
Eragon's New Home: Equestria

by MetalBrony823

Chapter 3: Timberwolf Attack!

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Eragon was waiting for Saphira to meet princess Celestia, and Luna, the rulers of Equestria. Next to the princesses were Twilight, her assistant, Spike, and their friends. All of a sudden, the group heard a faint roar, and saw a flying figure, coming towards them in the sky. "There she is!" exclaimed Eragon. Saphira landed on the ground, and had a majestic looking appearance.

"So, these are the rulers that you told of?" said Saphira

"Yes." Eragon replied. "They are. They are very gentle, and the are the exact opposite of Galbatorix was when he was the ruler of Alagaesia."

"I can see that." Saphira said. The blue dragon turned her head to Celestia and Luna. The two alicorns walked up to Saphira.

"Now remember, you have to talk to Saphira with your thoughts, your majesties." said Eragon

"We'll remember that." said Celestia softly. She focused her thoughts to Saphira and telepathically, she said "Saphira? are you there?"

"Yes, your majesty." Saphira replied. "And you must be princess Celestia, correct?"

"Yes. I am the princess of the day, and the guardian of the sun." Celestia replied.

"I am Saphira. Saphira Brightscales." said she

Then Luna stepped up to replied. "Greetings, Saphira. I am princess Luna, the princess of the night, and the guardian of the moon." she said

"It is an honor to meet both of you." Saphira complimented, while bowing her head to show respect.

Celestia and Luna gave her a warm smile.

"Saphira, I don't mind to be interloping, but what are the other two dragons in Alagaesia?" asked Celestia with concern

"Yes, and what were they like?" Luna added.

Saphira gave out a sad growl, but she said "The two other dragons are a red male dragon named Thorn, and a green male that just hatched more than a month ago, named Firnen, who was my own mate."

"Did they have riders too?" asked Luna

"Yes, they did, but I'd rather prefer not to talk about it. It is rather too painful to talk about, since me and Eragon can never return home." said Saphira sadly.

"I understand." Said Celstia in remorse. "But if you would like to talk to me about anything, or if there is anything wrong, please... Come talk to me, or my sister."

Saphira however, did not reply to Celestia or Luna. She just gave a little soft growl of sadness. "I will." Said Saphira at last. Celestia, and Luna smiled warmly at her response.

Eragon walked up to her and asked her "So what did the others say?"

Saphira turned her head back to Eragon and said "they have said that they are quite happy to finally settle in land besides Alagasia. However, they also said that they were worried about his the Ponies in this land would reject the dragons, because of how they would look, if they ever hatch to see any that is."

"Well, I'm pretty sure that they also get a warm welcome." said Celestia.

"Where are they?" asked Twilight.

"They are at a river a little far from here." Eragon answered.

"How far?" asked Rainbow Dash.

"It's.... a little far from Canterlot, but a little closer to Ponyville." said Eragon.

"We can help them if you like." said Fluttershy.

"No, that's quite alright. They can lift everything themselves." Eragon rejected.

"Are you sure?" asked Applejack.

"Yes. Besides, Saphira might have already helped them, and they might use their magic to help. But, they might use my help for finding new homes around here."

"Oh, if you say so." said Rarity.

Eragon turned his head to Saphira so he capsule talk to her. "Did they pull through?" He asked her

"Yes." Saphira replied. "And it went faster, thanks to myself."

Eragon smiled and said "perfect."

"Eragon." Said Glaedr. "I wish to speak to the ones you call Celestia and Luna."

"About what, Ebrithl?" Asked Eragon with curiosity.

There was a slight pause and finally, Glaedr said "I would rather prefer if I discuss it with you later, young shurt'ugal."

"You're keeping it a secret?" Asked Eragon a little offended.

"No." Said Glaedr. "Please, control you're anger, young one."

Eragon gave a little huff and said "Very well." He walked up to Celestia and Luna and held out Glaedr's eldunari. He said "You're majesties, what is in this eldunari, is the soul of a desseaced dragon. You can speak with him using your minds. I am telling you this, because he wishes to speak to you."

Celestia smiled and said "Very well" picked up Glaedr's eldunari using her magic from her horn, which made Erago pn a little worried.

"Be careful not to drop him." He said with concern. "If you drop him and if the eldunari breaks, he will die."

"Do not worry, Eragon." Said Luna

"I know what I am doing." Added Celestia. She gently placed the eldunari on the ground and spoke with her mind into it. "Hello?" She called

"Princess Celestia and Princess Luna it is a pleasure to meet both of you. I am Glaedr." Said he. "I must tell you and your sister that Eragon is in terrible pain if you had not noticed."

"I know. He told us already." Said Luna. "What about it?"

