
A Blind Delight Season 2: Shadows of A King

by MajorFrostwing

Chapter 3: Part 3: Chains and Drinks

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A Blind Delight
Season 2: Shadows of A King
Part 3: Chains and Drinks

By: Major Frostwing

Trevor awoke slowly his senses felt numb from being forced into unconsciousness. He listened for any sign of where he was. He heard a fire burning a bit away from him along with some laughter. He heard the movements of some liquid in containers near him. He raised his head slowly. moving it so he could hear better. He went to move his arms when he felt the weight on his wrists and ankles.

"I was knocked out." Trevor told himself as he stretched his legs. "Could be worse I guess." He told himself with a bitter chuckle.

"Oi Boss looks like the cargo woke up." A stallion said near the fire.

"Well let's go see who this creature is." The boss said in a deep gruff voice. The stallion moved to his feet walking over to Trevor. Trevor moved his head following the stallion. "So what are you creature?" The boss said kneeling down to Trevor. A faint aroma of a cigar met Trevor's nostrils.

"Just a guy." Trevor responded with a shrug.

"You fight like a professional and even knocked out a few of my best enforcers." The boss said letting out a torrent of smoke into Trevor's face. "Quite the feat." Trevor only chuckled.

"If that's the best you got I shudder at seeing your worse." Trevor cocked his head smiling. "Can they even pick up a blade?" The boss punched Trevor in the stomach eliciting a coughing fit from Trevor.

"You got some spunk creature I'll give you that." The boss shook his fist taking a drag on his cigar. "So what are you?" He asked again receiving a spit into his face. The boss reached up wiping the spit off of his face flicking it to the side. "Little shit." The boss used the back of his hand to smack Trevor across the face. Trevor took the hit slamming to the sands bellow him.

"Come on now I've taken worse hits from a kitten." Trevor continued to antagonize the stallion before he caught on.

"I see. You think if you make me angry enough I'll kill you." The boss said smiling blowing the smoke out his nose.

"No I was just hoping you would just drop me off so I can continue on my merry way." Trevor said with a smile.

"Well then let's see what those eyes of yours look like." The boss grabbed the blindfold covering Trevor's eyes ripping it off. He only saw Trevor's eyes were closed. "Come now let's see those defiant eyes of yours." The boss held Trevor's head still as he forced his eyes open Trevor opened his eyes on his own to stop the pain the boss was forcing on his head.

"Happy?" Trevor asked as the boss released Trevor's head. The boss observed Trevor's eyes with a smile.

"Well I'll be damned. You're a blind little freak aren't you?" He asked with a chuckle. "Hey boys come and look at this." The boss called out as his group of men came and looked at Trevor. "This creature beat the snot out of the attack group, dodged their attacks and spells, and fought not to kill but only knockout. This little freak was blind the entire time." Trevor pulled on his chains violently hearing them clang loudly.

"Fuck you." Trevor said as he pulled on his chains again.

"Hey boss I just got word from one of our bought guards." Spotter said catching The Boss's attention. "Apparently this freak is being hunted by Princess Celestia." Spotter tossed a paper to his boss. "So apparently he is high value to be hunted by the Princess herself. He should fetch for a high price." Trevor pulled on his chains again hearing them go taunt with a loud clank. A few of the bandits backed away.

The Boss rubbed his chin thinking. "Let's take him with us we can sell him at our final destination we might be able to use him in the pits as well." Trevor sighed letting his chains go limp before pulling on them again.

"Can I give you a suggestion Boss?" Trevor asked closing his eyes with a smile.

"And what would that be?" The Boss asked leaning close to Trevor but still far out of his reach. Trevor suddenly moved forward stopping at the end of his chain leash nearly face to face with the boss.

"You better keep me chained." Trevor said smiling. "Hope to Celestia these hold." Trevor continued to pull on the chains cutting his wrists due to the strain. "Once you get rid of me pray I don't find you again." The boss pulled back his fist swinging at Trevor only for him to move his head out of the way of the strike. Trevor backed away sitting down with his back against a carriage.

"You little shit do you even know who I am?" Trevor yawned in response. That was the last straw as The large stallion drew his blade about to swing it at Trevor. Trevor only raised his bonds so they were in view.

