
Moonlit Romance

by Lux

Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

The fun stretches long into the night as you and Luna continue dancing and drinking at the club. The more you spend with her, the less you feel the need to be the staunch stuffy guard that you thought you had to be when taking this assignment. Luna certainly didn’t want you to be anything else than yourself just as she didn’t want anypony to see her as somepony different than who she was. The more you spent with her in her disguised form, the less it felt like you were with Princess Luna and more with a beautiful, smart, kind and funny mare, the kind that you always dreamed you’d like to be with but for one reason or another couldn’t seem to make that dream a reality. The longer you danced and talked with her the more you felt the world disappear around you, leaving just you and her.

As you held her close in another slow dance, your mind drifted to all the possibilities of being her special somepony, forgetting all about who the mare you held in your arms was. As she closed her eyes for a moment to let her mind drift into the sounds around her, your resisting her slowly decreased as you felt your muzzle drifting closer to her lips, wanting to show her how you truly feel.
“Uh… what are you doing?” Luna said with a curious look on her face as unbeknownst to you the music ended and a few ponies were staring at the two of you. In that instant you realized who you were about to kiss.

“I… uh… well you see…” you said as your haze filled mind couldn’t think of an excuse. Not that it would help as Luna was quick to see through your lies.

“You’re drunk,” she said with a sly smile, “Wow, you really are a lightweight. Either that or you didn’t remember who were about to kiss. Perhaps it is time that we leave this club and return you to the castle.”

“No, I’m ok, honestly,” you said trying to recover, but as you let go of Luna you trip and fall on the dance floor.

“Uh huh,” Luna said with a smile, “That does it, I’m taking you back, and that isn’t a request. Come with me.”

Luna puts her arm around yours and with a force that you didn’t expect any mare to exhibit, literally drags you out of the club and down the street. She lets you go again and you try once more to prove that you a competent and sober guard to walk on your own. You take a few steps and then your legs give out and you break your fall with your hands before your face meets the cold cobblestone road.

“You look like some strange horse on all fours like that,” Princess Luna said with a chuckle, “Come, and let me help you home. Much as you would be accepting of me dragging you all the way there I have a better plan to get you home.”

With a glow of her horn, her disguise falls away, leaving the Princess you knew. She offers her hand to you which you gladly accept knowing there really isn’t other choice. Before you can react you are up on your feet as Luna quickly steps around you and raps her midnight blue arms around you in a tight hug.

“Hold on,” she whispers in your ear, and before you can resist you hear Princess Luna’s massive wings unfold and with a mighty series of flaps you feel your hooves leave the ground. You look down as the city grows smaller beneath you until all you see are the few lights from houses or businesses in the darkness with lights on. For a moment you are held aloft there until Luna suddenly takes off with you as her cargo like you were a mere box or basket.

The castle came into view closer and closer until your mind though you would smash against the white stone. But in the last second when you are within a few feet of the wall Luna pulls up and lands on the balcony where you watched her and Princess Celestia in their act of raising the moon and lowering the sun respectively. Her glass shoed hooves mad a clinking sound as she touched down to safety. You are about to try and walk again thinking that Luna would release you from her embrace. Instead you felt an arm pick you up in the bend of your knee and lifting you off your feet while her other arm switches to supporting your back. You find yourself bobbing like walking, only it’s not you doing so but Luna. You look over and can’t help but feel embarrassed how you face was so close to the Princess’s well-endowed chest. Trying to divert yourself from your position, you look up at her face to see her rolling her eyes as she looks down at you, only she has a smile letting you know you’re not in trouble.

“I think you’ll do well as my guard,” she said with a smile, “but for now you’ve earned a rest for soon it will be dawn. I will take you to your room.”

A quick trot later you find yourself in your room as the haze of alcohol and sleep washes over you. The last thing you remember is you being lowered to your bed looking up at Luna’s beautiful face and body. Her wings unfurl again as they cradle you while she frees her hands from your back. Each feather feels like they’re made of the softest velvet as you touch down in your bed.

“May your sleep be uninterrupted and your dreams pleasant,” Luna said softly, and with a flicker of your horn the blackness of sleep overtook your body.

Author's Notes:

A short chapter but I feel this is a good bridge to the next few chapters.

Up next, a dream and a nightmare!

Next Chapter: Chapter 12 Estimated time remaining: 43 Minutes
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