"I want you to make sure he lives a good life In Equestria, and not let his sentimentality overtake him. Of course he does have Saphira, but he had to leave his home, and the lifeforms that he deeply loved. I am deeply worried he will lead astray and he might be killed someday. i do not want to lose him as i lost my rider; Oromis" said the golden dragon.

"I understand." Said Celestia. "Me and Luna will do the best we can to keep him off of the ground. Right sister?"

"Yes." Said Luna. "It was a pleasure to meet you, Glaedr."

"Indeed, and it was a pleasure for myself to meet you, as well." Glaedr replied. Celestia picked the eldunari up again. And gave it to Eragon.

"Thank you, your majesties." Said Eragon.

"You are quite welcome, Eragon." Said Celestia.

"So, Eragon..." said Rainbow Dash a little nervous she walked toEragon as he was puttingGlaedr's eldunari in his pouch. "Would you... like to stay in Ponyville?"

The farm boy was thinking for a moment. Finally, he said to the clue pegasus. "Well.... I don't know for sure if I will stay here as my new home. I must think about it, but I think I would not mind staying here for a while."

"Well, you should really stay, Eragon." said Spike. "You seem like a very cool guy."

"Yeah, and We all want to know the rest of your adventures!" said Pinkie Pie

"Pinkie makes a good point." added Applejack. "Not to mention that we wouldn't mind the extra help on my farm like Big Mac said."

"Once again," said Eragon. "I need some time to think."

"I understand." said Fluttershy

"Meantime, would you like me to finish my adventures to you?" asked Eragon

The Ponies, and Spike (Excluding Celestia and Luna) gave smiles of excitement. The group must really want to know more about Eragon's past, all of Alagaesia itself, and how Galbatorix was dethroned.

"Yes, please." said Rarity

"Oh yes, It sounds very incredible." added Fluttershy.

"Alagaesia sounds very interesting." Twilight commented.

Eragon blushed at the responses, and he replied to them by saying "I'm afraid I'll have to tell you all about later. I want my crew and my protectors to settle in Equestria."

"We can help you with that, if you like." said Applejack. "Well, not with the luggage, but help them settle in Equestria."

"And give them a warm welcome." Fluttershy added

"And give them a 'Welcome to Equestria from Alagaesia' party!" said Pinkie Pie

"Well.... I suppose you could help out. Besides, I would want them to meet you anyway." said Eragon. "But I must warn you; they have never seen creatures like you all before, so they might all be cautious to you, but I'll talk to them, and show them how friendly you are."

The ponies and Spike gave exclamations of excitement.

"So, let's help my crew." said Eragon. The Ponies and Spike followed the farm boy, and left Celestia and Luna alone.

"Can we trust him, Tia?" asked Luna

"Of course we can, sister." said Celestia. "I sense a very good heart inside of him, and in Saphira too."

"Perhaps, but he is still in pain, because he had to leave his home." said Luna.

"I know, Luna." said Celestia sympathetically. "He will get better, I know it."

"Let's hope your right." said Luna. She and Celestia continued to watch Eragon, the girls, and Spike walk to the Talita to give Blodhgarm and the other elves a helping hand. Then, they watched Saphira Fly away to where Eragon was heading.


Eragon could now see the Talita in his sights as he was getting closer and closer as he saw the wide and everlasting river. The girls and Spike behind him looked at the vessel in awe.

"That's your ship?" asked Twilight in amazement.

"Yes, It is called the Talita" said Eragon.

"Ooh, love the architecture." said Rarity.

"So, there are dragon eggs in that thing?" Asked Rainbow Dash.

"Yes." Said Eragon. "Not just eggs, but eldunari, and rider's swords for the future riders."

When they reached the ship, the elves gave surprised looks on their faces. Of course, they were suspicious.

"Don't worry, about them." said Eragon. "Elves are beings of nature."

The ponies smelled some odd odor, like some kind of perfume. They have never smelled anything like it before, and they gave little looks of disgust, but they realize that the smell isn't that bad

"What is that stench?" asked Rarity.

"Whatever it is it smells.... nice." said Fluttershy

"I don't smell anything." said Spike.

"You don't?" asked Pinkie.

"Nope." the baby dragon replied.

All of a sudden, Blodhgarm went off of the ship with his eight spellcasters behind him, he saw Eragon, and walked towards him. When he saw the ponies, and Spike, he didn't know what to say. He thought that these creatures were adorable. Nevertheless, he was cautious.

The ponies and Spike too were quite surprised by Blodhgarms appearance. He looked like a wild animal with the blue fur covering his whole body.

"Shadeslayer." he said finally in his usual calm voice. "You have returned, but where is Saphira?"

All of a sudden, Saphira landed right next to the ponies and Spike.

