
My Little Pony: Friendship is Spike

by CubexTrain

Chapter 16: Original S1E18: The Spike Stoppers

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Applejack was watching over the Cutie Mark Crusaders as they were at Sweet Apple Acres for another one of their meetings. After a small moment of reminiscing about her fillyhood, she remembered a clubhouse that she and the rest of the Mane 5 used to play in. She decided it was time to pass it on to the Cutie Mark Crusaders since they were the young ones after all.

She brought the Cutie Mark Crusaders to the dilapidated remains of the clubhouse she used to use. The place was a lot worse for wear. Understandably the Crusaders were a bit unsure on how they were to turn such a place into a great hangout joint as that was Applejack's intention. Luckily for this universe, Scootaloo withheld her "TLC" sneer.


Scootaloo was busy scooting around like her namesake making a map of locations in Ponyville that are of interest. She did as many fancy tricks as she could on her way back to the Cutie Mark Crusader Clubhouse. When she arrived, she was surprised at how much better it looked already. Turns out it was Apple Bloom who did all the repairs, and quite fast as well. Scootaloo was impressed of course since this was a filly that did all that work.

It was then that Scootaloo inquired about what Sweetie Belle was doing around. They then heard the sound of beautiful singing coming from a nearby area. Turns out that Sweetie Belle was dusting off one of the benches nearby while singing and humming.

"See? I told you that you can find her by her totally awesome voice," Apple Bloom commented.

Sweetie Belle then jumped from the sudden voice.

"Whoa! Hi Apple Bloom," was her surprised response.

"So, what was that nice song you were singing?" Apple Bloom inquired.

"Oh, it's just our new Cutie Mark Crusaders theme song, it's a work in progress as I've only got one part done," Sweetie Belle commented.

"COOL!" was Apple Bloom and Scootaloo's excited response.

"Want to teach us?" Scootaloo asked.

"Of course!" Sweetie Belle finished.

Later in the day, Sweetie Belle followed through with her words. In the fully christened Cutie Mark Crusader Clubhouse, Sweetie Belle was teaching the theme song. It was at this point that Applejack had a small break in her farm work and wanted to check on her sister and friends to see how they were doing as well as check out the clubhouse.

Applejack was indeed impressed at how much better the clubhouse looked compared to before it's refurbishment. She trotted up the ramp and looked in through the window and heard singing.

"They all say that you will get your mark

When the time is really right," Sweetie Belle began.

Applejack smiled.

Of course, Sweetie Belle has the wonderful singing voice.

"And you know just what you're supposed to do," Apple Bloom continued.

Applejack then had a warm hearted smile on her face.

Didn't know that my sister has a decent singing voice as well. I mean, it isn't as good as Sweetie Belle's, but it is still a good one at that.

"AND YOUR TALENT COMES TO LIGHT!" Scootaloo screeched.

Applejack winced.

Oh... um... well then.

Applejack then shook her head out of the acoustic shock she just witnessed.

"Well, uh... I'll be, Cutie Mark Crusaders. You've done a fine job with this place. So, what's next on your agenda?" Applejack made her presence known.

"Oh! Hi sis! Well, now that we have a clubhouse..." Apple Bloom began.

"...and a map of Ponyville..." Scootaloo continued.

"...and a Cutie Mark Crusaders theme song..." Sweetie Belle continued furthermore.

"Theme Song? Oh..." Applejack first questioned then remembered the singing she heard earlier.

"We're gonna go out into the world and discover our talents and earn our cutie marks," Apple Bloom matter-of-factly explained.

It was at this point things started to escalate quickly.

"We'll leave no stone unturned!" Apple Bloom started the escalation.

"No mountain unclimbed!" Scootaloo continued.

"No meal uncooked!" Sweetie Belle still yet continued.

"No sock unworn!" Apple Bloom attempted to continue, but then realized what she just said and blushed. Smooth.

"Well okay then! Sounds like you have a plan. I gotta... uh... leave no apple unpicked! See y'all later!" Applejack cut them off before the statements could get any weirder than what Apple Bloom had just said.

