
A Blind Delight Season 2: Shadows of A King

by MajorFrostwing

Chapter 4: Part 4: I Am Your Lord

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A Blind Delight
Season 2: Shadows of A King
Part 4: I Am Your Lord

By: Major Frostwing

It was the last day of their trek through the desert. Trevor knew that this was possibly the worst thing. He wasn't able to escape from his captors or improve his morale through the whole thing. He stood tall shaking his shoulders to try and get a crick out of them.

The Boss looked over his shoulder at Trevor he scowled at the creature. Most slaves would break after the second day but this one continued to push forward. Just what is this creature?" The Boss asked himself before Spotter walked up next to him.

"Boss something feels off." Spotter whispered glancing around the desert. "Like we are being watched or stalked by something."

Trevor glanced up hearing something shift around him Trevor shook his chains catching the attention of a few of his captors. "Coming... It's coming." Trevor whispered picking up his pace. That's when all hell broke loose.

The sand behind Trevor exploded skyward as something unearthed itself. Trevor felt his blood rush as he heard a loud roar echo all around him. Trevor turned around completely smiling softly at the beast that was attacking the caravan.

The boss stopped the caravan looking back at what caused the explosion. What he saw made his blood run cold. "WHAT IS A BOULDER SCORPION DOING SO CLOSE TO THE CITY!?" He asked drawing his weapon. "ARM THE MINES AND TAKE THAT THING OUT!" The slavers moved into action pulling out mines throwing them at the scorpion.

The mines connected against the scorpion shrouding it in fire and explosive concussion. Trevor continued to look towards the giant scorpion smiling more wickedly. His fatigue seemed to vanish as the creature let out another roar. "Hey Trevor." Shade said in the back of his head. "I could use a good scratch how about we cut that thing to pieces?" Trevor nodded his cheeks were beginning to hurt from smiling. "I'll give you some of my strength so you can fight it. Go crazy but first you need a weapon." Trevor nodded again hearing a group run up to him taking hold of his shoulders trying to pull him back.

"Get back that thing will kill you." One of them said pulling on Trevor only for Trevor to yank his shoulder out of his grip. A few of the slavers charged forward swords raised and spells at the ready.

"EVERYONE FREEZE!" Trevor yelled catching everyone's attention The Boss was about to yell something but saw that the scorpion froze in place. Trevor reached into his pocket pulling out a small round object. He flicked it away from them. The scorpion twitched it's tail as it slammed where the object landed.

'It's blind.' The boss said to himself before glancing back at Trevor. 'How did he know?' Trevor only nodded moving his chains slightly. The scorpion looked towards Trevor moving it's tail slowly. 'What is he doi-'

Trevor took a deep breath of air before letting out a piercing whistle startling those around him at the sheer volume of the whistle. The scorpion let out a roar before charging at Trevor. "Come and get me." Trevor thought to himself.

The scorpion launched it's tail forward striking at Trevor only for Trevor to extend his arm out taking a step back. The Tail ripped through his bonds like a hot knife through butter. The boss felt his blood freeze looking toward Trevor.

"He wanted this... This was so he could get free." The boss was about to yell an order when he saw Trevor holding one finger over his lips.

Trevor held out one of his hands towards the guard behind him. He mouthed the word "Sword." Towards the guard feeling it being placed in his hand. Trevor gripped the weapon tightly this weapon felt like one of his old blades but no time for reminiscing.

The scorpion moved it's tail back up before letting out a set of clicks. Trevor continued to observe what the scorpion was doing it moved it's claw clamping it shut with a loud crack. "Stone like exoskeleton and blind. Intelligence seems low enough not to use it's hearing to the best... a feral creature." Trevor jingled his chain seeing the scorpion swing it's claw at him. Trevor jumped back dodging the swing. "I LOVE IT!" Trevor yelled in his head smiling.

Trevor leaned forward gripping his sword's handle tight. The scorpion let out a roar getting enraged at his prey disappearing. 'Hey Shade?' Trevor asked in his head.

"You're gonna kill it... KILL IT AND THEN EVISCERATE IT!" Shade yelled nearly foaming at the mouth.