"Ah, there you are." said Blodhgarm in relief. He looked at the ponies and Spike behind Eragon.

"It's alright, Blodhgarm. They are friends, and not enemies." said Eragon.

Blodhgarm walked to the ponies and Spike, and he asked in amazement "What are you?"

"I was about to ask you the same thing." said Rarity

"Yeah, what are you? You're like a- a- a wolf, or a mutt." said Rainbow Dash.

"Rainbow!" said Twilight, who bonked Rainbow on the back of her head. "Be polite!"

"They can talk?" asked Blodhgarm.

"That's right." said Applejack.

"But... if you like, you can leave Equestria." said Fluttershy a little nervous, who was kind of frightened by Blodhgarms appearance.

"No, no." said Blodhgarm. "I actually think it's rather... fascinating."

"Oh, I see." said the yellow pegasus timidly. However, she saw his two sharp teeth showing. She recognized them and went up to Blodhgarm to see of she thought right.

"Is there... anything I can help you with?" asked Blodhgarm uncomfortably.

"You have wolf fangs?" asked Fluttershy in astonishment.

Blodhgarm looked surprised by how Fluttershy figured out one of his appearances. "Yes but- how did you know?" he asked

"Oh, well- I- i love animals, and I take care of them if needed." said Fluttershy.

"Really?" said Blodgharm.

"Fluttershy, i thought you know all about personal space." said Rarity, a little worried that the blue elf would claw Fluttershy

"Oh no, no, It's quite alright. I actually think that she's... adorable." said Blodhgarm

Fluttershy couldn't help but blush at the comment. "You... you think I'm... cute?"

"Well of course I do." said Blodhgarm in honesty. "I have never seen creatures like you before, and I am actually... happy that you recognized what I had. Not a lot of people in Alagaesia could recognize my appearance.

"So you really do have wolf fangs?" asked Rainbow Dash

"Not just fangs." said Blodhgarm calmy. "I have the pelt of a forest cat, and the eyes of an eagle, and Blue fur covering myself."

"Wow." said the ponies and Spike in amazement.

"But what are you excatly?" asked Twilight

"I am an elf, I just look this way because I have the ability to alter my appearance. Many female elves are attracted to me because of it, and my musk scent." said Blodhgarm

"That's what that smell was?" asked Rarity. "It came from you?"

"Yes." said the blue elf.

"Wait, I didn't smell anything but the waters from the, and the grass. Why couldn't i smell it?" asked Spike

"Well, you see, My scent only attracts females. Males cannot smell any trace of it from myself." said Blodhgarm

"It is true, Spike." said Saphira in the baby dragon's mind. "I could smell it, and I had to help Eragon experience by making it visible to his nose, so that he could smell it as well."

"Well. I'm afraid we haven't introduced ourselves yet." said Twilight. She told Blodhgarm her name and all of her friends names, and then Spike.

"Well, it's a pleasure to meet you all." said Blodhgarm, bowing in gratitude. "My name is Blodhgarm. What kind of race are you."

"We are ponies." said Twilight

"Ponies?" said Blodhgarm. "We do have ponies in Alagaesia, but not like this before." He looked at Spike and walked up to him, and knelt down to make eye contact with him. "And what might you be, little one?" he asked

"My name is Spike and I'm... I'm... you would laugh at me." said Spike moving his head in shame

"No, go one." said Blodhgarm

"I'm... a baby dragon." Spike said.

He waited for a reaction, and what he heard from the blue elf was. "A baby dragon?"

"Yes." Spike replied.

"An you can talk... with your mouth?"

"I can."

"So... what do you do?" asked Rainbow Dash in curiosity

"Me and my eight spellcasters behind me, are protectors of Eragon and Saphira themselves. We would prevent evil minds from invading theirs, and we would give them strength if needed." said Blodhgarm proudly. "We went along with him to help with the eggs, and heal the eldunari that were forced to serve Galbatorix."

"How wonderful." said Fluttershy.

Blodhgarm looked back at Eragon and said "So have you found a place to settle?"

"Yes. It is a very beautiful town called Ponyville." Eragon answered.

"Ponyville, hmm?"

"We could build houses for all of you if you want." said Applejack.

"Wonderful idea, Applejack." said Eragon. "However, do they take a long time to do?"

"They do, but you and your spell casters could stay with one of us for a while." said Rainbow Dash

"That's very thoughtful." said Eragon. "He had a thought and said to Applejack. "I want to stay with you for a while. After all, I was once a farm boy."

"Well good for you. We could always use some help with Sweet Apple Acres." said Applejack

"However," said Eragon, who was not finished. "I was thinking about staying with each one of you for... a day or two, one at a time."

