
A Super New World of Infinity

by RainbowSixtySix

Chapter 4: Chapter 3: Exploration(Edited)

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The ponies waited outside for Virizion to go grab the mayor. Most of the ponies were thinking about what the mayor could possibly be like. What if he or she is a nice mayor or a cruel one. What would he or she looked like comparing to most of the Pokemon they have seen today. Their thoughts came to a halt when Virizion came to the stand, followed by a Slowking. The Slowking walked behind the Sword of Justice with his arms behind his back. He took a look at the crowd of ponies who stared at him with big adorable round eyes. He noticed some of them had horns or wings, and one of them had both. He even saw what appeared to be a baby purple dragon and a creature with a mismatch of different animal parts.

'Strange yet adorable creatures.' The Slowking thought.

"Zephyr!" The Slowking called out. An Xatu suddenly appeared via teleportation, startling most of the ponies present. He looked at them and then turned to the Slowking and gave him a nod of acknowledgment.

"Yes Sir? May I assist you?"

"Bring in all of the town's folks. We are going to have ourselves a meeting, " He commanded. Zephyr nodded at this and disappeared with teleportation once again. About 10 minutes later, Pokemon from all over town begin to come around and join the crowd of ponies. Some of the ponies were hesitant and scared, others smiled and begin to have friendly chats with the Pokemon. The Slowking smiled at this and begin to clear his throat to gain of the attention of the chattering crowd.

"Attention everyone. Attention everyone. For those who don't know who I am, which is the ponies of course. My name is Lancelot, I am the mayor of this town and make sure things are kept up and running. Virizion had told me about what had happened to your home planet, and for that I am terribly sorry. But I can assure you that this town will feel home soon. Now my fellow Pokemon, what creatures you see before you are ponies. I don't know much about them, but they will be living among us. They will soon be your friend, family member and possibly even future lover." He chuckled at the last part, seeing a few ponies and Pokemon is blushing at the thought. Some, however, were grumbling at the thought of an interspecies relationship, Just the mere thought of interracial relationships made them want to barf. He shook his head in shame of that.

'They had only been here for an hour and twenty minutes and there is already racism growing?!' He thought with surprised. He had hoped it wouldn't become a big problem later on. He got back to his speech.

"I expect you Pokemon will treat the ponies with utmost respect and love. As you would do with any other fellow Pokemon. They're not just creatures from another planet. They are our friends and family, that's it." He told them with a hint of warning directing at some of the Pokemon who didn't like the idea of ponies and Pokemon living together. Some of them looked pissed, while most of them looked even more eager to make friends with them. He scanned the crowd once again and nod to himself.

"Alright, now I am aware that there was a mayor in their town? Ponyville was it?" He whispered to Virizion

"Yes." She replied.

He nodded at that. He'll have to speak with the mayor later about this. He went back to his speech once again.

"Right. I believe you all have some questions about the ponies? Correct? Well, that is why I decide to let one of them stand up here and answer them for you all." He said.

The ponies begin to look at each other, wondering who should go up there. Their questions had been answered when a certain lavender princess smiled and climbed up the stand to look at the crowd. It was hard to believe that this is going to be her new home. She hoped to learn a lot from the place and the inhabitants in it. She sighed and decided to introduce herself to the crowd.

"For those who don't know me. I am Twilight Sparkle; and I am a princess." She introduced. The Pokemon gasped in shocked, even Virizion and Lancelot.

"You're a princess?!" Asked a Kangaskhan.

Twilight blushed and nodded "Yup, I am a princess. In my world. There are four princesses in total. Princess Celestia who raises the sun. Princess Luna, who rises the moon. Princess Cadence, my sister in law is the Princess of Love and me? Well, I haven't figured out what kind of Princess I am." She said sadly. Her friends and even Discord felt her pain, Virizion noticed this and walked up to comfort her.

"I am sure you will know what kind of princess you are." She smiled.

"But how?... I did everything as a princess. I even-" Twilight was cut off by Virizion hoof to her muzzle. She looked at her hoof and then back at the Pokemon. Virizion gave the pony a warm smile and looked at the crowd.

"Twilight? What do you see here?" She asked.

Twilight scanned the crowd of ponies and Pokemon for an answer. She kept looking, trying to figure out what she was suppose to be seeing. Sighing to herself, she gave the Pokemon a simple answer.

