
Equestria's Strongest Wizard

by Vongoalyken

Chapter 11: Chapter 11: The Qualifier

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Laxus Point of View

"Master...Why did you do that!?" Luna shouted. "That could hurt relations between our kingdoms!" She said to me, upset.

She was referring to when I blocked her and Zetar from talking.

"Yeah. You said only Zecora shouldn't talk to him!" Twilight said. "Why would you prevent the rest of us from talking to him?" She asked confused and slightly offended.

I looked around and all the girls in front of me wanted answers. I sighed. "Their are reasons why I did what I did." I started. "First, I felt something very dark, very evil, about Zetar. He is not normal and I realized this right away." I told them and all of them were surprised. "This made me change my decision from only Zecora to all of you." I explained. "I don't know what it is, but my instincts are telling me to stay away from him, which means all of you will as well." I informed them. "Lastly, I have now shifted his attention from any of you and Zecora, to only me." I said and their eyes widened. "I have challenged the king multiple times in one meeting and refused his offer. I have offended him and hurt his pride, as well as challenge his rule." I told them. "He will now only focus on me and Zecora most likely." I finished.

"I understand master." Duster said. "But, don't you think you went to far?" She asked me. "He threatened to kill all of us." She said.

"No I don't. In fact, I figured he would and it was a great chance to embarrass him for calling Luna a mercenary." I told the group. They all looked at me stunned that I had realized this and that I used it to my advantage.

"Very well, Laxus. I trust your judgement." Luna told me.

"Thank you. Now everyone get settled in, we have a couple days before the tournament." I told them. "However, just to be careful, Luna and Twilight, could you set up a shield inside our room so no one can enter except for us." I asked them. They both nodded and got to work.

We all started getting unpacked and claimed specific areas to ourselves. Their were a couple of beds and most of the mares agreed to share them, but since their was seven of us and only five beds, I told them I would sleep on the couch. Some were upset and said they could share with one another to open a bed, but I declined. I thought it wise to give the girls their space. Now that I look at it, I'm the only male here with six females in the other room, but I didn't let I bother me. Night time fell and I went out onto the balcony and whistled. Soarin and two others appeared with him, all of them wrapped in cloaks.

"How many?" I asked.

He sighed. "Almost all of the other wizards followed you and Master Mavis was leading them." He said. I turned and looked at him. "The exceptions being the CMC and Celestia. The CMC had school and Celestia has the kingdom to run, but also agreed to watch over the guild for master Mavis." He explained.

I sighed. "Thank you Soarin. Are they all fine? Have they run into any problems?" I asked him.

"None so far and with the three of us as added security, as well as princess Nightmare Moon, I doubt that they will." He said. "Master, can you really win this tournament?" He asked me.

I looked at the other two to see them look slightly uncomfortable with him calling me that. "Yes I can, but I will have to kill some of them." I said in a cold tone.

"Is that really necessary?" He asked me.


He sighed. "Is their anything else you need master?" He asked me.

One of the other two scoffed and I turned to look at them. "Is their a problem?" I asked.

"......." The two were silent and Soarin looked very nervous.

"As long as you two do your jobs and help Soarin, I don't care what you think of me." I told the two, who remained silent. I then turned back to Soarin. "How will they be watching the tournament?"

"They planned on surprising you in the arena, by taking up a large portion of the stands for Team Fairy Tail." He explained.

"Make sure they all know to be ready for a fight, in case anything happens." I told him. "Also have Nightmare Moon prepared to cast a shield spell, in case of an emergency. Will you three be in the group?" I asked him.

"Yes we will and I will inform the group of your decisions." He said.

I nodded. "Thank you Soarin, be safe." I told him

He nodded and flew off with the other two in tow. I sighed and went back inside to wait out the remaining days, before the tournament started. For the next couple of days, I made sure the seven of us always stuck together, when we weren't inside the hotel room. I wanted to be as safe as possible, that's why whenever we left, Twilight and Luna would lower their shield spells and I placed one of my detection spells on every door, window and vent that could be used to enter the room. We explored the grand city and browsed the local Bazar, but I always did so in my cloak. I figured we were probably being watched. Their were many exotic items for sale and I could tell that many of the members wanted to purchase some of the products. I looked around and saw many different species, but the females were all very attractive.

