
Eragon's New Home: Equestria

by MetalBrony823

Chapter 4: Settling In/Continuing the Narration

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Eragon was lying on a very soft, warm bed. He was naked except for his undergarments. He had a small clothe soaked with hot water on his forehead. Blodhgarm and his spellcasters were watching over him with concern. Fluttershy, Twilight, Spike, and the pony gang were also watching over him, from behind the elves. He wasn't entirely hurt, but he was unconscious, and he felt really weak after inflicting that last attack on the giant timberwolf that he and his friends encountered while returning to Ponyville so that he and his spellcasters could settle. Eragon began to stir, took the small towel off his forehead, and he slowly sit up from the bed.

"Ow!" he exclaimed. He felt himself being halted by Blodhgarm

"Easy Shadeslayer." said the blue elf. "That last attack you inflicted on the timberwolf drained most of of your energy."

"Are you feeling alright, Eragon?" asked Fluttershy, who flew up next to Blodhgarm.

"Ow, I'm fine." was all Eragon could reply. "My head. It's killing me. Where am I exactly?"

"You're in Fluttershy's cottage." said Rarity.

"And what of Saphira?"

"She's fine. She's just outside." said Twilight

Eragon gave a little sigh of relief. "Saphira?" he said to her in his thoughts. "Are you there?

"Eragon!" exclaimed Saphira in relief. "I was so worried about you. I was worried that the last attack you inflicted on that wooden wolf might have killed you. Are you alright?"

"Don't worry, Saphira. I'm fine." said Eragon.

"Can you get up?" asked Spike

"I don't I can right now, Spike. I just need to rest for a little while." Eragon replied. "Thanks for helping me, Fluttershy."

"You're welcome, Eragon. I'm happy that I am able to help." said Fluttershy. "My animal friends helped too."

"You have animals?" asked Eragon

"Oh yes, rabbits, squirrels, many kinds of them." said Fluttershy. "Surprisingly, they have been getting along with Saphira. Although they do look a little intimidated."

"I can't imagine." said Eragon under his breath

"I heard that!" said Saphira through her mind to Eragons.

Eragon jumped back in surprised and said "Sorry."

He, Spike, the ponies, and the spellcasters heard footsteps coming from the stairs. It was Big Macintosh with a worried expression on his face. He gave a small exclamation of surpsise when he saw Blodhgarm "Whoa!" he exclaimed

"Relax, big brother." said Applejack. "He's not a monster."

"What is he then?" asked Big Macintosh with surprise

"Relax, pony." said Blodhgarm in a calm voice. "Looks can be deceitful you know." He walked up to Big Macintosh and said to him. "My name is Blodhgarm and I am an elf."

"The Name's Big Macintosh, but mah friends just call me Big Mac." said He. He stretched his arm like he wanted to shake hands with the blue elf.

"It's a pleasure to meet you." said Blodhgarm.

"Very nice to meet you too, Blodhgarm." said Big Macintosh after he and the blue elf stopped shooking hoof and hand. "But I have a question; How did you alter your... appearance?"

"Big Macintosh! Don't be rude!" said Rarity.

"It's alright, Rarity." said Blodhgarm. He turned his head back to Big Macintosh. "I just altered myself using a little 'magic'. however, I was thinking about becoming a creature of the sea one day."

"A creature of the sea?" asked Rainbow Dash.

"I think we are getting off topic here." said Twilight. "So, what are you doing here, Big Mac?"

"Saphira told me that You guys got attacked by a timberwolf pack, and Eragon almost killed himself with a spell he casted to kill it." Big Mac answered.

"Don't worry about me, Big Mac." Said Eragon "I'll live."

Big Macintosh chuckled at his response and replied "good."

"Have you at least for some place to settle In?" Eragon asked Blodhgarm

"Oh yes. Fluttershy here, was just offering you and Saphira to stay with her in her cottage for a while." Said the blue elf.

"You don't have to stay with me...if you don't want to." Said Fluttershy in her timid voice, and them she took a step back from the group.

Eragon smiled at her and said "I wouldn't mind staying with you for a while, Fluttershy."

