
Equestria's Strongest Wizard

by Vongoalyken

Chapter 9: Chapter 9: Fairy Tail Declares War!!!

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Months Later

Laxus Point of View

Over the last couple of months, Mavis and I, have been training members in their own magic. Most picked up the basics right away, but others struggled for awhile. Most are now comfortable with their new abilities and are helping them grow. I also found out, that during Winter, the ponies take part in a winter wrap up, this is to clean up Winter and make way for Spring all in a couple of days....Worse yet, I found out that the ponies breakout into song at random times. I myself almost got caught up in it, but was able to get back to the guild before I started participating. Mavis, however, loves it. She usually tries to find out when such occurrences may happen and join in. I'm glad one of us enjoys it.

I have only ever needed to defend Ponyville once, in the last couple of months. Some girl called Trixie, apparently said she defeated a Ursa Major. I was not there to meet her, but when I heard a giant roar, I was immediately in the town. I was greeted with the sight of an annoyed Blueberry. I was able to get him to go home without any further incident. I asked the towns people why he was here, they told me about Trixie. How Snips and Snails wanted to see her vanquish a Ursa Major for them. So, Ponyville, was put into danger to feed the curiosity of two children. I could only sigh as I went back to my bed.

The town was also put into a frenzy one day, when I was told that the evil enchantress was back. I only raised an eyebrow at Pinkies explanation, until she dragged me to her. When I arrived I noticed that it was Zecora and all the ponies were hiding from her. She looked just like a pony, except, she had black and white fur. She also had the same colored Mohawk and was wearing a brown cloak that covered her other garments. Beneath her cloak was usually, brown rags, that covered her lower half while green wrapping covered her breast. She had piercings in her ear and some on her eyebrows, but not excessively. I went over to talk to her, to find out what was going on. In my two years in the Everfree forest, I had run into Zecora a couple of times. At first it was on accident, but eventually she became my first friend here. After our first meeting, when I didn't get attacked by inhabitants of the world, I figured she was a good person. So the next time we met, I actually introduced myself and though I only saw her every now and then, we still became good friends. So after I cleared up the misunderstanding with Zecora, she was pleased to be able to actually shop in Ponyville. Apparently the towns people had been shunning her ever since she moved into the Everfree, but I was able to clear up the misunderstanding and let them know she was a potions master. She even participated in a holiday called Nightmare Night. The two princess's were still adjusting to life so they ended up missing the holiday designed after them.

Rainbow was hospitalized after training to hard. She was training in the stratosphere, in order to use her ice magic better. Since it was so cold up there, she was able to practice quite easily. However, one day she got to high up and became dizzy and started to plummet to the earth. Thankful she woke up in time to slow herself down, but she still broke her wing. She then learned of a book series called Daring Do and loved it. She started reading and put her training on hold, but considering she just hurt her wing, their was nothing else she could have done anyway.

A lot of other members have joined the guild, but all of them are their for shelter or just want easy jobs. None of them want to learn magic and just want to help around the guild whenever they can. I haven't been able to continue my training, but helping the guild was all worth it. We finally got the housing unit built for the Airships. When I first saw my ship, I was speechless and Mavis was excited.

I loved the design of it and it was outfitted with everything I requested. Duster and Twilight did an amazing job with the design. Duster also made sure all of my specific request were done. The ship was outfitted with canons galore and even had magic mortars. It also had several defenses that could come in handy, but mostly the automatic shield generator was the main defense. I was given a crew by the three princess's as an apology for Luna and Nightmare Moon entering my dream. I told them it wasn't necessary, but they insisted. The crew was a mix of Thestrals and regular ponies. The thestrals are bat-ponies that have webbed wings and are more for running the ship at night. The other ponies were a mix between the three species of Unicorn, Earth pony and Pegasus. The Captain for my ship was called Watcher, an old grizzled Unicorn. Apparently he had served under Princess Celestia for a time and was one of her best Captains. He ran special ops, very hush, hush, operations, but Mavis and I both thought he could be trusted. The other two, smaller airships, were also quite sleek in design and also had their own crew.

While only about a crew of four was needed to operate these ships, it was nice to have extra space on the smaller ships and not have them feel over crowded. They were also outfitted with some weapons and defenses, but no where near as much as the bigger airship. I was then asked to name the ships and we had a big ceremony with drinks and everything. The big airship had a string with a bottle tied to it, hanging over the rail. I then slammed the bottle into the ship and named it Makarov, with a smile on my face. Mavis thought it was appropriate. I named the other two, Bickslow and Freed, in honor of my fallen warriors. I would have named one of the ships after Evergreen, but I could only pick three and I wanted to honor my grandfather. I want to honor the entire guild, but I can only do so much.

