
A Super New World of Infinity

by RainbowSixtySix

Chapter 5: Chapter 4: Meeting the Locals(Edited)

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Twilight walked through the dirt path from Serene Village with Spike riding on her back. She levitated the town map to her face, trying to find the town's library. She scanned the map, searching an image of a library and the label under it. She smiled once she found what she was looking for and started to head towards her destination.

"Uh, Twilight? Where are we going?" Asked Spike.

"We're going to the Serene Village Pokemon Library, Spike." She replied as she levitated her town map into her new bag that she received from the mayor.

Spike groaned at this. Of course they were going to the library. When it came to new information of a place or subject, she cannot turn it away and must learn everything about it. Spike looked at the excited pony and sighed at this, he knew he would be in there for hours. Something, the baby dragon wasn't looking forward to. He just wanted to explore the town and see what it has to offer.

"I should of known you would go there. Can't we just explore the town first?" Spike begged with hope. The lavender princess rolled her eyes and kept walking towards her destination.

"But Spike, Don't you want to learn about their culture, what they do? Or even the types they had mentioned?!" Twilight asked with pleading eyes. Spike just groaned at this. Twilight noticed this and sighed, she couldn't keep him in there for hours. She also noticed that he looked very annoyed at the idea.

"Tell you what Spike, since you have been a very good dragon lately. I'll let you go see the town, while I go study more about Pokemon?" She decided.

"Really?! You mean it?!" Asked Spike, pretty excited to see this place for himself.

Twilight giggled and nodded, and just like that; Spike hopped off of Twilight's back and sprinted off to whatever destination Spike was headed. Twilight giggled and shook her head, the dragon never ceased to amaze her. She turned her head and noticed that she arrived at the library. It was a tall yellowish orange building with a red roof. Twilight entered the library and noticed it was books everywhere. The interior was also a blue color and the books were neatly shelved in alphabetical order. She looked at the librarian who was an Metang. The Metang smiled and walked up to the princess of friendship.

"Hello, welcome to the Pokemon Library."

Applejack trotted through the apple forest, admiring the delicious apples that hung from the tree. She smiled and walked up to one of them, inspecting it. She took a sniff and poked it a few times to see if is some of kind of apple Pokemon. Satisfied with her results, she took a bite and her eyes immediately went wide eyed. The taste of the apple was much sweeter than the apples from Sweet Apple Acres, but she'll never admit that. Granny Smith would bop her one good just for uttering those words right out of her mouth.

"Woo Wee! These apples are sure mighty delicious!" Applejack commented. She looked around and noticed some different apples. Some apple was about as big as her head and the other apples were about the size as her brother, Big Macintosh. Applejack's eyes widen even more about the size of the apples. She shook her head and continued walking, deciding to go back to the big apples later.

"Wow. Them apples are HUGE!! Now, all ah need is to find me a perfect tree to buck me some apples." She grinned as she begins her search. Little did she know she was being watched. Three Beedrill were in the trees, glaring at the intruder. The three Beedrill nodded to each other and headed towards the orange mare, ready to give her a lesson.

The apple mare smiled and kept walking down the pathway in the forest. She had a distinct feeling she was being followed. Little did she know, her suspicions were correct. Suddenly, the gang of Beedrill blocked the apple farmer's path. Applejack looked at the three Pokemon in confusion and glared at them for a bit. Something didn't feel right with them and this whole situation, Applejack prepared herself for the worse.

"Well...You're an odd creature? What kind of Pokemon are you?" Asked the middle Beedrill which she assumed is the leader. He was green colored, while his lackeys were yellow. That confused the element of honesty.

'Why do they have different colors? That's weird. Must be ah Pokemon thing.' She thought.

"Hey! I'm talking to you, ya weird deformed Ponyta thing." The Beedrill insulted.

"Mah name is Applejack, and I am pony! Didn't y'all hear the news about us movin' in?" She asked with a hint of irritation in her voice. The Beedrill growled at this and then begin to smirk, the other Beedrill begin to circle around her like a Sharpedo ready to attack their prey.

