
Home is where True Peace and Love Is

by MetalBrony823

Chapter 67: Iron Will's Approach

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Iron Will Set foot in Ponyville with a loud thump from his mighty hoof, causing the ground to mildly shake on impact. Luke, Fluttershy, and Pip were with him. The blue Minotaur was looking quite nervous about trying to be more docile and nicer than he once was before, and he is supposed to look as tough as a thousand nails.

At least the three would help this brute give a more positive outlook and control his emotions. A couple of ponies stared at Iron Will while passing by. Many of them were silent and felt a little scared, and some were murmuring to one another behind the minotaur’s back.

“Alright, Iron Will.” Luke said. “It’s just like Fluttershy Said, you just need to show a more positive outlook for anyone you greet and not be so aggressive if they accidentally insult you. Just follow the steps and you’ll be a whole new Minotaur.”

Iron Will was still a little unsure of this, but he trusted Fluttershy because of her excessive kindness and sweet personality. “Well, Alright.” He Said. “But Iron Will will knock the hell out of anypony who calls me stupid or-“

“Ah Ah Ah” Fluttershy pointed. “Violence is not the answer, remember?” The blue Minotaur sighed in defeat and calmed himself down.

“Okay, Okay. Sorry, Iron Will will try and be more friendly to faces around here.” And he turned his bull head to the Human. “So, candy britches, you Said I gotta think about what to say before I actually say it, right?”

“That’s right. Some people, or some ponies when it comes to this world can take it seriously, the wrong way to be exact, so that’s why you need to watch what tou day to certain faces.”

“He’s right.” Said Pip. “I heard a filly in Fillydelphia almost got in big trouble with the police because she was so mad at bullies, she said she would blow up the whole school.”

“Really? Did they arrest her?”

“Well...Yes ans no.” Pip replied modestly. “She was a Well-behaved student, and just let her out with a warning.”

“Oh, I see. Iron Will would not do well in jail, that’s for sure.”

“That’s what we’re here for, Iron Will.” Fluttershy remarked with that warm smile on her innocent face. “Now come on, let me take you to my friends.” And saw, the four walked down to Rarity’s Boutique, and found the others putting up some nice decorations for the holiday. “Hello girls, hello Spike.” She Said

“Hey Fluttersh-wha?! Iron Will?” Rainbow Dash noticed the Minotaur. “What are you doing here?!” She was just about ready to fight Iron Will.

“Easy there, Rainbow Dash.” Said Pip.

“Calm down.” Iron Will added. “I just wanna talk.”

“Why should we talk with a meathead like you?”

In a voice of anger, the Minotaur shouted “Who you calling meathead you heffer?”

“Heffer?!” Rainbow exclaimed in great offense. She and the Minotaur were about to fight one another, but the cyan Pegasus was stopped by the others, and Iron Will was stopped by Luke and Fluttershy.

“Alright, Alright! Calm down!” Twilight Said. It took a little while, and when Rainbow was calm, Twilight Asked him firmly “what are you doing here, Iron Will?”

“Yeah, not trying to make Fluttershy pay for what happened last time, are you?”

The blue monster looked at the three below him, and nodded a yes. “No, of course not. Forgive my poor manners. I... i want to be a better Minotaur.” He admitted. “Yeah, I want to learn how to think about things before I say them, and be less aggressive.”

At first, the others didn’t know what to think, but then Rainbow Dash couldn’t help but guffaw on the floor. “You? Be a better Minotaur? Hahaha! That’s a good one.”

“Rainbow.” Rarity Said.

“You couldn’t change even if you wanted to.”

“Rainbow!” Fluttershy Said. The sound of her voiced immediately caused the cyan Pegasus to stop laughing and look up at her in surprise.

“Sorry, Sorry, I was just joking.” She Said

“You know, Fluttershy, you should really put a leash on that dog of yours.” Iron Will rudely suggested. All of them gasped and Luke had a look on his face saying “Oh no he didn’t.”

“What did you call me?!” Rainbow Said with fury and anger. She was trying to charge at him with zeal again, but she was stopped by Twilight’s magic.

“Rainbow calm down.” Said Spike. “Well, I suppose we can try to help you out. I mean, you really wanna change, right?”

