
A Super New World of Infinity

by RainbowSixtySix

Chapter 3: Chapter 2: Serene Village(Edited)

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Celestia and the rest of her subjects, along with the rest of the world leaders stood outside of the Hall of Legends. There they notice the Dux 6 standing next to each with portals behind them. Celestia also noticed in the portal, she could make fields and some dirt roads here and there. Is this where they'll be living at? a dirt road?. Twelve portals and ten different species, How will they divide this to make these living arrangements fair, or even? She waited in silence, ready for the Pokémon to give out the living arrangements of what species go where. She just hope it's beneficial for them all, especially for her ponies. Twilight on the other hand was getting worried. Not because of where she'll live, but she hasn't seen her Brother and her parents since the Tirek incident. She prayed they didn't suffer the same fate Equus did, she begins to look around and noticed her brother, Shining Armor is currently chatting with some of the Crystal Empire royal guards. She smiled and ran up to him, giving him a giant big hug from the side.

"BBBFF! YOU'RE OKAY!!" Exclaimed Twilight, which startled the Prince of the Crystal Empire, along with the nearby ponies around them.

Shining Armor turned around to see his little sister hugging him from behind. It warmed his heart to know that his little sister didn't get caught in that explosion. Though, he knew his sister and wife would be safe, but it still worried him. He couldn't help but to worry, it's in his nature to care and love. He smiled and hugged her back, nuzzling her cheek affectionately. He looked around her to see if she was hurt, but thankfully, found no injuries. He sighed in relief and pat her head with a smile.

"Hey Twily, Ya scared me half to death. I knew deep down you were safe, but I still couldn't help but be worried about you sometimes." Said Shining Armor with a relieved chuckled.

Twilight sheepishly rubbed the back of head in embarrassment and blushed. It can be a bit embarrassing when your brother acts like this, just like how he cried during her coronation. But, just like any other older siblings, he was proud of her and was happy for her. She smiled at her brother.

"I know, I know. But I am a big mare now. I do appreciate you looking out for me though. What about Mom and Dad? Are they okay?" She asked.

Shining pointed to the now approaching Nightlight and Twilight Velvet with happy and relieved expressions on their faces. Twilight watched as her parents rushed towards and gave the pony princess a loving embrace.

"Twilight, Thank Celestia!" Her mother called and grabbed her in a full bear-like hug. Twilight felt like her life was squeezing right out of her body. Velvet swung her around chanting 'Thank Celestia'. Feeling like her bones were going to turn to dust, Twilight wheezed and try to pry her mother off, but to no avail. It took Shining, Nightlight, Spike and eventually Cadence to pry the mare of the Princess of Friendship. She comically fell on the ground and begin to catch her breath. She lazily looks at her mother, who had an embarrassing smile on her face. She couldn't help but chuckle at this.

"Twilight, You okay?" Asked Spike as he helped her out. The baby dragon was really trying his hardest to stifle his laughter.

"Yes, Spike. I'm fine. Just mom here showing how much she loves me." She replied with a roll of her eyes but smiled. Velvet chuckled and nuzzled her, along with her husband, Nightlight who was nuzzling her other cheek. She sighed and smiled at her daughter.

"Well, when your daughter is a princess who goes on dangerous adventures from time to time, can you really blame your mother?" She asked. Twilight shook her head in response and smiled, hugging them both. She was happy that her whole family is safe and sound, however, her thoughts were interrupted by the clearing of throats from the Dux 6. The inhabitants of Equus, cease their chattering and gazed upon the 6 legendary Pokémon that is going to decide where they will be staying. Mewtwo, surprisingly; was the first to speak up. He floated towards the crowd and looked at them all.

"Minotaur will come with me. You will be starting your new lives in a town called Post Town of the Life Continent. I rule over that town, along with a few others. If I give you an order, you follow it. No backstabbing, No talk back and no fights among my nation or subjects. If you manage to follow these rules, I can see all of us getting along. Also... I.... I want to apologize for scaring you all back there." He muttered the last part, though they had heard him loud and clear. He still will be cautious around them and keep an eye on them, for now. Silver Horn, the leader of the Minotaur Kingdom stepped up and looked at psychic Pokémon in the eye. To say he wasn't afraid was an understatement. His nostrils flared as he growled at the psychic Pokemon. Some of the Dux Pokemon, looked tensed, preparing to restrain the Minotaur if things go south.

"Alright, Now listen up. I don't care if you're stronger than me. But no one will boss around my people! I will agree to live in your nation and I will also promise not to attack your subjects as long as they don't attack me or my people. BUT I WON'T LET YOU WALK ALL OVER US!!" He retorted with a roar to the Pokémon. To say the least, everybody has been completely shocked, especially the other dux Pokemon; rarely anyone stood against Mewtwo like that. The silence went all around the area, the tension was so thick you could psycho cut it in half. Mewtwo just stared at the Minotaur and gave him a small smirk.

