
Equestria's Strongest Wizard

by Vongoalyken

Chapter 10: Chapter 10: Depature and Introductions

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Five days Later

Laxus Point of View

It was finally the day. We were getting ready to set sail. Watcher had moved the Makarov from the housing unit, to the front of the guild. I was on board and looking over the crew and supplies. Watcher and I were discussing the details of our mission.

"Do you believe this wise, sir?" He asked me.

"I believe that this is the only course to take. If we fail, Zecora dies." I told him.

"I understand that, but your plans for the second request seem very risky. It could very well plunge Equestria into war!" He said to me sternly.

"Watcher, I value your opinion, but the request, in a round about way, will prevent war. Trust me, I have already discussed this with my advisors." I told him.

He grumbled. "Very well, lad. I will trust in your judgement. Who am I to stop you?" He told me as he walked off.

I sighed. I had told him my plans, so he could be ready in case we needed to make a quick get away. I don't plan on that happening though. I have made sure to take precautions, to make sure my plan is full proof. It was now getting close to 11 and I had finally seen the first two boarders. It was Zecora and Duster. They had come aboard and seemed to have quite a bit of luggage. They were in their usual clothing and seemed to be a bit nervous. I decided to approach them.

"Good morning you two!" I said. "Do you have everything you need?" I asked them.

"Indeed." Zecora said with a huff. "It was not easy to pack as many potions that I have, but I did it. I am bringing many different kinds to help us." She told me.

"Yes, master." Duster said. "I only needed enough clothes and just a few extra supplies, just in case." She told me. "I have also been training the last four days with master Mavis. I should be a formidable opponent in the arena." She informed me.

I eyed their luggage and saw that they each had two big bags almost over flowing. I smiled. "Good. Please head down and pick out a vacant room." I told them. They nodded and went below deck.

The structure of the ship from the inside is very simplistic, their are five floors, but the floors get smaller, the farther down you go. The main area is the deck, which we refer to as floor zero. On the deck is the captains cabin, which we use more as a meeting room. It is on the backend of the ship and is enclosed in glass, so the Captain can still steer and see what is happening. In this room is a big table enough to house 10 people, which is why meetings are in their. Below the cabin is the stairs that leads to the first, second, third and fourth floor, but it is covered by a door to prevent water from flooding the floors. On the first floor are some rooms. My room, the captains, Mavis's and some others that are all on the first floor. The second floor has some more rooms on it, but it also has break rooms, with some games in it for the crew. No one wants to spend their time, only in their room. So they made a lounge, I had no problem with this. The third floor has the kitchen and cafeteria. It also is where the food and water is stored. They also have a barracks on this floor in case of emergencies. The fourth floor, which is the lowest part of the ship, is the cargo hold. We put all extra supplies in here and any ammo we might need in the future. It also has quite a bit of extra room in it, in case we need anything else stored in it, from any contract or missions like this, we might do. It is very open and spacious. It is larger than it appears, from the outside.

I went around the ship before and my room on the ship is very close to the one in the guild. The only difference, is that the bathroom is much smaller and only has a pretty decent shower. I was drifting in my thoughts until, I head someone else board. I turned and saw a pure white earth pony, who had a light pink tail and light pink hair. She had blue eyes and was in a nurse uniform, so I assumed this was the nurse sent to help us. I walked over to her and saw she had quite a bit of equipment.

"Do you need help Miss...." I started.

"Nurse Redheart." She said as she stuck out her hand. I shook it. "You must be guild master Laxus." She stated. "I heard about what your doing and I think its great. Zecora is a great individual, in fact, I believe she has helped cure some of our more sicker patients with some of her brews." She said with a giggle.

I smiled. "Nice to meet you ma'am and yes, she is one of a kind." I said as I grabbed two of her bags. "We will get you set up in a room on the first floor." I told her.

She smiled and we went below deck to get her set up. I showed her to her room which was basic, but it had its own bathroom and closet for her tools. I left her in the room to get sorted and went back up to the deck. Where I was greeted by Vinyl and Octavia. Vinyl had already claimed a room and moved her equipment that she was going to need, in there, over the course of the last five days. The two were saying goodbye to one another so I didn't interrupt, until Octavia spotted me. They made their way over to me and Octavia looked a little upset.

"You'll take care of her, wont you?" She asked me, with some fear in her voice.

I smirked. "We will all be leaving the U.A.K. together." I told her. "So don't worry, I'll make sure she comes home." I said with confidence.

Octavia nodded her head and said her goodbyes to Vinyl, after which she departed the ship and Vinyl went to her room. I continued to wait on the ship and waited for the other two, to arrive. I didn't have to wait long before I heard a bit of noise coming up the side of the ship. I turned to see Twilight and Luna boarding the ship. Them and the other two princess's with the elements of harmony. They were all saying their goodbyes. The group then did a final group hug and dispersed. The elements of harmony left the ship and the remaining four came over to me. I was actually surprised Spike didn't try to stick with Twilight, but my thoughts were cut short.

"I really hope you know what you're doing master." Nightmare said to me.

"We can only pray to Faust, that Luna and Twilight may returned unharmed, but I implore you to watch over them." Celestia said. I was slightly confused about who Faust was, but didn't let it bother me.

