
Home is where True Peace and Love Is

by MetalBrony823

Chapter 65: Lost Lynx

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Three days past since the Winter Fair, and Luke has pleased yet another audience when he was performing Scarborough Fair. Everypony was so pleased and satisfied with Luke performing for all of them once again, especially the fact that Luke did a song that would fit into the holidays more.

The talented human decided to just take the load-off for a little while until Hearth's Warming comes to Equestria at last. Of course it won't be long before the official holiday strikes the land.

Meanwhile, Luke himself was taking care of some heavy snow on top of Fluttershy's roof, scooping them off with a snow-shovel. turns out, it was snowing a little more heavily than before, almost like a blizzard has struck the whole land of Equestria. At least it wasn't an actual blizzard to the point where he and the yellow pegasus would get snowed in.

He thought to himself "Thank god this isn't a place like Canada, Alaska, or Antarctica." and he scooped out a rather harder piece of ice onto the snowy ground. It wasn't that easy to do, but Luke was happy to do this for Fluttershy nonetheless. the sooner he would get this done, the sooner he would go back inside and take the load-off.

At last, all the heavy snow was taken off of her roof twenty minutes later, and the human promptly came down by leaping from the roof with a thud over the snow. Before he could go back inside however, he heard someone call his name in the distance. He looked over and saw Pipsqueak with some animal in his arms.

"Oi! Luke!" the colt called to him. He was promptly trotting up to him in an uphill run. "'Ello, Luke." he panted as he stopped right in front of him. "Have you got a moment to spare?"

"Sure thing, Pip. What is it?" and he looked at what appears to be a lynx kitten, looking really adorable with his kitty face. "Aww, who's this little guy?" and he knelt down on one knee to gently stroke his tiny head.

"I found this little Lynx on my doorstep, I think he lost his mummy." and he looked at the kitten below him, which made a small mew.

"Aw, poor guy." Luke said sympathetically. "Maybe Fluttershy should help us with it."

"Luke, I made you some more hot..." Fluttershy suddenly came outside. When she noticed the little lynx kitten, she gasped and immediately went up to Pip carrying it. "Aww, hello little guy." she said, trying to touch her nose to the animal's. The kitten made a cute purr an took an immediate liking to the yellow pegasus since she is one connected to nature after all.

"Fluttershy, thank god you came out here. pip said he found a lost lynx kitten in front of his front door, and we were wondering if you can help him find his mother, wherever she is." The colt gave Luke the adorable Lynx kitten, and held it in his hands.

"Oh, you poor baby." the yellow pegasus said the animal sympathetically. "Don't worry, little one. We'll find your mommy soon. Do you remember the last time you saw her before you lost her?"

The kitten nodded a yes to her and began making little growls, as if it was trying to talk.

"Oh, a lone tree in the meadow and then you got lost from her while trying to hunt for a jumping mouse?"

And the lynx nodded his head at her again.

Fluttershy felt like crying or at least shedding a tear from her eye hearing how this little kitten got lost in the first place. "I'm so sorry to hear that." she said to him. "But don't worry, we'll help you find your mommy."

The lynx youngling gave a very grateful smile to the yellow pegasus and made another cute meow. Luke couldn't help but stroke his tiny little head once more. "Don't worry, we'll help you find your mother. We promise."

"Here, let me just get changed first and we will help you." Luke and Pip waited for the yellow pegasus to get herself changed in her winter attire. It didn't take that long, for all she needed was a hat, earmuffs, and a fur coat to help her to not get hypothermia out here in the cold weather. "Alright. Let's go, boys." she said.

"Right." Luke and Pip said in unison with a head nod. It was turning into a rather small journey for all three of them. The Kitten was trying to keep himself warm from the freezing temperatures himself. Sure, lynxes would be very well adapted in harsh or cold conditions like this, but he was still just a kitten, and didn't have quite enough to keep himself warm or enough body heat.

It was no problem for the little guy since Luke was keeping the little creature warm by keeping him close in his arms like a newborn baby.

This plain was a little farther from Ponyville all three of them expected it to be from the town. “Hmm, I don’t see any lone tree anywhere.” Pip remarked. “Are you sure this is the place, Fluttershy?”

“Of course. I know this field. Don’t worry, Pip, we’ll find the tree. I know we will.” Thy searched high and low for this little dead tree that could be anywhere in this snowy field, but it migh probably be buried under a large amount of snow since it was as high as Luke’s knees.

It took a little while, fifteen minutes to be exact, but they found the lone tree on a small, snowy knoll. “Ah, Here we are.” Luke Said.

“Is this where you lost your mommy?” Fluttershy Asked the kitten

It made a small meow and nodded yes to her.


“But where will we even find a mummy lynx around here?” Pip Asked. Just then, he felt something sniffing his left rear leg, and he was startled there for a second. He immediately turned around and he was face to face with a rather big, grownup lynx. It was so big, it was a little bigger than him.

