
A Blind Delight Season 2: Shadows of A King

by MajorFrostwing

Chapter 7: Part 7: Welcome To Neighpan

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A Blind Delight
Season 2: Shadows of A King
Part 7: Welcome To Neighpan

By: Major Frostwing

It had been two months since Trevor ran away from Ponyville to try and get control over Shade and finally be rid of him. He sat in the lower decks of the ship meditating when a knock came at the door.

"Trevor sir, we will be arriving shortly." The guard Trevor knew as Steel told him. Trevor opened his eyes standing slowly.

"Thank you Steel." Trevor said reaching over taking hold of a long white scarf he wrapped it around his face so the cold bite of the early autumn wouldn't get to him. "Tell our lord I will be there shortly." Steel bowed leaving the room to inform Kuro. Trevor fastened his blades to his person with a smile. Trevor listened hearing the shift of the waves against the hull.

Trevor made sure he was presentable tightening his belt on his clothes a standard japaneighse outfit according to Kuro but Trevor thought it felt a little loose. Trevor moved out of the room making his way to the deck where the wind bombarded him harshly. He didn't like the wind like this it screwed with his "sight" decreasing his range from very far away to just about two feet in all directions.

"Trevor!" Kuro called out trying to talk over the heavy winds. "Over here!" He called watching Trevor move slowly over to him. "We are almost there." Kuro said with a smile happy to finally be back in his home country. "And let me be the first to say this." Kuro placed his hand on Trevor shoulder. "Welcome. To Neighpan." Trevor smiled as the wind slowly died down the closer they got to land.

Within minutes they were docked and unloading their supplies Trevor stuck next to Kuro like glue not wanting anything to happen to him. A large crowd had gathered cheering and seeming to have a celebration for their safe return. "Come Trevor we have to go to my mansion there I will introduce you to my wife." Trevor nodded following after him. When a few of the crowd members caught sight of Trevor they fell silent not knowing how to react to his appearance.

Trevor kept his eyes closed moving behind Kuro when someone ran down the path. Trevor placed his hand on his sword. Kuro moved his hand placing it on top of his. "It's ok Trevor no need to be so jumpy." Trevor nodded moving his hand away from his blade. The person finally stopped before Kuro kneeling before him.

"Welcome back my Lord but I am afraid I have bad news. Your brother has arrived." Kuro nodded removing his hand from Trevor walking forward.

"Ignore what I just said Trevor be on your guard." Trevor nodded.

"Of course my lord. If you don't mind me asking why are you so jumpy about your brother?" Trevor asked following behind him still hearing more of the crowd go silent.

Trevor heard something that gave him pause. "Mommy what is that thing?" Trevor stopped mid step moving his head towards the voice. A child was next to his mother looking right at him. A few of the crowd members moved away as Trevor advanced towards the child and mother. Kuro stopped looking over at Trevor wondering what he will do. Especially how he acted after the assassin incident. Kuro was nervous to say the least.

Trevor stopped just before the mother who was paralyzed with fear of Trevor. He moved his head so he was looking down at the child he knelt down cracking open one of his eyes. "Hello there." Trevor said with a sweet smile. "My name is Trevor. What's your name?" The child looked at Trevor before smiling back.

"My name's Pinwheel." The kid watched Trevor unafraid of him.

"Pinwheel huh? That sounds like a cooler name than mine." The kid giggled at that and Trevor let out a chuckled with him. "You be nice to your mother now ok Pinwheel?" The kid nodded as Trevor stood waving bye at the kid who returned it happily. Trevor returned to Kuro the smile was gone from his face.

"That was very nice Trevor." Kuro said smiling.

"Let's go I feel I will have to sharpen my blades after today." Kuro nodded moving towards a large mansion in the distance with Trevor following behind closely.


Trevor and Kuro finally arrived at the mansion to a warm welcome from his maids and butlers. "Welcome home master." They all said in unison.

"Well ain't you Mr. Popular." Trevor said with a smile.

"Actually my last name is-" Kuro began as Trevor let out a groan face-palming.

"It was a joke my lord." Trevor said as Kuro finally caught onto the joke.

