something you need to know. Elizabeth loves you too and she wants to be with you. She didn't kill herself, Ramsley did. He's been lying to you all this time." Twilight explained. "What? How could it be? Ramsley, you killed Elizabeth? My one true love?" Gracey asked in confusion.

"I tried to warn you, master. But, you didn't listen. I tried to protect you, and tried to keep you from losing everything including this mansion. How could you trust such ponies who knows what I've been doing ever since I got here. Darn you, darn you all to HELL!" Ramsley explained as he summons dark spirits to attack them.

Then, the floor begins to crumble and a fire like dragon appears. The mane six ducked and covered excpet for Rarity who passed out. The dragon grabbed Ramsley and drags him to hell. But, he grabs Twilight for ruining his plans. Twilight tried to get away and be set free, but couldn't. She tried to hang onto the edge of the entrance to hell, but luckily Gracey saves her and pulls her up. They watch as Ramsley go to hell where he belongs. "Thanks, Gracey." said Twilight. "No problem." said Master Gracey.

"Rarity!" the girls shouted as they went to the unconscious Rarity. "Oh no, Rarity." said Twilight. "It must the poison Ramsley gave her." said Master Gracey. "How are we going to cure her? There's got to be a way." said Applejack. Suddenly, the ghost ball appeared in front of the mane six and Master Gracey. "What are you doing? Get out of here!" Twilight shouted. "Twilight, it's okay. It's not going to hurt us." said Rainbow Dash. "We've met this thing earlier." said Fluttershy.

The ghost ball went inside Rarity and begins to rise. Then, she transforms into Elizabeth. "Elizabeth?" Gracey asked. "Yes, my darling." said Elizabeth. "The ghost ball is Elizabeth." said Fluttershy. "Thank you girls. You set me free." said Elizabeth. "Elizabeth." said Gracey. "Yes, my love?" Elizabeth asked. "I love you." said Gracey. "I love you too." said Elizabeth as they both kissed each other on the lips, which disgusts the mane six a little bit since she's inside Rarity. "Um, can we have Rarity back?" Twilight asked. Elizabeth got out of Rarity and the body collapses.

Then, Rarity begins to wake up because she unexpectedly healed herself. "Girls?" she asked. "Rarity!" the girls shouted as they all hugged her. "What happened? I had the craziest dream. Why am I wearing a wedding dress?" Rarity asked. "Long story. We'll tell you when we get home." said Rainbow Dash.

Master Gracey give Twilight the deed to the house. "What's this?" she asked. "The deed to the house. Do whatever makes your freinds happy." said Gracey. There was a light coming from above as the cause is broken. Now, every ghost in the mansion gets to go to heaven. "I will miss you all, and thank you for what you did for us." said Gracey as he and Elizabeth go into heaven.

The mane six waved goodbye at him.


They immediately left the mansion after that.

"That was the craziest night I've ever had in my entire life." said Rarity. "Well, at least it's a memory now." said Applejack. "Yeah, wait till I tell Princess Celestia about this. She might be in for a surprise." said Twilight.

Next Chapter: Aladdin Estimated time remaining: 4 Hours, 44 Minutes
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