
A Blind Delight Season 2: Shadows of A King

by MajorFrostwing

Chapter 2: Part 2: I Need To Leave

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A Blind Delight
Season 2: Shadows of A King
Part 2: I Need To Leave

By: Major Frostwing

The scene was silent besides the drop of blood and the clatter of a sword. Trevor stood there everything around him shrouded in darkness. He didn't even register what he had just done to the woman he loved. Then it all came back to him in a rush of mental images and sounds. He heard nothing except one sound. Laughing from a certain shadow. "Good job Trevor now finish the job." He said as Trevor's hand trembled almost as if he wanted to pick up his blade. "Why hesitate Trevor we were having such a good time now. FINISH THE JOB!" Shade yelled in Trevor's head.

Cloudkicker held her hand against her bleeding cheek looking at Trevor with wide eyes. She had never seen him act like this. She only stepped in to stop him but he lashed out at her. Why would he do that? Trevor suddenly turned around running away through the club goers. He pushed his way through them towards what he thought was an exit but turned out to be a wall. He felt along the wall until he found his exit. There was only one thought going through his mind as he ran out of the exit.

"I can't stay... I have to run away... I'm a monster." He ran through the dark streets of Ponyville just running in a random direction he just needed to get away. A problem needed to be dealt with before he could return.

Cloudkicker was still in shock over what happened when she finally heard the murmurings of the club goers. "I knew we shouldn't trust that monster."

"He was going to kill him and then he would come for us." A stallion said to a mare.

"I heard he eats foals and kills for fun." A mare whispered in a shuddered tone. Cloudkicker had finally had enough.

"SHUT UP!" She bellowed silencing all of them. "WHAT DO ANY OF YOU KNOW ABOUT TREVOR?" She asked in a rage moving over to his sword and sheath picking them up before exiting the club. She looked everywhere to see if she could see where Trevor went but saw nothing except the dark night. She looked up at the sky clutching Trevor's sword tight.

"Trevor where did you go." She turned running towards Twilight's. She must have some sort of way of finding Trevor a spell or something. She pumped more of her energy into her legs trying to move a little faster.


Trevor had just run past Sweet Apple Acres. The smell of apples and fresh soil being a dead give away to his senses. He only continued to run all while fighting tooth an nail for control of his body. "STOP RESISTING ME YOU SCUM!" Shade yelled in his head. Trevor only placed his hands over his ears continuing to run.

"SHUT UP!" Trevor roared as his shoulder caught a tree knocking him off balance. He fell to the ground with a thud scrambling to get back to his feet.

"YOU FUCKING WORM HOW CAN YOU CONTINUE TO RESIST ME!?" Shade bellowed back trying to seize more control of his body. "GIVE UP ALREADY!" Trevor finally got back to his feet placing his hands against a tree to steady himself. He just needed to silence Shade even if it was for a minute.

"SHUT UP!" Trevor yelled as he readied his head back yelling into the night. He threw his head forward slamming it into the tree with enough force to shake the ripe apples free. Shade went silent after the blow as Trevor slid to his knees feeling a high pitch ring in his ears. Blood poured down his forehead. Trevor reached up shakily removing his broken shades dropping them to the ground. He stood his knees shaking from the concussion he had just given himself. Trevor walked away from the tree he used making his way away from Ponyville.


Cloudkicker finally made it to Twilight's library banging on the door frantically. She was panting from running so hard. Twilight finally opened the door to see the frazzled Cloudkicker holding onto Trevor's cane. She looked Cloudkicker over more closely seeing her dress slightly ripped and her eyes as if she was crying her whole way her along with the single cut on her cheek. "Cloudkicker... What hap-" Cloudkicker suddenly shoved the cane over to her.

"Can you use this to place a tracking spell on Trevor?" She asked almost begging Twilight to do this for her. Twilight was about to ask again what happened but when she saw the look in Cloudkicker's eyes she saw a mare about to just fall apart at the seams.

"I can, bring it inside while I find the spell." Twilight ushered Cloudkicker into her home. All Cloudkicker whispered were thank yous and apologies for waking her so late. Once Twilight had finished drawing up the correct magical seal she placed her hands over the cane. "I hope this works." Twilight muttered as she activated the spell.

