
A Super New World of Infinity

by RainbowSixtySix

Chapter 6: Chapter 5: Welcome New Home(Edited)

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Applejack struggled to keep her eyes open, but the poison was beating her down. Her vision became even more blurry, as all she seen was an orange and tan blur before passing out. Amaterasu noticed this and noticed the three Beedrill were aware of it as well, he growled and let out a few flames in a warning. The Beedrill all backed away and growled at the defending Arcanine.

"You were lucky this time!" Sting called out as he and his lackeys flew right out of the forest. "But we will be back!"

"And stay out!" He shouted as he stomped his paw on the ground. He turned around and saw the unconscious pony. He shook his head and placed the pony on his back.

"Attacking an innocent pony. Now that's just low. Even for them. Well, better get her to the cabin. Can't leave her here out the open like this" Amaterasu said as he begun his trip back home.

Rainbow Dash and Gene headed towards, what appeared to be a purple dome structure. She noticed it looked like a tent and there were steps that had reached the top. She grinned, happy that she doesn't need to climb up those stairs.

"It's up there. Let's go" Gene said.

Rainbow flew up to the entrance and noticed a Pokemon on the ground, having a pretty excited look. She was red and looked like a cross between a plane and a bird. She had a confused expression as to why she was just standing there.

"Hey-Uh? Is this the Adventure Union?" She whispered to Gene.

Gene nodded with a smile. He then noticed the Pokemon that was in front of them, blocking the entrance. He recognized this Pokemon as Latias. Latias and Gene were good friends and used to hang out from time to time, however, as soon as he became a treasure hunter, their times of hanging out having to cut short. It was a good thing that they had left on good terms.

"Yo! Latias! Long time no see!" Gene greeted.

The dragon-psychic legendary turned around and gave a wide smile, she ran up and hugged her best friend. This confused the Rainbow Pegasus as she was trying to decipher on what is going on exactly.

"Gene! Haven't seen you in forever! What's going on?" She asked with a smile.

Gene smiled back and pointed to Rainbow Dash. "Well, taking this little lady to the Adventure Union. She wants to join it."

Latias then turned to the cyan Pegasus and gave a smile. "Hey! I know you! Yeah, you're that pony who said you can clear the skies for us. Is that true by the way?" She asked.

Rainbow scoffed with a grin. "Of course, I clear the skies in my sleep." She bragged to which Gene rolled his eyes at. Latias giggled at this wrapped an arm around the pony.

"So Gene told me that you want to be part of the Adventure Union. I'm trying to get in myself. Just waiting for the headmaster to be done with his paperwork." She stated.

"Yeah, I heard it's pretty awesome. I'll be just like Daring Do and go off exploring ." The prismatic mare squeed, which confused the two Pokemon.

'Daring Do? Is she some kind of famous explorer or something?' Latias wondered. Gene and Latias just chuckled sheepishly and looked at the pretty excited mare. Gene smiled and nodded towards Latias.

"Well, Latias. It seems you have things under control. Why don't you show her around once you two get in, okay?" Gene suggested.

"I really need to get going. A Bellator needs to get back to work after all, plus I promise to see my fiancee. Anyways, ciao!" Gene then waved goodbye to them and teleported away which surprised Rainbow Dash.

"W-Wait. He teleported!? And what's a Bellator?" Asked Rainbow.

"I'll tell you later, right now we better get inside. I think the headmaster is done." Latias replied, grabbing the pony's hoof and dragging her inside the tent.

Meanwhile, in the library. Twilight had picked up a stack of books to learn all about Pokemon. Books such as, 'The History of Pokemon' 'Encyclopedia of Pokemon' 'Psychic Types and You' and 'Pokemon Evolution'. She smiled as she began to read the first book, 'The History of Pokemon'.

"Yes! With this, I'll know enough about Pokemon. Though I am going to be here for a while. I wonder how my friends are doing?" She wondered.

The lavender princess sighed and continued to read, hoping that her friends would not cause too much trouble. Suddenly she heard a chair being moved beside her. She looked annoyed at first but then realized it's one of those Pokemon. He was a quadruped, mammalian Pokémon with a dark blue to gray body covered in white fur. He has a ruff around his neck and chest and a tuft on the top of his head adorned with a single blue-black oval. He has a feline face with almond-shaped, red eyes, a scythe-like tail, and a sickle-shaped horn on the side of his head which kind of made the Alicorn shiver. His broad feet are equipped with three claws each, and spikes protrude from the heels of his hind legs and the elbows of its front legs.

