
Eragon's New Home: Equestria

by MetalBrony823

Chapter 6: Whole New Type of Farm

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Ponyville is just as beautiful as ever. The town was rather peaceful, and no crimes were heard whatsoever, not even where Eragon was walking, with Saphira walking right next to him. While a few ponies looked at him like they have never seen him before. Eragon was a little nervous, but he waved at them timidly, and many citizens that walked right past him, waved at him back with smiles on their faces, making Eragon a little bit more comfortable. Of course it wasn't really him they were scared of, it was Saphira. He told some of the walking ponies that Saphira means them no harm at all, and were a little more calmer, seeing that Saphira wasn't attacking them at all, and that she was a gentle giant. While he was walking, he saw Bloodhgarm, and his spellcasters trying to build houses for themselves, and their crew. "Blodhgarm!" he called out.

"Ah, Shadeslayer. Hello again." said Blodhgarm, noticing Eragon with his spellcasters. "And Hello to you too, Brightscales." he said to Saphira.

"Greetings, Blodhgarm." said Saphira.

"Would you like any help with that?" Eragon asked

"Oh no, Shadeslayer." said Blodhgarm. "That is very generous of you, but we have everything under control."

"How are the houses coming?" asked Saphira telepathically.

"It is doing tremendous. A few ponies in the town wanted to help us. I feared that they might have been afraid of us, but it turns out they are more than happy to help."

"Hey, Blodhgarm!" said a tough voice from a buff carpenter earth stallion. He was wearing a hard hat, and had a five o' clock shadow around his face. "How does it look so far?"

The blue elf inspected the architecture, and said "Beautiful." under his breath he said "Although it doesn't look quite as nice as the houses in Ellesmera."

"Good." said the carpenter stallion before getting back to building the house.

"Where are you off to now?" Blodhgarm said to Eragon and Saphira.

"Applejack's farm. She offered me and Saphira a visit." Eragon answered.

"Won't the rest of her family be afraid of Saphira?" asked Blodhgarm. "She does look... intimidating to certain creatures after all."

"Don't worry, she'll be fine with them. Isn't that right, Saphira?" said Eragon, now reffering to his dragon telepathically.

"Of course." said Saphira. "I would never eat intelligent animals."

"We must be off now." said Eragon. "Are you sure you don't want any help?"

"We have all the help that we need, Shadeslayer, but thank you for the kind offer once again." said Blodhgarm kindly

"Very well, my friend. I will see you soon" said Eragon. Blodhgarm gave him a small smirk in return. Eragon looked at Saphira, and said to her telepathically "Come along, Saphira." Then they both walked down to Sweet Apple Acres.

Sweet Apple Acres

Eragon and Saphira looked at Applejack's farm in awe. It was unlike any other farm they have seen back in Alagaesia. It was a beautiful sight.

"I wish uncle Garrow's farm looked like this." said Eragon.

"The architecture of the barn is unlike any of have seen before." Said Saphira.

Eragon stepped through the arch which borders the farm as the main entrance. Saphira just stepped over the fence, obviously, she can easily go over a fence like that.

"Ah, Eragon, Saphira." Said Applejack. Eragon and Saphira saw her and Big macintosh right next to her, with smiles. "So glad you're here." Said Applejack

"Hello, Applejack." Said Eragon. "Hello, Big Macintosh."

"Call me Big Mac." Said he in a polite voice.

"You're farm looks so beautiful." Complimented. "We never had farms like this one before in Alagaesia."

"Aw shucks." Said Applejack flushing. "You're too kind."

"Eragon, Saphira, Me and Applejack want to you two to meet a few more ponies." Said Big Macintosh.

"Where are they?" Asked Eragon. "Who are they?"

"You'll see." Said Big Mac.

"Follow us." Said Applejack. Eragon and Saphira followed the two country ponies to their house. All of a sudden, they heard a barking sound. It was Winona, the family dog on the farm. Noticing Saphira, she barked at her like she was a guard dog.

