
A Super New World of Infinity

by RainbowSixtySix

Chapter 2: Chapter 1: The World of Pokemon(Edited)

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Celebi gazed at the many species that looked at her with total confusion, amazement and if she isn't mistaken; fear. Many of them wanted to run from her or attack her out of fear. She sighed and might as well assured them that this isn't a trap or anything. She gave her best smile and took a deep breath.

"Relax everyone, I am not a threat. We are only trying to help. I am sure you're confused and scared." She announced. She could hear some of the world leaders scoff at the mention of fear. She chuckled to herself and continued her speech.

"I'm sure you all have tons upon tons of questions. Those questions will be answered in a few moments."

This seemed to relax most of them and she sighed in relief. She didn't want a war breaking loose, her thoughts were interrupted by someone or should she say some pony calling her name. She turned to see Twilight Sparkle, hesitantly walking up to her. She smiled and had to contain herself from hugging her. She was simply an adorable looking equine. The princess of friendship walked right up to the Dux Pokémon and looked at her with slight fear and amazement. This creature wasn't anything she has ever seen, she looked like a plant-like fairy from one those fairy tale books that Fluttershy had own. She also seems friendly, and not hesitate to attack. So far so good right?

"Umm, excuse me Ms. Celebi, was it? While I do appreciate the place you have for us. I was thinking, don't you think that it is a little crowded in here to live in. Wh-where are the beds and libraries?" Asked Twilight. Twilight's friends giggled and rolled their eyes from the mention of libraries. That's their little egghead.

"YEAH! IT'S TOO DAMN CROWDED!!" Yelled out a green dragon. The rest of dragons and even griffons agreed with the dragon.

Celebi could only giggle and then soon, her giggles turned to laughter. "L-L-Hahaha. Live in here?!? Oh no no no no no! You won't be living in here. Hahahaha" Celebi laughed. That's pretty funny to the time traveler. She can imagine all the inhabitants of Equus mashed up against each other, trying to live or even breathe in the white room.

This confused everyone in the room. What did she mean not live in here, sure it was crowded; but where else could they live? She wasn't thinking about kicking them out was she? Arceus did say they could live here. Just what did she mean. Celestia decided to speak her words to the Voice of the Forest. She walked up to her and stood next to Twilight and gave a small smile towards the Pokémon.

"Celebi? Was it? A being by the name Arceus stated that he could help us. What exactly did he mean by that?" She asked.

"Oh, you mean Father? Yes; that is why I came out here. He wants an audience with the world leaders of Equus. Once you enter this room behind me. All your questions will be answered by him. That I promise, now if you excuse me, I have an announcement to make" Celebi instructed. She floated towards the crowd and smiled at them. The crowd was talking among themselves, probably conversing on what is happening. She cleared her throat to gain their attention.

"Attention please! Father would like to see the world leaders of Equus. That means, the leaders of Equestria, the Griffinstone, Crystal Empire, Changeling Kingdom, Dragon Kingdom, Yakyakistan, Zebra Tribe, Diamond Dog Village, Buffalo Tribe, Minotaur Kingdom, City of Thicket and yes even Ponyville. All you need to do is just enter this door and I promise, all your questions will be answered. Well, I'll be in there myself. See you all there" She announced and disappeared in a flash. The leaders of their respective kingdoms and palaces walked towards the golden double door and opened it. The princesses looked at each other and nodded.

"Well, mind as well get this started" Luna said as she walked up to the two princesses, following her behind was Cadence. Celestia opened the door with her magic and stepped into the room. There she noticed the room was a bit smaller than the previous one, it also was gold in colored. She looked around and noticed there were six beings that are currently staring at her and the rest of the world leaders. One of them she recognized as Celebi, the other next to her on her right was a strange bipedal creature of the lavender color. His eyes locked cold onto her as if he was waiting for her to attack or mess up. She looked to see a dark figure across from Celebi, he reminded her of Nightmare Moon. He gazed right back at her and wave nonchalantly at her. She nodded and noticed a blue-gray bird like creature who smiled at her and another creature who seemed to be made out of diamonds. 'These are some odd, yet interesting creatures. Especially that spooky-looking one, I wonder what's his story.' She wondered. She then looked at the last one who is more focused on other world leaders than anyone else. Celestia took a good look at him and blushed a tiny bit, she didn't want to admit it but he is quite handsome. For some odd reason, she wants to rub her hooves onto his fur chest; her thoughts were interrupted by a familiar voice behind her.