The spell activated showing Trevor's exact position to her but suddenly the spell went fuzzy as if the connection was being severed suddenly a face jumped out of the vision roaring at Twilight. "HE IS MINE!" The voice bellowed short circuiting the spell cause Twilight to back away from blade.

"Twilight did you find him?" Cloudkicker asked with hope filling her eyes at getting Trevor back. All that hope vanished when Cloudkicker saw the look on Twilight's face. "Twilight where is he?" She asked at Twilight continued to stare down at the blade in silent horror.

"I don't know... He disappeared." Twilight finally said trying to contain her horror at the face that appeared in her vision. Cloudkicker stood up frantic grabbing Twilight by the shoulders shaking her.

"DO THE SPELL AGAIN! WE NEED TO FIND HIM TWILIGHT HE'S ALL ALONE OUT THERE PROBABLY FREAKING OUT WE NEED TO FIND HI-" Cloudkicker felt a hand slap her across the face breaking her out of her panic.

"CLOUDKICKER GET A HOLD OF YOURSELF!" Twilight bellowed at Cloudkicker. "Help me wake up the others so we can go look for him. Both of us just standing here isn't helping now come on." Twilight took hold of Cloudkicker's hand as she ran toward's Pinkie's they needed a search party to find him and if that cut tipped off Twilight at all. Stop him before he hurts anyone else.

Twilight just hoped they weren't to late in saving Trevor.


Trevor felt the icy chill of the night trying to ease him into unconsciousness. Only one thing kept him going he needed to get out and away from Equestria before there was a repeat of what happened. He wanted to keep them all safe and to make that happen he had to disappear and make sure he was not followed. He felt his lungs burn from running for so long every ounce of his body screamed for rest but his mind denied it. "I can't go back. I can't rest. I will return... one day I will return. Trevor pulled a single object out of his pocket something that was given to him all those years ago one that would promise his return one day. He took the pocket watch out of his pocket turning around for only a second throwing the watch as hard as he could away from him. He turned back to his task of running away.

"I'm sorry Cloudkicker but I have to do this. It's all for you." Trevor whispered to himself as he disappeared into the thick trees of the Everfree forest. He knew in his mind he would burn in Tartarus for hurting Cloudkicker like this but it was a necessary evil to kill another even greater evil.

He ran past tree after tree making his way with ease even though his head swam with sickness he continued to push forward. When he felt he was far enough into the forest he finally sat down at the base of a tree trying his hardest to rest. He knew he couldn't fall asleep for if he did he feared he would never wake up. That thought kept him awake as he felt the burning in his lungs subside but only for a brief moment. The sound of Cloudkicker's yelp caused by his own blade rushed back to his mind as he held his head in his hands.

"How could I just give in like that just let Shade take over when I heard she was in danger? How could I have been so careless?" He asked himself as he let his tears flow freely. "I just gave in like it was nothing." He sobbed trying to push the memory away with all his might. "I'm so pathetic and weak." Trevor's sobs eventually subsided as he continued to run. The farther he was away from them the better.

All of the girls made it back to Twilight's all of them found nothing except for Applejack who held out two items. A broken pair of shades and a pocket watch. The other girls looked at the items noticing the shades but the pocket watch was something entirely new to them. Cloudkicker on the other hand broke down at the sight of the watch. She knew it was his when he showed it to her and explained it's importance. That pocket watch symbolized that Trevor was gone.

He had to come back he would never leave his three treasures behind they were his life without them. Without them he was nothing, without them he was alone, without them he was dead. Cloudkicker continued to bawl her eyes out at this revelation to her Trevor might as well have died trying to get away. The other girls hugged Cloudkicker tightly trying to calm her down but her sobs only grew louder at the loss of the only thing she truly cared about.


The sun rose on a new day as Trevor had finally made it out of the forest. He was ragged and tired from running all night a single thought went through his mind as he realized something horrifying. He didn't have his sword and his eyes were in plain view for all to see. He reached down ripping off a sleeve of his dress shirt wrapping it around his head covering his eyes. "This will have to suffice for now." Trevor told himself as he moved forward into unknown territory. What else could he do turning back was not an option he needed to leave. "Come on Trevor you'll be back... eventually." He told himself with a sigh.

