
A Super New World of Infinity

by RainbowSixtySix

Chapter 1: Prologue: The Beginning of the End(Edited)

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Twilight faced the overgrown centaur with clear anger upon her face. The centaur climbed out of the rubble that the lavender princess puts him in. He hated to admit, but this pony princess was actually putting up a decent fight, even manages to damage him a few times. He glared realizing this isn't getting anyway.

"How bout a trade, Princess Twilight?" He suggested as he snaps his fingers. After this, 7 orbs appeared above her head. Orbs containing her friends. She glared at the demon once more. How dare he bring her friends into this mess.

"Their release for all the alicorn magic in Equestria" He announced. She gasped, the bastard centaur is using her friends to get rid of her magic. So Equestria could fall against, she then heard the protest of her friends telling her not to go through with it; not to listen to his words. She begins to weigh her options on what she should, she could say no and risk the lives of friends or she could give him her magic and risk the fall of Equestria.

"So what's it going to be, Princess?" Tirek grinned at the alicorn

'Damn, what should I do? I don't want to give up my magic or risk my friends' lives. C'mon Twilight, Think! Think!' Twilight mentally screamed.

Her friends looked at Twilight shouted and begging not to give up her magic.

"Don't do it, Twilight!" Rainbow Dash pleaded.

"We aren't worth it." Fluttershy added. Discord felt a pang in his heart when Fluttershy spoke those words, how could he had let this happened. If he had not listened to this monster's words and hurt not only his dear friends, but poor Fluttershy, none of this would have happened. He sighed and turn to look at his best friend and reformer

"Oh, But you are Fluttershy; You are the pony who taught me that friendship is magic. I had magic and friendship, and now; I have either." He said as he covered his eyes in shame and sadness, for once in a 1000 year, the Draconequues felt truly sorry for his actions.


Twilight stared at her friends and noticed something odd, a light was shone within the orbs in different color. What was that just now? Did it connect with her key or something? Her eyes gave off a rainbow colored shine and quickly vanish. She looked at her friends and then Tirek, knowing now what to do. She has made her decision.

"I will give you magic. In exchange for my friends." She announced. This shocked her friends greatly, what was she thinking? Tirek comply with her wish by snapping his fingers, releasing her friends. All except one, Discord; the one who caused all this. Twilight gazed at the sadden Draconequues. She begins to think about his release, he did apologize to Fluttershy and looks regretful. However, none of this would have happened if he didn't side with Tirek. But, like everypony else; He too was a victim of the monster. She glared at Tirek and stomped her hoof.

"All of my friends." She demanded. This surprised both Tirek and Discord. Did she really consider him a friend, even after the horrible things he had done? Tirek growled and pointed at the Draconequues who still had a look of shame.

"After what he has done to you. You still call him a friend?!" Tirek asked. She glared, she didn't care about that anymore. Discord was a victim as much as anypony. Sure, he is a jerk and had annoyed her plenty of times. But; he is a friend in his own way. He had persuaded her that friendship was more important than being a Princess. He also gave her and Cadence great time; sure he messed up their day. However, they manage to bond together either way. Plus, he had helped her with the book and the Tree of Harmony. If it wasn't for him, Equestria wouldn't be here right now.

"Release Him!" She scrutinized. Tirek signed and reluctantly snaps his fingers, setting the Draconequues free. He landed on the ground with the thud and looked at Twilight sincerity. He thanked her for letting him go and turned to his best friend, Fluttershy.

"I'm sorry." He apologized

"I know." She replied.

"Your turn." Tirek said as he turned to the alicorn princess and begin to suck out of her magic. Twilight felt like her life force was being drained. She struggled to get up, but felt too weak and fell. Tirek grew not only in power, but size as well. He grew taller and taller, loving the surge of magical power that he absorbed from the tiny princess. Twilight's eyes looked lifeless, she lazily gazed at her friends rushing to her aid.