"Well, Well, Well, If it isn't little miss sunshine" said a creature with a wicked distorted voice. She turned around with surprise on her face to see her archrival, Chrysalis; Queen of the Changelings. What was she doing here and what is she planning, she locked eyes with her cat-like green ones and glared a bit.

"Chrysalis" Celestia spoke. Twilight looked up and saw the changeling queen, she glared at bug-like changeling along with her sister in law. She and Cadence light up their horns, ready for the bug queen to attack. This intrigued some of the Dux Pokemon, especially Mewtwo, who looked at the scuffle with curiosity.

'Ah. I see, so their enemies. I wonder how that came to be?' Mewtwo wondered.

"Chrysalis, what are you doing here?" Cadence demanded.

Chrysalis rolled her eyes at the unnecessary hostility and answered their questions. " Why I am here because I'm a world leader too. Hello, Changeling Kingdom?" Cadence and Twilight raised a brow in suspicion, while Celestia simply nodded and whispered "You better be on your best behavior" Chrysalis, again just rolled her eyes and scoffed. She wasn't going to start anything, she is entirely grateful that this Arceus has saved her precious subjects. She wasn't going to just take his assistance and suddenly attack them, she wasn't stupid. All of their thoughts came to halt when a blinding flash of light happened.

"Ugh! I'll be blind if this becomes an often thing!" The dragon king, Tavorth groaned in annoyance. The flash died out and stood there, was a large goat-like creature. He had a golden ring around his body, long tail and white all over except for a few parts which are blackish gray. He looked extremely menacing and loomed over the leaders. Some of them, shook and scared to move while others stood their ground; preparing for what could happen. However, no violence came as Arceus chuckled and looked at the leaders of Equus. The Pokemon God chuckled at their reactions, already used to it by now. He calmed down and smiled down on the leaders.

"Calm yourselves, I am no threat. I am Arceus; God of all Pokémon and Creator of this universe. I am sure you have plenty of questions am I correct" Celestia was sensing some serious deja vu from all this. She cleared her throat and walked up to the Pokémon God, she smiled and bowed her head. The rest of the leaders followed suit, some were more reluctant than others.

"It is pleased to meet you Arceus, I would like to say thank you for saving my subjects and the others from the destruction of our planet. And you are indeed correct, I do indeed have some questions. How do you know of Equus and what are Pokémon?" asked the sun monarch. The rest of the world leaders were curious about that as well. What are Pokemon and what can they do exactly? Arceus nodded and smiled. He cleared his throat and began his explanation. Twilight wished she had her notepad to take down notes, she sighed, realizing it was destroyed along with her home planet.

'Guess I'll just have to stick with keeping the information in my head. Dammit'

"Pokémon are mystical creatures that possess great power. There are 721 known species of Pokémon in the entire world, but I am pretty sure there are more waiting to be discovered. Most Pokémon will resemble animals, however; some resemble plants, humans, objects and even enigmatic appearances." Arceus explained.

King Aspen, the king of the City of Thicken; looked surprised about the mention powers "Powers? What kind of powers Pokémon possesses?"

"Right. Pokémon have many powers from breathing fire to controlling time, space and antimatter" He replied in a serious tone. This shocked everyone, but the Dux Pokémon in the room. Pokémon can control space and time? The dark figure in the room known as Darkrai chuckled and looked at them. "As obvious as it is. I can tell you are quite bewilder; Yes, we Pokémon can do many things. Celebi is a time traveler, Mewtwo is one of the strongest Pokémon ever and practically the god of all psychic type Pokémon. And me? I, well... I'm a Pokémon of dreams and nightmares---mostly nightmares." He said with a hint of sadness. This interest Luna, She looked at him and could not believe there was another dream caster that had the same problems of the darkness as she once did.

'He... He's just like me...' Luna thought in awe. To have somepony, or rather someone who is very much similar to her. Maybe this Pokemon world won't be as bad as she thought it would be.

Diancie and Latios smiled at this spoke.

"I'm Latios, I'm one the fastest Pokemon you'll ever meet. Over here next to me is Diancie. She can create gems." This grabbed the attention of Cadence and the Diamond Dog, Queen; Pawlina.

'A creature who can create gems?! This is amazing.' Queen Pawlina thought.

'So she can create gems. Let's hope Spike doesn't hear about this.' Cadence thought with a chuckle. Imagining the little dragon, begging the diamond Pokemon for gems to eat.

Twilight noticed that he also mentions types, a psychic type. "Wait a second? Psychic? You mean somepony who can read minds or see into the future?!" She asked with excitement. Celebi chuckled at this and nodded at the question.