"Hi! You must be the princess of your old world. Princess Twilight, was it?" greeted the Pokemon in a kind voice.

"Uh, yes. But you can just call me Twilight" She replied with a smile a tiny blush. Whoever this Pokemon is, he looked and acted friendly.

"Twilight huh? Nice name. I should introduce myself too. My name is Artemis and I'm an Absol." He introduced.

The lavender alicorn nodded and noticed that the Absol had levitated one of her books to her side which was covered in a rainbow colored aura. She also noticed that his red eyes were now glowing blue. This amazed Twilight, urging her to know more about Pokemon, psychic's especially.

"I take it you're a psychic Pokemon?" Questioned Twilight.

Artemis chuckled and shook his head. "Nah, I'm a dark-type Pokemon. I was just using Future Sight, which is a Psychic Move. However, I was only using about 3% of it's true power."

This confused Twilight greatly. How can a dark type Pokemon use a psychic type move? She thought only psychic moves were only exclusive to psychic Pokemon. If that were the case, maybe ponies can replicate Pokemon moves as well?

'Pokemon are incredible.' She said in amazement. Artemis tilted his head in confusion as to why Twilight was starring in wonder. It kind of creeped him out. The alicorn then realized what she is doing and snapped out of it. She blushed and rubbed the back of her sheepishly.

"Sorry about that, Hehehe. Hey-uh what abilities do dark type Pokemon have?" She asked.

Artemis thought about it and remembered most of the abilities that dark types possess. Some can make illusions while others can cause bad dreams. However, he realized that most dark types don't have anything special to them.

"Well, for starters. Not much really. We do have an immunity to psychic type attacks and some dark types can create illusions, shadows, bad dreams and even predict natural disasters."

While the lavender princess was a bit intrigued by the fact that some Pokemon can be immune to other types. However, Pokemon can predict natural disasters is what caught her interest. Her friend, Pinkie has a similar ability of sensing oncoming danger.

"Pokemon can sense oncoming disasters?!" She asked in surprised.

The Absol nodded, seemingly uncomfortable about the topic. He told her that Absols are known to warn Pokemon of upcoming disasters such as volcano eruptions, tsunamis and hurricanes. However, because natural disasters happen when an Absol is around. Some Pokemon view them as a doom bringer. Realizing the conversation had turned really gloomy, Twilight decided to change the subject.

"So, uh... now that I know Pokemon have different abilities, aside from the ones they use in battle. Are there other Pokemon immune to other types." Twilight asked, hoping the subject will change.

"Yes. As you know, Dark type Pokemon like myself are immune to psychic techniques. Steel type Pokemon is immune to poison techniques. Fairy type Pokemon is immune to dragon techniques. Ghost type Pokemon is immune to fighting techniques. Normal type Pokemon is immune to ghost techniques and Flying type Pokemon are immune to ground techniques. Immunity help us in battle, however we also have weaknesses and resistances, depending on the typing. For example, Fire types are weak against Water Pokemon, but have a resistance against Grass type Pokemon. Hope that helps." Artemis replied with a smile.

Twilight nodded with a happy smile, taking all the information in. It seemed that Pokemon do have limitations, weaknesses and amongst other things that are quite similar to the magic beings of Equestria. She was happy that she ran into a possible new friend who can help her around the subject of Pokemon. Plus he looks kind of cute. A small and barely visible blush appeared on the alicorn's cheeks for thinking that.

'Sweet Celestia. Did I just thought that?!' Twilight mentally gasped. Her thoughts shattered apart when she heard Artemis speak.

"Tell you what. Why don't you come live with me and Tusk. We sure could use the company, plus with an extra room we wouldn't mind. " Artemis suggested.

The lavender princess thought about the idea, she could read her books peace and settle in. Plus, she and Spike had no place to live at the moment. She had hope Spike would be ok by himself for a while, but knowing her friends; especially Rarity would never let Spike get in danger. She smiled and looked back at the Absol, who was awaiting her answer.

"Can.... Can I think about it, please?" pleaded Twilight with a kind smile on her face.

"Of course. Take all the time you need, Twilight." Artemis replied with a smile of his own.

Rarity's new Carousel Boutique had been built thanks to the Gurdurr who decided to help her because of her looks. with new adjustments. She added in couches, a television, magazine shelf for reading, and a workplace where she can design new clothes for the citizens. She had seen many Pokemon with different designs and had inspired her to make more clothes. She grabbed a sheet of sketching paper and went to work with her myriad of ideas.