"Not a wise move. If you miss you might cut through my bonds and then my warnings will come true." Trevor said still smiling. "I'm sure I can kill you before your men could even get a hold of me." Trevor lowered his bonds leaning back against the carriage with a smile. "So when do we move?" Trevor asked hearing The Boss sheath his blade.

"Right now." The boss said looking back at his men. "Pack up and move out we got a long journey ahead of us." The boss turned back to Trevor smiling. "I was going to let you ride in one of the carriages but now I'm going to make you walk the entire journey." Trevor grunted at his own stupidity. He just had to open his mouth and be a fool. Now he has to pay for his ignorance.


-3 days after Trevor's capture-

Trevor was chained to a carriage in the back trying to keep himself moving forward. His lips were cracked and dry from the arid climate. He was starving and thirsty. Not to mention he was on the brink of collapse. He heard someone walking up beside him. He would not acknowledge them or even speak to them.

"Hey boss says to give you water." A mare said shaking a canteen next to Trevor's head. Trevor moved his eyes as if to look at her. He slowly shook his head as he continued to move. "Come on you are going to die if you don't drink something." Trevor took hold of the canteen with a shaky hand shaking it slightly before opening it. He smelled the water before moving it away from his nose suddenly. Trevor's hands shook with anger as he threw the canteen to the ground. "Hey what in Tartarus are you doing?"

Trevor moved his head to look at her with a glare. "No." Trevor said slowly so he wouldn't rip his lips to badly. He stumbled as he felt his chain being pulled suddenly knocking him to the ground.

"Come on creature you need liquids to survive." The boss said with a smile. Trevor tried to get to his feet but was only met with a kick to his ribs. "Drink so you don't die. It would be a shame if you died like this. Pathetic even." Trevor moved again getting to his feet.

"Fuck yo-" Trevor was met with a backhand across the face knocking him back to the ground.

"Keep moving forward." The boss called as he made his way back to the front of the caravan. The mare watched Trevor for a few seconds before trying to help him to his feet. Trevor retaliated by pulling himself free of her. She watched him with concern as he moved forward with the caravan. She pulled her own canteen off of her belt looking at it. She ran up to Trevor putting the canteen in his hands.

"It's just water." She whispered to him as Trevor opened the canteen smelling it's contents before taking a sip of it. He felt better and took another sip before closing it up.

"Thank you." Trevor said as he continued to move forward. He knew his life was extended a little longer but he wouldn't survive like this.He just hoped that he would survive this trek. He tried to listen to his surrounding only to hear the same sound of the caravan and the gentle breeze of the desert around him.

"Don't worry boys only 2 more days and we will be in Neighypt." The boss called out to hear his men cheer loudly. Trevor closed his eyes trying to keep ahead of his bonds. Trevor clenched his hands constantly just so he had something to do besides listen to the constant drone of the caravan.

The mare continued to watch Trevor with concern. She didn't understand him in the least. He had the best chance to kill them all at first but instead he only fought to stop them. Not only that but how he acted when she asked him to stop. "He could have just killed me but instead he freaked out... Why?" The mare asked herself dropping back to Trevor to watch him more closely. "Blind yet dangerous. Just what is he?"She was watching what he was doing with his hands she didn't notice that his head was turned straight to her.

"What?" Trevor asked startling the mare.

"Sorry I just wanted to know your name." Trevor tilted his head slightly.

"Care?" Trevor asked as his voice rasped out.

"I'm just curious." The mare said as Trevor looked away.

"Trevor." Trevor pulled on his wrist restraints feeling it go taunt. He scowled pulling on the restraints again growling at how they restrained him. "You?" He asked letting his bonds go loose so he could rub his throat.

"My name?" She asked trying to find some sort of deceit from Trevor. She only saw sadness and anger coming from him she could give him this. "My name is Desert Rose." Trevor nodded feeling himself stumble slightly from his bonds pulling him forward. "Why were you in that forest?" Trevor remained silent but moved his hands up to his eyes. "Trevor?" She was concerned for how he was acting.

"I can easily get you out of these bonds Trevor. Just let me take control." Shade whispered to Trevor. "Give up Trevor. GIVE UP!" Trevor shuddered suddenly shaking his head.

"Trevor?" Trevor heard a male voice call out to him in his mind snapping him out of his stupor.

"Who was that?" Trevor asked himself feeling himself yanked forward. He stumbled regaining his balance. "That voice... sounds familiar." Trevor told himself.

