
A Blind Delight Season 2: Shadows of A King

by MajorFrostwing

Chapter 1: Part 1: I'm Back

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Season 2: Shadows of A King
Part 1: I'm Back

By: Major Frostwing

Previously on A Blind Delight.

"Where am I?" Trevor asked himself as he tried to understand his new surroundings.

"What is that thing?" Rainbow Dash asked looking down at Trevor.

"My name is Trevor... and I am blind." Trevor said with a smile.

Blades clashed in a shower of sparks. The blades locked together a woman in red royal armor stood against a strange creature wearing only a T-shirt and jeans The blades suddenly broke away. "Impressive." The woman said with a smile. "I am lieutenant Cloudkicker." She said sheathing her blade.


"TODAY BEGINS THE MASTER DIVISION TOURNAMENT!" An announcer yelled into his mic.

"I CONCEDE!" Shining Armor yelled holding his hands up as Trevor collapsed from his wounds and exhaustion. Shining caught him setting him down on the ground.

Trevor was sitting in his hospital bed holding onto Cloudkicker tight. "Thank you for everything you have done for this blind fool." He smiled kissing her.

"Your welcome Trevor just be sure to repay me by stealing my heart." Cloudkicker told herself smiling.

"Something is wrong with you Trevor and I'm going to figure it out." Celestia said looking out towards Ponyville a stern glare creased her features.

"I will control you Trevor when you least expect it." Shade whispered into Trevor's mind.


A return into the world of Trevor The Blind.

One Month After Trevor's victory in the tournament.

Trevor woke up slowly to the sound of birds chirping cheerfully in the early morning. He grumbled as he reached beside his bed taking hold of his cane. The door to the room opened slowly provoking Trevor to look over to the door. "Cloudkicker please don't do that." He said relaxing his body sitting up.

"Sorry Trevor I forget sometimes." She closed the door knocking on it lightly.

"You may enter." he said a small smile gracing his lips.

The door opened gently smiling to him. "Good morning Trevor I made pancakes if you want some." She walked in giving Trevor a hug being sure to not reopen his wounds from the tournament.

"I would love some Cloudy thank you." He placed his hand on her cheek leaning up to kiss her good morning. Cloudkicker helped Trevor to stand as they moved to the dining room.

"So what do we have planned today Trevor?" Cloudkicker asked with a smile. Trevor only smiled back to her. "It is my week off after all." She took a bite of her food watching Trevor as he ate.

"I think we should go to that club that just opened up tonight." He said finishing the last of his pancakes. "Vinyl gave me some special passes so we can go." Cloudkicker finished her pancakes taking the dishes to the sink.

"Ok that would be around 7 so what are we going to do till then?" She asked with a sly grin. Trevor leaned back in his seat thinking about what he could do with Cloudkicker today.

"Let's go visit Rarity I want to see if we can get some nice clubbing clothes." Trevor got up from his seat placing a hand over his stomach wincing slightly. She was next to him in an instant.

"Trevor please take it easy you haven't fully recovered from your wounds." Trevor looked up to her voice smiling weakly.

"I'll be fine sweetie." He said taking hold of his cane. "Let's hurry we got a big night ahead of us and we need to look our best." Cloudkicker giggled at the little joke he made. He smiled with her motioning for her to follow. She did happily as they left the house moving towards Rarity's.

Along the way the sounds of the world around them filled Trevor's ears all he could do was smile at how peaceful this world was compared to his. He heard a group of kids laughing and playing until they stopped looking right at him. They walked up to him stopping in his way forcing him to stop. "Yes?" He asked moving his head down to face them.

"Are you really blind?" One of them asked putting her hands on her hips. Trevor only cocked an eyebrow. "You knew we were kids and that we stopped in front of you." Cloudkicker looked down at the kids motioning for them to shoo.

"It's ok Cloudkicker I will handle this." He looked to her smiling. He faced the children once again still smiling. "I want to show all of you how I am able to do all of what you just said."

