
Home is where True Peace and Love Is

by MetalBrony823

Chapter 109: King Anubis the 63rd

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The royal palace in the center of Anubis city looked so beautiful inside. Especially the decorations and hieroglyphics painted on the walls and stone cylinders. Lamy swords and khopesh were mounted on the wall for display, and Egyptian shields were on them as well.

It was a very interesting display of decorations and Egyptian culture, except no humans of course.

Despite how beautiful and interesting it looked, Luke was still feeling a little scared about what the king of this place wanted of him and his friends. He thought that Perhaps maybe king Anubis wanted to commend him for taking care of the Red Scar.

A couple of Khajiit women were seen taking water from one of the ponds near the entrance, wearing elegant Egyptian-style silk dresses

Several Jackalian guards were standing firm and tall near the passageway, along with some torches mounted on the wall colored in yellow fire.

The guards stopped and there was a Jackalian sitting on a golden throne and two elite soldiers next to him with long spears behind their backs, and straight swords made of copper and breastplate armor. Their shields were round and made of silver with the jackalian insignia at the center.

As for the king himself, he looked so majestic, and he was as black as night. He wasn't majestic in an unctuous way like Waraabe was sitting on his little throne. King Anubis himself worked a golden loincloth and had a golden sword that was straight and had a black hilt.

He had a headdress on his head with dreadlocks and beads in it. Anubis' hair was longer than Bayek's, a little past his waist, and his eyes blazed a red.

Despite how a little intimidating he looked, Luke didn't want to be too quick to judge him. The king slowly arisen from his throne, and walked down.

Luke and Larry knew he was a king and they both bowed to him, on their left knees to show him the respect he deserves.

Twilight, Spike, Lyra, Fluttershy, and the others in this group did the same thing and bowed to Anubis in respect. The king looked down, and Luke found himself in front of his dog-like feet. His claws looked shiny glistening under the light. “Welcome, visitors.” Said The king in a humble voice. It was a little lower than Bayek’s, and a little more wiser as well, but everyone was a little nervous by how this will end in meeting him for ten first time. “Rise up.”

Then Everyone got back up, standing straight. “You are King Anubis the sixty-third, right?” Asked Larry.”

“Yes. I am the proud ruler of this glorious city, and Anugypt.” The king replied before chuckling. “Now that you are all here, I heard that you have slain the Red Scar.”

“Well.... almost.” Luke Said. “Waraabe got away, and so did Hefir.”

“Hefir was there?” Asked Anubis.

“Uh-Huh.” Larry replied. “They were very clever when it comes to fighting.”

“My lord!” A voice said. They all looked at the doorway, and Bayek came rushing through panting and catching his breath. “Please, Wait!”

“Bayek.” Anubis recognized him. “I did not summon you.”

“Your majesty, please listen to me. They did not do anything wrong.”

“Of course not.” The king remarked. “Why would you even think they would be in trouble, my friend?”

“Well your guards came in the Sandy Camel like they were about to be arrested.” Bayek explained. “They took out the Red Scar.”

“I know that. That is what I heard from my source.” The king said. Looking back at the heroes, he addressed to them all: “You have all done a really excellent service for me, and all the good people of Anugypt.”

“Even though the leader escaped?” Asked Fluttershy nervously.

“Well, I was about to kill him,” Luke explained next. “But he stunned me and my friends with a smoke bomb. I did cut off his right hand though.”

“Hmm. Interesting.”

“I’m sorry I didn’t kill him and hesitated before.” Luke Said. “I was just thinking to myself If I should have killed him or not.”

“There is no need to apologize for that, child.” Said Anubis. He gently put a hand on his left shoulder. “We all have those feelings of conflict within us, and you were only trying to figure what was right and what was wrong.”

“Now i’m Worried that Waraabe will wreak havoc again, and rebuild a new order of Red Scar.” Said Luke. “He might kill me after what I did to his hand, and Hefir is at large, too.”

“You need not worry about that.” The king reassured him. “Waraabe is one of the most wanted criminals in all of Anugypt, and so is Hefir.”

“What’s The price on his head?” Asked Rarity.

“Five-hundred thousand golden drachmas dead or alive.”

“Five-hundred thousand drachmas?” Said Rainbow Dash. “I need to find him, then i’ll Be rich!”

“Calm down there, Rainbow.” Applejack intervened. “We don’t even know where he is now. Who knows where he might be hidin’ in right now.”

“She speaks the truth.” Said king Anubis. “He would know better not to set foot here, or any other city or settlement. In Anugypt, everyone knows everyone, and he would be arrested on the spot by individuals. Waraabe’s face is someone jackalians like us, Khajiit, addax, oryx, zebra, or anyone else in Anugypt would never forget about. Now, do tell me all your names.”

Luke was the first one to introduce himself to Anubis and bowed his head to respect to him. Then Rarity was next, then Pinkie Pie, Then Applejack, And Discord was the last. “I reckon you might know what I am.”

“Oh yes.” Said king Anubis in irritation. “I know who you are too well, master of chaos. You have caused quite a lot of grief and the people of Anugypt all those years ago. My ancestor was most displeased when you offended him.”

Discord gulped. “Look, I am very sorry, your majesty. I know I have done some horrible pranks to all of you, but.... that was the past and.... I have reformed and I am no longer the creature you all hated in the past. Can you not see my as a stranger asking for forgiveness, not an old enemy?”