"You ok Trevor?" Desert Rose asked as Trevor nodded.

"Head... Pain." Trevor rasped out continuing to move forward.

"We will be stopping soon for the night. I will try to get you some food and some more drink later tonight." Desert moved away from Trevor her message passed to him. Trevor didn't show any happiness at this unforeseen gift but he didn't care.


-Back in Ponyville-

Cloudkicker sat in her room staring at her night stand seeing Everything Trevor left behind. Her cut was healing quickly but still stung with the memory of how she got it. Her life collapsed around her from such a tiny cut. She reached out picking up the pocket watch rubbing her fingers over the fox's face. She clicked open the watch viewing the picture inside of it.

It was a picture of an older man holding a small child in his arms smiling happily. She looked at the picture knowing who these two people were. Trevor and his father... they looked so happy in this picture. She closed the watch with a soft click. "I hope you are safe Trevor. Where ever you are." She set the pocket watch on the nightstand with a sigh. She felt so empty without Trevor and she didn't have a single thought as to how to fill the hole in her heart.

A gentle knock came to Cloudkicker's door her heart began to leap with hope. She ran down to her door opening the door with a bang. "TREVOR!" She yelled with glee but when she noticed who it was she lost her hope. "Oh..." She began frowning. Twilight watched Cloudkicker with concern. "Hi Twilight." Cloudkicker said depression evident on her face.

"Cloudkicker the girls and myself wanted to invite you out with us." Cloudkicker grimaced taking a step away from her door. "You haven't left the house in 3 days we are worried about you." Cloudkicker tried to put on a front but it barely passed as a smile.

"I'm fine Twilight I just need a little bit longer." She slowly closed the door. "Don't worry about me just make sure the guards can find Trevor." The door closed in front of Twilight's face.

Twilight heard the door lock with a solid thunk and foot steps moving away from the door. She stood there looking over her shoulder to see the other girls waiting by a tree. Twilight only shook her head and saw all of them sigh frowning.

Twilight took one last look at the door before walking to her friends. "She needs to get out of that house." Rainbow Dash said with a huff. "It's just one guy what's so important about him anyway?" Applejack smacked her upside the head.

"That man has changed how we all think and brought the best happiness to Cloudkicker." Applejack looked at the second floor of Cloudkicker's home only to see the curtains being closed. "Him running like this is hurting her more than any of us can possibly imagine." Rarity nodded.

"I don't know the full details of what happened but he was a true gentleman." Rarity said with a sigh. "She loved him for so long and was so happy when she finally confessed to him." Fluttershy spoke up albeit quietly.

"If you don't mind me saying... Trevor went as far as to fight for his life to win that tournament for her." Fluttershy said hiding slightly behind her hair.

"I just hope he is ok." Pinkie said bringing forth what they were all thinking. "He is being a meanie meanie pants by doing this but there has to be a reason for doing this." All the girls nodded.

"Come on girls let's go hopefully Cloudkicker will feel better tomorrow." Twilight said leading them away to a small cafe so they could enjoy dinner.

Cloudkicker continued to sit in her room holding Trevor's cane tight to her chest. When she saw a single object next to her nightstand. A single bottle of Apple family whiskey. She reached down picking up the bottle looking it over with a tear in her eye. She opened the bottle taking a large swig out of the bottle. "Maybe this can fill that hole." She said wiping away her tears as she continued to drink from the bottle. Drowning her sorrow by draining the bottle as fast as she could.


The caravan had finally stopped for the night. They partied and drank knowing that their journey was almost over they were singing songs and pouring liquor down their throats in contests. Trevor listened to them only so he didn't have to be left in the silence. He was leaning his back against one of the slave carriages trying his hardest not to fall asleep.

"Psst." Trevor heard someone behind him was trying to get his attention. "Kid. Who you?" Trevor moved his head slowly looking over his shoulder so the person knew he was listening.

"Trevor..." The man nodded leaning against the bar eliciting a metallic clink from his chains hitting the bars.

"Trevor. You drink this." Trevor felt something tap his shoulder. Trevor went to reach for the object before he felt a fist collide with the side of his face knocking him away from the cage.

