
Home is where True Peace and Love Is

by MetalBrony823

Chapter 113: Last Day in Zebrica

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Ah, the last day in beautiful, yet mysterious Zebrica. It was about eight o'clock in the morning and Luke was the first one to awaken and take a shower. Washing his body with a bar of lemon-scented soap, and washing his hair with coconut shampoo, Luke could hardly wait to spend the last day in Zebrica to do something fun before he and his cronies go back to Ponyville tomorrow. As soon as he was rinsing out his hair in the shower, he heard a knock on the door. "Luke, is that you in there?" it was Fluttershy, and Luke recognized the sound of her sweet, gentle voice anywhere when it pierces his eardrums.

"Yeah, it's just me, Flutters." the young human called back to her. "Just about to get out of the shower."

"Oh. Okay, I only wanted to make sure." She called to him. "So, do you know what you would want to do today? This is our last day here on our visit."

Luke made a sigh out of slight sadness, for he knew that his closest friend in Equestria wasn't wrong about that. "This sounds stupid but," he said. "I honestly don't know what else to do in Zebrica. Besides, I don't want to just think about what I want."

"It's okay, Luke." said Fluttershy. "We can figure a way out to do something fun."

After a few more minutes in rinsing and cleaning himself off, Luke pulled out his razor and shaved around his face to keep a mustache or a beard from growing around his mouth. Soon as he was finished with his shaving routine, he went forward to brush his teeth, and then his hair to keep it nice, long, and straight.

Yes sir, Luke was already good to go for this last day in Zebrica. He stepped out, and he awoken a few of his friends, which was Lyra, Rainbow Dash, Twilight, Spike, Zecora, and Okove. "You're up early in the morning." said Okove. "I can see you are more than ready to get ready for the day."

"Well yeah. This is the last day in Zebrica for me, and I depart back to Ponyville tomorrow morning with my dad and friends." He grabbed himself a bottle of water from the cooler his father given him. "I don't really know what I want to do today to be honest."

"We can always think of ways of something we can do today." Twilight said. "We have already gone on a safari, seen so many animals in Zebrica, swam with penguins and fish yesterday,"

"Do you think we should just go back home today?" asked Lyra.

"No way." said Spike. "I wanna do something before we get back home."

"Same here." Said Larry. "Isn't this place a little bigger than Equestria?"

"Indeed, it is." Said Zecora. "A little more larger, Lawrence. There is still far more land to see around these parts."

"Still, there's always another day." Said Discord. He then muttered to himself under his breath: "although I couldn't really toy with any of the animals and make them funny."

"What was that?" Said Bon Bon, who probably hearing what the Master of Chaos muttered.

"Nothing. Just thinking of how nice it would be if we stayed her for another week." He lied.

"Kinda thinking the same thing." Said Luke. "But I'm almost done with this trip in Zebrica."

"And i need to get back to my job back home." Said his father.

"Besides, we can always come back here whenever we feel like it, or at least if we don't have super duper big plans." Said Pinkie Pie. "Besides, we have made many friends here already."

"Our father has surely taking a liking to you all." said Okove. "Especially you, Discord." The Master of Chaos looked at him and he pointed his finger to himself. "Yes," Zecora's brother sighed. "I mean you. There is only one Master of Chaos in existence, and that is you."

Discord himself blushed like a little fangirl. "Oh, well, I am really flattered."

"Of course you are." said Rainbow Dash sarcastically. “We all know how proud you are to be the Master if chaos in existence.” Then she made a yawn, still looking a little tired. “Well, gotta hit the shower myself.”

Then she zipped in the bathroom and the sound if the water running in the bathtub was heard again from the other side of the bathroom door. Everyone else waited for their time to use the bathroom to bathe and get ready for their last day in Zebrica.

It was just then King Zuma came in the room, accompanied by two soldiers to give him protection from any possible danger. “Good morning to all.” He addresses them all in his deep, mighty voice. “How did you all sleep the last night?”

“I slept like a filly.” Said Fluttershy.

“Same here.” Applejack added.

“Possibly one of the most pleasant sleeps I have had in a long while.” Said Rarity. “Although, I can really do something about my mane when I get in the shower.”

