
The Dawn Will Come

by defender2222

Chapter 5

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June 20th, 999 CE

As the chariot she rides begins to descend down towards the Main Street of Ponyville Twilight Sparkle can't help but feel annoyed and a bit betrayed by her mentor.

She'd stayed up till nearly midnight the night before going over ancient scrolls and out-of-print books hoping to find more references to Nightmare Moon and the Elements of Harmony but had no luck. She'd finally gone to bed with the plan of waking up by 9:00 am (later than her normal wake time but nothing unusual on the eve of the Summer Sun Celebration) so that she might seek out her teacher and request once more to have access to the sealed off sections of the Canterlot Royal Library. This never came to pass as, at 7:44 am, she was awaken by the sound of Spike belching out a letter to the princess that informed her she only had an hour before she needed to get to the Canterlot Chariot Station so she might catch her flight to Ponyville. She was so frazzled by this that Twilight didn't have time to create a checklist and thus only realized half way through the flight that she forgotten to pack a saddle bag.

Twilight has Spike read over the letter several times, hoping that perhaps she's misheard the drake and the princess is NOT sending her off to a small town she hasn't even heard of(1) to babysit some ponies and make sure they don't screw up the celebration. Her mood isn't helped by Spike's continued needling of her to 'make some friends', something Twilight simply doesn't get. Even without the threat of Nightmare Moon hanging over their heads this is the Summer Sun Celebration, the biggest holiday in Equestria, and there would be simply too much to do for her to waste time making friends with ponies she'll never see again.

Ponyville was, in those days, an average village in the middle of the fruit belt. While officially the same size of Canterlot in square miles (if one did not include the neighboring farms such as Sweet Apple Acres; with these it was nearly five times the size of the capital) the population was a 1/8th of the mountain city. Ponyville could be divided into three rings. First was Ponyville proper, which was a cluster of roughly 34 buildings that included many houses, a town hall, a bakery, three candy shop, a Quill and Sofas, a library, three schools (an elementary, a middle, and a high school), a library, a dress shop, four cafes/restaurants, and a farmer's market. Outside of this was the second ring, filled sprawling fields dotted with homes and some smaller specialty shops as well as the local Weather Bureau. The Outer Ring, and by far the largest landmass, was made up of the local farms and forest-hugging cabins.

Despite its rustic appearance Ponyville was already home to a wide array of noteworthy ponies even before its Golden Years. Counted among its numbers that day were famed cellist Octavia, Top Equestrian DJ Vinyl 'DJ Pon-3' Scratch, the mysterious inventor Doctor Whooves, and wealthy industrialist Filthy Rich(2).

Twilight doesn’t know or care about any of this. Her entire focus at this moment is getting through her assigned duties as quick as possible so she can turn her attention back onto the threat of Nightmare Moon. She'd found out shortly before she departed Canterlot that Spike and her would be staying at the Golden Oaks Library, using the currently empty carekeeper's quarters as their own until the end of the celebration. Twilight has already made a note to get a hold of an inventory of the books on hand to see if any might be helpful.

If Twilight is doing all she can to ignore Celestia's command then it can be said Spike is making it his sole focus. He, like Shining Armor, has seen the warning signs and knew that his friend needs to break out of the dangerous spiral she's entered into. As the two walk the streets Spike presses Twilight to try and follow Princess Celestia's advice and attempt to make a new friend.

Twilight Sparkle is not one to walk up to a random pony and say hello. Every connection she's made up until that point has involved her allowing the world to come to her. But Spike remains stubborn and Twilight, in a fit of desperation, decides to humor him and say hello to the first pony she sees. Her opinion of such interactions does not falter when said new pony leaps into the air, lets out a gasping shriek like a drowning mare bursting to the surface, and zips off in a cloud of dust.

This strange chance encounter marks the first meeting between the ponies that will later be known as the Mane 6(3).


