
Home is where True Peace and Love Is

by MetalBrony823

Chapter 110: Finicky Little Foxes

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The food was absolutely good at the Sandy Camel and Everyone was full with the yummy Anugyptian cuisine in their bellies. Of course, being travelers, they all had to leave and go back to the city of Agbaje, Zecora's home village.

Still, it was very fun while it lasted in Anugypt. Luke also knew that he will come back and it was not a final goodbye to Bayek, Meneki, King Anubis, and the other inhabitants of Anubis city, and the same for his friends around him.

Luke was just outside of Anubis city and looked at the oasis near the thriving town. It was still glistening a sparkling glow at the surface under the sun. He hoped that this oasis will last and keep many animals hydrated and happy as possible. At the horizon, Fluttershy saw a maribou stork looking for fish to eat, and walking on it’s stilt-like legs.

“It must have been quite an honor for you to be a hero, Luke.” Said Zecora. “Whether it was intentional, or you just got lucky and it was a fluke.”

“Like I have Said before, Zecora.” The young human noted. “I don’t want to hog all the credit, you guys helped me and taking Waraabe and his men alone would be certifiable.”

“Yeah. We’re all heroes.” Said Rainbow Dash. “I hope everypony in Zebrica knows how awesome I am.”

Everyone laughed. “I’m pretty sure they do, Rainbow.” Said Twilight. “And it was an honor to see King Anubis. And I can hardly wait for Jackalians, addax, oryx, or Khajiit to come and attend the school of Friendship.”

“It’s still a long way to go, Twilight.” Said Applejack.

“I know, I know. But still. It would be nice to have some new students wanting to learn more about friendship.”

It was just then the maribou storm flew away with a big fish in it’s beak. The others just decided to go head back to the train station a few miles from where the city was and wait for the next stop to Agbaje.

Just then, Larry stopped to get a drink of water when he saw a black emperor scorpion crawling on his black, heavy-duty shoes. He yelled and shook it off. “Larry What happened?” Spike Asked.

“Just a scorpion crawling on my shoe.”

“Oh.” Fluttershy looked at the scorpion as she bent her head, and then she picked it up with her hoof. “Look at how cute he is.”

“Careful Fluttershy. Scorpions are very venomous.” Okove warned her.

“Don’t worry. These scorpions are harmless.” Said Fluttershy. “He was only curious about Larry’s shoe.” She then put the arachnid down, and said to it: “Just be more careful where toy are crawling.”

The large black scorpion nodded his head go her and dug itself in the golden sand.

“Well come on.” Said Discord.

Luke pulled out his new khopesh sword while walking to the train station, and looked at how shiny and golden it was under the glistening sun. This sword looked beautiful and deadly, and he can imagine how scared his enemies will be when they get sliced and pierced with this weapon. He can even imagine how afraid his foes would be before being decapitated with this golden blade.

“I hope you will be careful with that sword, Luke.” Said Larry. “I know you’re a grownup now, but you can still poke your eye out if you’re not careful.”

“Don’t worry dad,” said Luke. “I’ll be just fine.”

“A stylish yet functional accessory, even though I am not one for such weapons like this one.” Rarity remarked.

"That's just like ya, Rarity." Said Rainbow Dash. "Always choosing fashion over violence."

"And qhat's wrong with that, darling?" Asked Rarity.

"Nothing. Just saying."

All of a sudden, Spike suddenly tripped and fell over and saw a little burrow that had to be the home of some unknown animal.

"Spike. Are you okay?" Twilight said, getting him back up. "Do you have sand in your eyes?"

"Nah. Just fine. I just didn't know where u was going." Spike replied. "U wonder who lives down there."

"Probably some snake or cobra." Twilight remarked. A shiver went down her spine. "I don't want to stay here and find out."

They all continued walking and stumble across a couple if medium-sized rocks clung to one another. It was a rather interesting type of scenery put here in the Stripeless desert and it made Luke wonder if any kind of creatures lived in these rocks.

Not only rocks, but there were about six burrows around the area. All of a sudden, a crean-colored canid popped it's head out of one of the holes, and it slowly descended to looked around for possibly, food.

It's ears were big and it looked at the group and it gave a weary stance. It was a fennec fox that came out of that hole.

"Aww, hello." Fluttershy said. She went up to the fox and tried to interact with it. The little guy gave a little nip and growled softly. "Shhh, it's okay, little baby." She quietly said to it.

It took a little while, but the fox eventually came to accept her once she began scratching it's chin with her left hoof, and it apparently liked it.

"Yes, yes." Fluttershy said playfully. "You're such a cute little fox, aren't you?" The little fennec fox made a cute squeal noise, and enjoyed more petting from Fluttershy.