Even after rebuilding Fairy Tail in Equestria, I still feel this constant pain inside. No matter what I do, it haunts me and the sadness of losing everything still feels fresh. Mavis has told me a little of her past. Mostly that her, the second master, my great grandfather and a man named Warrod, all were the founding members of the guild. She told me this one day when I was having doubts about being guild master. After everything I did, I felt as though I didn't deserve such an honor, but she told me that it was in my blood and made a great master. Still, it may only be April, but July 7th is coming.....the day I lost everything and I will honor those who fell, my own way.

It is still a ways away though. So I look forward! However, I have been having these strange dreams as of late. I always dream of a mare running away from what appears to be demons. I cant hear anything happening in the dream, its just like images flowing into my mind. I've consulted Mavis about this and she asked me to inform her if anything substantial happens. Still; these dreams continue to unnerve me.

We have received many contracts. Mostly A class contracts and down. One or two S class contracts over the last couple of months. Nothing major. However, Luna, Nightmare Moon and Duster have been doing every A class contract they can. Celestia has as well, but she is more focused on ruling the kingdom, which I don't blame her for. Twilight has also done exceptionally well. Her magic is progressing at an alarming rate. Her keen intellect was a perfect match for her magic. I believe out of everyone though, Twilight and Duster have done the most growing. Everyone has done a great job, but those two's progress is outstanding. I cant wait to see the new scores on the MPF coming up in two months.

The main 6 are starting to prepare for some big event coming up called the Grand Galloping Gala. They received tickets a long time ago, but now the date is approaching and their excitement is very contagious. In fact, the entire guild moral seems to be sky high at the moment. With new members trying to join every month. Most are not worth mentioning, but we do have some families that joined us. A man called the Doctor or Time Turner joined us, as well as Derpy hooves. Her daughters Amethyst Star and Dinky both joined as well. Derpy wasn't making enough money as a mail mare, so she asked if she could join to make some extra income, for her daughters sake. Last I heard, the Doctor and Derpy were special someponies and the Doctor was helping take care of her daughters. However, none of the members since the originals have wanted to learn magic. So, a little while ago I stopped other applicants from joining, due to the MPF test coming up. I wanted those, who wanted to learn magic to wait, until the next MPF test.

So all in all, it has been a couple of eventful months for the guild, but not for me. I was able to train a little bit myself, but was ultimately stuck training the others for quite a while. However, some of the women in the guild have been acting very strangely towards me. Mostly Duster, Luna and Twilight, but whenever I ask someone what's the matter with them, they just stare at me and shake their head. So, now I hope to be able to train for a couple weeks, but it seemed destiny had other plans.

A Morning in April

I woke up after another strange dream. The same female pony from before, running from demons, shouting something that I could not hear. It always ended with her hiding. Deciding not to dwell on it, I got up to prepare for the day. I went to the bathroom, got dressed, ate breakfast and went up to my office. While I was going through some papers I heard a knock on the door.

I sighed "Enter!" I said as I started to organize my desk. I heard the door opened and looked up to see Duster approaching my desk.

"Master, Miss Zecora is here to see you." She told me.

I smiled. I always liked being visited by Zecora. It always reminded me of how nice she was when I was in the Everfree and Castle of the Two Sisters. "Thank you. I shall go down to greet her." I told her.

I got up from my desk and started to head down to the first floor. As I was over the railing, I smiled down upon my guild. Many members were smiling and having fun. I managed to get a rowdy bunch of members, which was nice in a way. Most of the members had learned to respect the wizards of this guild as their seniors and none had any problem with that. In fact everyone was super helpful. I started down the stairs and when the guild saw me they all started shouting.

"Hey, Master!"
"Master Laxus!"
"Good to see you Seventh!"

Many of them yelled. I smiled at them and then I saw Zecora. I went over to her, standing by one of the front tables. She saw me approach and smiled. I then heard something I thought I'd never hear.

"Hello Laxus. How are you today." She told me in her deep accent, but she wasn't rhyming!

When I first met her she only spoke in rhymes, which was quite annoying. I had asked her to stop and she told me that she could not. I smirked at her. "I thought you said, you have to rhyme." I told her.

She frowned. "What I said is true, but what I did not tell you, is that I was under a curse if I said, it could become worse." She said.

"...... You did that on purpose, didn't you?" I asked. It was more of a statement, but I can never be to sure with her.

"Indeed I did, however, I need to speak with you about a matter of grave importance." She said with a serious frown on her face.