"OK how are you going to do that?" This child was sounding like a brat to Trevor the more she spoke.

"Close your eyes and cover them with your hands so that no light comes in." The kids did as asked as Cloudkicker tapped his shoulder. "OK. Tell me what do you hear?"

"I don't hear anything." The girls said annoyed.

"Really now? Do you not hear the birds in the tree to your right? Do you not hear the carriage being moved down the road? What about the gentle breeze moving past your ears?" He asked listening to the world around him with a smile. "Now do you understand? I walk around every day with this outlook on life even without sight I can see." Cloudkicker smiled sweetly to Trevor.

"This is stupid I don't hear anything." The girl removed her hands from her eyes. Trevor's eye twitched slightly. "Must be such a burden having to rely on others just so you can be useful." Cloudkicker was about to say something when she noticed Trevor take hold of her hand.

"I guess not everyone has the gift to be so special." He took hold of his glasses removing them his eyes still closed. "A pity you are so closed minded." Trevor opened an eye seeming to stare into the little girl's soul. "Maybe if that precious sight of yours vanished suddenly you might have a better outlook on life." Trevor opened both of his eyes leaning down to the girl. "Or maybe you won't and will move through the darkness being only a burden to others." Trevor winked

sliding his glasses back onto his face. The child was about to retort when Trevor stood up straight. "Cloudkicker I apparently need your help to function so please guide me away from this ungrateful child." Cloudkicker felt Trevor tighten his grip on her hand.

"Of course Trevor." She said with a sullen expression. She moved him around the children walking away from them. The child picked up a rock throwing it at Trevor. Trevor slid his hand out of Cloudkicker's grip drawing his blade cutting the stone out of the air.

"Do not try that again child you do not have what it takes." Trevor muttered darkly sheathing his blade before moving away from the scene. He was angry at the child's words towards him. He needed to calm down and breathe otherwise he will do something he would regret. Cloudkicker took a hold of his hand gripping it tightly.

"Come now Trevor it would be so simple to just walk to that child and gut her." Shade whispered into his mind. Trevor moved his hand away from Cloudkicker's grip to place it on the side of his head. He let out a grunt of pain from the headache that Shade caused him. "DO IT TREVOR LET THE BLOOD FLOW!" Shade yelled as loud as possible into Trevor's mind. The echo was deafening in Trevor's mind he could almost feel his blood boil at the thought. He shook his head suddenly.

"Trevor?" Cloudkicker asked concerned snapping him out of his thoughts.

"Sorry Cloudy just a minor headache." He said smiling to her weakly. "I'm alright now." She let out a sigh.

"Don't scare me like that. For a second there I thought you were about to raise your blade to a child." Trevor froze thinking back noticing he almost did just that.

"I-I don't know what got into me. I guess what she said bothered me more than I thought." He let out a weak chuckle adjusting his glasses.

"You sure you are ok for today?" She asked walking with him continuing towards Rarity's. "We can always just go home and be lazy if you want." She suggested only for Trevor to shake his head.

"No I want to take you out for a night of fun and dancing." Trevor moved out of the way of a passing family. "And that's exactly what we are going to do." He looked back smiling genuinely now. Cloudkicker couldn't help but be happy to be dating Trevor.


Trevor and Cloudkicker arrived at Rarity's hand in hand. Trevor raised his hand knocking on the door to get an immediate response.

"Coming~" A posh voice said happily. After a few seconds the door swung open to reveal a smiling Rarity. "Trevor Cloudkicker what a pleasant surprise." She said motioning for them to enter the boutique.

"I was wondering Rarity if you could do Cloudkicker and myself a favor?" Trevor asked setting his cane beside the door wiping his feet.

"But of course darling you only need to ask." She said with a smile taking a seat in her chair pulling out her red glasses and clipboard. "How may I be of service?" She asked sounding professional.