I honestly wasn't surprised, considering how feminine their bodies are, but I was surprised at how colorful some were. They each had distinct markings and colors that made them stand out even more. The male cats varied in sizes and shapes, but all seemed more animal like then their female counter parts. With the exception of a few of the males here and there. However, almost all of them appeared to be warriors, no matter the species.

I was surprised at how young some of the warriors that were walking around looked. Although, after thinking about it, I figured that most of their warriors died at a young age in tournaments such as this or in some other way. That would explain why I haven't seen very many old cats around. I was also surprised that their weren't any zebras or monkeys present. I asked a vendor, why that was and he informed me, that they usually showed up just before the qualifier. I didn't questions it and thanked him for his time.

We continued exploring the city for many of the days before the tournament, but one of the times we were out, I detected someone enter our room. Without alerting anyone present, I recommended we head back for the day. They agreed and we all went back to the hotel, but when we went got back, I still hadn't felt my detection spell go off again. So, I figured that the individual was probably still in the room and it was most likely an assassin.

We entered the room and I stopped everyone from going their separate ways. "Luna and Twilight, I want multiple shields over the room! No one gets in or out and put some over yourselves and the rest of the group!" I told them. They instantly put up their shields and were on alert.

"What's wrong master?" Duster asked, confused.

I looked back and saw some of the girls were nervous. "Someone is in here with us." I told them calmly. "If I had to guess, I would say an assassin sent for Zecora." I said to Duster.

I heard a deep voice reply from inside the girls room. "You would be correct in that assumption." The voice said. I turned to look at the intruder and was greeted by the sight of a massive tiger, about a foot taller then me.

He looked fairly young and seemed to be poor from the rags he was wearing. He was also white with black stripes, which surprised me.

"However, I was sent to kill you as well, for insulting our king." He said in deep voice. "I was told that you were very disrespectful, cloaked one."

"I am honored that the King of Pussies wants my head." I said in a mocking manner. This made the tiger growl. "However, I am offended that he only sent one assassin. A one man crew for me is fucking insulting." I told him.

I had made him angry and I could tell he wanted to attack me. "How did you know I was here? I left no evidence, no way to track my entrance." He asked me.

"I placed some detection spells on all entrance points in our rooms when we left. I knew as soon as you entered." I told him. "When we entered the room I could easily smell you." I said.

"You could smell me? I find that hard to believe." He said.

"I don't give a fuck what you believe!" I told him. "My senses are very strong, and after living with only females, I could tell that you did not have their scent." I explained. "The room you were in also had an open door when we left and considering their is no wind to shut it, you were the only other option. Very sloppy for an assassin if I do say so myself." I finished.

"I believe you only have your magic to thank for detecting me. A cowards tool." He said with spite.

"Why? Because you cannot use it. That seems very immature." I belittled him.

"If you weren't a unicorn I would rip your throat out where you stand!" he yelled at me.

I chuckled mockingly. "You think I'm a unicorn? Does the king of pussies think so to." I taunted him. "How about I promise not to use any magic and you can attack me, so we can get this over with." I told him.

He eyed me wearily and snorted. He then crouched and tried to strike me. I moved fast enough for him to see, but to fast for him to respond. I grabbed him by the wrist and brought my other palm up as hard as I could where his elbow was. This resulted in a sickening crack and it looked like his arm had been folded backwards against itself. He immediately roared in pain and clutched his now broken joint. He backed away from me in pain.

"GAH!" He cried out. "My arm!"

I looked over to the group and saw many were starring at me wide eyed, while others were shaking that an assassin was here.

"Do you want to try again." I asked as I walked over towards him. He backed away from me. "Oh? You are retreating?" I taunted. "That's fine. I wasn't going to kill you anyway. In fact, I have a job for you." I told him as I got closer and closer.

He slashed at me and I caught his wrist in between my knee and elbow, probably shattering it. He screamed out in pain once more, but I cut him off. I grabbed him by the throat and hoisted him off his feet. He couldn't even grab my arm to struggle as he hanged their limply with fear in his eyes as he looked at me.

"I told you I wasn't going to kill you and you attack me again." I said to him. "Such foolishness. I am still not going to kill you, I need you to deliver a message to the Pussy King." I mocked. "Threaten my family again and the next assassin he sends wont leave alive." I told him and he just looked at me. I then pulled him right up to my face. "DO YOU UNDERSTAND?!" I yelled at him. He whimpered and nodded. I dragged him over to the entrance and told the girls to drop the shield. I then threw him out the door and closed it behind him.

