
Eragon's New Home: Equestria

by MetalBrony823

Chapter 2: Eragon's Explanation and Narration

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Eragon was about to tell the ponies about his home, and pulled out the map of Alagaesia. "Before I tell you about my home, let me show you what alagaesia looks like. He unfolded the map so that every-pony and Spike could see it.

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the ponies and Spike gave out sounds of astonishment, and fascination.

"That looks very cool." said Rainbow Dash.

"Very beautiful." Added Rarity.

"Now let me tell about myself. I lived in a small village called Carvahall. He pointed the small village on the map. "Before I became a dragon rider, I was just a mere farm boy, living with my uncle Garrow, and my cousin, Roran." he said

"Did you have any parents?" asked Spike

"I did. But..Garrow told me that my mother had to leave in a great hurry. I never even knew who my father was."

"Why did she leave you?" asked Applejack.

"Well, I will get to that later. For now I will tell you about the four main races: The Humans, Elves, Dwarves, and the Urgals." He told them that humans were regular, ordinary people in Alagaesia with no powers. He conjured a fairth that shows the four main races of Alagaesia.

"Hahahahaha! Look at this little dude." said Rainbow Dash, pointing to the dwarf.

Rarity looked at the urgal with disgust and said "What a repulsive creature that is."

"But he looks mighty strong." added Big Mac

"look at those horns." said Applejack.

"Quiet, please." said Eragon. "Quiet." He pointed to the elf, right next to the urgal, towering the dwarf. "The elves were an intelligent race, and known to posses magic. One of them, was a wise old elf rider named Oromis, my teacher. He too had a dragon, named Glaedr.

"That sounds like a very nice name." said Fluttershy

"Indeed, but we will get into Oromis later. Elves were also experts of poems, archery, swordsmanship, and song-writing. Their ruler was Queen Izlanzadi, and is now ruled upon by a very good friend of mine, Arya, her daughter. Other abilities that humans did not have, masters of the arcane arts. They can sometimes talk to animals with magic. They also love decorating. They never eat meat, and are all vegetarians, because they believe that all lifeforms should be treated with respect, and not killed or eaten. Elves were recognized as the fairest people of Alagaesia. They are immortal, but can be killed by any weapon. They all live in Du weldenvarden, the northern forest area in Alagaesia with it's capital Ellesmera." Eragon conjured a fairth showing them what Ellesmera looked like.

Spike and the ponies gave out a lot of "Ooohs" and "Aaahhhs" admiring the land of Du weldenvarden.

"That looks beautiful." said Fluttershy

"I knew you would love it, Fluttershy." said Eragon.

"Oh I simply love the architecture of the houses." said Rarity. "These elves definitely have a good eye for decorations."

"I definitely wished I'd live in a house like that." said Fluttershy

"Yeah, and we could look down on the view from the tree top." said Pinkie Pie.

"I agree, the houses look so beautiful. But next, are the dwarves." said Eragon. He turned his head towards Rainbow Dash and said "Don't let their size fool you, they are actually very strong and are very good with a warhammer. Unlike the elves, they do eat meat. They all live in southern Beor mountains, with their capital, Tronjeim." He conjured another fairth that shows the dwarves hunting a feldunost goat, and eating it's meat. They believed in many gods and goddesses, and weren't atheists like the elves were.

"Wow. You were right, Eragon. they do know how to fight." said Rainbow Dash.

"I told you." Eragon replied. "Oh! I forgot to mention you that Every race has their own language, the elves, the dwarves, and the urgals. So there are five amazing animals that I encountered at the mountains. Unlike the bears you all have here in Equestria, there are bears the size of houses called Urzhad."

The ponies looked very surprised by this, and filled with awe.

"Bears the size of a house?" said Rainbow Dash in disbelief

"That's almost a s big as Saphira, or maybe bigger." said Twilight in amazement.

"That's insane." said Pinkie Pie.

"That sounds wonderful." said Fluttershy. "I definitely wish that I can saw a bear like that. Wait a minute! What about the Ursa Minor that rampaged Ponyville when Trixie arrived?"

The ponies, and Spike gave out a loud "Oh. Right."

"What other creatures?" asked Big Mac.

"There is the Nagra, a humongous wild boar, not as big as the urzhad, but almost as big."

"Wild pigs the size of a house too?" asked Pinkie in disbelief.

"Boars." Eragon corrected.

"I really wish that we would have those." said Fluttershy.

"Definitely." said Applejack

"Another creature of the Beor mountains is the Fanghur, or the winged serpent. They look like dragons, but they are a little smaller, could not breathe fire, and were less intelligent."

"Are they closely related to Dragons?" asked Spike

"Not really, but they look like them" Eragon answered. "The goat that I pictured was called the Feldunost, or Frostbeard. They are larger than regular goats with larger horns. Dwarves would sometimes ride them to get to places that they could not get to, and used their milk, their wool, and meat."

"Sounds handy." said Rainbow Dash. "Well, except for the meat part."

"Agreed." Eragon replied. "Finally, the shrrg, or giant wolf. They were about the size of horses."