"Very well. Would you like to talk in my office?" I asked her and she nodded. "Follow me. Duster, please let anyone who wants to talk to me, know that I am in a meeting." I told her. She nodded and followed us to the counter, where she stayed.

She was like a secretary, but a badass secretary that kicks ass. Zecora and I made our way up to my office. When we entered I sat behind my desk, while Zecora sat in one of the chairs in front of it. I had noticed, eventually, that everyone had to stand in my office, so I asked Twilight if she could purchase some nice comfy chairs. I turned and looked at Zecora to see her eyeing me, as if judging me and wanted to ask me something.

I raised a brow. "First, I would like to congratulate you in lifting your curse. Second, it is good to see you again, but I have to ask, what is so important?" I asked her.

She sighed. "I have not told anyone this, but I was banished from my homeland, never to return. However, I was also cursed. The curse made me rhyme and if I did not comply, I would receive a burning sensation in my throat and chest. This was very painful, so I did everything I could to break the curse. It is the main reason I moved to the Everfree forest." She explained. To this new information I became very intrigued. "It wasn't until recently, that I removed my curse. For the flower that I desired to remove it, laid in the heart of the Everfree forest. You as well as I, both know how large that forest is. I honestly wasn't expecting to find it for another couple of years, but I had luck on my side about a week ago, when I stumbled upon it." She told me.

"You found the heart of the Everfree?" I asked. She nodded. "Where is it?"

"I swore not to tell anyone, unless an emergency arises." she told me.

I quirked a brow. "You swore? To whom?" I asked her.

"The guardian of the Everfree. It does not leave the inner sanctum of the Heart of the Forest, but it's presence and power alone will make me keep my oath." She explained.

"A guardian of the forest? Mmmh.... Very well, continue." I told her.

"After I found the flower, I brewed the cure and immediately drank it, thus curing my plight. However, though I was cured after 12 long years of being cursed, my joy was taken away." She said with tears in her eyes. "I don't know how, but the people from my home land found out that I was cured. I was banished and supposed to be cursed till I died, but they didn't expect me to find a cure. So, late last night I was visited upon, by three strangers, who were covered in robes, whose faces I could not see. They told me that because I had lifted my curse, I had broken the agreement and that I was to return my homeland to be executed." She told me as she started crying.

All of this information was new and was unsettling, but I knew Zecora had a good heart, so I couldn't help, but wonder why she was banished. I gave her a few minutes to gather herself, after which, I asked her to continue. She sniffled. "I had told them no, but when I told them, they just laughed. I may not look it, but I am a skilled warrior." She told me. "Their laughing unsettled me. They told me that they knew I was gonna say that and offered me a choice." she said and I raised an eyebrow at this. "They told me, that they were given orders, that if I failed to comply, I was to enter the King's arena. This arena is a death wish, but as I had no other choice at the time, I accepted." At this I was surprised. Why give her the chance to escape, if they wanted her dead, I thought to myself. "I was then informed, that a huge tournament would be happening in two weeks, at the Kings Arena and I was to participate. If I failed to comply, war would be declared on Equestria by the United Animal Kingdom, or U.A.K. for short, until I was found and killed." At this I stood up and looked down at her. Starring in disbelief, she only looked sad.

I was told of the kingdom by Mavis. It is made up of the Zebra tribes, the Cat Empire and the Monkey Dominion. These three kingdoms united to rival Equestria for power over 200 years ago. While war has never occurred between Equestria and the U.A.K. that doesn't mean it wont. This kingdom is well known for the zebras being shamans and people of wisdom. The monkeys are supposed to be swift and agile, with a mix of different sorts of monkeys, primates and orangutans. However, it is the Cat people that worry me. While I am strong, I could not stop the slaughter that would happen, if natural born predators made their way to Equestria. Especially with war in mind. Could I defeat them, yes, but not without severe casualties. They are truly, a warrior race. They are born in battle and have several different species in their kingdom. This includes, lions, tigers, panthers and more, but those are the strongest and most fearsome three. I was immediately thinking of ways to stop this from happening, without giving up Zecora.

"One second..." I told her as I went over to the door. I opened the door and yelled down to the first floor. "DUSTER!!!" I then heard the entire guild go quiet, followed by the sounds of rushed hoof falls. I went back to my seat and Duster came in immediately.

"Yes Master?!" She asked worried after seeing the look on my face.

"Bring Mavis here immediately, I want you to come back as well. Make it fast." I told her with a stern voice. She nodded and ran back down the hall after closing the door.

"Who is Mavis?" She asked me.

