
Moonlit Romance

by Lux

Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

The night, or in your case more like the day, after your first time guarding Princess Luna you lay in your bed, sleeping probably the best you had in a while. It wasn’t that you had trouble sleeping, but this was one of those deep sleep moments where you were out the moment your head hit the pillow. The last thing that you remember was Luna looking down at you with a smile on her face and those soft wings caressing your face and body.

Your sleep wasn’t totally made of nothingness though as you did have a very interesting dream. You were standing at the base of the hill at night with no towns or even houses around. The moon was partially hidden behind the clouds, yet there was enough light to silhouette the hill and trees around you. As you walk up the hill you see the darkened outline of a pony standing and looking at the moon. You approach close to see that it was indeed Princess Luna with her flowing mane and tail.

“I was wondering when you would find me,” she said with a playful giggle while glancing slightly over her shoulder, “I didn’t think that you would keep me waiting here.”

For some reason Luna’s silhouette looked different than how you remembered it, but at the distance you were at you couldn’t tell how.
“You know,” the Princess said as her voice turned more sensual, “I’ve seen the way you look at me, how you like to examine every inch of my body. Don’t deny that you have feelings for me! But I’ll let you in on a little secret: I want you too.”

With a glow of her horn the clouds rolled back as the moon light poured in, as the Princess turned around slowly with a smile, revealing that she was naked. Without pausing for a second she sauntered up to you until she pressed her body against you. She gave you a long passionate kiss and then opened her mouth as if to say something but instead of more sensual words there was an ear piercing scream.

The scream suddenly jerked you awake as your eyes shot open. For a moment you were blinded by the light of the sun streaming through your room, but after a moment of recovering you tried to get a sense of your surroundings. It was hard to think with the splittling headache of the hangover you were having. There was something about that scream that sounded too real to be just from a dream. It was almost as if that scream came from nearby, yet there was nopony else on the floor except for Princess Celestia and Luna. Celestia by now was awake and surely Luna was resting sound asleep.

Another scream came from the room next door, one that sent a chill down your spine worse than the first one that woke you from your dream. You knew who it was who screamed, and there was no time to waste. You stumbled out of bed, not even giving it a second thought how you distinctly remember returning to the castle in your armor and now were in nothing but a pair of boxer shorts, and with one goal in mind you dashed out of the room and into the hallway, knocking over a very surprised maid.

“Sorry,” you said as you made your way to the adjacent door where behind it you knew Luna was. Another scream erased any reservations of you entering the one place you were forbidden to enter. The room was big enough to fit three of the bedroom you were in into this space. Unlike the white marble around the castle, this room was painted black blue, and white, Luna’s choice colors. All of her furnishings were made of dark wood and carved ornately with celestial designs. For a moment your eyes looked at the table where Luna’s crown was carelessly placed, then down on the ground where her hoof shoes and arm guards lay, then finally to at the foot of the Princess's bed where her clothes lay in a pile.Clearly the Princess had no sense of tidiness as sleep took over her mind after she finished her nightly duties, abandoning her garments and heading straight to bed.

Your eyes were then fixed on the spacious bed where Luna lay. The Princess’s body was wrapped tightly in the sheets as if she had a bad sleep. Her eyes were closed were closed but her teeth were clenched as if in pain.

“Sister, I’m sorry,” she cried out as she thrashed back and forth as if she was sick as sweat poured down her body and tears flowed down her eyes, “Come back! Don’t leave me alone!”

You stood there motionless, unsure what to do to help her. You were no doctor to help her if she was sick, and it wasn’t anypony tormenting her. Yet you hated to see her in so much pain so quickly your mind made a decision.

“Luna,” you said softly in her ear, “It’s me. I’m here.”

She sat up and looked about the room while breathing heavily, searching the room. She then saw you standing there with her bloodshot eyes, looking less like the beautiful Princess you once knew and more like somepony tormented. For a moment she just stared at you as if in disbelief as the sheets wrapped around her body threatened to fall off.

“Get out!” she said with her voice more like a growl as she panted, staring at you with a fearsome gaze as she held the sheets tightly to preserve some ounce of modesty.

“I’m sorry,” you said, “but you were screaming and I…”

“I said get out, or so help me!”

The door opened behind you with a squeak as you turned to see Princess Celestia standing there. For a moment you thought that it was over for you especially standing there in such a compromising position. But the Princess of the Sun’s face was not that of anger but sadness at her sister.

“Princess Celestia, I…” you began but she raised her hand.

“Thank you,” she said calmly, “You may return to your quarters. I will speak with you soon.”

You quickly hurried towards the door, not wanting to add to Luna’s anger. You opened the door and turning around saw Celestia sitting on Luna’s bed, supporting the younger sister’s head the way that a mother would console a crying child. She was whispering something to Luna, but you were so far away to only hear mumbling. You had seen and heard enough as you closed the door behind you and returned to your room, wondering what darkness was in Luna’s mind and what your fate was as a guard after what happened.

Author's Notes:

Dreams and nightmares in this chapter. What will happen to the guard, and will this change his view of a certain Princess he is guarding?

Next Chapter: Chapter 13 Estimated time remaining: 38 Minutes
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