"The Beor Mountains sounds like a crazy place." said Spike.

"Not really, Spike. You just haven't seen wildlife like that before." said Eragon

"Oh. Good point." said Spike.

"Finally, the urgals. They were the most hated race in all of Alagaesia because of their appearance. However, that all changed because of me. I settled the disputes between the urgals and the other races. There is also an urgal I know called Nar Garzhvog, who was a kull, which is a big kind of urgal."

"What were they really like?" asked Fluttershy.

"They loved to hunt, and have special type of rituals. Urgal children don't have their horns yet, but they grow when they get older. Kull can stand up to eight feet tall. Urgals and kull can run faster than than a human being and a dwarf. An urgal can run for days without stopping, or resting, only elves are faster."

"Wow." said Rainbow Dash. "I would definitely love to race with an urgal, he would be no match for me, because I am the fastest flyer in all of Equestria."

"It wouldn't be a fair advantage, Rainbow Dash." said Eragon.

"What do you mean?" asked Rainbow.

"Pegasus ponies have wings, Urgals do not." Eragon said.

"Well I still think I would beat that monster while on the ground." said Rainbow Dash a little cocky.

"But, Urgals are not what you think they are, monsters. They are like any other race in Alagaesia, Except for the Ra'zac."

"Ra'zac?" said Rarity dumbfounded, trying to pronounce the word of the monstrous race

"Yes, they are a monstrous race, but I will tell you off them to all of you later. For now I will tell you about how I became a dragon rider, and the brief history of Alagaesia." He told the ponies how Alagaesia was ruled under an evil king named "Galbatorix." who also had a dragon named Shruikan. "He was enormous." said Eragon. "He was as big as his throne room." He continued on and told the ponies and Spike how there used to be an old order of Dragon riders, and Galbatorix was in it, but betrayed it.

"Why did he betray the riders?" asked Twilight Sparkle

"It all started like this, Princess. Shruikan, was just... stolen. His original dragon was a female named 'Jarnunvosk' she was his original dragon. He, Jarnunvosk, and a couple of other riders, traveled into the Spine. As you can see, Galbatorix was arrogant, and did not realize that they were in Urgal territory. While they were asleep, urgals ambushed them in the dead of night. All of the riders and dragons were killed, except for Galbatorix. What he did not realize was that his dragon took an arrow to her heart. After that, Galbatorix was driven into insanity, and killed any creature that he came across with. He collapsed on the beach and was found by a farmer, that took him back to the city were the dragon riders lived, Doru Araeba, on the northern island." He pointed the location in the map "Vroengard."

Eragon told the group in front of him that once he got back, he demanded a new dragon, "However," he said "Oromis saw the hatred insanity, and anger inside of him. Oromis, and the elders declined. Furious, Galbatorix blamed the riders for the loss of his own dragon. He went to another rider named Morzan. He was strong in body, but weak in mind. Galbatorix, and Morzan tried to get another egg, and found Shruikan. He and Morzan killed his original rider, and too, the egg for Galbatorix to keep. He gathered twelve corrupt riders to join his cause. These riders, along with Morzan, became the thirteen forsworn. They were almost all elves, except for Galbatorix, and Morzan. They rebeled against the riders, and killed almost all of them in a single battle, except for Oromis, and Vrael the leader of the riders, and their dragons.

The ponies and Spike had different feelings. They felt sorry for shruikan, and Galbatorix as well, and yet terrified to hear of the purge of the dragon riders caused by Galbatorix and his followers.

"That must have been awful." said Fluttershy

"Tragic, too." Twilight added

"did any of them survive?" asked Spike

Eragon gave out a sad sigh and said "Only a few, Oromis with his Dragon, Glaedr, and Vrael with his white dragon Umaroth. It wasn't a total loss on the other hand-" Hovever she was interrupted by Fluttershy

"Excuse me, um...I don't mean to interrupt Eragon, but...Saphira told me of this thing called... an Eldunari. Could yo explain it to me?" she asked in a shy voice

"Ah yes I most certainly can." said Eragon. "An Eldunari is where the dragon's consciousness will go when they die, I mean if they die. You see dragons and their riders, like elves, are immortal. It also is a great power source for when a rider needs it. It is how Galbatorix and the forsworn were able to defeat all of the riders, by taking the eldunari from the dragons they have killed. 'Eldunari' means heart of hearts in the Ancient language, but I will tell you about the language later. I Now as I was saying, one hundred and thirty six eldunari, and 243 dragon eggs were hidden in a place called..." He hesitated to reveal the location. "I can't tell you."

"Out with it!" exclaimed Rainbow Dash.

"Rainbow! Don't be rude!" said Twilight, smacking the back of Rainbow's head.

He turned his head back to Saphira and asked "I don't think I should tell them. What should I do?"

"Don't worry, little one." said Saphira. "You can tell them how many eggs and eldunari you helped, but not the location."

"I thought so." said Eragon telepathically.So he said to the group in front of him "I will not say where, but hundreds of eggs were kept safe by the forsworn and Galbatorix himself."