I sighed. "She is my Master, but you wont be able to see her. So don't worry about it." I told her and she just looked at me confused. "Continue." I told her.

"The tournament that will transpire, is in two weeks. Its a tournament with no official rules, hint why its being held at the arena." She continued. "The participants will form teams of five and fight against several other teams. The last tournament like this drew in over 1000 different contestants. So, being told to enter is almost a death sentence. I'm sure the leaders of each region will be sending their best to kill me. However, the High King will be gunning for my head the most. He wants me dead, the most. However, the winner of this tournament will get two prizes of anything they want. If it is in the power of the King, it will be granted. So I have to win this tournament, to be free as my prize." She told me.

"I thought the U.A.K. was ruled by three separate rulers. The Monkey King, the Lion King and the Zebra Priestess." I told her. "Since when did the cats make all the decisions?" I asked.

"They took over as the most powerful of the three kingdoms. They still have a Monkey king and Zebra Priestess, its just now they all listen to the King of the Cats, The Lion King. They act more like counselors now, but still rule their own territories. Its just when they try to make a decision as a whole, the Lion King is the one who makes the final decision. " She explained to me.

"And how did they decide who was to be king of the cats?" I asked for clarification.

"The Lion Kings rule started 15 years ago, when they held a tournament to decide the next king." She started. "I was 17 years old at the time, but I remember exactly what happened. A young Lion warrior, entered the tournament and showed such prowess, that the three kingdoms had never seen before. He claimed the throne and has ruled with an iron fist and was not even touched in the tournament, filled with over 1000 other fighters. He is very theatrical." She finished.

"Why do they despise you so? Why were you banished?" I asked her.

She got tears in her eyes. "Love....I was banished because of love." She told me. "I was a lowly Zebra and I fell in love with a Lion. Love between the three tribes is strictly forbidden. His name was Kane and he was amazing. He didn't care that he fell in love with a Zebra or herbivore, he loved me for me." She started to struggle in telling the story. "However, we loved each other so we didn't care about the rules, but his brother did....when he found out. After he became King he sentenced me to death, but Kane took my place instead. Kane's brother Zetar, killed him for loving a weaker species. He then had me banished and cursed, never to return 12 years ago." She then looked at me with anger in her eyes while her tears fell. "The only sin I committed was loving a predator, whom loved me back. King Zetar took everything from me and after finally removing the curse placed on me by his orders, he wants me to come back only to kill me for a false crime committed more then 15 years ago!" She screamed in rage and tears at me.

It was at this point, Duster and Mavis entered seeing Zecora crying, while I was pissed. Duster looked at me and seemed very nervous because of the look on my face. I wasn't just angry, I was furious. Mavis looked very confused, but decided to wait for me to explain.

"When would we need to be there and sign up?" I asked her.

"It takes about six days to get their by airship; we would also need to be their three days prior to sign in and get set up in our quarters....Laxus, I really need your help!" She told me.

"Zecora..." I said after we both calmed down. "Would you like to join this guild?" I asked her.

She just looked at me confused as to why I would ask that. "Huh?" She responded.

"Join my guild and you will be family....I protect my family!" I told her. She smiled and nodded at me.

"Good. Duster take Zecora downstairs and have Twilight contact the princess's immediately and call an emergency guild meeting asap! I want every wizard here!" I told her. "Yes, you can take her down by yourself, you have my permission." Duster nodded and left with Zecora in a hurry.

Mavis looked at me with a perplexed expression. "What's happening?" She asked me.

"Zecora was threatened by the U.A.K. and they want her dead." I told her and she went silent. "Seeing as how she is now a member of Fairy Tail, this is a declaration of war!" I said angry again. "She was the first person here I could call friend and I'll be damned if I let anyone kill her while I could do something." I told her.

"I understand and completely support your choice. I also believe that she will make a great addition to this guild. I also know that she helped you in your time of need, so I say let loose Laxus. Make them pay, for even thinking about hurting one of our family." She told me seriously.

"I plan to." I told her. "However, I am going to need you to stay here and watch over the guild in my stead." I informed her. Her mood suddenly dropped. Upset that she couldn't watch another tournament. "I need you to do this Master. Your the only one with prior experience." I said to her and she nodded solemnly. "Good. Lets get down stairs and find out where everyone is." I said as I made my way to the first floor.

I went down to the first floor and on the way I heard talking, but as I appeared over the railing on the second floor, the entire guild became silent, probably sensing my mood. I made my way down the stairs where I saw many looking at me with worry and others in fear. I looked and saw Zecora standing beside Duster and Cider. I walked over to her and summoned the Fairy Tail emblem and asked her where she wanted it. She had a green emblem placed on her neck and she was surprised that Mavis suddenly appeared in front of her. I then looked around and saw Twilight.

