
Moonlit Romance

by Lux

Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

There was an ominous silence as you lay in your bedroom feeling like a prisoner waiting for sentencing than a guard trying to protect Princess Luna. In such a short time you went from a guard willing to protect the Princess at any cost to being more like a friend to her. You wondered the real reason why you tried to come to her rescue knowing that you broke one of the few rules Luna gave you. Was it because your guard instincts overrode an order of privacy or was it something deeper, a feeling that you cared for Luna enough to not see her in pain or sad. The more you tried to think about the situation you were in and how exactly you viewed the Princess, the more your mind felt like a tornado, threatening to sweep up the last of any sanity you had.

Beyond these thoughts, your mind wondered about what would happen next. On one hand you did what you could to help the Princess, but on the other you violated Luna’s privacy and placed yourself in a compromising situation with Princess Celestia seeing you. Even if she did forgive you, it would be Luna that would be the hardest to convince. You shuddered at the thought of losing this golden opportunity of guarding a Princess after one night, but you couldn’t bear the thought of not being the one to protect the Princess of the Night. Your mind considered that if it came to that where Luna chose somepony else, would you be able to be a guard in the same castle? That would mean not being a guard, but then the next question would be what you would do after that as your cutie mark was about protecting others.

“What am I doing this?” you said as you sat up from your bed unable to get any rest, “Why am I risking giving up everything I’ve done because I couldn’t bear losing the chance to guard Princess Luna? Why am I so devoted to protecting her? Sure we seem to have much in common, more than I thought I did before meeting her, but that’s not it. It couldn’t be… no, I can’t even think that! I’m supposed to be her protector and nothing else. But how is it every time I think of her there is the possibility of there being something else? What has she done to me?”

There was suddenly a knock on the door as you nervously yet hurriedly got up from your bed. Thankfully you were already dressed, preparing for this moment and even relieved that it you would know the truth and consequences of your actions. For a moment you expected Princess Celestia to be greeting you at the door, but instead it was none other than your fellow guard pony Silver Streak. Of all the ponies you wished not to see, it had to be him.

“Hi Silver,” you said.

“Oh wow, when I was told that I had to assist Princess Celestia on this floor, I didn’t expect it would be to meet you. Small world, huh?”

“Yeah, small world,” you said.

“So, Celestia wants to see you in her private dining room. She said that you know the way, but she asked me to accompany you. Not sure why, you’re not having cold hooves are you?”

“What, no, of course not!” you said as you noticed that Silver wasn’t looking at you but past you into your bedroom.

“Wow, cool digs for a protector of a Princess,” he said as he stared in wonder.

“About the escorting thing?” you said closing the door behind you, denying the chance for the nosy guard to explore any further with his eyes.

“Awww you’re no fun,” he said, “Fine, let me take you to the Princess.”

You thought that the conversation would be over with Silver Streak who you hoped had his fill of gossip that you knew the moment he had the chance would spill to anypony with a listening ear. But just as you began your journey to an uncertain fate, the guard decided to talk again.

“So what’s it like being Luna’s personal bodyguard?”

“It’s ok I guess,” you say downplaying the whole thing to save face.

“Come on, don’t be so modest!” he said, “You’re protecting a Princess, and a smoking hot one at that. No offense to Celestia but you got the better sister to protect. So what did you do with her all night?”

“Oh, you know, night court, paper work, escorting her, checking to make sure she was ok,” you said not mentioning the events in the night club.

“Oh I bet you checked Luna out,” he said with a sly grin, “So how much have you checked the Princess out? Did you visit her in her bedroom?”
“No,” you said warily trying to cover up the events before.

“Well, that’s not what I heard,” he said, “I heard you were in her room and now I was called to escort you to the Princess. So, what happened? You didn’t…”

“No!” you said loudly that took Silver off guard, “I’m a guard, and despite what you want to do if you were in my position I didn’t.”

“Sheesh ok,” Silver said as the two of you finally approached the door to the dining room, “Such a testy pony. Well, were here. Good luck. Hope you don’t get fired or put in jail for whatever you did or didn’t do.”

“Thanks,” you said dryly as Silver trotted off. Taking a deep breath you opened the door and stepped inside. There sitting in the space was Princess Celestia who despite looking as regal as ever had a worried look on her face. At first she barely noticed you came in as if her mind was on something else. You could guess what that something was or more exactly who.

“Oh,” she said as she looked up, “I didn’t hear you come in. Please take a seat. Would you like some tea? It’s chamomile which is a very calming tea. I feel after today we both need it.”

“Sure,” you said as you took a seat as the Princess poured the tea using her telekinesis and after preparing it for you placed the cup near you.
“So, how are you doing guarding my sister?” Princess Celestia asked as she calmly sipped her tea.

“I believe I’m doing well. It was only the first night.”

