
The Princess and the Yo-kai

by Shadowmane PX-41

Chapter 17: Follow Me! Follow Me!/Fashion Faux

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"So, Whisper. You're a Yo-kai, right?" Twilight looked at Whisper as they walked through the streets alongside Red Snow and Jibanyan.

"Of course, Twilight." Whisper nodded. "Though I don't know why you'd pose the question now instead of a month ago when we first met. Strikes me as odd, quite frankly."

"Well, if you're a Yo-kai, then what tribe are you from?" Twilight looked at his flickering tail, blue lips, and translucent body. She reached through him and retracted her hoof. "With your complexion and the way you can faze through mortal objects, I'd say that you were either in Eerie or Slippery. Though, there's still the chance you could be in the Shady tribe..."

"Actually, Twilight, I'm not from any Yo-kai tribe." Whisper rubbed his skin.

"What?" Twilight's eyes went wide at his response. "B-But, you're a Yo-kai! Yo-kai are divided into eight different tribes, aren't they? Shouldn't you be in one of them?"

"Unlike most of the other Yo-kai you've met, I'm a free-willed Yo-kai with powers beyond that of the others." Whisper floated down to Twilight's side. "I'm not part of any of the eight tribes, and I'm certainly not a Boss Yo-kai. I'm just a lone ghost, travelling the worlds only to serve the ones I deem fit to be my master.

"You freed me from the Crank-a-kai, so I think that I owe you a lifetime debt, Twilight, my dear." Whisper went down to Twilight's hooves and slowly began to kiss them one by one. "And besides, you should consider yourself incredibly lucky. No mere mortals get to see Yo-kai unless they have the watch, and the ponies around you are constantly getting inspirited by other Yo-kai without them knowing about it," he said. "You and Red Snow have the Yo-Kai Watch, so you have the power to not only see the spirits that now infest Equestria, but also restore stability to the townsponies by negotiating and confronting the Yo-kai that inspirit them."

"Yeah. And besides, you've been doing a great job, Twilight!" Jibanyan nodded and leapt up onto her back. "I've nyever seen someone communicate with Yo-kai like you before!"

"Agreed." Red Snow gave Twilight a smile. "I honestly thought that a Ponyville pony like you would have had difficulty handling Yo-kai, but you seem to have everything under control."

"What can I say?" Twilight blushed and rubbed the back of her neck at Red Snow's comment. "I am the Princess of Friendship, after all..."

"You've already managed to get three medals for five of the eight tribes." Whisper took a peak in Twilight's Yo-Kai Medallium. "Brave, Mysterious, Heartful, Eerie, and even Tough. Usually, Tough Yo-kai are hard to befriend, but you handled Noway, Roughraff, and Dulluma quite well if I do say so myself."

"Don't celebrate too soon, Whisper." Twilight looked at all of the other empty slots inside the book. "We still need to find more Shady, Slippery, and Charming Yo-kai in order to upgrade the watch to D Rank."

"Aside from Yo-kai inspiriting ponies, they can also be found out and about in the world around you." Whisper stretched his arm out towards the rest of the town. "In the trees, in the water, even in your neighbour's mail. Yo-kai are quite literally everywhere. It's up to you to find them and befriend them."

"I think I'll just stick to finding inspirited ponies and purifying them for now, Whisper." Twilight gave him a nod and closed up the Yo-Kai Medallium. "It's great that they're everywhere, but if I had to search everywhere to find them and not get any luck, not only would it be a waste of time and effort, but I'd also be looking awfully suspicious by doing it."

"Alright then. It was only a suggestion." Whisper nodded and put his hand over his eyes. "Let's go and find an inspirited pony, shall we?"

"I couldn't agree more." Twilight walked ahead with Jibanyan and Red Snow, seeing Whisper close behind them all.

"This way! This way! Follow me!" Pinkie Pie waved her hooves and got a large following of townsponies following her. From all ages and sizes, they kept up with Pinkie every step of the way with raised eyebrows and open mouths.

