
The Dawn Will Come

by defender2222

Chapter 3

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June 19th, 999 CE
6:37 pm

Despite how much he tries to enjoy his meal, Shining Armor finds he simply can't. Not with the issues that currently plague his mind.

It isn't anything in the young stallion's life that is causing problems. Far from it; the last few years have been nothing but a joy and it looks as if it will stay this way for quite some time. He's a member of the royal guard, something he dreamed of doing since a colt, and has steadily moved through the ranks. A few have tried to start the rumor that he's only succeeding because of his lineage but these gossipmongers find their ideas promptly flattened by Shining's commanders, who make it clear the white-coated stallion is rising up thanks to his own skill and determination. Of the six Core Disciplines Shining Armor has completed 5 of the 6 with flying colors (1) and he has been approached by members of Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns hoping to study the technique he used in his defensive magic test (2). His commanding officer has hinted that Shining will soon be given a command of his own, something the stallion is quite happy with. His job has allowed him to stay close to home and see both his parents and his little sister, Twilight Sparkle. And most importantly of all, though he hasn't told his family yet, Shining has fallen head over hooves in love with his sister's old foalsister, Princess Mi Amore Cadenza (Cadence for short). The two have managed to keep the romance a secret the last year and a half but Shining knows that he can't keep the secret quiet for much longer.

No, it isn't anything in his life that is causing problem. What has caused him to lose his appetite is his sister, Twilight.

Shining has been off all day, relieved of duties since he will be on guard during the Summer Sun Celebration. Thought he won't be part of the group that accompanies Princess Celestia to Ponyville Shining will have plenty to do as he watches over Canterlot and the many different parties and events schedule. The previous year saw several incidents take place that put a damper on the festive holiday; most notably twelve ponies became drunk on cider and raced wagons down High Street; though no one was greatly injured the event caused quite a scandal and the guard will be stepping up its presence to ensure nothing happens this year.

With no duties Shining has spent the day with his parents helping them prepare for their own Summer Sun Party, which he is hoping to catch the last few hours of when he gets off his holiday shift. His parents had informed him that his sister was going to a party with her friends and that she may be late; while disappointed Shining understands and accepts that he might only be able to see his sister for a few minutes before he has to head back to the barracks.

It was to his great surprise then when Twilight arrived at the house at 3:00pm, mumbling and muttering to herself while Spike took notes. Shining's parents' don't say a word and instead set another plate at the table while Twilight hunkers down in the living room.

Shining Armor is old enough to know his parents strengths and weaknesses when it comes to raising their children. While loving and caring, Night Light and Twilight Velvet are a product of their generation. They were raised by parents who believed in heavy-hoof parenting, guiding most of their children's actions, and when they had children of their own they were determined to avoid the 'mistakes' of their mothers and fathers. As such, Night Light and Velvet, like most of their peers, have allowed their children to do as they please and seek out their own destinies with little interference (3). While they did assist Twilight and Shining in achieving their dreams they only did so when asked. As such, Shining has come to see that his mother and father will turn a blind eye when it comes to Twilight and not notice when she is having emotional problems.

Such as today.

As he eats Shining Armor thinks back to the letter his sister showed him shortly before dinner. Written by Princess Celestia herself, the letter begins quite bluntly: 'My dearest, most faithful student Twilight. You know that I value your diligence and that I trust you completely. But you simply must stop reading those dusty old books!' If Shining were any other pony he would be highly offended by the insulting and condescending tone of the letter. However, his time both guarding Princess Celestia and reading over previous letters Twilight has received allows him to see the harmless jest the Princess is attempting. He knows that the phrase 'but you simply must stop reading those dusty old books' is a running joke between the princess and Twilight, referring to the fact that Celestia could tell Twilight had sent the letter from her library. Should Twilight have written it in a different location the phrase would change, becoming "And you should enjoy the sun" or "Don't eat donuts over this, you're making me hungry". It is the gentle ribbing of a teacher to her student and Shining knows this isn't what upset his sister.

