
Home is where True Peace and Love Is

by MetalBrony823

Chapter 112: Thinking About Home

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A small series of braying from the Zebrican penguins were around Lake Zetoria. It wouldn’t surprise Luke since he knew a lot of things about African penguins, like the fact that they tend to bray like a donkey, and it was the reason why they were given another named called: the jackass penguin because of that.

“Ugh. These penguins.” Said Rainbow Dash. “I’m okay with then swimming and all, but they are sounding like mules. It’s starting to become a little annoying.”

“Come on. They are just communicating with one another, Rainbow Dash.” Fluttershy Said. “It’s only natural for them to behave like this.” She was feeding one of them some small fish, probably a couple of sardines or anchovies.

Meanwhile, building a sandcastle, Bon Bon And Lyra were making a somewhat large sandcastle, and it turned out great. One little flaw was that, some of these penguins were taking notice. Thanks to their gigantic curiosity.

Bon Bon tried to stop them from wreaking havoc. “No no no! Don’t touch that-“ one if the penguins stepped and trampled on one of the smaller towers. “Ohhh, we worked so hard on that castle,” she complained.

“Come on, Bon Bon. Think of it as a monster movie where the gigantic monster is attacking a whole city.” Lyra noted. She then saw one of the penguins fluffing it’s feather, And waddling about it’s business, being an animal it is. “Besides, they are just penguins. They can’t do anything to hurt us.”

Bon Bon smirked. “Good point.”

Then even more braying from some penguins were head. Meanwhile, Spike was a little annoyed by how these penguins were invading his personal space a little.

"Come on, you guys." Spike groaned in mild irritation. The baby dragon thought to himself: "well, at least they are not biting me or pecking at me with their beaks."

Applejack was eating a couple of apple fritters from her lunch and she was about to eat the last one, but then, adore she knew it, she took a bite of nothingness, and saw one of the penguins snatch it from her and eat it himself.

The bird was happy and began munching l the fritter like a seagull would do. "Hey!" Applejack exclaimed. "You can't just take things that don't belong to you, you tuxedo varmint!"

"Ah, they're just hungry. And just keep better track of your food." Said Luke

"Heh. I know I know. I wasn't looking right." Applejack chuckled.

Enjoying more swimming time, Luke say a fish eagle swooping down and catching a bass from the lake waters.

It was another interesting sight to see out here in Zebrica, and he never saw a fish eagle up close like that before. He was so glad that there weren't any hippos or crocodiles in this part of this gigantic lake. Otherwise, he would have been in big trouble.

Luke got out and took a sip if his root beer to replenish himself, and he knew he couldn't just drink lake water.

As he went back in the water, he was thinking of Equestria again, and wondered what it will be like once he gets back home. He hoped that nothing has changed so much since he departure five days ago on this vacation.

The next thing he thought of, was all the other friends he knew in Ponyville: Cloudchaser, Flitter, Pip, Thunderlane, Big Mac, Cheerilee, the Cutie Mark Crusaders, Diamond Tiara, and others over there.

He really wished that they could all be there with him to witness the beauty of this African-like atmosphere, and enjoy the atmosphere of what it was like.

Perhaps when he gets back home and if the time was right, he will come back and bring some of these friends to Zebrica with him, and explore the wonders of it as he did before.

He went outside of the lake for a little while, and took a break from swimming. He took a while in this to bath ubder the sun and take more sips of his root beer.

Larry couldn't help but sit next to him on the right. "You okay, Luke?"

"Just fine, dad." His son replied flatly. "Just taking a breather from all that swimming. So, what are you gonna do when you get back to Earth?"

"Just get back to work at the Atlantis casino." Said Larry. "Then get in touch with your mom again. She might pester me about how your trip was and if I did a good job taking care of you."

"You know my mom." said Luke. "Always worried sick about me from time to time."

"She's your mother."

"I know. But I'm an adult, I can take care of myself like every adult should do in their lives."

"I know. Just trying to be a good father here." Larry remarked. "And I'm glad no crocodiles or hippos are here to chomp us in two."

"Zecora and Okove said that this is a very protected part of the lake. No crocs or hippos will kill us over here."

"Agreed. Did you see any fish in there?"

"Cichlids, some catfish, sardines, guppies. Not to mention some crayfish, and all those penguins swimming around to catch those fish."