"Trevor invited me to go to the new club tonight and we would like to look our best." Cloudkicker said taking her seat as he sat down next to her.

"Well it just so happens that I have two new outfits for both of you. One is for casual wear the other is for formal wear but I'm sure I can whip something for you both tonight." She began to sketch some new ideas. "I already know what Trevor would look great in cool colors. They really seem to make you stick out above the rest." Rarity said ripping off the sheet of paper setting down next to her before drawing another idea down. "Cloudkicker I think I will use warm colors to show off your personality. Most likely reds and oranges." She set down the notepad smiling. "You can expect them in a few hours." She said smiling.

"Well that was easier than I thought." Trevor said with a chuckle.

"Well I did want to make you something nice to wear since you are still wearing the clothes when you first arrived." Rarity said matter of factly.

The steps leading upstairs creaked loudly prompting Trevor to look over his shoulder. There was a gasp and running towards him. "Trevor!" The person jumped up hugging Trevor tightly. Trevor knew who this little girl was.

"Sweetie Belle what a pleasant surprise." Trevor said as he hugged the girl back. Cloudkicker watched the scene with a gentle smile.

"Sweetie Belle that is not how a lady acts in the company of others." Rarity scolded.

"It's ok Rarity. I haven't seen Sweetie Belle since before the tournament." Trevor tickled Sweetie Belle hearing her giggle he couldn't help but smile upon hearing her laugh.

"Well let's get you into your new outfits so I can begin work on your club clothes." Trevor and Cloudkicker both nodded standing up. Trevor still held Sweetie Belle in his arms.

After a few minutes Trevor and Cloudkicker were in their new casual clothes.

Trevor wore a pair of loose fitting black jeans with a black T-shirt with a white pair of shades embroiled over his right breast. He moved around in the clothes a little to test how they felt.

Cloudkicker was wearing something similar only difference was the coloring. Her jeans were a blue and more tight fitting. Her shirt was grey with he cutie mark on her left breast. They both looked like quite the pair.

"Thanks again Rarity." Trevor said with a smile. They were making their way to the door to enjoy their time until they had to return.


-7 hours later-

"I can't believe the circus was in town today." Cloudkicker said with a smile.

"I can't believe they wouldn't let me play the dart game after I won... 10 times." Trevor was carrying a giant bag on his back full of plush creatures.

"You were creating a scene with your constant winning." Then something dawned on Cloudkicker. "How did you hit those balloons?" She ask nudging Trevor with her elbow.

"I heard them squeak against the back wall and I threw them at the noise. They were very annoying to listen to." Cloudkicker was about to say something but instead shrugged. They finally returned to Rarity's knocking on the door to hear Rarity call out for them to enter. "Hey Cloudkicker do you think Rarity will like one of these?" Trevor asked as he opened the door.

"Every girl likes plushies I even picked out a few so you could pass them out to the girls." Trevor only smiled.

"Sometimes I think you know me more than I know myself." Cloudkicker only giggled as they entered the boutique.

"It's good you two returned when you did I just finished both of your ensembles." Rarity using her magic opened the curtain behind her with a smile. There were two full outfits sitting upon mannequins. "Trevor your's is on the right." Trevor nodded walking forward to the right mannequin placing his hand on the material feeling it with a smile.

Trevor's outfit was a dark blue button up shirt with a dark purple vest over the top. There were white pinstripes on the vest accenting the color. The pants were the same dark purple with white pinstripes. Trevor traced his hand over the neck feeling a tie. The color was white. Trevor smiled at how this outfit felt. "It's beautiful." Trevor said as Rarity and Cloudkicker both smiled.

Cloudkickers was a stark contrast from Trevor's. It was a dress red was it's prominent color until the bottom where it melded into orange, yellow, and finally white. Cloudkicker walked up to the dress looking at it with a gentle smile.

