
Eragon's New Home: Equestria

by MetalBrony823

Chapter 5: Continuing the Narration part 2

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Eragon clasped his hands, ready to finish off the Narration. "After the battle of Farthen Dur, me, Ajihad, Saphira, and Murtagh decided to look for any hiding urgals and soldiers, and so far, we haven't found any. However, we've been suddenly ambushed by a couple of urgals. I managed to survive and kill them, but Murtagh went missing, and.... and..." Eragon paused

"What happened?" asked Rarity

"Ajihad wasn't so lucky. He fought very bravely and nobel, but he was mortally wounded " Eragon finished in a tone of sadness.

The Ponies and Spike gave Eragon a look of sympathy.

"Oh no." said Twilight

"Oh, buddy, we're sorry." said Rainbow Dash with sympathy.

"Where was Murtagh?" asked Spike

"At first I thought he was dead too, but he's still alive, but I will get to that later." said Eragon. "For the matter at hand. Before Ajihad died, he said that he wanted me to make sure that the Varden wouldn't fall into disarray. His last words were....'Peace be with you, Eragon Shadeslayer.' and then he just... passed."

Rights for this song go to Bethesda gaming Studios


"Aww." said Spike and the group of ponies with sympathy.

"So... what happened after Ajihad died?" asked Rarity.

"Well, I was called by the Council of Elders, the governing council for the Varden. One of them was Jormunder, Ajihad's right man. However, most of them were.... mostly corrupt and very greedy. They were more worried about just keeping the power for themselves instead of the Varden.

"Pfft, politics, am I right?" said Spike.

"I know. That is exactly why i hate politicians." said Applejack

"Except for most leaders here in Equestria of course." Added Rarity

"I concure." said Eragon "Back to my past. They chose Nasuada, Ajihad's daughter to take the position as leader, because they thought they she would be easy to manipulate and control. They also wanted me to be under their control by asking me to give them their fealty. However, me and Nasuada were very clever. I only gave my fealty to Nasuada, not the Varden. The council was deeply angered by this motive, but Nasuada was strong-willed and not easy to persuade. Nasuada then overruled the council, threatening to dissolve it if they use this kind of method again."

"Smart." said Twilight

"Agreed. Eragon replied. You want to know what happened to my cousin, Roran?" asked Eragon.

"Oh yes, please." said Fluttershy, very eager to hear about Eragon's cousin

The other ponies and Spike gave out words of agreement with Fluttershy. They really wanted to hear about what happened to Roran as well.

Eragon chuckled and said "Very well, very well. However, I do not know all of his adventures, so I will tell all of you some of his adventures. He only told my some details."

"That's fine." said Twilight.

"So Roran came back to Carvahall from his job about helping Katrina, because he heard the news about what happened to my uncle, Garrow. He blamed me, because of Saphira's egg, and began to say very spiteful words about me, and I kind of deserved that a little"

"What? you don't deserve that." said Pinkie Pie in protestant. "It was not your fault that Garrow died."

"Yes, darling." Rarity added. "There was nothing you could have done."

"Thanks, Rarity." said Eragon. "Now Roran decided to temporarily stay at Horst's house, Carvahall's blacksmith. however, The Ra'zac came back to Carvahall, along with the two leathrblaka to look for him. They were not alone, thirty soldiers accompanied the monsters. It turns out that Roran was wanted by the Empire because he is my cousin. He fled into the Spine to hide from them. Luckily, the villagers were loyal to him, and they told the Ra'zac that he was away on a hunting."

"Why was he wanted?" asked Applejack

"They wanted to question him about me and Saphira's whereabouts, and interrogate him." Eragon answered.

"Oh." said Spike and the ponies in unison.

"So he stayed in the Spine for a few days." Eragon continued. "At that, the Ra'zac and their men were growing extremely impatient. Roran told me that they starting hurting the people and their property. One of which was a farmer named Quimby. He got killed by a soldier that threw a pitcher of him while trying to intervene a fight. They took his body, and the Ra'zac ate it and drank the marrow."

The group was horrified to hear that.

"Goodness. That must have been awful." said Fluttershy with sympathy.

"What else did they do to Carvahall?" asked Rarity.