Trevor nodded tightening his grip until it felt as if his hand would bleed. A dark smoke poured out of the corner of his eyes seeming to stick to his skin. "Silent style: The END!" Trevor dashed forward being right before the creature's maw. Trevor swung his blade not an ounce of sound was heard but a gust of wind blew back gently. Trevor spun the blade feeling it crack and break. "Much better." Trevor said with a light shudder. The scorpion slid slightly a torrent of green blood spilled on the ground.

Every slaver watched with stunned silence. "Recapture the creature and I want him bound as much as possible." The boss said trying not to step back from fear of Trevor.

Trevor moved his head over as if to look at The Boss the black smoke vanished, disappearing from his cheeks in a puff. Trevor went to take a step but stumbled falling to the ground his body exhausted. Trevor felt his mind darken as he succumbed to sleep.

The slavers continued to watch seeing if Trevor would get back up. After a few seconds two slavers moved forward. Spotter and Desert Rose moved over taking Trevor's weapon away while replacing his shackles with a crude version of a straight jacket. They slid something over his head so he couldn't see but sadly that was just cosmetic. Desert looked over seeing the now dead scorpion that's when they saw it happen. The scorpion slid completely in half hitting the ground with a wet splat it twitched slightly but was dead. "He cut a boulder spider in half... he only swung once. What in Tartarus is he?" Desert asked Spotter only to see him shrug.

"I don't know Rose but all I know is this." Spotter lift Trevor up over his shoulder. "This guy could easily have killed every single on of us the true question is this." Desert followed him as Spotter opened one of the cages setting him inside but shackled his legs so he couldn't move. "Why didn't he?" Spotter asked closing the cage locking it.

"ALRIGHT MOVE FORWARD!" The boss yelled smiling. The entire convoy moved forward seeing the city just on the horizon.


The scouting party moved through the Everfree Forest slowly watching out for anything out of the ordinary. The captain sighed stopping his party so they could rest. "What are we even doing out here?" The captain known as Heavy Spear watched over his tired and weary group. "The target is probably dead no way could he just run through the forest without being at least stalked by something." He looked forward seeing where the edge of the forest became the desert. "But we haven't found hide nor hair of this suspect. It's like he just disappeared." Heavy removed his helmet sighing. "We have been attack 3 times by timber wolves and a manticore."

He reached into his breast plate pulling out a parchment and quill with an ink well he began writing out a report to Captain Shining Armor.

"Field Report of Captain of The Search Party

Near the edge of the Everfree Forest. The target is nowhere to be seen and tracking has gone cold. Nothing good can come from this search. Moral to our men has decreased to dangerous levels... I fear for my men sir. I would like to call off this search for the safety of our men. A better equipped team will need to be sent out into the desert to continue this search. Please respond quickly sir so I know what to tell the men.

First Sergeant Heavy Spear."

Heavy rolled up the report casting a spell on it. The letter flashed before disappearing on it's way to the Captain. The other men sighed trying to find some way to see the bright side of this.

A flash of light signaled the response to Heavy's letter.

"Return to base we will prepare a team for desert op." Heavy smiled standing up.

"ALRIGHT BOYS!" He yelled getting their attention. They looked up looking exhausted. "WE ARE GOIN HOME!" They all smiled as a few of them pulled out scrolls. use the scrolls and go home." They all opened the scroll as light enveloped them as they disappeared one by one the last one to leave was Heavy who smiled at his men getting out of this forest.


Cloudkicker was closed into her home bottles littered her floor as she was trying to drink herself to the good times. She set the bottle down holding onto Trevor's sword. Her tears had long dried up and now she was only trying to forget that he was gone now. "Trevor... Please... Come back." She tightened her grip on his sword.

Twilight and her friends were at the library trying to figure out what to do for Cloudkicker to try and make her feel better. "She has been in there since he ran and now all she does is drink and cry over her lose." Rainbow Dash said with a huff. "Why can't she just move on?" The other girls shot her a dark glare.

"We have to find something to make her smile." Pinkie said with a cheer. "Maybe some balloons or streamers." The other girls sighed.

"She would be using all of her strength to find Trevor if she was allowed to go." Twilight said sighing. "But The Princess made it clear she is not to search for Trevor under severe punishment. She has nothing to do and only wants him back." Rarity nodded before sighing.

"We all have to admit we miss him." They all nodded looking down at their hands. "I wish there was something we could do but The Princess needs us here in case something happened." Rarity looked over towards the window seeing the sun still high in the sky. "I just hope the poor thing is safe."