A sigh of relief came from the group

"oh that's good." said Spike

"Yeah, I thought they would be gone forever." said Pinkie Pie

"However, Vrael was the only rider that can stand up to Galbatorix in a fight. He won in the first fight, but hesitated and flew away on Umaroth. They fought the second time when Galbatorix kicked him in the groin and decapitated the leader of the riders." Eragon narrated. "Oromis was captured by the forsworn, and they had him maimed the old elven rider. It also prevented him from using any types of great spells, and sometimes had seizures. Glaedr did not go unscathed either. He lost his front leg."

"Oh poor Glaedr." said Fluttershy with great sympathy. "That must have been awful for him."

"I agree Fluttershy, it was very tragic for him. However, These two escaped from the clutches of the Forsworn and survived." And so Eragon told the ponies and Spike that Galbatorix and the Forsworn took over the capital city of Alagaesia, Ilirea, and told how they killed the king and that Galbatorix took the throne. "The elves and the dwarves helped the riders against Galbatorix and the forsworn, but they were too powerful

"That's when he took over?" asked Applejack.

"Yes." said Eragon. "And many changes were put out under his rule. for instance, the dragon riders are keepers of the peace and not soldiers, and we abolished slavery. When Galbatorix took over, he decided to let slavery be held in Alagaesia."

The group was appalled. if there was one thing that they hated, it was slavery.

"Outrageous." said Rarity a little angry

"Indeed." replied Eragon. "But there came the freedom fighters. The resistance was known, as the Varden. They killed a few of the forsworn. Finally, Morzan was the last of the forsworn to die.

"The Varden, huh?" Asked Rainbow Dash."

"They sound like they are mighty proud to resist the king." Added Applejack.

"Eeyup." Said Big Mac

"indeed, they would do anything to free Alagaesia, even if they all died trying." Eragon told them about the small country of Surda, that declared Independance from the empire, with their own ruler, king Orrin. "However, Galbatorix was a very powerful wizard, and very crafty. he decided to rebuild his own order of rider's after the death of the forsworn. He had three dragon eggs in his possession, a blue female, which was Saphira, that hatched for me. A red male, and a green male.

"Who were their riders?" Asked Fluttershy.

"I will tell you later. Anyway, Galbatorix had a teacher which was a shade. Now, a shade is a wizard or a sorcerer possessed by an evil, demonic spirit, with blood red hair, bone white skin, and razor sharp teeth."

A chill crept through Spike and the Ponies spines.

"Th-th-that sound terrifying." said Fluttershy

"What's even more terrifying is that you can only kill a shade if you stab him through his heart." Eragon said

"I would really hate to come across them kind of varmint." said Applejack

"Trust me, Applejack." said Eragon. "You would never want to come across a shade. They are more powerful then humans, and just as powerful as the elves. The shades name was Durza." Eragon next told them about the Ra'zac, the long-beaked, beetle-like monsters that killed Garrow and Brom. "They were a really monstrous race. They had beaks for mouths, and ate humans. They are more of pupae to their own race. They had winged beasts which were their parents, called Leathrblaka or 'leather flapper' in the Ancient Language. These monsters had lidless eyes, and were like insects. They lived in the tall mountain south of Dras Leona, and east of Leona lake, called Helgrind, or in the ancient language, the gates of death." Eragon brought out an artist's drawing of the Ra'zac from his sack to show it to the group

The ponies and Spike gave out another look of horror along with exclamations of disgust, just by looking at the monsters who murdered Garrow and Brom.

"They're uglier than Changelings." said Rainbow Dash

"There weren't a lot of them, were they?" asked Twilight

"No, there were only four. Two Ra'zac, and two Leathrblaka. They were all wiped out during the Ra'zac wars, the time when the dragon riders eradicated almost all of those evil monsters. That period was called, the Ra'zac wars. They had thought they had wiped them out entirely, but they were wrong. Two leathrblaka survived and gave birth to the two Ra'zac that I recently came across with. Finally, Me, Saphira, and my cousin Roran killed them all in Helgrind.

"Oh that's good." said Rarity in relief.

"Yeah, I would definitely hate to have those kind of ugly monsters around here, eating ponies." added Rainbow Dash

"Anyone would hate to have a race that eats other races besides themselves." said Eragon

"So, what about you? We are all still wondering, why are you here?" asked Spike a little impatient

Eragon chuckled and said "Hold on, Spike. Hold on. I was just trying to be clear on what was going on in Alagaesia and why I am here. I am here because I can never go back to Alagaesia." His tone had changed from amused to saddened.

"Why can't you ever go back?" asked Fluttershy. The group looked at him with concern

"Its...it's complicated." said Eragon with a sigh

"What do you mean?" asked Big Macintosh

"It is because of the prophecy." said Glaedr. His voice made every-pony jump.

"Who said that? who said that?" said Rainbow Dash in alarm while rapidly moving her head sideways.

"I did." Glaedr answered.