No, what has caused her to brood in the next bit of the letter. While polite the Princess makes it clear that she does not wish for Twilight to focus on the topic of Nightmare Moon and denies Twilight's request to examine the myth surrounding the Mare in the Moon further. The letter ends with Celestia stating that she will be informing Twilight in the morning of a task she wishes for her to complete and that she should be packed and ready for a busy day.

Shining can tell that his sister does not like this but he can't sympathize. Not this time. He quite agrees with the Princess; if left to her own devices Twilight would shut herself away for days on end, researching endless topics before realizing that the deadline for the terror she feared had already come and went. He has seen his sister become obsessed and agrees that it is best to nip such things in the bud at the first warning signs.

Twilight, however, takes this rejection personally and is moody and sullen as she picks at her dinner. All attempts to get her to converse are pushed aside and soon her parents stop trying, figuring that Twilight will talk when she is ready. Shining however isn't convinced and becomes more concerned when Spike lets spill that Twilight and him missed Moondancer's party. When Shining presses her on this Twilight tells him that she completely lost track of time and didn't miss it on purpose; a subtle glance at Spike confirms this is a lie.

Throughout the dinner Shining Armor finds his concern and worry slowly morph into utter annoyance. He tries again and again to talk about Twilight's friends but his sister continues to turn the focus of the conversation back to her theories on Nightmare Moon. She states firmly that Equestria is in danger and finally declares, after Shining asks her if she had asked her study friends for help, "The fate of Equestria doesn't depend on me having friends!"

Shining Armor drops the subject but doesn't stop thinking about it. Even as his mother serves his and Twilight's favorite desert (a chocolate and vanilla layer cake with caramel-flavored ice cream on the side) his mind goes over what his sister has said... and not said. Just as Shining isn't blind to his parents' faults he isn't ignorant of Twilight's. His little sister does not trust others easily and has problems letting others get close to her. She prefers the company of books and can easily allow her own worries and concerns overwhelm her and make her forget everything else. This serves as a vicious cycle as those that try to become her friend find her to be aloof and rude; when these friendships fail Twilight's preconceived notions of 'friendship' are confirmed and she becomes more guarded. Shining had been like that when younger, though to a lesser degree, but his time in the guard broke him completely of such habits. He’d hoped that learning under Princess Celestia would do the same but he now fears that it has only accelerated the problem (4).

As he leaves his parents' home and begins the long walk back to the castle Shining puzzles over the problem that is his sister and comes to the conclusion that her issues have become too large for even him to handle. If confronted with her negative attitude Twilight would either deny or deflect the accusation... or cut him out completely. This, Shining knoww, would destroy his sister in the end and as he makes his way up the walk he comes to the conclusion that he will need to enlist some help. Making a detour Shining moves away from the barracks and heads into Canterlot Castle itself. He has decided to take a massive gamble in the name of helping his sister.

He will ask Princess Celestia for aid.

To his surprise he finds the Princess awake in one of the smaller meeting rooms situated in the castle. A cup of tea sits next to her, a warming charm on it to keeps it just the right temperature, and a small china plate with a piece of half-eaten strawberry cake rests just within reach of the solar princess. She is going over a pile of scrolls, murmuring to herself as she reads one over before checking another. The guards stationed at the door recognize him and, assuming he is on official business, allow him to stand in the doorway till the princess notices him.

Princess Celestia has a knack for knowing when somepony wants her attention and this night is no different. With a smile she turns around but the small grin falls from her lips when she see who has come. For a brief moment Shining fears he will be sent away but Celestia merely clears her throat.

"Gentlecolts, I would like a private word with Sergeant Armor. I believe he will be enough protection if something arises."

The guards let Shining in, the white stallion swallowing up his nervousness as the princess shuts the door behind him. He has never been only with Celestia save for his official duties and finds the two of them being alone in the same room quite nerve-wracking.

