
My Little Pony: Friendship is Spike

by CubexTrain

Chapter 15: Original S1E17: Spike and the Stare Master

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Rarity was busy in the Carousel Boutique trying to fulfill a big order. Why aren’t Sweetie Belle and the rest of the CMC aren't helping like in Season 1 Episode 14? Well Rarity was okay with the CMC and Spike helping back then since that was for their friends. This order however was for one in Canterlot who heard about Rarity's handiwork after the fashion show with the "good" dresses in Season 1 Episode 14 as well. Rarity didn't want any amateur mistakes in these outfits. But of course as all younger sisters are, they still try to help since that's... totally what they do. Either way, Rarity was getting quite irritated at all the help Sweetie Belle was trying to give.

It was at this point that Fluttershy came in to visit. Why? Well, the little Pegasus just wanted to see if she could assist with her "freaky knowledge of sewing".

"Hello?" She started off with a small greeting that was barely audible.

Sweetie Belle turned her head from all of her help attempts and saw a shy Fluttershy in the doorway. Sweetie Belle then tugged at Rarity's mane to try get her attention.

"WHAT?" Rarity exploded.

Sweetie Belle then pointed at the now cowering Fluttershy. Rarity turned then squee'd in embarrassment.

"Oh sorry Fluttershy, didn't see you there. What brings you here today?" Rarity inquired with a smile.

"Oh... um... well I was wondering... if I could help you with anything today..." Fluttershy meeped.

Unbeknownst to them, in the Prime Universe, this was the type of thing Spike would usually ask.

"Hmm... darling, I'm afraid I can't really offer you anything to assist me with lately as this order is for a pony in Canterlot..."

"Oh..." Fluttershy drooped.

It was at this moment that Apple Bloom and Scootaloo burst into Rarity's workshop as well.

"Hi Rarity! Hi Fluttershy!" the two of them greeted, "Hi Sweetie Belle!"

"Oh hello there," Fluttershy calmly spoke.

It was at this point that Sweetie Belle cheered up, not that spending time with her sister was boring. It was just nice for her to have a change of pace.

"Apple Bloom! Scootaloo!" she chirped.

"You ready for tonight?" Scootaloo asked.

"Yep! Cutie Mark planning session is a go!" Sweetie Belle affirmed.

"Tonight is the night! We will find our special talent!" Apple Bloom jabbed a hoof in the air.

"Even if it takes us all night!" Scootaloo continued.

"I'm ready! You ready?" Apple Bloom asked.

"Very ready!" Scootaloo finished.

"CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS SLEEPOVER AT RARITY'S! YAY!" the crusaders boomed which caused Rarity and Fluttershy's manes to fly back.

Sweetie Belle then remembered something and went to grab the thing she made.

"Look what I made us!" Sweetie Belle presented the capes.

"Whoa! Awesome!" were Apple Bloom and Scootaloo's comments.

Fluttershy noticed a logo that was sewed on the capes.

"Oh, it's quite a nice cape, Sweetie Belle, but may I ask what that patch is?" Fluttershy inquired.

"It's our logo!" Sweetie Belle chirped with a small hop, then continued, "I even lined the cape with gold silk! It took me quite a while to make these 3 capes, but I think I did a good job."

It was from the words "gold silk" that Rarity's mind stopped working.

Gold... Silk? Oh... no...

Rarity frantically searched for her gold silk. Once she found it, she saw holes peppered in the scrap of cloth. She almost blew a gasket but still managed to keep her cool.

"Sweetie Belle... You do realize that was the last of the gold silk right? Now I have to make more... That means i'm going to have to work all night! *sigh* I'm sorry, but the Crusaders sleepover is cancelled," Rarity matter-of-factly stated.

"Aww..." The crusaders moped.

Fluttershy then got an genius idea of the genius kind.

