
A Blind Delight Season 2: Shadows of A King

by MajorFrostwing

Chapter 10: Part 10: Training

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A Blind Delight
Season 2: Shadows of A King
Part 10: Training

By: Major Frostwing

Over the course of the next two months Trevor had begun training with Kuro and his other soldiers. At first they were confused as to what Trevor was but were reassured by Kuro who told them. "Trevor is just like the rest of you a swordsman. We will show him the same respect he shows us." Trevor rather enjoyed the ability to hone his skills once again without fear of killing someone.

Although Shade had been for quite some time Trevor decided to finally call out to him for answers.

"Shade. Talk to me." Trevor said to himself as he meditated with the other soldiers.

"What's there to talk about?" Shade asked annoyed Trevor only quirked an eyebrow in his mind. "You gonna ask your questions? If not go back to whatever it is you're doing."

"Shade you knew that woman didn't you?" Trevor finally asked seeing Shade visibly twitch.

"I don't know what you are talking about." Shade said getting up from his chair walking towards a wall.

"Don't lie to me Shade who was that woman? How does she know about you?"

"Curiosity killed the cat you idiot." Shade retorted going back to looking at a wall. "I don't have to tell you anything and there isn't a damn thing you could do to make me." Shade looked over his shoulder to see Trevor drawing a blade. "Oh ho ho you think you can beat me?" Shade asked with a chuckle that turned into full blown laughter. "BOY DO YOU EVEN KNOW WHO YOU'RE FUCKING WITH!?" Shade asked with a crazed smile.

"A creature I should have purged a long time ago." Trevor muttered drawing a second sword.

"Boy you are making a huge mistake one thing you should have realized when you first met me." Shade snapped his fingers revealing two identical blades. "I am you. I am everything you could have been. I am your hate. Your ambition." Shade disappeared and reappeared right in Trevor's face. "I am your worst nightmare. BOY!" Shade straight kicked Trevor launching him back.

Back in the real world everyone was still meditating until a loud crashing broke everyone out of their concentration to see Trevor laying face down across the training field. A few of them got up to help him only to see Trevor launch towards them at a startling speed.

"GET UP WORM! GET UP AND FIGHT ME!" Shade bellowed at the downed Trevor who was slowly standing. "That's it come and get me." Shade whispered drawing his swords. Trevor raised his guard just in time to block Shade's attack but was kicked in the face. Trevor rolled catching his footing.

"MOTHER FUCKER!" Trevor yelled flipping his blades backwards. He got to his feet wiping the blood off of the corner of his mouth a scowl on his face.

"Yes let the rage flow free." Shade said as he blocked Trevor's attack placing a shallow cut on his cheek. "Ah We put the same mark on Cloudkicker remember?" Trevor let out a primal roar attacking as violently as possible. Shade only laughed as he blocked Trevor's attacks.

Trevor missed a swing leaving himself wide open for an attack. Shade only smiled wide as he stabbed his blade through Trevor's shoulder. Trevor let out a pained grunt swinging with his other sword only to be disarmed and Shade to shove his second blade through Trevor's other shoulder. Trevor was in pain and he couldn't use his arms. "Is this it Trevor?" Shade asked with an annoyed look. "I expected more out of my host. Stop being a little bitch and fight me like you mean it." Shade ripped his blades out of Trevor kicking him down so he was on his back.

"Fuck you." Trevor muttered reaching for his sword only to have Shade stomp on his hand.

"You should have listened to that mask maker. I will give you one more chance to fight me. If you lose I get control and you..." Shade closed his hand in front of Trevor's face before opening it suddenly. "Go poof." Shade stood making his blades disappear. "Embrace your destiny. You will have 2 years to get ready. When the fight comes I will not hold back I will kill you." Shade faded into the recesses of Trevor's mind. "Get ready to die Trevor." Shade let out a sickening cackle that faded into nothing.


Trevor woke up with a gasp as he finally felt the pain of his fight with Shade. He sat up slowly examining his body with his hands. His shoulders were bandaged and he could still feel the heat and sting from the stabs Shade put into him. He looked around with his mind seeing he was in an infirmary.

"Trevor finally you are awake." Kuro said looking of Trevor. "We have much to discuss Trevor and this time I want answers. This Shade you speak of is killing you. Let us help you." Trevor looked away from Kuro tightening his hands in anger.