"Twilight! What were you thinking?!" Spike asked. She weakly stood up and stared at the Draconequues who gained her and her friends' attention.

"Tirek tricked me into believing he could offer me something more valuable than friendship. But there is nothing worth more, I see that now. He lied when he said this medallion was given as a sign of gratitude and loyalty. But when I say that it is a sign of our true friendship, I am telling the truth, " He confessed as he took off the medallion given to him from Tirek, And put it on Twilight to wear as a sign of him finally accepting their Friendship. The medallion then shimmered a rainbow color and felt new found energy returning to the body. She looked at Discord with astonishment, could Discord be her key giver all this time?

"Ya think that might be the last one we need?" asked Applejack.

She wasn't sure, but right now. It could be their last hope. "We have to get to the chest." Twilight commanded. They all nodded and rush back to the Everfree forest where the Tree of Harmony and chest with five keys were residing. Twilight levitated her medallion towards the chest and just as she hoped, it changed into a key. She smiled and put the key into the lock and looked at her friends with determination.

"Together, I think we have to do this together." Twilight said.

They all proceed to grab their respective keys and push them into the lock with a counter clockwise turn. The tree begins to glow along with mane six respective cutie marks that are engraved into the tree. Suddenly, beams of light begin to surround the girls and they felt a change happens. Their appearances had changed a little, their manes have gotten bigger and more colorful and their cutie marks have spread to their hooves. Twilight smiled as they both flew up and faced the towering centaur known as Tirek.

Tirek noticed this glaring, how did they get back up? This is impossible. He growled and shot a blast of dark magic to the rainbow powered ponies. Unfortunately for the centaur, it didn't do any damage whatsoever. In fact, they're being protected by some kind of magical barrier. Tirek growled and glared at the rainbow ponies.

"How is this possible?! YOU HAVE NO MAGIC!!" Tirek roared.

"You're wrong Tirek, I had may give you my alicorn magic. But I carry within me the most powerful magic of all." She replied with a smirk. First a lavender beam of magic attack him, then a pink one and soon Tirek were bombed by white, blue, orange and yellow beams of magic that fused into one. The centaur screamed in pain as he is vastly loosing power, not only returning to Tartarus but reverting to his original form. The mane 6 flew up in a ball of magic and spread across Equestria, returning magic to their rightful owners. To Shining Armor, Derpy and the Wonderbolts. To the ponies of Appleloosa and finally the Princesses of Equestria; Celestia, Luna and Cadence. The mane six flew down to the Tree of Harmony and watched the magic go back to the tree. They all cheered in victory over the defeat of Tirek, however, Their victory was short lived. The tree begins to hum violently and turned into a very ominous black.

"W-What's going on?!" Twilight asked in a terrified voice. The ground begins to shake and then crack. Jade colored magic begins to erupt from the ground and black lightning strikes the earth.

"Ah don' get it. Why is the tree actin' like this?" Applejack asked as she was trying to gain her balance from the shaking earth. Everypony else who had recovered from Tirek's assault were wondering the same exact thing. Some were terrified, others were trying to calm their family and friends down.

"I believe I can answer that question Applejack." said an elegant voice. The mane six looked around to find Celestia with Luna, Cadence, Discord and Spike. Twilight watched the ponies of Ponyville run and fly around in absolute terror. It's really scaring, what could this mean?

"Princess, what's going on? Why's the tree going all crazy?" asked Rainbow Dash. Celestia sighed and gained a sadden look as she gazed at her precious ponies. She took a deep breath and looked at the mane six. The suspense was killing them, biting their lips to prepare the worse possible news the Princess could give them.

"It means. The end of the world."

They all gasped in horror. All of them except Luna, Cadence and Discord. Twilight was visibly shaking and scared to death, the end of the world. But, how? They had just got done beating Tirek from taking it over and it's going to end. They knew the news was going to be bad? But not as serve as this.