"Whoa whoa whoa." Said Applejack, calming Winona down. "Easy girl. Stop it! Stop it!"

Eragon then used his mind to communicate with her through her mind, as did Sapbira. Winona ceased her barking, and was now calm.

"Wha- what just happened?" Said Applejack, confused and while saying some stuff in gibberish.

"We calmed her down by speaking to her through her mind." Saphira answered calmly.

"Was that another type of spell?" Said Big Macintosh.

"Aye." Said Eragon.

"So sorry about her, Sugarcube." Said Applejack. "This is Winona, our dog." She gave Winona a gentle pat on her head, making her wag her tail in happiness.

Eragon walked up to Winona, and pet her a couple of times. Winona was now starting to cozy up to Eragon and Saphira.

"Aww, she like's you already." Said Applejack.

"Hey Applejack." Said. Filly's voice. "Is everything alr--- Aaaaahhhhh!" She screamed. Two other fillies were with her, also terrified.

"Draaaaaaaaagggggooooooooonn!!!!" The three fillies exclaimed. They ran around in circles, panicking.

"It's alright! It's alright." Said Applejack, calming the girls down. "She's a friendly dragon."

"Yeah, she won't hurt a fly." Said Big Mac.

The three fillies stopped their running and screaming, and looked at Saphira again, and this time, calmly.

"Hello." Said Saphira.

"Who said that?" Said the orange pegasus filly.

"I did." Saphira replied in Scootaloo's head,

"It's alright." Said Eragon with a chuckle. "She's a different kind of dragon that's not like Equestrian dragons."

"Who... Who are you?" Said the yellow earth filly with the Bowtie on her mane.

"My name is Eragon. I mean you no harm. Neither does Saphira."

"that's a weird name." Said Sweetie Belle. "But I like it."

"Nice to meet you Eragon." Said the yellow earth filly,

"Yeah. What are you. We... We have never seen a creature like you before." Said the orange pegasus filly, inspecting Eragon

Eragon chuckled and said "it is a long explanation, but what I will say is; I am not from here."

"No kidding." Said the white unicorn filly. "Well, now we know your name, let me tell you ours. I'm Sweetie Belle."

"I'm Scootaloo." Said the orange filly,

"And I'm Applebloom." Said the yellow earth filly. "And we are....."

In unison, they all exclaimed "The Cutie Mark Crusaders!!! YAY!" The sound of there exclamations kind of disturbed the group, minus the girls. Saphira nodded her head to get her head straight.

"Applebloom is me and Big Mac's little sister." Said Applejack, hugging Applebloom. "Sweetie Belle is Rarity's little sister."

Eragon was surprised to hear that. he did saw a resemblance in Sweetie Belle, for she did look like Rarity. He smiled at them, and said politely "nice to meet you all."

"So.... What do you mean that this.... Dragon is not like the dragons in Equestria?" Asked Applebloom.

"I mean that you can talk to dragon's with your mind." Eragon answered. "And I promise you all that Saphira means you all no harm."

"Saphira?" Said Sweetie Belle. "Nice name."

"Yeah, it sounds awesome." Scootaloo said

"So what are you doing here?" Asked Applebloom."

"Your brother and sister offered my to visit here." Said Eragon.

"What's all them racket?" Called a voice that sounded like an old woman's. an elderly, green-furred mare stepped out of the house, trying to see what the commotion was about, when she saw, Saphira, she also screamed, but Applejack and Big Mac calmed her down as well.

"It's alright, Granny." Said Applejack. "This dragon will not hurt you. She is very friendly." Granny Smith calmed down, and looked at her again, and realized at Applejack's words are true. Granny Smith looked at Eragon, and inspected him to see what creature he was, sniffing him.

Eragon felt a little uncomfortable, but he decided to go through with this type of... Body inspection, therefore he did not want to make a scene.