“Yes, indeed it was. You know, I’m not going to be offended if you need to tell me that something is wrong. My sister can be exacting at times and a little mischievous.”

“Well to be frank, I have seen that, but once I got to know her I found that we actually got along very well as the night passed,” you said before taking a deep breath and saying, “Princess Celestia, I want to apologize for entering your sister’s room without her permission and in such an awkward state. I…”

“Please,” Celestia said as she raised her hand, “There is no need to apologize. You did what any guard would do in the same situation hearing the pony you’ve sworn to protect screaming like that. Actually it is I that must apologize to you.”

“Apologize why?” you said not because you thought that the Princess was above apologizing for her mistakes as you’ve seen multiple times when she did so but in wondering what she was about to apologize for.

“I have not been completely forthright with you when I spoke to you when you were picked for protecting my sister,” she said setting down her tea cup, “I didn’t think that I would have to come to this conversation after the first night of your guarding, but it can’t be avoided any longer now that you saw my sister in such a state of agony. You know about our story right, especially about my sister and what happened a thousand years ago?”

“Yes, I have,” you said.

“There are many that believe that once Princess Luna returned and was cleansed of the foul presence known as Nightmare Moon by the Elements of Harmony that everything was back to normal between her and I, but that sadly is not the case. Memories are a funny thing. Some of them fade over time while others are fresh as if the moment occurred a short time ago. Such is the case with my sister as although she has been restored she still vividly remembers the time she was as Nightmare Moon and her banishment to the moon. We all have nightmares, but as the Princess of Night Luna’s dreams and nightmares are magnified, making them all seem as real as this moment with you and I speaking to each other.”

“She has these nightmares every night?” you asked as a look of worry crossed your face.

“Thankfully no,” she said with a sigh, “I the first few years after she was restored and she was regaining her power, yes, she did experience those nightmares each night. Because she was weak she could not fight them off like she can now, which you could only imagine the torment she had, waking up every night not knowing if she was still Nightmare Moon or on the moon. As time passed she has grown to block these nightmares and memories, but there are times like these when they do come back, and they are no less painful than the days and nights they happened. These events are random which is why I could not know when they would happen. So I want to apologize for not telling you the truth before they did.”

“Princess Celestia, you don’t have to apologize for that,” you said sensing that there was something deeper to the apology, like she was trying to still forgive herself for her actions in banishing her sister.

“You are too kind,” she said with a faint smile, “I guess we all must heal. I must say that I can tell that you are more than a mere guard to my sister after seeing you rush to her aid. You truly care about her, more than just as your duty, don’t you?”

“I do,” you said not wanting to lie to the Princess about your feelings. For a few tense seconds the Princess said nothing as she thought about your admission. You watched her body as it instead of tensing up like you thought would happen actually relax.

“Thank you for your admission,” she finally said, “I could see it in your eyes that you truly care for my sister, perhaps more than I imagined it to be. This is not a bad thing mind you as when somepony cares about another in such a way their bonds are even closer. I must admit that in choosing you I hoped to achieve something else besides you simply being her guard.”

“Oh, what’s that?”

“You probably wondered why my sister even needs a guard as she is perfectly capable of protecting herself. In truth I hoped that you would develop a friendship with her as that is what she needs the most at this time, somepony to be a shoulder to cry on or to lend an ear to hear what she has to say. Oh she has the former Bearers of the Elements as friends no doubt, but what she needed was a friend here in the castle. I chose you because I observed the way you acted around others and found you to share in my sister’s personality. I hope that you are not troubled by such information.”

“Not at all,” you said, “In fact that I’m flattered even more that you chose me to be her friend. But honestly I’m not sure I’m up to the challenge.”

“You are up to the challenge,” she said putting a reassuring hand on her face, “I have seen many ponies at this crossroads, wondering whether to turn back or continue the path they are on, and you are ready for this.”

“But how can I face her if she is upset? How can I protect her and be her friend at the same time?”

“If I know my sister, I’m sure she will come around. All you need to do is be honest with her as above all she values this. As to how you can do both, although you are wearing the armor of a guard this is but a façade. All you need to is open up and be yourself. Once you let yourself shine forth she too will open herself up. Does that sound like something you can do?”

“I’ll try,” you say.

“That’s all I want,” the Princess said, “Well I will not keep you much longer as I’m sure you’d like some time to yourself before the next night.”
“You mean I’m still able to guard, I mean be her friend?”

“Of course,” the Princess said with a chuckle, “but I must ask you one more thing.”

“Sure,” you said.

“Try not to get into too much trouble when you are with my sister on her late night forays,” she said with a wink as she stood up and made her way to the door before saying, “I think you’ll get along with Luna very nicely.”

Author's Notes:

Oh boy this was a doozy of a chapter to write. I'll actually try in the future to write bigger ones like this instead of smaller ones that are below 1,000 words.

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