"You have my word. They shall return to you once again." I said with a small bow.

"Thank you." Celestia said. "We shall now take our leave." She finished and exited the ship.

"Take care." I told them. I turned and yelled to Watcher. "SET SAIL!"

"Aye, aye, sir!" He responded.

It only took a few moments until we were air born and on our way. I heard shouting and went over to the railing to investigate. I looked down and saw the guild and most of the town waving at us. I smiled and waved back as we got further away. I stopped and turned to Luna and Twilight.

"Luna, you will have the last master bedroom. It is on the first floor next to my room." I informed her. "Twilight, your room is also on the first floor, next to Zecora's." I said as I grabbed some of their bags. "Follow me and I will show you to your rooms." I told them.

We headed below deck and I showed them to their rooms. Twilight liked her room. It had some bookshelves in it, so it made her feel at home. So, after we showed her to her room, I dropped off her bags, then escorted Luna to hers. Her master bedroom was very similar to mine. The only exception, was the darker color of the room. She thanked me and I dropped off her bags. I then left her, so she could get settled in. I then made my way up to the deck to speak with Watcher. I found the old captain by the ship's wheel.

"How are we looking?" I asked him.

"The crews moral is high, we have a great breeze and magic on our side. Everything is in the green." He told me.

"Good. Inform me if anything comes up." I told him.

He nodded. "Of course, Sir."

So we had five day's in front of us on the airship. The first two days were uneventful, with Twilight constantly trying to ask me questions and me thinking of random answers after a while. She had been writing down everything, but eventually she caught on and told me we'd have to redo everything. After that I started avoiding her. The second day I went around and talked to the team, to see how they were feeling. Most were nervous and others were excited, but the overall feeling I got, was unease. I figured nerves were playing their part on everyone, so I decided to just keep an eye out, in case anyone started panicing. Zecora and I talked for a bit about ourselves, including the guild. She wanted to know more about it and what being a member would entail. She admitted to being excited that she joined and said she would like to learn magic from me. I told her I would be glad to teach her and I left her with a smile on her face.

The third day was one of the most eventful, the day had come and gone, but the night was beautiful. I was on the deck with some of the thestrals manning the ship. They seemed to be a good bunch and it made me wonder if they were misunderstood, from the rest of their species. They seemed to be a second class citizen, but they were all very nice and helpful, so I treated them with the utmost respect. Deciding to enjoy the night sky a little more, I climbed up to the crow's nest. Where I sat down and enjoyed the night air by myself. This was interrupted after, a half hour by the princess of the night herself. I opened my eyes when I heard the sound of wings flapping and I saw Luna looking down on me.

"What are you doing up here master?" She asked me.

I smirked. "It always surprise me how far you speech patterns have come." I told her and she blushed. "I was just enjoying your night sky." I told her.

She blushed again. "May I join you? I even brought a blanket." She asked me.

I nodded. "By all means Luna." I said.

She smiled and flew down next to me. The crow's nest wasn't very big so she had to sit right next to me. She offered me part of the blanket and I accepted. I looked at her and saw her face was very close to my own. My face flushed at this fact and I looked away from her. I could feel her warmth beside me. I thought about how nice this was and I realized, I hadn't felt like this in years. Now confused about what to do about this, I asked her a question.


"Yes master?" She said.

"Who is Faust?" I asked.

"......She's our mother....." She told me.

I was at a loss of words with this information and I looked at her. She looked at me and I saw tears in her eyes. "Why isn't the queen ruling Equestria? What happened?"

She sighed. "My mother is said to have created all of Equis." She told me. "She was the eternal ruler of Equestria and was a great mom, but one day when we were young, she disappeared." She explained. "I was so young I barely remember her, but I know she was very kind and gentle." She finished.

I smiled. "She sounds amazing. I wish I could meet her." I said.

She smiled and nudged me. "Get in line. I would love to see her again." We both laughed at this. "Laxus? Can I ask you a question about your memory you had?" She asked me and I nodded. "It has been bugging me ever since I saw it, but what was your connection with that old stallion from your dream. I saw the look on your face when you left him behind. Who is he?" She asked me.


"I....I'm sorry. I shoul-" I cut her off.

"Its ok. You told me about Faust, so its only fair I guess." I said and she turned to face me. I sighed. "Do you remember my family name?" I asked her.

She nodded. "I believe it was Dryer." She said.

I chuckled. "Close, but, its Dreyar." I told her. "His name was Makarov Dreyar and he was my grandfather." I told her and she just starred at me in shock. "He was actually more like a father to me then my real father. He was also the Third Guild Master and one of the Ten Wizard Saints." I explained further. At this point, Luna was mimicking a fish. I chuckled and stuck a finger in her mouth unexpectedly, which startled her. This made us both laugh for awhile.

"He sounds very powerful and amazing." She said softly.

"Yeah....He was....." I responded in a whisper.

".....What happened to him?" Luna asked me.

".......He died." I said in a flat voice.

This made Luna's ears splay back and got tears in her eyes. "How?" She asked me.

"..........." I didn't respond. Instead I wrapped my arm around her and brought her closer to me on instinct, after remembering the invasion.