"Well, you are half right. Psychics can read minds and see into the future, but some of them can shape shift, turn invisible, use telekinesis, warp reality and even can make black holes" She then heard a gasp from the last part and had to reassure them that it won't happen. "Now onto typing and abilities. There are 18 types in total: Fire, Water, Grass, Electric, Dragon, Ice, Ghost, Dark, Fairy, Psychic, Rock, Ground, Steel, Flying, Normal, Fighting, Bug and Poison. Each type has either one weakness and multiple weakness. For example, fire is weak to water and ground. Now if you were a fire and ground type, you weakness will still be water, but it hurt a lot if you get hit. Abilities are what help Pokémon either during battle or everyday life. My ability, Natural Cure can heal all status conditions if I rest myself for a while; status conditions are effects that happen to your body if you get hit by an Pokémon attack or eat bad food. These status conditions are burning, freeze, paralysis, poison, sleep and confusion. But don't worry, we have medicine to heal all of those conditions so do not worry" Celebi finished.

They all nodded and absorbed in all the information, as soon as they were done; Celestia still had two more questions "That's very useful information; thank you. But you still didn't answer my question Arceus, How do you know of Equus and why are you doing all of this for us?"

"Yeah! And where do we go? You haven't explained that part yet" Asked Empress Grace, the leader of Griffonstone. Irritation is clearly in her voice, she just wanted to get her subjects to a home and rest from this event.

Arceus looked at them both and decided to get right to it, he then summoned a dark blue crystal ball and begin to explain once more. "It's simple really, the reason how I know is this crystal ball. I had watched you all since the beginning, your universe is quite interesting to watch and of course one of my favorites. What you don't know, however, is that our universes are actually next to each other, in a sense we were like neighbors. While I looked out for my universe, I also kept an eye on this one. It's sad to see it go, such a harmonious and peaceful place erased due to the Tree of Harmory. I told Starswirl that this would happen, he did not believe me."

This was shocking to the four princesses, especially Twilight, "Wait?! You knew Starswirl?!" How was this even possible?! First, he knew about Equus and now he knows about Starswirl?! How come he was never mentioned in the books either? So many questions ran through the princesses heads

"Yes, but that's for another time my dear, Now as to why I'm doing this. One; I couldn't just watch you all die now can I? And two; well, I am ready to trust new species upon my universe again. And I am sure all of us can live in harmony" He smiled. Celestia, however, was unsure; sure knew most of her ponies would gladly accept this, but the other species might be hesitant about it. She can only hope that no war would break out. Mewtwo glared when Arceus spoke those words, he didn't trust these creatures one bit. He barely knows anything about them and what they're capable of. He didn't want to trust these new creatures---yet. Seeing that there is no way to argue against his blockhead of a father, he speaks.

"I still don't trust these creatures. But I will help you all. However, if you try to attack my subjects; I will be forced to eliminate you" Mewtwo declared. This made a few leaders shudder, something about him screamed powerful. Some of the world leaders glared at the purple cat, daring him to attack. However, this caused a certain Sword of Justice to speak up.

"Mewtwo, no need to scare them. It is true that we do not know them exactly and it is excusable to be cautious; but I'm sure that they mean no threat. They already lost their home, we are here to help. Not start a war." He spoke calmly, slightly narrowing his eyes at the psychic type.

Mewtwo growled and glared at the Sword of Justice. How dare he speak down at him as if he were a foolish Eevee. "I am only looking out for my fellow Pokemon. Don't forget, I am the stronger one here. So if you're issuing a fight you better rethink your decision."

The world leaders could feel the tension rise within the room. Celestia was about to stop the argument before it went into a full-on brawl.

Cobalion growled and was about to retort until Arceus stepped in to stop the both of them within a golden telekinetic grip.

"ENOUGH! We are here to help them out and get them settled in a nice home. Not start over a fight about whose right or wrong. Cobalion, I understand you're trying to prove to Mewtwo that isn't the case, but no need to get into an argument. And Mewtwo, while it was wrong for Cobalion to speak ill of you. You do not start a fight with a fellow Dux. Do you two understand?" Arceus lectured.

"Yes, Father." The two legendary Pokemon replied in unison. Celebi and Diancie felt rather embarrassed by the way they were acting. Arceus turned to the world leaders and gave off a sheepish chuckle, clearly from embarrassment.

"Forgive us, He is just worried for his subjects and being cautious." He spoke softly.