"Twilight, look over there!" Whisper pointed over to Pinkie Pie leading her crowd down the road. He gently grabbed the temples on her head and turned her in the direction of where they were walking. "Pinkie Pie's leading a crowd somewhere."

"What do you think she found?" Twilight asked, examining Pinkie Pie and the ponies that were following her.

"I'm not sure." Red Snow scratched her chin and looked closely at how Pinkie was acting. She saw a forced smile on Pinkie's face and took note of her rapidly blinking eyelids. Upon squinting her own eyes, Red Snow was also able to see how tense Pinkie's muscles were, and the way she was moving her legs with each step. "But I think it's safe to say that that's not how ponies here act."

"Pinkie Pie's a bit of a special pony, really." Twilight turned to face Red Snow. "She's weird for the sake of weird, has an odd foresight which she calls her Pinkie Sense, and she can sometimes show up right when you least expect her." Twilight took another look at the large crowd, which was only getting bigger and bigger as Pinkie walked. "Hmm... But there's something that's definitely worth checking out over there."

"Do you think it could be a Yo-kai?" Whisper asked.

"Whether it is or not, it couldn't help to check." Twilight began to slowly trot over towards Pinkie and the townsponies. "If it's not a Yo-kai, then Pinkie might've discovered something new that we've never even seen before. But if it's a Yo-kai inspiriting her and making her lead this crowd, then we could purify her and befriend it." Twilight smiled. "Win-win, right?"

"I suppose..." Whisper drifted over to the crowd with Twilight and Jibanyan.

When Twilight and Red Snow joined the crowd, they kept a very close eye on where Pinkie was leading the ponies. Together, they all went down a few streets in town, looking around at the houses to see if they could spot what it was before she could. However, with every place that they looked at, they saw that nothing had changed at all.

A few minutes later, Twilight and Red Snow walked down the exact same road with the crowd of ponies. Pinkie was still encouraging them to follow her by calling out to them and waving her hoof erratically in the air. To everyone, they had been walking in circles for the entire time, and Pinkie seemed to be the one who didn't take notice.

"Yep. Definitely Yo-kai activity." Twilight flapped her wings and soared above the crowd of ponies. She flew over to Pinkie and opened up the Yo-Kai Watch's lens, pointing the stream of ultraviolet light down on her.

A small blue Yo-kai with a single red eye was leisurely bouncing on Pinkie's back. It had a brown horn poking out of its head and had an abnormally huge right arm that was waving constantly in an attempt to get someone to notice. In the other hand, it was holding a tiny red flag that paled in comparison to the rest of the Yo-kai.

"That is Leadoni." Whisper pointed the Yo-kai out when he regrouped with Twilight. "You may remember this little thing from Terror Time, prowling the streets along with Suspicioni. But when he's not doing that and can be seen in normal time, Leadoni often inspirits people in an attempt to lead them somewhere entirely random.

"He doesn't even know where he's going, nor do the ponies who are inspirited by him. But as long as he gets someone following him wherever he goes, he doesn't really care." Whisper flew around Leadoni, examining all of his body parts before he returned to Twilight. "He's often the reason why many little kids end up getting lost or separated."

"We've gotta fix this." Twilight looked back at the crowd of ponies, who were beginning to get vacant and uninterested expressions. "Pinkie can't lead these ponies forever. A: She doesn't know where she's going. B: The crowd will get angry if all of this was pointless."

"Negotiation or confrontation as usual, Twilight." Whisper nodded and flew back to her.

"Jibanyan. You can handle this, right?" Twilight looked back at Jibanyan on her back.

"Uh huh! Let me at 'em!" Jibanyan leapt off of Twilight's back and onto Pinkie's back. He tapped the Leadoni to get its attention. "Hey, you! Stop inspiriting my friend."

"A battle is it?" Leadoni raised its singular eyebrow and stopped waving. "Alright. But be warned. I'm not your average Leadoni."