"With the amount of Pokemon I had met along the way, I have been given so many ideas. I could make me so MANY dresses." She squealed in delight. Her thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the door opening and footsteps. She turned to see a cream colored cat with purple fur on its head, neck and tail. Next was a dog that looked like a poodle, it's fur was black and orange and had a Kabuki trim to it. Rarity marveled at the color and the fur coat of the dog. Lastly, she sees a green insect-like creature with a leafy hood and arms.

"Ummm... can I help you three?" asked the element of generosity.

The cat nodded and smiled at the white pony, she cleared her throat and begin. "Right, My name is Velvet, I am a Delcatty. These are my friends Kabuki the Furfrou and Seamstress the Leavanny. We heard that you're a Fashionista. We heard from a couple of ponies that you used to own a store called the Carousel Boutique."

Rarity smiled and nodded. "I am Rarity or Miss Rarity if you prefer. And of course, darling. Not trying to be rude or anything, but I was just in the middle of sketching out these wonderful dresses I had in mind." She finished with a happy smile.

The three Pokemon walked up to her and each looked at the sketch of dresses she had doodled. What she had sketched so far had amazed and wowed the three Pokemon. They explained to Rarity how much they love the design and how amazing it looked.

"Awww. Thank you, three. Maybe I should make dresses for the three of you. But if you don't mind me asking, what are you three here for?" Wondered Rarity.

Kabuki sighed and explained "You see--for at least six months, we have been having some terrible luck."

"What do you mean?" asked Rarity.

Seamstress growls in anger and stares at the floor. "We use to own a business that designs clothes for others called 'The String Shot'. We sell the best clothes for Pokemon everywhere. Scarves, jackets, shoes and even pants; we did them all. The business was our pride and joy; however, it was burned down by that no good rotten Purugly."

The element of generosity figured that this Purugly was another Pokemon she didn't know about. But was rather shocked that some pony or rather somemon would just burn down someone's business. It was most certainly rude and just down right barbaric for her.

"Sweet Celestia! For whatever for darling?!" Asked Rarity.

Kabuki growled at the thought of the Purugly that was the caused of their problem. The Furfrou takes a deep breath and explained. "Around 8 months ago. As you know, we had a business called 'The String Shot'. However, we were rivals with another boutique called 'Ball of Yarn'. We were more successful and made a lot of Poke. Though we had Poke. We only cared about the designs of clothes we make and our customers. However, she became jealous and decided to copy our designs and stated that she made them first. That we stole her ideas and we were nothing but common jerks. As you can tell, that wasn't true. A huge argument erupted between our businesses and war happened. Not literal war, just a fashion war. Anyways, she eventually set both our businesses a blaze and our glorious customers turned against us for thinking we did that to hide or get rid of the copies. We tried to bounce back, but we didn't have enough money to start a business in Treasure City. So we just lived here ever since."

Rarity eyes widen at the story that was told to her. She couldn't believe how some Pokemon could be so cruel to each other. She knew how it felt having her hard work taken away from her. Remembering the incident that happened with Suri and Coco Pommel in Manehatten. She wrapped her hooves around the Furfrou and rubbed her back.

"There there darling, I know exactly how you feel about having your work stolen from you. I had that problem happened to me two weeks ago. But I am not trying to sound mean or anything, but why exactly did you come here? You, uh--never answered my question." Stated Rarity.

Velvet smiled sadly and looked at the pony "I hope you don't mind it. But if it's ok. Could we possibly work for you? We could bring in more customers." She suggested.

"And help you design these clothes." Added Seamstress.

"And there can be grooming on the side. And who doesn't like a good grooming?!" Said Kabuki with confidence in her voice.

Velvet smiled and nodded at the pony. "The truth is Miss Rarity. We just want our dream back. Please....let's us work with you." tears streamed down the Delcatty's face. Rarity, now crying as well hugged the three Pokemon, trying to calm them down. She smiled and looked at them all in the eye.

"Darlings. Of course you can work here. Welcome to the Carousel Boutique." She said.

Velvet and her friends couldn't be anymore happier hearing those words.

Fluttershy walked down the road of the town, wanting to explore more of the place she'll be living in. It was happening so suddenly and normally she would shy away from these types of things. However, seeing the new inhabitants of the Pokemon world who express kindness and love, made her feel braver. She wasn't paying any attention to where she was going and had bumped into one of the Pokemon. She rubbed her head to ease the pain and looked up to see what or who she bumped into.