"Neither would I, little one." Said Saphira telepathically. "Your animal friends seem to like me."

"Wait! What the rest of my crew?" asked the rider.

"Celestia was more than happy to offer them a few houses in Ponyville." said Twilight happily.

"Will they get along with the inhabitants?" asked Eragon a little worried

"Of course they will." said Twilight.

"Very well." said Eragon.

Rainbow Dash flew up to Eragon's face, with hers showing a big grin showing her teeth. "Soooooo...... can you please continue on telling us about your adventures?" she said in an overeager voice.

"Well, i suppose I could continue on my adventures." said Eragon.

The Ponies, and Spike gave out words of excitement. They really wanted to hear more of Alagaesia, and the riders adventures. Not to mention that they wanted to see how Galbatorix was defeated and dethroned. They also wanted to know more about Murtagh.

"We will be back, Shadeslayer." said Blodhgarm

"Where are you going?" asked Eragon

"We are just going to help our crew settle in their new houses in Ponyville." the blue elf answered.

"Oh. Very well Blodhgarm, I would assume they would like some help. What of the eggs and the eldunari?" asked Eragon with concern

"They will be taken care of shortly." said Blodhgarm. We will protect them and so will my spellcasters." He and the rest of his spellcasters went downstairs, and they heard Fluttershy's front door closed.

"So where was I?" said Eragon. He thought of it for a moment about when he left off. "Aha!" he exclaimed. "Murtagh."

"So what was he like?" asked Rainbow Dash

"I might have told you that he rescued me from the Ra'zac." said Eragon

"You did!" said Pinkie Pie

"Murtagh was a mysterious person. He was a three years older than me, and his hair was a little more dark brown and a little longer than my own hair. Murtagh was.... how should I explain this without being so complicated." Eragon was trying to find an explanation on what Murtagh was like to the Ponies and Spike. Finally he said "He was very calm, and his voice was low and controlled, but it was curiously emotional. He is very good with archery and swordplay." A little embarrassed, Eragon pointed out "Not to mention that he was better than me in all of that. He was very strong-willed and very intelligent. He was one of the greatest people I have known.

"I bet." said Big Macintosh

"Have you ever fought him before?" asked Twilight a little curious.

"Oh yes." said Eragon with a chuckle. "But He always won."

"Did he help you get to the Varden?" asked Rarity

"Well, first I wanted to see if he was really a friend, and not a secret ally of the empire." said Eragon. "Murtagh said he would help me get to the Varden, but he said he doesn't want to help them.

"Why not?" asked Fluttershy

"He said does not belong to either the Varden or the Empire, and he has no allegiance to any man except himself."

The ponies and Spike didn't know what to think of Murtagh, they were thinking; should they hate him? Or should they think badly of him?

"There was a problem however. We did not know where the Varden was hiding. Luckilly, I kept having these visions of this elf woman in my dreams, and I learned that she was held prisoner in the city of Gil'ead. Gil'ead was a city that had some of Galbatorix's best prisons, and many barracks for his guards, and it had one fort." Eragon narrated. "So me, Murtagh, and Saphira traveled to Gil'ead to see if the elf woman was there, and if she did know where the Varden was. However, we got ambushed by Urgals, and I've been taken prisoner. Luckily, Murtagh and Saphira escaped from the ambush. The elf was Arya, the elven princess. I was kept in the same prison she was in. I woke up in a cell in Gil'ead, and I saw Arya being carried away by a couple of Guards, unconscious.

"That must have been awful." said Spike

"It was. All of a suden, Durza came into my cell."

The ponies and Spike gasped with shock

"The shade you mentioned?" asked Fluttershy

"That's right. Durza wanted to know my name, but not my name, he said something called a true name. I did not know what he meant and he decided to give me some food, with some drugs inside them." said Eragon

"True name?" asked Twilight

"It's complicated, Twilight." said Eragon. "He wanted to know my true name to have complete control over me, like a live puppet. He decided to feed me the drugged food to get me to talk."