"What is your name, youngin'?" Asked Granny Smith with curiosity after she stopped inspecting him.

"Eragon. Eragon shadeslayer." He answered awkwardly. In a more comfortable voice he said "and I am a dragon rider."

The fillies and Granny Smith were surprised and amazed to hear that.

"A dragon rider?" Said the crusaders in unison

"Well that's a fine name for a fine young.... Whatever you are." Said Granny Smith. She looked at Saphira again, and looked a little nervous again.

"I promise, she won't eat you." Said Eragon

"We'll, Eragon, now that you're hear, would you like to help us with the apples?" Said Applejack.

"Of course. Where do I start?" Asked Eragon

"I'll show you." Said Big Mac. Eragon followed the two while Saphira stayed behind with the crusaders, and Granny Smith as her company.

"So, your name's Applebloom, right?" Said Saphira talking to Applebloom with her mind

"Y- yeah, that's me." The filly replied.

"I know how you all feel." Said Saphira. "It is not a rare thing for someone to fear a dragon because of the way he or she looks, but looks can be deceiving."

"Yeah. I heard that." Said Sweetie Belle.

"So.... It's.... Awesome to meet you." Said Scooaloo.

Saphira smiled at her and replied with her mind "it is a nice pleasure to meet you too." She turned to Granny Smith, and said to her. "It is nice to meet you too, elderly one."

"Who are you calling elderly? Ahh! Charlie horse! Charlie horse." Said Granny Smith feeling a cramp. Applebloom fixed her leg by stretching it. "Ahh, thanks, Applebloom." She said. She looked back at Saphira, and said "well.... I'm young at heart at least."

"Oh I can see that." Said Saphira teasingly.

Sweenie Belle then asked. "So... Saphira, what are dragons like in your land?"

"We are definitely not like the dragons that inhabit your home. We are very different from your definition of dragons." Said Saphira.

The Crusaders were impressed by what she has said

"Like what?" asked Scootaloo

"It's rather a long story, youngling." Saphira replied. "What I will say for now is that we are not greedy."

"That's good to hear." said Granny Smith.

"We're back." said Eragon with Applejack and Big Mac walking right next to him on opposite sides. "The apples look delicious." He looked around his surroundings again, and the apples looked ripe and beautiful, ready to be harvested. "So you sell them in the Ponyville marketplace?" he asked cuirously

"Yep." said Applejack.

"Fascinating." with his mind, Eragon told Saphira "Are you going to be okay here while I harvest some apples?"

"Of course." said Saphira.

"Oh, and... try not to eat any of the livestock." Eragon added.

Saphira had an annoyed look on her face, and growled a little, making Granny Smith and the Crusaders cower backwards a little. "I promise." said Saphira. She stopped her growling after that.

Eragon smiled at her. "Good." he said

"Shall we be off?" said Applejack. Then she, Big Mac, and Eragon went to the orchard of the farm, leaving Saphira alone with the girls and Granny Smith.

The Orchard

Eragon was mildly sweating from harvesting the apples. Because He wan't a pony he couldn't buck the trees, so he got thm down the old fashion way by climbing on the trees to get, or he would sometimes use his magic to take the apples down. He tasted a big apple with one bite and said "Delicious."

Applejack and Big Macintosh were in another part of the orchard doing the job.

"Oh, Roran would have love this." said Eragon, while continuing to eat the apple. After he was finished, he continued with the harvesting.

"Eragon." said a very familiar voice out of nowhere.

Eragon looked around, and finally, he saw Garrow, his own uncle behind him. He looked surprised to see that it was actually him. "Uncle?" he said.

"Yes, nephew." said Garrow. "It is me."

"Wha... wait." said Eragon, quickly drawing Brisingr out of his sheath. "How can you be here, you're.... gone."

"No need to be alarmed, Eragon." said Garrow calmly. "I am here because i want to tell you how I am proud of you." He walked closer to Eragon, and said "I have been watching from when you escaped from the bastardly Ra'zac, to the day you freed Alagaesia."