"H-How?! W-Why?! I don't understand" Twilight asked, tears threaten to come down her face. Discord sighed and decided to explain.

"Negative magic Twilight, It has been without the elements so long that negative magic begins to build up within the tree and spread throughout the planet. The tree is connected to the planet and its main core, without the tree holding the elements in place, the whole planet falls apart eventually." He explained. It's true, the negative magic began to suffice in the tree when Discord first ruled, then Tirek, Then Nightmare Moon, Then Chrysalis, Sombra, Discord again. Too many times, each new enemy unintentionally poured their negative magic into a harmonious land, poisoning a Tree of Harmony that soon cause the destruction of this very planet.

"B-B-But we gave the elements back to the tree. Surely, this will all stop right?" Rarity hoped. Discord shook his head sadly. "No Rarity, It's too late. The negative magic has already spread in Equus. There is absolutely no stopping it, ever since Celestia and Luna took the elements to stop me; they had already sealed their fates. When I saw the warning signs, I thought it wasn't something to worry about. That since you guys put the elements back into the tree. Things would go back to normal and Equus would not be in danger. However, I was wrong."

The mane six and the royal sisters looked down in sadness. Twilight let her tears fall off her face. She looked at her former teacher with hopeless eyes.

"I'm sorry Twilight, this is all my fault." Celestia told her as her voice finally broke and cried. Her sister, Luna went to console her while the rest looked down in despair. There was nothing they could really do. This is it. Celestia couldn't save her sister, she couldn't save Discord, she couldn't save her former student, Sunset. Now, she can't even save her subjects. She felt like a total failure and believed her mother and former teacher would be disappointed in her.

'I had failed all of you.' She grieved.

Celestia sighed as she finished crying, she prayed that she could save her subjects somehow. However, she had failed them instead.

'What kind of princess am I?' She thought in despair as she watched the ponies screaming and running around in terror did not help her nerves. She needed a miracle, anything that would save her subjects.

Meanwhile, in another universe. An otherworldly being is currently watching what's going on in Equus. The being sighed in sadness as he watched the Princess cry and plead for a miracle. He couldn't just leave them there and watch their home destroyed, along with their lives. He knew he had to do something about it. Although it could cause some chaos, he has no choice.

"Father? Are you watching them again?" Asked a bird-plane like creature. This creature is known as Latios, the Dux of the Hoenn region and a very strong Pokémon. Between him are 5 other Dux Pokémon in the room. Mewtwo, the Dux of Kanto, Celebi; the Dux of Johto, Darkrai; the Dux of Sinnoh, Cobalion; the Dux of Unova and last but not least, Diancie; the Dux of Kalos. Dux Pokémon are leaders of an entire region and give out orders to their fellow subjects. The one called father is known as Arceus, he is the Pokémon God and creator of the Pokémon World. Right now, the God stood before a dark blue crystal ball, gazing at the dying world that is Equus. He needed to help them, but how was he going to do it is the question.

"Yes, my child, I am. I cannot let them burn and watch their world be destroyed. " He replied. However, a certain Pokémon of Kanto was not on board with the idea of helping them.

"Father. You're not thinking of bringing those equines to the Pokémon world are you?" He asked. "You do know mother would be most angry with you that you just decide to dump an all new species into our world without consulting her" The alpha Pokémon sighed, Yes, he was well aware that Xerneas would be angry that he just decided to drop them here. However, he has no choice but to go against this time. He nods at the Pokémon and smiles.

"Yes, I am well aware Mewtwo, But I will not let them die; especially if I can do something about it. My Dux 6 it has come to my attention that you will be living among new species of the world Equus. I know you all are hesitant about them, especially since they are multiple species that will be arriving here. Believe I have thought of the consequences that could transpire and I will personally deal with any world-ending threats they may harm my precious Pokemon or the creatures of Equus. But I assure, this can work and we will all live together in peace and harmony" He replied with complete confidence in his voice. He then looked at the crystal ball as his eyes began to glow a godly gold. He used his telekinesis to contact the Equus world leaders, mainly Celestia.