"How long until the Princess's are here?" I asked her. I continued to look around seeing that the only wizards missing were the CMC and Soarin. The CMC were probably in school and Soarin was probably with the Wonderbolts. I'm guessing that Duster had spread the word and many of the wizard members of the guild arrived as fast as they could.

"They should be on their way." Twilight told me.

"And Soarin?"

"We sent Derpy to get him, but he should be training with the Wonderbolts right now." She explained.

Not one person in the guild dared ask me what this meeting was about after seeing the look on my face. They all knew they would know eventually, but seeing my face made up their minds.

"He will make his decision. Everyone continue what you were doing until I start the meeting!" I announced. "Zecora, are you hungry? I'm assuming you haven't eaten all day." I asked her and she nodded her head. "Magic! I need some food out her pronto!" I yelled into the Kitchen.

"Yes Master!" Is all I heard in response.

She got her food and consumed it almost instantly. We waited for about five minutes when the door to the guild opened, revealing an exhausted Soarin. I smiled at him, asking Cider and Magic for some food and water. They got to work and whipped up some grub for him. Another five minutes and I heard carriages land outside the guild. The three princess's then entered the guild and looked at me. I nodded to them as they approached.

"What is the purpose of this emergency meeting, Master?" Celestia asked me.

"Indeed, why do all Fairy Tail wizards have to be here?" Nightmare Moon asked.

"Everyone please be seated." I announced and everyone in the guild found a seat to sit in. Even Mavis sat down on the counter beside me with a serious expression on her face. "I would like you all to welcome our newest member, Zecora!" I told everyone as I started clapping. Others joined in, but it quickly died out.

Rainbow stood up. "Not that I don't like Zecora and all, but that's why you called us here!?" She shouted at me. I turned and looked at her with a glare, which made her sit right back down.

"Now...." I said in a dark tone that gained the attention of the entire guild. "It just so happens that Zecora's life was threatened yesterday and some people are trying to kill her..." I said in a strained voice. Everyone was starring at me in disbelief. "They want to kill her, a member of this guild. I, as the master of this guild, will not stand for that. Not only is she my friend, but she is also apart of my family. And I make my families enemies pay for messing with my guild!" I said in a murderous tone that put everyone present on edge. I looked towards Zecora to see her also starring at me wide eyed. "Which is why, Fairy Tail hereby declares war on the United Animal Kingdom!" I shouted with anger in my voice. "They will pay for trying to hurt my family!" It was at this point all members of Fairy Tail, the princess's, Zecora and the mane six included, were looking at me with wide eyes and jaws on the floor. Many were shaking in disbelief and Zecora was crying that I would go so far for her.

However, Celestia looked outraged. "Laxus! You cannot declare war on U.A.K! It's madness! You'll plunge all of Equestria in war!" She yelled at me. The other princess's seemed just as outraged.

I turned to look upon her. "I have been informed that if Zecora does not return to her homeland and give up her life, war will be declared upon Equestria, until she is found and murdered. So either way war is coming, but this way, I will be taking it to their doorstep and playing by their rules. So, Celestia, would you sacrifice Zecora to save others or would you try to protect all of your subjects, Zecora included?" I asked her.

At this news everyone went silent again and started shaking from fear at the idea of war coming to Equestria after a 1000 years. Celestia starred at me in disbelief, that war would come to Equestria. She started thinking of what she should do.

"As a princess and ruler of this kingdom, I cannot show weakness to another kingdom such as the U.A.K." She said. "I will give you full control over this situation for now Master, but if war comes to Equestria, you will be held responsible." She told me in a low tone.

I nodded. "To make things clear, Zecora has to participate in the Kings Tournament in the Kings Arena. This is the way they want to murder her; in front of a large audience so everyone can watch." I told the guild. "I will be entering the tournament with Zecora and I need three more guild members to participate so we can form a team of five. I, however, have some in mind if they would be willing to help." I explained and everyone went quiet to hear the names I was going to request. "This is a grueling tournament where some may die, I want you all to know that before you say yes. Duster, I would like your assistance in this matter." I told her.

She bowed. "I would be honored master. My beast soul can grow from this experience." She said to me.

I smiled at her. "Luna!" I announced and she looked at me in disbelief. "I know you are royalty, but I need capable fighter and I believe you would be a great asset to this team." I told her.

She looked at me and smiled. "It shall be a glorious battle!" She announced and Celestia and Nightmare were both shocked.

