
My Little Pony: Friendship is Spike

by CubexTrain

Chapter 13: Original S1E15: Feeling Spikie Keen

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Twilight was playing around with her magic again as usual. Spike was very trusting of this marefriend mainly since this was the one he knew for the longest time. Twilight required Spike to be focused on her, but Spike was being distracted by his other marefriend Pinkie Pie acting quite strange. This of course caused Twilight to lose focus and end up NOT transforming the rock that was on Spike's head into a top hat to finish his tuxedo although he already had one since Season 1 Episode 3.

"OOF!" Spike got nailed in the head with the rock that was supposed to be a top hat.

"Spike! You know this magic requires not just my full attention you know. There's no other way!" Twilight complained.

"Easy for you to say, but look over there at Pinkie Pie!"

Pinkie Pie was indeed acting a bit more herself that herself would normally be. She was wearing an umbrella hat and sneaking around from under porches of Ponyville citizens' houses. Twilight then understood what Spike was being distracted by. The pair decided to approach Pinkie Pie and see what's going on.

"Hmm... Twitchy twitcha twitcha twitch," Pinkie commented about her tail.

"Pinkie Pie? What in the wide-wide-world of Equestria are you up to?" Twilight began.

Pinkie Pie shoved her tail in Twilight's face, "Oh, it's my tail! It's a-twitch a-twitchin'! And you know what that means!"

Twilight and Spike just looked at the camera with a "really?" look on her face.

"Um, no Pinkie, we don't know what that means," Twilight matter-of-factly inquired.

"This twitchin' means that my Pinkie Sense is telling me that stuff is going to start falling! You should duck for cover," Pinkie matter-of-factly explained like there was nothing wrong with that statement.

Twilight thought that she knew what Pinkie Pie was talking about.

"Oh, Pinkie, it's not going to rain. Why there's barely a cloud in the--" Twilight was unable to finish as...

"LOOK OUT!" A certain pegasus exclaimed.



"Aha, sorry sis, was trying out a new trick on my scooter," Scootaloo responded.

"No... Worries..." Twilight groaned from under the weight of her younger sister and scooter combined.

Scootaloo then gave a quick kiss to Spike and then scooted along her way. Twilight dusted herself off.

Well... that was interesting.

It was at this point that Fluttershy was flying overhead with a whole bunch of frogs.

"Oh dear Twilight, are you ok?" she inquired.

"Yeah, I'm fine."

"Oh, alright then," Fluttershy continued along her merry way.

Spike was a bit confused.

"Wait, why was Fluttershy carrying all those frogs?" Spike asked.

"Ooo! Fluttershy told me she was taking all of those frogs to Froggy Bottom Bogg!" Pinkie jumped in the conversation.


"Anyways Twilight, whatcha' doin'?" Pinkie excitedly continued while still wearing the umbrella hat.

The three of them started trotting/walking.

"Well I was trying to practice magic, transmutation to be exact, and well then... you happened," Twilight spoke.

"Ooo! Fun!" Pinkie then had another Pinkie Sense, another tail twitch, "Something else is going to fall!"

At this, Spike and Pinkie Pie stopped to look around for items that could possibly fall, Twilight giving Spike a questioning look saying "you can't be serious" as she continued to trot.

"What? Twilight, she's one of my marefriends, I should trust her shouldn't I?" Spike explained.

"Oh please Spike, there's hardly anything else that can fa-- WAH!!!" Twilight exclaimed as she fell into a ditch.

"Oh, well that's definitely something that can fall," Pinkie commented.

"May I help her up now?" Spike asked.

Pinkie checked her tail, "Yep! It's all good now!"

Just then, Applejack just trotted in.

"Hello Pinkie Pie. Hello there lover-boy~ Why is Twilight in a ditch?" Applejack greeted then questioned.

"Pinkie Pie predicted it," Spike matter-of-factly explained.

"Honestly Spike, she did not! Two coincidences in a row like this may be unlikely, but still easier to believe than twitchy tails that predict the future," Twilight retorted.

"*gasp* Twitchy Tail? Pinkie Sense? NOPE! Nyu-Uh!" Applejack started to freak.

"Don't worry Applejack, it's safe. Twilight was the prediction," Spike reassured.