Eragon pulled out his eldunari so that every-pony and Spike could see it. "Friends." he said "This is an Eldunari."

Rarity got an excited and rushed up to look at the gem. "It looks beautiful." she said.

"I know what you are thinking." barked Glaedr. It made Rarity yelp in surprise. "There is no possible way to keep me as a trophy." He sounded a little stern, and firm

"S-sorry." said Rarity a little frightened.

"Did he just speak to you in your mind, Rarity?" asked Fluttershy

"Y-yes." Rarity answered.

"Eragon, can I talk to him?" asked the timid pegasus

"Of course." said Eragon. "But don't be alarmed by his voice."

"I'll try. I'll try." Fluttershy went up to the eldunari and looked at it. Her mouth was open a little. "Excuse me?" she began. "Are-- are you...Glaedr?" She asked the golden gem with a little gulp coming out of her

"Yes, youngling." Said Glaedr. "That is my name in your tongue." His voice made Fluttershy's head rumble

"Oh..well- it's a pleasure to meet you. My name is Fluttershy" Said she in a timid voice

"You and I are well met, Fluttershy." Glaedr replied.

Fluttershy gave a smile on her face, and said out loud "I am so sorry about Rarity, she-she-"

"She can be annoying sometimes." Said Applejack

Rarity gave out an offended gasp and said "Hey!" This made the ponies chuckle, and Spike chuckle.

"I understand, little one." said Glaedr softly.

"So what do you mean by the prophecy?" asked Fluttershy with curiosity.

"He met with a fortune teller named Angela. She told him of his future, and one of them, said that he has to leave Alagaesia forever, and to never return."

However, Glaedr was interrupted when Rainbow Dash asked "So what did he say, Shy?"

"Rainbow!" said Twilight. "Don't interrupt." she bonked Rainbow Dash on the head with her hoof, hard

"No, it's alright, Twilight. He said that he met with a fortune teller named 'Angela' andhe said something about...a prophecy of Eragon saying that he has to leave Alagaesia forever, and it came true." Fluttershy explained.

"Yes. Also, I decided to leave Alagaesia for the good of the..." He gulped and said "future riders."

"Future riders?" exclaimed the group in unison.

"You mean, you want to restore the riders?" exclaimed Rarity,

"That's crazy." said Pinkie.

"I hate to break it to you, Eragon, but I'm pretty sure that Dragons and Ponies would not work well together." said Twilight. Spike gave her an offended look.

"What?" he said with shock.

"Oh no, no, no. Spike, don't take it that way." said Twilight in a comforting voice.

"Yes, Spike. You are a great baby dragon." said Fluttershy, who gave him a loving hug.

"Oh. I see. I knew you wouldn't welcome to me to Equestria, because of the eggs. I've just been through many great losses since Galbatorix's rule over Alagaesia. So If you all want me to leave Equestria, I understand." Eragon put Glaedr's eldunari in his bag, and hopped on to Saphira. "Let's go Saphira." he said

But, before Saphira took off, Twilight said "Wait! Don't go." Eragon looked back to Twilight. "Of course you are welcome here, you seem like a nice...I can't remember what you are, but you are a very nice guy. Right, girls? Spike? Big Macintosh?"

The group besides Twilight gave out words of Agreement towards Eragon and Saphira.

"Oh. Well...thank you." said Eragon, touched by the compliments. "But If Dragons and Ponies, with the exception of Spike cannot be together as riders, then I don't think I should even be here."

"Oh, pleaaaassse!" begged Pinkie Pie.

"We would like it if you stayed with us." said Rainbow Dash

"Yes, darling." added Rarity. "You fascinate us.

"Not to mention that you are were a farm boy. You should help me and Big Macintosh if you feel like it, isn't that right, Big brother?"

"Eeyup." said Big Mac.

"Well, can I stay here?" asked Eragon

"Well, it's not really up to me. I'm still trying to learn how to be a princess, and The main princess' are Celestia and Luna." said Twilght

"Oh. There's more?" asked Eragon fascinated.

"Yep, Celestia, Luna, and Cadence in the Crystal Empire, which is far north from here. Mostly Celestia rules all of Equestria" Twilight answered

"Well I'm certain that Celestia would not welcome me, or Saphira. Well it's-it's not really Saphira that I'm worried about." Saphira gave a little growl at him. "Oh no, I didn't mean it like that." He faced back to the group and said "Since there are dragons in Equestria Celestia would not worry about Saphira. It's me she would worry about. Now let me ask you all something, are there any humans, elves, dwarves, or urgals in Equestria

The ponies were dumbfounded and they all gave out some "umms..." and "Well here's the thing"

"Exactly." said Eragon. "She would have me buried at sea, or she would skin me alive, or rip my organs out for experimentation because I am not a pony."

The ponies and Spike gasped at what Eragon just said

"Why in the wide world of Equestria would you think that?" asked Twilight a little shocked

"Yes, Celestia would never do that to any-pony, and or a human/elf mix." said Rarity. "Besides that would be to barbaric for Celestia to do."