The two Yo-kai leapt off and the inspiriting flame around Pinkie vanished. When she realized that she was back to normal, her eyelids fluttered and she looked at the crowd that had been following her.

"See ya!" Leadoni darted off down the road, waving his hand wildly to grab Jibanyan's attention.

"Oh, he is not getting away!" Jibanyan immediately began to chase Leadoni down the road.

"Hey! Come back!" Twilight and Whisper both said together before they took off after Jibanyan and Leadoni, leaving Pinkie Pie and the ponies behind.

As soon as Twilight and Whisper left, the crowd blinked briefly before they got closer and closer to Pinkie, who backed up against a nearby building.

"What?" Pinkie shrugged.

Leadoni's breathing slowly got heavier and heavier as he ran down the many different streets with Twilight, Jibanyan, and Whisper close behind him. Wiping his forehead with his massive arm, he continued running, slingshotting himself off of the poles around town to try and get some ground between him and his pursuers.

Jibanyan used all four of his paws to keep up with Leadoni, leaping towards him when he was close enough to try and land on him. However, Leadoni's arm caught him and threw him back to the ground, causing him to growl, shake the dirt out of his face, and keep up the chase with the tiny Yo-kai.

"What is this Leadoni trying to accomplish?" Whisper raised an eyebrow at Leadoni's antics around Ponyville. "All that he's doing is running around in circles. Sooner or later, he's going to wear himself out entirely..."

"He just wants someone to follow him, doesn't he?" Twilight asked, looking back at Leadoni and where he was running to. "He doesn't care whether or not he wins or loses. Just as long as he has someone tailing him, he's happy."

"Ah! I think I understand!" Whisper lurched at the realization and opened his eyes wider. "You want Leadoni to be friends with you, and all he wants is someone to follow him. How clever of you, Twilight Sparkle..."

"Most of these Yo-kai that I've met seem to follow a certain basic principle. Roughraff likes being a troublemaker, Cutta-nah likes people to chillax, and Dummkap just wants people to be silly." Twilight nodded to Whisper. "And if Leadoni just wants someone following him, then follow him we shall!"

"I do just wish that he would lead us somewhere that made sense." Whisper sighed at where Leadoni was running to. "Honestly. I know that he's an attention seeker, but he doesn't need to just keep taking the same paths. It gets boring after a while."

"Wait!" Leadoni stopped where he was, causing Jibanyan to skid on the balls of his paws and crash right into him. Using his enlarged arm, however, Leadoni was able to avoid falling over and gently push Jibanyan back slightly. "We're here."

"Here? What on earth do you mean we're here?" Whisper flew over to Leadoni. "For the past hour, you just herded the ponies of Ponyville—and us—like sheep with no clear indication on where you were going!" He flailed his arms wildly. "What's so special about here?!"

"I have seen many a human follow me, but never a pony like you, my dear." Leadoni waddled up to Twilight and shook her hoof. "It's quite common for humans to believe in Yo-kai, but talking horses communicating with our kind? That's something that I just had to see for myself.

"Will you accept this, as a token of my friendship?" Leadoni reached behind his back and pulled out his Yo-kai Medal out of nowhere. "It would truly be an honour to walk alongside a pony like you, leading the way if you were ever lost."

"I suppose so..." Twilight took the medal and put it into the Medallium. "I was hoping to fill in more spaces in this Yo-kai Medallium anyway."

"Great! Just give me a call, and I'll be there in no time!" Leadoni bounced on the spot. "Oh, and if you see me in Terror Time, it's nothing personal. Only business. You know how it is with Gargaros, with the gnashing teeth, that giant club, and that ugly breath of his... Phwoar!" He waved his hand over his nose before vanishing."

"Honestly, I don't really blame him." Whisper looked down at the medal for Leadoni. "Gargaros's breath is more vile than he says it is."

