
Home is where True Peace and Love Is

by MetalBrony823

Chapter 114: Departure

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A rooster was crowing in the morning, and it was the day Luke and his friends all depart back to Ponyville and be back home.

Everyone who had gotten out of bed packed their bags with their supplies, and took turns in taking showers and cleaning themselves off.

Yes, everyone was bummed out that they has to go back to Ponyville, but Ponyville was their home, and Larry had to gone back to the real world. Besides, it was like Luke said: "there is always another day."

Meanwhile, Zecora and Okove were having a little talk outside the room, discussing on how sad they will be when departing from one another.

"Sis," said Okove. "Please come back home here with us. We all miss you here."

Zecora made a sad sigh with her eyes closed. "I know you did, elder brother." She replied. "But you know why I cannot move back here.'

Okove board his head. "It is a shame to be most fair with you. Father missed you so much since the time you left our home."

"I'm sorry."

"No, no it is quite alright, Zecora. To be most fair with you, It was fun while it lasted."

The zebra mare made a small chuckle with her elder sibling. "Yes, exactly. And I can always come back here."

"Yes, this is not a final goodbye." Okove admitted. "Still, you are my little sister after all, and I will miss you deeply."

"And I will miss you too, older brother. Unlike years ago however, you will not have to wait for a visit any longer."

Her big brother smiled warmly. "Thst is sk correct. You will visit us again more often, will you?"

"Of course. We're family." Then they both hugged for a long period of time. It was just when King Zuma came in at this moment.

"My dear daughter," he said in his low voice. "Would you like an escort for your departure to the railroad station?"

"That is really kind of you father, but we will all be just fine." She replied confidently.

"Would you please visit us again one if these days?" Asked Zuma. "We all miss you so much."

He felt his daughter hug him in reassurance. "I will, father. I promise." Then Zuma hugged her back in response.

"I want you to know how much I love you."

"And I love you too, father."

Meanwhile, Luke was gone with the shower and brushing his teeth and packed the last remaining things for the departure back to Ponyville, his belongings, books, clothes, and a few other things.

"Such a shame." Luke muttered to himself. "But yeah, I'll come back here soon one of these days." He let out a small yawn after that, for he was still trying to wake up a little more.

Pretty much everyone was packed on their cases and bags, except for Discord, who didn't really bring anything, for he was the master of chaos, and he can do whatever he wants (as long as Fluttershy says it's okay to do so.)

At least Luke got some really nice souvenirs on his trip, a new sword, some pictures on his time here over this week, and a few others. His friends and dad got a few small knick knacks with them all like hats, snow globes, necklaces, bobbleheads and a few other small things.

Outside, the train will be at Agbaje soon, probably around ten or fifteen minutes before it arrives for a stop to Ponyville.

Everyone made sure that they didn't leave anything behind or if every one of their belongings is present and accounted for inside their bags.

Of course, even if they all miss a train, Discord proposed that he can teleport him and his friends back to Ponyville.

"I can barely wait to see Angel Bunny again when I get back to my cottage." Fluttershy daid in excitement. "And Harry the bear, and all my other critter friends. I'm sure they will be happy to see you too, Luke."

"Heh. I can imagine." Luke remarked. He hoisted his suitcase with his left arm, next to his waist, and everyone noticed they have everything in their bags and cases.

At last, they were ready, and promptly went out the large doors that led inside the palace.

"Ooh. Sweetie Belle will be so happy to see me. Little ole Rarity." Said she. "And my dear Opal as well." She began thinking of how mean and nasty her own cat can be sometimes, but she tolerated those kind of antics from her.

"I'll have to bring Applebloom, Big Mac, and Granny Smith the next time I ever come back 'ere." Said Applejack. "They would sure as gum love to see this."

"I wonder if I can bring the Baby Cakes with Mr. And Mrs. Cake's permission." Pinkie thought.

"This trip was so awesome." Rainbow Dash said, looking around at her surroundings. "Going on safaris, fighting a few monsters, and Cabalerron and his goons, flying with a few cheetahs. So cool."

"Oh, I can just imagine the eland, zebra, rhino, and Jackalian friendship students that will attend my school." The princess of friendship sounded rather eager to say that news. "And wait till i create books about some Zebrican history and it's animals."

"I can help with the animal books, Twilight." The yellow pegasus offered.

"Thanks, Fluttershy. I would like that actually."

"Don't forget about the eland, buffalo, the Emela-Ntouka, Mokele Mbembe, and those other monsters we've seen." Spike added.

"And those adorable little penguins." Lyra remarked. "They were just so adorable to swim with."

"I'm glad that the zebras here liked my candy samples." Said Bon Bon.

"Should we worry about Cabelleron when we get to Ponyville?" Asked Larry. "He'll know who you guys are, and take revenge."

"No, I don't think we'll worry about him do much." Said Twilight. "Besides, Larry, you will be back on Earth, not Equestria, and he'll be after you since you shot his eye out."

"Oh. Good point. And it's a good thing he will never try and kill me in Reno."

"Exactly." Said Twilight. "So we'll worry about him if he ever tries to take revenge."

"I just hope he will be less likely to see with only one eye, now." Rainbow added.

"Cabelleron?" Said King Zuma. "That evil treasure hunter who us a complete scoundrel?"

"Yep," Rainbow replied boldly. "That's the one. Daring Do's arch-nemesis himself."

"Well, I never thought you would all come across him she his band of thieves."

"Me and Cabelleron have... a history together." The cyan pegasus rubbed the back of her head sheepishly.

At last, they were at the train station and waited for the arrival of a new iron horse to come. While waiting, King Zuma looked at Luke, and he asked the young human: "So, what do you think of Zebrica, Luke? Did you enjoy your stay here with your friends and my daughter?"

Thinking about it in his head, Luke ultimately replied: "Of course I liked it. I loved it, your majesty." and he took a sip of his water. "I had a really good time here on the visit."

"What was your favorite part?" Asked Okove curiously. He, and Luke's other friends looked at him, a waiting an answer from him.

"Well, I honestly don't know what my favorite part of Zebrica was." He ultimately answered. "I thought everything was amazing out here, except for the red river hog piglet getting eaten, but that's only a minor setback."

"Indeed." Said Zecora. "It is hot survival of the fittest out there is the savanna."

"Well. I am so glad I got to spend time here," Luke continued. "I am really looking forward to coming back here again if I feel like it."

Zuma smiled humbly. "Wonderful. We will all remember you and your name when you come back, Luke. And I hope you really loved your visit."

"I did sir, and thank you."

The train came and the doors were open. Zecora looked back at her father and brother, and smiled. She gave them one final hug and all three of them shed a tear of both sadness and happiness.

"I will see you all soon." Zecora said.

"Do come back soon." said Okove.

"And bring your friends if you can." Zuma added. "We love you."

"And I love you both too. I will see you later." Then she broke the hug and went aboard the train. As soon as the doors closed, the train was off, and Luke looked out the window, and stared at Agbaje, and kept on looking at it until it was no longer in reach of his vision.

Now, he was going home.

Next Chapter: Home Estimated time remaining: 18 Minutes
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