"Well come now try them on that new establishment opens in 20 minutes you don't want to be late now do you?" Rarity said in a teasing manner. Trevor took the clothes off of the mannequin moving behind a privacy screen changing into the new clothes. When he was finally changed he stepped out feeling like a million bits. He moved in the clothes feeling how they moved with his body.

"Perfect." Trevor said with a smile as he spun his cane in one hand before setting it upon the ground smiling. "I feel dapper." Trevor unbuttoned the sleeves rolling them up his arms to the center of his forearm.

Cloudkicker moved out from behind the privacy screen Trevor turned as his eyes went wide. Even though he couldn't see her he could "see" how nice the dress fit her. Cloudkicker giggled walking up to Trevor placing a gentle kiss on his lips. "I know. I look sexy."

"Never have I heard such an understatement. You are without a doubt the most beautiful mare I have ever met." Cloudkicker blushed hugging Trevor gently. "I'm lucky to have you as my girlfriend." Rarity sighed dreamily at the scene before her.

"That is just so sweet." She said as her eyes caught hold of the bag Trevor was carrying. "What is this?" Rarity asked looking at the rather large bag confused.

"Trevor won at a game today and decided to get you girls something nice." Rarity opened the bag pulling out a plush version of a mare wearing a dress she smiled at the plush holding it up. "Can I have this one?" Trevor smiled and nodded. Rarity smiled looking down at the plush.

"Oh I have to ask how much do I owe you Rarity?" Trevor reached for his wallet when Rarity stopped him.

"It is a gift Trevor take it with a smile." Trevor was about to retort when he felt Cloudkicker grip his hand.

"Thank you Rarity for this wonderful gift. Oh can you give the girls their plushies. There is one for Sweetie Bell and even one for Luna and Celestia." Trevor smiled.

"Of course Trevor just go have a good evening." Rarity showed them to the door.

"We will Rarity thank you." Trevor said with a smile leaving the boutique with Cloudkicker on his arm.


Trevor walked down the road with Cloudkicker at his side they were smiling and enjoying the looks of amazement being directed at them. "Everyone keeps stopping to look at us." Cloudkicker whispered into his ear with a smile.

"Let them be jealous of us we deserve it after what we went through." Trevor whispered back as they finally arrived at their destination. The brand new club that just opened. The Neon Shades. Trevor loved the name it made him feel welcome. The couple moved their way to the front of the line passing everyone to their annoyance. The bouncer moved his arm out to stop them.

"Password?" He asked in a gruff voice. Trevor only smiled pulling out a slip of paper holding it up The bouncer read the slip of paper before returning it to him opening up the velvet rope for them. "Enjoy the shade." He said as Trevor patted him on the shoulder moving past the man with Cloudkicker.

"I will never understand how you are able to get in wherever you want." Cloudkicker said with a huff.

"I do it just to get under your fur." He said with a chuckle tightening his grip on her waist. "Now smile we came here to have fun and make everyone jealous." Cloudkicker sighed kissing his cheek.

"You're lucky I love you." She muttered happily.

"Yea I am lucky." Trevor and Cloudkicker made their way to the bar to start this night off right with a drink and a seat.

A stallion was starting to cause a scene by the bar catching Trevor's attention. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN I'M CUT OFF!?" Trevor just rolled his eyes trying to move away from this fool with Cloudkicker.

"I guess some ponies are starting it off hard." Cloudkicker said moving with Trevor to a set of empty seats.

"As long as he stays away from us that is ok with me." Cloudkicker nodded with him fully agreeing with his opinion of the situation.

The setting was perfect after the stallion left the club via security. The music thumped loud in Trevor's chest allowing him to view the entire bar without even trying. He wouldn't admit it but the music was a tad loud to him. They were sitting comfortably in a small booth chatting about everything and nothing. They even danced to a slow song that rarely played in the loud club. Trevor felt at ease with Cloudkicker at his side as if taking on a hydra would be child's play. Though as the night drew on so to did their drinks empty. "Hey Cloudy I'm going to pick up more drinks I will be right back."