"Just another thing to add to the list, Whisper." Twilight closed the book and put it away. "We got another Yo-kai Medal. The Shady tribe is done!"

"Yes. But now comes the hard part." Whisper's brows lowered as a wide smile drifted onto his face. "There aren't many E rank Charming or Slippery Yo-kai." He shook his head. "If anything, to get Charming done, you'd have to either be best friends with Miss Snow's Sailornyan, or just be incredibly lucky and find a higher ranking one inspiriting your friends."

"Why must we have to find these Yo-kai to upgrade the watch?" Twilight asked as she walked back to the castle with Jibanyan by her side. "Remind me that when we upgrade the Yo-Kai Watch next time, to remove the limiter and let me see all Yo-kai, instead of making me have to wait."

"All in good time, Twilight. All in good time." Whisper followed behind her.

"TWILIGHT!" Rarity screamed at the top of her lungs as she barged into the throne room of the castle. "IT'S AN EMERGENCY!"

"What is it, Rarity?" Twilight leapt off of her throne and flew over to Rarity. "Monster attack? Friendship dispute? That king that Felycan mentioned as she died?"

"Even worse! It's simply dreadful!" Rarity's hooves were hammering against the ground as she panicked. "Just follow me! You'll see first-hoof just how dire the situation is!"

"I must say, Rarity's definitely worked up over something." Whisper kept up with Twilight as she ran with Rarity out towards the main door of the castle. "Do you think that a Boss Yo-kai decided to avenge Felycan?"

"If that were the case, then there would've been a major panic coming from the rest of the town." Twilight turned her head towards Whisper as she galloped. "If Rarity came alone, then it's nothing more than a localized problem. Though, something in the back of my mind is telling me that it's a fashion emergency instead of a Yo-kai emergency..." She rolled her eyes.

"You never know, Twilight. Yo-kai are little deviants sometimes." Whisper sat on Twilight's back, hanging his tail over her left side. "It might even be both at once!"

"A Yo-kai fashion problem?" Twilight raised a brow at Whisper.

"Like I said. You never know, quite frankly." Whisper put his hands behind his head as he stayed on Twilight's back, not even fazed with how much it was shaking.

Rarity ran out of the castle and down the streets of Ponyville with Twilight right by her side. After a brief sprint, the two of them arrived at Carousel Boutique, where there were lots of ponies coming in and out of the shop.

"Here! Inside!" Rarity ran into the shop with Twilight close behind her.

"I don't get it, Rarity. What's so wrong about this?" Twilight looked at all of the customers looking at Rarity's dresses, examining each and every little detail. "I've never seen such a big sales rush like this before, especially not here at your Ponyville boutique. So what's the problem?"

"THAT, is the problem, Twilight." Rarity jabbed a hoof through the crowd towards someone.

"What do you—" Twilight gasped when she saw the sight before her.

Applejack was wearing a fancy dress, had gotten rid of her cowgirl hat, and was talking about all of the latest trendy dresses, and what they were made of. She herself was wearing a plain green dress and had re-styled her hair so that it was curly and bouncy, and didn't even show a bit of her accent while speaking.

"So as you can see, the soft and comfortable texture of this satin dress isn't just fashionable, but it's also very soft." Applejack was showing a lavender dress with little gems around the waistline. "You could even sleep in this thing. I'm not kidding. I know some ponies who have."

"Applejack's selling dresses?!" Twilight's jaw dropped at the sight before her.

"And not just selling them, but completely misleading those poor, innocent, and fashion-hungry ponies!" Rarity whined and threw a hoof over to the dress. "Satin's not in season right now! It's a spring thing to wear, not fall! And that colour! Lavender is the LAST thing you want to be seen in this time of year. If it were crimson, I might've let it slide, but this is still a disaster of epic proportions!"

"I already know who's at work here, Twilight." Whisper scratched his chin as he looked over at how focused and clean Applejack was. "You know what to do."

Twilight activated the Yo-Kai Watch and peered through the lens to an area behind Applejack.