"Well, one soldier got drunk and set a hay barn on fire." Eragon answered. "At last, the villagers could stand it no longer. Horst rallied Roran, and a couple of other villagers to fight the Ra'zac and the soldiers. They fought them, and eventually catched the sentinels off guard. However, the Ra'zac retaliated and killed Parr. Another villager that helped Roran with the ambush, along with eight others. We did drive them off, and they went into full retreat. Roran killed at least two soldiers with his new weapon of choice; which was his hammer."

Spike and the ponies were amazed to hear that.

"That must of been a heavy loss on the villagers." said Big Macintosh. "Poor guys."

"Aye. That it was, Big Macintosh." said Eragon. "Roran told Katrina to go to the Spine, along with many of the villages children and women. However, her father, Sloan the butcher, finds her and angrilly questions why she is going there, and then she started to drag her back to his house by pulling her hair."

The ponies, and Spike looked appalled by this type of behavior.

"That's terrible." said Pinkie Pie.

"Yeah, what kind of a father would do that to their own daughter?" said Rainbow Dash. She clashed her hooves together, and said "I wish i can find that guy and beat him down."

"Easy, rainbow." said Eragon. "That was when Roran came along and punched Sloan. The butcher tried to retaliate by grabbing Katrina again, but she dodged. After that, he angrilly asked why Roran was involed, and He said that he and Katrina were engaged. This really angered Sloan. therefore, he disowned his daughter, and denied her mother's fortune. He then stormed off in tears and heartbroken."

"Well serves him right." said Rainbow Dash.

"Yeah, that mean meanie-pants got his just desserts. Hmm... like a chocolate ice cream cake with sprinkles on top." said Pinkie Pie, licking her tongue all over her face just thinking about dessert.

"Pinkie Pie." said Rainbow Dash

"Oh, sorry." said the pink pony, seeing that Eragon and her friends were looking at her, like she is weird

"She's just being Pinkie Pie, Eragon." said Twilight with a chuckle.

"I'm afraid I don't know what you mean by that?" said Eragon a little confused.

"Nevermind, that." said Rarity

"So, what happened after Sloan disowned Katrina?" asked Fluttershy a little eager

"Right. Rainbow Dash and Pinkie were right about what they said. Sloan got excatly what he deserved, so Katrina moved in with Horst, so that she can sleep with Roran, and feel better about Sloan dissowning her. You see, she was pretty heartbroken because she loved her father really much."

"So did he try and make her feel better after that family issue?" asked Spike

"Well, Elain, Horst's wife tried to comfort her, but it had little affect on her. So yes, Roran made her feel better. However, that night, the Ra'zac came in with some soldiers. They obviously wanted Roran, but he fought back, and they took Katrina instead. enraged, Roran killed all of the soldiers, but the Ra'zac ran off with Katrina. Roram also told me that he was about to beg Sloan's forgiveness for his bad blood, but he also discovered something very treacherous."

"What's that?" asked the ponies and Spike

Eragon conti used on by saying "Sloan betrayed Roran and the villagers to the Ra'zac. He killed Byrd, the watchman of the town so that the Ra'zac can kill Roran, however, they doublecrosed the traitor and took both him and Katrina with them. Roram fought the Ra'zac, but was wounded By one of the Ra'zac by biting his shoulder with it's beak.Roran didn't have the strength to chase after the monsters, but to watch Katrina fade from his vision, as she was taken away to Helgrind with her father. Leaving all of Carvahall In ruins

"That's just awful." Said Rarity

"That sounded like a new low for that little varmint." Said Applejack with anger and inferring to Sloan.

"Aye, that it was, Applejack." Said Eragon. "Roran and the villagers now had a new problem to deal with: they realized that killing many of the empire's soldiers, they might be enslaved or executed. Roram then gave an inspiring and charismatic speech to rise up against the empire, and that they have been terrorizing Alagaesia far too long. He said that et will go to the Varden, but of course, they needed the location. Roram decided that they would need a huge passenger ship for their travel, because he believed that they ere in Surda, the independent country south of the empire."

The ponies and Spike made impressed looks on their faces, hearing a lot of interesting facts about Roran. They were proud of him, a d impressed with him both at the same time. They wished they can meet him.