I should totally take over for the sleepover instead, what could possibly go wrong? Also I can win points on Spike~

"Wait! If... it's not too much trouble that is... I suppose I could take them for the night?" Fluttershy asked meekly.

Rarity was understandably a bit uncertain.

"Are you sure about that Fluttershy? I mean these are the Cutie Mark Crusaders you are talking about," Rarity commented, but still relatively grateful that no one will lose if Fluttershy does go through with what she said.

"Oh, I'm positively sure," Fluttershy spoke with a closed eyed grin.

"Hmm... I guess if you are up to the task, you can go right ahead," Rarity confirmed.

"Aww, don't worry Rarity, they will be fine, I mean really, these little angels?" Fluttershy pointed to the CMC who now wearing their capes, grinned with halos over their heads, "this will be quite an easy task."

The CMC then cheered.


They then sped out the door of the Carousel Boutique. After Fluttershy shook herself out of her daze, she put on a excited smile on her face.

"Aren't they the cutest things? Wait for me!" Fluttershy also sped off out of the Carousel Boutique.

Rarity was left blinking a little bit before coming back to reality.

"Hm..." was all she could speak.

I sure hope Fluttershy knows what she's getting into... Considering I am the Element of Generosity, I feel like I should be treating her later or something... I'll get to that tomorrow when she comes back from watching over the Cutie Mark Crusaders.

Transition to a street in Ponyville.

The caped Cutie Mark Crusaders were galloping off quite happily down one of the streets in Ponyville, excited they could still have their sleepover to plan out getting their cutie marks. Fluttershy was flying slowly behind, daydreaming of all the fun activities they would be able to do.

Oh, wouldn't this be fun? We can have tea parties, braid each others' tails, and sit quietly and color, tell each other fairy tales, and--

Meanwhile, Twilight was trotting along with Spike down the same street from the other direction. It was at this point that the excited Cutie Mark Crusaders passed by Fluttershy. When they saw Twilight and Spike, Spike who was trailing a little bit behind Twilight, they decided to each in turn hop on Twilight's back.

"Hi Twilight!" Apple Bloom hopped off.

"Hi Sis!" Scootaloo hopped off.

"Hello Twilight!" Sweetie Belle hopped off.

After each one of them hopped off they each gave Spike a kiss.

"Hi Spike!" Apple Bloom chirped.

"Hi Spike!" Scootaloo chirped.

"Hi Spike!" Sweetie Belle chirped with a hop.

After that, Twilight, still recovering from being hopped on by three fillies one after the other, noticed Fluttershy flying low with a happy smile on her face. Spike had finished waving back at the Cutie Mark Crusaders.

"Hello Fluttershy," Twilight greeted.

"Oh, hello Twilight. Hello Spike. Where are you off to?" Fluttershy responded.

"Oh, we're headed off to the Everfree Forest to grab some of my favorite tea from Zecora."

"Th-The Everfree Forest? You'll be careful, won't you?"

"Of course I will! How about you? I see you have the Cutie Mark Crusaders with you."

"Oh, they are going to be sleeping over at my cottage since their original plans were with Rarity but then she had a big order to fill."

"That's very kind of you to do for Rarity," Twilight winked, then remembered who she was talking to, "but are you sure you can handle three fillies?"

"Oh Twilight, you mean these sweet little angels?" she pointed at the Cutie Mark Crusaders who did the halo thing again, "They'll be no problem at all."

"Alright then..." Twilight hesitated.

Spike and Twilight then trotted/walked off to do some supply shopping before going to the Everfree Forest.

Fluttershy was then dragged around Ponyville by the Cutie Mark Crusaders who were getting supplies for their "crusade" during the remainder of the time that went into the evening. Somehow by the time the sun set completely they all ended up at Fluttershy's Cottage conveniently enough. Apparently the Cutie Mark Crusaders were not familiar with Fluttershy's Cottage considering that this was the shy Pegasus. They were at first were in awe of the nature scenery and were making many random comments about it.

