
The Mane Six goes Disney

by The Cat Charmer

Chapter 29: Bambi

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Coldness surrounded Fluttershy as she wonders around the snowy land looking for the animals. "I know some of them are hibernating, but deer always roam into the cold." she said to herself. She walked through the snow and sees nothing but whiteness. Until she saw a brown figure eating some new grass. It was a female deer.

Fluttershy walked towards the deer to greet her softly. "Hello." she replied. "Hello. Would you care for some spring grass? They're here just in time for the warm season." the deer said. "Um, no thank you. I don't normally eat grass." said Fluttershy. "Alright, suit yourself." said the deer as she continues eating.

Suddenly, the deer hears someone coming. "What is it?" Fluttershy asked. "Quick, the thicket!" the deer shouted as she ran from whatever is chasing her. Fluttershy follows her as she flew as fast as possible. "Faster! Don't look back! Keep running! KEEP RUNNING!" the deer yelled as she keeps running. "What's chasing us?" Fluttershy asked. She kept running and running until she hears a loud gunshot. But, the deer told her to keep running and don't looks back. She found the thicket nearby and hides inside, waiting for the deer to show up.

"We did it. We did it, Miss Deer. We." said Fluttershy as she realizes the deer is no longer with her. "Miss Deer!" she shouted as she got out of the thicket to look for her. She looked everywhere for her and could not find her. She shouted her name so many times that the only thing she heard was her own echo. After a while of searching, she begins to cry when she starts giving up finding her.

Suddenly, a huge male deer showed up right in front of her which made her gasp. "The deer can't be with you anymore." he said in a low voice. Fluttershy could not believe it, the deer she just met was dead. Her eyes begin to water and sobs loudly.

She kept crying until she feels someone shake her and hears a familiar voice calling her. "Fluttershy! Fluttershy! Wake up!" the voice shouted.


Fluttershy had her eyes open when she gasped loud and sat on the bed.

"Fluttershy, are you okay? I heard you crying from my other side of the room." Rainbow Dash asked. "Oh, Rainbow Dash. It was awful. I was walking through the snow and met a really nice deer. We talked for a while until she ran from I don't know what. I ran with her until I heard something go BOOM! When I went back to find her, she was gone." Fluttershy explained in tears. "Oh, wow. That sounded like a really bad dream." said Rainbow Dash. "It was." Fluttershy cried. "It's okay, Fluttershy. It was just a dream. I'm sure nothing will ever happen to any animal here." said Rainbow Dash.

But all of the sudden, the Book of Disney has alerted them and their friends. "Is that the Book of Disney?" Fluttershy asked. "It sounds like it. Come on, let's check it out." Rainbow Dash replied as she flew towards the throne room. "Wait for me." said Fluttershy as she follows her friend.

When they got there, Twilight opened the Book of Disney to see the next chapter. The next story is Bambi. She begins to read,

"On the first day of spring, a prince was born in a forest. Every forest creature went to the thicket to see him. When they saw him, they were in awe. They congratulated his mother for giving birth to her first faun. She woke up her baby so he can see everyone. He was shy at first, but gets a hang of it. A rabbit named Thumper was witnessing him trying to walk, but teased him a little bit. Before he leaves with his family, he asks the doe what will be tha name of the prince. She told him that she will call her baby Bambi. When he got older, he's been getting curious about the forest he lives in. Thumper teaches him how to speak and plays with him. He even befriended a skunk named Flower. When Bambi was taken to the meadow for the first time with his mother, he made friends with a female faun named Faline. He was very shy towards her, especially when she gave him kisses on the cheek. While playing with her, he saw a group of bucks bowing to the biggest buck of them all. The Great Prince of the Forest. He was very brave and very wise. Everyone in the forest respects him gratefully. He was the one that was aware of the forests worst enemy. Man. Everyone ran for their lives, including Bambi. His mother explains to him about Man and why he hunts animals for sport. By the time winter came, it was Bambi's first time playing in the snow. His friend Thumper was ice skating and wants him to try it. But due to him having hooves, he's not that good at it. When winter was almost over, Bambi and his mother found some new spring grass. But all of the sudden, his mother can hear Man far off from the distance and told Bambi to run. Bambi kept running and running even when he heard a gunshot. When he made it back to the thicket, his mother wasn't there. So, he started to look for her. But then, The Great Prince of the Forest appears in front of him and told him that his mother is no longer on this earth anymore. So, he took him in to raise the faun as his own."

Once Twilight finished reading, the Book of Disney sucked them into the adventure.


They found themselves in a forest filled with flowers and love.

