
A Blind Delight Season 2: Shadows of A King

by MajorFrostwing

Chapter 5: Part 5: A Lesson To Learn

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A Blind Delight
Season 2: Shadow of A King
Part 5: A Lesson To Learn

By: Major Frostwing

It was night in the desert and according to Kuro they were only two days from the port town Port Wind Fall. Trevor was sitting next to the fire his eyes closed sitting cross-leg his hands resting against his knees. Trevor focused on his mind taking a deep breath letting it out slow. "Trevor are you still awake?" Kuro asked Trevor sitting across from him.

"I am my Lord I am just clearing my mind." Trevor said moving his head as if to look to his left. "I'm sorry my Lord I thought I heard something." he said returning his attention to him.

"It is alright Trevor I was just wondering how you were doing. I am concerned about you." Trevor raised his eyebrow confused.

"I do what is necessary my Lord I fight, I sleep, I focus. Everything else is un-needed until we are out of this land." Trevor said looking back over to his left his eyebrows furrowed in agitation.

"I would like if you would try to understand my other guards along with my adviser." Trevor shook his head.

"I only need to know you my Lord you are the one I need to protect right now. The others would gladly throw away their lives for you me on the other hand." Trevor opened his eyes moving his head to Kuro. "I refuse to die so soon for I have someone even greater than you I will return to... Even though I hurt her." Trevor lowered his head feeling empty and sad at the pain he is causing her right now.

"I understand Trevor but please try and speak with your allies for one day they might save your life." Trevor scoffed.

"No disrespect my Lord but I doubt they would even raise their blades to save me." Kuro was listening to Trevor closely. "I am something different, dangerous, and in the eyes of those that know me a monster." Kuro was confused by what he said. "Maybe I will tell you why I say that one day my Lord but right now I do not trust you. If you ordered me I would say no. If you asked me I would decline. If you tried to force me I would not speak I will only tell you when I can trust you with my life." Kuro was about to say something when Trevor held up his hand moving his head up to listen more closely.

"Is something the matter Trevor?" Trevor shook his head slowly.

"No my Lord nothing to worry about." Trevor continued to listen closely as he closed his eyes once again.

"Trevor I do have one question for you that you need not answer." Trevor nodded saying he was listening. "Your eyes what happened to them?" Trevor's right eye twitched.

"An accident that resulted in the death of my father and the lose of my sight. I am blind yet I can see all. The pain I have gone through is un-measurable." Trevor sighed feeling depression setting in.

"Do you miss your sight?" Kuro asked only to see Trevor shake his head smiling softly.

"With sight comes ignorance... Sight brings pain. I see this world not for what it shows but what it hides from the populace." Trevor sighed holding his hand out to the fire. "What do you see in front of you my Lord?" Kuro looked at the fire thinking of an answer.

"I see the fire consuming the wood with it's unholy touch." Kuro said calmly as if that was the correct answer.

"That is what you see but what I see." Trevor extended his hand to the fire. "I see not death but rebirth. The fire before you keeps you warm and allows you the thin shroud of safety from the darkness around you with it's light. The fire after it is gone will leave behind the ashes of what it consumed and when put in a forest it fertilizes the ground allowing new plants to grow." Trevor smiled lifting up his hand towards the heavens. "When you burn a pine cone it does not just burn but explodes sending it's seeds as far away from the fire so it can grow a new forest. Rebirth through death in it's own way is beautiful." Trevor lowered his hand to his knee.

Kuro watched Trevor as if he had just seen the light.

"You only see what your eyes show you. I see what the world will hide from you." Kuro nodded.

"I have much to learn from you Trevor." Kuro said bowing his head to Trevor. "Now one last question Trevor. What do you see in people?" Trevor twitched.

"I see hate, anger, and dishonesty. Some people are afraid, sad, and without a shroud of a doubt un-trusting." Kuro was about to say something when Trevor raised his hand. "But that does not mean I see all of these things in you my Lord. For you I see more. You have a kind heart that you have to hide behind a strong leader you are willing to put faith in something new and unknown to you. A man who only want's to do what is right for the people under him. You would not harm a soul under your command but rather help them through their tough times. But even I can see that it hurts you knowing that some do not want your help." Trevor smiled.

"How do you know so much Trevor it's as if you can see a person's soul with a single glance?" Kuro asked seeing Trevor shake his head.

"I can read people that's all it shows who can be an ally and who will be an enemy."

Kuro stood from the fire looking down at Trevor. "I will wake up another guard to take over watch try and get some sleep tonight." Trevor smiled as he stood walking over to the carriage sitting down against it leaning his head back against the wood.

"May the answers you seek come to you my Lord." Trevor said as he slowly drifted off to sleep.