"Alright, I will not. However, like I said before. If you try anything nefarious; I will eliminate you" Mewtwo warned, He ignored Silver Horn and turned his attention to his subjects.

"In the Life Continent. There are a few places you can start your life in. Life Town is the place that I reside in, along with my father Arceus who lives in a castle. It is a peaceful town that is north of Prism City. There are many other places to visit and see in the Life Continent, but I will not go through the list. You will all have to see yourselves. Now then, follow me into the portal, and I will get you all settled up. Dragons of the Dragon Empire, follow me as well." He announced as he walked into the portal with the Silver Horn and the Minotaur following him behind. King Tavorok and his Dragon subjects followed the psychic cat as well. Now there were 8 species left to be settled into.

There was silence once again until Celebi broke it with a clearing of her throat. She nervously chuckled and rubbed the back of head looking at the crowd with a sheepish smile.

"Well, that was a thing----that happened. Heheheh. Alright, guess I'm up. Deer, Zebras and Changelings shall live in my nation, The Grass Continent. We are all about the forest and nature, so I figured you would all love to be around that kind of stuff. So everyone from the Changeling Kingdom, Zebra Tribe and the City of Thicket will be living in the Grass Continent's towns of Capim Town and Pokemon Paradise." Celebi announced.

King Aspen nodded at this and smiled. He was happy that he wouldn't be living with those annoying Minotaur. But then, he and his fellow deer would have to live with the changelings. He knew about the pesky bug-like creatures, how they feed off the love of the ones close to you. He narrowed his eyes at the changeling queen, upset that he had to put his subjects in danger by living with her. The Zebras however, were a peaceful race would not try to attack unless they were provoked. Celebi noticed the amnesty that was forming within the kingdom of deers towards the Changeling Queen. Chrysalis seemed to not notice or care.

"Do not worry King Aspen, You and subjects will be alright living with the Changelings. Like my father had mentioned earlier, if things go down south. He will see to it, however that isn't exclusive to just Changelings either. We are here giving you all a home, you are all bound to live with someone you dislike. Capim Town and Pokemon Paradise are beautiful places in the Grass Continent. Not to mention there a tons of sights and It has a lot of love to give that damn near endless, so don't worry about starvation. Grassy fields to run around, warm winds and a beautiful sky. Might even go there myself for a vacation." She explained as she smiled at the last part. Dreaming of running through the fields and enjoying the weather with a certain Pokemon.

Chrysalis smirked at this, a place that gives out endless love. Now she doesn't have to worry about feeding her subjects or worry about them starving, she looked around and noticed most of them had a look of relief. She rolled her eyes and scoffed, at least she won't be attacking nopony anymore. Plus, with free homes and endless love energy, she is greatly satisfied.

"Thank you Celebi for this wonder hospitality." Chrysalis thanked.

The Zebra empress also thanked the Guardian of the Forest as well.

"Indeed, this is most generous of you" King Aspen added.

Celebi smiled and headed towards to the portal behind her, with the Changelings, Zebras, Deers and their respective leaders following her. Latios, the Dux of the Air Continent took the Griffons of Griffonstone, Ponies from the Rainbow Falls and Cloudsdale into the portal. He explained to them that the places the two species can reside in are Baram Town and Shaymin Village . Rainbow Dash sighed in relief, knowing that she won't be separated from her friends.

'There's no way in hell I'm leaving my friends.' Rainbow declared in her mind.

Darkrai looked at the slowly decreasing crowd and now only stood Buffalo, Yaks, Ponies and Diamond Dogs. He decided to choose the ponies and buffalo to start their new lives in the Sand Continent

"Citizens of the Buffalo Tribe and ponies who lived in Dodge Junction, Appleloosa, The Rock Farm, Our Town, Tenochtitlan Basin, and Smokey Mountains. You will be living in three places in Sand Continent. Sahra Town . The other two places are Pokemon Village and Pokemon Square . The Sand Continent is a great, hardworking and adventurous nation. It also has tons of gemstones and a museum. I am sure you and your families will enjoy this. Now then, come along." Darkrai said. Like before, said inhabitants followed Darkrai into the portal, getting ready to start their new lives.

Pinkie was currently saying her goodbyes to her sisters and her parents.

"You bett'r cometh and visiteth us, Pinkamena." Cloudy Quartz slightly demanded.

Pinkie giggled and hugged both her Mother and Father. "Don't worry, Mom and Dad. I'll be sure to visit you and my sisters, soon." She replied, reassuringly.

Maud nodded towards her little sister, along with her parents and walked off heading towards the portal. Pinkie noticed that Limestone is carrying around the large boulder. She wasn't surprised by this, Limestone was and always will be super protective towards that boulder.