"Well, I see ponies, Pokemon, baby dragon and Spirit of Chaos."

Virizion chuckled at her answer like a mother would when her child would say something obvious. She shook her head no and gave the crowd a small smile.

"Yes. There are Pokemon, ponies, dragon and Spirit of Chaos. But that's not what I meant. Twilight, I don't know much about you; but you are loosing sight of what's truly important. I am sure that you didn't get to be a princess at your own. But now that you have become a princess, you are starting to lose sight of what's important, become self-centered. And one day, you'll end up alone." Virizion warned.

Her eyes widen in pure shock when she heard this. She was slowly becoming distant and alone? It was true that she had been acting rather independent and prideful that she almost sent her friends into danger. She didn't want to become corrupt with pride and power, like Sombra. It terrified her. Not all humans were bad. This she knew, and she knew that Virizion knows as well. But she has heard of the unnecessary wars and bloodshed that has happened in human history. How self-centered and cruel they can be, leaving their friends in the dark. That scared her even more; loosing her friends for good was a big nightmare for her. Discord proved that.

"I know you want to feel special. Possibly wanting to do something like those other three princesses you had mentioned. Twilight, but my friend; never forget this. Simply being a princess will not make everyone accept you, everyone's acceptance is what gets you there. Never forget your friends." Virizion lectured.

Her friends walked up to the stage and hugged her. She then looked at her friends and smiled, they had made her into a princess. She wouldn't have gotten this far because of them. Now, she knew what Virizion meant. Friendship is more important than some silly title of power and now she knows what kind of princess she is.

"Virizion. I know what kind of princess I am. The princess of friendship. And it is my duty to spread friendship throughout the Water Continent and the Pokemon world." She declared. The ponies and Pokemon cheered in joy when they heard, Virizion and Lancelot just simply smiled and nodded. Rainbow Dash smirked at the crowd and begin to speak.

"Now I am sure you want some questions right? Well, go right ahead and ask away." She said.

"Yeah. Why do some of you have horns or wings and the princess has both?" Asked a Spinda.

Rarity decided to take over this question and answered them, "Well, you see there are three types of ponies in Equestria. Earth ponies who have a connection to the land. Pegasi is the ponies with wings, they help with the weather and clear the skies."

"Yeah! Maybe someday I could clear the skies for ya if ya like" Rainbow Dash said to the crowd. They smiled and wanted to know more, which was pretty obvious to the mane 6.

"And last but not least there is unicorns who perform magic." Rarity said as she levitated the microphone as a demonstration which shocked most of the psychic type Pokemon in the crowd. Lancelot walked up to examine the microphone that was now surrounded in blue magical aura. He then looked at the source of where the magic was coming from.

"I see. So only unicorns and Twilight can perform magic? It's quite similar to the psychic types like myself." He analyzed.

Rarity smiled and then shook her head "Well darling, You're half right. The three princesses Twilight had previously mention can use magic. That evil brute, Tirek can use magic as well. And finally, Discord our... uh... friend can use magic with a snap of a talon. He may look evil, but he is a friend."

Discord smiled warmly and looked at the crowd. "Yes, I am 100% reformed. I used to be a 'villain' a long time ago, causing chaos and disharmony for my own amusement." This somewhat scared not only the Pokemon, but the ponies as well. Seeing this, the Spirit of Chaos quickly tried to calm their nerves.

"Now hold on everyone, I am no longer evil. I am a prankster and kind of troll. So you will expect some chocolate rain and cotton candy clouds from time to time" Discord said as he gave them a friendly grin. The mane six glared at him for suggesting that and was about to protest until the Pokemon started to cheer.

"Huh?" The girls said in unison. Obviously confused.

"You can create chocolate rain?" A Pancham said

"And cotton candy clouds too?!" Added a Shelmet

Discord chuckled and produce a small cotton candy cloud that rained chocolate milk. He levitates it towards the Pancham and Shelmet. Wasting no time, the two Pokemon begin to munch on the delicious treat. Pinkie, however, was jealous and gave Discord a wanting look. He gave her a smile and a wink, telling her that he will make her one later. Pokemon, then began to question more about the ponies. Subjects like, cutie marks, what was Equestria like, the princesses and many other topics. After what seems to be a long explanation, the town meeting is coming to an end and Lancelot decided to come up and wrap things up.