"Great! said Pinkie Pie.

"What about you're ship?" asked Rarity.

"Don't worry about it." said Blodhgarm. "It is a pretty strong ship, made by our own race."

"He's right, my friends. It will be fine. We will move it closer to Ponyville when we settle in. A new home is our top priority." said Eragon. "Come, let me show you Ponyville." He said to Blodhgarm, his spellcasters and his crew.

All of the elves, Eragon, along with Spike, the girls, and Saphira, walked to Ponyville.


Everyone can see Ponyville at a long distance.

"Here it is, men." said Eragon

"It looks beautiful." said one of Blodhgarm spellcasters.

"Indeed." said another. the group continued walking to their destination when all of a sudden, they smelled very bad odor.

"What is that horrible stench?" said Eragon, covering his mouth from the smell.

"Wait a minute." said Applejack "I recognize that smell anywhere." All of a sudden a large, fierce looking wooden dog appeared out of nowhere, and roared at them

"AAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!" screamed Twilight

"Timeberwolves!" shouted Rainbow Dash

"Timberwolves?" said Eragon to himself. Many more wolves came from behind the lead one. Eragon drew Brisingr from it's scabbard, and positioned himself at his battle pose. The ponies and Spike stood back to get away from them, and watched as Eragon slashed through one of them, shattering it like a rusty old marionette.

Eragon saw another one coming, and dodge-rolled to the left to escape it's attack. Blodhgarm and the other spellcasters went to his aid and one by one, many of the wolves were slashed by Eragon's sword, burnt or shattered by Blodhgarm and his cronies spells, and some of them were slashed, kicked, and clawed by the blue elf himself. All of a sudden, the large alpha male tackled Eragon, making him fly Brisingr right out of his hand. The Ponies and Spike gave out gasps of shock and fright. Eragon was trying so hard to get the large wooden wolf off of him. All of a sudden, with all of his might he shoved it's face away from his, and kicked the wolf with both of his legs to the monsters chin, sending him flying to the air and into the ground, however, it was still far from over, the beast got up and shook his head to keep himself from getting dizzy.

"He doesn't know when to quit!" Said Eragon to himself. The beast chareged at him again.

"Shadeslayer, your sword!" shouted Blodhgarm as he fetched Brisingr back to Eragon.

Eragon summer-salted out of the way to avoid the charging monster, and and it stopped as soon as it had missed him. He lunged his teeth at him, and Eragon did the finishing blow. Eragon slashed at the timberwolf by slashing it to the right, and the the left, and did an athletic final blow by doing a single spin attack vertically, causing the wolf to split in half. It was over, the alpha male had been defeated.

"Eragon!" called Twilight "Are you alright?"

"Yes. I'm fine." said Eragon, trying to catch his breath. All of a sudden, the remaining of the wolves were now magically floating, and forming together. It looked like it was forming into an even more bigger timberwolf, almost as big as Saphira.

"I'm coming, Eragon!" Said Saphira. She charges at the beast and clawed at it many times, but alas, the beast would not go down. All of a sudden, Eragon could take it no longer, he jumped and shouted "Brisingr!" The sword lit up a bright blue fire around the blade, and he trusted the sword right in the monsters forehead. Eragon jumped back off on the ground and saw the timberwolf caught on blue fire, and burned into piles of ashes, until nothing remained.

"Are you alright Eragon?" Asked Saphira

"Yes, I... I'm alright." Said Eragon

The ponies and Spike came up to him and gave out many comments of awe and amazement

"That... Was... Awesome!" Exclaimed Rainbow Dash

"You saved us!" Said Fluttershy

"Did you see the way he fought the timberwolves?" Spike said. "He was kicking timberwolf butt!"

All of a sudden, Eragon fainted and fell to the ground covers In grass.

"Eragon!" Exclaimed Saphira, the ponies, and Spike. The spellcasters, and the rest of Eragon's crew rushed to his aid and checked him to see if he was injured.

"Don't worry." Said Blodhgarm. "He just used so much energy with that final attack, it left him weak to even stand."

"Will he be alright?" Asked Fluttershy very worried and concerned

"He will be fine, Fluttershy." Said Blodhgarm. "He just needs rest."

"We'll just put him on something soft so he can rest on." Said Rarity.

"Don't worry, said Saphira, I will care for him." said Saphira. She gently picked him up with her hand and placed him on her back. "Let's continue on to Ponyville, shall we."

The ponies, and Spike nodded In agreement, and continued onto Ponyville, with the spellcasters and the crew behind them. The timberwolfs burning body had already went out, and the fire extinguished itself, like a camp fire.

Next Chapter: Settling In/Continuing the Narration Estimated time remaining: 9 Hours, 4 Minutes
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