"I couldn't do anything against him Kuro. He knows my every move before I make it and counters it." Trevor slowly moved his hand to his shoulder. "If I can't get stronger... I have 2 years Kuro. If I can't get stronger in 2 years I lose." Trevor lowered his hand.

"Well I guess it's time I introduce you to Lord Tengu." Trevor looked over his eyebrow raised. "Trust me if there is anyone that can help you it would be Lord Tengu. The Lord is one of the only Kitsune to fight the 9 tailed fox and live. The things the Lord can teach you will guarantee victory." Trevor nodded tightening his grip.

"When do we leave?" Trevor asked moving to get out of bed.

"You leave tomorrow Trevor I can not come with you. Do not worry though once you go to the woods Lord Tengu will find you." Kuro left the room he was angry that Trevor would hide such a demon from him and inside of himself as well. Kuro sighed making his way to Trevor's chambers he would pack for him as a kindness.

Trevor stood in the room adjusting his clothes on him resolving himself to do whatever it takes to kill Shade.


Trevor was sent off at sunrise His bag was already packed for him and he was given a new scarf a dark blue one that said his status as a wanderer. He was still affiliated with Lord Kuro but he was no longer his personal guard. He was just a warrior with no home now. He let out a sigh making his way towards the forest.

The days were cold as winter began it's swift approach. Already snow had begun to fall. Trevor shivered slightly adjusting his gloves on his hands. A noise caught his attention but he kept moving. "Let your enemy think he has the element of surprise." Trevor told himself as he cracked his knuckles. He felt at peace as he heard another noise move through the snow. he walked around a tree only to hear the sound which was about twenty feet behind him suddenly be no more than 3 feet away. He froze in place.

"Good ears on you." A female voice said as Trevor moved his head to face the woman before him. "Kuro was right you are blind." The woman said as Trevor looked away feeling a cold wind hit his face. "He also tells me this mask was given to you by a god." She let out a click of her tongue letting out a short laugh.

"Is something funny to you?" Trevor asked holding his hand out to her.

"Yea a demon gave you this not a god." The woman set the mask in his hand. "Anyway let's go we have much to discuss and before you ask. I am Lord Tengu but from now on you can call me Master." Trevor nodded following after her as they made their way to a cave.

"Master I'm sure Lord Kuro has informed you of my predicament." Trevor said as they entered the cave.

"He has is this going to lead anywhere or are you just being an idiot?" Tengu asked looking at Trevor with an annoyed look.

"Sorry Master I was just curious."

"Well don't ask stupid questions. All it does is piss me off." She let out a sigh moving over to a large cabin like building in the center of a large cavern. "This is my house before you ask. Now I need wood for my stove, bath, and my fireplace. There is a large pile of wood next to the house now get cutting." She started walking off when she stopped pulling The swords off of Trevor. "You will get these back when I feel like you can even use it." Trevor nodded making his way over to the wood pile where he began cutting wood.

Trevor's master watched Trevor work. He didn't deviate from his work or even look over towards her. Strange enough she knew that Trevor was watching her from a distance. She felt it and could see it in his aura. Trevor raised his ax high before stopping.

"Master is there anything else I can do to help you?" Trevor asked to see her sigh.

"As a matter of fact when you are done with that come inside and start scoring my pots and pans. After that you can clean my floors and clean out the fire place." Trevor nodded swinging his ax cutting more wood. She only let out a sigh going into her home to sit back and relax.

"Either he has had a master before or he doesn't have a backbone." Trevor's master told herself with another sigh. Sadly though she knew he needed her help against an enemy he couldn't beat. She sat down in her living room drawing both of Trevor's blades looking them over carefully.

She let out a low whistle. "Without a doubt he is a master swordsman." She walked over to her small wood pile pulling one off the pile setting it down on her counter. She set the blade on top of the piece of wood giving one practice sing noticing the blade glided into the log with ease.

She pulled the sword out looking it over carefully. "Not a scratch. He takes a lot of care of his blade." She couldn't help but smile at her new apprentice. He was going to be fun to train.

Next Chapter: part 11: Lord Tengu The Master Estimated time remaining: 54 Minutes
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