“Just wait your turn.” Said Applejack. “You’ll get your chance when Rainbow omesout If There. Just don’t try to waste so much water,”

“When have I ever wasted water in the shower?” Asked Rarity. Her friends just looked at her with an annoyed look on their faces. “Well, I am always mindful if the water bill. Even if I am in somepony else’ shower.”

About ten more minutes passed and Rainbow Dash came out of the bathroom, then Rarity was the third to set foot in the bathroom for a shower. King Zuma went up to the young human, who was putting on a new set of jeans. “Well Luke,” he addressed him. “Did you enjoy staying here in Zebrica?”

“Heck yeah I did, your majesty.” Luke replied boldly. “I’m bummed about going back to Equestria but still, it was fun while it lasted.”

“And There is always next time.” Fluttershy reassured him. “Besides I miss Angel Bunny and all my critter friends back home in my cottage.”

“And I miss Applebloom, and my family back home on the farm.” Applejack added. “Heh, I can imagine how happy they will be to see me. Might have to take Applebloom with t time I come here.”

“Well, your friends speak true, Luke.” Said The zebra king. “There is always another day to visit Agbaje, or other places in Zebrica. And of course, you are all welcome to come back here to my beautiful city whenever you see fit on returning to Zebrica sometime.”

Everyone in the room was grateful to hear that, and Twilight said to him: “Thank you, your majesty. We are really flattered to hear those words.”

Zuma bowed his head to her in respect before saying: “You are very welcome, princess Twilight.” Then he turned back to the human. “I am really glad you have had fun around here, Luke. “And Zecora, it was certainly a big honor and pleasure for you to visit me once again. We all missed you sidne you last departed to Ponyville.”

“It’s a shame you have to go back there tomorrow morning.” Okove added.

“I’ll miss you so much, but like I have stated before: Ponyville is my one, true home. Now that we are together as a family again, I can come back here at any time I see fit in my spare time.” Then she let out a small yawn.

All of a sudden, Luke had an idea on what he and his friends should do today. First, he wanted to wait for Rarity to come out of the bathroom and clean herself, and everyone else in the building to hear his idea.

Right after Rarity was Fluttershy. Then Twiliht, then Lyra, then Bon Bon, then Applejack. All the way to Discord. As soon as everyone was finished with their bathing, Luke then Said: “I think I have an idea for how we should spend our last day in Zebrica together.”

“What’s that?” Asked Fluttershy curiously

“I can perform a little concert for the good folks of Agbaje.” Luke thought. “I can do a song or two to everyone in town to give them a taste of heavy metal.”

“Ooh. I think that is a wonderful idea.” Said Fluttershy. “I think everyone in Agbaje would love it. You can play guitar and sing songs to them, and entertain them.”

“Perfect!” Said Discord before snapping his finger. Luke’s signature guitar was conjured and Luke was a little lost in thought of what kind of song he should perform in front of everyone that would attend this soon-to-be concert. He remembered the kind of performance he gave to the subjects to Eleena and king Imari, and how those eland love Luke’s Little Rock performance in a combination of metal and African sound.

“You are a musician?” Asked Zuma

“Yes. He is a natural when it comes to music, Father.” Said Zecora. “When you hear him play, it will help you forget any worries and any troubles in your life. Even though he won’t play a flute or a fife.”

“Hmm. That should be interesting.” Said king Zuma. “Perhaps we can all use a little show around here.”

“Not a problem.” Said Rainbow. “We can manage things easy.”

"Well, do you guys think they will like it?" asked Luke curiously. "I don't want them to think I am a demonic spirit or being playing this."

"Nonsense." said Okove. "We know better than that. Everyone will understand what kind of music you will play.


"Then, it's settled." said Twilight in an upbeat voice. "We hear Luke perform a song or two for Agbaje later on. And, anything else we should do?"

"Well, I don't think so." said Lyra. "I think that sounds fine to me. We have been on a safari once and seen so many things here that fascinated me."

"And me." Bon Bon added.

“Yeah, I guess you guys are right.” Spike agreed. “Should we help Luke then? Is there a stage that Luke can perform on?”

“We do,have a stage outside for theatre and or music.” Said king Zuma. “You can try and build the equipment on there.”