Apple Bloom then tried to recover herself.

"So... we ready?" she asked.

"READY!" was the response from the other Crusaders.

Since they were already at the farm, they decided to try pig feeders and failed.

They went to Sugarcube Corner where Scootaloo convinced Pinkie Pie to let them try make taffy. Pinkie Pie caved in and let them since Scootaloo was Twilight's sister, and she was dating the unicorn as well as the fact that all the Cutie Mark Crusaders were part of the Harem and she did make it her duty to take care of the group. Either way, the taffy making idea failed as well and got them covered in taffy which Pinkie Pie had to dispose of as well as give the Cutie Mark Crusaders all a bath.

They tried the Carousel Boutique and mane styling (of course while Rarity was out on errands)... well they ended up making one of the customers looking like a clown... which of course counted as a failure.

They went to the Sweet Apple Acre's apple orchard to attempt psychic reading since it was a wide open area... and as the reader should have figured out by now, failed.

They tried "mountain climbing" on one of the small rock hills on the outskirts of Ponyville... and failed... although a hill isn't a mountain.

They tried "deep sea diving" in one of the lakes near Ponyville and... somehow ended up being chased by a squid.

It was at this point they got frustrated and decided to the Golden Oaks Library mainly since they all looked up to Twilight to different extents. When they got there they entered and saw the books on the shelves. They got the idea to be librarians, but a certain drakefriend of theirs was not so keen on the idea.

It was then that the Cutie Mark Crusaders decided to enact a plan.

"Come on Spike, we're fillies just trying to find our place in the world," Apple Bloom batted her eyes at Spike.

"We live in the same place, Spike, I've already had access to the books for a long time," Scootaloo put a hoof around Spike.

"Spike, you wouldn't deny your fillyfriends fillyhood memories now would you?" Sweetie Belle flicked her tail at Spike's nose.

The Cutie Mark Crusaders pretty much loaded Spike up on cute. All flirting from the three fillies was enough to send Spike into overload. The drake fainted from cute fillyfriend overload. This allowed the Cutie Mark Crusaders to utilize the library and attempt Cutie Mark Crusaders librarians.

They attempted to be librarians and ended up with all the books on the ground. It was at this point that Twilight trotted into the library with Cheerilee. Spike got up from his stupor and saw the scene before him. When he saw Twilight, he cowered a bit.

"I had nothing to do with this," Spike matter-of-factly spoke, "kinda hard to say no when you get seduced by three cute fillies that you are dating."

Twilight just chuckled.

"Heh," was the only sound that came out of her mouth.

The Cutie Mark Crusaders who popped their heads out of the pile of books then noticed Twilight.

"Oh, hi sis! Just attempting Cutie Mark Crusaders librarians with the group," Scootaloo commented with a closed-eyed smile and a squee.

Twilight then looked at the camera with a "really?" face.

"Girls, I think you're going about this the wrong way. Instead of trying to do things in areas you're not familiar with, why not try doing things in areas that you already like?" she matter-of-factly spoke.

Cheerilee, their teacher who happened to be there totally not because of plot convenience, remembered one of the things that the school was preparing for.

"Oh! I have the perfect thing for this. Have a look," Cheerilee pulled out a brochure from one of her saddlebags.

She explained that it was for a talent show. Since the Cutie Mark Crusaders have yet to find their skill, it would be a perfect place to try find their cutie mark. The Cutie Mark Crusaders were understandably very excited and started naming off random acts.

This caused Twilight to look at the camera with a "really?" face again.

She reiterated on what she said before, "You're missing the point. Think about the things you already enjoy doing. Think about what you're already good at."

Twilight just sighed after saying that. The Cutie Mark Crusaders then started planning for their act in the show.

The next day, a lot of racket could be heard around Ponyville as the Cutie Mark Crusaders went around in their scooter/cart combo gathering up all the items they were going to use in their talent show act. This included Rarity raging at her younger sister again, but this time for "borrowing" her supplies.