"Not to mention gross and disgusting." said Rainbow Dash.

"Or cruel and inhumane." added Fluttershy.

"They're right, Eragon." said Twilight. "She would never do that to you, even if you weren't a pony, she would still welcome you."

"I don't know about this." said Eragon, unconvinced

"Spike, take a letter." said Twilight

"You got it, Twi." said the baby dragon. He broke out a quill pen, and a sheet of paper, and began to hear what Twilight has to say on the note.

Dear Princess Celestia

A new visitor has come to Equestria. He says he comes from a land called Alagaesia. Now, please don't be scared. but He is a dragon rider, so yes, it means he has a dragon with him, but she is a very kind dragon. We were wondering if you can let him stay here. He's worried that you won't let him stay here, and he says he has been through many great losses. Please write back.

Princess Twilight Sparkle

Spike blew into the letter, and it magically dissapeared out of thin air.

Eragon was quite amazed by the trick, he walked up to the baby dragon and asked "How-how did you do that?"

Spike said "Ah, just a thing I was born with."

"Oh! I forgot to ask you something." said Pinkie with a jump "Were there any Dwarf or Urgal riders?"

"Not during the creation of the riders, or the fall, no. However, I expanded the bonding that allowed Dwarves and Urgals to become riders. Hopefully, there will be some dwarf and urgal riders in the future.

"So what do you mean by....great losses?" Asked Fluttershy.

"Well, it started like this. I was just hunting for food in the spine, and that's when Saphira's egg appeared out of nowhere. Arya, the elf princess I told you took it from the king, and tried to get away from Durza. She teleported the egg, and that's where I found it. I decided to take it in, and decided to take a look at it. But, before I did that, I asked Sloan, the town butcher if he would like to have it, but he refused, saying that he wants nothing to do with the spine. You see, Sloan is very hard to make friends with, and he hates everyone, except for his daughter, Katrina. So I wanted to take it in of he didn't want it." Eragon explained that his Cousin, Roran, moved in with Horst, the butcher of Carvahall. "He wanted to stay with Horst so he could impress Kateina, because he's in love with her. Horst, unlike Sloan, was a very good man, and a good friend to me, Roran, and my uncle Garrow." Eragon explained how he was happy, and raised Saphira, and tried to think of a good name for the blur dragon. "So, I went to Brom, the storyteller of Carvahall. I asked him what good names there are for a dragon, however, I decided to keep her secret from him, as I did from everyone in Carvahall, because I've read that any remnants of the fall of the riders were strictly outlawed. He told me a couple of good names, until finally, I named my dragon Saphira." Eragon told the ponies and Spike about how Brom narrated to Eragon about the fall of the riders, and how fascinated he was to hear them.

"What other names did you give Saphira?" asked Fluttershy

Eragon shrugged and said "It's...silly. I thought Saphira was a male dragon, so I gave her a few masculine names, but she didn't like them." Rainbow Dash chuckled a little.

"Oh that's hilarious!" said Rainbow Dash.

Eragon looked at her with annoyance. "So, Brom knew very well of the dragon riders, and knew how they lived. Also, he knows of their weaknesses. He said that if the rider dies, so does the dragon."

The ponies gave out a surprise look.

"Why would they die with the rider?" asked Spike

"Well, because they are so close and connected to each-other." Eragon answered. "I named her Saphira and she liked it. And so on and so forth, I continued to raise her, however, I learned that she was growing, and I knew that her secret wouldn't be kept forever."

"How big can dragons get in Alagaesia?" asked Twilight

"Well, dragons in Alagaesia, never stop growing, not to mention that they are immortal. sometimes people would confuse very large dragons with hills or knolls. They come in many colors, and their eyes matched the color of their scales, except for Shruikan. The largest dragon before and during the fall was a big black male dragon named Belgabad. His skull was bigger than Saphira's body, in face, he was bigger than Shruikan. However, he did not have a rider"

The ponies and Spike gave out exclamations of awe and amazement.

"That is so cool!" said Rainbow Dash.

"That is one big dragon alright." said Big Macintosh

"How long or wide was this big dragon?" asked Fluttersy in both amazement, and fright all at once

"I don't really know how to describe it. Although I could be wrong, Maybe Shruikan may be just as big as Belgabad," said Eragon. "Sadly, he was also a victim of the fall of the riders, in fact, Galbatorix cut off a black mantle, some of his scales, and even his wings, and used it to make the gloves he wears, along with the cape.

"Poor thing." said Fluttershy.

"I know, that's despicable and very low down." said Applejack, a little angry.

"Indeed." said Eragon. "However, back to my side of the story. My happiness was to end. The two Ra'zac came in andwent looking for the egg. Brom saved me from them, and said that he knows I'm a dragon rider. Much to my surprise, he pulled my sleeve to see, the symbol of the rider: the Gedwey Ignasia." Eragon showed the mark of the rider on his hand

"Ooh, very beautiful." said Rarity.

"This is a sign of a dragon rider?" asked Pinkie Pie

"Yes. I managed to escape from them with Saphira, despite the wounds from her scales, only because I just rode on her for the first time."