"Now, back to my story. After Nasuada was elected the leader of the Varden, she decided to move back to Surda to devise another strike on the king. Before they left, Hrothgar, the king of the dwarves, offered to... to..." Eragon thought of how he should tell his new friends about how Hrothgar offered to adopt Eragon, without the group of ponies and a baby dragon laughing at him.

"Yes???" asked the ponies and Spike with curiosity

"Hrothgar... offered to adopt me into his clan: Durgrimist Igneitum, of 'Fire Smiths' in the Dwarven language. So i became a member of his family. It is also the family that Orik, my closest dwarf friend lived." Eragon said.

"Wow." said Rainbow Dash. "That's awesome."

Eragon was relieved to hear that. He was expecting creatures that were not from Alagaesia to laugh at him, because the Dwarves were only as high as the human's elbows were.

"Well that was mighty nice of him of you to join his family." said Rarity

"Yeah, mighty kind." Applejack added

"I know." Said Eragon. "After that, Me, Saphira, and Arya decided to go to Ellesmera to complete my training as a dragon rider. Hrothgar also tasked Orik to come with me on our trip. I however, found it irritating, because it would mostly be on foot, because There could be some of Galbatorix's men looking for me and Saphira at the moment. So if Saphira was flying, a spy from the Empire might have followed her, so that's why I agreed to travel by foot."

"That's probably a good Idea." said Spike. "If soldiers don't see her, they won't know where you are."

"Exactly." Eragon pointed out in agreement. "on our way, we encountered three fanghurs. We thought that they were dragons, but sadly they were not, just the distant cousins that I told you about. They attacked us, but Saphira scared them away with her strength and firebreathing."

"cool." said Rainbow Dash.

"After that, we finally reached Ellesmera. We met Queen Islanzadi, another werecat named 'Maud' and her white raven named Blagden. Blagden was a talking white raven, that would say many types of riddles, and surprisingly, concerning my past."

"A talking raven?" asked Fluttershy with astonishment. "And another werecat?"

"Yes." the rider answered.

"What was this... Queen Islanzadi like?" asked Rarity

"She was most beautiful woman I have ever seen." Eragon said. "She looked very much like her daughter, except she wears a red tunic, and a mantle made out of swan feathers. She welcomed me, Arya, and Saphira warmly, particullarly, me and Saphira. She asked Arya for forgiveness when she banished her from her presence to help the Varden, and Arya accepted her forgiveness."

"What do you mean by that?" asked Applejack

"Islanzadi withdrew from the Varden when she thought that she was dead from the poison that Durza bestowed in her." said Eragon. "Islanzadi then decided to remain in contact with the Varden. When she saw Orik, she said that it was a long time since there have been a dwarf to set foot in Du Weldenvarden. Orik told her that he gives her Hrothgar's greetings."

"How does she rule in her kingdom?" asked Fluttershy

"She cares deeply for her people, however, despite her stunning beauty, she was erratic, and very judgemental. If i was to choose a leader, I would definetely not choose her as a first choice."

"wow." said Big Macintosh

"After that, Islanzadi considered me an 'Elf friend' so that the elves would never get me any trouble, and that I could enter all the cities in Du Weldenvarden as I please."

"Wow." said the ponies and Spike.

"After that, she guided me and Orik to the Crags of Tel'naeir. Oromis and Glaedr's home. They were rocky bluffs just above Ellesmera." Eragon continued. He revealed to the ponies and the baby dragon what Oromis was like. "He was a very wise, yet strict teacher." Eragon revealed. During my training, he taught me how to use magic spells better, and Glaedr taught Saphira how to control her fire-breathing. Glaedr also taught me how to ride a dragon more properly. I might have told you all this, but Glaedr's size was three times compared to Saphira."

"Awesome." Said Rainbow Dash.

Spike and the other ponies made remarks of agreement, wishing that they could have meet Glaedr in his physical form, Spike essentially.

"Oromis also taught me about some f the elves history, and lifestyle." Eragon continued. Later on, he told them from the times from realizing that he cursed Elva instead of curing her' to the times of the blood-oath celebration, transforming him into a human/elf hybrid. However, he decided to not tell his new friends about his feelings for Arya because he really hated to talk about it, mostly because he might burst into tears on the spot just thinking of her like that already.