Celestia is pacing back and forth in a suspenseful fashion, muttering about how she failed. If this were any normal given situation, Discord would have teased and laughed at her. However, he felt no need. The Draconequus clenched his teeth, knowing full well that this is partially his fault. The geysers of magic continued and the black lightning scorched the ground. She prayed for a miracle to happen, for a miracle to come to her and save her precious ponies. Anypony would be great right now, if they had the power to save her subjects. However, her prayers have been answered when she heard a voice in her head.

"Hello Princess of Equestria" said a deep voice in the sun monarch's head. She stopped her pacing and looked around, thinking she had heard somepony. 'Had my prayers been answered or my mind have been playing tricks on me .' She questioned. The ponies noticed this and looked at her with confusion.

"Is there something wrong sister?" asked Luna. Celestia however ignored her and looked around 'Who are you? What's going on?' She demanded. Arceus chuckled lightly and smiled 'Relax, It is telepathy. Ahem, My name is Arceus: Pokémon God and creator of my universe. I understand that your world is being destroyed due to the negative magic of the elements. I am, correct?' He asked. This surprised Celestia, a being who calls himself a god and knows who she is? What is a Pokémon anyway?

'Arceus? Pokémon God?' Celestia question.

'Yes, I know you have a lot of questions right now. But there is no time to explain, Celestia. I am here to save not only your subjects and yourself. But other beings of Equus as well. Do you accept my help?' Arceus asked. Celestia, thought about it hard; this Arceus was something she hadn't heard of in her life. Can she truly trust him and help her out of this situation? What choice does she have right now? If it's to save everypony, she'll do it.

'I accept your assistance Arceus, However; I do demand questions later. So what is the plan?' asked Celestia.

'Well, I won't be able to save your planet since it is beyond repair. But I can save your subjects and others too.' Arceus stated as his eyes glowed more. Celestia noticed something in the corner of her eye and found a portal, about seven of them in total.

"What in tarnation!?" Applejack called out as another portal appeared behind her. Twilight went to go investigate one of the portals by placing her hoof into on them. It sink right as her eyes widen, she quickly retracted her hoof and a small smile appeared on her face. Could this be a way out for them?

'I placed portals all over Equus and contacted the world leaders about it. Right they should be getting into the portals along with their subjects to save themselves. What I want you to do is to contact your subjects and explain the situation. Then, tell them to only pack the essentials and walk through the portals. Once all of Equus's inhabitants are in the Hall of Legends, I will explain everything. Good luck.' Arceus finished as he cut off the telepathic link. Celestia looked at the screaming and running ponies, then she turns her head to the portals; she nodded and made a determined face. This is her chance to actually save them from an early death. She is going to save her subjects no matter what.

"Princess? Why are there some many portals appearing in Ponyville? That is---if you don't mind." asked Fluttershy shyly.

"I was just speaking to an otherworldly being by the name of Arceus, I assume he is from a different world or possibly a universe. He is the caused of the portals you see and has agreed to help us all." Celestia explained. Luna eyes widen but then gained a suspicious look, while mane six cheered in happiness, Luna didn't trust this Arceus pony at all. Why did he want to help them? What will happened if they have reached this new world? So many questions begin to fill up the princess of the night's head.

"Sister! What were you thinking?! We do not know who this Arceus is? How does he know about our world? How does he know about us?!" She demanded. Her nostrils flared and clenched her teeth. For all she could know, this Arceus character could lead them into a trap

"That's a very good question, Princess Luna" Twilight added. She was grateful for Arceus trying to save her and her friends, but why is he doing it? What will he gain from it? How will this affect her and her friends? Celestia sighed and looked at her sister in the eyes, she nodded and said "Do not fret Luna, he agreed to answer my questions when we get all of our subjects into the portal. I promise sister, we will get some answers." Celestia promised. Luna sighed, her sister can be bit of blockhead from time to time, but she trusts her judgment. She looked at her elder sister and smiled.

