
My Little Pony: Friendship is Spike

by CubexTrain

Chapter 14: Original S1E16: Spike Rainboom

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Fluttershy was learning how to cheer from her fillyhood friend Rainbow Dash, the Cutie Mark Crusaders were there to watch and help.

"Now, what have we learned?" Rainbow finished her teaching of "how to cheer".

"Loss of control," Fluttershy began.


"Screaming and hollering."

"Yes, and most importantly?"


"Right! So now that you know the elements of a good cheer, let's hear one."

Fluttershy attempted to cheer, but...

"*inhales* Yay."

And I thought we were soft.


Spike's sweet. *dreamy sigh*

Rainbow Dash wasn't having any of it.

"Ugh. You're gonna cheer for me like that? Louder," she ordered.





"*deep breath*"

It was at this point that the Cutie Mark Crusaders had enough of Fluttershy.

"YAY!" The Cutie Mark Crusaders boomed.

"Oh... Thank you girls, but... we're trying to train Fluttershy," Rainbow commented then sighed.

"Was that too loud?" Fluttershy had finished giving her cheer that was drowned out completely.

At this point, Rainbow Dash had pushed the quit button and flopped over on her back with a "thud".


A little time later, Rainbow Dash decided to practice her routine for the Best Young Flyer Competition.

"Yay," Fluttershy cheered.

"YOU GO RAINBOW DASH!" The Cutie Mark Crusaders cheered loudly.

Rainbow Dash finished phase one of her routine successfully.

"Wooo," Fluttershy continued cheering.

"YEAH!" The Cutie Mark Crusaders boomed.

Rainbow Dash finished phase two of her routine successfully. All she had to do now was the Sonic Rainboom.

"Way to go," Fluttershy... cheered...

"YOU GOT THIS RAINBOW DASH!" The Cutie Mark Crusaders finished.

"Here we go. Sonic Rainboom!" Rainbow exclaimed.

She began her dive, flapping her wings to make sure she could push past the sound barrier unlike her Prime Universe Counterpart. The Cutie Mark Crusaders and Fluttershy's eyes widened as it looked like the technicolor Pegasus was going to make it.





Unfortunately for Rainbow Dash, she couldn't seem to push past the sound barrier.

"Uh oh," Rainbow commented.

Rainbow Dash was shot out of the Rainboom-like slingshot screaming like a filly. The Cutie Mark Crusaders and Fluttershy were shaken out of their trance as Rainbow Dash was flung.

"That's not good," Apple Bloom commented.

"Should we go find her?" Scootaloo asked.

"Yeah. Looks like she's going to crash into the Library," Sweetie Belle finished.

Fluttershy just meeped. The Cutie Mark Crusaders threw Fluttershy into their cart and Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle jumped in after her. Scootaloo jumped on her scooter that was attached to said cart and sped towards the Golden Oaks Library.

Meanwhile, at the Golden Oaks Library.

"WHOA!!!" Rainbow Dash crashed through the window of the organized library which sent Pinkie Pie toppling on Twilight as well as knocking off all the books on the shelves.

Rainbow Dash crashed into a pile of books after bursting the window.

After things had settled, Rainbow Dash had called for a meeting at the Golden Oaks Library with all of the Mane 6, Cutie Mark Crusaders, and Spike.

"So, what did ya call us all here for Rainbow Dash?" Applejack inquired.

"Well... I wanted to invite you girls to come to Cloudsdale to see me compete in the Best Young Flyer Competition! I mean, we've all been there for each other's competitions right? *cough*," Rainbow commented, not wanting to remember Season 1 Episode 13.

"You do have a point there Rainbow Dash, and I would love to see the competition. After all, it's not everyday that you get to be in Cloudsdale," Rarity made a point.

"But... the only problem is that only Pegasus ponies can walk on clouds. And Cloudsdale is a city made completely of clouds," Rainbow sighed.

"*cough* Magical Unicorn with quite the prowess here," Pinkie Pie pointed at her marefriend.

"Oh," Rainbow matter-of-factly commented.

"Yeah... I'm sure I can find a spell in this library somewhere..." Twilight started looking on the clean bookshelves.

"Ooo! Here you go Twilight!" Pinkie chirped as she found a book that could be of use.