She seemed to notice this and scooted as close to me as she possibly could. I turned to her and saw sadness in her eyes. I don't know why I did it, but I softly brought my lips to her forehead and kissed her. I looked down at her to see her, now with a small smile and a blush on her face. She then moved in between my legs and we sat their in silence. I....I was happy. Genuinely, truly, happy. I eventually fell asleep with Luna in my arms and a smile on my face. This became our ritual for the rest of the trip their. Every night we met in the crow's nest. I would head up there for some alone time and Luna always saved me from my thoughts. The next night I saw her she seemed very excited.

"Lovely night, isn't it master?" She asked me.

"Indeed it is." I said with a smile.

"I brought a blanket." She told me.

I nodded with a chuckle. "May we share it?" I asked her.

"Of course!" she said enthusiastically.

I smiled as she flew down and sat between my legs. We sat in silence for a while, but like last time, Luna had a question. As I held her, I felt warm, peaceful and happy. Why is my heart beating like this, I thought to myself. Do I.....Do I love her?

"Laxus? May I ask you another question?" She asked me.

"....Yes. Though I may choose not to answer it." I told her and she slowly nodded.

"What was that giant dragon?" She asked.

"You're very straight forward." I told her.

Her ears splayed back. "I'm sorry...."

"Its not necessarily a bad thing." I told her. "To explain who he is I would have to explain what he was and what I am." I said. "I'm not sure how you would react to that information." I finished.

"What do you mean?" She asked. "What are you? I thought you were a wizard?" She said.

"I am, but do you remember what I said about lost magic?" I asked her.

"You said you use it and its very dangerous. I don't see the issue." She said.

I sighed. "The dragon is called the Black Dragon, Acnologia." I said and she shivered at the name. "He is the Dragon King." I told her and she whipped her head around to stare at me in disbelief.

"The Dragon King!? That monstrosity!?" She exclaimed. "If he was a king why would he not talk with you?" She asked me.

I gritted my teeth and through a strained voice answered. "He believes us humans to be no more then vermin." I told her and her jaw hit the floor. "Would you talk to the ants beneath your feet?" I said to her. "Its the same principal for him and that's why he didn't talk. He just toyed with us until he thought he killed us." I finished.

"Why would he think that?!" She asked me upset. "Can no one stop him?"

"I don't know why his thoughts decided on such a dark path and no one has stopped him for over 400 years. Seeing him is almost guaranteed death." I told her.

"I still don't see how this explains what you and he are." She said.

".....I have a very specific kind of magic." I started. "The same kind of magic that Acnologia had.....when he was human." I finished.

Luna immediately on alert, turned and looked at me with worry across her face. "What do you mean when he was human?" She asked with concern.

"You could say he is the only master of the magic my kind possesses, thus it turned him into a dragon." I explained.

"You can turn into a dragon!?" She shouted. I put my hand over her mouth so no one could hear her and put my finger to my lip.

I sighed. "No I cant." I said as I let her go. "Like I said, he is the only master, but mastery of this magic......" I said while I played with some electricity in my hand. "comes at the cost of your humanity." I told her. "He can supposedly change back into his human form, but very few have ever seen him do so and live to tell about it." I said.

She looked at me in worry. "Do you plan on mastering your magic?" She asked me.

"No. I have reached the highest stage of my magic, with my human body and have gone on to learn others. I have also started to learn, how to combine my magic with other kinds." I told her.

She looked relieved. "But, if he was once human, why does he despise other humans so much?" She asked me.

"Its not just humans. He has killed every dragon he has come across." I told her and tears filled her eyes.

"WHY!?" She asked loudly and upset. "A king should protect his own!" She told me.

"I don't know why. But, I believe it is because he thinks himself, as the only being worth living. He kills anyone who stands in his way." I responded.

I wondered why I was telling her all of this. Is it because she saw my memory of Acnologia? I was so confused. What was it about her that made me open up like this. I have carried this pain with me for the last 2 and half years, but she makes me feel.....I ......

Not paying attention to Luna, I was caught off guard at what she did. She grabbed me and kissed me. I was utterly shocked. When our lips parted, she spoke. "Laxus.....I .....I love you. I have been trying to get your attention for the last couple of months, but nothing seemed to get through to you. So I figured being straightforward would be best and just tell you. So please, for me, don't over use your magic. I don't want you to turn into a monstrosity like Acnologia." She said softly as she sat in front of me.

I was shocked. I had honestly never considered this, but after yesterday and tonight, maybe I do love her to. I was thinking about my own feelings and how I felt after yesterday, completely forgetting Luna was waiting for my answer. I looked up and saw her on the verge of tears and I started to panic.

Not thinking, I grabbed her head and pulled her in for a kiss. As I kissed her, it just felt right. We both enjoyed the kiss, but we had to separate our lips. When I did, I saw Luna looking at me blushing heavily. I put my hand on her cheek and caressed it. She put her hand on top of mine as we looked at each other.

I thought about what I felt for her. Every moment we had together. When she placed her guild mark above her panties, while looking in my eyes. I thought nothing of it at first. I was to busy, but now that I look back, I realized, I was constantly watching her. Her every move, how she spoke to me and how I felt about her. I was to busy being guild master and making decisions to realize how I felt about Luna. It was then I decided, as I looked her in the eye.