"I said that I was sorry." said Saphira.

"I know, I understand." said Eragon telepathically. "Now as I was saying. Me and Saphira managed to escape. However, the butcher, Sloan told them where it was, and burned my farm, including, injuring my uncle with a liquid called 'Seithr oil'. We tried to nurse him back to health, but he died shortly. I was about to loose my sanity, until Saphira convinced me to find the murderers and make them pay."

"Oh Eragon." said Rarity, who walked up to him and put a hoof on his shoulder. "We are so sorry to hear that."

"That must have been terrible." said Twilight sympathetically.

"It was." said Eragon. "He was like a father to me. Well...at least Roran survived."

"Well that's good." said Fluttershy

Eragon told them how he went with Brom, along with Saphira to hunt for the Ra'zac. He told them how he was attacked by the urgals in Yazuac, and how he learned to use magic for the first time, by using the word Brisingr or Fire in the Ancient Language. "I managed to kill the urgals. However." he said "the spell almost killed me. I woke, and Brom yelled at me for being so stupid to use the spell that I wasn't ready for." Next, he told them that he couldn't read or write very well, and Brom taught him all about that in the city of Teirm. "Teirm was a beautiful place, and so were the waters of the coastal areas." Eragon said while marking Teirm on the map. He told them about Jeod, Brom's friend and a scholar. "That's when I met a werecat named Solembum, who was a loyal friend to Angela, the fortune teller."

"A werecat?" said Spike and the Ponies in surprise.

"Yes. And it talks. A werecat is another type of race in Alagaesia. They can transform into humans as well. When Solembum transformed, he had the appearance of a boy with shaggy hair.

"Oh, how wonderful." said Fluttershy in a very cheerful voice. "I really wish I could have met him." She asked Eragon, does he really talk?"

"Solembum talks yes, but not many people can speak with him. He only talked to three people. A blind beggar, my mother, and myself." Eragon told them about Angela, the fortune teller, and the future that Eragon told him. "She said There would be a betrayal from a family member, the death of a loved one, epic romance, I would have a long life, and that I would have to leave Alagaesia forever."

"Did any of them come true, besides leaving Alagaesia?" asked Pinkie Pie

"I'll tell you about the death of a loved one, but I would rather not talk about the betrayal from the member of my family." said Eragon sadly. "We went into Dras Leona. Now, unlike Teirm which looked very clean and very organized, Dras Leona was a mess. The houses were in a disgraceful condition, and there was some trails of yellow mud in many areas. Brom said that Dras Leona can be a very dangerous place, even to the most cautious."

"Who would want to live in a rat hole such as that?" said Rarity

"Good point." said Saphira

Eragon continued on by telling them how the Ra'zac surprised him by entering and sightseeing the cathedral in the city. he said that they escaped Dras Leona, but they were ambushed while he, Brom, and Saphira were asleep. "They said that they want us alive, for the king so that they can make me swore loyalty to him. However, Someone saved us. Angry, the Ra'zac threw a lethal dagger at me, but Brom blocked it, and was about to die. Before I talked to him , I asked who the stranger who saved us' name. He said his name is Murtagh. After that, I went to comfort Brom Before he died, he told me that he was a rider as well."

The Ponies and Spike gave a loud "What?!"

"He was a rider?" asked Applejack

"That is... awesome!" said Rainbow Dash with amazement

"But where was his dragon?" asked Twilight.

"I was getting to that, thank you. His dragon was killed during the fall, by his former apprentice: Morzan."

The ponies and Spike gasped at what they just heard.

"Oh the Irony!" said Pinkie Pie

"What was his dragon's name?" asked Spike

"Her name was Saphira." said Eragon

"Saphira?!" exclaimed the Ponies and Spike again.

"Yes. She died while trying to defend Brom against Morzan. After the death of his own dragon, I learned that Brom was the one who created the varden."

"He did?" asked a surprised Twilight.

"Yes. That's not all. With him and the Varden, they killed at least seven of the thirteen forsworn, including Morzan himself. Brom and Morzan dueled many years later, and Brom won, by stabbing him with the forsworn's own red sword, called Za'roc." said Eragon

"Seven?!" said Rainbow Dash in surprise.

"What happened to the other forsworn?" asked Twilight

"Ah now there is something interesting. The dragons who were not part of the Forsworn learned that their kin had betrayed them. They used Du Namar Aurboda, or the 'Banishing of names'. It would work like this, if someone remembered the names of a forsworn dragon, then it is instantly forgotten. The Forsworn dragons had forgotten everything that made them dragons, and slowly fell into bestiality. This made five of the Forsworn driven into insanity because of that. But, I really don't know what happened to the other Forsworn. I never got the chance to ask Brom, or Oromis before they died. My theory, is that they might have unintentionally commited suicide performing necromancy, or they became so depressed after going insane, that they intended to kill themselves."

"Whoa. Drama bomb." said Pinkie Pie

"That sounds depressing." said Fluttershy.