Right Fluttershy... No... Problem... At... All...

During the time that Fluttershy was busy being dragged around Ponyville by the Cutie Mark Crusaders, Twilight and Spike had went off into the Everfree Forest. They were trotting/walking along nicely admiring the wonders of said forest until they stumbled upon an interesting site. It was a chicken head sticking out of a bush. Twilight went to investigate since this chicken head looked like any other normal chicken which was abnormal for such a strange forest.

Twilight was in for a surprise indeed. The "chicken" then sprang up and glared at her with red eyes. It was at this point that Twilight realized that it wasn't a chicken, but a cockatrice, an animal with a chicken head and the body of a snake. It was too late for Twilight to flee as her hind legs have been turned to stone already.

"Spike! Run!" Twilight yelled out in desperation as those were her last words before she was turned completely to stone with a petrified look on her face and body.

Go Spike! You have like... eight other mares/fillies you know... Not that I'm not a good marefriend... Is this seriously what I'm thin--

Twilight's thoughts ceased completely, frozen in time. Spike attempted to run away but of course his short legs didn't really carry him far as the cockatrice caught up quite easily with its wings and stared Spike down who was then frozen with an equally petrified look on his face and a "taken aback" expression on his body.


Pinkie Pie was busy at Sugarcube Corner as it was the dinner rush. It was during that time that she felt her Pinkie Alarm go from "no danger at all" to "Twilight and Spike are in deep trouble". This Pinkie Alarm that she had was a special one indeed. It was only used to let her know of her lovers' (Twilight and Spike) status and of course, the rest of the Harem's status if they needed any assistance or are in trouble. Considering she was quite a unique pony, it is fitting for her to be the one with this alarm. To have a large jump in the alarm level for both of her lovers was definitely of concern to her. She felt the desperation that she needed to do something about it, but she wasn't allowed to leave Sugarcube Corner as there were that many customers. Pinkie Pie just kept a smile on her face even though deep down inside, she knew something was not right with Twilight and Spike.

Oooh. *pouts* I just hope Twilight and Spike are okay. I don't like this uneasiness at all... Poor Scootaloo, she doesn't know. I just hope she's having a good time over there with the rest of the Crusaders and Fluttershy.

Back with the Cutie Mark Crusaders and Fluttershy...

"Okay... uh... what do you want to do?" Fluttershy inquired.

Those words are probably not the best to be asking a trio of fillies, but Fluttershy was none the wiser.

"I'm gonna get my mark first!" Scootaloo chirped.

"Girls?" Fluttershy tried to intervene BUT...

"Nuh-uh!" Sweetie Belle retorted.

"Should we--" Fluttershy tried again BUT...

"I am!" Apple Bloom chirped.

The Crusaders started to get rowdy and almost made a mess of the place.

"Girls... please, now settle--" Fluttershy attempted BUT...

"I'm staying up all night!" Scootaloo excitedly spoke as she jumped onto the couch nearby.

"Me too!" Apple Bloom reaffirmed as she too jumped on the couch.

"Me three!" Sweetie Belle finished, also jumping on the couch.

The Crusaders then continued to be rowdy and were jumping all over the place. Fluttershy tried to keep all of her furniture safe.

"I-I know you girls are excited... but... oh, oh careful with that... oh... dear..." Fluttershy tried to handle the situation.

She took a deep breath after blowing a lock of mane out of her face.

"So! What do you want to do? Play a game?" Fluttershy asked.

"We are the Cutie Mark Crusaders!" Scootaloo proudly spoke as she sauntered up to Fluttershy.

"And we want to crusade for our cutie marks!" Apple Bloom zipped right to the other side of Fluttershy.

"And, and, and, we, um-- yeah! What they said!" Sweetie Belle appeared on top of Fluttershy's head and stuttered.

Fluttershy wasn't too keen on going outside at night.

"Hmm... I don't know... how about a nice quiet little tea party?" Fluttershy squee'd.