"What is that?" Asked Applejack

"A fennec fox." Luke said. "These guys are also native to Africa, the Sahara desert to be exact. Sometimes, these guys are kept as pets."

"Who could blame humans for keeping them?" Said Pinkie Pie. "They look soooooo cute!"

"Just look at those ears?" Said Lyra. "Looks like this guy can hear anything within miles away from here."

Just then, a couple norenfoxes came out of there hole and interacted with Fluttershy.

Luke couldn't help but join in on the fun, and then Pinkie Pie. He gently held the fox and felt one of them pawing his right calf.

"Those ears are just to die for." Said Pinkie Pie.

It was a rather adorable little scene to experience for everyone. "Is there no animal Fluttershy can tame?" Asked Okove. "It is a really good thing we have her on our side."

"Yes. Fluttershy can tame any animal. Even if it sounds quite impossible and inevitable." Zecora agreed with her older brother.

"Well, I wish we can be with you a more, but we really need to go back to Agbaje." Fluttershy said. The fox got off her arms m, and the same for the one Luke was holding, and almost all of them went back to their holes. The biggest one waved bye to the group and went back inside the hole.

First a family of striped hyenas and now fennec foxes? Could this get any better for Luke?

"Well that was adorable." Said Rarity. "Just look at the cutest wittle ears." Now she wished she could have held a fox in her arms right now. Of course, there was Opal, who she really misses back home, and Spike to keep her company.

While waiting for a train back to Agbaje, Luke looked around at the desert again, looking beautifully golden-orange, and the wind blowing through the sand dunes. He knew that this trip to Zebrica was almost over, but he knew it was worth it, and he can always come back here whenever he felt like it, and all the friends he made on this beautiful piece of land.

He couldn’t wait to get back in the guest room, and get some rest yet another long yet fun day. In his head, Luke wondered if there was a gigantic mountain similar to Kilimanjaro in Tanzania, like a gigantic tic mountain covered in glaciers and ice caps on top of it.

“So did you have fun, Luke?” Asked Discord curiously.

"Yeah, that was awesome. Meeting a king and getting this nice khopesh sword as a present and or souvenir." Luke replied.

"Not to mention how many bandits we killed." The drancequus noted. "And how you brutally incapacitated Waraabe by cutting his arm off."

"Oh Discord." Bon Bon said in disgust. "That's a little too far. Are you bloodthirsty or something?"

"Don't listen to him." Said Applejack.

"Discord just loves getting a reaction from anypony he can interact with." Twilight said. "You know how much he loves to get under ponies skins."

"What? Me? I wouldn't even know how." Discord said in mock-offense. It sounded very exaggerated, and they all knew he was lying.

It was just then the train came and picked the group up. "I can't believe qe're almost done with the trip." Spike noted.

"I guess we were having so much fun I lost track of what the time was." Fluttershy added.

"Well, it was fun while it lasted." Luke said. "Besides, we only got two more days until we all get back to Equestria."

"The least we can do is make the best of it." Zecora added. "We can have as much fun as possible and enjoy Zebrica before we depart home."

"Are you sure you want to remain in Equestria and not Agbaje?" Said Okove. "Father misses you, I miss you, and everyone else misses you, little sister."

Zecora made a small sigh. "I know, older brother, but I have said that Equestria is my home."

Okove made a sad sigh and he replied: “I may not like it, but I do understand and respect your decision.” Zecora smiled with flattery at what his sibling said. Granted, she did miss all the fun things she did with him together, but moving to Equestria was her own decision and she was happy with it. Bedsides, Okove Can at least visit Equestria whenever he felt like coming over to see his sister if she doesn’t really want to move back to Agbaje.

“So what do you think we should do tomorrow?” Asked Applejack.

“Well, I heard of this really nice beach called: Rockhopper Beach.” Said Rarity. “The waters over there are lovely and sparkling under the sun. A perfect place for a dip in the ocean and bathe under the sky.”

She began daydreaming and she was interrupted by Fluttershy with a gasp. “I’ve heard of it, and it is a place with the largest penguin colony in Zebrica. Rainbow penguins, curvy-beaked penguins, Vulture penguins, oh I can’t even describe them all.”

“Rockhopper beach would be a good idea.” Said Zecora. “A beautiful place to gaze at it’s beauty around here.”

“Well then, Rockhopper beach it is.” Said Larry. “That does sound like a lot of fun.” Then everyone was in agreement on this whole plan and how it will go down tomorrow. Everyone should at least think of more things to do before they go on the train home.

Next Chapter: Zebrican Beach Time Estimated time remaining: 51 Minutes
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