"So thereafter, Brom already died. but before that, he gave me a blessing, like he was my father."

The ponies and Spike gave a loud "Awww."

"So that was one of the futures Angela warned me about. We all buried him, in sandstone, and Saphira turned the sandstone into a diamond like structure to keep the grave marauders away from him."

"Oh. Well I am so sorry that has happened to you." said Fluttershy sympathetically. "We might not have met him, but I'm pretty sure that his death was not your fault."

"Yes, I'm pretty sure he would be very proud of you, darling." said Rarity

"I think he is." said Eragon

All of a sudden, Spike felt something ready to come out of his mouth, when a scroll came out of nowhere. "Hey, Twi. It's the princess."

Twilight read it out loud and it said

Dear Twilight

I would be honored if this- visitor from Alagaesia would come to see me. I might not have heard of such of a place such as Alagaesia, but I am pretty sure that we can work something out. Also I am very sorry to here about the loses he has been through that you have told me about. I will not mind if he really is a dragon rider. I am sure that Luna would be please to have him here as well.

Princess Celestia

"Oh. She would like to see me?" asked Eragon a little nervous

"Yep. But don't worry, she'll like you." said Applejack

"She likes every-pony." added Rainbow Dash

Eragon gave a reluctant sigh and said "Alright. I will come with you. We'll continued my explanation some other time."

"Great!" said Twilight.

"I'll stay here, and carry on with the chores at Sweet Apple Acres." said Big Macintosh.

"Are you sure you don't want to come with us, big brother?" asked Applejack

"Yes, I have duties to fulfill like harvesting apples for every-pony in Ponyville." said Big Macintosh . He turned his head to the rider and his dragon "It's been a mighty pleasure to meet you, Eragon, Saphira. When you feel like it, you should visit Sweet Apple Acres sometime.

"I will." said Eragon. "I promise"

Big Mac smiled at him and went out of the castle back to sweet Apple Acres.


"Yes, Eragon?"

"Could you maybe go to Blodhgarm and the other elves and tell them that I have found a good place to settle in?" asked Eragon

"It will be done, little one." said Saphira. She lept off of the castle balcony, and went back to the Talia.

"What did you say to her?" asked Fluttershy

"I forgot to tell you all that There are others who traveled with me, so I asked Saphira to tell them that I have found a new place to settle."

"Oh. gotcha." said Rainbow Dash

They group headed to Canterlot.


Eragon was well amazed to see Canterlot, he was so amazed that he didn't care about the ponies who were all staring at him, because he was not a pony. "It's so beautiful" He said

"Agreed." said Rarity.

"So this is the capital of Equestria?" asked the young rider

"Yep. This is where Celestia lives" said Rainbow Dash

"Along with her sister, Princess Luna." added Twilight

"They saw the guards in front of the castle doors, and bowed to Twilight as soon as they saw her. "Welcome back, Princess Twilight." said one of the guards. "What is your business here?" asked the other

"He is looking for a new place to settle in." said Twilight, pointing to Eragon, who began to look nervous and placed his hand on the handle of Brisingr, ready to unsheath it.

"Very well, princess." said one guard.

"Go on in." said the other. The group and Eragon walked inside the castle.

"Amazing." said Eragon in awe. "This castle is nothing like the one that Galbatorix lived in, inside Uru'baen."

"What was the castle in Uru'baen like?" asked Applejack

Eragon shook his head in frustration, trying to remember the time he, Arya, Elva, and Saphira tried to stop Galbatorix. "I don't remember." he said admittedly. "I should tell you that when I defeated him, the city was changed back to Ilirea."

"That's quite alright, darling." said Rarity.

As they went upstairs and into the hallways, the guards bowed their heads as soon as they saw Twilight, who was ahead of the group. However, they did stare at Eragon, making him more nervous as more and more guards starred at him. Eragon still clung to Brisingr in case the guards try to... kill him, however, he felt Twilight touching his skin

"Don't worry, Eragon." she said to him. "They won't hurt you."

They group just continued walking until finally, they stopped in front of two large golden doors. They entered and walked on a long carpet that led to two large thrones. Eragon saw a large white pony

"Ah, hello Twilight, every-pony." said a very beautiful and feminine voice. The other ponies and Spike bent down to the large pony. Eragon looked at them, and decided to play along by bowing down to her. Eragon looked up and saw the large white pony walk down from her thrown and his mouth went agape.

Rights for this song go to Nintendo


"She's beautiful." Eragon thought to himself. He had never seen any being as beautiful as Arya, or Queen Islanzadi. She had a flowing long mane with four colors of very light green, blue, pruple and pink, and the same thing for her long flowing tail. She was wearing a large necklace on her neck, and a crown on her head. She looked at Eragon, making him bow his head.

The Allicorn smiled at Eragon, and looked back at Twilight, then asked very softly "Is he the one? The visitor?"

"Yes, Princess Celestia." said Twilight

"So that's Princess Celestia?" said Eragon in his head.