June 20th, 999 CE
11:15 pm
Sweet Apple Acres

As she says hello to another set of cousins Jacqueline 'Applejack' Apple wishes they'd all just leave and never come back.

Of course, the moment these thoughts enter her mind she is ashamed. Family is an important thing to the Apples and Applejack knows that not a single one of her cousins, uncles, or aunts mean any ill will. Still, as she forces a smile on her face and makes herself nod politely as another one approaches her the young mare wonders if she'll begin screaming or start crying first.

Nearly every member of the Apple Family is currently at the farm, some having crossed the length of Equestria to be there. This, however, isn't a family reunion and Applejack is happy for that small miracle; she simply isn't ready to try and manage the beast that is an Apple Family Reunion. No, this gathering is all about assisting the Apples of Ponyville as they prepare all the food for the Summer Sun Celebration. This task has fallen upon the family for years but with Princess Celestia scheduled to attend none of the Apples want to see the family name tarnished in the slightest. They've brought their recipe books and special pans, pots, and plates, each working hard to produce enough food not only for the massive gathering of Earth Ponies but also for all those that will be coming to the gathering scheduled for dawn the next day. Secret Apple Family recipes will be showcased in less than 24 hours and every member of the family wants a chance to claim the princess sampled one of their dishes.

Applejack's mind isn't on any of this. Instead she is trying to find a way to escape the cruel torture she's been forced to endure for the last few hours.

"Applejack," her cousin Braburn says gently, giving her a look that makes it clear he can't decide if he should smile or frown. "Ya know they'd be proud of ya, right? Ya know that?"

"Yeah," Applejack says hoarsely, unable to meet his sympathetic eyes.

For most of the ponies now gathered at Sweet Apple Acres this is the first time they've seen the Apples of Ponyville since the incident; just over eight years since Applejack's parents Brown Snout and Bohemian Orange were stolen away.

The facts of the tragedy are such: Brown and Bohemian had decided to visit the Apples of Fillydelphia and packed up their wagon. Applejack and her brother Macintosh 'Big Mac' Apple were forced to stay behind, both having caught a bad case of hay fever. They were cared for by their grandmother Cultivar 'Granny' Smith-Apple. Brown and Bohemian had been two days into their journey when they arrived at the Coltson Bridge on the morning of January 15th. Eyewitnesses state that the Apple parents were about halfway across when the first support gave out, sending them and 53 other ponies into the frigid waters of the Coltson River below(4).

The death of her parents greatly affected Applejack and, for a brief few weeks, drove her from Sweet Apple Acres, the painful reminders of her parents’ absence too much for her. Though she attempted to start a new life in Manehattan under the care of her Aunt and Uncle Orange, Applejack in the end returned to the farm(5). But she wasn’t blind to the fact that it hurt the rest of her immediate family. Granny Smith suddenly found herself having to raise her grandchildren while also mourning the death of her son. Big Macintosh gave up his dream of becoming an actor to take up work on in the fields.

Shaking herself out of her morose thoughts, Applejack trots over to the one member of her family hit hardest by the tragedy and having the worst time this morning.

When the Coltson Bridge collapsed 55 ponies were sent into the icy waters below. Only one was brought out alive. On that day of great tragedy the populous latched onto this little miracle, who had survived only because her parents had thought to place her in padded water proof basket rather than in a saddle bag.

Bloomella "Apple Bloom" Apple was only a few months old when Wonderbolt Stormy Flare pulled her from the river. Though she has no memory of what happened that day and bears no physical scars from the incident the tragedy of Coltson Bridge would weigh upon her for much of her life. During a lecture she gave in Baltimare she stated, "Most folks thought I wanted my cutie mark on account of jealously or bullyin' or things like that. And why that might be true the real reason is that the moment I came out of that icy river the hopes and dreams of all them ponies that didn't make it were placed on me. I knew from a right young age that I had a responsibility to live my life to the fullest... to not squander what I was given and what my folks and everyone else had taken away. I carried their hopes and dreams."(6)

