
The Dawn Will Come

by defender2222

Chapter 4

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June 20th, 999 CE
The Moon

The mare with less than 27 hours before being free has turned her eye towards the kingdom she once ruled.

She knows that they have forgotten about her, that much is clear. A part of her wants to rage at that but she taps the frustration down and, for once, allows herself to be rational without a hint of emotion. It has been so very long since she walked the lands of Equestria and those that originally scorned her and her night have long passed. Countless generations have come and gone and the ones that now live in her kingdom are innocent of those crimes. While she is still bitter at her treatment she will not allow the fault of others to be placed upon them. She will not be like those that betrayed her.

That doesn’t mean she will be kind, however.

That was her mistake the first time. She’d tried to be kind and understanding, forgiving every slight and every insult, and it made her appear weak in the eyes of her subjects. They grew bolder and afforded her less respect than they showed Celestia, who took on the role of disapproving mother that demanded respect and promised love. By the time she herself realized her folly and tried to stand up against the elitists they’d just laughed in her face. Worse, her own sister had joined in with them, telling her to leave such issues to her and not meddle in those types of affairs. All had forgotten she was meant to rule… even her sister… and had she not stood firm she would have forgotten herself.

The Mare in the Moon glowered at that. Her sister had been wrong then and she was wrong now, that was plain enough to see. When she wasn’t tugging herself slowly free of the restraints that mystically bound her ethereal being to the moon she watched Equestria, using her farsight and ability to enter the dreams(1) of her subjects. What she found disturbed her. It was clear that in the time of her absence ponies had become more brazen and showed less respect for their princess. They did not cower in dread at her anger or thank the high heavens for even the smallest blessing. In their minds Celestia had become more mortal and was no longer a figure to fear and worship.

She would change that.

Soon it would be her time to rule. Soon she would return and she would remind the ponies of Equestria of who she was and what it meant to be a princess. If they bowed and showed her respect then they would be rewarded. Should they fail…

…then she would work out some of her own pent up aggression upon the transgressors.

Author's Notes:

(1) Though nowadays the presence of Princess Luna in one’s dreams is a welcomed sight back then the lunar monarch was not the banisher of dark dreams that she is now. Though she could not interfere with dreams she had, from time to time, slipped in and observed them, causing great frights in those ponies that observed her. This fueled, in part, the creation of Nightmare Night, which seemed to be the night when Nightmare Moon was most awake, as well as the legend of Bloody Marey.

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