
A Blind Delight Season 2: Shadows of A King

by MajorFrostwing

Chapter 9: Part 9: Pleasure To Meet You

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A Blind Delight
Season 2: Shadows of A King
Part 9: Pleasure To Meet You

By: Major Frostwing

Trevor moved through the dark forest. Something was wrong with the forest not a single animal made a noise. Normally if Trevor listened really hard he could hear every animal in a forest. He was giving himself a headache just trying to hear anything that would pass as alive. "What is going on in this forest?" Trevor asked himself.

"Trevor Garris... Find me." The voice whispered putting Trevor back on track. All Trevor could think of was something wanted to be found by him and seemed to only call for him.

"Why me?" Trevor asked himself adjusting his scarf from the cold wind of night. "What does this voice want?" He had so many questions and nothing to answer them.

"Follow my voice." The voice said as Trevor continued to follow the voice all the while growing steadily more annoyed.

The forest remained silent which only continued to grate Trevor's nerves. He finally stopped moving sitting down at the base of a tree.

"Why do you hesitate?" The voice asked confused. "Come find me."

"Not without some answers first." Trevor responded crossing his arms. "Who are you?"

"I can not tell you." The voice responded calmly. "You need to find me."

Trevor sighed getting back to his feet making his way towards the voice when he came upon a cave.

Trevor clapped his hands hearing the sound echo off all of the walls. The cave system was huge and seemed to go on forever from what Trevor heard. He took a step into the cave feeling something push back on him gently.

Trevor froze listening for the voice but it did not come. "You were so chatty earlier now you are quiet." Trevor let his frustration known. "TALK!" Trevor demanded.

"YOU DO NOT ORDER ME!" The voice bellowed from deep in the cave causing a chill to creep up his spine. "Enter the cave." The voice returned to it's gentle whisper.

Trevor slowly moved into the cave. A sound drew his attention away from the voice. It sounded like paper gently flapping in the wind. "What is going on?" Trevor asked himself making his way towards the sound of the flapping paper. According from the sounds around Trevor he seemed to be in a large cavern.

"It is good to see you in the flesh Trevor Garris." The voice said drawing Trevor's attention to him. "I see you were given the correct mask." The person who Trevor identified as a woman said.

"You were the one who gave me the mask?" Trevor asked sitting down before the woman.

"No I did not give you the mask I asked for one of my friends to give you a mask. He gave you the mask I knew would be perfect for you." The woman said with a smile. Trevor only adjusted the mask on his face. "I have a favor to ask of you Trevor."

"What kind of favor?" Trevor quirked an eyebrow.

"More of a request to be honest. You have something that belongs to my family and I would like it to be returned to me." The woman held out her hand.

"I came to this country with nothing but my own clothes." Trevor said holding both of his hands out palm up. "I have nothing of yours to return."

"It is not something physical but something ethereal. Something was given to you when you came to this world. It is a corruption that no one should be burdened with. Sadly though I can not take it from you and you can not give it to me."

"Then what do you want me to do?" Trevor asked confused.

"You have to beat it." The woman said setting her hand on Trevor's cheek. "Conquer it and reject it."

Trevor smacked the hand away. "Who are you?"

"I won't tell you but there is someone who can tell you." Trevor raised an eyebrow. "He is closer than you think and will tell you who I am." The woman placed her hand on top of Trevor's head as nine objects tapped around his head. "Now wake up." The world around Trevor dissolved into nothing.


Trevor took a deep breath as he woke up laying down in his bed. "How the fu-" Trevor reached around him finding both his swords and mask laid out beside him. The door to his room opened causing Trevor to jump.

"Trevor how are you feeling?" Kuro asked as he made his way to Trevor. "You passed out suddenly after we began walking back to the manor. Gave us quite a start when it happened."

"I passed out?" Trevor asked placing a hand to his forehead. "But that dream?"

"What kind of dream did you have?" Kuro asked sitting down next to Trevor.

"A voice. It called for me to find it. I went through a forest and suddenly found a cave. Someone was in the cave it was the voice." Trevor ran his fingers through his hair trying to remember all of his dream. "She said I had something that belonged to her. I still don't know what it is."

"Seems to me you met another god I suggest you give back whatever it is you have of theirs." Kuro said calmly.

"I can't She says I can not give it back and she can't take it. I'm confused as to what I'm supposed to do."

"It doesn't matter right now Trevor. What you need to do is get out of bed and join us for breakfast." Kuro patted Trevor on the back getting back to his feet. Trevor nodded getting out of bed grabbing his swords and mask. Breakfast sounded fantastic right then.


Trevor had finished breakfast with Kuro and his wife Mist. Now Trevor found himself sitting next to Kuro as he sat in his garden. A bird made it's way down landing on Kuro's shoulder. "Oh Fisk you have finally returned. I hope you are feeling much better." Kuro petted his falcon smiling.

"You have a pet falcon?" Trevor asked as he moved his head towards the bird.

"Yes I had him sent to Equestria to get him some care he was ill with some sort of flu but he seems healthier than ever." Kuro placed his hand on Trevor's shoulder. A weight made it's presence known on Trevor's shoulder. A light chirp rung near Trevor's ear. "He is my messenger falcon as well as my loyal companion."