I then turned and look at Twilight, whose pupils shrunk as soon as she noticed my gaze. "Twilight, would you be willing to help and become our last team member?" I asked her.

She looked hesitant at first, but then her confidence shone through. "If you believe I can be of assistance, then I offer my aid." She told me. Her friends were staring at her in disbelief and Celestia looked distraught.

"Are you sure my faithful student?" Celestia asked her. "I have heard of this tournament and not everypony makes it out alive." She informed her.

"If I can help the guild, then I want to. Plus, this will help me acquire new information for my magic as well as see how much stronger I've become. I can also study three whole other cultures." She said to her.

"Then it is settled." I announced. "Team Fairy Tail will consist of me, Zecora, Duster, Luna and Twilight. If were gonna do this, were gonna do it right. Rarity, I want you to make battle outfits for us that are capable for what we will face." I told her.

"I shall make it so darling. It shall be magnificent and announce who we are as Fairy Tail." She told me. I smiled at her enthusiasm.

"I would also like a cloak, that will cover my entire body. I want the element of surprise and I doubt those bastards will see me coming!" I told her and she nodded. "Cider and Magic. I want both of you to make sure that the Makarov is fully supplied and inform Captain Watcher, I will be speaking with him sometime in the next couple of day. I want that ship ready to leave in five days." I told them.

They both bowed "Yes Master!" They said at the same time.

"Luna, Duster and Twilight; I want you all prepare to leave in five days at noon. Be prepared to be away from Equestria for three weeks. We will be arriving four to five days early and be staying through out the duration of the tournament, which is supposed to be held over the course of four to five days with the last day as a celebration. So make sure you are prepared." I told them and they all nodded in understanding.

"Mavis will be in charge of the guild while I am away." I announced. "You will respect her rules and decisions. Over the next couple of days, the five of us will be getting ready for the tournament, so please ask Mavis if you have any concerns. It is up to the remaining wizards of Fairy Tail to protect Ponyville. I am counting on you all." I told them and they all smiled at me.

"What about us? If Twilights going, were going!" Rainbow dash announced.

"I reckon we could help n some sorta way!" Applejack said.

I could see where this was going so I cut off the other three. "You will all stay here." I told them and they got angry looks on their faces except for Pinkie and Fluttershy. "As far as I'm concerned, were going into enemy territory and the more of us their are, the more vulnerable we will be. So, I need you to stay put." I told them and they all looked down. "Thank you for understanding." I said.

"Now, we all have a lot to prepare for coming up! However, I still expect you all to protect this family!" I told them. "I now call this meeting adjourned." I announced and everyone immediately ran off, save for a few. I turned to Magic. "Please show Zecora to a room, I do not want her alone in the Everfree until we return." I asked him and he nodded.

"Thank you Laxus...." She said as she wiped a few tears from her eyes. She then hugged me and left with Magic.

"Soarin!" I called out to him as I approached him. "Thank you for coming today." I told him.

He nodded. "No problem, I'm very surprised about the declaration of war though." He told me.

I started pulling him to the other side of the guild where no one was. "Soarin, I have a mission for you." I told him in a whisper, which got his attention instantly. "I know that some of the guild members are going to follow us." I told him and he looked at me flabbergasted. "I need you to ask a couple of the more experienced members of the Wonderbolts to keep an eye on them and inform me if anything happens. I want this hush, hush Soarin. So try and have them blend in if you can, or wear a disguise." I said to him. "Can you do this?" I asked him.

He nodded and whispered back. "You can count on me master. The captain wont like it, but I think once I explain the situation, she would be more then understanding." He finished.

I nodded to him. "Thank you. Get it done and inform me how many members from the Wonderbolts will be helping, before I leave." I told him as we went our separate way. He flew off in a hurry and I went over to any angry Celestia and Nightmare Moon.

"Why would you involve Luna in this!" Celestia said through a strained voice.

"Indeed, why not choose me instead." Nightmare said and received a glare from Celestia.

I sighed. "I need Luna's help for this. Celestia, you are currently running this kingdom, while Luna and Nightmare have been readjusting." I told Celestia. "But, as for you Nightmare; I'm not sure how far your legends have spread and taking you into hostile territory seems to be asking for trouble." I explained. They both looked at me a little down that I had actually made sense. "Luna will be safe, I will make sure of that, so don't worry." I said as I turned to Luna, who had a smile on her face.

"Very well, master. I will trust you on this matter. Please take care of Luna." Celestia said as all three of them left to get ready.

I turned around to see Mavis smiling at me. "Isn't this guild amazing." She said to me as more of a statement then question.