"Or... we could go adventuring in the Everfree Forest!" Scootaloo squee'd back while the rest of the Crusaders smiled with her.

Fluttershy had a wide eyed moment.

They're serious aren't they... They never been in the Everfree before.

"Oh, no! The Everfree Forest is much too dangerous. Considering I've been there, I know it is filled with far too many strange creatures," Fluttershy explained.

"But you could go with us and we could catch those creatures. You tamed one before right? That Manticore? We could be creature catchers like you!" Sweetie Belle chirped with a hop.

"I don't exactly catch creatures..." Fluttershy muttered under her breath.

"Cutie Mark Crusader creature catchers! YAY!" the Crusaders exclaimed.

The Crusaders then played like any fillies would, with Apple Bloom and Scootaloo using a rug and basket to make themselves look like a monster and Sweetie Belle being a "creature catcher".

"Um... oh... maybe that's not a good idea-- now girls... how about we do some nice coloring? Oh... my..." Fluttershy wasn't really satisfied having her house trashed.

Sweetie Belle continued chasing the "monster" back and forth until they ended up...

"Careful... don't..." *CRASH* "...break anything," Fluttershy meeped.

Of course the weight of three fillies would probably shatter a wooden table which was exactly what happened.

"Sorry Fluttershy," Sweetie Belle apologized.

"Yeah... sorry," Scootaloo also apologized.

"I guess we aren't creature catchers," Apple Bloom somehow managed to conclude although there was practically no precedent for calling that crusade a failure.

Fluttershy managed to keep her cool still somehow.

"Oh, girls, it's okay. I--" Fluttershy reassured BUT...

"I know! We could be Cutie Mark Crusader carpenters!" Apple Bloom jumped to a new activity.

"C-carpenters?" Fluttershy questioned.

The three fillies went in front of the wooden table remains while wearing... doctor outfits. All equipping a hammer each, they put the table back together... sort of.

"Um... that doesn't look like a table," Sweetie Belle matter-of-factly commented.

"We were making a table?" Scootaloo questioned.

"Somepony needs to put this thing out of its misery," Apple Bloom pointed out the poor table that had been turned into an abstract art piece.

I can always fix that later...

"We are definitely not Cutie Mark Crusader carpenters," Scootaloo commented.

"Who wants a picture of a hammer on their flank anyways?" Sweetie Belle matter-of-factly commented.

Fluttershy still kept her cool which was quite the impressive feat.

"Well... now that that's out of the way, how about a game?" Fluttershy squee'd.

Fluttershy, you smart cookie.

The Cutie Mark Crusaders were all sitting on the couch that had recently been jumped on.

"A game?" Apple Bloom inquired hesitantly.

"It's called 'Shhh!'" Fluttershy closed-eyed smiled.

"What's that?" Scootaloo raised an eyebrow.

"Well... it's a game on who can be quiet the longest. Sound fun? I'm the world champ, I bet you can't beat me~" Fluttershy proudly spoke.

Understandably, the Cutie Mark Crusaders weren't amused and showed so on their faces as they played along. Scootaloo then decided that was enough.

"I lose!" Scootaloo chirped.

"Me too!" Sweetie Belle continued.

"Me three!" Apple Bloom finished.

Fluttershy just sighed at yet another failed attempt.

*sigh* Well this is a fine mess you got yourself in Fluttershy. Now how is Spike going to be impressed by you? You can't even handle the rest of the Harem.

"Okay, now what can we do?" Scootaloo asks as she and the rest of the Crusaders went back to their hyper jumping arounds.

"Oooh! How about Cutie Mark Crusaders coal miners?" Apple Bloom chirped happily as she popped her head out of the fireplace that Fluttershy has although it must be questioned why there's a fireplace in a wooden cottage.

"YEAH!" The rest of the Crusaders cheered as the rest of them popped their heads out of the fireplace as well.