Twilight wondered when it'll be their turn, she also wondered if said place that she and her friends will either be too cold or too hot. Will it be a friendly environment? Is there a library? So many questions ran through her mind. Her thoughts were interrupted by an orange hoof on her shoulder, she looked to see her side to see Applejack with a concern look on her face.

"Ya alright there, Sugarcube?" Asked the farm mare.

"Yes. Just a little nervous" Twilight replied with a nervous smile. Suddenly, out of nowhere; Pinkie popped into view between them and begin to speak.

"Well, duh you're nervous! I mean this is a whole new world we will live in! Hey! I just said the title of the story! Heheheh! Anyways! You're super nervacited about meeting new Pokémon and scared of confrontation! But don't worry, it'll be like the first time you came to Ponyville all those years ago. But this time, your friends will be with you; Me, Applejack, Fluttershy, Rarity, Spike, Rainbow Dash and even Discord!" She said all in one breath. Twilight decided to ignore the whole 'title of the story' thing she said and nodded at what Pinkie said afterwards. She's right, she isn't alone in this; It will be like going to Ponyville all over again and this time; she has her friends. She put on a determined face, preparing for her and her friends living arrangements.

Cobalion cleared his throat to gain the attention of the rest of the civilians of Equus and begun his speech to wrap things up. They were going really slow.

"Alright I'll make this quick and simple. Ponies from Ponyville, Canterlot, Manehatten, Fillydelpha, Baltimare and Las Pegasus will be coming with me of the Water Continent. Diamond Dogs, Ponies from the Crystal Empire and Yaks from Yakyakistan will go with Princess Diancie of the Mist Continent. The ponies from Ponyville will be living in Serene Village.. It is a great place and a little bigger than Ponyville. The environment is also lovely. The ponies from Manehatten, Fillydelpha, Baltimare and Las Pegasus will be living Treasure City . It used to be a small town 80 years ago, however, it has changed into a bustling city where all types of things happen. From famous actors appearing in your usual business offices. Treasure City had gotten its name due to the amount of money and luck you can find there and not to mention, the city just looks so beautiful. It's very similar to Manehatten, hell, I'll say it's even bigger than Manehatten." Cobalion proudly stated.

This dazzled Rarity, she'll have to visit this Treasure City someday and see what it has to offer.

"Lastly, Ponies of Canterlot will live in Lively Town. Like I had said to a certain Princess, Lively Town is much like Canterlot. The only thing that is different is there are less nobles there. However, it is a place to be. I heard of Ponyville, Canterlot and Manehatten from time to time from father, I understand that you lost your home and everything you had worked for. But if you need anything, you more than welcome to contact me or the other Swords of Justice. Since you all will be living in my region; The Water Continent. I will treat you all the same amount of respect and love as I do to my other subjects. You ponies, despite appearances are no different than that. Alright; Princess Diancie take it from here. They're all yours now."

She nodded and begins her speech and where will the Diamond Dogs will be living, which he knew it was going to be Noe Town and Snowy Village. The village was a cabin like town that he knew that the Yaks would just love.

The ponies begin to pick up their belongings and followed the leader of the Swords of Justice into the portal. It was dark at first but then suddenly they found themselves on a dirt road with three paths. One path to the left and the other to the right, while one is straight up ahead. However, that wasn't the only thing that had noticed. Three more portals are blocking each path, most of the ponies assumed these portals must lead them to their destinations.

"Straight down is Serene Village, On the left is Lively Town and the right leads to Treasure City." Cobalion directed. "Now we must wait for Virizion and Terrakion to show up and we can finally get started."

"No need to wait Cobalion, we're here, " said a feminine voice. The ponies turned to see a large green deer-like creature, followed by a bulky looking creature with large horns. He gave the ponies a friendly smile and nod, while Virizion simply gave them a wave.

"Everyone, These are my teammates and friends. Virizion and Terrakion" Cobalion introduced.

Celestia looked at Virizion with a hint of what could be described as jealously, but mostly curiosity. She walked up to the female Sword of Justice and introduced herself.

'I wonder what's her real relationship with Cobalion?' wondered Celestia.

"Hello there, I am Princess Celestia and this is my Sister, Luna" She introduced as she tilt her head to her little sister. Virizion smiled at the two princesses and introduced herself. "As you already know, I am Virizion and this is Terrakion'

"Howdy!" Terrakion said with joy. "It's nice to meet cha!"

"Charmed." Luna replied with a smile.