They also took a stop at the Golden Oaks Library to borrow a book. When Twilight saw the title of the book they were borrowing, she was understandably concerned.

"'Ghosts, Goblins, and Ghoulish Figures'? What do you need a book like this for?" Twilight commented as she gave the book to them through her magic.

"Oh, you'll see sis. We'll get the book back to you as soon as we can!" Scootaloo commented as she and the rest of the Cutie Mark Crusaders departed.

Twilight just stood in the doorway blinking a couple of times before passing a comment to Spike.

"What do you think they're up to Spike?" she asked.

"I have no idea, and I don't know if I should be excited or scared," Spike matter-of-factly commented.

Transition to Cutie Mark Crusader Clubhouse.

The reason the Cutie Mark Crusaders needed all that stuff they collected was that their plan was to perform a "super awesome dramatic song" as Scootaloo put it, "super-cool scenery and amazing costumes" as Sweetie Belle put it and "mind-blowing dance moves" as Apple Bloom put it.

To start their planning, they needed to assign who was doing what. Apple Bloom had suggested Sweetie Belle do the singing which got a negative response as Sweetie Belle wanted to be like her sister and work on the costumes. Apple Bloom then suggested that Scootaloo do the choreography since she does good moves on her scooters which also got a negative response as Scootaloo wanted to do the songwriting. Scootaloo lastly suggested that makes Apple Bloom do the dance routine to which she agreed to. Surprisingly convenient...

It was at this point the author got frustrated and stood up from his desk to take some time off from the previous, derp inducing paragraph.








FINE! I'll get back to writing.

It was quite obvious that their act for the talent show wasn't coming together as planned. It got to the point that Scootaloo had to show Apple Bloom how to choreography properly, Sweetie Belle had to show Scootaloo how to write a song after Scootaloo planted her face on the piano she was using a few times as well as Sweetie Belle chasing "dumb fabric" and Apple Bloom having to point out to Sweetie Belle how to fashion and build the set pieces.

Applejack had come to check up on the Cutie Mark Crusaders who were now in the clubhouse wrapping up all their preparations. Lots of pain could be heard from within the clubhouse to which Applejack had winced at. When asked how they did, Applejack was indeed speechless.

Speechless is right...

Transition to the Talent Show.

The Cutie Mark Crusaders were waiting for all of the other acts to complete which included Snips and Snails sort of performing magic as well as Sunny Daze and Peachy Pie reciting their favorite poem on roller skates. The rest of the Mane 6 were in the audience to watch since Harem. Spike was backstage already since he was to help make sure everything goes smoothly. It was at this point that Twilight arrived backstage to check up on the young ones of the Harem.

"Cutie Mark Crusaders! How are you doing?" Twilight greeted.

"Nervous..." was the unanimous reply.

"Don't worry. You're going to be amazing. Remember, stick to what you know best. I can't wait to hear you sing, Sweetie Belle," Twilight happily chirped with a closed eyed smile.

"Why does everypony think that I'm going to sing?" Sweetie Belle commented.

"Actually sis, I'm the main singer," Scootaloo spoke the reason why.

Twilight went wide eyed and looked at the camera with a shocked expression.

"Oh?" was all she could blab out.

"And I'm the main dancer!" Apple Bloom continued.

"Oh...?" Twilight slurred out.

"And I'm in charge of--" Sweetie Belle began.

"Costumes?" Twilight finished, knowing the list of items for their act having been explained by Applejack.

"And sets and props," Sweetie Belle finished.

Twilight looked at the camera with a "please help me" expression.

"Really, girls? Are you sure...?" Twilight tried to question.

It was at this point that the Cutie Mark Crusaders were called up on the stage to perform their theme song... and perform their theme song they did. As expected, it was a chaotic mess and ended up with the set collapsing on them. The audience then laughed which caused the Cutie Mark Crusaders to then slink off the stage with their ears folded back.