All the crusaders were covered in soot at this point. Fluttershy lost her temper for a short moment.

"NO!" she matter-of-factly yelled.

"Awww!" the Cutie Mark Crusaders moped as they all climbed out of the fireplace.

"I mean... it's time for bed don't you think? Aren't you excited to get all toasty and warm in bed?" Fluttershy calmed down her tone.

Not to mention I'm sleeping on the couch for you since I don't usually keep a guest bedroom. *sigh*

"But we have more crusading to do!" Apple Bloom pouted.

"And we got plans!" Scootaloo continued.

"And capes!" Sweetie Belle finished.

Fluttershy made a deal.

"Okay... Can the crusading wait until morning? When it is bright? And not so... dark?" Fluttershy negotiated.

The Cutie Mark Crusaders of course agreed to this, being very sneaky since they were planning on sneaking out after Fluttershy leaves them alone to sleep. To the reader, the sneaky looks could be seen on their faces.

While the Crusaders were making that fake deal with Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, having finished her bath/shower, was ready to go to bed when she noticed her Pinkie Alarm.

Pinkie Alarm Levels:
Twilight Sparkle: Maximum Danger, Everfree Forest.
Spike: Maximum Danger, Everfree Forest.
Apple Bloom: Something's not Right, Fluttershy's Cottage.
Scootaloo: Something's not Right, Fluttershy's Cottage.
Sweetie Belle: Something's not Right, Fluttershy's Cottage.
Fluttershy: She's Doing Fine... Enough, Fluttershy's Cottage.
Applejack: Fine and Dandy, Sweet Apple Acres.
Rarity: Relaxed, Carousel Boutique.
Rainbow Dash: Chill and Cool, Rainbow Dash's Cloud House.

Oh no, Twilight and Spike really are in trouble! The alarm is still at maximum! They usually are able to handle situations due to Twilight's magical prowess. I have to save them! Hm... the Cutie Mark Crusaders are up to something now aren't they? Alright Pinkie Pie! Time to prepare yourself since whatever it is, it definitely must be a serious threat!

She decided to put off sleep for the sake of her marefriend and drakefriend. She started storing supplies in her mane that she could find since... Pinkie Pie.

Meanwhile, back with the Crusaders who have also finished their bath were ready to go to sleep. Fluttershy offered to sing a lullaby to them which they did accept. Sweetie Belle apparently knew the lullaby as well and then with Fluttershy's permission, sang it... loud... since... Sweetie Belle. This was enough to wake up all the chickens from the pen that was just outside Fluttershy's Cottage. The chickens all flocked out of the chicken pen and started scrambling all over the place. Sweetie Belle then made a comment wondering what in the wide land of Equestria could have caused that since there is absolutely no way it could have been the totally not exaggerated loud singing.

As Fluttershy was putting away items that were knocked down, the Cutie Mark Crusaders snuck out (this was not their planned sneak out, it was just going outside to see what the fuss was all about). Fluttershy turned around and of course found the bed empty. Her irritability has been slowly rising every single time the Crusaders were up to their antics. She still had some level of cool left to make sure she doesn't yell at fillies.

The Cutie Mark Crusaders then attempted "chicken herders"... and of course failed. Fluttershy of course went outside and got all the chickens herded back into their pen via The Stare after the chickens initially didn't cooperate which of course made the Crusaders stare in awe of Fluttershy's skills with animals. Fluttershy still apparently wasn't to the point of scolding the Cutie Mark Crusaders for being very disruptive to the point that Spike should definitely give her a cookie.


Well... Spike is still stone.

Fluttershy then got the Crusaders back into bed then went down to her couch to take a nice sleep, taking a nice relaxing sigh as she was ready to drift off. It was at this point that the Crusaders enacted their plan, put on their capes and snuck out into the Everfree Forest to try find one of Fluttershy's lost chickens... although they never thought to check if any were missing. Scootaloo got her cape caught on the fence and ended up leaving a small piece of fabric on it when the cape tore. Fluttershy was congratulating herself for a "job well done".