"This lake is filled with extraordinary wonders." Said Zecors, sitting next to the young human on his other side. "Of course, it is not a good idea to try even the slightest blunder."

"No argument there, Zecora." Said Luke. "So, do you miss Ponyville?"

"Of course." Saidntbe zebra. "Ponyville will always be my home. And as long as my friends and family are alive, I never feel alone. Why do you ask?"

"Just.. kinda starting to miss Ponyville, too."

"Ah, no shame it, Luke." Said Larry, giving him a pat on the back. "I miss my friends at work and your grandparents in Reno."

"Still, it is good for me to visit my old friends and family back home here." Zecora added. "You would not believe how happy I am to see my father and my elder brother here after all his time."

"And how long has it been since you left them?" Asked Luke.

"About five years."

"Five years?" The young human asked in surprise. "Where were you before you came to Ponyville?"

"In Democratic republic of Drongo." Said Zecora. "I was looking for a place to live and I needed money. At first, Drongi seemed like a rather nice and decent place, but then I realized that it wasn't really the proper place for me. I moved into Ponyville, in the Everfree forest, and since it was so quiet and filled with exotic ingredients for potions, I knew that was where I belong."

"Huh." All of a sudden, there was a small barking from the bushes, and out of them came a chacma baboon, looking for something to eat. At last, the monkey found a ripe penguin for the taking while it was not looking at it

"Uh-oh. Baboon." Okove pointed. "They can be really aggressive if provoked to be so."

All of a sudden, the baboon, pounced on the right penguin and let out a few grunting sounds while the penguin began braying for help. Alas, the rest of the penguins swam into the lake waters where the baboon couldn't touch them at all. That monkey just munch until the penguin can no longer breath and began eating it, with it's dog-like muzzle slightly covered in blood.

Rarity took a look at that, and she looked disgusted and sad by how that poor penguin was mutilated, and even felt like throwing up. "Goodness." she said under her breath. "The poor little penguin."

"Need a doggy bag?" asked Discord

"S'il vous plait." Rarity replied, feeling something coming out of her mouth. She promptly vomited in the doggy bag, probably two times, and her face was all green. "oh no. I think I'll need another." she said.

"No problem. Another doggy bag a la mode." then with another snap of his finger, Discord created another paper bag out of thin air. Poor Rarity was certainly feel so queasy about watching that baboon eat that bird so barbaric-like. That monkey was already almost done with the bird, and it let out a loud burp, patting his belly.

"Goodness. That baboon must have been hungry" said Fluttershy

"I was never really fund of those monkeys anyway." said Rainbow Dash. "Just look at those mouths and teeth."

"He was only just hungry." said Fluttershy.

After a little while, some vultures came and circled around the corpse, high in the sky, and everyone knew what that meant.

The lone baboon was curious about the humans and couldn't help but climb on Luke's head. The weight was just so much for him to take. "Ah! Can someone please get this monkey off my head?"

"I'll take care of it." said Fluttershy. She hovered over to make eye contact with the chacma baboon, and the monkey began to growl at her a little, trying to be very cautious. "Shhh, calm down." she said to it quietly. "Please, what are you doing here?"

Then the monkey made a few screeching noises and and barks at her in reply.

"Oh. Okay. You were just hungry." said the yellow pegasus. "But can you please get down from my friend? He is not a rock or a tree."

The baboon made a few more barks and promptly got down from Luke. The human was sure glad that monkey didn't use his head as a bathroom, otherwise, he would have sliced the baboon in two with the lightsaber.

The baboon just wandered off into the bush, and the penguins came back out of the water, and mourned for the loss of their fallen family member.

"So, do you know what you will do when you get back to Ponyville?" asked Okove curiously

"I... honestly don't know what I'll do when I get back home." the human remarked. "Probably just unload my things and relax after another long trip on a train."

Okove made a small chuckle and he remarked: "That is a rather good idea. Travelling can be a little exhausting." Then he looked at his little sister. "Listen, Zecora, I am really glad you came back here to Agbaje. So is father. It is a shame you really have to leave soon."

"Do not worry, brother." said Zecora. "I can always visit here, and besides, we still have one more day before I go back to Ponyville with my friends."

Okove smiled. "Good. It is always good to have you around."

Next Chapter: Last Day in Zebrica Estimated time remaining: 34 Minutes
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