What appeared behind her was a flying skeleton wearing a black and red bow on the back of her head, plain back gloves, and was carring a pink parasol. She was looking at Applejack's clothing and shook her head, whispering in the pony's ear. As soon as she was done, Applejack ran off to get changed.

"Of course! Dazzabel!" Whisper exclaimed, looking at the Yo-kai. "I'd know that make-up stained skull anywhere!"

"Dazzabel?" Both Twilight and Rarity parroted while looking at Whisper.

"Dazzabel is the ultimate fashionista in the Yo-kai World." Whisper floated down and wrapped his arms around Twilight and Rarity's necks. "Anyone she inspirits wants to were the flashiest, gaudiest, and downright unnecessary clothes at the drop of a hat. And if she thinks it's not fashionable enough, they she'll only get them to change into something even more ridiculously lucrative!"

"A fashionista Yo-kai?" Rarity looked at Dazzabel through the lens. "Well, she's obviously not very good at her job if she thinks she can make ponies wear that maladarous tripe at this time of year!"

"Either way, we've still gotta stop her." Twilight took a few steps forward. "Applejack's never been one to sell dresses, and even when she tried making ones of her own, it really didn't end well for anyone."

"Negotiation or confrontation as usual, Twilight." Whisper nodded.

"Alright, Whisper." Twilight was already reaching for her Yo-kai Medallium. "It's time to bring Manjimutt out. Hopefully he'll sort this—"

"If you're going to be dealing with a fashion emergency, then let ME handle this." Rarity puffed out her chest and walked towards Dazzabel. "If this Dazzabel thinks that she can poorly sell fashion in MY shop, then she's got another thing coming!"

"Rarity! You don't even have the Yo-Kai Watch!" Twilight called out from behind the crowd. "You won't be able to properly see Dazzabel, and she'll just inspirit you!"

"You'd better hold on to Manjimutt, Twilight." Whisper grimaced as he saw Rarity stomp up to Dazzabel. "This is only going to go horribly wrong..."

"Hey!" Rarity glared at Dazzabel. "Who do you think you are?"

"O. M. G! What in the heck are you wearing?!" Dazzabel examined Rarity's body from head to toe. "You're streaking on a day like this? Uggh! No wonder these dresses need selling. Just wait your turn and I'll—" she only just realized that she was communicating with Rarity "—wait... How can you see me?"

"I think the better question is why you're misleading these poor ponies into buying out-of-season dresses!" Rarity took one of the dresses and shoved it in Dazzabel's face. "Satin is meant to be sold in SPRING! NOT FALL! I simply cannot let such a travesty be overlooked, my dear. Either you step up your game, or I make you leave!"

"You don't have any Yo-kai, so I'm afraid you can't defeat me, ma'am." Dazzabel pointed at Rarity's bare hoof.

"Do I look like a ma'am to you?!" Rarity snarled. "The name is Rarity! Miss Rarity! I am Equestria's most avant-garde fashionista, and have saved Equestria multiple times over with the help of Twilight and the rest of her friends!" She decreed. "And you dare to call me a ma'am?!"

"What could you probably know about fashion?" Dazzabel scoffed and tipped her hand. "I've been the Yo-kai World's fashion superstar for thousands of years. I know ALL of fashion's biggest secrets. I know what's in season, and what's not. And right now, satin is in!"

Rarity slapped Dazzabel in the face with one of her own gloves. "Dazzabel! You have insulted my honour! Henceforth, I shall challenge you to a duel to see who is right!"

The rest of the crowd gasped at Rarity's actions as she let the glove drop to the floor.

"You don't have any Yo-kai. Didn't I mention that before?" Dazzabel flew over to Applejack, who was now wearing a pink dress with white frills poking out of the bottom. "Now if you'll excuse me, I really need to be getting back to selling these dresses."