Well Fluttershy, you have done a good job~ All you had to do was show them who's in charge. Good with animals, good with kids... Huh. It's quite quiet over here... Too quiet... I should check on the girls.

And check on the girls she did. Of course she should have figured, the Crusaders weren't there. Fluttershy was overwhelmed.

Transition to Sugarcube Corner.

Pinkie Pie then checked her Pinkie Alarm again as it updated.

Pinkie Alarm Levels:
Twilight Sparkle: Maximum Danger, Everfree Forest.
Spike: Maximum Danger, Everfree Forest.
Apple Bloom: In Potential Danger, Everfree Forest.
Scootaloo: In Potential Danger, Everfree Forest.
Sweetie Belle: In Potential Danger, Everfree Forest.
Fluttershy: Terrified, Fluttershy's Cottage.
Applejack: Tired but Relaxed, Sweet Apple Acres.
Rarity: Tired and Relaxed, Carousel Boutique.
Rainbow Dash: Tired yet Relaxed, Rainbow Dash's Cloud House.

No no no! Why are the Cutie Mark Crusaders going there?!?! Alright Pinkie Pie, that's enough over-preparation! Go!

Pinkie Pie jumped into her trademarked Party Cannon and aimed it to just outside of Fluttershy's Cottage and blasted herself through the ceiling of her room in Sugarcube Corner.

Transition to just outside Fluttershy's Cottage.

"INCOMING!" Pinkie yelled just as a habit as she landed with a puff of smoke right outside Fluttershy's Cottage.

She found Fluttershy outside panicking that one of her chickens wasn't there and also saw a piece of cape on one of the fences.

*sigh* They finally bit off more than they can chew. Oh dear... just like you Fluttershy. You should not have offered to take care of the Cutie Mark Crusaders. But… Spike...

"Hi Fluttershy!" Pinkie greeted with a surprisingly cheerful tone.

"Whoa! Hi Pinkie Pie," Fluttershy obviously was surprised... also it didn't help that Pinkie Pie was wearing a helmet and pillows.

"Looking for the Cutie Mark Crusaders?"

"Yes, and I am looking for Elizabeak, my chicken, as well... wait... what brought you here anyways?"

"Well, my Pinkie Alarm went off showing too much of the Harem in danger or potential danger and the location that it all said was the Everfree Forest and you live right nearby."

Of course, this conversation happened since one knows not to question Pinkie Pie.

"Sooo, you going to go and help me or what? Our goals are practically mutual, and you wouldn't want to make Spike or Rarity mad that you let the Cutie Mark Crusaders wander off in the dangers of the Everfree Forest do you?" Pinkie made a surprisingly logical point.

"But... but... fine..." Fluttershy could only stutter out.

"Good!" Pinkie smiled, "let's go!"

Pinkie Pie slapped a helmet onto Fluttershy's head then started hopping off into the Everfree Forest.

*sigh* Alright Fluttershy, let's go.

They started trotting through the Everfree Forest. This was obviously equally as scary as all the way back in Season 1 Episode 2 since it was in the dark. Surprisingly Fluttershy was still wearing the helmet that was put on her head.

Transition to where the Cutie Mark Crusaders are.

The Cutie Mark Crusaders were trotting through the Everfree Forest looking for a chicken that they weren't even sure was lost (although the reader knows that it does exist). Apple Bloom was trying out a chicken call to see if she could get the chicken to come out. Scootaloo commented on how that wasn't how it was done. Apple Bloom then made the ever so famous "Scootaloo chicken" joke. The Cutie Mark Crusaders lastly then joked about having an "arguing cutie mark". Unfortunately... the author couldn't think of a witty political joke to put here.

Transition back to Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie.

It was at this point after a little bit of exploring that Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie stumbled upon the petrified Spike and Twilight. Both mares came to the same conclusion.