"And he didn't figure it out, didn't he?" asked Applejack

"Of course not. Luckilly, I got out of my cell with magic. Murtagh and Saphira came to my aid. We managed to get Arya out, but we confronted Durza and he almost killed us, but Murtagh shot him with two arrows, one on his shoulder and one in between the shade's eyes, and he vanished like a small cloud of mist.

"But that didn't kill him, didn't it?" said Spike

"Of course it didn't. It would just case a shade to regenerate like that." said Eragon a little sadly

"Figures." said Rainbow Dash.

"When we escaped, I learned that Arya has been poisoned, and if we do not get her to the Varden, she will die. I went into Arya's mind, and she shown me the location. They were hiding in the Beor Mountains. Me, Murtagh, and Saphira were traveling all the way down to the Hadarac Desert, where the heat was unbearable for me and Murtagh, but not Saphira.

"It was the perfect weather for me." said Saphira in every-ponies heads.

"Anyway, We reached the Beor Mountains, and suddenly came across a couple of slave traders, and were about to capture me and Murtagh for slavery, but Murtagh decapitated the leader. I was quite furious with Murtagh for doing that, but he said that if we would have let him live, he would have told someone about, and the king would find out about it."

"Well, he does have a point, Eragon." said Twilight. "I think it was rather best for Murtagh to do that.

"You are in hiding from the Empire after all." Fluttershy added.

"I know. I wasn't mad at Murtagh anymore, but he still didn't want to come with me to the Varden. All of a sudden, Durza's army of Urgals came in, all after us. We lost them, and finally, we lost them. I told Murtagh to make up his mind, and he said that the Varden wouldn't even welcome him with open arms anyway." said Eragon.

"Why was that?" asked Pinkie Pie
"I'm getting to that." said Eragon. "I was growing a little impatient with his surly attitude and he said finally revealed the reason for not wanting to come to the Varden. This might shock you, but.... he said that his father was...." Eragon was a little hesitant

"Who?" asked Fluttershy.

Eragon gulped but he finally said "Morzan"

The Ponies and Spike made a gasp of shock and surprise and they all exclaimed exclaimed "Morzan?!?"

"Galbatorix's second-in-command?!" exclaimed Applejack

"He was Murtagh's father?" Fluttershy added

"Yes. But murtagh didn't even want any part of Morzan." said Eragon, trying to calm every-pony down. "Morzan cared little about Murtagh. When Murtagh was three, Morzan had one of his 'drunken rages' and he threw Za'roc, his sword right into Murtagh, leaving his back laid open from shoulder to hip, and Morzan didn't even care about that. The wound almost killed Murtgah."

The ponies and Spike gave out a gasp of Horror, and were deeply appaled to hear that

"How dare he!" exclaimed Fluttershy in anger

"I know, that low down varmint!" said Applejack

"I can't believe that a father like him would do that to his own child!" Rarity added.

The rest of the group gave out some exclamations of agreement, angry at Morzan for what he did to his own son.

"Don't worry, Murtagh lives." said Eragon trying to calm everypony down. "Don't let it get to all of you. Murtagh showed me his scar, and I didn't know if I could trust him anymore since he was the son of the first and last of the Forsworn. However, He hated that Empire as much as I do, or maybe more than I do. Finally, he was very reluctant, but he decided to join me to find the Varden. They rescued us from the Urgals, and nurse Arya back to health.

"Did they not trust you?" asked Applejack

"Well, they wanted to inspect us to see if we were not spies from the Empire. We met Ajihad, the leader of the Varden in Tronjeim, the capital of the dwarves, and his daughter, Nasuada. He sent out the Twins to inspect us in me and Murtaghs minds. Murtagh wouldn't let himself be inspected because.... well.... you know. Finally, Ajihad took his shirt off, and figured out who Murtagh was. He didn't want to, but He kept Murtagh as a prisoner, but they gave him a 'special treatment' by giving him reading materials, and Nasuada had some... conversations with him."

"Well... that was.... very kind of them to do." said Spike

"agreed." said Eragon. "Arya made a full recovery and was cured from the poison. In Tronjeim, I met the Dwarven king, Hrothgar. After that, I met a woman with her sick baby named Elva, and she asked me to cure her with a blessing, and it cured her."