I smiled and nodded. "Yes it is." I said as I got everything else ready.

I went to the local music shop to meet with Vinyl Scratch. If this tournament had to deal with presentation, I can think of no one better to help. I got to the music shop and entered. All around the store was every instrument you could think of. The walls were littered with records and stereos were place all around the shop. I looked behind the counter to see Vinyl bouncing her head up and down to a beat, coming from her headphones. I walked over to her, but she didn't seem to notice, so I figured her eyes were closed. I was standing right in front of her and decided to get her attention. I unplugged her headphones from her turntable and she stopped bobbing her head and looked around. When she saw me right in front of her, she jumped out of her chair and fell. I chuckled.

"Don't do that!" She yelled at me.

I smirked. "How else was I suppose to get your attention?" I asked in a smug voice.

She grumbled. "What's up Laxus? Are you here for an instrument?" She asked me.

"Actually, no. I'm here to inquire about your services. How much would it cost to hire you for the duration of say...two weeks?" I asked her.

"Two weeks!? What do you need done for two weeks!? Did Pinkie finally convince you to throw the ultimate party?!" She asked me.

I was confused about Pinkie. "Pinkie? Ultimate party?" I asked. She just responded with a nervous laugh and sheepish grin, so I chose to ignore it. "Do you know Zecora?" I asked her.

She looked at me in thought. "Yeah. Zebra, right. She's pretty cool if you ask me. She was a ton of fun on Nightmare Night, she even helped my performance with some of her potions that created illusions." She told me. "Yeah she's chill. Why? Is something wrong with her?" She asked me.

"Some people from her homeland are trying to kill her and if she doesn't return they will declare war on Equestria." I said which made her do a double take as she starred at me in disbelief. "To save her, a group of us is entering a tournament hosted by the King of the U.A.K. the one who wants her dead." I continued. "However, if we win we get to make two request of the King and we will use that to save her life." I told her.

She looked lost in thought, trying to make sense of this situation. "So you would enter this tournament, just to save her?" I nodded. "That is so bucking cool! Why do you need me though?" She said in awe and confusion.

"I have been told that the king is very theatrical and who better to help present us then the best DJ I know." I told her and she got this smirk on her face. "I have been told that each team is introduced down this long walk way, where they may play a song of their choosing to represent their team. I have a song in mind, but not the means to play it. I might need your help with other presentations as well, but for now, that is the only one I am aware of. If you help me in this endeavor I will give you the song as well as pay you for your services." I told her.

She was about to respond when a voice cut her off. "Vinyl, have you seen my ce-" In entered a grey earth pony with black hair and a black tail. She was wearing a black women's suit that seemed very professional and had a pink bowtie to wrap it all together. "Oh, hello. I didn't realize we had a customer." She said.

I smiled and turned to look at Vinyl. "I take it she's your special somepony." I said to Vinyl and she nodded with a smirk. I looked back to see they grey pony blushing heavily. "Well then, it is very nice to meet you. My name is Laxus, I'm the guild master of Fairy Tail." I introduced myself with a slight bow.

She smiled at me. "It is a pleasure to meet you. My name is Octavia and I am a musician. I see you already know of me and seem to be friends with Vinyl, yet I have not heard of you from her. I wonder why that is?" She said as she gave her marefriend a hard look.

Vinyl just sheepishly chuckled. "I may or may not, want to join his guild...." She said quietly.

Octavia sighed. "Yes, I figured as much. You could have at least told me." She told Vinyl in a scolding manner. Vinyl's ears splayed back and she looked ashamed under the look of her marefriend.

I laughed. "It is very nice to meet you Octavia, but I require the services of Vinyl for two weeks, if you don't mind." I told her.

"Two weeks!? What could you possibly need her for two weeks for!?" She shouted.

I sighed and explained to her the situation. She quickly grasped the severity of the circumstances. I then told her why I was hiring Vinyl and what would be included in the deal. She nodded in understanding, but got a glint in her eye.

"So you will be giving her music from another world!" She shouted.

"Uh, yes, but I will also pay her. For every song I use from my world she will be allowed to keep it, on top of her original pay." I explained.

"May I hear a song from your world first?" She asked me.

"Sure." I said as I pulled out my m-pod. "Vinyl, do you have and aux cord?" I asked her and she nodded. She handed the cord to me and I hooked up my m-pod. "Vinyl informed me, that you like classical music." I said and she looked at Vinyl and nodded. "Well this song, is a mix between your two styles. I believe this will suffice and give you inspiration." I told the both of them.