"It is alright, We understand. " Luna replied. Remember how she acted before when she learned about Arceus wanting to help them. Now that she has seen what kind of pony Pokemon he is, he was someone she can trust.

Arceus cleared his throat and gained the attention of everyone in the room. "Now then, Lastly; Living Arrangements. As Twilight asked before, no you won't be living in that spacious white room. In fact, most of you won't be living in one place". He could tell he confused them even further, maybe even scared them a bit. Perhaps he should of chose his words carefully? He sighed and then add on what he's trying to say. " What I am saying is that, you'll be living in several continents. The Water Continent, The Air Continent, The Mist Continent, The Grass Continent, The Sand Continent and lastly the Life Continent, or should I say the Sea of Wonders. There are cities, villages and towns within those continents that it much similar to Equestria." Arceus stated.

This surprised Celestia and Luna, they could possibly be moving to a continent that is similar to Equestria. She was about to voice her opinion on this when he arch nemesis, Chrysalis spoke.

"I have a question. While I do appreciate for what you're doing for my subjects. Does this place possess any love for my Changelings to feed." She asked, with a glint of hunger in her eyes. Twilight, Cadence and Celestia glared at the insect queen, preparing to jump on her if she plans to ruin this.

Arceus eyed the changeling queen and nodded towards her. "Yes, we have limitless amounts of love within the Pokemon World. I also know about your actions and what you're capable of. While I did save you from certain destruction, do not even THINK of harming my precious Pokemon." Arceus warned, his eyes glowed a menacing gold.

Chrysalis raised her hoof in a defensive manner, calming the princesses down along with the god who gave the warning. She sighed and rolled her eyes.

"Listen, I know what I did was--wrong. But I am not here to harm anypony or anyone. I am very grateful and happy that you took me and my changelings, Lord Arceus. Thank you." She thanked the Pokemon God. The rest of the world leaders such as Empress Grace, King Tavorok and Chief Thunderhooves. It was rather odd for the world leaders, or at least one of them to call him 'Lord'.

Celestia smiled and took a breath of relief, she then looked at the changeling queen. From what she heard, these Pokemon sound truly invincible, not to mention the God of Pokemon, himself. If anything bad happens, she is sure that they'll take care of the problem. Speaking of problems, she had remembered that Tirek had been a prisoner in Tartarus.

"U-Umm, L-Lord Arceus? What happened to Tirek?" Celestia asked.

Arceus looked at the Princess and smiled. "Do not worry, he didn't perish from the destruction of Equus. He is locked away in the Hell Bandlandsalong with all the other evil monsters from Tartarus. A Trio of Houndoom are keeping an close eye on them to make sure they do not try anything. Also, tell Fluttershy not to worry, there a plenty of squirrels and small birds, not to mention fish in the world of Pokemon. However, I am afraid that tigers, bears and other large animals are extinct." He finished with a hint of guilt in his voice. He knew full well that most of the Pokemon managed to kill the animals for food. All there was left was fish, small birds, insects, squirrels, chipmunks, cats, bats and frogs.

Celestia nodded, relieved that there are at least some animals that exist in this world. Poor Fluttershy would be heartbroken if there was only just Pokemon. She was happy that the mane six had decided to bring in their pets. She also knew that some of her guards had saved Philomena.

'I hope.' She prayed.

Arceus cleared his throat, now gaining the attention of everyone in the room, including the world leaders.

"Alright. The meeting has now come to a close and all of your questions had been answered. I want you all to go to your subjects and informed them of what is happening. Now listening carefully, once you're done explaining of what is happening you should see a silver door to your left. That will lead you to a grassy area known as the Field of Legends. My children, the Dux 6 you see behind me will be waiting for you and your subjects to take you to where you need to go. Remember, some of you and your subjects will be living in villages, cities, towns, etc. So not everyone will have a luxurious lifestyle. Are there any questions?" He asked.

None of the leaders of Equus had any further questions for the God. Arceus nodded to them and smiled. "Very well then, you're all dismissed."

The world leaders nodded and headed towards the door, Celestia however, stopped and turned to the Sword of Justice. The Pokémon noticed the Equestrian ruler was staring him. He could only guess that the princess wanted to speak with him, but about what? The sun monarch walked up to him and smiled a small smile.

"U-Um, Thank you, uh-Cobalion was it? Yes, thank you for sticking up for us against Mewtwo. I can understand his slight concern and hostility as I would do the same for my subjects. However, we are only here for peace and wish no harm." Celestia stated.