"Well I'm Sting! And this is Needle and Toxic! And we're the Beedrill Stingers! We own this place and this is our turf! But see you are new here. I'll give you a headstart!" Sting grinned. Toxic and Needle giggled grimly with the lead Beedrill. Applejack began to chuckle and looked up to the shiny Pokemon gave him a grin.

"Better yet! I'll do this!" She said as she reared her hind legs and gave a powerful buck to Toxic who was right behind her. She heard a satisfying thud and a groaned of pain. Using this as her chance, she sprinted further down the dirt path of the forest.

"AFTER HER!!" Sting commanded as he and his lackeys chased after the running mare, after Toxic recovered from the blow of course.

Rainbow Dash walked through the town and sighed. She looked through job to job, but couldn't find one that said "her". Scootaloo had gone with her friends doing Celestia knows what. She sighed and shook her head, those three are probably causing some harmless trouble as she speak. However, it didn't cheer her up. The prismatic mare was still down that her chances of becoming a wonderbolt were pretty slim and it was all that tree's fault.

"Ugh! Stupid Tree! Blowing up my home like that! What the buck!" Rainbow cursed. She gazed at the ponies and Pokemon is enjoying each others company. It was crazy for her, they find the last key; which Discord had all along. They defeat Tirek and the world decided to blow up on them. This Arceus guy saved them all and brought them all into this world. Such a lot has happened lately, and it is not like she hated the place. She just misses her dreams---and her home.

"Ugh... What now?"

"You could always work in the union?" Suggested a disembodied voice. She looked around, searching for the source pf the voice.

"Over here" The voice called. She looked to her left and saw a shiny Gallade with an teal tattered scarf around his neck eating ramen at the Slowbro Ramen Stand. She walked up to the Pokemon and sat on one of the pink stools and looked at the Gallade while he ate his food.

"You talking to me?" Asked Rainbow Dash.

The Gallade finished his ramen and nodded. He cleaned his mouth with a napkin and looked at the pony "Yup. The names Gene. Gene of Team Raiders and I was thinking maybe you should start a rescue team in the Adventure Union." He suggested.

Rainbow Dash was confused at this, Adventure Union and Rescue Team. Just what in the world of Pokemon is he talking about?

"I'm Rainbow Dash. And rescue team? Union? What do you mean?" Asked the prismatic mare.

Gene chuckled and begin his explanation. "There are seven groups of rescuers and explorers in the Pokemon World. Some even hold some of the most illustrious Pokemon Rescue or Treasure Hunting teams in the whole world. Did you happened to see the town's statue, today?" He asked.

She thought back and distinctively remembered a statue in the middle of the town. It had some kind of weird creatures on it, one of those creatures resembled a dragon.

"Yeah, it looked cool. Who were those guys anyway?" She asked.

"They're known as Team A.C.T.. They're one of the most famous rescuers in Pokemon history. About 12 years ago, this village was under attack by the legendary Groudon. Luckily, Stein, Delta and Susanoo; Members of Team A.C.T. stop the threat and saved our village. The residents then made a statue to honor their bravery and heroism." Gene finished.

"What I'm trying to say is that in rescue missions you get to help Pokemon in need and become known. In exploration missions you find wonderful treasure and places that most don't know about."

She awed at the explanation of this. She could be just like Daring Do. Going on dangerous missions, retrieving mysterious artifacts and fighting strong Pokemon. The whole thing just sounded awesome.

"That. is. AWESOME!" Rainbow exclaimed.

Gene chuckled and shook his head and walked out of the ramen stand, not before paying for his meal. He sat his change onto the counter for the Slowbro to come pick it up. He smiled to the pony and walked down the dirt path up ahead.

"Well. I was gonna go home and meet up with my fiancee. But, I guess I could show you the Adventure Union and what they do. Trust me, You'll love the place." He grinned. The pony grinned as well and followed the Gallade to her desired destination.

"Next stop. The Adventure Union." Gene said.

Fluttershy was currently moving the new furniture around in her new home. The home she had found was on top of hill that loomed over the village. Fluttershy is introverted and prefered to be away, but not far away from the rest of the civilians. Plus the forest that was close to her house reminded her of the Everfree Forest. Fluttershy wasn't the only one who was moving her new stuff around. An Ursaring she had met in the village decided to help out. He reminded her of Harry, her bear friend. Only he can talk and is pretty sentient. And has a wife. Ok, so maybe not exactly like Harry. She smiled at the Ursaring and wiped the sweat off her forehead.

