
A Blind Delight Season 2: Shadows of A King

by MajorFrostwing

Chapter 8: Part 8: Festival of Blades

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A Blind Delight
Season 2: Shadows of A King
Part 8: Festival of Blades

By: Major Frostwing

Trevor was resting in his room both of his blades were resting in his hands as he meditated. His mind was swimming with negative thought. "What if I can't beat Shade? What if I die in this foreign country? What if I am captured before my quest is complete?" All of these thoughts bombarded his moral but something came to the forefront of his mind eclipsing those thoughts. He smiled as he moved to his feet. "Cloudkicker..." Trevor spun the blades once for flourish before sheathing them.

A knock came to Trevor's door prompting his attention. "Trevor are you ready for the festival?" It was Kuro.

"Yes my lord I will be out shortly." Trevor turned to face the window once again seeming to stare at the moon. "Soon..." Trevor turned away from the window going to his door opening it slowly.

"Are you really going to wear that thing Trevor?" Kuro asked taking hold of Trevor's white scarf. "I have something better for you." Kuro pulled out a white scarf but the edges were embroiled with golden thread and the mark of a nine-tailed fox. "Wear this Trevor it will show your status in the guard. Trevor took hold of the scarf around his neck taking it off and folding it. He wrapped the new scarf around his neck covering most of his face.

"Thank you my lord." Trevor said adjusting the scarf till it felt natural on his neck.

"No problem I will also give you your pay for protecting me on the journey to my country. 2,000 Yits should be enough." Kuro pulled out a stack of paper bills. "Each bill is 20 yits and with that you should have 100 bills."

"My lord this is to much I can't accept this. I already owe you to much for freeing me from a life of slavery." Trevor tried to return the cash but Kuro wrapped Trevor's hand around it.

"I think that debt has already been repaid by saving my life just think of this as incentive for your continued support." Kuro said slyly. Trevor held the money in his hand tight before sliding it in his pocket. "Anyway Trevor are you going to be entering the tournament for the Festival?" Kuro ask patting Trevor on the back.

"Sorry sir but I do not wish to enter a tournament today. I don't want to take all of the glory away from your festival." Kuro laughed as he began making his way toward the exit of his manor. Trevor not far behind.


Trevor followed the crowd of the festival sadly though people gave him a wide birth. He felt isolated once again but he didn't care all of the music and laughing lifted his spirits enough to help him get through the isolation. He bought a few things of food and an alcoholic drink just to help the nerves.

Trevor had walked by many stalls selling random trinkets and wares but one place caught his ear. "Masks for sale. Get your masks here." Trevor turned making his way towards the mask salesman. The old graying kitsune was sitting behind a small counter all sorts of masks set out before and behind him. "Ah another man devoid of sight." This caught Trevor's attention. "I can see that you are confused young one but don't be alarmed I was just looking at your aura."

"Well I must say it is nice to not have someone judge me upon appearance." Trevor adjusted himself so he was sitting in front of the old man.

"It's strange though you do not see aura like I do but you are still able to navigate like one with sight." Trevor only chuckled tapping his ears.

"Sound is just as good as sight. I can "See" with these." The old man nodded smiling.

"Interesting... I think I have just what you are looking for." The old man reached behind him pulling out a single mask. "For one who is not a kitsune I can give you the visage of one. This mask was that of the eight-tailed fox brother to the nine-tailed fox. He was a master of war and sought only power. He was struck down by his brother who told him that their tails meant nothing about power. They were the wisdom to use the power for the right thing." The old kitsune slid the mask to Trevor. "In his final moments he understood what his tails stood for. Even though he was a fighter he was a tactician. His wisdom was in war."

Trevor picked up the mask running his hand over the face feeling the sharp teeth that were curled into a smile. The ears were sharp as well making Trevor smile. "You are a man of war yet you do not accept your fate as such. You deny your destiny by stopping your blade. Take the teachings of the Eight-tailed fox. And embrace your wisdom."

Trevor slid the mask upon his face feeling that it seemed to be crafted just for him. He was about to thank the old kitsune when the shop just seemed to vanish. Trevor tried to attune his hearing for the old kitsune but couldn't find him anywhere. He was confused as to how someone could just vanish like that. He adjusted his scarf so it covered the sharp teeth of the mask. He didn't want to scare people anymore than he already did.

Getting to his feet he decided to make his way towards the main stage area for the tournament that's where he would find Kuro. That's where he was needed.


"Trevor? Is that you?" Kuro asked as Trevor took his seat next to Kuro.

"Of course my lord." Trevor slid the mask slightly showing his face to Kuro. "I got myself a mask." Trevor said smiling to him before sliding it back in place.

"It suits you Trevor though I have to ask where did you get it?" Trevor tapped his chin thinking.

"From an old kitsune he just gave it to me saying it was the mask of the eight-tailed fox. He said I should embrace my destiny instead of denying it." Kuro raised an eyebrow at this.

