
The Burning Crusader

by ElementBrigade

Chapter 1: Chapter 1: Greet and flee

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Chapter 1: Greet and flee

It was a peaceful day in ponyville, like any other day. The sun was shining, the sky was clear of any clouds, and no monsters in sight. Yes, it was perfect day for all ponies to continue their daily lives. But for one lavender pony and one purple & green dragon, it would be the beginning of an interesting adventure.

"So, care to explain why you need me to come along with you Twilight?" said Spike.

"I told you before Spike, I need your help examining the old castle," Twilight responded as she was taking notes on the structure of the castle. "If we're going to  rebuild this castle as a gift to Celestia, then we need to know what we need for construction."

"Ugh," said Spike rolling his eyes "why couldn't you get somepony else to do it?"

"That’s because Applejack is busy bucking apples to sell on the market, Fluttershy is taking care of an injured animal, Pinkie is...well I don't even know where she is, Rainbow Dash is busy training, and Rarity is working on her clients’ outfits." she explained. "So, seeing as how you don't have anything to do, I figured you could help me with this project of mine for Celestia."

"I'm starting to wish I stayed in bed just a little bit more." He thought to himself.

"Now come along Spike; the sooner we're done here, the sooner you can-"


"WHAT THE HAY WAS THAT!" said Spike, covering his ears from the loud explosion.

"I don't know," Twilight responded, as she saw a gigantic smoke cloud appearing in the sky, "but we’d better go and see what it was that made that sound." With that, Twilight and Spike ran off towards the direction of the large smoke plume.

( One long-ass walk through the Everfree forest later )

Eventually, the two companions made it to where the smoke was coming from. To their surprise, there was somepony, or, rather, something, standing in the midst of the smoke. As the smoke started to clear, it became apparent that whatever it was, it wasn’t a pony.. What stood there was a creature wearing a long, white trench coat; a short black shirt with a pair of pants similarly colored; black leather bandages, a black glove, and a gold bracelet on its left arm; and long, knee-high black boots. In terms of the creature itself, it seemed rather pony-like, except its muzzle was much shorter, its ears were on the side of its head, and it didn’t appear to have any fur.  It had a rather pale complexion, with deep-maroon eyes and flaming red hair. The creature was also carrying a sword with the coloration of a phoenix, but with a deep black covering most of it as well.

This got the little bookworm even more interested in the creature. Before she could get a closer look at the creature, it collapsed to the ground. With that, Twilight ran towards it to see if it was still alive..

"Twilight, are you sure it's safe to get close to it?" muttered Spike, carefully approaching the creature.

"What is this thing? It looks like a mix between an ape and a minotaur," she leaned her head closer to its chest and listened. She could hear a heartbeat and faint breathing. "Well whatever it is, it's alive, thank goodness." Twilight's horn began to glow, and a faint purple aura covered the creature for a few seconds. "There's no damage to it, at least," With that, she leaned closer to the creature's face.

"Careful Twilight! It might eat our faces, like the monsters in the movies." shouted Spike.  With that, the creature's eyes flickered open, causing Twilight and Spike to jump back and scream.


The creature sat up rubbing its head, wondering who it was that was screaming. As its eyes scanned the area for life, it spotted Twilight in a fighting stance, with her horn glowing and Spike hiding behind her.

"You know, where I come from, it's considered rude to attack someone for no reason." the creature said, getting itself up and off of the ground.  This took Twilight completely off guard, as the creature walked towards her, extending its hand towards her.

"So, care to tell me who you are and where I am, miss?"

There was a moment of tense silence and awkwardness, until Twilight spoke. “Um...m-my name is Twilight Sparkle," she said shaking its hand, "and this is my number-one assistant, Spike." Spike poked his head out from behind Twilight and waved. "And to answer your second question, you’re in the Everfree Forest, located in Equestria."

"Alright, that answers two of my questions, so now my next question." the creature said as it pointed its finger at her. " Are you a pony?"

Twilight smiled nervously and shook her head in affirmation to the creature. "Well, a unicorn to be precise, but..oh where are my manners?" She cleared her throat, closed her eyes, and began to introduce herself. "Ahem! My name is Twilight Sparkle, faithful student to Princess Celestia, co-ruler of Equestria, and princess of the sun. What's your name?"

"The name’s Amy Anderson the Third, semi-famous artist and cosplayer."

"Alright....Amy. It's good to see that you’re alright, and not injured." she sighed with relief. "Now can you tell me what you are? You certainly aren’t a pony."

"Well, I'm a human," said Amy, looking at Twilight as she looked back curiously at Amy.

"Human?" wondered Twilight with confusion. She knew almost everything about every creature in Equestria, but she had never come across anything like her. "I've never heard of a human before. Where in Equestria did you come from?"

"Um...I'm not from Equestria; I'm from Earth."

"Earth? Is it a country? A kingdom? A town? What?"

"No, no, and no. It’s actually a planet."

A moment of silence hung in the air after Amy said that she was from another planet. "WAIT! So....So that means that you’re an alien from another planet!?" Amy nodded yes to Twilight's question. "THIS...IS...AMAZING! An alien from another planet, you’ve got to tell me everything," she said, as her horn began to glow, levitating a scroll, along with a pen and quill. "What's Earth like? Do all humans wear strange clothing there? What's cosplay? Do you have a princess, a king, or a queen? What's your money like? Do you have books? What's-"

"Um...Twilight, you’re doing it again." Spike said as he looked towards her with one eyebrow up.

"Oh...Sorry about that…” Blushing after realizing that her excitement had drawn her much closer to Amy than comfortable, she stepped back a few inches, away from Amy’s face. "Ahem! Now Amy, can you please explain how you got here?"