"I don't get why you are all worrying so much about him he won the master's tournament. He will be just fine." Rainbow Dash said cockily.

"He had a weapon that day he doesn't have anything Rainbow. He has no weapon out there and nothing to keep him safe he is alone." Applejack argued back her accent dropping suddenly at how she felt. "We don't even know if he made it out of the forest let alone to the desert beyond." Rainbow felt herself shrink under Applejack's anger. "I'm scared what will happen to Cloudkicker if Trevor were to never come back."

"It will be ok AJ, the search party will find Trevor and bring him back safe and sound you will see." Twilight said trying to lighten the mood.


Trevor awoke his body feeling as if it was run over by a truck. He moved his head slowly only feeling a heavy throb echo in his ears. Trevor tried to move to stand up but couldn't move at all after a few attempts to move he lowered his head in defeat. He was bound completely unable to even move his arms. That's when his sense of sound came back.

He was in a city Neighypt was his first guess and didn't need a second one. He failed again being unable to escape after he killed that scorpion. "I'm such a failure." He muttered under the bag on his head. When would he be able to get away? He needed to get back to his mission so he could return to her.

A noise caught Trevor's attention the bag on his head was taken off as something was set in front of him. "I brought you some food Trevor you need to eat up." Trevor recognized the voice as Desert Rose. He scowled at her. "The boss wanted to starve you more but you need something." Trevor could see the bowl in front of him due to all the noise around them. He leaned over smelling the dish to find out that it was some type of stew. He tried to move his arms but succeeded in tightening his restraints. Instead of using his hands he lowered his head down taking a drink of the stew. It felt great for him to finally get a hot meal even if it was only one meal he at least had something in his stomach again.

"Thank you." Trevor muttered as he finished eating. Desert smiled at that.

"We all should be thanking you Trevor. You killed that boulder scorpion and saved all of our lives." Trevor grimaced at that.

"I didn't do it for any of you." Trevor said in a cold tone. "I needed to kill it for my own sanity. and it felt great to kill it... It's a shame I wasn't able to play with it more." Trevor cracked a smile. "Oh well." Desert watched as the smile disappeared as quickly as it came. "Now all I have to do now is wait. He will take over eventually and I will not be able to stop him... You have sealed my fate by locking me up." Desert Rose flinched as Trevor looked up seeing only pain and sorrow in those empty silver eyes of his. She returned the bag over his head closing and locking the gate once again.

'I'm Sorry Trevor.' Desert told herself as she moved away from the cage. The auction will start soon enough and Trevor will disappear forever. She felt sad at the thought of such a man to be restrained to a life of slavery. Sadly she had no say in the matter.

Trevor sat in his cage feeling his life collapse around him he was going to be sold and bought by someone. "My life is over... Again." Trevor muttered sighing.

"The auctions will begin in a few minutes with a few special pieces of merchandise." An announcer yelled out to the crowd to a loud cheer. Trevor sat silently in his cage lowering his head in depression.

"It was good knowing you creature." The Boss said with a smile patting the edge of the cage. "I am honestly impressed you were able to survive this long." Trevor slammed his feet against the cage startling The Boss. "CELESTIA DAMNED DEMON!" The Boss yelled hitting the cage with his fist.

"Our first slave is an alpha diamond dog he is strong and tough and without a doubt a good addition for any owner." The auctioneer said with a smile. "The bidding will start at 200 bits." Trevor listened to the auctioneer dread filling his soul as he waited for his turn.


After 10 other sales it was finally Trevor's turn to be sold. "The final sale for the day is a very special creature. This creature has been brought to us by The Boss and from what he has informed us this creature is extremely dangerous. He was contained and restricted from all movement due to how dangerous it is. This creature has survived 5 days without food or water and in that state killed a boulder scorpion with a single strike after he escaped once." Trevor smiled under his bag. "He is without a doubt the most dangerous creature to ever grace this auction house. The bidding will start at 600 bits." The cloth covering Trevor's cage was ripped off showing him to all of the bidders.

A few hands raised bidding on him in a few seconds the bid was at 4000 bits.

A kitsune was walking through Neighypt with a group of other kitsune following him. "My lord I suggest we leave as soon as possible this place was horrible for someone of your stature." One of them said to the black furred kitsune at the head.