Applejack can see that the reunion is weighing on her little sister and making her think about those pressures. The normally hyperactive filly has become quiet and shy, sticking near Big Macintosh whenever one of their relatives comes by to introduce themselves. Nearly all just wish to say hello to Apple Bloom, seeing as they haven't met her until today, but all the new faces are getting the young filly anxious. Applejack watches as Big Mac politely but firmly forces one of their uncles to move along when he begins telling stories about Brown Snout and she decides to get her sister out of the crush of ponies before her brother does something he'll regret. The eldest of the Ponyville Apple siblings don't have to say a word as Applejack gathers up her little sister and gives the excuse that they need to go fetch some firewood for the bonfire they'll be setting up later on in the day.

"Ya know they're all just bein' friendly, right?" Applejack asks her sister once they are away from the party.

"I know," Apple Bloom replies, scuffing her hoof against the ground. She stands tight to Applejack's legs, ready to scramble to safety under her sister if somepony suddenly appears. Applejack lets her, though she can't help but feel disappointed; Apple Bloom hasn't done this in years but it seems the reunion has caused her to become skittish. Applejack knows things would be easier if there were some fillies and colts her own age around but unfortunately none of the families with children made the trip. That has left Apple Bloom all alone with a mob of new aunts, uncles, and older cousins that all want to meet her and ask her questions. Applejack also admits to herself that the rest of her immediate family isn't handling things any better either. Granny Smith feigned falling asleep in her rocker 20 minutes earlier to avoid the looks of pity and the words of condolence that rain down on them. Big Macintosh looks fine, if a bit stern moments earlier when he was shielding his baby sister, but Applejack knows her brother is a stallion with big muscles and a bigger heart and even after all these years the thought of his mom and dad are making him cry on the inside. As for Applejack she feels ashamed of the anger and annoyance she feels whenever somepony comes over and expresses regret over their lost. It isn't their fault, as her extended family is merely being their normal friendly and caring selves, but the farm pony is realizing something has to be done.

Applejack looks up at the clouds and realizes that what they all need is a distraction. The Apples are warm, inviting folk who enjoy hard work, and if they had something or somepony to pull their focus away from her family and tap down their need to offer condolences then the entire reunion might end on a high note. The problem is that Applejack simply can't think of a way out. They are already busy baking for the Summer Sun Celebration but they have entered that time frame when there is little to do. In a few hours all the Apples will be prepping and packaging all manner of apple-related treats but for now all the heavy lifting has been done and there are no pressing tasks before them. Applejack can't bring herself to lie or create a problem, leaving her stuck.

Just as she is preparing to accept her fate and trudge herself and her sister back to the gathering that she spots an unusual sight. There, ambling down the road, is a purple unicorn with a short bob manecut and a baby dragon at her side. Apple Bloom eyes go wide and she looks at her sister, wondering if she is seeing things. Applejack merely grins and tells her sister to go spread the news. The little yellow filly happily does so, thrilled to have an actual reason to interact with her kin that doesn't involve mourning and lose.

Applejack makes a move to greet the newcomer, only to stop short. She doesn’t want to come on too strong and frighten her potential salvation off so rather than instantly seek out the unicorn Applejack decides to play it casual. This entails her rushing towards one of the few apple trees that hadn’t been harvested yet and giving it a solid buck.

The mare doesn’t catch on that Applejack has already noticed her and introduces herself. “Good afternoon, my name is Twilight Sparkle.”

Applejack doesn’t let Twilight get out another word, her own impatience causing her to quickly grab Twilight’s forehoof and give it a hard shake that leaves the purple mare shaking. Applejack quickly introduces herself before asking what she can do for Twilight, hoping that whatever the mare needs will take a good long while to complete.