"Oh wow, I've never seen a forest that spring like. It feels like spring already." said Pinkie. "I agree. I can tell those birds up there are having a good time." said Applejack. "I can tell these flowers are making me sneeze." said Rarity as she begins to sneeze. "Say, where's Bambi? Aren't we supposed to help him?" Rainbow Dash asked. "Since he's the one who wants our help. Yes." Twilight replied. "Hey, let's go meet that deer over there." said Fluttershy as she saw a young buck carving bark from a tree.

They went up to him so they can talk to him. Twilight taps him on the shoulder to get his attention. The buck turned around and said, "Oh, hello. May I help you with something?" "Well, yes. We're looking for a deer called Bambi. Have you seen him?" Twilight asked. "Why, that's me. Please, tell me your names." said Bambi. "I'm Twilight Sparkle and thses are my friends. Applejack, Fluttershy, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie Pie." Twilight introduced. "Nice to meet you." said Bambi.

A rabbit showed up on a log and shouted, "Hiya, Bambi. Remember me?" He stomped his long foot on a log to make thumping sounds. "Thumper!" Bambi shouted. "Righto!" Thumper shouted. "You know him?" Fluttershy asked. "Yes, I know him. That's Thumper, he's been my best friend since I was a faun." Bambi explained. "Say, Bambi. Who are these ladies over here?" Thumper asked. "Thumper, I would like you to meet Twilight, Pinkie, Applejack, Fluttershy, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash." Bambi introduced. "It's nice to meet you, Thumper." said Applejack. "Pleasure is all mine." said Thumper as he shakes her hoof in greet.

Then, another friend of Bambi's came along, this time it was a skunk named Flower. "Hi, fellas." he said as he came out of a field of flowers. "Flower!" Bambi shouted. "Yeah, another friend. And is a skunk." said Pinkie. "At least I don't smell bad." said Flower. " I'm glad you like flowers. I like them too." said Rarity. "Looks like you got yourself a reunion, Bambi." said Twilight. "Sure have. Spring just arrived and everyone is enjoying themselves." said Bambi.

"Ohh, look at those birds." said Pinkie as she watches a bird couple flying together. "What's the matter with them?" Flower asked. "It looks like mating season is here." said Twilight. "Mating season?!" the boys asked in worrisome. "What's mating season?" Thumper asked. "Well, it's when spring comes and some animals come out of hibernation. Everyone loves spring because a male animal will fall in love with a girl. And it happens every year." Fluttershy explained. "Well, that's not gonna happen to me." said Thumper. "Me either." said Flower. "Me either." said Bambi. So, the boys begin to walk away from the mane six. "Is it something I said?" Fluttershy asked. "No, they're just scared of falling in love with a girl." Rainbow Dash replied. "Oh, they will alright. Let's just follow them and see." said Twilight.

"Ooh, I like that plan." Applejack snickered.


So, the mane six followed Bambi and his friends to see if they get a girl for mating season.

"I don't see any girls around." Rarity whispered. "Patience, Rarity. It takes time for them to notice." said Fluttershy. They saw Flower walking past through a field of flowers and saw a female skunk hiding behind them. She giggles in order to get his attention. Flower stopped walking and was curious about the sound. "Oh, he's gonna get it." Applejack whispered. The girl skunk came out of the flowers to see her true love. Flower was shy at first and wants to catch up with his friends. But, the girl skunk kissed on the lips and turned him bright red. So, he changed his mind and goes with her.

"Alright, he got twitterpatted." said Fluttershy. "What's twitterpatted?" Pinkie asked. "It means you have fallen in love and pay attention to nothing else in the world. I made up that word myself." Fluttershy replied. "Look who's the love expert now." said Rarity sarcastically. "Hey guys, shouldn't we follow Bambi and Thumper?" Rainbow Dash asked. "Oh, right. Let's see if they get twitterpatted as well." said Twilight as she and her friends follow them.

Bambi and Thumper never noticed that the mane six were following them and wanted them to get twitterpatted. Nearby, there was a female rabbit with cream fur eating a flower until she saw Thumper. "Well, looks who's next on getting a girl." said Rarity. "He'll like her. Just wait and see." said Twilight. The girl rabbit clears her throat to get his attention. Thumper stopped at his feet and looked right at her nervously. The girl rabbit was singing to him as she got closer and closer. Thumper gulped in nervousness, wondering if he can catch up to Bambi or not. But, he changed his mind when the girl rabbit kissed him, causing him to to thump his foot many times. The mane six were laughing softly at that.

"Two down, one to go." said Fluttershy. "Hm, let's see if Bambi is a ladies man." said Rarity. "I don't see any does around." said Twilight. "They'll come, you'll see." said Fluttershy. "Let's keep following him." said Applejack.