I sighed and placed my own protection spells on the rooms, on top of Luna's and Twilight's spells. I turned to see the group starring at me in disbelief.

"What?" I asked.

"Dude, you just repeatedly insulted the king! He's going to kill us!" Vinyl shouted at me.

"That would mean he admits to trying to kill us and I doubt he wants his people to know that. He will be angry, but he cant touch us officially." I explained to her and she just starred at me dumbfounded.

"Thank you for dealing with that assassin master Laxus, but did you have to be so rough." Zecora asked me.

"I agree. He will be unable to use either of his hands for quite sometime because of you." Nurse Redheart said.

"The same hand's he wanted to use to kill some of us with and possibly some others." I told them and they looked sheepishly at me. "If that bothers you, maybe you shouldn't have come to this tournament." I said to them. "Contestants will die and others wont be as merciful as I was." I explained to them. "I think some of you need to think about that before the qualifier tomorrow." I finished.

I went over to my couch and started relaxing, while others thought about what I had said. They eventually, went to relax and prepare for tomorrow. I wanted to discuss this with Soarin, so I went out to the balcony at night and whistled. I only had to wait a little bit before three cloaked figures landed on the balcony. Soarin removed his hood and looked at me.

"Its good to see you Soarin. Has their been any problems over the last few days?" I asked him.

He shook his head. "No. We have been very secretive, under Mavis's orders. How about your group? You staying out of trouble?" He asked me.

I sighed. "An assassin was in our room when we returned today." I told them.

"What!" All three exclaimed.

"Is everypony ok?" Soarin asked worried.

"Yes I took care of it." I told them.

"How?" One of the hooded ponies asked me.

"He attacked me so I broke his elbow." I said and they stared at me in disbelief. "He then started to back away, but I told him I wasn't going to kill him. He attacked me again anyway and I shattered his wrist." I said in a matter of fact tone.

"Did you really let him go master?" Soarin asked me.

"Of course." I said and they were all relieved. "I gave him a message to give to the king." I told them.

"The King? You think he was behind this?" Soarin asked me.

"I believe so." I stated.

".....And what was your message?" The hooded figure asked me.

I only smiled in response. This caused the three to look at one another.

"Inform Master Mavis of this right away and have her come up with a plan after revealing yourselves tomorrow. Is that clear?" I asked.

"Yes master." Soarin said as he flew off.

I went inside and was greeted by Luna. She was eyeing me cautiously.

"Why were you out there for so long?" She asked me.

I sighed. "Just taking the necessary precautions." I told her.


"Something on your mind?" I asked.

"How old are you? I know you said humans don't live to be more than 100, but your wisdom and insight on some matters, constantly surprise me." She said.

"I am technically 33, but my body is only 26." I told her.

"Why would they be different?" She asked me curiously.

I sighed. "After being attacked by Acnologia, Mavis put a shield around us, that lasted for seven years and prevented us from aging for those years. In that seven years, we were in a dreamless slumber and after being awoken, we found out that more then seven years had passed." I explained. She was slightly surprised that I had been asleep for seven years. "That is why I am 33 and not 26." I finished.

She walked over to me and kissed me. It was a light peck, but it let me know that she cared. "I understand." She told me. "How long have you been an S class wizard then?" She asked me.

"Over 16 years." I told her. "I passed the exam when I was only 17 years old."

She was shocked that I completed it so young. "You were that strong at such a young age? How did you get so strong?" She asked.

I gritted my teeth. "I would rather not say, but I will tell you....My father experimented on me when I was a child and implanted a magic device inside of me that gave me these powers." I told her.

She starred at me shocked and with tears in her eyes. "Why would he do that?!" She shouted at me.

This got the attention of everyone else in the hotel and they came out to the main room. All of them heard what she yelled and saw her crying, but they only looked on in confusion and worry.

I sighed. "I was constantly told, that I'm not good enough or strong enough and one day he decided to change that. However, I didn't fight it and allowed him to do so for the power." I told her and she slapped me. Everyone else was confused and worried.

She looked at me angrily. "You should have fought him! You are strong Laxus and you could have been so without his twisted help!" She yelled at me.