Trevor after a sound was heard from his right. He didn't move an inch and continued to feign sleep. The sound continued to move around him as if searching for something then he heard the door to his lord's carriage slide open slowly. "Bingo." A female voice whispered and Trevor could hear the smile on their face.

"Not a wise move if you ask me." Trevor whispered keeping his head down. The female to his right froze suddenly not sure if she heard something from the creature to her right.

He heard the woman move slowly into the carriage when Trevor grabbed her ankle suddenly. "What th-" The woman didn't get to finish her sentence as Trevor ripped her out of the carriage straight to the ground.

"I warned you now leave I am not in the mood to deal with you." Trevor said returning to sitting down at the entrance to the carriage sliding it closed.

The female let out a growl as she ran off as silent as possible. Trevor did not go to sleep for the remainder of the night keeping an ear out to the female intruder. The guard shift change many times over the night unknowing of the intruder.

Kuro awoke at first light exiting his carriage to see Trevor sitting outside the entrance unmoving. "Good morning Trevor." He said with a smile Trevor opened his eyes tilting his head.

"It is morning? I didn't notice." Trevor said with a smile getting to his feet. "A good morning to you my Lord." Trevor said bowing.

"Did you sleep at all last night?" Trevor shook his head. "Anything happen while I was sleeping.

"A snake tried to slid up my arm to stay warm but I got rid of it." Trevor lied still unsure of how to deal with the intruder if they were to return.

"Be careful with those snakes. Now then would you like to join us for breakfast?" Kuro asked with a smile.

"It would be my honor my Lord." Trevor followed behind Kuro as they made their way to the fire which was still burning gently.

"Well today we will be reaching the Blue Tree Forest. We will need to be on alert for I fear something will try something while we are in there." Trevor nodded keeping his mind sharp to the sounds around him.

One of the guards sat down next to Trevor nudging him slightly out of his way. Trevor just moved more out of the guard's way. The guard glared at Trevor as if he was trying to start something. "My Lord I still don't see why you bought this strange creature." Kuro looked to his guard but noticed Trevor only continued to eat his food silently.

"Silver you are not to question my decisions and I am sure Trevor is one of the only ones here that has done his job appointed to him." Trevor froze eating for only a instant before continuing.

Silver tightened his grip on his bowl glaring at Trevor. "I doubt this creature could even hold a blade." Trevor finished chewing his food before dropping his spoon in his bowl.

"Willing to find out?" Trevor asked keeping his eyes closed. "I doubt I would need a sword to take you out." Kuro's adviser was about to silence both of them when Kuro stopped him.

"I would cut you down before you could even get close." Silver said standing up drawing his blade a standard katana. Trevor raised an eyebrow at the sound the blade made after being unsheathed.

"Why do you not take care of your blade?" Trevor asked standing up Kuro held his own sword out to Trevor only to see him unsheathe the blade handing it back to Kuro.

Silver swung the second Kuro was out of the way but was surprised to see Trevor dodge the swing and crack Silver in the kneecap forcing him to fall to the ground. Trevor spun the sheath dropping down to one knee in a smooth motion stopping the end of the sheath in the center of his back only tapping him in the back with it. Kuro only smiled nodding.

"How did you?" Silver asked seeing Trevor stomp on his hand forcing him to let go of his blade.

Trevor reached down picking up Silver's blade. "You are not even worth the blade given to you. The mistreatment of this blade is too great did you not hear it?" Trevor grabbed Silver by the back of his collar. "It cries for the respect it deserves... How are you even allowed to hold a blade?" Trevor spun Silver around before shoving him away. "I will return this blade when I think you are even worthy to wield it."

Kuro walked up to Trevor patting him on the shoulder. "Do anymore of you doubt Trevor and his skill with a blade?" Kuro asked to see none of them look up. "Silver." Kuro said seeing Silver look up at him. "Trevor will be my personal guard for the remainder of this journey." Silver scrambled to get off his back kneeling down to Kuro.

"Yes. My Lord." Silver said feeling utterly defeated. Trevor handed back Kuro's sheath while still holding Silver's blade.

"Trevor." Silver said as Trevor nodded showing he was listening. "I am sorry for challenging you as such." Trevor only shook his head moving forward to him.

"Your other blade as well." Trevor said hearing it being pulled out of his sash before being held out to him. Trevor snatched it out of his hands walking back to the carriage sitting down sheathing the first blade and attaching them to his person one on his back the other on his hip via some cloth.

Kuro watched Trevor with mixed emotions one of them was concern as if Trevor was not just a swordsman but a higher level of skill. Kuro watched Trevor as he drew one of the blades tapping the edge gently before stopping an angry scowl on his face. Kuro saw Trevor reach into his pocket pulling out a small stone the size of his palm dragging it against the edge of the blade with the precision of a surgeon. Yet Trevor had a small smile crease his lips as he worked on the blade a light metallic ring sounded with each drag.