"Oh... wait, don't tell me you believe in this stuff too?" Twilight inquired about Applejack as she climbed out of the ditch with the help of Spike and Pinkie Pie.

Applejack then looked at the camera with a "really?" look.

"Twilight, I've been living here in Ponyville a lot longer than you have, I'm sure I wouldn't be playing a joke on you. I am the Element of Honesty after all. Simply put, we learned here that when 'Pinkie's a Twitchin', ya better listen'," Applejack explained.

Just then, another Pinkie Sense occurred.

"My ears are flopping! My ears are flopping!" Pinkie exclaimed.

At this, Applejack took a few steps back.

"What does that mean?" Spike inquired, wanting to learn about this side of the wackiest of his marefriends.

"Well, for Twilight, I'll be starting a nice bubble bath," Pinkie explained, "And Spike, stand back."

Pinkie Pie and Spike then took their steps back.

"Huh? *chuckles* A bath? This thing keeps on getting more ridiculous by the minute!" Twilight mocked.

Just then, the CMC passed by. Scootaloo on her scooter, Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle riding in the cart attached to it. Unfortunately for Twilight, when they passed, they passed over a mud puddle and accidentally splatted Twilight with mud.

"Sorry sis!" Scootaloo yelled back.

"Sorry Twilight!" Sweetie Belle yelled back.

"Sorry Twilight! Hi sis!" Apple Bloom yelled back.

"No... Problem... Grrrrrr..." Twilight responded, covered in mud from head to hooves.

*incoherent grumbling*

Transition to Sugarcube Corner.

Applejack had to go do other things since she was one of the ponies holding up Sweet Apple Acres' business. Twilight of course was given a bubble bath by Pinkie Pie at Sugarcube Corner while Spike was just being thoroughly entertained by Twilight's grumbling. As Pinkie Pie was washing Twilight's mane she explained to her and Spike the Pinkie Sense.

Ooo! Twilight's mane is soft!

"So... basically, it works like this: I get different, little, niggling feelings and they mean different things! Like when my back is itchy, it's my lucky day. And, when my knee gets pinchy, that means something scary is going to happen," Pinkie matter-of-factly explained.

"Well, is your knee pinchy now?" Twilight inquired since she wasn't the type who liked to be jump-scared on, but still with Pinkie Pie around she got used to such things.

"No, but my shoulder's achy. That means there's an alligator in the tub," Pinkie matter-of-factly explained.

Pinkie Pie then pulled out said alligator from the tub. Twilight jumped out of the tub at that sight.

"WAH! How come your knee didn't get pinchy?! That's not just scary! It's downright dangerous!" Twilight yelled.

And how did she get an alligator in the first place!

"No it's not silly~ This is my pet alligator, Gummy! He's got no teeth," Pinkie explained as Gummy tried to bite Pinkie's mane but well... had no teeth.

"Oh," Twilight squee'd as she blushed in embarrassment.

Pinkie Pie finished giving Twilight a bath and the three of them started trotting/walking back to the Golden Oaks Library. Twilight was still surprisingly not convinced. Dense Unicorn.


Anyways, Twilight spoke to Pinkie Pie about this Pinkie Sense as they were making their way.

"Well, I still don't believe all of this... 'special power' stuff. It's just a bunch of mumbo-jumbo," Twilight began.

"What's not to believe? You do magic, what's the difference?" Pinkie rightfully retorted.

"Well, magic is something you study and practice. It only happens based on decision and make something chosen to happen, happen. With you... it makes no sense at all!"

Pinkie Pie was quite offended about that.

"That's so not true Twilight! We Earth Ponies have magic too you know! Why do you think I have a cutie mark? After all, all three of us species have magic in us! It just so happens that I was given this ability. There are time spells too you know which means that my ability isn't out of question!"

Why don't you believe me... *pouts*

Pinkie Pie was practically muzzle to muzzle with Twilight as she retorted this. Another Pinkie Sense started to arrive.

"Anyways, I'm feeling a combo coming on... Ear flop, eye flutter, knee twitch!"

At this point they were outside the Golden Oaks Library. Twilight was ready to open the door but... The CMC came out of the door, slamming it out in the process.

"Hi Pinkie Pie, Hello Spike~" The CMC all responded as they exited the Library all while giving Spike a kiss as each one passed by.

Well that was interesting.