"So that's how you became a human to an elf hybrid?" Asked Pinkie Pie with astonishment, and excitement.


"And you got all of those abilities from the elves?" Asked Fluttershy


"How very quaint, darling." Said Rarity.

"That must have been so cool." Spike added in amazement.

Eragon smiled to them and said "look, I might as tell you some other things. I am so glad you are enjoying just hearing about my adventures, and my past, but I would rather prefer not to talk about some things, because they are too.... Sentimental for me." He bowed his head in sadness

Applejack then put a hoof on his shoulder, very gently. "I understand, Sugarcube." She said to him in sympathy.

"Thank you, Applejack." Said Eragon. "Look, I will tell you other things about Alagaesia, and my life some other time, for now, I just need to settle in more, I mean... Me Saphira and my crew just got here."

"Can you at least tell us what happened to Murtagh, and some other cool friends of yours pleeeeeeaaase?????" Said Pinkie Pie with a puppy dog face.

"Pinkie." Said Twilight. "I think we should list-"

"No no, Twilight." Said Eragon. "It's alright. I might as well tell you. However... You will hate him, so please don't because he was forced to against his will."

"What do you mean?" Asked Rarity.

"Murtagh became a new dragon rider with his new red male dragon named Thorn." Eragon answered.

The girls and Spike's jaws dropped to the floor hearing that.

"That... Is... Awesome!" Said Rainbow Dash

"Why would we even be mad at that?" Asked Fluttershy with curiosity

"Well... The Twins that I told you about we're spies for the Empire. They kidnapped Murtagh and he had to swear loyalty to Galbatorix by force, because he knows his true name. That's how the king would control you, by saying your true name."

"So he's a traitor?" Asked Twilight with a little shock

"Not really." Eragon said, trying to make it more understandable. "He hated to do it, but he and Thorn had no choice.

"Is he still evil?" Asked Spike

"No no no, he was never evil." Said Eragon. "He only did these things against his will."

"Oh." Said the ponies and Spike in unison, better understanding what Eragon was saying.

"My half brother and I dueled in the Battle of the burning plains."

"Brother?!?!" Exclaimed the ponies and Spike in unison and disbelief.

"Half brother." Eragon corrected. "We both had the same mother, but different fathers."

"Wait wait wait!" said Rainbow Dash. "Didn't that fortune teller say that there would be a betrayal from a family member?"

"Yes. Indeed, that's what she predicted about my future."

"Who was your father?" Asked Fluttershy

Eragon gave out a little sigh and said "Brom. He was my father."

"Really?" Asked Twilight Sparkle

"Yes." Eragon said "I just wished he could have told me before he died." He bowed his head in sadness.

"Aww, don't be like that." Said Fluttershy sympathetically. "I'm pretty sure he loved you. He was just probably keeping it a secret for his own protection."

"And your protection." Applejack added

"I know. I know." The rider replied. "How about this; I'll tell at least a little more of my past, but after that, I want to take a break from my narration. Besides, I am not that good of a storyteller like my father was."

"That's fine with us." said Fluttershy

"and me." Spike added

"Of course, darling." said Rarity

"Yeah, I understand. You just take a lil break from all of this." Applejack added.

"Well... During the training..." Eragon was a little speechless at the moment. Eragon looked outside to Saphira. He looked back at his little audience, and said "Hang on a second, I must ask Saphira something."

"Yes?" said his audience of ponies and a baby dragon in front of him

"That's fine." said Rainbow Dash

"We'll wait." said Twilight.

He looked at Saphira, and thought of the little... incident between her and Glaedr. It was a very painful and shameful memory for her to remember and talk about. He realized that if Saphira told the group about her... mistake, she would go carnivore on him, the ponies and Spike. He turned to his small , eager audience again, and said with a sigh "Look. I probably shouldn't tell you all this, but... but..."

"Yes??" said the ponies and Spike

"I don't want to tell you. It's just too painful for both Saphira and Glaedr to talk about." Eragon asnwered. "Let me ask Glaedr about this." He turned his direction to the Golden dragon's eldunari, and he said to him "Ebrithil, please. What should I tell the girls and Spike? I noticed that what happened during Our first time training... It sounds like a painful memory for you. What should I do? I don't want Saphira to know that I told my new friends about what Saphira was trying to do. If I did that, she would probably eat me."