So, they kept following Bambi to the river to make sure he finds a girlfriend. While drinking some water, a young doe from his childhood appeared right in front of him. "Hello, Bambi. Don't you remember me?" she asked. Her name was Faline. "Hey, Bambi! Aren't gonna kiss her yet?!" Pinkie shouted from the bush. "Shhh! Pinkie! We don't want to get spotted by." said Rainbow Dash as Bambi opens the bush and saw the mane six spying on them. "What are you girls doing?" he asked. "Nothing." Twilight replied. "We just wanna make sure that you get a girl for mating season." said Applejack. "What? There is no way I am getting a girl." said Bambi. "But, what about that girl behind you?" Rarity asked.

Faline giggled at them as she went closer to Bambi. Bambi backed away, but Fluttershy and Twilight wanted him to get closer to Faline. "Knock it off, guys. You're making me nervous. She wants to kiss me." Bambi whined. "You'll be fine once she kisses you." said Fluttershy. "But." said Bambi as he was being licked on the cheek by Faline. He got snapped by that movement, and then he started to feel dreamy. Faline blinked her eyes at him so he can follow her. "I guess true loves kiss always works." said Applejack.

Bambi and Faline were having a great time together until another buck named Ronno showed up. "Hey, what happened?" Pinkie asked. "And who is that? He doesn't look friendly." Rainbow Dash asked. Ronno gave Bambi a mean glare as he pushes him out of the way and went to Faline. He wants her to become his mate. "What's going on? Shouldn't we help them?" Applejack asked. "Yes, we can." said Rainbow Dash as she charges at Ronno and grabs him by the neck. Ronno fell to the ground, but scoops her from his antlers and threw her to a tree. "Bambi!" Faline shouted.

Bambi was furious that Ronno is attacking Faline and his friends. So, he charged at him with his antlers straight at him. Ronno fought back with all of his might. "Oh my goodness." Fluttershy muttered as she witnesses them fighting. Bambi couldn't let him win, so he threw Ronno off the hill and falls into the river in defeat. The mane six cheered for Bambi as she won the battle. "You did it, Bambi! You did it!" Twilight shouted.

Faline went to him and nudged him on the shoulder.


That night, the mane six were watching Bambi and Faline going on a date and were having a great time with each other.

"Isn't it romantic? Two deer in love." said Rarity. "Yeah, and I can tell Bambi is really happy with her." said Applejack. "Mind if I sing a song for them?" Fluttershy asked. "Sure, give it your best shot." said Twilight. Fluttershy cleared her throat and begins to sing,

(Love is a song that never ends

Life may be swift and fleeting

Hope may die yet love's beautiful music

Comes each day like the dawn

Love is a song that never ends

One simple theme repeating

Like the voice of a heavenly choir

Love's sweet music flows on)

Once Fluttershy stops singing, they continue to watch the lovely couple enjoy their wonderful evening.


One day, the mane six were sleeping in a den covered with leaves next to Bambi and Faline. Rainbow Dash woke up from something sensing her. She tried to shake it off, but couldn't.

"Guys. Guys, wake up. Something terrible is gonna happen." she whispered as she shakes Twilight. "Rainbow Dash? What is it?" Twilight asked. "Did you say something terrible is happening?" Applejack asked. "Yes. I've been sensing it and I don't know why." Rainbow Dash explained. "Wait a minute. I smell smoke." said Pinkie as she sniffs the air. "Yeah, I can smell it too." said Rarity. "We should check it out. If there's smoke in a forest, it means there's fire or people are here camping." said Fluttershy. "Come on, girls. Let's check it out." said Twilight as she and her friends follow the scent of smoke which leads them to the campgrounds of Man.

"Hey, I was right. There are some people here camping." said Fluttershy. "It doesn't look that harmful." said Twilight. "But, what if they're hunters?" Pinkie asked. "I guess you're right. I can see they brought guns with them." said Applejack as she sees guns at the campsite. "We have to tell Bambi about this!" Rainbow Dash shouted. "I think he knows about it already." said Rarity as she saw Bambi walking towards them.

"Hey, guys. What's going on? Is that Man?" Bambi asked in shock. "Man? You know them?" Twilight asked. "Yes, I do. This is the most dangerous time of the year because of them. They took away my mother when I was little, and my father had to raise me." Bambi explained. "Oh, Bambi. That was awful. What are we gonna do?" Fluttershy asked. "We have to get outta here! Now!" Rainbow Dash shouted. "Wait, I can't leave without Faline." said Bambi as he ran back to the forest to get Faline. The mane six followed him.

When they got there, Faline was gone. "Where's Faline?" Pinkie asked. "I don't know, but she was right here where I left her." said Bambi in worrisome. Then, they hear hunting dogs coming. "Are those dogs that I hear?" Applejack asked. Then, they heard a scream and someone shouting, "BAMBI!" "Faline!" the mane six and Bambi shouted. "We have to save her! Come on!" said Rainbow Dash as she and their friends went to Faline to save her from the hunting dogs.