He was a quadruped, hoofed Pokémon that looked similar to a goat. He is covered in a fluffy, brown fur that is dark across the back and light around the belly and legs. Around his neck, he has a thick, green leaves mane that extends down his spine and ends in a short tail. The fur on his face is white with fluffier fur on his chin. He has a black nose and red eyes with white pupils. His eyes are surrounded by a black marking. The top of his head is dark brown and has two long, curving, black horns that extend over his back. The fur on his legs is shorter than the rest of his body, dark brown on the upper leg, and white around his feet. Each foot ends in a cloven, brownish-orange hoof.

The goat like Pokemon looked to who he bumped into and stepped back to get a good look of her. "My apologies." He apologized softly to the yellow mare. He wanted to ask if she was alright, however, he knew she'll be fine. He walked passed her and continued his hike to home.

Fluttershy had noticed that the Gogoat had dropped something. Being the kind pony she is, she picked it up and went to give it back to him. The shy pony followed the Gogoat down the road and hesitantly tapped his grassy tail. This caught the grass-type Pokemon's attention and looked behind him to see what or who had tapped him. He looked to see that it was the same pony he had bumped into before.

"Ah? It's you, again. Is there anything you need?" He asked politely.

Fluttershy wimpered shyly and held up a bag what seem to be filled with Poke. His eyebrows raised, not from the bag that he dropped, but from the pony who seemed to be afraid of him.

"Y-you--umm. dr-dropped this." She said quietly, hoping that the Gogoat heard her. He did. He had very acute hearing after all. He grabbed the bag with his mouth and toss the bag onto his back. He gave her a silent nod.

"Thank you-Uh. Forgive me, I haven't learned your name." He stated.

Fluttershy squeaked and hid her face behind her mane. She looked back at the Gogoat and rubbed a hoof across the dirt road.

"F-Fluttershy." She introduced.

Gogoat nodded and went to turn around, not before giving her his name in return. It was only fair to do so.

"Capricorn. My name is Capricorn." He replied and trotted off to his next destination. Fluttershy watched the Gogoat leave and smiled a small smile.

"Capricorn..." She whispered to herself.

Rainbow Dash and Latias were in the middle of a conversation. A conversation about the 13 Bellators and the ranks of the Pokemon world. The 13 Bellators are a group of Pokemon who possess incredible power and fame. To become a Bellator, you would need to defeat one in battle. The Bellators sounding something like a combination of the Wonderbolts and the Princesses. There were more ranks that she learned from Latias that gained the prismatic mare's interest. Praefectus is the highest rank in the world and basically the overseer of a world they're ruling over. Arceus is in that rank. Then below that rank, you have your Dux. The Dux ranks are similar to a princess. You receive this rank when you have 3 years of experience of ruling over a nation. That rank is where Cobalion and the rest of the Dux are. The rank lower than a Dux is a Gladius. Gladius are like captains of a special royal guard and protecting the weak from harm. Terrakion and Virizion belong in that rank as well as their apprentice, Keldeo. She didn't know who he was, but from what Latias told her, he had the look of a pony. Bellators are below Gladius and the ranks that are below Bellators are Militis. Like Gladius, Militis are the royal guards only just regular soldiers of duty. Like the Gladius, Militis roles are no different. The only difference is that they act as watch or bodyguards of royalty. Lastly, the two ranks that are below Militis; Tribuntus and Nomadum. Tribuntus are officers of the law and hunt down criminals who try to either escape justice or attack innocent civilians. As for Nomadum, it is as the name implies. They're nomads who travel from place to place and helping others out.

She had learned a lot from the legendary Pokemon, and they had shared their history with each other. She had learned that Latias is from the Air Continent and is Latios little sister. She knew they looked alike, it was only obvious. Latias has also learned a lot from Rainbow Dash, that she is the fastest flier which Latias claims that she is also fast flier. The two got along quickly and became good friends. The two girls then notice a Lombre walking up towards them with a clipboard in his hand. It seemed like he was double checking something.

"Hello Mr. Gonzales."

The Lombre looked up from his clipboard and smiled at the eon Pokemon. "Heya, Latias. I see you came all the way here from the Air Continent to join the Adventure Union, I presume?" He guessed.

"Yeah! I've been excited about it and I had asked my brother if it was okay. He's totally fine with it." She confirmed. Gonzales nodded and looked towards the prismatic pony wondering if she is here for the same reason.