"I love you to Luna." I said and she had tears in her eyes. "I may not of realized it because I was so busy as the new guild master, but I truly love you." I said and she lunged across my lap and smashed our lips together.

We were kissing and I felt her tongue probe my lips, begging for permission to enter. I parted my lips and met Lunas tongue as we wrestle each other. She then spread her legs apart and wrapped them around my waist, as well as wrapping her arms around my neck. I responded by wrapping my arms around her lower back. Wanting to grab her luscious ass, but stopped myself. Eventually, we stopped, but had a string of saliva in between our two mouths.

I breathed heavily. "Don't. Think. That. I. Will. Let. You. Break. Any. Rules. In. The. Guild." I said playfully in between breaths.

She smiled playfully. "I don't think." She took a breath. "You'll need to worry about it." She stated.

She then repositioned herself and sat between my legs again. We wrapped up in the blanket and enjoyed each others company in silence. She fell asleep before I did and I just looked at her. Do I deserve this after everything I've done? I failed time and time again, but here I am enjoying a beautiful woman's company. I decided to get some sleep and just enjoy the moment while it lasted.

When I woke up the next morning, I was greeted to a warmth in my arms. I looked and saw it was Luna still sleeping. I smiled and relaxed a little, until she woke up. Eventually, she began to stir and awoke. She stretched against me as her hands were over her head and I wanted to feel up her body so badly. She left her hands up in the air, but then brought them down behind my neck and she turned to kiss me. It wasn't a passionate kiss like last night, but it was warm and pleasant.

"Good morning Laxus." She told me sleepily.

"Morning Luna." I said as I hugged her around the stomach.

"What are your plans for today?"

I sighed. "I have to call a meeting, to discuss the plan for when we arrive in the Cat Empire. That will be around lunch time." I said. " I was gonna take the morning to get ready and inform the others about the meeting." I told her.

"Okay....Same time tonight?" She asked me.

I chuckled. "Same time tonight." I confirmed.

She smiled and flew down from the crows nest and I just jumped down. It was quite a fall and I had startled Luna, but I told her I was fine. She walked away with a huff and I went to inform Watcher of the meeting. I then proceeded to inform the rest of the team, including Vinyl and Nurse Redheart. After I informed them all I went to my room and showered to get ready. I then grabbed a bite to eat from the mess hall. After I had finished preparing myself, I went to the captains cabin and waited for the rest to show up as I sat at the head of the table.

The time of the meeting had arrived and everyone was present. The group looked around nervously, realizing that we would arrive tomorrow. I looked around at the group before me and smiled.

"Thank you for gathering here, on such short notice." I started. "This meeting is to discuss how we will operate in the U.A.K." I said and everyone just listened. "Zecora, I will not have you talking to Zetar unless I say so, I don't want him anywhere near you. Is that understood?" I asked her. She nodded so I continued. "Good. I will be the team captain and what I say goes. Is that understood?" I asked everyone present, they all nodded. "Zecora, how does this tournament line up? What are the different days for?" I asked her.

"The first day will be the introduction of the teams in the early morning. This introduction usually takes a few hours and then is followed by starting the tournament." She started. "The introduction, is each team walking down a long walkway to the arena. The team has a song played for them, or a ritual that they complete before reaching the arena. As I said, the king is very theatrical, so presentation is key." She explained.

"That's where Vinyl comes in with my music. I have given her a list of songs to play at the times I deem appropriate. She has set up several presentations for each one of these, unless I tell her to play the song." I said to the group. "Is everything ok on your end?" I asked Vinyl.

"No problem. These songs are perfect for my presentation." She responded. "I also think you're going to send a very clear message to the King, dude. Some of these songs seem like a challenge." She said and everyone stared at me.

I smirked. "That's the point." I said. "Continue, Zecora."

"After the introductions and every team reaches the arena, their will be several different platforms. These platforms are for clearing out a majority of the participants in this tournament. I'm guessing their will be 10 different platforms. The teams will send one person from each team to compete against one member of several other teams. It will be a massive match, that will probably have over 100 fighters on each platform, representing their team. The winner of these platforms, win the right to compete in the tournament with their team. The first match is usually the most difficult and will be almost suicidal because you must fight until you are the last member standing. So one of us will have to fight over 100 opponents at the same time. This round is called the qualifier, it helps spare many contestants, so they can compete down the road." She explained to us.

I looked around and saw everyone gaping at her, so I spoke up. "That wont be a problem." I said gaining their attention. "I will participate in that match, so we will qualify." I said and everyone looked at me like I was crazy. "Is that the schedule for the first day?" I asked her.

She nodded wearily at my confidence. "Yes, the introduction and qualifier take quite a bit of time. So once those two are over they usually call it a day." She said.

"Well, that should be an easy day." I stated. Everyone was eyeing me carefully. "What about the following three days?" I asked her.

"It changes every year depending on the number of participants. Sometimes they hold a massive battle between the remaining teams. Sometimes it will be a contest of strength or even one on one battles. It changes every tournament, along with the rules. And because I am in this tournament, I suspect some rules that will put us at a disadvantage. So we must prepare for everything and anything." She told us.