"Yes. While he blew off the handle like that, threaten you and the others. I can't blame him, at least entirely. He had his dark moments and watched some of his closest allies and friends get hurt from different species. He's only looking out for them and not wanting a repeat of what happened before. He's only just being cautious." Cobalion spoke.

Celestia knew how he felt, protecting her subjects from past experiences. Who can blame him? She smiled at the Sword of Justice and replied.

"I see... well, I do hope he opens up and see we are not a threatening species. Though I hope war doesn't break out between the inhabitants of Equus and the Pokémon world."

Cobalion nodded at this, he didn't want that either. However, they both knew that there was bound to be small conflicts between the species of Equus and the Pokemon, that's inevitable. Cobalion looked at the princess of the sun and gave a small smile.

"You know, I had never gotten your name." Cobalion stated.

"Celestia. Princess Celestia. Co-Ruler of Equestria. Or was." She trailed off, saddened at the fact that she lost her home. However, she was happy that her subjects will find homes to live in. Even though that would mean that she won't have a home herself.

The Sword of Justice leader noticed the sad look the princess had, of course she was thinking about her past home. He could offer her a place to stay. What would the rest of the Swords of Justice think?

"You should come down and visit, Lively Town. It is a bit fancy and not to mention there is a theater also. It also has a friendly atmosphere, along with other places. You should give it a try." He suggested with a smile.

Celestia thought about it. It would be nice to look around the area and maybe see what the town has to offer. Who knows, it'll may be like Canterlot was. She smiled and nodded, with a tint of blush adorn on her cheeks.

"Yes. I would like that." She replied.

Cobalion nodded back and told her that he should be leaving now. The Princess bids farewell, knowing she'll see him again. To Celestia, even though the two had just met, Cobalion is pretty handsome, more handsome than any pony she's ever known. The sun monarch turns to see her younger sister waiting for her by the door, with a raised eyebrow and a smirk on her face.

"So, are you done flirting?" teased the night princess.

Celestia blushed and turned away from her sister, she most certainly wasn't flirting with him.

"N-No. I was not! C'mon Luna, let us go and inform our subjects about what had Arceus said." She replied, quickly changing the subject and suppressing the reddening that was burning in her cheeks. The sun monarch quickly left the room, hoping that Luna won't see more of her face.

The princess of the night just shook her head and chuckled a bit.

'I may had been gone 1000 years sister; but I am not stupid' Luna thought.

The mane five, Spike and Discord watched Twilight and the other princesses walk out of the room and walk up to them with a smile on their faces. Twilight explained what had happened in there with her friends, from the living arrangements to Pokemon types and abilities.

"That. Is. AWESOME!!" Commented Rainbow Dash

"Wait? There are scary dragons?!" Fluttershy asked in fear.

"That's a lot of types." Applejack commented.

"Ooo. I hope they like parties!" Pinkie hoped.

"I also hoped to find some new ideas for dresses. I already lost my boutique and I hope to start all over." Rarity added.

Twilight just chuckles at the questions and nods to all of them. She then turns to Fluttershy and tells them of all the animals that are inhabited in the Pokemon World. This made Fluttershy all the happy about that. Though it saddens her that most of the animals from the everfree are gone, but at least she managed to save the ones from her cottage and now there are some animals in the Pokemon World, as well.

Celestia begins her speech with her fellow ponies, she informed them of Pokémon, what they are, where are they going to live and what is going on. Some begin to look uneasy about the idea, while others were overjoyed not only, living in a new place; but seeing other Pokémon. She smiled and reassured them that everything would be alright, at least she hoped. But she couldn't lie about it either, she was a bit eager to meet other Pokémon too, as she was even more eager to see a certain Sword of Justice again. She looked to her right and noticed most of the other world leaders and their subjects were gone and out meeting with the Dux 6. She looked over her ponies and smiled at them.

"Is everypony ready to go?" She asked her subjects.

"YEAH!!!"They announced with joy in their voices with the ponies cheering about. They all grabbed their belongings and got ready to live out their new lives. Celestia could only chuckle and allowed Luna and Cadence to lead them to the doors.

"Yes. So am I. Though, I hope this will be a very good thing" She said to herself as she followed them all.

Author's Notes:

And here is the first chapter. BOOM! :D

Man, This felt long. Really long. Anyways, expect more around Thursday.

Edit: Now edited and much longer than the last time. Onto chapter 2. :)

Next Chapter: Chapter 2: Serene Village(Edited) Estimated time remaining: 1 Hour, 57 Minutes
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