"Can the mayor of Ponyville please come up to the stage" He called out. A mare with a tan coat, silver mane and tail trotted up to the stand and smiled at them and then at the mayor.

"I know you lost your job by default. From the explosion of your home planet. I have decided; would you like to be mayor with me?" He asked as he offered her his claw.

Mayor Mare was shocked about this. Two mayors working in one town seemed fun, but how were they going to do that. She thought hard about this and looked at the ponies. The population is big and she does need a job now, she looked back at the Slowking who was giving her a kind smile. She grabbed his claw and shook it.

"Mr. Lancelot, You got yourself a new partner." She smiled.

Lancelot nodded and looked at the crowd "Do you hear that citizens? Now there are two mayors in town. This is because we need to keep up with the now growing population. It will be a lot of work." He said.

"But we can assure you that we will get our jobs done. Running this alone is no easy task; especially since they're different species." Mayor Mare finishes. Lancelot nodded at this and cleared his throat.

"Right. Now then. Town meeting is now officially over. Everypony. I want you all to go to the city hall and register for a certificate of being an official citizen of Serene Village. Next, you will receive P3000 poke. That's our currency in the Pokemon world. This should be enough to buy furniture, food and other things you would want for your homes. Next, you will get a map of the village, then a gold bar which is the equivalent of P12, 000. Sell that and store your money into the bank. Or simply keep it to gain something even more, it is your choice. Last you will get the keys to your houses, a Pokebag so you can store in some of your belongings in case you want to travel or visit somewhere and three Oran berries. The berries are just treats for you all and a welcome to Serene Village." He finished. Before the ponies could leave to the city hall, Lancelot halts them since he forgot one last thing.

"Oh! I almost forgot! For those who had lost their businesses due to the explosion. Stay in the city hall after you are done. You can trade up your gold bars to start your business right here in Serene Village. Also, get ready for a festival tonight. To honor and welcome the ponies of our town!"

Everyone cheered at that and soon, Lancelot's eyes saw nothing but pink. He looked up to see a pink pony with a pink mane. He knew she is one of Twilight's friends. He looked at her and can tell she is very exciting, probably about the festival that will be happening tonight. He used his psychic powers to levitate the party pony off of him and looked at her.

"Can I help you?" He asked.

"YesYesYesYesYesYesYouCan!MynameisPinkiePieandIampartyplannerfromponyville.AtleastIwasapartyplannerIdunnoifIamornotOh!waitIamanywaysI-" Pinkie's rant was cut off by Lancelot placing his claw on the mare's muzzle.

"Can you please speak in clear sentences. I barely understood a word you said." Lancelot asked with a hint of annoyance.

"Oh! Sorry. I was saying, can I plan the party! PLEASE!!!" Pinkie asked. Lancelot thought about it, it would be nice to have some help with festival and she said she was a party planner.

"Sure thing Pinkie. But after I get everyone situated Ok? Alright everyone! Follow me to the city hall and I will help all of you out." Lancelot announced. The ponies cheered and followed the Slowking into the building.

3 Hours Later

It's been 3 hours since the meeting and everypony is now situated in their new homes. Applejack walked through the town with her seven friends and noticed a few things. She sees ponies starting their own business after the Gurdurr carpentry build it up for them. She also noticed Pokemon and ponies are talking and laughing together. She even see some of them living together, which kind of surprised her. She stopped at the middle of the town and turned to her friends.

"It's crazy huh? We defeat Tirek. That darn tree goes haywire and our world explodes. Then we get saved by this godlike creature and start to live in this world we don't know about. Ah'm not saying Ah'm not grateful. Trust me, Ah'm more the grateful. It's just so much happened." Applejack said.

"Yeah. I know what you mean. Now my chances of being a wonderbolt are even more slim." Rainbow Dash said with disappointment.

Fluttershy comforted her "Hey now, don't say that Rainbow. I am sure you'll be at wonderbolt." Rainbow just sighed and flapped up looking down at her friends with a forced smile. Sure, she was upset that her chances of her reaching her dreams were slim, but she wasn't going to let that bring her down.