"Very well." I started. "My plan is to constantly challenge Zetar." I told them and they all looked at me dumbfounded. "Not openly, but in ways that, he and his people, as well as the other leaders will know. I will be the only one to do this. Is that clear?" I asked. They all nodded. "Good. Now when I make a decision for the team in the arena, I expect it to be followed. Understood?" They all nodded. "Are their any questions?" I asked them.

Twilight spoke up. "I heard that their are two requests that will be granted for winning this tournament. What are ours?" She asked me.

I smirked. "The first one will be for Zecora's freedom and pardon from her "supposed" crime." I said with air quotes. "The second, is more sensitive and will be revealed when I ask." I said and they all eyed me carefully except the captain. "Nurse Redheart, do you need anything?"

"No sir. I will be ready to patch up any who are wounded." She said.

I smiled and dismissed everyone. I left as well to get some lunch, but was followed by Duster. She followed me to the mess hall and sat with me and just starred at me. After awhile, I couldn't take it anymore, so I sighed.

"What's on your mind?" I asked her.

She thought for a moment. "You haven't been in your room once, these last few nights. What have you been doing?" She asked me.

I was in the crows nest, spending time with Luna." I told her. This was not what she wanted to hear because she got a scowl on her face. "Is something wrong?" I asked her.

She responded in a strained voice. "No Master, have a good day." She told me as she left.

I could only think of how weird, that discussion I just had, with Duster was. I had never heard that tone of voice or have a scowl on her face. I was very confused. I decided to look into it, by asking her teammates. So I went to find Twilight or Zecora. As I walked through the ship, I tried to think of anything that might have upset Duster. Maybe it's just nerves. I was on the first floor and saw Twilight heading to her room, so I called out to her.

"Hey Twilight!" I shouted.

She turned to look at me. "Oh master! Hello. Can I help you with something?" She asked me.

I nodded. "Have you noticed Duster acting strange at all?" I asked her.

"Uh, no. Why do you ask?"

"Well, Duster followed me to the cafeteria and asked me where I had been the last couple of nights, because I had not returned to my room." I told her and she was surprised at the information. "She then asked me where I was and I told her in the crows nest with Luna and she started acting weird." I informed her, but when I said this her ears splayed back and she looked sad.

"I'm sorry, I don't know what could be wrong. Please excuse me, master..." She said as she entered her room and closed the door right behind her.

I was now even more confused. What is going on with my team? I should go ask Zecora, I thought to myself. I walked over to her room and knocked on the door. I heard someone approach from the other side.

The door opened and Zecora was there. "Ah, master Laxus. How can I help you?" She asked me.

"I am worried about Duster and Twilight. They have been acting strangely since the meeting and I wanted to know if you knew anything." I told her.

She thought for a moment. "Please come in and we can continue this discussion." She told me. I entered her room and saw that she had very much made herself at home. It reminded me of her old hut, in the Everfree. "So you say they having been acting strange?" She asked and I nodded. "You have no idea why?"

I shook my head. "No! Duster followed me and started asking me questions about where I had been the last couple of nights. I told her I was in the crows nest with Luna and she excused herself, almost instantly. I went to Twilight, to ask her if she noticed anything, but she responded almost the exact same way when I explained what happened. Its weird." I explained and Zecora got this small smile on her face.

"I believe I know their plight. To know more, ask the princess of the night." She said in rhyme.

"You did that on purpose again, didn't you." I said. She just giggled. "Why would I need to talk to Luna? Did they have a fight?" I asked.

"To understand what bothers Duster and Twilight, you must talk to the princess to gain insight." She spoke in rhyme again. Although, this time, it seemed she was struggling not to laugh.

I sighed. "Thanks for the help Zecora." I said as I left. When I closed the door I heard her burst out laughing on the other side.

Confused, I decided to wait for tonight to talk to Luna. So I went about the rest of my day. I stopped by Vinyl's room to see if she was prepared and she gave me the green light. I stopped by Redheart's, to talk to her a little bit and get to know her a little better. After that I grabbed dinner and went on deck to talk to Watcher. I wanted to see how close we were and if we were making good time. I was informed that we would be arriving tomorrow around 11 in the morning. So, I figured I should get up early and be on deck as we entered the city.

Night finally approached and I said hello to the night crew. We talked for a little bit, before I made my way to the crows nest. Once at the pinnacle of the ship, I waited for Luna. After about an hour of wondering what was wrong with Twilight and Duster, Luna showed up with her blanket.

"Laxus! I brought the blanket!" Luna said happily.

I chuckled. "Thank you." I said with a small smile. "Come down and join me." I told her.

She sat between my lap and wrapped us in the blanket. We sat in silence for awhile, until I decided to ask her about Twilight and Duster.

"Luna?" I said.


"Have you noticed Duster and Twilight, acting differently." I asked her.

"......." She didn't respond and I couldn't tell if she was just thinking or not.


"What do you mean?" She finally asked me.

I explained what happened after the meeting today and she had a small smirk on her face. It looked like she had one some small victory.

"I'm guessing they are upset, that I got to you first." She told me.

"First?" I said confused.

"Yes. First." She said and she turned to look at me. "Laxus, what is the male to female ratio in Earthland?" She asked me.

Surprised by this sudden question, I couldn't help but ponder, why it mattered. "Uh 50-50, I guess." I told her.