Twilight and her friends decided to introduce themselves as well, along with Discord and Spike. After introductions were over, Cobalion cleared his throat to gain their attention. "Ahem, If you lived in Canterlot, come with me. If you lived in Manehatten, Fillydelphia, Baltimare and Las Pegasus follow Terrakion. Finally, If you lived in Ponyville; follow Virizion. There are currently so much of you, if we bring you all into one location; it'll become way too crowded. So we need to divide you all, so you know what to do. So some of you will be living in Lively Town, Treasure City and Serene Village. Is that alright Terrakion? Virizion?" Asked Cobalion

"Sure thing! You can count on me" Replied Terrakion

"Of course, I will make sure they are given nice cozy homes" She added with a kind smile.

"Right, We better get going now." Cobalion replied as he turned to the portal towards the left, the ponies who lived in Canterlot are currently following him. Ready to finally began their new lives.

Twilight, saw Celestia, Luna, her Mother and Father and many other ponies go with the leader of the Swords of Justice. She waved them off and hugged her Mother and Father, promising them that she'll try to visit more often. The parents nodded and walked through the portal along with everypony else.

She took one last look of Cobalion's group and waved them off. They begin to leave for their adventure to Lively Town. She turned to Terrakion who had already begun to leave with his group. She only recognized a few ponies in his group; Photo Finish, who she remembers from the whole Fluttershy famous fiasco. Also Sapphire Shores; the pony of pop; one of Rarity's idols. She then turned to Virizion who is currently analyzing the crowd. After looking at the crowd, she smiled and nodded to herself; happy with the results.

"Okay, now there are now up to 1000-2000 ponies right now, Not as much as it was originally. However, we can fit all you into nice homes. Alright everyone, follow me" Virizion instructed them as she leads them forwards. After 15 minutes of walking and chatting, they stopped to find themselves in front of the opening to Serene Village with a sign saying 'Welcome to Serene Village'. The village looked pretty similar to Ponyville, except for the houses. The roofs were not made out of hay and they looked entirely bigger.

"Welcome to Serene Village, Everypony." Virizion introduced.

'Look at all those Pokémon, I can't wait to see what's it really like in there' Thought Twilight.

"Welcome to Serene Village, Follow me, and I shall give you the tour." She leads the ponies through and most of the Pokémon inhabit there stopped and stared, some shrugged and went back to do their daily activities and others just simply ignored them as if it was an everyday occurrence. Virizion began the tour and started to point various buildings and shops.

"Okay, there's the homes you'll be staying in once I get everything situated. I will admit that you'll may have to share some the homes with other Pokemon." Virizion said as the ponies looked at the homes. The ponies were a bit nervous about that, living with a stranger kind of rubbed them the wrong way. However, if it will prevent them from sleeping in the cold, they'll go for it.

"There's the City Hall of course, And then there's the Pokémon Center. That's where you'll need to go if you have a medical emergency. " Virizion informed. This gained a certain nurse's attention. The tour continued as they are seen which is much like Sugar Cube Corner. Pinkie smiled at this as she begins planning to get a job there. The place was Spinda Cafe . It's much like Sugarcube Corner, only with Pokemon--for now.

"That's the Pokemon Mart. That's where you buy the berries, foods and other things. Basically shopping" Virizion said next. The ponies gained a confused look, thinking that the berries were the only thing they will have to eat around here. Virizion noticed their confusion and begin to explain that there are other foods in town, such as School Forest. It was also called the 'Apple Forest.' since the amount of apples that appear in the forest. This gained the attention of the apple family, especially a certain orange apple mare.

'Apple Woods?! Imma have to check that out soon.' Thought Applejack.

Virizion had showed them the Pokemon School, which was literally right next to the School Forest. This made the cutie mark crusaders groaned at the thought of school, since they'll most likely will have to go back., Pelipper Post Office, Kecleon Shop, Magnezone Police Station, Beauty Salon, Slowbro Ramen Stand, Serene Village Pokemon Hospital, Hawlucha Dojo, Pokemon Train Station, Gurdurr Carpentry and Hardware, and finally the Serene Village Pokemon Library. That had gained Twilight's attention the most, she would have to visit there and read anything she would need to know about this world and Pokémon. She was so excited, she could barely contain herself, however her thoughts were interrupted when she noticed she and the crowd of ponies had stopped at a stage with a stand and microphone.

"Before any ask, There are many other places in Serene Village. So don't worry. Alright everyone. I want you to wait here while I go get the mayor; We are going to have ourselves a town meeting" She smiled as the Sword of Justice walked towards a building, ready to speak to an old friend.

Author's Notes:

And that was Chapter 2: Edited!
I will add in more on Chapter 3. ^^

Also, the Spinda Cafe and Snowy Village idea isn't mine. However, this is what they look like. Snowy Village belongs to PurpleKecleon(Who I can't find anymore on DA since they deleted their profile)

Hope you all enjoy this. :twilightsmile:

Next Chapter: Chapter 3: Exploration(Edited) Estimated time remaining: 1 Hour, 41 Minutes
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