"You really are something else Trevor even when I push my hardest you push back just as hard back." Shade said leaning back in his chair of Trevor's mind. "It will pass eventually." Shade said with the dismissive wave of his hand. "Wake me up when you give up." Shade disappeared into the dark recesses of Trevor's mind.

Trevor tightened his fists pressing on into this new area only wanting to put as much distance between himself and Equestria. Isolation was needed for perfect meditation all he wanted was to be rid of Shade and to do that he needed just that. Isolation.

A few hundred yards away. A pony was looking through a spy glass starring at Trevor confused. "Hey boss I found something." The pony called out continuing his surveillance of Trevor.

"What did you find? Is it a Caravan?" The boss said walking forward to his spotter. This stallion was huge with a large scimitar on his waist. He was a bandit one that had made his name know all through out this area as "The Boss". He was a Tan stallion with a white mane. He pulled out his own spyglass staring out along the edge of the forest seeing Trevor. He cocked an eyebrow confused. "What in Tartarus is that thing?" He asked continuing to watch it as it moved into the dense desert without any signs of being equipped for the journey.

"I haven't a clue sir but that's not the strange thing. I'm getting a strange spike in energy from him." The spotter said moving his spyglass away to look at his boss. "You think he has anything on him?" He asked his boss only to see him shrug.

"Maybe he is one of those diamond dogs either way lets see if we can take this one alive." He smiled lowering his spyglass. "Get a trap set and try and attract it's attention." The spotter nodded moving to their group to get the traps set. The boss went back to observing the creature. He then noticed something strange. The creature had stopped moving only to look up and stare into the sun almost as if it was listening to it. "Strange creature indeed." The boss muttered.


Trevor felt the heat of the sun radiate through him and his feet sink with each step. "I must be in a desert." Trevor told himself as he turned to listen around him. "Not a tree to be heard and only the gentle wind rolling by my ears." Trevor heard a tumble weed bounce by. "Yep desert." Trevor concluded with a sigh. "Might as well head east so I know I will be isolated... Water and food are first on my list for survival." Trevor resumed his walk into the desert with only a sigh. "I have to be careful about how I handle certain situations." Trevor froze when he heard the sand shift. "I'm getting jumpy I guess." Trevor said with a chuckle.

A rock sailed through the air landing in the sand catching Trevor's attention. He began walking towards the sound when he suddenly froze. "Something feels off. There was no wind strong enough to throw that stone only one thing could make that happen." Trevor knelt down shifting his hand through the sand trying to find some form of trap in the sand. Trevor felt something flat and discus in shape. He made sure to be careful as he unearthed the object. "It's a mine." Trevor said feeling how light the object was. "I guess I'm not alone out here." Trevor turned throwing the mine like a Frisbee. It landed on the pressure plate setting off the mine with a loud bang and flash.

Trevor smiled as he heard the locations of people around him. He only smiled as he began walking towards the group of people seeing if he could possibly get supplies.


The boss watched as Trevor unearthed one of their traps. "How did he know there was a trap there?" He asked no one in particular. His surprise went even farther as he saw Trevor throw the mine watching the explosion before turning towards him. "Spotter prepare a small force to capture this creature. He intrigues me." Spotter nodded gathering a group of 6 for the assault.

The group of 6 moved out trying to move as silently as possible. The creature was blind folded after all what harm could he do to them. Trevor heard them moving through the sand coming towards him. They moved forward a few charging their horns for stun spells. "FIRE!" Spotter yelled as the spells were let loose at Trevor. Something strange happened though. Trevor barely moved allowing the spells to pass him harmlessly. They charged another volley launching it at Trevor. Trevor ducked the first spell before jumping to the side to dodge another before charging forward at the group. He moved quick and precise. Reaching the first of the unicorns launching spells at him.