I looked down at her. "I know. I know. I have made many mistakes in the past and that is one of them." I said to her. I then whispered in her ear so only she could hear me. "However, my gramps helped me see the light, along with a few other members from the guild." I told her and she smiled at me.

She gave a firm nod. "Good. I'm glad they were able to help you." She said as she hugged me. "I'm sorry I yelled everypony. Please go back to bed." She told them.

They looked at one another and most shrugged, then left, but Twilight and Duster remained. They looked at me worried. They wanted to know what happened and because of their feelings they were more worried than the others. So there we were, just starring at each other.

I sighed. "Duster, Twilight, I'm fine." I told them. "Really. Luna was upset about something from when I was a child." I said.

"Indeed." Luna said sourly. "He is fine and has seen the error of his ways." She told them.

"I will tell you girls about it another time. Okay? But, we need to get to sleep tomorrow is the qualifier." I told them and they nodded.

All three girls went back to their room and I headed to the couch. I sat their and thought of the time my father put the Lacrima inside my body and gave me dragon slayer magic. I'm not disappointed because it made me stronger, I'm disappointed because of how I used that power. I stopped thinking about the past and shut my eyes.

Day of the Qualifier

Laxus Point of View

We were all up early the next morning and getting ready. The team started putting on their team uniforms and got any weapons or other materials ready. Our uniforms were Black and gold, like my lightning. With a black Fairy Tail emblem on the left side of our chest. Our pants were all black and matched with our shirts, by having gold streak down the side. I was very impressed with Rarity's work and would have to thank her. We looked great. Vinyl and Redheart also had their own, but Redheart's came with a nurse hat.

I smiled, happy that we looked as great as we did. I had on my uniform, but I put on my team cloak that had the same colors and emblem, however, it still hid my face. With all of us prepared and Vinyl set up, we were now waiting to be called to the arena. We waited for a little bit and I saw some of the girls getting nervous. I gestured for them to do some deep breathing to calm down. Many followed this and it helped. Finally we heard a knock on the door. I opened it and was greeted with another lioness, who was also in rags.

"My name is Kiana and I'll be your escort today." She told us.

I quirked an eyebrow at this. "Your name is Kiana as well?" I asked, suspiciously.

"Ah, you must have met one of the kings other servants. He renamed us all Kiana, so he didn't have to remember our names." She explained in a matter of fact tone.

"He renamed you!? Dude, that's seriously not cool, man." Vinyl said.

"What gives him the right to rename you?" Luna asked.

"We are his servants and playthings. We do whatever he request of us, no matter what it is." She told us.

"Slavery." The word left my mouth with venom.

The group looked at me in surprise.

"Essentially, yes. However, don't let the king hear you say that. He doesn't like to hear us being referred to as slaves." Kiana said.

"Oh, I'm gonna spell it out for him, but what about you?" I asked. "Wont you get in trouble for informing us of all of this?"

"I believe you despise the king as much as I do and many have been talking about your encounter on the landing dock. So I don't believe you are friends and would have any reason to report me. I'm also an excellent judge of character." She answered.

"Would you be upset if the king were to die?" I asked her curiously.

"Master! What are you saying!?" Luna asked me.

"Master huh?" Kiana said while looking at me.

"It is a sign of respect. I am their master in the art of combat, not their master in life." I explained to her.

"......" She was silent for a bit. "I believe that if the king were to die, everyone would probably be happy." She told me seriously.

I had searched her heart for any deception and not sensing any I decided to tell her some news. I walked forward so she was the only one who could hear me. "The king will be dead by the end of this tournament. In a way, where no one will be able to dispute it." I whispered to her and she turned her head to look at me so fast, I thought she might've gotten whiplash.

"Do you mean that?" She asked as she eyed me. I nodded and tears came to her eyes as she smiled a little. "Please follow me."

The group looked at me, wondering what I said to her as we walked. None asked me, but I could feel their eyes on my back. We came to a dome that had a straight shot to the arena and it was lined with citizens.

"Please set up your presentation here and head to the arena when your team name is called." Kiana told us.

"Thank you." I told her.

"No thank you." She said with a small bow.

She then left us to get ready and we helped Vinyl set up. She had this portable cart that she would ride to the arena and play the music on. We had gotten her all set up and we heard our named called. From here I could her the audience boo, which I was not surprised at.

"On my signal Vinyl." I said and she nodded. "Everyone, be ready and hold your head high. Vinyl will shut them up good." I told them and everyone nodded. "Also, you might want to put a sound dampening spell on your ears if you have any." I informed them.