They were moping around when Cheerilee called them out for awards which Spike was presenting. As all young filly competitions have, almost every act gets an award. The Cutie Mark Crusaders had won the best comedy act award. Spike made sure to give each Crusader a kiss as he presented their awards. They were excited to the point that they checked if they got their cutie marks. When they checked, they were disappointed to find that they didn't get their cutie marks.

Twilight was still backstage and was there to congratulate them on a job well done.

"Congratulations Cutie Mark Crusaders! A job well done," Twilight genuinely smiled.

"Thanks, Twilight," was their sad response.

"Hey, you don't sound too excited," Twilight commented on their tone of voice.

"We worked really hard and won a prize, but still don't have our cutie marks," Scootaloo explained.

"Which is the prize we really wanted," Sweetie Belle finished.

"Oh, girls..." Twilight tried to start the same explanation that she tried near the middle of the episode.

"But we think we know why," Apple Bloom started a new train of thought.

These words were enough to get Twilight's ears to perk up.

Did they finally get the message?

"Oh? Tell me. I'd love to make a special report to the Princess," Twilight was quite interested at this point considering how much she pushed the same point throughout this episode.

"Well, maybe we were trying to hard," Sweetie Belle began.

"Yes? And?" Twilight's eyes started to sparkle and widen.

"And instead of forcing ourselves to do things that aren't meant for us..." Scootaloo continued.

"Yes? Yes?" Twilight started to smile as her eyes sparkled like her namesake.

"We each should be embracing our true talent!" Apple Bloom finished.

"And that is...?" Twilight had a full on smile on at this point as she could feel the epic lesson coming on.

"Comedy!!!" the Cutie Mark Crusaders blared.

*Record Scratch*

Twilight went wide eyed again, double take looked at the camera, then pushed the pause button on the episode.

"You know what? I think that's enough of that," Twilight spoke to the reader/audience.

She then opened a door within the scene and stepped outside into a white space where Pinkie Pie was sitting at a table sipping on some tea.

"Oh hi Twilight! What brings you here today?" Pinkie Pie greeted with a smile.

"Eh, just Episode stuff," Twilight sat down opposite of Pinkie Pie and grabbed a tea cup and also started to drink some tea.

"That bad huh?"


The two mares then just made small talk in the nice peaceful and quiet white space. Pinkie Pie had even offered Twilight a massage to which the unicorn did not deny since she was quite stressed out over this Episode being so derpy. Twilight then lied down on her stomach on the massage table that was totally just there. Twilight let out sighs of relief as Pinkie Pie worked her hooves into her back, her ears flopping in happiness. After some time, Spike opened the door to the white space.

"You two ready to finish this episode? I think the reader wants this story to continue," Spike called out.

"Yep, just about... done!" Pinkie Pie chirped as she finished getting Twilight all relaxed.

Twilight then gave Pinkie Pie a small nuzzle and the two of them exited the white space. The three of them positioned themselves right in front of the Cutie Mark Crusaders. Pinkie Pie then pushed the resume button and everything went back to action. Understandably the Cutie Mark Crusaders were surprised to see Pinkie Pie and Spike right next to Twilight all of a sudden.

When asked how they got there, Pinkie Pie and Spike just giggled with a smile and replied, "we have no idea!"

Twilight continued right were the Episode left off.

"That's good to know girls," Twilight put on a fake smile in response.

It was then that the rest of the Mane 6 arrived back stage to congratulate their sisters/other Harem members on the awards. The Cutie Mark Crusaders then rushed over to the four mares there to chat about the talent show.

Meanwhile, Twilight just looked at the camera and said the final line of the Episode.

"One day... *giggle* One day..."

She then sighed and flopped onto the ground to add dramatic effect. She had a peaceful expression on her face that spoke how thankful she was that the Episode was over. Spike and Pinkie Pie just laughed at how this Episode went down.

End Theme with Credits.

Next Chapter: Original S1E19: A Spike and Pony Show Estimated time remaining: 2 Hours, 17 Minutes
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