Twilight looked through the book and found a cloudwalking spell.

I need to remember to ask Pinkie Pie to look for books for me more often.

"Ah! Here we go! This spell looks about right!" Twilight exclaimed like a little filly, "who wants to go first?"

"For Rainbow Dash, I will go first," Rarity commented.

"Alright, hold still."

Twilight finished the spell successfully. The group decided to go outside to test if the spell worked on Rarity. Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash grabbed a cloud down from the sky so Rarity could hop on it. The fashion pony of course did so. Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy raised the cloud off of the ground slowly. Rarity stayed on the cloud as it went up.

"Yep! Looks like it works Twilight," Rainbow confirmed.

That was the green light that the spell would work. They had decided to test the spell on Spike just to make sure it worked on dragons. Well...

Huh. That spell worked on Spike as well. Who would have thought how convenient this spell is?

Now that they all will be able to walk on clouds, they agreed to go back to their homes to relax for tomorrow, the day of the competition and a wonderful date in Cloudsdale. Well... a certain technicolor Pegasus who was freaking out.

Oh my gosh why did I have to invite all of them. I already practiced the Sonic Rainboom so many times and wasn't able to do it! Aw... now Spike won't think I'm cool enough for him... Wait why am I thinking that? Spike already loves 3 fillies and 5 mares, what's not to say that he'll love me too? I am the Element of Loyalty, practically one of the key components in love, he knows I'll be loyal to him... Screw it Rainbow Dash! You have waited 16 Episodes and now it's time for you to show him what you got!

Rainbow Dash tossed and turned in her cloud bed as her thoughts went back and forth about whether it was a bright or bonehead idea to invite all of her friends to watch her compete, Spike in particular.

Transition to the Next Day. It is now the day of the Best Young Flyer Competition.

The Harem plus Rainbow Dash woke up and went through their usual morning routines including a good breakfast, Rainbow Dash making sure to eat very hearty for the competition. They all met at the Golden Oaks Library as that was the usual meeting place, cliched as it is. Twilight had already gotten a hold of the Twinkling Balloon again so the non-Pegasi would be able to get up to Cloudsdale. But what Twilight, Spike, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Rarity, Applejack, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo weren't expecting was what Rainbow Dash did immediately as she trotted into the door as she was the last to arrive.

Rainbow Dash gave Spike a big smooch on the lips. As in a full on kiss kind of smooch. Pony jaws all dropped nearly to the ground.

"You know what Spike, I think 16 Episodes is more than enough for a wait for me to get into the Harem don't you think? I represent the Element of Loyalty for crying out loud. You already have the other 5 Elements as well as their younger sisters you know. As much as I should feel insulted at this, my loyalty to you will stay because I love you," Rainbow matter-of-factly explains.

"You know, all you had to do was ask. I thought loyalty comes before your 'awesomeness' the last time I checked," Spike matter-of-factly replied.

Rainbow just thudded onto the ground again from that and let out a grunt in frustration.

Well he does make a very good point there. Now I feel dumb.

After that quick Harem induction happened, Twilight set up the cloudwalking spell on all the non-Pegasi. That was a total of 7 ponies/dragon that needed it. All the non-Pegasi plus Scootaloo loaded themselves into the Twinkling Balloon. Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy guided the Balloon to Cloudsdale. A few eyebrows were raised at the sight of non-Pegasi ponies trotting/walking on clouds when the completed Season 1 Harem arrived and hopped off. They were given a tour of the city by Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy. One of the main stops was the weather factory. Of course Twilight went totally filly like to finally be able to see the snowflakes and rainbows be made by the hoof. Pinkie Pie attempted to taste the rainbow... literally... and wasn't quite satisfied by the taste of liquid rainbow.

"SPICY!!!!!!!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed before going and chomping down on a cloud.

The rest of the Harem was mostly amused at Twilight and Pinkie Pie's moments at the weather factory. Meanwhile, Rainbow Dash was still getting cold hooves about performing.

Nope, I can't do this... NO! Rainbow Dash you can do this! You are awesome! Rainbows! Yeah... Darn it.