They followed the dogs and saw Faline being cornered on top of a cliff. "Bambi! Girls! Help me!" she cried. "Don't worry! We're coming!" Twilight shouted as she zaps the hunting dogs. Applejack kicks and punches them in the face. Rainbow Dash does the same thing. Fluttershy went to Faline to she can bring her to safety. "Right this way, Faline." she said as she leads her to a different spot. "Thank you so much." said Faline. Then, Fluttershy went back to fighting.

Bambi climbed to the rocks so the dogs can follow him. Then, he pushes some rocks on them, crushing them. "Way to go, Bambi!" Rainbow Dash shouted. "You girls go with Faline. I'll meet you on the other side." said Bambi as he made it to the top. Fluttershy unexpectedly followed him because she knows that Man is near.

When Bambi jumped the cliff and made it, he heard a gunshot go off behind him. But, it wasn't him who got shot. It was Fluttershy. "FLUTTERSHY!" Bambi shouted as he went toward her to check if she's still alive. Luckily, she was shot not close to her heart.

"Oh, Fluttershy. What have they done to you?" Bambi asked as he brought her closer to his body.


Meanwhile, the mane six and Faline were running as fast as they could to meet up with Bambi.

"Wait, where's Fluttershy?" Applejack asked. "I think she's with Bambi. I hope she's ok." said Rarity. "Why do I smell smoke?" Pinkie asked. "I don't know." said Twilight before she realizes that the forest is on fire. The mane six and Faline gasped in horror. "RUUUN!" Rainbow Dash shouted as everyone ran for their lives.

The fire is getting stronger and stronger by the minute, all of the forest animals are trying to avoid it as they can.


Bambi was still mourning for Fluttershy, but didn't notice the fire until his father The Great Prince of the Forest showed up.

"Bambi, get up." he said in a stern voice. Bambi got up and scooped up Fluttershy into his back. "Father. It's Man, he's here in the forest." said Bambi. "I know. Is that your friend on your back?" the Great Prince asked. "Yes. This is Fluttershy and she got shot by Man." said Bambi. "Is she still alive?" The Great Prince asked. "Yes, thankfully." said Bambi. "Then, we should get out of here. Quickly." said the Great Prince as he and his son run towards safety.

All they saw was fire and everything burning. Bambi and the Great Prince must find a way to get out of the forest. Luckily, there is a river that leads them to the forest. So, they jumped into the water and made it safe and sound, including Fluttershy.

The mane six witnessed Bambi carrying Fluttershy on his back with his father alongside him. "Oh, thank goodness they made it alright." said Rarity. "Bambi! Fluttershy! Over here!" Twilight shouted as she waves her hooves to get his attention. Bambi and his father made it to the surface and the mane six crowded them. "Bambi, you made it! We were so worried. What happened to Fluttershy?" Applejack asked. "I'm sorry, girls. Fluttershy was shot by Man." Bambi replied sadly. The mane six gasped.

"Don't worry, I'll heal her right away." said Rarity as she begins to him her healing song to Fluttershy. Bambi looked at her in worrisome to see if she could make it. Once Rarity is done singing, Fluttershy begins to wake up. "Bambi?" she asked in a weak voice. "Fluttershy, you made it, I was so worried about you!" Bambi shouted as he hugs her. "She's alive. You saved her." said Twilight. "I thought the gunshot would kill you. I'm grateful you made it through that." said Rainbow Dash. "Wait, I've been shot?" Fluttershy asked. "Yeah, you did. Luckily, I saved you and your friend healed you." said Bambi. "Thank you, Bambi." said Flutterahy as she kisses him on the cheek.

"Well, girls. Looks like our work here is done. We better get going." said Twilight. "You're leaving? At least you're safe from the fire and Man." said Bambi. "Speaking of Man, I don't think he made it through that." said Rainbow Dash. "Now thanks to you, the forest will never have problems with Man ever again." said Bambi. "Because of that, you and your friends will live happily in this forest. But, after the fire clears up." said Applejack.

"Bye, Bambi. Bye, Faline. Bye, Great Prince of the Forest." the mane six said as they disappeared. "Bye, girls." everyone said.


The Book of Disney brought them back home safe and sound without getting burnt.

"Some forest, huh." said Pinkie. "Yeah, but it was very beautiful. I'm glad I survived a gunshot." said Fluttershy. "Me too. Don't worry about that anymore, what matters most is your safe." said Twilight.

Next Chapter: Who Framed Roger Rabbit? Estimated time remaining: 3 Hours, 50 Minutes
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