As the song started, both fell in love with the song almost instantly. Octavia's face lit up like a firework and Vinyl started bobbing her head to the beat. They enjoyed the full duration of the song and when it was over, they both looked at each other, with smirks on their face's. Octavia ran up to me and grabbed me.

She started shaking me. "Can I please have that song!? It has given me so many wonderful ideas!" She said in desperation.

I laughed and grabbed her hands to lower them.

"Seriously dude! That song was awesome! Are these the type of songs you would give me?" She asked me.

"While the songs are all awesome in their own way, they will be different then the one I just played for you." I told her and she nodded.

"I'm in!" Vinyl announced. "This is gonna be so awesome! Especially, if I can get a variety of songs from this job. I mean, come on! Songs from another world! This could really help my career!" She told me.

"Good! So how much will the pay be?" I asked her.

"Well, normally for two weeks, it would cost quite a bit, but since your giving me some of those songs and I take it you have housing and other necessities taken care of....." She said with a pause, to clarify, to which I nodded. "Then, lets call it 300 bits for the full two weeks." She told me as she held out her hand.

I smiled and held out my to shake hers. "We will be leaving in five days at noon. Make sure you come over to the guild so we can load up all of your equipment and find you a room, before we leave." I told her and she nodded.

I then felt a tug on my coat and turned to see Octavia looking at me with pleading eyes. I sighed. "Yes you can have the song." I told her and her face had a huge smile on it. "Use it as incentive for this job." I told Vinyl and she just chuckled.

I then gave them the song from my m-pod. Vinyl was able to record it with all of her equipment and she gave it to Octavia. Octavia spoke up. "If I were to come as well, could you pay me in only music?' She asked me.

I sighed. "I'm sorry, but I will only need Vinyl's services." I told her and she got tears in her eyes. "However, I may be willing to help you in the future." I told her and she nodded still a little sad. "Hey." I said and she looked at me. "It will be amazing, when you need me. Okay?" She smiled and nodded. "Good."

I said my goodbyes to them and went to the local hospital. I wanted to recruit a nurse or doctor if I could. I went in to the hospital and asked to see the head doctor. We then talked privately and when I told him of the situation, he informed me that he would send one of his nurses to help. He told me to expect her when we were getting ready to leave. I thanked him and left to go back to the guild. Once I arrived I headed to the Airship housing unit and boarded the Makarov. I then spoke to Captain Watcher and informed him of our upcoming mission. He was a dark grey unicorn with white hair and a white tail, that wore a captains uniform. The uniform was dark blue and seemed to have some medals on it. He seemed very experienced from all the small scars you could see over his body. He understood, but informed me to be wary around the cats. They are supposedly known for eating anything and that we will need to take necessary precautions. I agreed and told him to do whatever he thought would help.

With the plans in motion I went back to my room to think about everything that was happening. I hoped to use this tournament to see how strong Twilight, Luna and Duster have become. I wont let them die, but it will be good experience for them. I also hope to figure out why they have been acting so strange around me, for the last few months. I then thought of the king....

The Lion King Zetar....I will make sure he is dead by the end of this tournament.

Author's Notes:

Zecora will not be rhyming in this story, except, for when she is having fun.

Yes, I know that some of the episode are out of order, but they will still be used from about the same time. However, I will try to do my best to follow the actual timeline of MLP. If I want to that is....lol.

MPF Scores of all Fairy Tail wizards

1: Laxus - 76,515 - SS -Dragon Slayer
2: Luna - 2690 - A - Unknown
3: Nightmare Moon - 2202 - A - Unknown
4: Celestia - 2187 - A - Unknown
5: Duster - 1074 - A - Beast Soul
6: Twilight Sparkle - 423 - B - Memory Make Magic
7: Magic Touch - 152 - C - Fire Magic
8: Big Mac - 145 - C - Palm Magic
9: Applejack - 120 - C - Earth Magic
10: Rainbow Dash - 116 - C - Ice Magic
11: Soarin - 98 - C - Air Magic
12: Thunderlane - 95 - C - Drill N Rock Magic
13: Pinkie Pie - 94 - C - Territory Magic
14: Cider Blossom - 90 - C - Palm Magic
15: Rarity - 81 - D - Requip Magic
16: Spike - 78 - D - Unknown
17: Scootaloo - 26 - E -Unknown
18: Applebloom - 24 - E - Unknown
19: Sweetie Belle - 22 - E - Unknown
20: Fluttershy - 4 - E - Green Magic

Next Chapter: Chapter 10: Depature and Introductions Estimated time remaining: 6 Hours, 32 Minutes
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Equestria's Strongest Wizard

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