"Cockatrice!" both exclaimed.

It was at this point that Pinkie Pie started bawling considering the fact that somehow she was at the end of this cruel joke. Her two loves both turned to stone without any knowledge of if they will be turned back. She didn't really want to leave the two of them there considering it was the Everfree Forest. Pinkie Pie just grabbed a tent out of her mane and then set up a campsite since of course everything had to be overdone. Fluttershy had a questionable look on her face.

"What? This is Spike and Twilight. I wouldn't be a good marefriend if I just left them here now would I? Also... you are the one who is taking care of the Cutie Mark Crusaders. See? They are right over there, how easy was that?" Pinkie Pie explained.

"Oh... right..." Fluttershy could only spew from her mouth.

Pinkie Pie then sat on a log that was near the campfire that she had dutifully set up. Fluttershy then trotted up to the Cutie Mark Crusaders.

"Girls? What are you doing here? You need to get out of here at once!" Fluttershy started.

"But we haven't found the chicken yet!" Sweetie Belle started.

Fluttershy snapped, her patience having fully run out from trying to be a good host.

"THAT'S IT! I offered to take care of you since Rarity was busy, I tried to be as hospitable as possible, I even went as far as to go to the Everfree Forest to find you. Why don't you trust my word? Do I have to prove this to you? Look over there!" Fluttershy pointed out the statues of Twilight and Spike where Pinkie Pie was just sitting down trying to keep her calm, "do you even consider the dangers?"

It was the statues of Twilight and Spike that managed to snap them out of it. The Cutie Mark Crusaders then went to join Pinkie Pie who was also almost equally frustrated since she knew from her Pinkie Alarm that they went to the Everfree Forest on their own volition.

"Girls, you know I have the Pinkie Alarm to let me know of your status, and I'm not quite happy for you putting yourselves in danger. I know I am crazy, but I am not stupid. I can clearly say that you have done a very unwise thing," Pinkie commented without even turning to look at the Cutie Mark Crusaders while staring at the campfire and the statues of her loves.

Understandably the Cutie Mark Crusaders felt very, very terrible for what they have just done to the two fellow Harem companions. They just sat on an adjacent log and held their heads down and their ears folded back as they knew that apologies were far from acceptable at this point since words mean nothing to actions.

Fluttershy then went to find her missing chicken and the cockatrice that had condemned Twilight and Spike to a petrified state. She was going to make sure that cockatrice paid. She of course found both at the same time. Of course with a few choice words and using the Stare, she put that cockatrice back in its place.

It was at this point that Twilight and Spike were released from their stone prisons. Since their thoughts just only started to resume, they were a bit surprised at first when Pinkie Pie suddenly embraced both of them in tears as she trembled. Twilight and Spike could understand why Pinkie Pie was a bit shaken from her place. They were also explained what happened with the Cutie Mark Crusaders. Twilight and Spike were understandably upset at first, but still cut them some slack since they were young and everyone has to learn somehow.

Fluttershy then arrived back at the campsite with the missing chicken. The Cutie Mark Crusaders cringed a bit since they were just lectured by the Pegasus, but Fluttershy also reassured them that she wasn't mad at them, she just didn't like their behavior in her home. Pinkie Pie suddenly cheered up and spoke out saying she wasn't mad that the Cutie Mark Crusaders since her Pinkie Alarm stabilized.

Pinkie Alarm Levels:
Twilight Sparkle: Safe, Everfree Forest.
Spike: Safe, Everfree Forest.
Apple Bloom: Safe, Everfree Forest.
Scootaloo: Safe, Everfree Forest.
Sweetie Belle: Safe, Everfree Forest.
Fluttershy: Safe, Everfree Forest.
Applejack: Sleeping, Sweet Apple Acres.
Rarity: Beauty Sleeping, Carousel Boutique.
Rainbow Dash: Not Napping but Actually Sleeping, Rainbow Dash's Cloud House.