Iron Will nodded a yes with certainty.

“You know what, I think it would be a good idea.” Twilight thought out loud with a smile appearing on her face. "If we reformed Discord, and Starlight Glimmer, maybe we can do the same for Iron Will."

The blue Minotaur was grateful to hear the kind words of the princess of Friendship. "I can assure you that Iron Will does wanna change. if what i hear is true about you, princess Twilight, then I do ask for you and your friends' help."

Almost all of them smiled thereafter, except for Rainbow Dash of course, since she doesn't fully trust Iron Will, and is still quite mad at him for calling her a certain derogatory word for a lady, even if she is a hardcore tomboy. Still, she would have to trust him for her friends sake, especially Fluttershy.

"I promise to make all your Hearth's Cooling worth remembering if you all help ole Iron Will."

"So, what will Iron Will do first?" Luke asked the yellow pegasus curiously.




The Cutie Mark Crusaders were present in trying to help the Minotaur out with his anger problems. "So, Iron Will," said Sweetie Belle. "My sister and her friends tell us you want some help warming up to everypony, right?"

"Uh-huh." the brute nodded his head a yes to the three girls.

"Well, you come to the right place!" said Scootaloo boldly. "We are here to help all those in need."

"No matter what it takes, we'll help you in any way possible." Applebloom added.

The Minotaur made a smile of hope at the three girls.

"first, why don't we try opening a door for somepony?" Sweetie suggested. Then the crusaders led the group to a small field next to their little clubhouse. "Now, hold on a second. Rarity, can you conjure a door, please?"

"Of course, little sister." and Rarity Conjured a nice looking door with three diamonds on it, like her cutie mark looked like. Scootaloo gave the demonstration by opening the door open for Iron Will to go through.

"After you." she said.

"Okay." and the Minotaur promptly went through the empty door. Of course, due to his extremely huge size, he had a little bit of a hard time going through, and he even broke the door to pieces unintentionally. "There. Piece of cake."

The others looked uncertain about what to think of this. "Well at least he's trying his best." Fluttershy muttered.

"Yeah, but let's see what happens next. Hopefully, we'll make good progress." Luke encouraged her. the yellow pegasus mare looked up and made a smile of hope.

"I think you're right, Luke." she said. "We just need some practice." and they both continued watching the demonstration. Now, it was Iron Will's turn to politely open the door for someone. Of course, Rarity had to conjure another door since the brute unintentionally destroyed it.

Iron Will cleared his throat, and opened the door. "After you." he waved his hand in the direction through the open door. and the girls promptly went through like no problem.

"Don't mind if we do." said Applebloom proudly.

"There, you did it!" said Scootaloo.

"Perfect!" said the Minotaur. "Now would any of you like a hug?"

The crusaders looked horrified, worried they would be squeezed. "Uh, no thanks, we're not prone to public display." Sweetie Belle said nervously

Like his mind just snapped, Iron Will suddenly grew mad and said "How dare you reject Iron Will's act of kindness?!" and tried to run after them like he was going to strangle all of them to death at once. The three fillies ran and screamed in terror while flailing their arms in the air like a bunch of wild turkeys.

The others were horrified by this sudden outburst, and the crusaders sisters, and Luke had to step in to intervene and calm Iron Will down.

"No, nononononono!" Luke said, trying to hold the brute back by pressing against his chest with Applejack, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash. "Slow down there, Iron Will. I'm pretty sure they didn't mean to make you mad like that."

"Yes, please simmer your temper down." Rarity added.

It took a little while, but the Minotaur finally calmed his anger and took a deep breath to relieve it faster. "I'm sorry."

Luke facepalmed himself and muttered with his eyes narrowed "This is gonna take a little while."


"Okay." said Fluttershy. "So now, you're going to give out a compliment. Now, why don't you try and give Spike a compliment?"

The baby dragon was unsure about this, but he decided to go forward with this little lesson and stepped in front of Iron Will. He hoped that the brute won't hurt or insult him too much. "So, Iron Will..." he looked at Luke and Fluttershy a little nervously.

"It's okay, Spike. go ahead." the yellow pegasus assured him very softly.