"Don't be to long Trevor." She said giving him a gentle kiss on the lips as he left making his way through the crowd.

When Trevor finally faded out of view a group of drunk stallions moved past the booth that held Cloudkicker. They pause pointing at her trying to be discrete but couldn't be any more obvious. They finally moved over to the booth. "Hello hello what's a sweet little girl like you doing here all alone?" One of them asked leaning on the table.

"I'm not and if you must know I am here with my coltfriend." Cloudkicker said running a hand through her blonde hair.

"Awww that's no fun why don't you ditch him and come have some fun with us. We can show you a better time that weakling." He said as his friends surrounded the booth blocking off all escape. "We know you want to." The stallion took his seat next to her wrapping an arm around her waist. Cloudkicker tried to move away when he grabbed her butt. She had had enough she smacked the stallion across the face.


Trevor had finally made it to the bar and finally caught the barmaid's attention. "2 beers put it on my tab." He said with a smile. The barmaid agreed moving to get his order. Trevor sat there waiting until a noise caught his attention a single yelp of pain from a certain voice. A voice that belong to a mare that he would gladly die for just to protect. Trevor moved with purpose through the crowd towards the booth.


The stallion had struck Cloudkicker back with the back of his hand. Cloukicker was stunned from the blow before throwing a punch into the cheek of her assailant. The stallion's friends moved in taking hold of the woman as she let out a scream thrashing about to try and get out of their grips. That's when Trevor

arrived on the scene. "GET THE HELL OFF OF HER!" Trevor yelled hitting the group of stallions into the booth with his cane as hard as he could. They relinquished their grips on Cloudkicker. The stallion who struck Cloudkicker got up out of the booth pulling out a knife.

"YOU WANT A FIGHT FREAK!?" He yelled motioning for Trevor to come at him. Trevor looked over towards the stallion his shade covered the glare that was locked onto his face. Trevor held his cane in his left hand.

"Did you hit my marefriend?" Trevor asked as the entire club went silent.

"Yea I hit your bitch what of it?" Trevor's eye twitched as his hand glided to the top of his cane.

"I see. Then I will not regret this." Trevor drew his blade pointing it forward.

"That's it Trevor he hurt her he must pay for hurting her." Shade whispered in his mind. Normally Trevor could tune out Shade but right now all he could do was agree with him. "Spill his blood." Shade said smiling as he watched the scene unfold.

Trevor charged forward swinging down on the stallion. He wasn't prepared for what was about to transpire. The blade glided into his shoulder with ease forcing the stallion to scream in pain dropping his knife to the ground. The stallion fell to the ground shortly after holding onto his shoulder tightly. Trevor cracked a devilish smile kicking the stallion over onto his back. "Come o-on man we can talk this out." Trevor's eye twitched again as he raised his blade above the downed stallion's chest.

"Talk is cheap worm." Trevor was about to plunge the weapon through the stallion when a hand grabbed his shoulder. Trevor whipped around cutting the cheek of the person that grabbed him. A simple warning not to stop him but then he realized something. A single yelp of pain. One he had heard only a minute ago.

Trevor's smile vanished as he looked back noticing from what little sound had echoed from her yelp. Trevor had attacked Cloudkicker he felt tears well up in his

eyes. "What have I done...?" Trevor asked himself as his blade fell from his hand clattering to the floor with a near deafening ring.

Author's Notes:

And it begins Season 2 is officially up and will be my main story for now. Don't expect an update every week for I will be pouring as much time as I can into each chapter as I can. Also this won't be a "I'm done writing it time to post." Story it will be a "I need to write more so I can get a chapter out in a decent amount of time." Story. Don't be mad about that but I am not taking any chances of losing this story again. I have 3 separate back ups of just the first chapter in case something happened so please bear with me. Anyway please enjoy Season 2. DISMISSED!

Next Chapter: Part 2: I Need To Leave Estimated time remaining: 2 Hours, 38 Minutes
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