"A Dress Duel." Rarity smirked and got in Dazzabel's face. "Whosoever sells the most dresses to these ponies by the end of the day wins. And I won't take no for an answer, my dear."

"Fine then. It's on." Dazzabel pressed her forehead against Rarity's, her gaze locked tightly with that of the pony's. "Only to prove that once and for all, I'm right and you're wrong!"

"A Dress Duel?" Twilight deadpanned as she looked at both Rarity and Dazzabel. "Really?"

"If it's a dispute that'll stop Applejack from selling those things then I think we should give it a chance, Twilight." Whisper nodded. "And besides. You've been making friends with all of the Yo-kai right now, so why don't you let your friends make some friends of their own?"

"Still, though, what could Rarity do with just a single Yo-kai Medal?" Twilight looked over at Whisper. "I mean, she doesn't even have a Yo-Kai Watch. Dazzabel's medal will be useless to her without one."

"She could use it as a nice paperweight, or maybe a decoration for a future dress." Whisper watched both Rarity and Dazzabel take up their positions by the dresses. "But other than that, you do have a point. Yo-kai Medals and the Yo-Kai Watch go together like bread and butter, and it'd just be weird to have one without the other."

"First one to twenty sales wins." Dazzabel grinned as she cocked her parasol like a handgun.

"Oh. It. Is. On. Dazzabel." Rarity pressed her hooves together, hearing the bones inside of them crack. "But I won't lose to some tacky skeleton in make-up and eye liner."

"Skeleton? I am a Yo-kai!" Dazzabel pouted and crossed her arms.

"Alright, ladies. Let's not let tempers flare." Whisper went in front of both Dazzabel and Rarity, pushing both of his arms out to break up the squabbling fashionistas. "You want to sell these things, don't you? And who'd want to buy from someone who's angry anyways?"

"I suppose you're right, Whisper." Rarity nodded and turned towards the crowd. "I shouldn't be stressing myself out when trying to sell these dresses, but that Dazzabel girl just really gets on my nerves sometimes..."

For the next hour, Rarity and Dazzabel were both working on their hard sell tactics in an attempt to win over the ponies in the boutique to buy from them and get them closer to victory. Dazzabel herself was channeling Applejack, who simply smiled and told them all about each individual piece, while Rarity let her customers get close up and see the designs for themselves.

Twilight, instead of watching the Dress Duel, was looking through her Yo-kai Medallium, polishing each and every one of the medals that she had gained while humming herself a catchy tune. She occasionally looked up at Rarity and Dazzabel trying to outdo each other, but it just seemed like an ordinary day of selling for her, and she went right back to her business.

When Dazzabel and Rarity only had five dresses left to sell, they both had trouble getting their words out as they looked at the fabrics of their items and what made them stand out from the rest. They had wittled themselves down from their most gaudiest and brightest clothes and were left with the most bare-bones, ordinary, and common dresses in the inventory.

"Oh my..." Rarity was out of breath and began to sweat as she looked down at the dress in her hooves. "Is this what I'm going to have to sell next?"

"Tell me about it." Dazzabel sighed, looking at her own next dress. "Pink doesn't really feel very special these days, and with all of the other variants of colour and times of year when you can wear it, it makes these dresses seem lackluster as a whole."

"We've both gone through our best, and that's left us with the second-hand stuff..." Rarity blinked as she looked at the rest of the dresses in her pile before staring at the remaining customers. "They're still dresses, but I don't feel like selling them."

"I've become something I've always hated. A tacky and speechless loser." Dazzabel hung her head into her fabric and turned towards Rarity. "I surrender. There's no way that I can possibly come back from this."

"Actually, you can't surrender, Dazzabel." Rarity walked over to the flying skeleton. "If anything, I've given up too, which is something that I've never done in my life."

"Huh?" Dazzabel looked over at Rarity.