They were walking to the edge of The Blue Tree Forest and as it's name suggested the trees were a special breed of tree. The leaves instead of being green were blue which coated the ground underneath in a gentle blue light as the sun filtered through the leaves. "We shall camp in 2 hours." Kuro said with authority Trevor walked next to him continuing to sharpen the blades as they moved. Each of the guards were doing something to pass their time from chatting with one another to examining their surroundings with awe.

Trevor continued to listen closely without missing a beat on his sharpening. "Creature you have been sharpening that blade since you got it soon you will only have the edge." Kuro's adviser who was named Hindsight stated walking up next to Trevor.

"This blade has been neglected since it was made I am simple showing it the care it deserves like I would my own blade." Trevor smiled as he gave the blade another pass with the stone hearing the correct pitch of the blade. "When a blade is well cared for it can do amazing things." Hindsight nodded.

"Yes yes but a blade is only a tool used to claim the life of another." Trevor raised his eyebrow.

"My Lord do you believe what Hindsight says as well?" Kuro looked over to Trevor noticing the edge of the blade he carried was immaculate almost perfect.

"I believe that a blade is a blade." Kuro said stating the obvious. Trevor only shook his head.

Trevor looked to Kuro with a sad expression on his face. "I'm sorry to hear that my Lord." Trevor said before sheathing his blade and drawing his next blade. Kuro was confused as Trevor continued to hold that somber expression as he got to work on his second blade.

"Trevor I hope I don't seem rude for asking but what was the name of the one who taught you the way of the sword?" Trevor stopped sharpening the blade for a second to try and think back on his master. He let out a light chuckle.

"I don't know he never told me his name all I know is that he was blind as well." Trevor smiled again continuing his work. "I only knew him as Master and he taught me the ways of the sword. I still find it humorous that he taught me because of a little spat when I was a child." Kuro had more questions about Trevor now but he would ask them later they needed to focus on the path ahead.

Trevor suddenly halted holding his sword out stopping Kuro. "Trevor what's happ-" Trevor moved his sword upward hearing a loud metal ping echo off of it. A blade dropped to the ground a few feet away.

"Guard him." Trevor said drawing his second blade maintaining a calm demeanor. Trevor continued to listen to his surroundings until he heard a gentle whistle of a blade flying through the air. Trevor shifted his head slightly hearing the blade zip past his ear.

"How did?" Trevor heard someone whisper he thought he was just hearing things but he knew better than to think like that.

"Come now I think we can have some fun with you actually trying to kill me." Trevor said out to the forest. "Come and fight me or are you afraid?" Trevor said challenging. A blade flew the air flying past Trevor's face grazing his cheek.

Kuro watched from behind his guards Trevor was trying to get their attacker to fight him head on. "Is he a fool?" Kuro asked himself but watched Trevor twitch at the smallest sound. "No he is trying to pinpoint his opponent." Trevor leaned down picking up the first knife with a smile.

Another blade flew through the air as Trevor suddenly threw his own knife at the sound before charging at the sound. There was a yelp of surprise as the blade slammed next to the attacker's head before she looked up to see Trevor swing both of his swords at her.

She drew her own blade raising it to protect her. All three blades connected with a spark. "Found you." Trevor whispered with a sickening grin on his face. "Loud style: Fear." Trevor whispered leaning closer to the woman. She let out a shudder as one of Trevor's blades shifted placing an identical cut on the woman's cheek. The woman shoved off the blades trying to escape from him by running away. Trevor smiled as he chased after her.

The attacker slid behind a tree trying to catch her breath. "I will have to try again maybe when they make camp I can st-" The tree the woman was hiding behind had a blade puncture it right above her head. "Shit." She told herself as she jumped away to see Trevor rip his blade out.

"I must be getting rusty." Trevor turned towards the woman still smiling. "I missed." The woman drew her own blade preparing for the attack. Trevor began walking forward slowly flipping both of his blades backwards his smile shifting into something more pure. "Loud Style: Joy." Trevor jumped forward the female raised her blade blocking Trevor's first swing.

"Just what are you?" She asked as Trevor continued to smile tilting his head to the side.

"Trevor. Pleasure to meet you." Trevor said as her swung with his other blade. The female saw this jumping backward throwing down a smoke bomb. Trevor heard the object hissing as smoke poured out of it. "Oh that's no fun. You just made it easier for me to find you." Trevor didn't hear the needle fly out of the forest hitting him in the right shoulder. "Oh ho ho looks like you have some toys." Trevor let out a laugh as he reached up pulling the needle out to toss it away.