"I take it your friend is here to join the Adventure Union too?" Asked Gonzales.

Rainbow grinned at the water-grass Pokemon and nodded to him. "Yeah, I heard about the Adventure Union and I wanted to join it. Create a team and even become one of the 13 Bellators one day."

Gonzales was shocked by her declaration of becoming one of the 13 Bellators. She had confidence, that's for sure. He smiled was about to respond until the Adventure Union leader came in. She is a small, brown bipedal Pokémon with a vaguely ram-like appearance. There is a cotton-like substance covering her back, neck, and forehead. Behind her is a green, star shaped section similar to the area where a plant connects to its produce. She has orange, oval-shaped eyes and green, curled horns or ears. The Pokemon looked at the two girls and gave them a smile.

"Ah. New members, right?" She guessed. Gonzales nodded to her, confirming her guess. The Pokemon smiled and gave the two girls a wave.

"The names, Harlequin. I'm the sister of the famous, Apollo of the Expedition Society." Harlequin introduced. Rainbow looked at Latias in confusion, obviously looking for an answer.

Latias noticed this and responded right away. "Apollo is one of the 13 Bellators and is rank #9." Which shocked Rainbow Dash, she wondered if Harlequin was a Bellator as well? Wouldn't hurt to ask, right?

"Hey? uh-Harlequin? So what rank are you? Since your brother is number #9?" She asked.

The Whismicott chuckled and responded. "Number #11" Rainbow was only slightly impress at this revelation, thinking that she was a higher rank if she is a leader of the Adventure Union.

'I wonder whose rank #1?' Rainbow wondered. Harlequin smirked and blew a whistle. "Everyone! Come and meet your newest members. One of them is a pony."

Just then, in a hurry. A Ivysaur, Rotom, Porygon Z, Bidoof, Corsola and Voltorb all appeared smiling at the duo. The group than began to introduce themselves.

"Heya, I'm Ivy, the Ivysaur. Welcome to the Adventure Union." Ivy greeted.

"I'm Calgon, the Rotom." Calgon greeted too. "Just don't let me near any washing machines or other devices." He smirked. The rest of the Pokemon sweatdropped at this.

"Uh huh... ignore him. Hello, You may refer to me as Data." The Porygon-Z bowed towards the legendary Pokemon and the prismatic pony. Soon, the Bidoof introduces himself as Bill, he was a fun guy who enjoys some adventure. The Corsola introduces herself as Carol. Carol was a bit soft-spoken and shy, which reminded Rainbow Dash of her friend, Fluttershy. Last but not, least, The Voltorb introduced himself as CeeFor and had an explosive attitude, meaning the guy was short tempered. Latias and Rainbow Dash were showed around the Union and even the types of missions that they'll be doing. After a good 30 minutes of touring around the Union and answering questions about Equestria, Latias and Rainbow Dash walked out of the Union and smiled.

"Yes! We're a part of the Adventure Union. I can't believe it!" Latias cheered.

"I know! I'm so excited! I can't wait to go on missions and stuff!" Rainbow replied with equal enthusiasm. Latias smiled and looked at the rainbow mare.

"Hey, uh--Rainbow Dash? Since we don't have a team and all. I was wondering? Would you like to be teammates? You know, start a rescue team of our own?" Latias asked, hoping she'll say yes. Honestly, Rainbow was already considered a best friend in Latias eyes. The legendary, rarely had any friends, only other Pokemon wants to be her friend because they wanted to get closer to her brother.

Rainbow thought about and realized how awesome would it be to have her as a teammate. Plus, she seemed really cool and nice. Of course she'll agree to it.

"Yeah! Why not. But we need to think of a name. How bout--The Rainbooms!" Rainbow suggested. Latias shook her head and soon a name came up to her.

"Wait! How bout the Eons?"

"Nah. Sonic Booms?"

"Nope. Mist Balls?"

"Pffffffft balls. No. No. We need to think of something so cool, that everyone will remember it."

Latias and Rainbow Dash thought hard until a name they both decided on came up. They both nodded and smirk at each other.

"Team Mist Rainbooms!" They said in unison. The name was decided. They will now be known as the Mist Rainbooms.

Applejack slowly opened her eyes to find that she was in a nice comfy bed. She turned to her right and saw a Ninetales cutting and peeling apples. The Ninetales turned and noticed that she was awake, she gave a mare a smile.

"Ah good thing you're awake. We were kind of worried." The Ninetales said.