Anubis was silent, But he ultimately replied: “I suppose I can. And it is like you said, Discord. That was all in the past and it cannot be undone.”

Discord smiled gratefully. “good. I’m glad you have decided to forgive me.”

“However, I would like you to make amends for my people and inhabitants of Anugypt by doing more good.”

“I can assure you he will do his best to Right his wrongs, your majesty.” Fluttershy implied. “Right Discord?”

“Right.” the Drancequus nodded his head to her boldly. "Look, I would truly like to make things right with all of you good people of Anugypt."

The king smiled. "Good." And he looked at Luke. "Young Luke. I am certainly pleased by the great service you have done for me and all my good subjects of my kingdom. Yes, you might not have killed Waraabe and Hefir, but they will not go far after what you just pulled."

"Well, I don't want to hog all the credit to myself." Luke modestly stated. He looked back at his father and his newest friends. "I had a little help."

"There is no shame in having those who care about you help you out, my child." Said Anubis the sixty-third.

"And I wanted to help save Bayek's brother, Farid, but i was too late."

"Oh yes. Farid was one of my finest soldiers. So loyal, so brave, so dutiful. At least his death was not in vain after all you have done."

"He was my brother, my king." Bayek said. "Luke has Indeed, done us a really great service to rid us of the Red Scar."

"Yes. For that, I name you all heroes of Anugypt." Abubis announced. An uproar of cheering was heard from the small crowd of witnesses to this meeting.

"And let them be recognized as true friends of Anubis city." Bayek added.


"Well. I don't know about a reward." Said Spike. "I'm sure what we did was thanks enough."

"Perhaps, child." The king remarked. "But still, you have done us a magnificent task for us all. All of you."

"Bayek was more than happy to let Luke have his brother's sword." Said Zecora. "And he is a Jackalian of his word."

"Yes. A rather honorable gift for someone who has defeated the Red Scar." Okove added.

"Bayek did say that it will do nopony any good in a crypt." Lyra noted

"And I absolutely agree with him. A Jackalian, khajiit, or a human in this case, should carry a weapon with honor."

"They are all heroes to us." Said a female khajiit.

"Yes. Very brave, very heroic, very loyal." Anubis agreed. "I name you all welcome to Anubis city whenever you want, and name you heroes first class."

Another uproar was heard. Twilight, Pinkie Pie, their friends, and the two zebra siblings smiled at being called heroes like this.

"Now, I think you all deserve a reward for your bravery in riding us of those bandits." Said Anubis. "I hereby give you all free access to the city whenever you feel like visiting and a Diamond to all of you."

"Diamond?" Asked Rarity. "Well, that is certainly flattering of you, your majesty. That should certainly suffice for the deed we have accomplished."

"Yeah. I love gems." Spike added.

King Anubis made yet another chuckle, and he said: "I know you do, Spike. I know very well of dragons and what they eat." He snapped his finger, and an oryx servant came out with two bags on his side. Both of them were containing diamonds in them to share with everyone.

Rarity was the first one to have one, and so did Spike. Then Luke, his father, the elements of harmony, Lyra and Bon Bon, Zecora and Okove, and Discord."

These diamonds looked so beautiful and shiny under the light, a color of gleaming white, and everyone can see through through the shards.

"Now, let us hear it for princess Twilight, her friends, and the heroes who saved us from the Red Scar menace!" Anubis announced in a roar.

Am even bigger hearing was heard in the crowd, almost as loud as at a football field with a large audience.

"Congratulations. And may you accomplish more on your journeys."

"Are we finished here?" Asked Luke.

"That you are, boy."

"Oh. Good."

"This calls for a celebration." Said Bayek. "Some food is a good suggestion."

"Agreed!" Rainbow said.

"Yeah. I'm hungrier than a timber wolf in the middle of May." Applejack added.

They were all escorted out and before Luke went out the door, Anubis stopped him. "My sincere apologies for halting you." He Said. "But, I really thank you and your friends for dealing with this threat of bandits. And Luke,"


"I hope you have a good stay in Zebrica. And when this happens again, never hesitate and before to do what you think is right."

Luke smiled in gratitude. "Thank you, your highness. I will enjoy the remainder of my trip here."

"May Anubis, my ancestor who was the first, who turned into a god of course, guide you along the way to good fortune."

"Were all those kings named Anubis?"

"Of course. There is no other name greater that would fit a king here."

"Fair enough."

"And the first one became the god of the dead and protector of us all."

This sounded like the mythological god of the dead and mummification in his home, except, Anubis was real in this world.

"And also, may Horus help you as well."

"Thanks. Nice meeting you, King Anubis." Abd Luke gave him one last bow in respect before leaving the palace.

For Luke, this was an honor to see yet another king out here in Zebrica.

Fluttershy was walking next to him on his right, and she asked: "what did he want from you?"

"He just told me good luck and all that. That's all."

"Oh. Well these diamonds are so beautiful. I think I will put them somewhere safe in my cottage when we get back home."

"Same with me."

"So do you feel like a hero, Luke? Because that was a very nice thing you did for Bayek, and all the Jackalians, Khajiit, addax, zebras, and antelope of Anugypt."

"I always feel like a hero here. The time I saved you from Chrysalis, and other things."

"I know." She smiled adorably

Next Chapter: Finicky Little Foxes Estimated time remaining: 58 Minutes
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