She looked like she was in thought for a moment. "Do you know what a herd is?" She asked me.

Another weird question. What is it, with these girls being fucking weird all of a sudden. Why the fuck is she asking me about a fucking cow herd! I was so confused!

"You mean like a herd of cows?" I asked.

She turned to me with surprise on her face. "You really don't know?!" She asked me shocked.

At this point, I was starting to get a little frustrated. I sighed. "Know what?" I asked her.

"The mare to stallion ratio in Equestria is 10-1. So with such a surplus of mares, stallions can form a herd. This herd can consist of 5 different mares, but sometimes, if a stallion is able, he will create a harem. In a harem, he can continually have many mares join as long as he clears it with the mares that are already apart of his harem. However, if you wanted to start a harem, you would need to ask every mare that is in your herd first. Our society does not believe in monogamy, although, it is still practiced rarely." She explained to me. At this point, I think my brain was about to explode from shock. I could have multiple women. "That's what I meant, when I said that they were upset that I got you first. In my position, I would have to approve of them, if you wanted to ask them to be apart of the herd." She continued. "They both like you just as much as me. I'm guessing their worried I would tell you not to go near them." She explained further.

I was trying to process everything I had just been told. Trying to wrap my head around everything that I was allowed to do in Equestria. I know quite a few of the guild members from Earthland would be extremely jealous right now. I just sat their frozen at the fact, that not one, but three women are in love with me. Twilight and Duster are in love with me. I mean now that I think about it, I can kind of see it, but I'm still unsure what to do.

"Laxus? Laxus? LAXUS!" Luna shouted. This snapped me out of my thoughts and I looked at her. "Are you having second thoughts about us, now that you know about them?" She asked me fearfully.

I wrapped my arms around her stomach and hugged her. "I already told you, I love you Luna. Nothing is going to change that." I told her as I kissed her cheek. "I'm just surprised about all this information. You think Mavis would ha-" I froze.

Mavis! She knew and didn't tell me! That motherfucker. I bet she's laughing her ass off right now.

"What's wrong?" Luna asked me.

"I just realized, that master Mavis, has been feeding me, all my information. I'm guessing she knew about herds and didn't tell me, just to see the look on my face." I explained. I had an annoyed look on my face and Luna giggled. "I'm surprised though." I started. "How can the herd members get along so well?" I asked.

"Well once you have three or more mares in your herd, you would choose a head mare. The lead mare, usually makes decisions, based on what is best for the herd. She is also charged with making sure each mare is happy and spending enough time with you." She explained. "I'm honestly surprised you didn't realize Twilights or Dusters feelings before now." She told me.

"I never noticed your feelings and I didn't realize my own feelings for a long time....Makes me wonder what else I might've missed." I said a little down that I might've hurt Twilight and Duster.

"Do you want them to join the herd?" She asked me.

I sighed. "I'm not sure. I would like to get more comfortable in our relationship, before I add another one or two." I told her. "But, I wouldn't mind giving them a chance, if you are okay with that." I told her.

She stood and turned around to face me. She was wearing her usual blue dress, but had this seductive look on her face. She slowly started raising her dress until it was just barely covering her panties. She then sat down on my lap directly over my crotch as she wrapped her arms and legs around me. She was blushing heavily as she looked into my eyes.

"If that is what you desire." She whispered in my ear. "I want you to be happy." She told me.

"I want you to be happy to, which is why, if you say no, I wont look for any other women." I told her.

This surprised her and she smiled seductively at me. "I'm glad you feel that way towards me." She said to me. "But, I couldn't possibly hog you all to myself. I'm ok with other mares as long as you tell me about them first." She said to me. "I would like you for the remainder of this trip though. So I don't mind you telling them, but I would appreciate it, if you waited for when we got back to start dating the other two." She told me.

"That's fair, but I would also like to take you out on a date first." I told her and she just looked surprised. "I only think that's fair." I said.

Immediately, she lunged onto my lips again and forced her tongue into my mouth. I responded in kind and wrestled her tongue back, trying to savor her taste. From this action I started getting hard below and since Luna was right on top of it, I was worried she would be upset. However, once she felt it, she started grinding against it with her nethers. This was very stimulating for me and I wanted her very badly, but held myself back from taking her. Instead, I brought my hands under the back side of her dress and rubbed her back and played with her tail. I noticed Luna getting friskier and friskier, but I wanted our first time together to be more memorable then a crows nest. So I broke our lips apart and removed my hands from her bare back and tail. She pouted at me and huffed.

"I'm sorry." I told her.

"Is something wrong?" She asked a little scared.

I chuckled. "No. Its just that, if we went any further, I'm not sure I would've been able to stop myself." I told her. "I want our first time together to be more romantic then a crows nest. Its what you deserve and I want you to know I love you, for more then just your body." I explained.

She smiled softly at this. "Thank you Laxus. It means the world to me to hear you say that." She said. She then gave me a soft kiss on the lips and went back in between my legs.

We sat their, both smiling and happy to be with one another. Once again she fell asleep and I thought about how I should approach Twilight and Duster. I had finally decided on just talking to them straight and telling them the truth. So with that in mind, I went to bed.