"You know we had to come here for some diplomatic business." The lord said with a tint of anger in his voice. "You are only here as my guard detail nothing more and nothing less." He said looking forward when something caught his attention. An auction taking place for a slave completely bound while being trapped in a cage.

"8000 do I hear 8100?" A hand raised betting once again. The black kitsune was intrigued by this creature in the cage. He closed his eyes everyone's auras appeared in his vision when he saw the creature in the cage it gave him pause. It was huge compared to the others not only that but it was split into 8 different colors. He tilted his head to the side before glancing back at his own guards.

His guards had large aura's as well but they were all a solid color. "Interesting." He whispered turning back to the creature bound in the cage he noticed that the creature raised it's head as if to look towards the kitsune. Something happened that startled every patron in the audience. Trevor slammed his legs against the cage over and over again. The was until a prod was put into the cage shocking Trevor until he stopped.

"My lord what do you see?" The lord's adviser asked leaning forward to whisper to him.

The lord opened his eyes raising his hand up. "20,000 bits!" He yelled startling everyone including the auctioneer.

"20,000 do I hear 21,000?" He yelled to see no one raise their hands. "20,000 going once! Twice! SOLD! TO THE BLACK KITSUNE!" The auctioneer said with a smile on his face. The kitsune walked forward with his guards close behind. He pulled out a bag of bits slamming it down in front of the auctioneer before motioning for his guards to transport Trevor.

Trevor was barely conscious after the shocks to his system he heard someone close to his cage leaning down. "You are indeed a rare find but trust me. You are safe." Trevor smiled only letting sleep take him over.


Trevor awoke much later the air felt cold signalling it was night time. "Good evening creature." Trevor heard the voice of a man in front of him causing him to jump from being startled. "I apologize for startling you. My name is Lord Kuro and I am the head of my clan. I purchased you from that slaver and now I own you." Trevor grit his teeth in anger at hearing that he was owned. "You will be happy to know I will not be using you for any heavy lifting or anything like that I just wanted a new butler." Trevor let out a growl kicking at the cage as hard as he could. "So full of vigor I see." He said with a smile.

Trevor kicked the cage once again this time startling the kitsune with how hard he was kicking the cage.

"Alright that is enough." A different voice said making his way to the cage. "I have what I need." Trevor moved his body over to kick the cage again. "If you don't calm down you will not be allowed out of your bonds." Trevor froze mid kick lowering his legs slowly. "I'm sure you are intelligent due to how your aura reacts to certain stimuli." Trevor tilted his head leaning it against the bars. "I bought you so I could help you creature." Trevor nodded his head drowsily.

"Thank you." Trevor muttered letting out a sigh.

"I see you are intelligent." The kitsune said with a smile. He reached into the cage pulling the bag off of Trevor's head seeing him for the first time. "I am the real lord Kuro and I have saved your life. I do not expect you to honor that fact but that is your choice. If you want to come with me you will be able to repay your debt to me but, this is not an order this is a question. Will you come with me to my country and work for me?"

Trevor raised his head up turning towards lord Kuro. "I am a man of the sword and was taught to repay my debts." Trevor nodded and bowed his head to him. "I will serve you Lord Kuro until my debt is repaid." Trevor raised his head. "But I am not your slave I am not your servant I am a man of my word and that is all." Kuro extended his hand into the cage as Trevor lowered his head to his hand.

"What is your name?" Kuro asked smiling.

"I am known as Trevor my lord." Trevor said smiling.

"Good we will be leaving at sun up but until then let's get you out of that cage and some food in your stomach." Trevor nodded as the cage was opened and his bonds removed. For the first time in what felt like forever Trevor was free of his bonds. He also did something for the first time since his that night. He smiled genuinely rubbing his wrists gently.

Author's Notes:

I know this feels a little rushed but I will be slowing the chapters down to focus on one person at a time. Cloudkicker will be getting her own chapter in the near future while Trevor is on his way to the next destination. Also for those of you who will be asking how Trevor was able to fight in his condition. Shade gave Trevor some of his power so he would be able to fight and continue to live the reason why is a mystery. Anyway that is all. I am Major Frostwing and you are all DISMISSED!

Next Chapter: Part 5: A Lesson To Learn Estimated time remaining: 1 Hour, 52 Minutes
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