
Home is where True Peace and Love Is

by MetalBrony823

Chapter 66: Minotaur Madness

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Luke was feeling more good about himself when he, Fluttershy, and Pip all helped the lynx kitten back to his mother out in the cold Equestria winds and blizzards. Of course, Fluttershy felt a little guilty for scolding at that saber cat, but she knew she did the right 5ing by disciplining it to look for other food to eat.

For the time being, Pip was enjoying a heating blanket from a Fluttershy, who was more than happy to share her hospitality to him in the cottage. The colt was obviously enjoying,the special blanket to keep from getting a cold.

Fluttershy herself was more than happy to give him some company as he unwinded and drank his small cup of hot cocoa. “Are you Okay, Pip?” She Asked him curiously while sitting next to him.

“Oh yes. I simply adore this heating blanket. I didn’t even know you had one, Fluttershy.”

“Of course I do.” She stated proudly of herself. “I always have many blankets like this just in case any of my animal friends are getting to freezing.

“Well, I say, this is really delicious hot chocolate.” Pip admired before taking another sip of his holiday beverage.

Young Luke was simply enjoying himself by laying with the other animal friends in the cottage, particularly Linus the lion and Tyson the white tiger. Both the big cats snuggled against the Human, uttering little roars of joy and happiness whenever Luke was gently petting their fur.

The yellow Pegasus smiled seeing such a cute sight like that while keeping Pip some company on the sofa.

"Oh you're such good kitties, aren't you?" Luke said to them playfully. The lion and tiger made a small roar of affection in reply to him.

Remus also took the pleasure of spending some time with the rogue human, acting like a regular, domesticated dog, given the fact that dogs originally descended from wolves. While all three of them were enjoying their hot chocolate, a rather loud knock on the front door was heard three times, and it sounded more heavy and rough than how it would usually be knocked on.

"My, I wonder who can that be." Fluttershy said with her eyes wide. She went over and when she answered it, she was surprised to see a large, blue Minotaur with quite some muscles on him. “Oh, Iron Will.” Fluttershy Said “What a nice... surprise.”

“Ah, Fluttershy, one of Iron Will’s best customers, well, former best customer.” And he flexed his mighty muscles to show how tough he was in a rather boastful way like Arnold Schwarzenegger.

To Luke, he kinda sounded like Hercule from Dragon Ball Z a little, mostly because of how he talked in a macho accent.

Before she knew it, the brute puked him in for a rather uncomfortable hug that almost squeezed her to death. Fluttershy made a small, nervous giggle in response, and said “Nice to see you too, I guess.” And she dropped to the floor as Iron Will let her go in a ether rough way. “Ouch.”

“Do pardon the intrusion, but Iron Will could not help but ask of you for something... nice for a friend.”

The yellow Pegasus was a little suspicious of this monster, and she asked “You’re not pulling off anymore scams, are you?”

“No!” Iron Will said offensively. He had a rather peculiar look in his eyes and added “Yeah, no.”

“Okay. What do you need?”

“Well, came I please come inside your warm abode? For a friend that tried to help you stand up for yourself.” And he gave her the puppy dog eyes with his lip slightly quivering to make it more convincing for her to believe.

At first, the yellow Pegasus wasn’t really sure about letting this Minotaur inside her cozy little home, but as her face would tell it, she had a change of heart, and said “Well, Okay.”

Iron Will made somewhat of a slightly terrifying smile on his face, and promptly made himself at home within the cottage. “Ooh, Nice and toasty in this little shack.” Every footstep he took made the house slightly shake with a small thump.

Luke honestly didn’t know what to think of this guy, and wondered if he should be warm and welcoming to him, or fear him because of how Minotaurs were portrayed in the Greek story of Theseus and the Minotaur. Not to mention that the beast in the story would eat people.

The gigantic Minotaur noticed Luke and stopped for a moment. “Ah, what have we here?” And he picked the Human up with his big beefy hand by pulling behind his shirt.

“Whoa! Easy!” Luke struggled. “Put me down.”

“What are ya?” He asked curiously. “Some puny, hairless chimp or gorilla?”

“Iron Will!” Fluttershy scolded him firmly. “You put him down right now!”

“Sorry.” Turns out the Minotaur was a little scared of how tough she could be, but of course, he would blame himself for that, considering the fact that he kinda taught Flutterdhy on being mean to defend herself. “There. I put him down.”