"Alright. But we better have answers and they better be good."

"Alright everypony, You heard me exactly; Arceus has agreed to help us. He wants us to pack up only the essentials and jump into the portals. I want you all to go pack up and get each of your families here. I'll contact all of Equestria and tell them the exact same thing. Is that clear?!" Celestia ordered. They all nodded with determination upon their faces, Celestia smiled at that and nodded back. "Alright! Go!" The mane six spread out and begin to pack up.

"Uh, Auntie Celestia? How are we supposed to contact all of Equestria?" asked Cadence. The sun monarch smirked and pointed at the Spirit of Chaos. "We have a reality warping Spirit of Chaos with us. That's how." Discord smirked back and nodded. Having gotten out of his despair-filled funk, he felt more ready to help out this time. This time things were going to be a lot more different.

"Leave it to me." He said.

Rainbow Dash flew as fast as she can, the prismatic mare ignored all of the cries and panicky screams of Pegasi rushing in the portals with their belongings.It was like something she would see in an action-packed movie. She shook her head to clear those thoughts and flew up to Cloudsdale searching for Scootaloo. "Hey Squirt! Ya up here? Squirt!?" She called out. The reason why she is up there in the first place was because of Tirek, she was afraid that bastard would get his stupid claws on her. It was also a good thing that they managed to beat him. Her thoughts were interrupted by the call of her name.

"Rainbow Dash! Rainbow Dash!" said a young voice.

Rainbow Dash turned her head to see the orange filly running up to her with a worried expression on her face. "Scootaloo!" Rainbow Dash shouted out as she grabbed the filly and held her close. "Ah, you scared me squirt!"

"Rainbow? What's going on?" Asked Scootaloo, sounding a bit scared. Who can blame her? Especially of what is going on around them.

"I got good news and bad news." She sighed, should she tell her? what will she say? and how will it affect her. Rainbow took a deep breath and looked Scootaloo straight in the eye.

"Well, Squirt. The bad news is that our world is dying, but the good news is we are going to a new one. I don't know much about the details. You'll have to ask the princesses. C'mon, let's go pack up" Rainbow Dash said. Scootaloo could only look at the ground for a while, processing on what Rainbow had just said. Their world is dying? Is that why the neighboring ponies were rushing towards those portals to the new world? She knew there was no time to grieve. She shook away any fear and despair she had and then back at her big sister, running after her to go pack up her belongings too.

Applejack is currently packing with her family, already told them about what is going on and what's happening. "Big Mac, Remember to pack the essentials." She said. Big Mac nodded, packing up everything in a box. He quickly looked around, made sure nopony was looking and put the smarty pants doll that was originally Twilight's into the box. He smiled happily and closed it. Applebloom had already finished packing and now the apple family is waiting for Granny Smith.

"Tsk. Granny Smith ain't done yet?" Asked the orange mare.

"Eeyup" Big Mac replied.

"Hold yer horses. Ah'm ready. Ah'm ready." She called out as she has a big backpack filled with pots and pans at her side. Along with a jar of zap apple jam.

"Whatever' this new world has, it better has some apples." Granny smith said. The other apples couldn't agree more, imagine a life without apples is just plain scary. Applejack sadly looked at the now destroyed apple farm. Years of love, hard work and pride put into the farm now wasted thanks to that stupid tree. A tear slid down the apple mare's face, she quickly wiped it and grabbed Winona, placing her on her back.

"Rest. In.Peace. Sweet Apple Acres." Applejack said as the family left their old home and ready to go start their new lives.

"Listen. I know it's very scary. But I can assure you that it's 100% safe. Princess Celestia has talked to a being named Arceus. He's agreed to help us and even lend us a home." Fluttershy explained to her forest critters that she has in the house. Angel however, was not liking the idea of somebody just offering a home for them, like Luna's previous thoughts it sounded like a trap. Fluttershy gasped at this and shook her head, leaning her head down to Angel's eye level.