When Twilight reveals that she is there to supervise the food preparation for the Summer Sun Celebration Applejack, for once, does not feel any annoyance that “some city slicker who wouldn’t know an apple fritter if it bit them on the flank!” has come to make sure she can do something she’s been doing for years. While much of this is because Applejack is thankful for the distraction a quieter part of her is intrigued by the unicorn before her. Twilight lacks the snootiness that many bureaucrats have when they come to her farm, nor has she given Applejack the impression she’s looking down her nose at her. The orange mare is intrigued as she rings the dinner bell and hollers for her extended family (who had been waiting for just that signal after Apple Bloom informed them of a visitor).

Applejack happily sits Twilight down at a picnic table then introduces each of her family members, the mares and stallions offering up a sample of the food they have personally made for the Celebration. Through the roll call Applejack keeps an eye on Twilight, pleased that the mare, while clearly startled and a bit frazzled by the sudden parade of ponies, hasn’t freaked out. The only moment of worry comes when, after introducing Apple Bloom, Applejack seeks Twilight open her mouth. Fearing that the purple mare will say something about the ‘miracle foal’ and thus ruin her plans, Applejack quickly shoves an apple into Twilight’s mouth before finishing(7), adding at the last minute that she sees Twilight as ‘already bein’ part of the family’ to help cement the idea in her relatives heads that they should focus their attention of Twilight.

Applejack’s slapped-together plan almost crumbles seconds later when Twilight, clearly shell-shocked from the bombardment of Apples, tries to excuse herself and make an escape. What keeps her from leaving though is Apple Bloom’s plea for her to “stay for brunch”. Twilight attempts to wiggle out of the invitation but the entire Apple family let their disappointment be known(8). In the end though it is Apple Bloom’s look of distress that convinces Twilight to stay. Though Twilight doesn't know it at the moment, that small act of kindness wins her the eternal friendship and staunch loyalty of the entire Apple family; especially Applejack.

"That's when I knew," Applejack later states in an interview with the Apploosa Press. "That's when I knew that Twilight Sparkle was gonna be my bestest friend in this whole dang world. When she looked down at my sister and agreed to stay purely because she saw a filly near tears I knew that this was a mare I wanted by my side."

The matter settled, Twilight joins the Apple Family for lunch and soon loses herself in a whirlwind of laughter and stories.

Author's Notes:

(1) Twilight could be forgiven for this attitude. While nowadays it is perhaps the 3rd best known city in Equestria back then many maps forgot to even list Ponyville.

(2) Some theorize that Ponyville's proximity to the Tree of Harmony is the reason powerful and famous ponies seem drawn to it. In researching this book it was discovered that nearly a third of those listed in Fact Check's 'Who's Who of Famous Historical Equestrians' had some link to Ponyville, outnumbering even Manehattan and Canterlot.

(3) This name was coined by J. Jawin' Jabberer, editor of the Manehattan Bugle, after the events of the Changeling Invasion. Though he used the term in an article blaming the mares for failing to prevent the Invasion other papers picked up the title for the group and soon used it in a more positive light. When Princess Twilight ascended J. Jawin' was heard stating "Always knew that mare was special! Never doubted her for a second!"

(4) In a strange twist the tragedy of Coltson Bridge would be investigated by structural expert Rainbow Blaze, the father of Applejack's friend Rainbow Dash. It is unknown if the two realized the connection.

(5) Applejack would learn later in life that her aunt and uncle purposely acted like elitists to try and convince her that life in Manehattan was not for her; the earth pony would come to thank her mother’s brother and his wife for this.

(6) The lecture was given at an event celebrating the opening of the Cutie Mark Crusader Baltimare Youth Center

(7) Twilight, in fact, did not know who Apple Bloom was. She would learn about Apple Bloom and the events of Coltson Bridge a year later while researching the Pie Family Tree and its possible connection to the Apple Family.

(8) A diary entry from Crisp Apple reveals that many of those at the gathered knew how awkward things had become between themselves and the Ponyville Apples and wanted Twilight to stay as a distraction almost as much as Applejack and her family did.

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