We started walking out and the citizens in the line booed much louder. However, I waited until I could see the king. It wasn't long until I saw the king on a platform on the outside of the arena and gave Vinyl the signal and instantly music started blasting.


The crowd instantly went quiet as the song started. I'm assuming it because they have never heard music like this before. Vinyl was doing amazing; she was using her magic to create a light show in tune with the beats and it certainly captivated them. A crowd full of boo's, turned into a crowd of awe. As the song said dynasty decapitated, I brought my thumb across my neck while looking at the king and other rulers that were beside him. Or when it said taking back the crown I pointed at him then at the top of my head, signifying I was taking his crown and continued to insult him. For the remainder of the song I taunted him down the long walk and as we got closer, I could see the anger on his face. As the song ended, I flipped him the bird with both hands and my arms crossed. I think I heard some of the other rulers laughing as well, which added to my taunt.

We arrived in the arena and it was quite large, even on the inside.

I looked around and saw multiple platforms, just like Zecora had said. Inside the arena the entire audience was quiet when we walked in, except for one section in the stands. I heard shouting and cheering and looked over to see most of the guild here shouting at as. We weren't the last group to arrive so we had some time to kill, so we decided to say hello. The others on the team were quite surprised to see them here. While they were all talking, I told Vinyl excellent job. She gave me a smirk in response, like their was any question. I then saw Mavis and sighed as I walked over to her.

"I see you came anyway." I said in a mono tone voice.

"You said no one else had experience, but Celestia has been ruling a kingdom for over a 1000 years. I'm sure she can handle it. Besides, I love tournaments and I wasn't going to miss this one." She said with a glint in her eye. I just sighed and turned to Rarity.

"Great job on the outfits Rare." I told her, gaining her attention. "They look amazing."

"Oh darling you'll make me blush, but please go on." She retorted playfully.

I started looking around at the competition and saw some of the other kingdom's fighters. I saw some monkeys and gorillas, but no zebras. Makes sense, considering they are a people of wisdom. Entering this tournament would hold no purpose for them, but the cat people still held the majority in this tournament. Followed by the monkeys, then ponies, which were on my team and the zebra, who was also on my team. I sighed, ready to get this started. Soon I saw the leaders of each species, all right next to each other.

The Zebra Priestess looked very beautiful and had an air about her, even from down here in the arena. The Monkey King, however, screamed warrior. I saw the man and not only does he seem wise, but he also feels powerful. I can see why both are leaders, even from 100 feet away. Zetar then gave the signal for us to start.

Each team was being handed numbers and these numbers represented which platform we must fight on. Some guards were passing out these numbers and we finally got ours, which read number 7. We would compete on platform 7 which was closest to Zetar, so I figured he had something planned. The numbers were being called and one fighter from each team would head up to the platform. Our number was finally called and I told Vinyl to play a certain song when I threw my hands up in the air and shouted. She nodded and I was off to the platform, with my guild and team members shouting support.

I had arrived on the platform and looked around and saw only cats. I'm assuming Zetar didn't want to leave anything to chance and couldn't trust the monkeys to kill me. So, he placed me on a platform with only Lion, Tigers and Panthers. It was very clear to me, that he was trying to get us to lose right away. I smirked at the stupidity of him and turned to look at him. When he saw me looking at him, he gave me a cocky grin. I returned his grin with a shake of my head in disappointment, while shrugging my shoulders. I looked at him again to see him angry. Surprise, surprise. Zetar is angry what a shock! I thought to myself. I looked around the platform to see many of the other contestants eyeing me careful. I waved at them and they looked away. I saw that their was well over 150 participants on my platform, which means over 1500 fighters signed up for this god forsaken tournament.

Soon every platform was full and we were ready to get the qualifier started. We had to wait for the gong to sound before we could start. I looked up at the sky and just sighed. I was going to taunt the fuck out of Zetar in front of the other leaders and his subjects. The gong went off and many of the fighters came after me, but the first was a tiger, or as I like to refer to him...An example. He jumped at me and I ducked under him and grabbed his leg whipping him around and threw him into a group of fighters that were charging at me.

I threw my hands up in the air. "WHOOOO!" I shouted and the song started.