"I've been making and selling dresses for so long, that my expectations for not only quality, but how it's sold, have been put up so high, that it's dampened my ability to work with classic designs and colours as a whole." Rarity slowly looked around at the other dresses in her boutique. "It's been nice to show off some big and flashy clothes, but now, looking at all of the rest of them, I'm feeling quite drained."

"Yeah, me too." Dazzabel sighed and pulled her head out of the clothes. "What's say you we call it a draw, then?"

"I suppose that would be reasonable." Rarity shook Dazzabel's hand with her hoof. "You were quite good at selling the other stuff, though. I'd never have believed that you were a master of nylon and taffeta."

"Nor you with your power to sell velour. That stuff is almost impossible to sell these days!" Dazzabel exclaimed.

"Tell me about it. It was a nightmare even trying to turn it into something as feasible as a good dress. All of the re-working and colour changing played absolute havoc with my schedules and almost made me miss out on Fluttershy's birthday!"

"So... friends?" Dazzabel asked.

"Friends." Rarity nodded, seeing a Yo-kai Medal appear in her hooves.

"Just be sure to get a Yo-Kai Watch first." Dazzabel pointed over to Twilight. "Then you can call me and we can work on dresses together! It'll be super!"

"I'd like that very much, Dazzabel." Rarity gave her a smile before she watched her go over to Twilight.

"Here you go. You might need one of these too." Dazzabel gave Twilight another copy of her medal. "Any friend of Rarity's is a friend of mine?"

"Friend?" Twilight pulled her head out of the book she had been reading and saw Dazzabel. "Oh, right! Sorry. I was just distracted by this book." She hastily put it away and took the meda. "I'd love to be friends with you, Dazzabel."

"Nice!" Dazzabel smiled. "Remember. You're one call away from a super-fashionable day!" She cheered before vanishing.

"I have never heard her say that." Whisper looked at the new medals in both Twilight and Rarity's hooves. "But I suppose a job well done nonetheless. Another medal for Twilight, and we've even got Rarity talking to Yo-kai too.

"How did you do that anyway, Rarity?" Twilight raised a brow at Rarity's Yo-kai Medal. "I thought that only ponies with the Yo-Kai Watch could see Yo-kai."

"I don't know myself, Twilight." Rarity examined the medal's front and back sides. "It wasn't just with the help of the watch either. I could see her and hear her perfectly."

"How curious..." Whisper felt Rarity's body. "Mortals can't see Yo-kai, but Rarity and Pinkie Pie can, even without a Yo-Kai Watch!

"Especially since Yo-kai have never existed in Equestria until now." Twilight came up to Whisper and looked into his eyes. "Do you think it could be because of the Magic of Friendship that we can see these Yo-kai without the watch?"

"It's quite possible, though I've yet to see it be confirmed." Whisper looked at Twilight's Yo-Kai Watch from all angles, and even took a gander at the EX mode that she had installed. "Yo-Kai Watches only allow the wearer to see Yo-kai. And even then, no-one else can see or hear them without looking through the lens with them."

"We'll have to do some studying on that." Twilight added Dazzabel's medal to the book and closed it up. "But right now, I think we all deserve a rest."

"Hear, hear, Twilight." Whisper flew with her out of the building. "If I have to hear one more lecture on the beauty of silk I'm going to lose my mind!"

They both shared a giggle as they walked out of the building, closing the door behind them.

Rarity, on the other hand, was still busy looking down at her Yo-kai Medal and all of the things that Twilight and Whisper had been saying. She might've been one of the six Spirits of Harmony, but she was still a normal unicorn with a heightened fashion sense. She had never seen, heard of, or even spoken to a Yo-kai until today, and her brain was racking with not only possiblities on how she could put her new power to good use, but also how she could see Yo-kai without the watch in the first place.

Once she was done thinking about it, Rarity simply took the medal and hummed to herself as she went back to her life, putting all of the unsold dresses away before going back up to her room for some well-earned rest and relaxation.

Next Chapter: Yo-kai Fusion Estimated time remaining: 10 Hours, 2 Minutes
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