"You've been, watching me?" said Eragon

"Of course, I have." said Garrow. He chuckled.

"What is so funny?" said Eragon. "Why are you laughing

"I'm just so proud that my own nephew has become a dragon rider himself." Garrow answered.

"It... is is you." said Eragon. He sheathed Brisingr. "Listen, uncle. I... I am so sorry I caused your death." he said with extreme guilt.

"It was not your fault, Eragon." said Garrow in a fatherly voice. "There was nothing you could have done when that happened."

"I know." said Eragon with a sigh. "Oh! I've been meaning to ask you something."

"Yes, Eragon?"

"Why didn't you tell me that Brom was my father?" asked Eragon.

Garrow looked down, and gave a little sigh. "Oh, Eragon." he said "I didn't want to hurt you, and I promise I didn't want to lie to you, but it was for Brom's safety, and your own as well."

"I understand." said Eragon. "It was probably for the best."


Eragon smiled at his uncle, as did Garrow smiled back to him. Eragon looked the other way, looking at the landscape around the orchard. "Listen, Uncle." he said. "I really need to get back to harvesting the apples for Applejack, and Big...." Before he can finish his sentence, Garrow was nowhere in sight. "Uncle?" he said, looking around in alarm for Garrow. "Uncle Garrow?" he said a little louder. It was no use, Garrow was gone, Again

"Eragon?" said a femal voice from behind him. Eragon looked back in alarm, and saw Applejack, adn Big Macintosh with concern. "Is everythin' alright?" she asked

"I... I'm fine, Applejack, I... I just got a little..... distracted." Eragon replied, rubbing the back of his head awkwardly.

"Are you sure?" said Big Mac

"Of course. I am sorry if i am not harvesting apples right now."

"That's alright, Eragon." said Applejack. "We'll help you.

Eragon smiled at her comment. "Thank you, Applejack." he said.

"You're welcome, Sugarcube." said Applejack with a smile. She, Big Mac, and Eragon continued with the harvesting, and after almost thirty minutes, they were all done.

"Thanks for helping us, partner." said Big Mac

"You are very welcome." Eragon replied politely.

They went back down to the farm, and saw Granny Smith sleeping on a rocking chair on the porch, and the crusaders playing with Saphira.

"Saphira?" said Eragon, laughing a little. "How did it go?"

"These fillies are adorable." said Saphira.

"I agree." said Eragon. "What should we do with the apples?" he asked Applejack and Big Mac. "

"We take them into the apple cellar." Applejack answered. "Follow us." Eragon did what Applejack told him to do, and he followed her and Big Mac to the apple cellar.

While they were walking, Eragon said "If Roran was here, he would have love this."

"Anypony would love the sight of our farm." said Applejack.

"Guilty as charged." Eragon agreed. He piled the apples into teh cellar with the two ponies, and said "Well, I might as well be going."

"Already?" said Applejack.

"I'm afraid so." said Eragon. "I want to look around the rest of Ponyville. I want to get to know the inhabitants better."

"We understand." said Big Macintosh.

"Yeah. And... you're still going to tell me and my friends what else happened in your adventures, right?" asked Applejack

"Of course." Eragon went to Saphira, and said "I'm ready to leave Saphira."

"Must we leave now?" said Saphira. "I'm having fun with the girls."

Eragon chuckled and said "Alright."

"What did Saphira say?" asked Big Mac

"She wants to stay a little longer." Eragon answered. "She is having too much fun with Applebloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle."

Applejack chuckled "Yeah, I see that."

"Well, since you are going to stay here a little longer, why don't we show you the rest of the farm." suggested Big Mac

"Oh how delightful." said Eragon. The three, with Eragon behind the two ponies went around the farm to look around.

Next Chapter: A Race: Rainbow Dash vs. Saphira Estimated time remaining: 8 Hours, 16 Minutes
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