"Saphira would never do that to you, youngling." said Glaedr in his deep voice. "She cares about you with all her heart, and you know that."

"I do." said Eragon. "To be honest. It's more about the safety for these creatures that I am worried about."

"Saphira is an intelligent dragon." said Glaedr. "She would never do that to any friends or family of yours. As much as I hate to talk about it, or hearing about it, what is in the past cannot be done."

"You're right. So... can i... tell them?" asked Eragon a little nervous

"If you want to, then I will have no problem at all." Glaedr answered.

"Alright, Glaedr." said Eragon out loud. He turned back to the group, cleared his throat, and said "Saphira wanted to be... attached to Glaedr, but he rejected her affections."

The ponies and Spike now understand what Eragon was saying.

"Oh. I see what you are saying." Said Rarity. "Saphira was in 'major like' with Glaedr wasn't she?"

"That would put it lightly." Said Eragon in a tone of mild sarcasm. "But, yes. She was. She was really hurt that Glaedr rejected her, and I reassured her by telling her that it wouldn't be proper. I told her that she will find someone, and the green male was her match."

"That definitely reminds me of Somepony I know that I have a crush on but doesn't accept me." Said Spike in his head sarcastically.

"After that, Saphira reconciled with Glaedr and apologized to him for her behavior. Glaedr accepted it and just told her to not do it again.

"Did he really forgive her?" Asked Fluttershy

"Of course he did, Fluttershy." The rider answered. "He wouldn't hate Saphira for that, he knows how alone she was, and was just as happy to see a dragon that was not bonded by Galbatorix, and free roaming as much as Saphira was."

"So... What happened after that?" Asked Rainbow Dash

"Now comes the Blood Oath celebration." Eragon answered.

"Blood Oath Celebration?" Said the girls and Spike in unison.

"Yes, it was a very exciting event by the elves performing poems, songs, and crafts. They would chant magic spells, and... It was like... Like the almost lost their sanity because of the excitement. Me, and my friends and mentors presented crafted gifts to the celebration."

"Ooooohhhh. That sounds so much fun!" Said Pinkie Pie. "I would definitely like to be in that kind of party!"

"Oh it was an interesting experience." Said Eragon. "You all would love it. During the celebration, two caretakers showed me their tattoo of a dragon, which was actually a spectral dragon. He touched his snout on my gedwhey ignasia, and I s,only transform into the creature that I am now. All of my blemishes and my scars were now healed from the process."

"Wow!" Said the ponies and Spike in amazement.

"It enhanced my power, my hearing, and I became stronger and faster. Also became better at handling magic spells for practicing. I began to use magic more better than I ever did. Sadly... After that, my training was cut short because I have heard that the empire havelanned an attack on Surda. This might shock you, but many of the Urgals came to Nasuada and asked for her alliance."

Spike and the Ponies looked quite surprised by what he just said. They were wondering if they were the same urgals that attacked at Farthen Dur

"Their leader was a kull named Nar Garzhvog. He said that he and his people wanted revenge on Galbatorix for controlling them for doing his dirty work. Me and Orik didn't know if we could trust them, but we had no choice. Nar Garzhvog was actually a very good urgal. He was almost as wise as Oromis was, but in a different way."

The ponies and Spike sounded very interested in Nar Garzhvog as well.

"Really?" Said Big Macintosh

"Aye. Nar Garzhvog had a few other Kull to protect me and Saphira, and they fought very boldly. Thus, the battle of the Burning Plains commenced."

"Did you win?" asked Rainbow Dash a little eager. She really liked battles sometimes, because she loves to fight/

"Aye." said Eragon a little sadly. "But, not without Hrothgar being killed by Murtagh and Thorn when the dwarves came to our aid."

"I am so sorry to hear that, sugarcube." said Applejack with sympathy.

"I know, he just took you in his family and then he dies? That's just not right." said Spike.

"I concure." said Eragon. "However, I was happy to see that Roran and the villagers of Carvahall came to our aid."