“Perfect.” Luke said happily, and confidently. “Might as well get the guitar ready for the performance and warm up.”

“Good idea, Luke.” Fluttershy remarked.

“But first, would any of you like some breakfast before we do anything?” Asked the king.

“Please.” Said Larry. “I can’t do anything on an empty stomach.” He then patted his belly that sounded a little hallow like a small log. After that, everyone went into the kitchen and got themselves some rice with eggs, some melon and fruit, and hibiscus juice as the beverage.

As usual, the food tasted so good and everyone’s belly was happy to be filled with all these scrumptious foods to fill their appetites. The waiters and cooks came and took the plates and glasses into the kitchens to clean them all up, and everyone got off the dining table.

Now, Luke was going to perform for the good folk of Zecora’s home and make them all amazed and astonished. One thing that worried Luke however was, Will they like it? Or will they think he is a demonic spirit by emitting this music? Eleena was one thing, but this is a town that has a majority population of zebra in it.

Nonetheless, he didn’t want to let his fans down, and tuned his strings at the right tune. Rainbow Dash and Applejack helped build the amplifiers and Twilight worked with the technical equipment such as the microphone, and the sound check.

Peeking through the curtain of the stage. Luke saw a lot of audience members attending to this thing. He didn’t want to get stage fright and remembered his own friends will be watching to give him support as well.

Everything was ready, and Zuma tapped into the microphone. “Welcome subjects of Agbaje. You are all wondering what this will be about.” He spoke to the audience. “Our friend Luke from Equestria will perform a song for all of you, and I hope you will enjoy the show,” A tremendous uproar was heard. “As your beloved king, I give you Luke Smith.”

An even bigger applause was heard from the other side of the curtain where Luke was peeking through. His guitar was set and he saw the curtains moving to reveal him from behind.

He knew there was no turning back now. “Alright, Agbaje. Prepare to rock.”

Rights for the song go to Skinflint

While playing, everyone was enjoying at how nice the drums and the guitar sound in a steady rhythm. It was exactly what Luke wanted to see, for he didn’t hear any booing or heckling from everyone in front of him.

This intro of the song was a long, instrumental interlude that sounded harmonious and nice in a way.

A few zebras were starting to tap their feet on the ground with a “clop, clop, clop.” Heard to the beat.

It sounded like it was over at first, but Luke began to go faster and that was when he began to sing the lyrics. So far, the zebras, kudu, eland, and other species that lived in Agbaje, or visiting it were impressed by how nice the tune was.

His closest friends were enjoying his music style as usual (even Rarity), and she was not really fond of those kind of lyrics. Maybe perhaps, in many cases, the music is better than the words and lyrics written in a song.

The more he played, Luke grew more confident in doing this kind of favor. “Profit!” He sang. “Making! Funeral!” He repeated the chorus over a few times until he finally hit the solo, which he was completely shredding on it like a complete pro.

The zebras applauded when he finished the solo and the song took a little more slower turn. A few things were repetitive like the lyrics, and the way he was playing the chords and notes again, but still. Everyone loved it.

It became fast again, and the, after that, it was back to the second slow version of it, like an Iron Maiden type of song. Finally, when he hit the last notes, a gigantic roar of applause was heard, while the King smiled at him with his two guards.

Luke knew he did a good thing by doing this performance. His friends went and congratulated him as usual and complimented how nicely he played the guitar and sang to everyone in front of him.

“Good job as usual.” Said Spike.


“That was really impressive.” Okove Said. “Do Your fingers hurt, Luke?”

“I’ve suffered worst pain before in my life. I’m used to it.”

“Heh. Good. Very good. Well, you did very excellent and played so musically.” Okove congratulated him some more. “Just as good as in Eleena.

“That was a very impressive performance.” Said king Zuma. “You did very well, Luke.” His compliments made the human smile boldly and proudly. Boy, was he glad to do this thing, no one could question his musician skills, That was for sure.

“Thank you!” Luke called out in the microphone. “Thank you all very much.”

“They love you, Luke.” Fluttershy remarked. “They really do.”

Next Chapter: Departure Estimated time remaining: 24 Minutes
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