The cat made a small stance feeling a little frightened from Pip’s little reaction.

Luke and Fluttershy turned around and got a good look at this beautiful cat. “Wow. Look at her.” He remarked. Just then, the adult lynx saw the kitten and it’s eyes went open, and jumped up to Luke’s leg. Even though he was wearing jeans, he still felt the claws sinking through them. “Ah! My leg!”

Fluttershy gasped and the Lynx made a small growl at the Human as it was trying to climb up the Human. She acted fast and she said to it. “Excuse me!” And she sounded assertive to it. “You get off of my friend this instant!”

Just like that, understanding what Fluttershy was saying to it, the wild cat immediately got back down and sat on the snow.

“Thank you. Now, is this your baby?” Fluttershy Asked her in a much more calm voice.

Luke slowly put the kitten down and he immediately went over to the adult lynx, and both began purring and snuggling one another.

“Aww, it is his mummy.” Pip Said. “We did it!”

“Good. I’m glad we can be of service for you.”

And the adult lynx went up to the yellow Pegasus and licked her foot tenderly. The yellow Pegasus couldn’t help but pick it up gently, and hold it in her arms as if this wild cat was an ordinary house cat.

“Now, do you think you owe my friend here an apology?” She asked her.

The mama lynx looked at Luke again and When she was on the ground, it went up to him, and pressed his forelegs on his leg, obviously wanting to be held by the Human.

Luke couldn’t resist that adorable face like that and promptly picked up the lynx. Turns out it was heavier than he expected it to be. Still,he was happy to hold this beautiful cat in his arms. The cat herself began purring affectionately, and made a small meow to him.

Fluttershy giggled and said. “She says she’s sorry for clawing your leg. She only wanted to see her baby.”

“It’s okay.” Luke said to it, and began stroking his hair

Pip felt the lynx kitten gently touching his foreleg with his tiny little nose, and smiled at it warmly. “Oh come ‘ere, you.” He Said, gently picking up the kitten to hold it. “I hope the mum is okay with this.”

“Don’t worry Pip, she’s perfectly fine with this. We did reunite her with her baby here.”

“Good. Well, I guess it’s time for you and your mummy to go back home now,”

The kitten gave Pip one last lick on his face.

“Aww, Thanks.”

He slowly and softly put it back down, and the kitten went back to his mother. “And don‘t forget, you are both more than welcome to come visit me at my cottage.” Fluttershy offered both of them.

Just then, when Luke, Pip, and Fluttershy were about to go back home, a lion or tiger roar was heard, scaring all three of them. The lynx and her baby heard it too, and were on their guard for anything that might attack them.

“Okay, What the hell was that?” Luke said.

“It sounded like a big cat.” Pip Said. Then, out of the snow, something jumped in front of them. It looked like a big cat, a really big one. It was white with some white stripes on him, but not as much as a tiger would, and it was way bigger than an ordinary lion or tiger would be. It almost reached Luke’s height to be exact. An interesting yet scary feature it had was two long, protruding fangs from his mouth

Luke seen this kind of animal before, but it was extinct in his world.

“Uh-oh. Saber cat!” Pip Said.

“It’s alright, stand back.” Fluttershy Said. She walked over to the beast and had a stern look on her face.

“Careful, Fluttershy.” Luke warned.

“What do you think you’re doing, mister?” She asked him.

The saber cat made a small growl in reply to her.

“You’re looking for something to eat?”

And the beast nodded a yes to her.

“Well, i’m Sorry, but you will not eat my friends.”

Feeling quite irritated, the saber looked around and saw the lynx family and decided to have them for lunch. It was charging at them, but Fluttershy was faster and blocked the saber from the lynxes so it wouldn’t hurt them.

“Excuse me! How dare you try to hurt this poor lynx family!”

And the cat made another growl in reply.

“I know you’re hungry, but you should be more considerate with these two. They’ve gotten lost and found each other again. Now, if you so much as kill and eat them you will be sorry. Understand?”

The beast nodded a yes and then ran away from all of them to look for so,etching else to eat.

“You Alright, Pip?”

“Uh-huh. Thanks Fluttershy.”

“You’re quite Welcome.”

“Well, now that the saber cat is taken care of, let’s get back home.” Luke suggested.

“Good. And i’ll give you your hot cocoa as usual. I know how much you love them. Oh, and Pip, since you’re with us, would you like some, too?”

“Sure, I love hot chocolate.” Pip happily Said. All of them went back to the cottage, and all three of the. Had a nice cup of cocoa together. Meanwhile outside, the lynx mother and kitten smiled at them from the other side of the window.

Next Chapter: Minotaur Madness Estimated time remaining: 7 Hours, 29 Minutes
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