The baby dragon nodded and said to Iron Will "You look very strong today. Do you always work out?"

"Ah well, you know me, i'm a big mean, fighting machine!" he admitted proudly with a pose, he even kissed his biceps once again.

"Oookay." Spike remarked, feeling a little uncomfortable.

"Good, now it's your turn." said Pinkie Pie with a look of hope on her face.

The Minotaur didn't really know what to say at first, but he finally remarked to the baby dragon "Spike, you... are rather small for a baby dragon."

"Well I am a baby, so it would make sense."

"I know. But it was a compliment."

Spike made a small smile of gratitude.

"Besides, I bet your parents raised you quite well to be a fine young dragon."

And Spike made an immediate frown on his face. "Oh, well I... never even knew... my parents." he admitted in shame.

Twilight and Fluttershy went up to him for some comfort.

"Oh. Well, that makes sense. I guess we're both outcasts, so that explains a lot."

"Iron Will!" Fluttershy berated. "Spike is not an outcast! He is just like everypony else!"

"Sorry, sorry. Just saying." Iron Will.

"Well it wasn't nice." Twilight scolded with a glare.

Now Iron Will felt guilty making the baby dragon feel depressed like this. "Look, Spike. He said, bending on one knee to comfort him in some way. "My dad always sought me as a loser, and he never loved me, or said he was proud of me, or-"

"Okay, he gets the point." Luke said, growing a little impatient. Then he, Twilight, and Fluttershy all comforted him at once, and glared at the minotaur again, who made a sheepish smile. "It's alright Spike, Luke's got ya." he said while gently picking him up and and comforting him like a puppy. The baby dragon began to sob silently into Luke's shoulder. "You know what? Why don't we take a little break first?" he suggested

"good idea Luke. I'm getting a little hungry." Cloudchaser said. "Maybe I can get myself some lemonade."

"You read my mind, sis." said Flitter. All of them went over to the cafe for something to eat, and Spike looked a little depressed still. Iron Will just sat alone in a table, and noticed he was too big for it since this is a town full of ponies after all. All of a sudden, his butt broke through the chair and landed on the snowy ground, and made a small growl of frustration.

A small cloud of smoke came out of his nostrils like a regular bull would have if he gets angry. Luke and Fluttershy had themselves a salad and comforted Spike with Twilight since she was like a big sister to him. "You okay, buddy?"

"Yeah, I'm fine." he sniffed sadly.

"Look, I'm pretty sure Iron Will didn't mean to hurt you."

"I... I just need to be alone for a while." the baby dragon admitted

"Oh Spike." Twilight sighed sympathetically. "Come here." then she gently gave him a hug, and Fluttershy after her.

Pip himself decided to go over to the gloomy Iron Will to check on him. "How you pulling there, eh?"

"Oh not much, except I'm starting to see that I am a monster nothing more." Iron Will said sarcastically

"You're not a monster." Pip said. "It's like Fluttershy said. "You just need to be more careful about what you say, and control your anger."

"What about that baby dragon?"

"Just tell him your sorry. And not just tell him that, you have to really show that you are sorry, too. Like... show more concern for him, and maybe do something nice for him, like give him a present."

"A present eh? I wish I knew what baby dragon's like him love."

"Well, I think you can worry about that when Hearth's Warming day comes, but right now, I think you learning how to control your anger and be less mean and rude is more important.

Having a little confidence boost from the small colt, Iron Will decided "You know what, you're right. The sooner I learn how to control myself, the better."

Pip smiled. "Good, now then, what would you like?"

"Well..." then he saw a really obese colt with a hay burger for a cutie mark, and had a devious idea. "Hold on, I wanna try something funny." and he rushed over to the music store and then pulled out a tuba to play, and he began playing the tuba while walking directly behind the colt

"Hey, stop that!" said the colt. "I am not fat!"

"Oh my goodness." said Fluttershy. "Iron Will you stop that!"

Luke however, couldn't help but chuckle while covering his mouth, since he finds it a little funny. By the looks of this, it will take a long while for Iron Will to control himself.

Next Chapter: Trying to Change Iron Will Again (Edited) Estimated time remaining: 7 Hours, 13 Minutes
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