"That's not all." Trevor heard the woman said as he heard a blade fly out to him. He reached his hand up moving it with the blade catching it by the handle.

"Not even a challenge." Trevor said as he heard the knife in his hand sizzle before a blight flash of light exploded around him from the knife. The woman charge out of her hiding spot swinging down on Trevor only for him to block the blade.

"How did he see my attack?" She asked struggling to push the blade forward. That's when she noticed Trevor had his eyes closed still smiling.

"Sorry but cheap tricks don't work on me." Trevor raised his second blade flipping it forward. "Loud Style: Fury." Trevor scowled as he slammed his blade down on her own pushing her back. Trevor slammed his blades down on her repeatedly forcing her to block each attack. "FIGHT BACK!" Trevor roared at her as she missed one of his blades as it cut deep into her left arm. She let out a scream of pain freezing Trevor in place.

"No that's enough she can't fight back." Trevor told himself as he felt his blade raise once again. "No I don't want to kill her I proved my point to her." Smoke began to pour out of his eyes taking hold on his cheeks. Trevor smiled as he slammed his blade downward only for the woman to deflect the attack trying to create an opening. Trevor raised his blades swinging both of them on the woman knocking her back into a tree.

"Calm down Trevor I'm trying to scratch this horrible itch of mine." Shade said smiling in Trevor's mind. "Just sit back and enjoy the show I'm trying to put on here." Trevor continued to try and wrestle for control of his body but wasn't getting anywhere.

Trevor jumped forward swinging both of his blades horizontally to try and take the woman's head off but was only missed as the woman jumped to the side dodging the blades. She backed away only for Trevor to catch up to her slamming both of his blades into her legs stopping her completely. "No where to run my little fox." Trevor said his voice sounded distorted. He let go of the blades stepping on her wrists to stop her. He reached forward wrapping his hands around her throat. "I wonder how long you will last?" Trevor asked tightening his grip on her throat.

The woman gagged as she was losing all of her ability to breathe and couldn't even move out of his grip. All she could see was the evil on Trevor's face as she was being strangled when his grip lessened suddenly.

"Trevor... What would she think about you acting like this?" A voice asked Trevor as he moved his hands away from her throat completely. Tears were streaming down is cheeks as he stood up. "You are better than this Trevor don't let it control you." The voice said as Trevor reached up wiping his eyes. The smoke and marks disappearing with each wipe. Trevor listened to this voice it sounded so familiar yet so distant in his mind.

"What is he doing?" The woman asked herself seeing Trevor pull his blades out ripping off a piece of his shirt wrapping it around her legs to stop the bleeding. "He is helping me now. Why is he doing this?" Trevor only continued to cry remaining silent. When he was done he stood walking back to his group.

"Please never return I don't want to kill you." Trevor said over his shoulder as he disappeared into the trees leaving her alone. She was about to call out to him when she noticed she shouldn't it would alert her target and she couldn't risk that. Should she even continue this hit all it could do is anger Trevor. He did just spare her life. "I can't finish this hit... I'm scared of him." She stood slowly moving deeper into the forest. "I would be throwing my life away if I did that." She was ashamed by this fear but she couldn't beat him not in a hundred years.

Trevor finally reached his group and what they saw was Trevor in a mess. "Trevor is the assassin dead?" Kuro asked him only to see him shake his head.

"She will not be attacking us I made sure of that." Kuro watched Trevor as he crawled into one of the carriages sitting in the dark. "I'm sorry my lord but I want a few minutes so I can clear my mind." Kuro nodded motioning for his men to move forward.

"Take as long as you need Trevor you need it." The men moved forward following their lord as Trevor continued to sit in the darkness of the carriage meditating. It was all he could do to keep his head together.

Author's Notes:

Sorry about this gents but I guess I made Trevor a little preachy in this chapter. But I did it for a reason that I think all of you would notice if you read A Blind Delight. Trevor normally talks like this to other swordsmen to try and teach them something new and to a degree open their eyes. Now moving onto this mysterious voice. I'm not telling who it is but you are all allowed to guess and speculate who this may be but I think all of you already know.

Moving onto something completely different from the story I am busy right now with a brand new work load from work so expect some delays on chapters. Also I am getting to work on a new story that I may or may not put up. That on top of Anyway who is excited for FNAF 3 I know I am even though I hate how those games scare the absolute :yay: out of me.

Oh and while I am thinking about it. The next set of chapters will not be focusing on Trevor but instead someone else so blade swinging and stabbing will be put on the back burner as I do some character development on these people. So look forward to that. I might do little tidbits where I jump to Trevor just so we can see what he is up to in the mean time.

That is all I am Major Frostwing and you are all DISMISSED!

Next Chapter: Part 6: The Bottle That Never Empties Estimated time remaining: 1 Hour, 35 Minutes
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