"Who are you? And where am ah?" Applejack asked weakly. Ampharos noticed this and sighed, the poison was still in her system. It was a good thing she had made some Berry Juice that was 100% Pecha Berry . The Ninetales grabbed the bowl of juice and handed to the Applejack, telling her she should drink this. Applejack weakly took a sip of the juice and two seconds later, her whole body began to feel a whole better. As if she was never poisoned. This surprised the apple mare a whole lot.

"What in the--Ah'm not poisoned or feel no funny no more. Yeehaw!!" She cheered. Applejack turned to the Ninetales and smiled at her.

"Thank ya kindly...uh...."

"Kyuubi...Ms. Kyuubi. The one who saved you from those nasty Beedrill was, Amaterasu; my nephew. Right now you are in our home. You've been out for at least an hour." Kyuubi informed the element of honesty. This surprised Applejack, she was only out for an hour? It felt more than that. She decided to give out her name to her saviors.

"The names Applejack! Nice to meetcha!" She greeted.

Applejack smiled and grabbed her hat that was sitting on the shelf beside her. She also noticed some apple slices on a plate and looked at Kyuubi for permission to devour. The Ninetales giggled and told her that they are for her anyways. Without a second thought, she dug into her morsel; enjoying the delicious treats. Suddenly the door creaked open, revealing Amaterasu and a Vulpix walking behind him. He looked at Applejack and nodded to her, giving her a smile.

"I see you're awake."

"Thanks for helping me back there, uh-Ameeteratzu?" Applejack tried to pronounce his name correctly, which made Kyuubi giggled. The Arcanine rolled his eyes at his aunt and then smile at Applejack.

"Just call me, AT. It's what my friends call me." Amaterasu requested

"Right, AT and uh---sorry bout eating your apples there partner. Ya see... before ah came here, Ah was an apple farmer and well, apples were my pride and joy. So when ah saw the Apple Forest, it brought back memories of Sweet Apple Acres." The apple mare explained. Her ears flat against her skull. Ashamed that she vandalized somepony or somemon's property.

"You were a farmer?!" asked Kyuubi.

"Yes, ma'am. Ah, would love to farm again if ah could. But ah guess ah should go live in an ordinary house instead." Applejack said with sadness in her voice, it was obvious that she had missed her home. Amaterasu looked at her with sympathy and grabbed a pink scarf. He walked over to the apple farmer and handed the scarf to her. Applejack looked at the scarf and back to him with confusion on her face.

"What is this?" asked Applejack.

"This is a Pecha Scarf . It gives you complete immunity to poison." The Arcanine explained.

"How is that scarf suppose to protect me from being poisoned? Sorry sugarcube, but that doesn't make a lick a sense."

This made the Arcanine grinned mischievously. He turned to the Vulpix and nodded to him. On the Vulpix's back was a silver tray carrying what look like purple spikes. Applejack began to back up in fear from starring at the scary looking spikes. Just what were they planning to do?

"We knew you were going to say that. Kitsune, the spikes." Amaterasu ordered. Kitsune stood still and watched Amaterasu carefully grabbed one of the spikes off the tray that was placed on his back. He then looks at Applejack and nudge his head towards the scarf.

"These spikes are Venipede Spikes which are poisonous of course. Wear that scarf and I'll show you how it will protect you. Trust me" He instructed. Reluctantly, Applejack did what he said by wrapping the scarf around her neck. She didn't realize it til now, but it the scarf really looks good on her. Amaterasu nodded at Applejack and she gulped and braced herself. She looked at the fire Pokemon with a nervous look. He wasn't lying about the scarf protecting her, but she still didn't want it backfiring. However, she never backs down. Especially from no needle.

"You ready.... uhh?" Not really knowing her name.

"Applejack. And yes. Ah'm ready."

Amaterasu nodded and smacked the spike on to Applejack's side. To her it felt like a small pinch, but she wasn't feeling any poisonous effects or anything around that level. In fact, she felt like as if she was wearing some kind of armor. Did the Pecha Scarf really work? This really surprised her a lot. She had much to learn from this world.

"Wh-what in tarnation!?" She gasped.

"That's the effects of the Pecha Scarf, Applejack. Keep wearing it and you'll be immune to poison." Kyuubi said with a smile on her face. She nodded with a happy smile and looked at the pink scarf around her neck. She took it off and handed to the Ninetales with an apologetic look on her face.

"Is there a...ummm possible way to change the color to red maybe? The color really doesn't suit me." Applejack asked. Feeling kind of bad for a change up on a gift the nice family gave her.

