
Home is where True Peace and Love Is

by MetalBrony823

Chapter 108: May Farid Walk the Field of Reeds

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It was a rather wild ride, for The bad guys have been cleared out in their cave of a hideout and Justice had (almost) been served. Waraabe was probably still at large and out in hiding, feeling so disgraced and injured from what Luke had done to him, but that was not important. Now, Luke had Farid's Khopesh and he needed to bring it back to Bayek and his family to honor them all.

"Discord, can you maybe teleport us back to Anubis?" asked Larry. "i don't feel like walking all the way back there on foot."

"My feet are getting a little tired from all that fighting." Luke remarked. "My arms, too."

"no problemo." Discord boldly said, then with a snap of his right finger, he and his friends were back in the flourishing city of Anubis and they just needed to find Bayek now.

Just about everyone was feeling tired, except for Rainbow Dash, whom she loved fighting more than anyone else in this posse.

"God, I need to get more water." Luke said in an exasperated voice. He opened his little and saw that he was all out if the soothing cold liquid, with only the ice cubes left.

"Ah. There you all are." Said Bayek, recognizing everyone in the group. He helped Luke up. And a couple if Jackalians, Khajiit, addax, oryx, and zebras helped them up. "Are you all alright?"

"Just fine." Fluttershy said. "We have gotten ourselves into trouble down there where those bandits lived."

“Did they all hurt you?” Asked the Jackalian.

“Just a few... minor scratches on us.” Twilight replied. “But we managed to get out of there alive. Waraabe was a very awful Jackalian.”

“Indeed. He has no morals, and he does not care who he kills, as long as it involves money.” Bayek remarked. “But, you all look a little tired from all that traveling and fighting. Come. We’ll go to Meneki’s ans Treat you well.”

“Free water and hibiscus tea on the house when we get there.” Meneki boldly Said with pride. They all followed the two back to the Sandy Camel for some water to cool themselves off from the desert heat outside.

Bayek sat with Luke, and he asked: “Did you find Farid.”

The young human bowed his head in shame and sadness. “I have.” He Said. “I!m very sorry Bayek, but he’s dead.”

Bayek felt like sobbing hearing that sad news. “I see.”

“Trust me, I really wished I could have saved him. I just wish I could have gone there sooner to save him-“

“You need not worry about that.” Said Meneki. “There was nothing you could have done.”

“Sometimes it’s too late to save a life.” Said Bayek. “What of the khopesh?”

“That I did bring back.” Said Luke. He pulled out the golden, gleaming sickle-Sword, and showed it to the Jackalian. “I believe this is yours and your family’s.” He gave it to Bayek, and he smiled warmly.

Thinking in his head: “May you walk the field of reeds, my brother,” and he was silent as he was looking at this weapon some more. “It’s a really fine piece of crafting material made out of crocodile teeth and rhino horn.”

Luke looked up at him in shock. “You don’t kill rhinos, do you?”

“No, no, no, of course not. There are some rhinos around here that willingly have their horns cut off for if they do not want to live a warrior’s life.”

“Ah. Okay. That’s fine. As long as you didn’t poach him then that!s Okay.” Luke remarked.

“What about Waraabe?”

“Did you kill him?” Asked an addax customer.

“Well.... almost.” Said Luke. “I almost killed him, but he coasted smoke at us and he got away from us. I cut off his right hand and all, but I didn’t kill him. I’m very sorry Bayek. I shouldn’t have hesitated to do kill him when I had the chance.”

"It is alright. As long as he felt my pain after what he did to Farid."

"What if he comes back?" Asked Spike. "He'll really kill us all after we killed all of his crew. Except for one."

"Who else escaped?" Asked Meneki.

"It was a guy named Hefir." Discord replied

"Hefir?" Bayek recognized that name. "That would not surprise me that he would run away from all the fighting and commotion you all caused."

"Hefir has no sense of honor like Waraabe. He's a spineless coward that can't even take care of himself." Neneki remarked. "Pfft, he wouldn't even be worth being put to the sword in the name of justice."

"Yeah, that guy was such a cryababy." Rainbow Dash said.

"All of those brutes we have defeated and completely uncouth."

"Well," said Applejack. "Does this mean the Red Scar is no more?"

"I wouldn't say that." Said a familiar voice. It was that oryx that Luke and all his friends met before.

"Oded. It's you." Said Bon Bon.

"I have heard justice has been done." Said the scimitar-horned oryx.

"Almost. You might have heard, but Waraabe and Hefir have escaped from us."

"They will not get far." Said an addax cow. "Both of them are wanted criminals and they will be recognized by everyone in Anugypt."

"Yeah, the authorities will probably take care of him now." Said Applejack. "But. What if he follows us back to Equestria?"

"Nah. It's not like he can just replace his right hand with a deadly, robotic hand." Luke said.

Everyone laughed at Luke's thought. "That is so true." Lyra agreed. "Maybe be bled to death from the amount of blood be lost."

"Goodness!" Fluttershy said. "I don't want to think about that. Too gruesome."

"Agreed." Said Lyra.

"Well, here's your khopesh, Bayek. I've brought it back for you." Luke remarked.

Bayek smiled gratefully, and he looked at Luke. "You should keep it." He thought.

Luke's eyes widened in surprise. "Really? But, I'm not a member of your family and I don't want to disrespect you by wielding this. What if you have a kid you want to be a warrior and have him wield it?"

"Holding it would be a rather painful memory, it would remind me if Farid too much, and this was his sword. And besides, it will do no one any good by being mounted on a wall, or moldering in a forgotten crypt."

"True. So true." Luke said. He took the Golden sickle sword and looked at it. He thought of how handy this weapon can be. "Hmmm. This is a really cool sword." He thought to himself.

"Carry it with honor." Said Bayek.

"Thank you. I will Bayek."

"Lucky you." Said Rainbow Dash. "That is so awesome!"

"Here. I'll hold on to it for you, Luke." His father said.

"Thanks, dad."

Just then, a couple of guards came in the room with shields and sickles in their hands. "You!" Said the first one. "Are you the ones that dealt away with the Red Scar?"

Fluttershy, Spike, and the others were a little scared by how they looked. These guards looked terrifying a little. "Uhhh, yeah. That's us."

"Why?" Asked Pinkie Pie.

"King Anubis the sixty-third wants to talk to all of you over what you just did." Said the second guard.

"Follow us." Said the third.

"Are we in trouble?" Asked Fluttershy nervously.

"Just come with us." The first guard just replied flatly. The heroes all followed him while Bayek, Meneki, and the other patrons of the Sandy Camel looked on in great concern. It certainly looked like they were in trouble for a crime they didn't commit.

Still, they all didn't know that for sure. The guards didn't say they were all in trouble per se. They didn't really sound pissed or angered either, so the heroes might be in for a big surprise once they get to the palace.

Next Chapter: King Anubis the 63rd Estimated time remaining: 1 Hour, 7 Minutes
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