The allicorn walked up to Eragon, and said to him "Rise, young visitor." she said in a motherly yet firm tone. Eragon did what she told her, and slowly stood up. "What's your name?" asked Celetia

"My name... is Eragon, your majesty. Eragon Shadeslayer."

Celestia gave him a warm smile and said "That sounds like a very nice name."

Eragon blushed and said "Th-thank you."

"My name is princess Celestia, the princess of the day and guardian of the sun." she said

"I've noticed." said Eragon admittedly.

"What are you exactly?" she asked

Eragon cleared his throat and said "I am a hybrid. Half human, half elf."

"Now let me ask you, why are you here, Eragon?" asked Celestia

the rider gave out a sad sigh and said "I'm afraid that it wouldn't go over to well."

Celestia's smile turned into a frown and asked "What do you mean, dragon rider?"

"I...I can't tell you. If i do tell you, then you would exile me from Equestria, or bury me at sea, skin me alive" he looked away from Celestia, however he felt his chin being lifted from Celestia's hoof.

"Why would you think I would ever do that?" said Celestia a little shocked.

"Because... I am trying to rebuild the dragon riders." admitted Eragon. What he said made Celestia look surprised. "So if you want to banish me from Equestria or skin me alive, than I understand."

Celestia could not believe what she is hearing. "Look, Eragon is it?" she asked him

"Yes, that is my name." he answered.

"Well, Eragon, I would never let you do that to you, even if you are not a pony." said Celestia reassuringly. "If you want to settle in Equestria than that is alright with me." Her comforting and motherly smile turned into a sad frown. "Although, I do not think that dragons and ponies would not work well together."

"I understand." said Eragon.

"But it does not mean that you are not welcome here." Said Celestia.

"Sister? Is he the visitor from Alagaesia? The dragon rider" said a voice from behind the group. Eragon looked back in surprise and saw an allicorn that was almost all blue, except with the black markings on her. She was almost like Celestia, except for the colors, and that she was a little smaller than her as well. Her mane and tail were also flowing, but it was all dark blue, and it was sparkling, like the stars in the sky. She also had a necklace and a crown like Celestia, but they were black, and her flanks had a crescent moon on them.

"Yes, Luna. He is." said Celestia

The blue Allicorn walked up to Eragon she looked at him very curiously. A smile grew on her face and said "Greetings, mysterious traveler. I am Luna, Celestia's sister, princess of the night, and guardian of the moon."

"Well...it's a pleasure to meet you, Princess Luna. My name is Eragon Shadeslayer." he said with respect.

"Eragon. I would like to say, Welcome to Equestria." said Luna kindly.

Eragon blushed and said "Well. Thank you, but, how much did you hear from the conversation between me and your sister.

"I already heard enough." Luna answered. "I understand that you are looking for a new place to settle in, correct?"

"Yes." Eragon replied.

"Tell me, Eragon. Why can't you ever go back to Alagaesia?" asked Celestia.

Eragon gave a little sigh and said "The prophecy. Also I just want a good future for the riders that come one day."

"I understand." said Celestia. "I'll figure something out for you and the future dragon riders."

"You will?" asked Eragon in surprise.

"Of course. I will try to help you rebuild the dragon riders. Twilight told me that almost all of them have been wiped out, except by your dragon, and two others."

"Yes. I just want to rebuild the order of Dragons riders. We have only one occupation and duty, to keep the peace of the land that they are in." said Eragon

Celestia and Luna smiled.

"Good." said Celestia.

"So where is your dragon?" asked Luna.

"And what is it's name

"Her name is Saphira, and she is a blue dragon. She is telling my crew that I have found a new place to settle for the future riders to come." Eragon answered.

"There are others?" asked Celestia.

"Yes. dozens of elves, and dragon eggs as well." said the rider.

"Can we meet her?" asked Luna.

"Of course. However, she is not like the dragons here in Equestria. You have to talk to her by thinking, like reading her thoughts, and she will talk to you telepatically. Do you understand what I mean, your majesties?"

"Of course." said Celestia. "We are definitely looking forward to meet her, isn't that right, sister?"

"Yes, Tia." said Luna.

Eragon turned the other way and said to the two princess' "I'm going to call her." he focused his mind and said "Saphira? Can you hear me?"

"Yes, little one. I am here. What is it?"

"I have met the rulers of Equestria, and they would like to meet you. Could you meet us outside of the castle and into the Canterlot gardens?" asked Eragon

"Of course." said Saphira. Tell them that I will be on my way."

Eragon turned back and said to the princess' "We'll meet her at the Canterlot gardens. She says she is already on her way. Oh and... please don't let the guards attack her."

"Don't worry. They won't." said Celestia reassuringly. The group followed Celestia and Luna, with Eragon right in between them to Canterlot gardens.

Author's Notes:

Sorry that it tooks so long, and please don't insult me or hurt my feelings if many characters are OOT. I worked really hard on this chapter, so please be nice to me, and don't hate me if I put Zelda's lullaby on this chapter.

Next Chapter: Timberwolf Attack! Estimated time remaining: 9 Hours, 20 Minutes
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