After packing the campsite back in Pinkie Pie's mane after extinguishing the campfire, the Cutie Mark Crusaders were returned back to Fluttershy's Cottage and went to sleep at last in bed. Fluttershy was able to finally get some good sleep on her couch after returning her chicken to the chicken pen. Pinkie Pie was still relatively shaken up from the Twilight and Spike statue fiasco. It was a little bit hard for the purple duo to understand at first since their thoughts all ceased when they turned to stone, but they knew that it would probably be traumatizing. They let Pinkie Pie stay the rest of the night with them at the Golden Oaks Library.

"I'm so sorry... I'm so sorry... I should have been there," Pinkie could only repeat over and over since she felt like she failed Spike and Twilight.

"Relax Pinkie Pie, we're here now, clearly not stone anymore," Spike reassured her as he gave the party pony a nice backrub since the claws have it.

Twilight was just running her hoof through Pinkie Pie's mane to help her relax. Eventually Pinkie Pie fell asleep with a small content smile on her face. Spike and Twilight both gave her a goodnight kiss each then had a small conversation on their bed.

"So... turned to stone huh?" Spike commented.

"Yeah... I have no recollection of the memories of being stone, but I think suddenly seeing Pinkie Pie, nighttime, and a campsite is enough justification that we were indeed statues..." Twilight replied.

"Poor Pinkie Pie... she didn't deserve this."

"Yep... But she still is able to keep a smile on her face, even now," Twilight pointed out the smile on the sleeping Pinkie Pie.

After a shared bath and a small midnight snack, Spike and Twilight joined Pinkie Pie in bed and drifted off as well.

Transition to next day.

Pinkie Pie had her usual happy smile on again and had returned to Sugarcube Corner to get right back to work after breakfast with Twilight and Spike. Twilight and Spike went off to Fluttershy's Cottage to go pick up Scootaloo as well as Apple Bloom since Applejack was busy with morning chores. They found Fluttershy with the Cutie Mark Crusaders happily playing around in the fields around Fluttershy's Cottage. Fluttershy cheerfully greeted the two of them and went to make some tea (this tea was not the type Twilight and Spike were going for, but of course they would probably not want to be going back to the Everfree Forest for right now). She then called in the Cutie Mark Crusaders for a small chat as a group as well as a nice tea party. Fluttershy is a genius. Scootaloo was quite happy to see her sister again. Fluttershy was telling the tale of what happened with the cockatrice albeit it being a bit short as they sipped on their tea. It was at this point the Cutie Mark Crusaders thought up of another name for Fluttershy.

"You're the Stare Master!" the Cutie Mark Crusaders all chirped.

This statement of course elicited a giggle from all of them. It was at this point that Rarity arrived to pick up Sweetie Belle. She was pretty much invited to join in on the tea party, to which she obviously accepted since it was her kind of thing. Rarity was surprised as well as impressed at the fact that Fluttershy was able to handle the Cutie Mark Crusaders, especially since they were sitting around the table as well. Fluttershy just joked that she was "good with animals, good with kids".

It was at this point that Spike remembered something from a few paragraphs up.

"Oh yeah Fluttershy, here you go~ I don't know what force made me have the urge to do this, but have a cookie," Spike handed Fluttershy a cookie.

"Oh... well this will go good with the tea," was all Fluttershy could reply.

At the end of all their tea party conversations, Rarity took Sweetie Belle home, Twilight and Spike took Apple Bloom and Scootaloo home and Fluttershy said her goodbyes.

Well Fluttershy, you have done good for real this time~

Fluttershy then started doing a victory kind of dance which of course got her some weird stares from her animals to which she squee'd and then went back into her Cottage to get on with her day.

End Theme with Credits.

Next Chapter: Original S1E18: The Spike Stoppers Estimated time remaining: 2 Hours, 30 Minutes
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