"Was this kitsune a graying blind kitsune?" Trevor slid the mask giving him a blank stare before tapping under his eyes. "Oh. Right." Kuro said a little embarrassed at his mistake.

"He was blind and old I have no idea about his fur color."

"Well did he seem to vanish after he gave you the mask?" Trevor looked to Kuro surprised.

"Yea he disappeared without a trace of him ever being there." Trevor said confused.

"Congratulations Trevor you have met a god and he gave you a gift accept it and hold it dear it may save your life one day." Kuro tapped Trevor on the back. "Take his wisdom to heart you may one day use it." Trevor nodded as he heard the clash of steel "Listen close Trevor the tournament is almost over. Also I should have warned you earlier." Kuro scratched the back of his head.

"Kuro what did you not tell me?" Kuro only remained silent.

The battle ended shortly after with an announcer calling out the name of the victor. "The tournament winner has a chance to challenge any fighter and take that fighter's position if they win." Kuro explained with a sheepish smile.

"I challenge Kuro's new personal guard." The victor announced forcing Trevor to glare at Kuro.

"You owe me for this Kuro." Trevor muttered sliding his mask onto his face. Two guards stood escorting Trevor down to the field. Trevor had no time to prepare for a fight but that's what always made it fun.

"Let the fight begin." The challenger said with a smile before charging at Trevor his single blade held high. Trevor side-stepped extending his foot tripping him to the ground.

"What's your name?" Trevor asked crouching low his hands on both of his blades hilts.

"My name is Serated Edge." The challenger said getting to his feet.

"Nice to meet you Serated. Now fight me like you mean it draw both of your blades." Trevor said drawing both of his blades. He spun the blade in his right hand backwards. Serated obliged Trevor drawing his second blade. "Now come fight me like you mean it." Trevor ordered as Serated charged forward both of his blades held high.

The blades came down only to be deflects to the side by Trevor's right blade. His left blade was thrusted at Serated.

Serated jumped back resetting his position. Trevor on the other hand held his position. "Come now. FIGHT ME!" Trevor yelled flipping both blades backwards. "CUT ME!" Trevor charged forward swinging one of his blades down upon Serated's guard. "KILL ME!" Trevor slammed his second blade on Serated's guard. Serated pushed back Trevor but just barely before making a wide swing catching Trevor's scarf ripping it off.

Serated froze when he saw the mask resting on Trevor's face. "E-eight-tails." Serated whispered taking a step back. Trevor flipped the blade in his left hand forward.

"Fine if you won't fight me like you mean it I will." Trevor crouched low. "Loud Style: Fury." Trevor dashed forwards slamming his blades down on Serated's guard once again but this time Serated was not prepared for the merciless onslaught. Trevor disarmed his opponent after only 20 seconds of engaging his style. Trevor raised both of his blades high about the bring them down on his defenseless opponent.

"VICTOR!" Trevor snapped out of his trance like state lowering his blades before sheathing them. "Trevor maintains his position." The announcer said as Trevor sheathed his blades. "The victor may leave the arena now." Trevor continued to stand before Serated Edge before kneeling down.

"Get up." Trevor ordered. Serated only continued to sit on the ground terrified of the creature before him. Trevor let out a sigh moving over to his fallen scarf picking it up wrapping it around his face. "Good-bye Serated Edge." Trevor said making his way back to Kuro.

"Very good job Trevor I knew you were a better fighter than you let on." Kuro said clapping for his personal guard.

"I hope you know that man will never fight again because of this." Trevor said coldly. "You make me fight in one of these again without my consent Kuro I will make my anger known." Kuro shuddered from how angry Trevor was about fighting. He thought Trevor loved to fight.

"I am sorry Trevor I thought you would enjoy this but I guess I was wrong."

"No Kuro you are mistaken I love it but I do not have control over it. I was going to kill that man without a second thought. I don't want to kill someone who does not deserve it." Trevor said as Kuro stood up with his wife.

"I am terribly sorry Trevor I didn't think about your feeling on the situation." Kuro said bowing to Trevor. He responded by flicking his ear.

"Leaders don't bow." Trevor said sighing as Kuro rose to his full height. Kuro began walking back towards the manor with Trevor in tow when a voice caught his attention.

"Trevor Garris." It was like a whisper but it caught his attention none the less. Only one person knew his full name and she was far away from him. "Find me." Trevor turned towards the voice making his way towards it. "Find me." Trevor began making his way towards a dark forest at the base of a mountain.

"Who the hell are you?" Trevor asked himself scowling under his mask. He wanted answers and he would get them.

Author's Notes:

Who is this mysterious voice? How does it know who Trevor is? Why am I style writing right now when I am really hungry? All of these questions will be answered in due time. Except that last one I'm going to make myself a pizza and eat it like my life depended on it. Anyway DISMISSED!

Next Chapter: Part 9: Pleasure To Meet You Estimated time remaining: 1 Hour, 11 Minutes
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