Kyuubi smiled and nodded "Sure thing. I'll see what I can do. Don't worry, it's free of charge. OH! The sun is setting! I forgot all about the festival. You two better go now. Me and Kitsune will stay in. We already met the new neighbors." She winked.

Applejack blushed and nodded, leaving with Amaterasu. When the duo exit the house, Applejack noticed that there was a farm and barn outside. The farm had many types of berries planted. The way things looked, it was almost as if Applejack had never left home; that she was already here. She looked up at Amaterasu with pleading eyes, and Amaterasu noticed this. He chuckled and nodded his head.

"Yes Applejack. You can live here."

"Thank ya so much AT! Also, Ah wanna know. Can the fam stay with me too? It's only me, my big brother Macintosh, my little sister Applebloom, Granny Smith and our dog Winona. Ah, I know it's a bit much, but I-" Her speech was interrupted by the Arcanine putting his paw on her muzzle.

"It's fine Applejack. It's fine. We have 5 bedrooms in the house, but we will make it work. I promise. Now let's not worry about that. Let's get to the festival" Amaterasu said with a smile. Applejack nodded and the two ran into the forest, heading towards the beginning festival.

Night had fallen and the mane six along with various ponies were enjoying the time they were having, some were playing games like fishing for Koi fish and others were dancing to music made by the Bellossom sisters which Pinkie joined in during the dance routine. Everyone joined in and it was a great time. Applejack had explained to her family what happened and Big Mac threatened to hurt the Beedrills if he ever see them again. Amaterasu smiled at this and introduced himself to the apple family.

"Hey there, I'm Amaterasu. I am the one who saved your sister. You can call AT if you want." He said.

"Thank ya kindly, AT, Ah'm Big Macintosh. But mah friends call me Big Mac, and this here is Applebloom, Granny Smith and Winona. Nice ta meet ya" He smiled, shaking the Arcanine's paw.

"Howdy there, Mister. Ah'm Applebloom. Wow, you sure are a big dog." Applebloom comment.

Soon it got silent as Arcanine's ears flatten against his skull. He looked irritated when she said that word. Dog. If there was one thing Amaterasu hated more, it was being called a dog. Despite, looking like one. Winona whined a bit, feeling the tension coming from the Arcanine. Applejack noticed this too, and glared at Applebloom for possibly offending the Pokemon.

"Applebloom!" Applejack scolded.

Realizing what she had done, the little apple filly began to tear up. Frantically apologizing to both Amaterasu and Applejack. The Arcanine soon snapped out of his anger and looked at the frantic filly. He lifted his paw and placed it upon Applebloom's head.

"So-sorry about going all mad, like that. I just HATE being called a dog. Just please don't do it again." He advised placing his paw back down.

This calmed down Applebloom as she leaped at his leg and hugged it, apologizing repeatedly. The rest of the Apple family along with Amaterasu chuckled at this. The Arcanine then remembered he had to explain and tell them that the family will be living with him from now on.

Amaterasu explained about the living arrangements to the apple family and they had all agreed. Each of the mane six talked about the current places they'll be living in and what is going on right now. After three hours of eating and dancing, the mane six went their separate ways with their Pokemon friends. Artemis, Twilight and Spike are now walking towards their new home. The walk was very peaceful and quiet until Twilight broke the silence.

"Hey Artemis?" Asked Twilight.


"You said that you live with a guy named Tusk. Who is he? What's he like?" She asked. Artemis smiled and looked at Twilight and Spike.

"Tusk is a Axew. A dragon-type Pokemon. Not to worry, he isn't fully evolved. I had found him during a mission in Zero Isle when he was just an egg. He is about the same height as Spike. He can be a big eater and not to mention, adventurous. Sometimes when I leave home, he can get a bit lonely. He's like a little brother to me and I will do anything to keep that little lizard safe and happy." Artemis explain.

Spike had been partially excited that he'll be talking to another dragon, one that is around his age. Twilight smiled at Artemis explanation. His description of Tusk reminded her of Spike. The three had finally made it to his home. They had noticed the Axew had passed, asleep on the couch. Probably either from cleaning the house or from some small adventure he had. Twilight had approached the dragon Pokemon and looked at Artemis.