Luke stumbled to the floor and felt a little dizzy from the impact. “Thank you.” And he got himself back up before waving his hair back. “And who are you?” He asked the brute.

“Name’s Iron Will.” He introduced himself. The Minotaur then grabbed hold of Luke’s hand with his own beefy hand, unintentionally crushing it to the point where it was starting to hurt and ache. All of a sudden, the brutish Minotaur began shaking his hand making his body shake too.

Feeling a little more dizzy than before, Luke gently grasped his hand to ease off his pain. It wasn’t that bad, but it was truly starting to ache from Iron Will’s immense and powerful strength so powerful, it would be enough to take down a bunch of MMA fighters at the same time.

“Yep, Iron Will is my name, doing business and making money’s my game.” And he flexed his abs once again,mane even went as far to kiss both his biceps.

“Well, The name’s Luke. Luke Smith at your service.”

“Luke huh? Not a bad name, but I think your parents could name you better than that.”

“Iron Will.” Fluttershy warned him.

“What? Just saying.”

“It’s alright Fluttershy.” Luke chuckled.

Then Iron Will noticed Pip and said, “hey there, little fella? You a friend of a Fluttershy too?”

“Uh-huh. Just wanted to enjoy her delicious hot chocolate.”

“Ooh, Iron Will loves hot chocolate! You don’t suppose I could have some, could ya?”

“Remember what we said about the magic words?”

“I know.” He sighed. He cleared his throat and asked “Can I have some hot chocolate pleae?

It made her smile, and she said “thank you. Of course I will give you some hot cocoa. It’s a time to be with family and friends after all.”

“That’s... kinda what I wanna talk to you about, my friend.” Iron Will admitted with the sound of shame and sadness in his voice. “Listen, i... i... i...”

“Yes?” She Asked him with a curious look on that cute little face of hers.

“I... want to fit in and celebrate Hearth’s Warming too, but every time I try to make friends, they are always afraid of me. And they even kicked me out of my own labirynth because of my... anger problem.”

“Anger problem?”

“Yep, every time Iron Will hears something bad about me, I always lose myself and get peeved like a big, mean, fighting machine.”

“Oh Iron Will.” Fluttershy sighed sympathetically. She gently patted his back for co fort to make him feel better. “What do you do?”

“Well,” he cleared his throat. “If they say something or point something to Iron Will, I would.... how can I say this? Uhh, Luke, can you pint something out to me?”

“Uhh, sure,” the Human was a little uncomfortable with this, and he awkwardly asked him “Have you ever thought about getting a trim on those horns of yours? They do look nice but-“

“But what?!” The Minotaur shouted in sudden anger. “You don’t have horns, so you shouldn’t tell me how to live with mine!”

Pip, Fluttershy, and Luke were rather surprised by this sudden outburst and felt a little scared and weary to be around him now.

“Oh.” He realized. “You see what I mean? Every time someone would give me some advice or if I don’t get what I want, I would just toss a whole stall over a bunch of buildings. Pretty good throws, too- Gah! What am I saying!?” In a much more calm voice, he added. “And also, Iron Will would try and scare off anyone I would bump into or scare me, and Iron Will hates being picked on or spooked.” And he cracked his knuckles in an intimidating way. “And... I do ‘t like it when people don’t accept my act of kindness. Every time Iron Will tries to warm up to someone, they would go Ah Help! A big, scary Minotaur!” And he sighed.

“Well there’s your problem.” Pip pointed. “All you need to do is control what you’re doing and think about what you say first.”

“He’s right.” Fluttershy agreed. “Don’t worry Iron Will. “Don’t worry Iron Will. Don’t be so hard on yourself. All you need is a different approach to make some friends and control your anger.”


“Me and my friends can help you.” She Said.

Iron Will had a smile on his face and looked at Luke, who nodded his head telling him he will help him, too.

“Yeah, a light confidence booster would work. Exactly what Fluttershy Said, a different approach.”

“Good. So anyway, Luke, what are you If you’re not a chimp or a gorilla?”

“A Human.” Hen he told the Minotaur about how he cake from another dimension, but he shortened it out since he was getting a little tired of telling this to the inhabitants of Equestria every time he meets a new face.

Like his other friends, Iron Will was as equally surprised as they were.

Next Chapter: Iron Will's Approach Estimated time remaining: 7 Hours, 22 Minutes
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