They finished their tour and enjoyed seeing a different species' culture and such. They were a little bit pressed for time since they had to get Rainbow Dash to the backstage of the competition. They got Rainbow Dash to the backstage in time and then took their seats all together on one of the cloud bleachers. It was then that a concession Pegasus came around selling cotton candy that was essentially made from clouds. Fluttershy explained to them that it was one of the common snacks of Cloudsdale. All the other ponies and Spike were quite eager to try out this treat since they never really were able to "eat" clouds (aside from Pinkie Pie who doused the liquid rainbow via cloud). After trying a sample each, all of the Harem pretty much went crazy and they ordered seven bags of the treat to share among all of them.

Twilight and Pinkie Pie shared, Fluttershy and Rarity shared, the Cutie Mark Crusaders all shared and Applejack and Spike shared.

Pinkie Pie had made a comment on how this tasted much better than liquid rainbow or regular clouds since she had that unpleasant experience. Applejack was just happy that there was apple flavor... well then. Rarity considered this to be an "elegant but simple" treat. The Cutie Mark Crusaders all just happily munched down, not really having anything to input on the commentating level. Twilight was having another overload of her tasting systems as she never really was able to taste cotton candy for that matter as her eyes went dilate. Spike... well he was just eating like the Cutie Mark Crusaders were. Fluttershy was just munching contentedly for the most part, glad to be back in her hometown.

Rainbow Dash was still having breakdowns at the backstage as performers slowly went up one by one. She even resorted to switching her number to keep delaying her performance. Understandably the Harem was mostly concerned at what was taking the usually confident Pegasus so long.

"She never would back down from a challenge... Ah mean considering I'm the one she usually challenges," Applejack commented.

It finally was Rainbow Dash's turn to go. She attempted to perform her first and second phases of her routine... but all that amounted in was a cloud splatting Princess Celestia, the guest of honor, in the face. Funny enough, the cloud stuck to her face and made the shape of a troll face, making a joke very obvious. The Princess shook off the cloud and then glared at the camera for the reader laughing at her.

When it came time to do her final phase of her routine, the Sonic Rainboom, the Harem started cheering like wild... well...

"Yay," was Fluttershy's cheer.

Everypony else plus drake were pretty much going wild since they were excited to see this awesome move.

It was all fun and games for the Harem until all that jumping and cheering caused Scootaloo to fall off the cloud and start plummeting towards the ground. The whole crowd gasped at the sight. The Wonderbolts who were the judges were too busy talking among themselves to notice considering they were inconsiderate jerks in most of the episodes... upcoming and right now.

“SCOOTALOO!” Twilight yelped out.

Twilight attempted to jump off after her, forgetting all about the fact she didn’t have wings, but luckily Pinkie Pie pulled her back from doing a stupid thing.

Scootaloo started panicking. Rainbow Dash saw her friend’s sister plummeting towards the ground.

Oh my gosh! I have to go save her! Forget the competition, I didn't need to win this anyways!

Rainbow Dash started flying a beeline straight for Scootaloo. The flightless filly Pegasus saw Rainbow Dash headed for her.

And here goes the little flightless orphan. *sigh*

Tears welled up in Scootaloo's eyes as she had no way to go but down into the ground. Rainbow Dash continued pushing her speed further with her wings, not willing to give up on saving her friend. All eyes (except the Wonderbolts) were on Rainbow Dash as they noticed her nearing the sound barrier. Pinkie Pie held her breath as she clung to Twilight quite tightly to the point the purple Unicorn almost lost circulation. Rarity, being the drama queen she is, shook Fluttershy silly as she spouted a long soliloquy about the horror of dying by "splat". Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle clung onto Spike. Applejack just closed her eyes, took off her hat and put it over her heart.

COME ON! I got this!

Rainbow Dash caught up to Scootaloo and caught her. Said filly was understandably whimpering. It was then that Rainbow Dash then broke the sound barrier and created the Sonic Rainboom again after so many years of failed attempts. Pinkie Pie released her breath and regained her breath as Twilight patted her back. Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle released Spike. As for Fluttershy...

"A Sonic Rainboom! She did it! She did it! WOOO-HOOOO!" Fluttershy yelled much to the surprise of the rest of the Harem there.

Rainbow Dash flew around the top of the Cloudeseum to slow down her speed to make sure her friend’s sister didn't go splat from sudden slowdown. Physics.