"They did?" said Spike and the ponies

"Aye. They went to Teirm, and met Jeod, Brom's old friend." Eragon answered. "Jeod stole a large ship called 'the Dragon Wing' from the Empire, and gave it to Roran and the villagers. They got a little sidetracked sometimes, but they came to Surda, seeing the battle that me and the Varden were fighting. I fought Murtagh and Thorn, with Murtagh claded in armor and a helmet. I didn't recognize him, but when his helmet was off, I could hardly believe it was him. He pinned me down with a spell consisting vines to the ground. I was so glad that he was still alive, but shocked to see that he was fighting for the Empire. I convinced him to come back to my side, but he said that I cannot help him, because Galbatorix knows their true names, which I said controls a very person if you say it. He said that they were his slaves forever."

"So he really hated to do this?" asked Fluttershy with sympathy

"Of course he did." said Eragon. "I told all of you before that he and Thorn had no choice. I saw Roran planning a sneak attack on the Twins, that lead the Empire's soldiers. I warned him not to, but Murtagh convinced me otherwise. He said he wanted to see what Roran would do, because the Twins enjoyed torturing Murtagh so he wanted to see his vengeance. Roran used his hammer to bash both the Twins with it on ther heads, killing them instantly. Thus, it was a turning point in the battle, and we won."

"Wow." said the ponies and Spike

"So did Murtagh want to kill you?" asked Twilight

"Of course not." said Eragon. "He said that Galbatorix wanted me alive. Not really because of me, but beacause of Saphira."

"That makes sense." said Big Macintosh.

"Yeah, obviously he wanted Saphira to mate with either Thorn or the green dragon." said Rainbow Dash

"Precisely. He did want Saphira to mate with the green dragon when it hatches to restore his own group of riders like the Forsworn." said Eragon. "Murtagh later revealed that Morzan was my father, although it is a filthy lie. Murtagh however, decided to let me go, because of our friendship. However, he took Za'roc, the sword that I was wielding with him, claiming that it rightfully belongs to him."

"Because Morzan carried that sword?" asked Big Macintosh

"Yes. However, after the battle, Orik gave me a falchion as a temporary weapon, well, at least untill i have new rider's sword."

"Well that was kind of him." said Rarity.

"When Murtagh and Thorn left, the battle was over, and we won. I reunited with Roran, and the villagers pf Carvahall. Although he punched my face to let his anger out. Do not be alarmed by that. I deserved it. Roran and Saphira met, and then he desperately asked for my help to rescue Katrina from Helgrind, the Ra'zac's home." Eragon gave a sigh and said "I'm afraid that is all I can tell you for today." and then he stood up from Fluttershy's couch.

"Very fascinating!" said a familiar male voice. out of nowhere, Discord poofed out of nowehere, like he was invisible. His little stunt startled everypony, but they chuckled at the Drancequus trickster.

"Oh Discord." said Fluttershy teasingly. "Must you do that."

"Oh my dear, Fluttershy. What can I say, i can be quite a joker after all."

Spike chuckled and said "Ain't that the truth."

"Discord." said Eragon with surprise. "How much did you hear?" he asked

"Oh from the part when the leader of the Varden died, from the moment you reunited with your cousin and your old friends from Carvahall." Discord answered. "And I might have told you, but I must say to you, Eragon that they would definetely be an interesting read in an autibiographical novel that you would write someday."

Eragon smiled and asked him "Why were you invisible?"

"I wanted to surprise all of you by arriving here with a little joke." Discord answered. Everypony and Eragon laughed at his remarked.

"I might as well go check on Blodhgarm and the other elves if they need any help with unloding any luggage." said Eragon

"You do that." said Fluttershy

"Oh, and Eragon?" said Applejack


"Would you and Saphira like to come to our farm after your finished?" asked Applejack

"You would love it." said Big Mac

Eraogn Smiled and said "Of course. I'll be there."

"Good." said both Applejack and Big Macintosh.

Eragon then went out the door, back into Ponyville to check on his personal spellcasters.

"We'll see you at the farm." Applejack called.

Author's Notes:

I am so sorry if this chapter took so long, I was focusing on my final semester exams for school, because Christmas break is here. I am also sorry if this writing is not perfect, I look for any experts on my grammar, unless any of you readers and fans would like to help me.:raritywink:

Next Chapter: Whole New Type of Farm Estimated time remaining: 8 Hours, 29 Minutes
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