"Aww, that's nice." said Pinkie Pie

"However.... I accidentally cursed her." said Eragon sadly and with extreme guilt

"What?" the group exclaimed

"I'll explain later." said Eragon. "We learned that the urgals were closing in on Tronjeim, and we prepared ourselves for battle. Ajihad decided to give Murtagh a chance, and to prov to himself trustworthy to the Varden. Later on, Durza and his army of Urgals and soldiers of the Empire, came and we fought them. I confronted Durza, and I was loosing, but, Arya destroyed the star sapphire on top of Farthen Dur, while riding on Saphira. It gave enough time to distract Durza and I thrusted Za'roc right through the shade's heart, killing him. After that, it was over, we won the battle."

the ponies and Spike cheered for him

"Way to go, Eragon." said Rainbow Dash, giving him a gentle punch on the arm

"Thanks. After the battle, we cleaned up the mess, and I realized with Brom gone, I realized that there was no one to teach me about magic, or more about the dragon riders, but in my dream, the Morning Sage appeared. Which was Oromis." said Eragon. All of a sudden, he felt that the strength has came back to him.

"Oromis? What did he say?" asked a very intrigued Fluttershy

"He said 'come to me, Eragon. I will show you the way of the riders. Come to Du weldenvardn. For now just rest' that's what he said."

"Wow." said the ponies and Spike in amazement.

Eragon sat himself up, and said "Don't worry, my strength has come back to me, so I can walk again."

"I'm glad." said Fluttershy, in her usual, kindly voice.

"Can you please continue?" asked Rainbow Dash

"Yeah! This is getting really good." added Pinkie Pie

"Maybe in a little while." said Eragon. "I need some food. I am very hungry. I am just going out to look for some food for a little while. I'll be back soon. Oh, and if Blodhgarm and the spellcasters ask, tell them I am out looking for food in case if I'm not back then."

"That's fine, Eragon." said Fluttershy.

"Yeah you go and eat up." said Rainbow Dash.

"We wouldn't want you starving yourself, darling." added Rarity.

Eragon smiled, put on his clothes, equipped Brisingr on his waist, and went downstairs and went out the door. "I'll be back Saphira, I'm just going to look for some food." He said to his dragon

"Be sure to eat as plenty to not get hungry, little one." said Saphira "And try not to get yourself a stomach ache."

"I will. And don't worry, I won't hurt my stomach." said Eragon with a chuckl, and he went into Ponyville

The ponies and Spike looked at Eragon through the window and Fluttershy said "He's a very interesting guy."

"I concur, Fluttershy." said Rarity.

"I really hope he does stay here in Equestria." said Rainbow Dash. "He sounds really awesome."

"I hope so too." said Twilight.

While Eragon was walking to Ponyville, he was surprised by a familiar creature

"Surprise!" Exclaimed Discord

"Hello again, Discord." Said Eragon.

"I just came to say that I am truly amazed by your adventures that involved your final battle with Durza." Said the Drancequus.

"You heard about my adventures?" Asked Eragon

"That I did." Discord replied. "They sounded like a very interesting and intriguing read if you could ever put that in an autobiographic novel."

"Oh, thank you." Said Eragon' blushing a little

"So where are you heading now?" Asked Discord.

"Just going to get some food, I haven't eat anything since the Timberwolf attack on me and my friends.Eragon answered. "When I get back I will resume telling my new friends my adventures."

"I'll be there." Said Discord

Eragon made a soft smile and replied "good." And he continued to Ponyville to find a decent meal for his stomach.

One Hour Later

Eragon came Back, and he saw Fluttershy, Spike, and the ponies faces with excitement on them, waiting to hear Eragon's story. "Alright, Alright, i'll tell you the rest of my adventures." he said with a chuckle. He sat on the couch, and the ponies and Spike gathered around him so that he can finish his story.

Author's Notes:

I hope you weren't all too disappointed in this chapter. I wanted Spike, and the ponies to understand more of how Eragon got here to Equestria. Part 2 will be up soon. I promise.

Next Chapter: Continuing the Narration part 2 Estimated time remaining: 8 Hours, 50 Minutes
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