This got Amy thinking. "Huh. Now that you ask me that question, I really don't know how I got here. I was just minding my own business, looking at this costume in a new store that opened up near where I lived. While I was looking, I found Elesis's Burning Heart outfit, bought it with whatever money I had, and walked out the door. After that, a bright light came out of nowhere, and then poof...here I am."

When Amy was finished telling her story about how she’d ended up in Equestria, she noticed a strange look on Twilight's face. Not the innocent kind of look, but the kind that spelled trouble.

"An alien from another planet. This is amazing!  Just think of the possibilities...." Twilight thought to herself. She imagined herself getting the Hoofbel Prize; crowds of ponies cheering for her for and her discovery: another planet. She saw Princess Celestia congratulating her in all sorts of ways for her discovery, as well.  

"Hey, um...Spike, right?...Is she okay?" Amy said, slightly worried. Spike shrugged, though he knew what was going on. This wasn't be the first time Twilight acted like this.

"Twilight...you ok?" Just as Spike was about to tap Twilight on the shoulder, Twilight grabbed his arm and said, "Excuse us, we need to have a little talk," and in the blink of an eye, they both disappeared, leaving Amy alone in the middle of the forest.

"Um....Ok....What the hell just happened?"

Reappearing behind a couple of bushes, Twilight let got of Spike’s arm and looked at him with huge smile on her face. "Do you realize what we just found Spike?" Spike shook his head no. "An alien from another planet Spike! ANOTHER PLANET! Do you know what this means?"


"Fame, Spike! Fame! Do you know how rare it is to find a being from beyond the stars?”

"I’d say pretty rare, seeing as how we find a lot of weird things in the Everfree forest."

"Exactly! Think of the possibilities! All the things that we could learn from her! She might even know how to use magic like us!"

"Twilight, I doubt she can use any-"


Before Spike could finish his sentence, they heard a loud explosion, similar to the one  earlier, but not quite as loud. When they looked over the bushes they were hiding behind, they saw, to their surprise, Amy holding a flame in her hand, and a bewildered look on her face in front of a  burning tree. Twilight looked at Spike with a smug look on her face.

"Alright, so she does have magic,” was all Spike had to respond with.

"I told you. Amy might be the most important discovery this world has ever seen!" Twilight then rubbed her hands together, as a creepy smile came across her face. "Now all we have to do is capture her, and take her to Celestia."

"Why Celestia?"

"Because she would be thrilled to know that there’s other life beyond the stars, and this would prove it!" While Amy was still trying to figure out how she was able to shoot fire from her hand, she overheard the two talking behind the bushes, where they thought Amy couldn't. Normally, she would have gotten the hell out of there, but her curiosity got the better of her, and she wanted to see how things would turn out.

"But what if she doesn't want to tell you about her home planet?" Spike inquired.

"Oh Spike, I'm sure she'll tell us everything we need to know, once we get to Canterlot. I'm sure Celestia would want to know as well, especially Artemis. Now come on, let's go back and see if she’s willing to come with us."

It was the last part of what Twilight had said that sent chills down Amy's spine. If there was one thing she hated the most on her list of things she hated, other her father and mother, that would have to be being used a test subject and being experimented on. Well, that and a few other things, but those were besides the point.

"Alright. [Option A] I could go with her, and be a lab rat to the ponies of this planet; [Option B], I could haul ass and run like hell, though they would hunt me down; or, [Option C], act like a dumbass and try to make her keep me a secret." Before she could give herself time to think of which one to take, she heard rustling in the bushes. "Shit, looks like we're going with Option B, then." And with that, she ran off towards the exit of the Everfree, leaving behind a small piece of folded paper.


"Ok, we're back. So Amy, I was wondering if......where did she go?" Twilight started. Spike looked down to see a folded piece of paper. "I think this is for you Twilight," He said, as he handed her the paper. Twilight unfolded the paper and began to read it out loud.

  Dear Twilight Sparkle,

     Normally I wouldn't do stuff like this, but I sort-of overheard your conversation behind the bushes over there. Between you and me, I'm not a fan of being noticed by a bunch of cute, colorful ponies. I get that a lot at home, when it come to doing class projects and presentations in college. Anyways, I decided to head off and explore this land you called ‘Equestria’. Maybe when you’ve cooled down a bit, I can tell about Earth and stuff.


                              Amy Anderson

P.S. By the time you read this, I'll be out of this God-forsaken forest  ;P

A tense moment of silence hung in the air. Twilight turned to look at Spike and said, "Spike, do you see any footprints anywhere?"

Spike scanned the area for footprints, and, seeing some, said, "Over there. They lead towards Ponyville. Why?"

"Because we are going find her and take her to Celestia, even if she starts kicking and screaming," she said, while a creepy smile once more appeared on her face.

"Are you sure we’ll be able to catch her? I mean, you saw that she can use magic, right?"

"Yes, but it appears she can't use any spells other than fire. That means we’ll be able to capture her with no problems at all,” Twilight grabbed Spike by the arm. “Now come on; we have a human to capture," she said as her horn began to glow, teleporting them to the exit of the Everfree Forest.

As Twilight and Spike took chase, an insect-looking pony was watching the event that took place moments ago from within a rotten tree trunk. "That creature seemed interesting. Not only that, but it can use magic as well,” saying this, the odd creature started to flap its insect-like wings, flying off deep into the forest. "The Queen will find this very interesting. Let’s see what she has in store for it…”

Next Chapter: Chapter 2: Cooking with apples Estimated time remaining: 3 Hours, 19 Minutes
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