"There there, it's alright now Scootaloo, I'm here for you," Rainbow reassured.

Scootaloo just cuddled up to Rainbow Dash as her breathing slowed down and tears dried up. Rainbow Dash flew back to the Harem's bleachers and set Scootaloo down and landed nearby.

"Thank you so much Rainbow Dash!" Twilight thanked Rainbow Dash.

Twilight went all “older sister” on Scootaloo and checked every part of her to make sure she was all fine while the rest of the Harem went and congratulated Rainbow Dash.

Meanwhile... the Wonderbolts were getting slapped over the back of the head by Princess Celestia herself. This heroic act of Rainbow Dash pretty much solidified the decision that she won for a hilarious (the troll face cloud) yet heartwarming (saving Scootaloo) performance.

Princess Celestia herself decided to present the grand prize to Rainbow Dash for these two feats. Rainbow Dash knelt as the Princess put the crown on her head.

"I see you finally got in on him," the Princess whispered into Rainbow's ear.

"Ahaha..." Rainbow squee'd.

After all the awkwardness of chatting with the Princess, the Harem decided to finally have lunch in Cloudsdale before finally returning to Ponyville. It was interesting in the sense that there was ten of them all sharing a booth somehow... but luckily since clouds were malleable the restaurant was able to accommodate all of them. Spike sat in between Twilight and Pinkie Pie, Scootaloo sat next to Twilight, Applejack sat next to Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy and Rarity sat next to each other, Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle sat next to their sisters. All that can be said was that Pegasi cuisine was a nice departure from the usual hay burgers or daffodil and daisy sandwich.

NO! No daffodil and daisy sandwiches!

They all finished eating and then took a group photo at one of the edges of Cloudsdale that overlooked Ponyville. They all kept a copy and enjoyed the sunset from the clouds then returned back to Ponyville using the Twinkling Balloon and Rainbow Dash's and Fluttershy's guidance. It was indeed a great day for Rainbow Dash. The Harem all went back to their houses, had a light dinner, bathed, then relaxed before finally going to bed, mostly happy and filled with dreams of... well... Spike… duh.

End Theme with Credits

But what’s this? It seems as if little Scootaloo is having trouble sleeping. She tossed and turned in the bed that she shared with Twilight and Spike. This resulted in the purple duo being roused from their sleep.

“Huh? What is with all of this?” both of them stirred.

Scootaloo tried to hide under the sheets with a small blush and squee as she didn’t know she was being that restless.

“Oh, Scootaloo, are you alright?” Twilight asked her younger sister.

Scootaloo looked at Spike and Twilight, knowing that she probably won’t be getting out of this one, them being the friendship student and assistant.

“*sigh* Alright, so… I haven’t really been feeling the best ever since falling off of Cloudsdale. I don’t know if you have noticed this, but I’m a flightless Pegasus. A lot of bullying has targeted me since of that. Throwing being an orphan on top of that kinda piles on the junk that is my life don’t you think?”

“Oi! Scootaloo, you know you’re more important than that!” Spike blurted out.


“*cough* What I think we mean to say is that just since you can’t fly, doesn’t mean that you are severely disabled. I know you may want change: flight and all that stuff. But still, isn’t it clear that we love you for who you are? Here we are, six months since we’ve met, and I’ve adopted you, treat you as an equal in Harem and family, and don’t think any less of you even now,” Twilight rephrased.

Scootaloo was moved by such feels that Twilight was inducing. She realized that although things might have been bad back then, it is better to always look on the bright side of life. Although certain changes are good, it’s also pretty good to have other things stay the same as well. She decided to continue being the flightless Pegasus that can scoot who is sister to the Princess’s protege and fillyfriend to the greatest dragon.

Spike wrapped his arms around Scootaloo protectively while Twilight stroked the filly’s mane. Never again would she doubt her life ever again. It was then, and truly then, that all was peaceful in Ponyville as everypony was able to get some shuteye.

Zoom out of nighttime Ponyville with Cloudsdale in the background.

Fade to Black.

Next Chapter: Original S1E17: Spike and the Stare Master Estimated time remaining: 2 Hours, 54 Minutes
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