"Oh ha ha ha. So Trevor are you ready to meet my brother?" Kuro asked stopping before a large wooden door.

"I'm not getting any younger my lord let's just get this over with." Trevor cracked his knuckles shaking his hands out.

"Wise choice of words." Trevor only rolled his eyes placing his hand on the handle of his sword. Kuro pushed open the doors only to be met with a large metal behemoth. "I see my brother still uses you as his guard." Kuro said pushing the doors open completely walking past the metal monster.

"Quite the big fella ain'tcha?" Trevor followed after his master only to be stopped by a giant blade slamming between him and Kuro. "My Lord tell the dog to get the blade out of my way if you would be so kind." Kuro looked over his shoulder at the blade hindering Trevor's progress.

"It is alright Titan my brother's guard couldn't hope to hurt me so he is alright." A new voice stated at the back of the room. Titan moved it's blade out of Trevor's way looking down at him with a solid glare.

Trevor smiled walking past Titan whispering something to it as he passed. "Now roll over." Titan growled raising it's blade high above it's head. but froze when it saw a blade pressed against it's helmet. "Slow movements will only leave bigger openings." Trevor spun his blade sheathing it.

"Stand down Trevor we are not here to start a fight." Kuro said to see Trevor nod his head walking up to him. "Not yet." Kuro muttered walking up to his brother.

Kuro's brother was a golden yellow kitsune with a red tipped tail. "Brother Kuro it is a pleasure to see you once again how is Silver your pathetic guard?"

"Silver is now longer my personal guard Trevor is my new guard. But beside that what are you doing here Kirro?" Kuro asked his brother already fed up with his presence.

Kirro turned his head to look over his shoulder. "Well my little brother is late with his return from Neighypt I got a little concerned. What could possibly be the reason for this lateness?" Trevor smiled chuckling.

"I guess that would be my fault." Trevor said scratching the back of his head. "Came down with a bad case of being poisoned." Kuro chuckled at Trevor making light of him almost dying. "Had to wait before the poison passed before we could depart."

"I'm sorry I was talking with my brother not some lowly peasant." Kirro said waving his hand trying to dismiss Trevor. "Now leave I am sick of looking at you."

"Aw and here I thought we could be good friends." Trevor said with mock sadness. "Yea no I'm not leaving I serve Kuro not you." Kuro pat Trevor on the shoulder.

"Come now Trevor don't be like that. No one can be friends with my brother he is insufferable to be around." Trevor and Kuro both shared a laugh which only served to anger Kirro.

"I am a lord just like you Kuro I demand respect just like you." Kirro said through gritted teeth.

"Yea I don't serve you Kirro and I don't really serve Kuro more of I just owe him." Kirro let out a growl in his frustration.

"Ok Trevor that's enough allow me to talk to my brother. Go talk to Titan she is a really sweet woman once you get to know her." Trevor raised his eyebrow shrugging.

"Call me if you need me Kuro." Trevor waved good-bye as he stopped next to Titan sitting down on the ground yawning. "So Titan come here often?" Titan only let out a growl.

Titan looked down at Trevor confused at the creature before her.

"Hey sorry bout calling you a dog. To be honest I thought you were a man by how tall you were but sadly that's what happens when you can't see." Trevor said with a shrug.

"You're blind?" Titan asked looking at Trevor even more confused.

"Yea but it's whatever." Trevor moved his head to face her. "So what's it like working with your Lord?" Titan shrugged.

"Could be worse. I could still be at that horrible slave camp still." Titan let out a sigh adjusting the huge blade on her back. "What about you creature? How did you become Lord Kuro's guard?"

"His personal guard challenged me and I beat him Kuro fired him and gave me the new rank." Trevor shrugged drawing the sword off of his back along with pulling out his sharpening stone. "I also took his swords they were useless in his hands." Trevor dragged his stone on his blade smiling at it. "Do you keep up the maintenance on your blade?" He was just keeping up small talk.

"When it becomes dull I get a new one since it would take to long to sharpen it." Trevor frowned at that. "So I got to ask what are you?" She asked Trevor to see him go silent thinking about his answer.