"Well girls, I gotta go find me a job. Plus, gotta prepare for the festival. See you all soon" With that Rainbow Dash flew off to find herself a job. Her and Scootaloo manage to get a place together along with their pet, Tank. She was going to invite Fluttershy, but she wanted to live by herself along with her animal friends. She managed to find a house that was on top of a hill in the village. Rarity now has a place with her mom, dad and little sister. Applejack didn't want a normal house and wanted to live on the farm like in Sweet Apple Acres. So she and her family were still looking at the moment. As for Twilight, She wasn't looking for a home right now. Already loosing the tree home back in her world, no house felt like home to her.

"Well, Ah best go find that Apple Forest place. I can't wait to grab a bite of a delicious apple. See y'all later." Applejack said as she trotted off to the forest. Twilight nodded to her and decided to go to the library to learn more about Pokemon. The others went their separate ways to either get jobs or see the town.

Applejack walked through the schoolyard, viewing the map and hoped she was going the right way. She looked up and noticed the forest up ahead. She smiled and put away her map, happy to see some apples again.

"Yeehaw! Time for some apple buckin'!" Applejack cheered as she ran into the forest. Not aware of the potential dangers that lurk within. She looked around, scanning the apples. Some apples looked bigger than the average apple and others looked huge, bigger than her head. She panted like a dog when she gazed at the humongous apples.

"It's like ah died and went to Valhalla."

Pinkie walked into Spinda's cafe to get herself a job in bakery. She looked around the cafe saw Pokemon and ponies sitting together. She smiled at that, knowing everyone is friends with each other. She walked up to the counter and sat on the stool with a huge grin on her face. She waited for the bartender to come up to her. There she saw him, walking up to her and smiling.

"Hiya, Welcome to Spinda's Cafe! How can I help you?" He greeted with a smile.

"Oh, right! I heard about this place from many Pokemon when I was moving in. So I decided to check it out. I really love this and wanted to know if it'll be alright if I can be a baker here. I can cook up some good and delicious cupcakes or even cake! Have you tried cake before? It's really good and delicious. I had cake before and let me tell you, it's out of this world. Well, it was out of my world, but you know what I mean. " She rambled on.

The Spinda chuckled and looked at the party pony "Have you ever tried a PokePuff? It's absolutely delicious."

"No. Is it like cake or-"Her sentence was interrupted by the Spinda shoving the tasty treat in her mouth. She begins to chew the delicious confection in her mouth. It tasted way better than cake or even cupcakes. It was the sweetest little cake she had ever tasted.

"THIS?! THIS is a POKEPUFF?! Who made this?!" She shouted slight demanded, gaining some attention from the other Pokemon and ponies who are in the cafe. The Spinda chuckled once again and nodded. He already liked this pony and is definitely his favorite. He also knew the maker of the pokepuffs would like her too.

"Yes. That is a pokepuff! It was created by old friend of mine. I'll call him right now. Valentine! Come on out! Somebody wants to meet you." Spinda called out. A Sylveon walks out of the kitchen and goes up to the counter. He smiles at the pink pony and gives her a wink.

"The names, Valentine. I'm Sylveon and the creator of pokepuffs. I see you want to work here? Hmm. I guess we could use a waitress and apprentice baker." He smiled. "But only because I like your spirit and I like you."

"REALLY?!" She shouted once again, jumping over the counter and hugging the two Pokemon in a big hug. "Oh, thank you! thank you! thank you! thank you!"

The Spinda smiled and patted the pink pony on the back. "Hey, no problem. Only for our new friends and family. Oh, I forgot to introduce myself. I am Mr. Alonsa."

"Mr. Alushi huh? I am Pinkie Pie!" She introduced. Valentine laughed at the error, which made the Spinda's eye twitch a bit.

"I know who you are Pinkie. I saw what happened after the Mayor said festival." Mr. Alonsa chuckling at the memory. He had to admit it was pretty random.

"Oh, you saw that? Heh heh. OH NO! I forgot! I gotta planned that party! See you later Mr. Alooka!" Pinkie said as she zoomed out of the cafe. Mr. Alonsa just shook his head and smiled at the exit the Pinkie zoomed out of.

"Heh heh. That pony is something else."

"Yeah. I have a feeling she's going to make this spot even more incredible. Mr. Alooka" He teased.

The Spinda just groaned and told him to get back to work.

Author's Notes:

And that is chapter 3! BAM!! :moustache:

Spinda: Pinkie is best Pony
:pinkiehappy:: :pinkiesmile:

Next Chapter: Chapter 4: Meeting the Locals(Edited) Estimated time remaining: 1 Hour, 26 Minutes
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