"Oh no, Angel. It's not like that at all. I'm sure Mr. Arceus really wants to look out for us." Fluttershy assured. She then turned to all her forest critters and smiled.

"Alright, everyone. Let's pack up and I'm sure whatever might come to attack you. I will protect you all, that is a promise!" Fluttershy declared. The critters all cheered and went to grab their belongings, which wasn't much, but small bags of food.

"WHAT!! The world is ending?!" Cupcake gasped. Carrot Cake couldn't believe it either, but then he looked outside and noticed how gloom it looked. Geysers of magic erupting from the ground. The house shaking and the ground cracking a bit. Not to mention the black sky and the black lightning that will strike the very earth once and a while.

"Yeah!WewerefightingthatmeaniepantsTirekandwewon.Butthentreeofharmonywentallscaryand-"Pinkie's fast paced speech was interrupted with Cupcake's hoof in her mouth. The parents sighed in relief and looked at the element of laughter.

"Pinkie. Tell us slowly, so we can understand you better. What is going on?" Asked Cupcake. The world is ending, but why? What is causing it and what will happen to them. She released her hoof out of Pinkie's mouth, wiping away some of the saliva.

Pinkie took a deep and explain in a much better pace. "The world is ending because the tree of harmony is dying. But don't worry, Princess Celestia talked to this pony named, Arceus who is gonna help us!"

The cakes look confused and shocked, but mostly confused. Wasting no time, Pinkie shot upstairs and shouted to the Cakes.

"I'll grab the cake twins and some of their stuff! You pack up the cake and cupcakes!"

"But Pinki-"

"The Cake!"

Rarity and her parents were frantically packing up their belongings. Alright, it was mostly Rarity who is packing up frantically, not wanting to lose her most precious equipment. Sewing machine, at least 48 stools of thread kept in a box, her favorite dresses, gemstones for decorations and finally a mirror. She felt like there needs to be more she needed to pack. She ran back and forth in her room, searching for items she may need for this move. Her little sister, Sweetie Belle walked in watching her sister ran back and forth in a comedic fashion. The young filly stifled a giggle which was heard by the Fashionista.

"And just what is so funny? The world is about to end!" Rarity frantically said.

Sweetie Belle chuckled, wiping a tear from her eye.

"Sorry Rarity, I just couldn't help it. Seeing you run around like that." Her laughter died down and soon her smile turned into a frown. She walked up to her older sister.

"Rarity? You sure about this?" She asked, she didn't want to leave her home, but what choice did she have? Rarity knew exactly what her little sister was talking about. She sat down and wrapped a hoof around her, pulling her close.

"Sweetie Belle, I wasn't sure myself when I first heard it. But I have faith in the princesses. I even have faith in Discord, surprisingly. What I am saying is that, No matter what happens. We'll always be a family." Rarity promised. Sweetie Belle smiled, hugging her sister back and feeling much better.

'Who knows, maybe this new world will have a charming prince or even a handsome knight.' Rarity thought with a blush creeping on her face.

Twilight and Spike sorrowfully walked down the path that lead to their house, or should I say destroyed house. It was way beyond repair and the some of the books were still burning. All of her belongs, her telescope, the books, her bed were all destroyed thanks to Tirek. There wasn't much she could grab, but a couple of books that were still readable. Spike sighed sadly at his comic collection being destroyed as well. He looked at his sister figure and noticed how greatly upset she looked.

"We had some great memories here---didn't we?" Twilight began.

"Y-Yeah. I'll miss this place." Spike replied. It is the truth, while they will be receiving a good. This home will remain forever in their hearts. Spike knew how heartbroken the young Princess is and decided to cheer her up.