"Ughhhh... not... again..." Twilight groaned from behind the door as it swung back showing a flattened Twilight that then slumped to the ground.

"That was interesting, if the knee twitch and eye flutter were flipped, we would have been seeing a wonderful rainbow! Oh yeah, those bunch of random things are things I would like to call 'combos'," Pinkie commented and explained as she helped Twilight back up.

Poor thing, she could never get a break.

"I don't believe this," Twilight thought out loud to herself.

"You don't believe because you don't understand," Pinkie pouted.

This got Twilight thinking.

Transition to Basement of Golden Oaks Library.

Spike was left in the main lobby of the library to watch over the place and wait for Scootaloo to come back while Twilight had hooked Pinkie Pie up to one of her science devices. Pinkie Pie was surprisingly very trusting of Twilight considering they were in her basement and she was being restrained by the front hooves for the most part... hot. Anyways, Pinkie Pie was also wearing this weird helmet thingy on her head as well. Twilight started up the machine that started monitoring (*Incoherent Mumbling*) and collecting data on (*Incoherent Mumbling*).

Just do it for Twilight... At least Spike believes me.

Pinkie Pie was surprisingly still and patient for being usually very hyper. Overall, Pinkie Pie was only hooked up to said machine for literally 50 seconds. During that time span, Pinkie Pie and Twilight had more conversation on the Pinkie Sense. Near the end of this time frame, Pinkie Pie felt like she was getting a Pinkie Sense, but then her tummy rumbled.

"Ooo! That one means that I'm hungry! Let's eat!" Pinkie explained.

"UGH! Just forget it! I don't need to know if this is real or not. I don't need to understand it! I don't even care!" Twilight unhooked Pinkie Pie from the machine and started trotting up to the door.

"Okie Dokie Loki!" Pinkie chirped as she trailed behind Twilight.

Again, Pinkie Pie had another one of her Pinkie Senses. It was the "open doors combo".

"Uh-oh," Pinkie could only comment as...

Are my Pinkie Senses hurting poor Twilight? *pouts*

*SLAM!* The door connecting the basement to the main lobby was opened loudly by Spike, smashing Twilight again.

"Twilight! Scootaloo is back from spending time with the CMC! Twilight?" Spike yelled then thought, "Pinkie have you seen Twilight?"

"Yep!" Pinkie hopped out the door, thought, then stuck her head back in the door, and squee'd, "you wouldn't happen to be making lunch soon are you?"

"Yeah, I was just getting started on lunch, I take it you had a 'Pinkie Sense' that you were hungry?"

"*gasp* How'd you know?"

"I had a hunch," Spike winked and smirked.

Pinkie just giggled as she went to go see Scootaloo after giving Spike a nuzzle. Spike walked into the basement and looked around and didn't see Twilight anywhere. The door swung shut showing a less than amused Twilight flattened on the door. Spike then saw the flattened Twilight.

"Whoops," Spike squee'd.

"*grumbles*... Did you two plan this?" Twilight accused.

"Plan what?"


After that, Spike finished making lunch, remembering to add another portion for Pinkie Pie. They all ate, Twilight being still irritated about Pinkie Pie being Pinkie Pie, to which the party pony just giggled about. Scootaloo just shared all the antics that she and the CMC got into including the scooter crash into Twilight. (They weren't aware they slammed the door on Twilight.)

*giggles* She's so funny when upset though. Seems like I am a total contradiction to her logic~

Afterwards, Pinkie Pie helped clean up and said farewell to Spike, Twilight, and Scootaloo. She then went on her merry way to doing her usual antics to let Twilight cool down from her inability to comprehend "Pinkie Sense". Twilight hatched a plan to study Pinkie Pie closely but from afar. Scootaloo and Spike were a bit skeptical of Twilight's plan since it was essentially the definition of stalking, but one knows never to stop Twilight from a plan.

Transition to Twilight's "Observation" of Pinkie Pie.

Scootaloo and Spike were dragged along with Twilight as she went on her quest to understand Pinkie Pie on a very deep level. No one has ever made this venture to understand Pinkie Pie to this extent. They were all hiding in a bush while they watched "Pinkius Pieicus" as Twilight coined the term. Twilight was using binoculars to study the party mare. Of course Pinkie Pie was aware that Twilight was watching.