This instantly put the other fighters on their toes. Even the strongest of opponents couldn't throw them like I did. The music also confused them, especially when they saw me walking with the beat through all of them. One fighter would attack and I would knock him back with no difficulties. When the song picked up I KO'd at least 15 more fighters with no difficulty. I looked around and none of the fighters were attacking me anymore, so I turned towards Zetar and started laughing. I rolled my shoulders to really emphasize my mocking him. I then went and started pummeling more fighters all by myself. I then stopped and looked at the king again when the song said "their are plenty of ways you can hurt a man" and taunted him again by starring at him. I then pointed at him directly, pointed the ground and started to pretend to squish him under my boot. I finished the remaining fighters easily enough by the end of the song. I didn't kill a single one, but their were broken bones and other injuries.

I looked at the king and shook my head again in disappointment. I didn't even bother looking at his reaction as I sat down and looked around the arena. I saw that all of the platforms were still battling it out and still had many fighters left. I looked over to my group and saw Mavis smiling, but the others were starring at me in shock. I think I saw Luna, Duster and Twilight blushing, while some of the Pegasi had their wings at full attention. This included, the two hooded Wonderbolts and Soarin was giving them a "Really" look. The Pegasi, struggled to get their wings down and I just laughed. I looked at Zecora, while I gave her a nod and she smiled at me. I then turned to Luna and winked at her, she saw this and smirked. However, she had a dangerous glint in her eye that worried me. Mavis saw this as well and smiled at me.

So I had to sit on my platform until the rest of the fighters were done on the other platforms, but I still had my cloak on which was starting to annoy me. Eventually, after a couple of hours, the other platforms finished. The remaining teams were seven cat teams, two monkey teams and our team. This left 50 other participants that qualified for the real tournament. They then congratulated us on making it to the official tournament and told us to rest, for we would start tomorrow and blah blah blah. It was Zetar talking so I didn't give a fuck and I made sure he knew it as I looked like I was sleeping on the platform until he finished.

Once he finished and I saw the other fighter exit the platform I went over to my team and guild where they all started shouting compliments at me all at the same time. I had eventually got them all calmed down and I thanked them. I then turned to Mavis.

"Do you have the necessary precautions taken?' I asked her.

She nodded. "We will be fine, you seven return and get some sleep." She told us and we nodded.

We started walking and I could tell my team wanted to ask me a bunch of different questions. I asked if they could wait, until we returned to the hotel and they nodded. We returned to the hotel after a long and boring day of doing nothing. However, I did enjoy fucking with Zetar. Sad to say that was the highlight of my day, I thought to myself. We had returned and I took a quick shower and returned to the living room where my couch was, only to find my team patiently waiting to talk to me.

I smirked and headed over to answer some questions.

Author's Notes:

Fuck Zetar. Stupid Happy Looking MotherFucker! Hope you enjoyed the chapter!

Over 4000 views! 115 Thumbs up! 19 Followers and being tracker by over 150 users! This is all since I started my story! Thanks guys and I'm glad you like the story. Keep giving me suggestions and I will try my best to incorporate them into the story.

MPF Scores of all Fairy Tail wizards

1: Laxus - 76,515 - SS -Dragon Slayer
2: Luna - 2690 - A - Unknown
3: Nightmare Moon - 2202 - A - Unknown
4: Celestia - 2187 - A - Unknown
5: Duster - 1074 - A - Beast Soul
6: Twilight Sparkle - 423 - B - Memory Make Magic
7: Magic Touch - 152 - C - Fire Magic
8: Big Mac - 145 - C - Palm Magic
9: Applejack - 120 - C - Earth Magic
10: Rainbow Dash - 116 - C - Ice Magic
11: Soarin - 98 - C - Air Magic
12: Thunderlane - 95 - C - Drill N Rock Magic
13: Pinkie Pie - 94 - C - Territory Magic
14: Cider Blossom - 90 - C - Palm Magic
15: Rarity - 81 - D - Requip Magic
16: Spike - 78 - D - Unknown
17: Scootaloo - 26 - E -Unknown
18: Applebloom - 24 - E - Unknown
19: Sweetie Belle - 22 - E - Unknown
20: Fluttershy - 4 - E - Green Magic
21: Zecora - Unknown - F - Unknown

Next Chapter: Chapter 12: The Tournament Estimated time remaining: 5 Hours, 28 Minutes
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Equestria's Strongest Wizard

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