"Twilight. It is true that we lost our home and I'll miss it. But we never lost our friends and family. In a way, that's our home and we never lost it at all." Spike wisely said. Twilight's eyes widen at this, Spike's right. Her friends are her home and as long as they're around, she won't feel so empty. She wiped the tears and hugged her number one assistant.

"Thank you, Spike. What will I do without you?"

"You wouldn't have an awesome dragon friend." Spike conceitedly said.

Twilight just rolls her eyes with a smile. The two laugh and decide to end their packing up from there. The two were met with Owlowiscious who landing on Twilight's back.

Celestia eyes began to glow white as Discord cast a spectral image that loomed over Equestria and sound spell. "Ready when you are Princess." The spirit of chaos called out. She nodded and begin her speech.


"There, That should do it." Celestia said. She turned and saw the mane 6 along with the cutie mark crusaders and their parents running up to her. She gazed at their belongings, some brought blankets, pots and pans, books, toys, pets and even cake. She chuckled, leave it to Pinkie Pie to pack up cake. She also noticed that some of the sad looks that some of the ponies have on their faces, mainly the Cutie Mark Crusaders.

"Ah can't believe that the world is ending.." Applebloom said.

"Yeah and we will leave behind our world. The one where we all grew up in." Sweetie Belle added.

"And jumping into a new one to live in." Scootaloo finished. The mane six, Rarity's parents, Discord and the princesses all look at them in sadness. There was a moment of silence around them all, but that silence was cut off from the trio of girls who jumped up in excitement.

"CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS!!! WORLD JUMPERS!!! YAY!!!" The girls shouted out in unison. The ponies all sweat dropped at how quickly they were able to change their mood.

"Well, they're taking it well." Twilight said sarcastically. After what just transpired, she looked at her friends and then her fellow princesses. "Is anypony ready?" asked Twilight.

They all nodded and leaped into the portal. When they finally stepped in, they noticed that they are in a very spacious white room with a golden double door. She took her surroundings and notices many species were also in the room such as, Deer, Dragons, Minotaur, Griffins, Buffalo, Zebras, Diamond Dogs and even Changelings. That surprised Twilight that they were allowed into this new world.

"So... they're here as well, huh?" Twilight said to herself as she narrowed her eyes upon the insect like creatures. Her thoughts, however were cut off by the shout from Pinkie Pie.

"Check it out girls!" Pinkie said as she pointed to the portals that lead them to the spacious white room had a clear view of Ponyville. Most of the houses were nothing but rubble and the ground was beyond repair. She turned to her left and watched the last ponies jumping into the white room with their families. She then turned back to the portal and noticed the loud humming becoming louder.

"It's about to blow." Luna announced. Everyone in the room watch as their home planet rapidly crumbled away and exploded in the blinding flash of light. They all covered their eyes from the light of the explosion, after it died down. They were staring at nothing but space dust, dust of their homeland.

"Goodbye Planet Equus." Celestia said as a tear escaped her eye, however, all of the sadness in the room quickly vanished as the golden double doors open. Celebi walked out of the door and smiled sincerely at the many species. She analyzed them all and nodded to herself. 'Alright, that's all of them. No one is missing and no one got left behind. Good' She thought.

'Dad would kill me if I left someone behind, but then again I could always travel back in time and prevent it. Alright, time to get started.'

"Hello, I am Celebi; Guardian of Time. This is the Hall of Legends, and Welcome to the Pokémon World." She introduced.

Author's Notes:

Sorry if it is a little sloppy. It's been a while since I wrote a fanfic. :twilightsheepish: But yeah, this is the prologue and prologue part 2 will be up soon. That will show the Pokémon finally. So don't miss it. :raritywink:

Edit: This Prologue Part 1 and 2 put together. I also added in some things to make the chapter much longer. Hope you like and expect more to come. I am already working on Chapter 2.

Next Chapter: Chapter 1: The World of Pokemon(Edited) Estimated time remaining: 2 Hours, 16 Minutes
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