"Thank you for moving my things around for my new home, Mr. Oberon." She thanked.

Oberon chuckled and patted Fluttershy's head, to which she giggled.

"No problem at all, Fluttershy. I am happy to help. I heard what happened to your home planet and I felt really bad. So I decided to help out. My wife is also helping out other ponies too. I can assure you that, Serene Village is a great place to be. Not like that busy city, Treasure City. Those places are filled with crappy Pokemon." Oberon rambled on. Fluttershy giggled once again when she heard him saying about his son wanting to live there.

'Kids can be a hoofful, trust me. I know.' Fluttershy commented in her head. Remembering her time watching the cutie mark crusaders.

Applejack ran as fast as her hooves could carry her, but the Beedrill was gaining on her. She grunted and ran faster, but stopped at a dead end, which was a tree filled with golden apples. Applejack was amazed by the color and the look of the dazzling apples. She would have taken a bite of one if she wasn't being chased by those pesky Pokemon.

"Poison Sting!" Sting shouted out as he shot out a poison needle out of his mouth. Applejack barely had enough time to dodge the attack, unfortunately it hit her leg and she fell down with a thud. Suddenly, her hind leg started to become purple and felt numb.

"M-Mah leg?..Wh-What did ya do to me?!" Demanded the apple farmer with a glare. Fear a bit evident in her eyes.

The three Beedrill laughed at the pained element of honesty and hovered over her watching her groaning and fading in and out of consciousness.

"It's Poison Sting. It's an attack that has a 30% chance of poisoning any target." Sting informed with a sick chuckle.

"Hahaha! That's for hitting me, ya stupid Ponyta!" Toxic commented with a grin.

Applejack growled at the damn Beedrill who are now pointing their spear like stingers towards her. She winced in pain and closed her eyes waiting for the impact. There was no way she could defend herself now.

'Is this it for me?' She wondered. Just arriving at a new home and is already in danger by some unknown Pokemon.

"It's over pony! Ready Boys?! TRIPLE POISON JAB!!!" Sting shouted out as the gang of Beedrill charged towards the pained pony. She had her eyes closed, ready for the impact to come.

"FLAMETHROWER!!" A voice shouted out as a blast of fire came and impacted the gang of Beedrill. Sting growled as an arrival of an Arcanine appeared in front of the pony. Applejack looked at the Pokemon and noticed he had a black ranger hat and a badge with "Ranger of Apple Forest" engraved into it. He glared at the three Beedrill who only coward in fear, well only two of them except for Sting who just growled at the Arcanine.

"You again?!" Sting exclaimed.

"I thought I told you buzzing buggy bastards to stay out of the forest? Don't you know you're trespassing private property? Not to mention hurting an innocent pony?! " He asked, growling at the Beedrill.

Applejack summoned some of her remaining strength and stood up wobbly, must of been the effects of the poison sting. She glared at the Beedrill for attacking her just for being here. She then looked at the Arcanine, which she assumed is the ranger of the forest. She knew how he felt about unwelcoming poachers on her farm.

"P-Pardon me, sir? But who are ya?" Asked the apple mare.

The Arcanine looked at her for a brief second and then moved his eyes to her purple leg. He shook his head and glared harder at the three Beedrill.

"You should just sit down and relax. Don't move too much. And my name? The name is Amaterasu and I'm the ranger of this forest." He introduced.

Author's Notes:

I am also sorry that this chapter is kind of short. I'll make a longer one soon. I promise. :scootangel:

Sorry if this chapter took too long. Distractions. Also Gene belongs to zeusdemigod131
Thank You for letting me use him and I hope I got his personality right. :pinkiehappy:

If you would like to make a side story of "A Super New World Of Infinity." feel free. :twilightsmile:

Expect more chapters on the way. Also. HAPPY EASTER!!! :ajsmug: :raritywink: :rainbowdetermined2: :twilightsmile: :pinkiehappy: :yay:

Next Chapter: Chapter 5: Welcome New Home(Edited) Estimated time remaining: 1 Hour, 16 Minutes
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