Celestia, as she is want to do, first asks him to calm himself, using the same motherly voice she uses with all ponies. She then motions for him to take a seat and after a failed attempt to decline Shining Armor finds himself sitting across from the Solar Princess, a second cup of tea close at hoof.

"Tell me, Sergeant Armor... what are your intentions for my niece?" (5)

Any sense of calm Shining might have had disappears in an instant.

It takes several minutes and two cups of tea(6) and Celestia’s assurances that she is merely joking (and Shining even then isn’t a hundred percent sure she doesn’t realize him and Cadence are more than just friends) before he is calm enough to continue. He lays out the concerns he has when it comes to his sister and is relieved when Celestia agrees with his assessment. The two discuss for nearly 40 minutes Twilight Sparkle and a plan is formed. Celestia had thought to have Twilight spend the day with her while she prepares for the trip to Ponyville but now that idea is scuttled. Instead Twilight will be commanded to go to Ponyville and oversea the preparations for the Summer Sun Celebration. To ensure that she does not spend the entire trip focused on Nightmare Moon Celestia will provide her with a list of ponies she needs to talk to; the ones in charge of the music, weather, food, and decorations. A letter to Mayor Mare of Ponyville will be sent asking for lodgings for Twilight and Spike over the next few days. Finally, per Shining's request, Celestia adds a personal message asking Twilight to 'make some friends'. Even if the young unicorn ignores the comment both Celestia and Shining know that Spike will remember it and help steer Twilight in the right direction.

Shining Armor thanks the Princess several times before hurrying back to his barracks. He has no way of knowing it will be the second to last time he sleeps there.

Author's Notes:

(1) The disciplines Shining completed are Marksmanship, Hoof-to-Hoof combat, Battle Strategy, Defense Tactics, and Medical. At the time of the Summer Sun Celebration Shining is scheduled to take his final Discipline test, Leadership, in 2 weeks time. A strong score will see him offered the chance to rise to the rank of 1st Lieutenant or possibly 3rd Captain.

(2) This technique, which saw Shining use specially mined crystals to amplify a shield spell so that it could cover miles of space without draining a unicorn of their magic and last for several hours, would later be known as the Armor Defense. An improved version would be put into practice during the events of the Changeling Invasion.

(3) This style of parenting was quite popular and is still used today, though to a lesser degree. While psychologists agree that it does help fillies and colts develop strong independent identities it also encourages negative behavior due to young ones believing their actions would never be punished; this issue gained mainstream attention after the publishing of 'The Life and Times of a Reformed Bully' by therapist Dr. Diamond Tiara.

(4) During her first year in Ponyville Twilight had told many ponies that she'd "never had friends" before the finding of the Elements of Harmony; this was false. Twilight had had many friends, though many abandoned her when they felt her too self-absorbed. The rest were ones that Twilight didn't even realize were her friends and would, in her later years, work to find and reestablish a connection with. While many debate why she chose to lie it was hypothized by scholar Mindtrap that Twilight subconsciously realized how poor of a friend she was and thus felt she didn’t have the right to call these ponies her friends, or more accurately, that she was their’s.

(5) Princess Cadence is not related to Celestia by blood. Unlike the other minor princes and princesses that have earned the title of 'nephew' and 'niece', Cadence's family was adopted by Celestia in the long past. Some, like Prince Blueblood, trace their lineage to Princess Platinum. Cadence's family comes from the line of Moonstone the Brave, who was adopted by Celestia in honor of her bravery. Moonstone was the descendant of Clover the Clever, student of the legendary Starswirl the Bearded and who some believe was the half-sister of Captain Silver Star; this theory has never been confirmed.

(6) A former chef of the Princess revealed in an interview that Celestia served a special tea made from seaweed from the North Luna Sea that is said to have a calming effect on ponies; thus why she always had some ready at hand when a pony came to visit. There is credence to this theory, as Celestia and Luna spent their youth living near the sea.

Next Chapter: Chapter 4 Estimated time remaining: 26 Minutes
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