"Can he send a message to Princess Celestia?" Trevor asked moving his hand up to pet the bird.

"Yes he can and faster than any other falcon around." Kuro said with a hint of pride.

"Then I would like to send a message to a certain woman if that would be ok with you my lord."

"I do not mind Trevor. But how will you write it?"

"I ask if you would write the message for me my lord it would mean a lot to me if you could do this?" Trevor asked as he continued to pet the falcon gently.

"It would be my honor Trevor." Kuro smiled as he called for an ink well, quill, and parchment.


-Two days later-

Princess Celestia was sitting on her throne listening to the nobles around her try and trick her into giving them more privilege and tax cuts. She was bored out of her mind and could go for some cake at the time. As if Faust herself heard her plea A guard burst through the door catching everyone's attention. "Princess a letter has arrived for you." The guard said saluting to her.

"Guard we are in the middle of a meeting here how dare you interrupt us." A noble said angrily.

"Bring the letter forward please." Celestia said in a motherly tone. The guard gave another crisp salute as a falcon flew into the room. It landed before Princess Celestia with two scrolls around it's neck. Celestia knew who this bird was it belonged to Lord Kuro from Neighpan but why would he be sending a letter. She moved her hand taking hold of the scrolls looking at both of them. One was addressed to her the other was addressed to Cloudkicker. She quirked an eyebrow at the second letter before opening the first one.

"Dear Princess Celestia,

I know you are looking for me and would like you to call off the search for me. I am in debt to Lord Kuro and right now he is writing this letter since I cannot. Anyway I digress. I will admit that my disappearance and crime were both unforeseen but I was protecting the one I love. If I am to be punished for that then so be it but be patient with me I cannot return just yet.

With Respect, Trevor

P.S. Some of the guards in Neighypt are in some serious need of being removed.

P.S.S. Send the second letter to Cloudkicker and under no circumstance are you to read it. I will know if you do."

Celestia looked at the second scroll before looking down at the one in her hands. "Sargent send out the order. The search for Trevor is to be called off we know where he is. No action is to be taken until his inevitable return." The guard saluted walking out of the room. "I'm sorry ladies and gentlemen but I am calling this meeting to a close due to more pressing matters." Celestia stood from her throne making her way towards the exit. The second scroll in her hand glowed in a golden light before being sent to Spike. He would deliver it to Cloudkicker without hesitation.


Spike was organizing a section of the library when he let out a loud belch of green flames. "Spike where are your manners?" Twilight asked her back still turned to him as she studied.

"Princess Celestia just sent me a letter. That's weird it's for Cloudkicker." Spike said with a raised eyebrow. Twilight stopped reading turning towards Spike.

"Princess Celestia normally sends orders through the guards not by dragon fire." Twilight said taking hold of the letter. She looked at the name written on the scroll along with the seal. "Why would Lord Kuro send a letter to Cloudkicker?" Twilight asked confused. She was about to open it when a small shock hit her fingertips. Twilight yelped in pain dropping the scroll. "I guess only Cloudkicker is to read this letter." Twilight said shaking her numb hand out.

"I will take it to her then." Spike said picking up the letter. Twilight nodded as Spike left with the scroll held in his claw.

Cloudkicker was sitting in her home just staring at the far wall just trying to think of something to do. That's when a knock broke her out of her thoughts she looked to the door hearing the knock again. "Come in." Cloudkicker said seeing the door open to reveal Spike. "Spike what are you doing here?" Cloudkicker asked as Spike walked forward holding the scroll out to her.

"Celestia sent this to me to give to you." Spike said smiling to her. Cloudkicker took hold of scroll breaking the seal without even looking at it.

She began to read the letter.

"Hey Cloudy,

I am alive and well so please stop worrying about me. I can't tell you why I left it would only scare you so I will tell you one thing though. When I have done what I need to I will return. Please don't cry Cloudy I will be back don't worry. I am sorry for what I have done to you I really didn't mean to. I just wanted to say I love you so much. Don't do anything reckless and please keep my stuff safe.

With love, Trevor

P.S. So you must be the woman Trevor talks about so much. Whatever he has done wrong please find it in your heart to forgive him. He keeps muttering in his sleep that this is all for you whatever "this" is."

Cloudkicker wiped away her tears smiling standing up with the letter held in her hand.

"What's wrong Cloudkicker?" Spike asked confused as to why she was crying.

"He's still alive." She choked out still smiling and crying. "He's still alive." She let out a laugh crying tears of joy instead of sadness. "I have to tell the others this they will be thrilled." She wiped away her tears trying to make herself presentable for the world.

Author's Notes:

Hey guys I have been pumping these chapters out at quite the insane pace I really want to make up my two month absence with you guys. Anyway Trevor meets this strange woman now who could she be and who is she talking about. Who knows what needs to be returned to this woman? I think we all know who. Anyway until next time you are all DISMISSED!

Next Chapter: Part 10: Training Estimated time remaining: 1 Hour
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