"We can't have you doing that now can we." Trevor went to get back onto his feet but was pushed back into the sand by a boot to the back of the head. "You are being punished for your smart mouth." Trevor tried to get back up only to have his ribs kicked by the boss. Trevor coughed hard after the air was knocked out of his lungs. "Are you going to stay down? Or am I going to have to keep you putting you down?" Trevor tried to get up but his arms gave out on him he tried again. His arms shook from the attempt until he fell back down. "That's what I thought." The boss lifted his foot about to bring it down.

"Sir I thought I saw something in the distance you might want to take a look at it." Spotter said running up to his boss. The boos looked at Spotter then back at Trevor. He set his foot back down before kicking him in the chest once again. He moved away following after Spotter.

The other slave runners looked over at Trevor before going back to their activities. Trevor clenched his hands into fists slamming them into the sand frustrated with himself at being this weak. Trevor tried to move himself back up until his arms gave out on him completely. "Fuck... Fucking hell." Trevor continued to lay on the ground unable to move. He wanted to cry but knew that wouldn't help anything.

Desert Rose was looking over to Trevor while she was on watch grimacing at how such a warrior could be broken down like this. She was amazed to see him try minutes later with success at sitting himself back up. He moved his arm up weakly wiping his mouth slowly she was to say the least impressed with his tenacity. He seemed to have an unlimited supply of will power to continue fighting on like this. Spotter stopped next to her setting his hand on her shoulder. "Hey Rose anything new to report?" He asked taking a seat in the sand.

"Nothing sir just a little worried about the cargo." She said looking out into the desert.

"Yea I'm worried about the blind one as well." Spotter said glancing over his shoulder at Trevor.

"I'm just worried he will die before we get to Neighypt." Desert said with a sigh. "He has to run out of strength eventually." Spotter nodded but froze as Trevor looked over towards them his eyes devoid of any emotion. He visibly flinched as Trevor raised a hand to wave at him.

"I think we have nothing to worry about Rose." He said pointing towards Trevor Desert followed his finger noticing Trevor waving at them. "But I will see if we can pass him something to eat and drink." Spotter tapped her in the side with his elbow. "Give him only a little so The boss won't notice." Desert nodded getting up from her post to go help Trevor.

Trevor lowered his hand looking up into the sky with a small frown on his face. Spotter continued to watch him for a few seconds more before going back to his watch.

Trevor leaned his head back closing his eyes trying to fall asleep even if it was a few minutes some semblance of sleep was needed. "only a little longer before I am sold to someone. I wonder what being a slave will be like." Trevor leaned his head forward letting it hang low. "I hate this." Trevor told himself trying his hardest not to sigh. "Only one more day before I can get some food and water... who am I kidding?" Trevor gave in to his urge and finally sighed. It was the last thing that allowed him to keep his sanity and some semblance of his humanity.


All of the girls were sitting in the cafe trying to piece together anything about Trevor's sudden departure. Applejack then thought of something and it all made sense. "Dear Celestia how could I not piece that together." All the girls stopped what they were doing to look up at her. "His glasses were broken." She said looking at all of their confused faces.

"Yea you said you found them by stepping on them." Rainbow said knowing it was obvious.

"Yea but Big Mac found a tree in the eastern field that had all of it's apples knocked off." She pointed out they were all still confused.

"Maybe that tree lost it's fruit naturally." Twilight said trying to think logically.

"That field was not ready for at least another week. You had to hit the tree to make all the fruit fall" They all had faces of realization but then they shifted to confusion.

"What does that mean Darling?" Rarity asked trying to think

"What if the glasses were already broken when Applejack stepped on them." Pinkie said calmly. They all began to think about this more closely but Twilight came up with an explanation.

"So Trevor hit the tree... with his head?" She said shaking her head. "But why would he do that?" They all shrugged. "Should we tell the princess she should localize her search east?" Twilight asked them to see them think about this closely.

"Yes." Rarity said with a nod. "We need to find him as soon as possible. Cloudkicker needs him back I fear she will do something drastic now that he has disappeared." They all stood paying their bills before following Twilight to her house so they could send Princess Celestia an idea of where to search for Trevor. They hoped he didn't go to far. Once past the Everfree Forest was The desert of Saddle Arabia where Equestria had a shaky treaty with.

If they found Trevor in the forest they could safely bring him back once in the desert Trevor might as well have died.

Next Chapter: Part 4: I Am Your Lord Estimated time remaining: 2 Hours, 7 Minutes
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