She's turned this into a scientific venture... *sigh* Ooo! This flower smells nice! *giggles*

Pinkie Pie was being a very happy-go-lucky mare as she looked around and appreciated nature in general from smelling a flower to watching a butterfly go by. Scootaloo and Spike were just trailing behind the bush that Twilight was using for camouflage as she used her binoculars (that weren't needed since they were in eyesight distance) to observe Pinkie Pie and writing down notes on her notepad since Spike refused to do the notes as none of his marefriends deserves to become a science experiment. At that moment, Pinkie Pie had a Pinkie Sense that was only meant for her, a fluttering heart.

Aw... Spike, that is so sweet of you!

She looks so happy, I wish I could be like that sometimes. But I MUST figure that Pinkie Sense out!

"You think she lost her marbles yet Spike?" Scootaloo inquired.

"Don't know, have seen her worse," Spike responded.

"I HEARD THAT!" Twilight yelled in a louder than Season 1 Episode 4 manner.

Scootaloo just giggled at what a strange sister she has. They trailed Pinkie Pie all the way to the schoolyard where she was just rolling around on the ground because... fun. Anyways, Pinkie Pie then had another Pinkie Sense, an itchy nose.

Oh no... Twilight! Get away! Please! I don't want to hurt you with my own abilities. *pouts*

Pinkie Pie then galloped to cover under a horseshoe. It was then that a huge swarm of bees came out from (*Incoherent Mumbling*) and Pinkie Pie trembled from it. Luckily since she was under cover the bees didn't notice her. Spike and Scootaloo saw the bees coming. Spike picked up Scootaloo in his claws all "damsel in distress" style and ran off to cover with her which just so happened to be the bush that was near where Pinkie was hiding under said horseshoe.

"TWILIGHT! RUN!" Spike and Scootaloo yelled.

"Why? I'm trying to teach you the value of scientific--" Twilight was unable to finish this as the bees came in and started stinging her which made the bush she was in jump in a comical manner.

Twilight of course yelped out in pain as the bees stung her multiple times then left. Meanwhile Pinkie Pie popped her head in the bush Spike and Scootaloo were hiding in.

"By the way Spike, thank you for not treating me like a science experiment," Pinkie whispered as she gave Spike a kiss on the lips, thought, then pouted, "I just wish Twilight would stop treating me like that. We're friends... Not to mention that my own abilities seem to be hurting her a lot."

"No problem Pinkie Pie, and I'm not sure me and Scootaloo will be able to get her off of your tail. Just be happy and keep that smile on your face ok? Do it for me," Spike responded to Pinkie's lament.

Pinkie just smiled, "alright Spike, for you."

Pinkie Pie then continued on her business. Later, Twilight, now bandaged, was still observing Pinkie Pie who was now at Sweet Apple Acres apparently since... fun. Twilight then observed the "open doors combo". Spike and Scootaloo immediately ran/galloped for cover. (Scootaloo was already familiar with Pinkie Sense.)

Oh no! Poor Twilight! Please pay attention to the doors this time...

"Wow, you two really seem to believe this stuff, don't you? Here, let me show you that there's nothing to be afraid of," Twilight leaned on the open barn door that was nearby which didn't do anything, "See? I promise you there's nothing to fear from that--"

Twilight was unable to finish her statement on that as she fell through a recently opened apple cellar door and crashed down some stairs.

"Twilight! You came to see mah new apple cellar! How nice. Twi? You okay? Uh, Twi?" Applejack cheerfully greeted then trailed off.

Spike and Scootaloo then helped a injured Twilight continue watching Pinkie Pie who was now at the park again since... fun. Pinkie Pie then had another Pinkie Sense of a twitchy tail.


"TWITCHY TAIL!" Spike and Scootaloo screamed.

The two of them looked up and saw what was about to fall on Twilight.

"You need to move! Now!" Spike and Scootaloo tried to urge Twilight.

"Honestly, you two are overreact--" Twilight was unable to finish again.

Spike and Scootaloo jumped out of the way as a flower pot, anvil, hay cart, and piano fell on Twilight, leaving her bruised. Pinkie Pie winced as those items fell on the Unicorn.

Later after that, Pinkie Pie saw Applejack who was carrying apples in saddle-baskets.

"Hey Applejack! Whatcha' doin'?" Pinkie greeted.