I awoke the next morning, by being kissed by a beautiful Alicorn. When she stopped I opened my eyes and looked at her.

"I think I'm still asleep, does that get me another kiss?" I asked playfully.

She giggled. "It would, if you didn't have to prepare for our arrival and had some other ponies to talk to." She told me.

I sighed and got to my feet to stretch. I figured I would play a little prank on her, so while I was stretching, I pretended to trip and fall over the rail on accident. I heard her gasp and looked back to the crows nest to see her watching me fall. I chuckled and landed on my feet when I hit the deck. I then walked below deck as if nothing had happened. I went into my room to get ready, but not before Luna told me that I wasn't funny. I chuckled and got ready for the day. I took a shower, changed my clothes and got something to eat. I then decided to go find Twilight and Duster. I found them together, talking in one of the lounge rooms. I approached them and noticed they were having a very hush, hush conversation.

They stopped talking as I got closer. "Good morning." I said.

"Morning master." They both said to me at the same time, but with very little emotion.

I sighed. "Can I talk to you two?' I asked them. "In private." I clarified.

They nodded and followed me to my bedroom. When I got there, I asked them to sit on the bed, while I sat on the desk across from it. We sat there in silence for a few minutes before I sighed.

"I would like to apologize to you girls." I said and I instantly had their attention. "I have been informed of how you two feel about me." I said and they blushed. "I wanted to apologize for not realizing this until it was pointed out to me. I was so busy running the guild and trying to be the perfect guild master that I did not realize many things." I told them and they just sat there, wondering where I was going with this. "Three nights ago, Luna, came to me in the crows nest and told me how she felt. I will not lie to either of you, I love her as well." I told them and their ears splayed back and they looked as if they were about to cry. "However, I was told that their are such things as herds and if you two are willing, when we get back from the tournament, I would like to take you out on a couple of dates." I said to them. Happiness instantly made its way to their faces. They both got up from the table and hugged me. I chuckled.

"Do you really mean it Laxus?" Twilight asked me.

I nodded. "And Princess Luna is ok with it?" Duster asked.

I nodded again and they both were very excited. I laughed and once again apologized. They were to happy to even hear my apology.

However, "You girls need to get ready. We should be arriving in any minute." I told them and they hugged me one more time as they ran out the room.

Well, I'm glad I gave them some motivation for the tournament, I thought to myself. I went up on deck and saw we were approaching a massive city that was divided into three different sections.

The castle, the arena and everything else, but the arena caught my eye as it was massive. We started to descend towards a docking area and as we approached I saw many guards lining up in front of the dock. It was at this point I put my cloak on, that was enchanted with magic to make it impossible to see my face. All members of the team were up on deck and some of them were nervous. We docked and as soon as we put the walkway down to exit, the guards took aggressive positioning. I didn't let this bother me in the slightest and I continued to walk down without fear. Some of the other team members could not and their nerves were showing. I looked around and noticed that the guards were all lions.

Just like Celestia, it seemed all these guards looked the same to. I sighed and rolled my eyes at the similarities. When I first saw her guard, I was honestly confused because I thought they were twins. However, these guards seemed off. I tried to get a feeling on them and I could only feel emptiness. Soon they parted and another lion came through wearing a smug look on his face.

"Ah! There she is. I have been waiting to see you Zecora." He said as he started to approach her. "I do believe it has been 12 years since we last met. Oh, how time flies when you want someone dead." He said as he reached out a hand to grab her.

I stepped in a grabbed his hand and stopped it from reaching her. He turned to look at me in shock and tried to pull his hand away, but I didn't let go until I felt like it. When he got his hand back he eyed me carefully. During this time I looked into his soul and heart. Something was very wrong. It felt dark and rough. I was instantly on alert and made sure to be ready incase he attacked.

"She wont be speaking with you, during the duration of this vacation." I told him.

"Oh? Vacation is it? And who are you?" He asked me as he walked up to me. He was about eye level with me, probably trying to see into my cloak.

"My name is not important, but I am the captain of this team, for the duration of the tournament." I told him.

"You believe you're on a vacation?" He asked me.

"It will be for me and some other members, but freeing Zecora is definitely one of the reason we are here." I explained to him in a bored tone.

"You believe my arena is a joke!?" He raised his voice at me.

"I never said such a thing. Why? Do you believe it is?" I asked him. "Last I heard, being confident in ones abilities is essential to success. It allows you to know what to do with your skills." I told him. "I'm sorry if I struck a nerve and made you lose confidence in your own tournament. That is not what I wanted at all." I belittled him.

"You are very dramatic....We'll see how long that last." He told me in a threatening tone.

"Oh, you're going to find out." I said to him cheerfully. "I picked out the perfect way to introduce ourselves at the beginning of this tournament. Look forward to it." I taunted him.

"You would be wise to hold your tone, when in the presence of the king!" He announced.

"King you say? You are no king of mine." I told him and he looked at me shocked. "I bow to no one. You hold no power over me." I said to him and his face was contorted in rage.

"And what if I decided to kill you all, right here, right now?" He asked me in a condescending tone.

I sighed. "Then your subjects would know your a liar and many would then know, that you lure those that you promise sanctuary, for a time, and go back on your word and try to kill them where they stand." I said.