"I am... human. A race of violent and destructive creatures. I try not to see myself like that now but it's kind of hard when you are a monster." Trevor set his blade down in his lap seeming to stare off in space. "I would like nothing more than to return home. Not back to my race but back to her." Titan watched Trevor with a confused eye.

In her eye she saw a strange creature that didn't want to fight but seemed to be forced to do just that. She also saw something else in Trevor. Something that made her shiver. Trevor was a man who thrived on battle almost as if he enjoyed the thought of spilling blood.

"I am a warrior of the kitsune and with it I carry the pride of it." Trevor shook his head as the two brothers seemed to finish their conversation.

"Then may us never meet on the battlefield." Trevor sheathed his blade standing. Trevor turned around facing Kuro. "Are we done Kuro?" Trevor asked acting laid back.

"Yes Trevor now let's go we have to go see my wife before she becomes angry." Kuro said with a light hearted chuckle. They both left the room but not before Trevor paused at the door seeming to stare at Kirro with a harsh glare. He turned following after Kuro.


Trevor walked with Kuro chatting with him as they walked. "So what did you think of Titan Trevor? Did she tickle your fancy?" Kuro asked trying to tease him but Trevor only raised an eyebrow to him.

"Really? I happen to have a girlfriend Kuro." Trevor said rolling his eyes. "Plus not to sound rude to her but she is not my type." Trevor shrugged smiling. "The woman I like happens to be almost on par with my skills with a blade. Titan would barely keep up with one of my stances." Kuro shared a chuckle with him as they stopped before a large ornate door. The door had a large golden fox head on it surrounded by nine tails all tipped with fire.

"Nice door." Trevor said almost bored.

"Really? I hate this door it's much to heavy." Kuro leaned against the door pushing it open.

On the other side of the door sat a black kitsune clad in a deep purple kimono staring out at the mountains around them. "You're late Kuro." The woman said looking over her shoulder at Kuro.

"It's nice to see you to my love." Kuro said entering the room Trevor followed after him closing the door behind them. "I would like you to meet my new personal guard and friend Trevor." Trevor nodded his head keeping his eyes sealed.

"A pleasure to meet you Trevor. I am Lady Mist." The woman said as Trevor knelt before her out of respect. "Where did you find this strange creature Kuro?" She asked her husband as he smiled.

"He was being sold in Neighypt and I saw great potential in him so I bought him to show him to the Tengu." Trevor perked up on the new development. "Maybe he can help him unlock his true potential as a swordsman." Trevor continued to listen to their conversation.

"So Trevor are you going to the festival tonight?" Mist asked him to see him raise his head. "It is being held for the return of Kuro."

"I have no money for a festival but if Kuro is going then I will go I am his guard so I must be there to protect him." Kuro nodded smiling.

"Do not worry Trevor we are in my kingdom now so nobody will dare attack me in my home." Trevor shook his head.

"Kuro. You saved my life and I am in your debt to protect you until my debt is repaid." Trevor cracked a smile raising to his full height. "Even you can not order me to abandon my honor to a debt." Mist giggled.

"I'm impressed Kuro you found the one person who can talk back to you without any signs of fear." Mist giggled once again.

"I am a different type of creature Lady Mist. I am a blind fool. Fools don't know fear." Kuro erupted in laughter calling for a maid to show Trevor to his room.

"I will send someone to your room to get you when we leave for the festival. Do try to enjoy yourself Trevor you deserve it." Trevor nodded as he followed the maid to his room.


When Trevor finally arrived at his new room the maid bowed to him leaving him to his own devices. All Trevor could do was move to the bed which was laid out in the center of the room. He moved the bed so it was resting in the corner of the room. He then moved towards the window sitting down just before it seeming to stare outside.

"Cloudkicker... I will come back. I swear." Trevor lowered his head trying to get some form of sleep.

Author's Notes:

TWO CHAPTERS IN ONE DAY! You all deserve this since I have been unable to post for a while due to family issues. Anyway enjoy the continuation of A Blind Delight.

Next Chapter: Part 8: Festival of Blades Estimated time remaining: 1 Hour, 19 Minutes
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