"Takin' more apples to my new apple cellar. How 'bout you, Pinkie? Whatchu doin'?" Applejack responded.

"Oh, letting Twilight secretly follow me all day with Scootaloo and Spike trailing behind without me knowing she was in the bush, behind the hay bale, and looking from behind a bench," Pinkie stated matter-of-factly.

"You mean you knew all along?! Why didn't you tell me?" Twilight entered, badly bruised and bandaged as well as her front two legs in casts, being helped by Scootaloo and Spike to trot.

This was enough to break Pinkie Pie.

"I tried to let this all go you know Twilight, but I can't take it seeing you get that injured just since my Pinkie Sense goes off. I feel like I'm hurting you all while you are hurting me by treating me like some sort of science experiment including the machinery. I did all of this for you... things like taking care of the Harem and what I said before as well as make sure your well being was in check as you are the Alpha mare of this group yet you still don't believe me for something as small as Pinkie Sense. I thought we were close friends..." Pinkie Pie pouted, almost to the point of tears.

Twilight was shocked. Pinkie Pie was hurt and she was being overly reasonable for once.

"I'm so sorry Pinkie Pie! I didn't think about how you felt about all this. I got so caught up in this venture that I neglected how much you mean to me. I should have considered your belief right up front," Twilight apologized, "yes Pinkie, I believe your Pinkie Sense, there is more than sufficient experimental evidence to know that it works, even without the explanation, but I still want to make it up to you since you did all of this for me."

Pinkie Pie thought a bit about it then giggled.

"Well, you have to wear this umbrella hat all day like me!" she pulled out two umbrella hats from (*Incoherent Mumbling*) and put one on Twilight while she put the other one on herself.

Pinkie Pie then pulled Twilight close which of course elicited a blush from the Unicorn.

"Stick with me Twilight, I'll protect you from the Pinkie Sense," Pinkie spoke all spy-like.

Twilight was just glad that Pinkie Pie was back to her happy peppy self and accepted the hug that she gave her.

It was at this moment that they heard roaring in the distance coming from Froggy Bottom Bog. They then heard a certain timid Pegasus yelling and making war cries.

"HOW DARE YOU HURT THOSE FROGS LIKE THAT! TAKE THIS! AND THIS!" Fluttershy yelled out as she beat the living daylights out of the Hydra that decided to waltz on in her frog migration.

Applejack was the first to make a comment.

"Yep, nothing new for Ponyville," Applejack could only say.

They all had a good laugh as the normally timid Pegasus made sure that the Hydra would never bother the frogs again.

Transition to Golden Oaks Library.

Spike, Scootaloo, Twilight, and Pinkie Pie were all wearing umbrella hats, the first two having asked for hats as well during the trip back to the library. Applejack already had a hat and had went back to stocking up her new apple cellar. Fluttershy had calmed down from the Hydra at this point and had returned back to her cottage. (Bases Covered... Check.) Spike wrote the letter to Princess Celestia as Twilight dictated it.

Dear Princess Celestia,
I am happy to report that I now realize that I now realize that like magic, there are things that are unexplained yet still happen. They are by no means any less true either. It sometimes takes a friend to help you realize it.
Always your faithful student,

Twilight Sparkle

"There it goes again," Pinkie commented as her tail twitched.

"I wonder what's going to drop out of the sky this time?" Twilight asked with a giggle.

"You never know~" Pinkie chirped back.

Twilight, Scootaloo, and Pinkie Pie exited the library to get a snack at Sugarcube Corner, Spike was to join them after sending the letter.

Spike went up to the balcony to send the letter to Princess Celestia. It was at this moment that the sound of a jet engine could be heard. Princess Celestia herself landed on the balcony of the library.

"Hello there Spike," the Princess greeted.

"Oh, hello Princess, nice of you to drop in," Spike could only reply.

"How's the Harem?"

"Doing fine, just glad to have them in my life."

"That's good to know, thank you for the letter by the way. Nice hat."

"No problem and thank you."

The Princess then received the letter from Spike and then took off.

That... was interesting.

Spike then went off to join his marefriends at Sugarcube Corner.

End Theme with Credits.

Next Chapter: Original S1E16: Spike Rainboom Estimated time remaining: 3 Hours, 7 Minutes
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