Trevor's opened his hand slamming it into the neck of the unicorn knocking all ability to breathe out temporarily. Trevor using his momentum to lift the stallion up slamming him down into the sand with a solid thud. The unicorn coughed up blood from having his throat hit so hard. Trevor reached down grabbing hold of a single sword raising it just in time to block a sword coming straight for his head. He angled his blade down to the sand knocking the attacker off balance. He stood up as fast as possible the top of his head hit the attacker's chin. knocking him out. Trevor looked around hearing a few of his attacker's back away from him spells charging.

"Spotter what is that thing it didn't even hesitate to attack us?" One of the stallions asked Spotter who only prepared his own swords. He watched the creature closely seeing Trevor lean down picking up a second blade when he finally rose he spun both blades in his hands.

"These weapons suck." Trevor said swinging them once in the air scowling at how they felt. "They are clunky and way to short my cane is a better weapon when it is sheathed." Trevor gave the blades another swing before sighing.

"I see you can speak creature." Spotter said smiling. "Can you even use those?" Spotter asked pointing at Trevor's newly acquired weapons.

Trevor only let out a chuckle. "I do have a name you know." Trevor said annoyed taking another swing of the swords judging how far they reached. "It's Trevor." Spotter chuckled back.

"Are you some type of swordsman?" Spotter asked as he continued to gauge Trevor.

"Wanna come and find out?" Trevor asked flipping the blade in his left hand backwards.

"Remember we need to capture the creature alive don't kill it but you can wound it." Spotter sent three people at Trevor two stallions and one mare. Trevor charged at them as well.

The first stallion launched a spell at Trevor only for him to dodge and swing at him. A blade was raised stopping Trevor's attack. "Man." Trevor said disappointed as he lashed out with his second sword hitting the flat against the spell caster's knee knocking him down only for Trevor to raise his knee into the stallions chin. He turned with his leg still raised kicking away the one who tried to block his initial strike. He heard a spell charge behind him prompting him to jump to the side. The spell fired where Trevor was standing just before it lashed out hitting the person he had just kicked. Trevor turned tackling the one who just attacked to the ground raising both of his blades high to strike down his attacker.

"Please don't." A mare's voice called out as he halted. She watched Trevor freeze seeing something she wouldn't expect. Trevor was crying. She watched him with confusion charging her horn to try and subdue this creature. Trevor suddenly scrambled off of her dropping his blades as he moved.

"I-I didn't mean... I d-didn't mean to." The voice of Cloudkicker yelping in pain came to the forefront of his mind. Trevor placed his hands against his head sitting in the sand. "I didn't mean to hurt you." Spotter took hold of Trevor putting him in a sleeper hold. Trevor thrashed around violently trying to throw Spotter off of him.

"Just go to sleep Creature just go to sleep." Trevor began to feel his mind darken his movements slowed to a crawl. Trevor's grip failed as his arms slipped to his side as he fell into unconsciousness.


Cloudkicker was trying to mobilize a task force with the guards to search for Trevor but it was denied. The letter that she received in the morning was from Princess Celestia herself.

Dear Lieutenant Cloudkicker,

Your request to head the task force for the search of Trevor has been denied on the grounds of your relationship with him. I need people with no connection to him to apprehend him safely. I am afraid that because of your relationship that it would hinder the capture of him. Please understand I am doing this with the lives of my guards and subjects in mind. Trevor has become a danger and needs to be capture as soon as possible. You are hereby put on leave until the capture of the target.

I am sorry for this.

Princess of The Sun,


The letter signaled the worst in Cloudkicker's mind. They would either capture Trevor alive or kill him in the process. She set the note on her bed stand staring at it's words with a scowl. "How could she be so heartless to him he didn't mean for all of that to happen." Cloudkicker placed her hand against her cheek a rogue tear escaping from her eye. She looked over at the three items sitting on their dresser. "Trevor." She whispered hoping he would return to her soon.

Cloudkicker couldn't hold back her tears any longer as she wept. It was all she could do. She could only wait for his safe return.

Author's Notes:

This chapter took longer than I wanted it to and proves my conviction for this story.

Next Chapter: Part 3: Chains and Drinks Estimated time remaining: 2 Hours, 23 Minutes
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