"Yup. That's him. Can you place him in my room please. It's upstairs on the right. First door." He instructed. Twilight nodded as she levitated the Axew with her magic and walked upstairs to find Artemis room. It was a bit plain. There's a bed with a blanket with dark blue crescent moons patterned on them. The curtains were also a dark blue. Next was a shelf that held some books, an alarm clock and what appeared some kind of necklace that had a gem with a blue-white swirl inside of it.

'What is that?' She wondered as she gazed at the dazzling necklace. Artemis walked in and noticed that the princess was staring at his necklace.

"I see you're interested in my mega stone. It helps me evolve further and get stronger." He explained.

This piqued Twilight's interest. "Mega stone? Evolve further? What do you mean?" Before Artemis could reply, Twilight let out a tired yawn. Probably from all that dancing and partying, she did at the festival.

"How bout I tell you, tomorrow." Artemis suggested. "You seemed tired." Twilight chuckled at this and nodded. "If you were wondering where you'll be sleeping. It's the room next to mine. Spike is in there too." He explain. Twilight nodded and walked out, not before thanking the Absol for his kindness.

Meanwhile in the Life Continent in the Primeval Forest. A tall blue deer-like creature was walking through the enchanting forest. This creature was a Pokemon known as Xerneas, and she smiled as she watched the fellow Pokemon sleep peacefully in their homes. However, a certain diamond Pokemon rushed to her and had a nervous expression on her face. The Pokemon of Life wondered what could be troubling her daughter.

'Forgive me Father for what I am about to do.' The diamond Pokemon prayed.

"Mother! It's good to see you again." She greeted with a bow.

"Hello Diancie. How's Mist Continent and your subjects holding up? Pretty well, I presume?" Xerneas asked. Diancie smiled and told her everything's fine. However, she began to explain what she came here for.

"Uhhh... Mother. Father brought about 9-10 new species of different creatures from a planet called Equus and saved them from destruction and extinction without your permission. They now reside in our world, Mother." She informed, closing her eyes in fear. While Xerneas may seem kind and gentle, she is one of the few Pokemon you do NOT want to anger. Xerneas had a confuse expression on her face and went to go see for herself. She and Diancie teleported to Noe Town and saw Diamond Dogs and Crystal Ponies walking around the town with the Pokemon. She walked up to one of the Diamond Dogs and asked how she and her species got here.

"Some Pokemon brought us here after saving us from our planet's destruction. I'm surprise you didn't know." She said as she walks off.

"Yeah...Me too" Xerneas replied almost calmly. Her face went from confusion to anger in a matter of minutes. She need to talk to her husband tomorrow about this.

"Told you mother." Diancie spoke

Xerneas took a deep breath and screamed at the top of her lungs.


Xerneas and Diancie teleported out of the area with the goddess of light bearing a look of pure anger, ignoring the looks she was getting from the various Diamond Dogs, Crystal Ponies and Pokemon.

"Did you hear that?" Spoke a Diamond Dog.

"I taste that." A Glaceon replied.

Meanwhile, in the Hall of Legends, Arceus is spending time with his daughter Mew. He was chuckling and smiled at the pink Pokemon. The two legendary Pokemon was chatting up something humorous.

"I am sure you will meet tons of new friends, Mew. Just don't cause too much trouble" He said, knowing his daughter very well.

"I know. I know. I am not a little kid dad." She replied. Suddenly, Arceus felt a cold shiver went down his spine and he felt pale. Mew noticed this and looked at her father with concern.

"Dad? You alright?" She asked.

"Yes. I just felt the wrath of your mother." He replied.

Author's Notes:

Sorry it took so long guys. I was staying at a friends house and plus I was very sore from doing work. Not to mention the website shutting down and me being distracted. :twilightsheepish:

And I am also sorry for that rush ending :twilightsheepish: I have been working on this chapter for at least two weeks.

Enjoy Chapter 5 and expect Chapter 6 some other time :rainbowdetermined2:

Also. I will be taking a break from this story. Maybe a week long break. It has been affecting my sleep(which I rarely get) :applejackconfused: I am NOT quitting the story, just it'll be on hiatus for a week or two.

For those asking for Princess Celestia, Mew and various characters. That will be next chapter where it will focus on the background ponies and princesses (minus Twilight) point of view of the world and what they are currently doing. I will not show ALL of the background ponies. Just some of them(ex: Vinyl, Doctor, Nurse Redheart etc)


And YES! Derpy will be appear next chapter :derpytongue2: So...yeah, expect that and see you all real soon.

Next Chapter: Chapter 6: Attack! Attack!(Edited) Estimated time remaining: 47 Minutes
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