"Try? I believe you would be surprised at what these guards can do. I hand picked them myself, my own personnel guard. I think they would have little trouble helping you meet deaths sweet embrace." He said smugly.

"That or they would be a massive disappointment, but go ahead, flip that coin." I continued to taunt him and his anger was back once again. "However, you should know, that by attacking us you will be declaring war on Equestria and its allies." I told him with a bored voice.

"How would killing a couple of mercenaries for hire, be declaring war." He asked, trying to make me seem foolish.

"Look through these so called mercenaries and you would see your folly." I told him.

He quirked an eyebrow and looked through us and saw Luna.

"Princess Luna!? Why are you here with this plebian." The king asked her as he started to walk over to her, but I stepped in front of him. "How dare you!" He shouted.

"I am here to prevent any dealings between the two nations, as well as any talks that could be interpreted as political conversations." I told him, sounding bored. "Luna is here to fight in the tournament to test her might. As team captain she will follow my orders while we are here." I said as I moved closer to him. "Your only dealing with this team and its help, will be through me." I said in cold tone.

He gritted his teeth, then smirked. He then whispered to me. "It is clear to me, that this group of ponies value your skill, but would you say, if I were to pay you ten times what they were offering you for this job." He told me in a whisper.

"You threatened my family." I whispered back in a cold tone as I got even closer to him. "I wont take a single fucking coin from you." I told him in a dark tone.

He was shocked at this. "Zecora? Family? How could you be family? Your not even the same species!" He shouted at me angrily.

"Family isn't about blood." I told him. "Its who you'd die for." I announced. "Our bond is deeper then blood. So now that you know this, I ask that you stand aside so we may sign in." I told the would be king.

He gritted his teeth and then whistled. A female lion came forward and bowed. I noticed that she appeared to be wearing no more then rags as he whispered something to her and then left with his guards. I looked around my group to see many of them just starring at me in disbelief. I turned back when the female lion approached me.

I immediately noticed how attractive the female was and saw that she had some bruises on her body. I frowned as she spoke.

"Hi!" She was very cheerful. "My name is Kiana and I will be escorting you to the tournament sign up station." She explained. "Afterwards I am to show you to your hotel." She informed us.

I stepped forward and spoke. "Very well Kiana. Lead the way." I told her.

She started walking away from the ship and we all followed her. I looked back to see how the group was doing and I saw many of them were nervous, while others were giving me a hard glare. I turned back to Kiana and followed her, ready to get this tournament started.

We walked around and I introduced myself to Kiana. I figured she was being beaten by the king, so I decided to play nice. I also looked into her heart and saw that it was very beautiful. She was constantly cheerful and tried to help others in need, when she could. To have such an outlook on life, while serving under such a bastard, could not be easy. We continued our way to the arena where I sighed us all up and thanked Kiana, for the escort. She smiled and started walking towards the area for all tournament participants to stay. It was a combination of many hotels and each one launched into the sky. When Zecora said the king was theatrical, she meant it. We then checked in at the hotel and I noticed guards were posted across the hotel lobby. I'm guessing their were more through out the hotel. I'm guessing some were their to keep the peace, while others were there to watch us specifically. Kiana signed us in and gave us two large rooms that connected to each other from the inside. I thanked her and she left.

We then entered and looked around to see it was a very nice hotel. I was impressed that they would give such extravagant hotels suite away to participants, but then again, it might be for us specifically. I let go of my bags and turned to see everyone starring and me, while some were closer to glaring at me.

I only chuckled, as I knew I had to explain myself.

Author's Notes:

Got a lot of pictures in this chapter. There will be more in the next chapter, but this is to give you all ideas of what the different citizens look like. Also, Luna for the freaking Win!

P.S. Relationships will be delved into more over the actual course of the relationships. If this feels rushed, just know that I will be explaining why the girls developed such feelings for him, over the course of the story. So before you comment on the relationships being abrupt, give me a chance to explain further down the road.

MPF Scores of all Fairy Tail wizards

1: Laxus - 76,515 - SS -Dragon Slayer
2: Luna - 2690 - A - Unknown
3: Nightmare Moon - 2202 - A - Unknown
4: Celestia - 2187 - A - Unknown
5: Duster - 1074 - A - Beast Soul
6: Twilight Sparkle - 423 - B - Memory Make Magic
7: Magic Touch - 152 - C - Fire Magic
8: Big Mac - 145 - C - Palm Magic
9: Applejack - 120 - C - Earth Magic
10: Rainbow Dash - 116 - C - Ice Magic
11: Soarin - 98 - C - Air Magic
12: Thunderlane - 95 - C - Drill N Rock Magic
13: Pinkie Pie - 94 - C - Territory Magic
14: Cider Blossom - 90 - C - Palm Magic
15: Rarity - 81 - D - Requip Magic
16: Spike - 78 - D - Unknown
17: Scootaloo - 26 - E -Unknown
18: Applebloom - 24 - E - Unknown
19: Sweetie Belle - 22 - E - Unknown
20: Fluttershy - 4 - E - Green Magic
21: Zecora - Unknown - F - Unknown

Next Chapter: Chapter 11: The Qualifier Estimated time remaining: 5 Hours, 52 Minutes
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Equestria's Strongest Wizard

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